411Mania said, "Slightly short of being perfect, Electric Arguments is one of Paul McCartney’s best albums ever; an addictive, colorful collage of sounds featuring stellar instrumental, lyrical and vocal performances; essential."
Uncut gave it four stars and enthusiastically proclaimed, "Paul McCartney soars out of his comfort zone."
The BBC said, "Electric Arguments is nothing less than a rather fine McCartney solo album."
Even Rolling Stone claimed it was "ex-Beatle's headiest music in years."
So, is "Electric Arguments" Paul's best album in years?
The short answer is "No." The medium answer is "Not quite." The long answer is "Not quite, but it is a damn good album."
Paul and Martin Glover (aka Youth) set out to write 13 songs over 13 days spread out over a year. Taking that into consideration, "Electric Arguments" is amazing. You won't find anything as exquisitely crafted as "House of Wax." Nothing here has the emotional depth of "Jenny Wren." I don't even think we have anything as musically adventurous as "Mr. Bellamy," but that's an (electric) argument for another day.
But even if it is not Paul's "best album in years," there is much to enjoy about "Electric Arguments." Paul is such an outstanding musician and singer that anything he does will find its way into the pleasure centers of the brains of most music enthusiasts, but he shoots much higher than that on this album. We get to hear the results of Paul and Youth having a great time.
It is fitting that he is the wealthiest musician of all time because Paul McCartney simply loves to play---and that's the best way to describe "Electric Arguments." Paul is playing without any inhibitions. I'm not saying that he doesn't go into some dark places. "Traveling Light" is a haunting melody, but only in the spirit of play would Paul have the courage to sing in the lowest register we have ever heard him reach. It also features a slide guitar reminiscent of the late Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones. It is just one of several extremely effective tracks on the album. The opening track, "Nothing Too Much Just Out of Sight" may sound a little muddy, but I think that is intentional. The production quality of the album is excellent overall. But this is not one of those albums built on tension, perfectionism and anxiety. It is obvious that Paul is having fun.
There is a great segment in the Geoff Wonfor film "In The World Tonight" when Paul takes us into his home studio and we get to watch him to play with Bill Black's bass and the Beatles mellotron. You can tell he loves every minute he spends in that studio.

The guy just loves to play. This is not like work. It can be compared to the joyful spirit that guided the Traveling Wilburys. You can feel a part of the good time as you listen.
At the same time, it can't be a Paul McCartney album without a sense of mystery surrounding the proceedings. And we have plenty of that. But just like everything else Paul has done, there is never a smoking gun, just a hint of aroma that makes you ask yourself, "Do I smell smoke?"

One source of interest is the collection of stickers that adorn the shrink wrap of the CD. One sticker in particular, says "no, no Sam, it ain't no anagram." A reader, pmc27, was wondering why the name Sam was used. The obvious answer is that it rhymes with the last syllable of "anagram," but it's not the most clever poetic gem an artist or designer has ever conceived. Pmc27 noted that the phrase "no Sam" backwards makes the word "mason." Conspiracy theorists, including Iamaphoney have hinted that the person we currently know as Paul McCartney could be a member of a secret society with connections to the Masons. Videos by youknowmyname231 and grandfatheraleister also played up the Masonic connection by highlighting the checkerboard floor and "Magical Mystery Tour" and other symbols.

Weak as it may be, somebody in Paul's camp must be quite fond of the phrase "no, no Sam, it ain't no anagram," because this is not its first appearance. A decade ago when the album "Fireman Rushes" was released, Paul did a live web chat incognito to promote it. [See Previous Post - The fireman is no mason]
In the web chat, the following exchange took place:
Q: carol@cnf .canal.edu asks, Does the sentence "The Fireman is no mason" use an anagram to say 'The Fireman is soon man' ?
A: No, no sam, it ain't no anagram.
The sentence that prompted the question was on the official website for "Fireman Rushes." The interesting thing we now know is that if you rearrange the letters of "The Fireman is no mason" you can make the sentence "I am the risen son of man." While it's true that if you have enough letters, everything is an anagram, it is rare to find one as meaningful as that. I believe it was youknowmyname231 who first discovered this anagram.

Iamaphoney quickly backdated it into his own scenario. We will never know if Iamaphoney knew about the anagram and was hoping it would remain undiscovered until he revealed it, or if he simply annexed youknowmyname231's discovery. It should be noted that youknowmyname did not complain when the phrase was added as a description of an older Iamaphoney video.

As YouKnowMyName231 pointed out in his video, some coincidences are difficult to dismiss. To recap:
1) During the Fireman web cast of October 2, 1998, Paul was asked if the phrase "The fireman is no mason" was an anagram for "The Fireman is soon man," (which is typical of the weak phrases that one gets when trying to make or solve an anagram).
2) Paul's response was "No, no sam, it ain't no anagram."
3) YouKnowMyName231 pointed out that "The fireman is no mason" is an anagram for "I am the risen son of man," (which is atypically meaningful for a random phrase).
4) Ten years later Paul releases the next Fireman album with a sticker that also uses the phrase "no, no Sam, it ain't no anagram."
5) No one in history has ever been enticed to purchase a CD by a tagline as meaningless as "no, no Sam, it ain't no anagram." So why is it there?
When questioned about it, former McCartney publicist Geoff Baker attributed it to "Designer Norman Hathaway and his lovely weirdness." Hathaway was the designer of both releases.

The new Fireman album contains at least one more mysterious element. After a year of watching Iamaphoney videos and hearing a dramatic voice reading from Aleister Crowley's "Book of the Law" and saying "Let him practice speaking backwards," Paul decides to end his new album with backwards speech. After a false fade out on the final track, "Don't Stop Running," another tune emerges and it ends with a backwards voice. When reversed, the voice clearly says, "Warmer than the sun, cooler than the air."

Some journalists have come to the rather ridiculous conclusion that this is some kind of secret message directed at his ex-wife Heather. I would hope that anyone reading this would be able to come up with a more plausible theory than that!
We are getting closer, aren´t we?
Closer to stupid, yes.
How about THE FIREMAN LOVES YOU = LIVE FREEMASON YOUTH were LIVE is Macca ("Paul is Live") and YOUTH is Martin Glover.
Where*** ;)
Norman Hathaway
Has anybody emailed "carol@cnf .canal.edu" to see what they say? Just wondering...
Ian is Paul?
Martin is Glover?
Ian Martin JR = shiftcode
I don't get it, I just don't get it.
What's so great about Paul's new album? It's like the people who are saying it's his best in years somehow missed out on everything from Driving Rain through Memory Almost Full. And then there are those who are saying it's the best thing he's done since the Beatles, to which I say: Get a grip man, and check out Band on the Run and Venus and Mars. Has everyone gone deaf? No matter how many times I listen to it, I just don't hear a classic McCartney album. Some of the songs, such as the opening track, resemble not so much music as they do repetitive, grinding noise. One reviewer called it Macca at his most raucous since Helter Skelter---HA!
I suppose it's just me. Maybe I've listened to too many of Paul's solo albums to really appreciate it when he steps out and tries something different. It's just that most of these songs sound like half-hearted efforts to me, and I thought his previous two albums were full of heart.
Anonymous said...
Has anybody emailed "carol@cnf .canal.edu" to see what they say? Just wondering...
It doesn't seem to be a working address, but it might have been intentionally edited for the transcript.
Jude said...
It's just that most of these songs sound like half-hearted efforts to me, and I thought his previous two albums were full of heart.
I think I like it more than you do, but I agree that it has been overpraised, which is unfair to his recent albums.
Love that part where he's playing on the mellotron...
"The album debuted at #67 (the number you get when you round off 66.6, but that's just a coincidence) and immediately started to descend."
straight into Hades!
Just a coincidense, you say?
We Skull and Boners know better, better, better!
Hi Tafultong, thanks for naming me.
While you were writing this article I think I found out two more things on the lyrics. One is on Highway:
Highway, do ya, do ya, do ya. Baby.
Highway, do ya, do ya, do ya. Play dead.
Highway, do ya ,do ya, do ya. Who's making you follow.
Highway, do ya, do ya, do ya. Lose me in the hollow.
And the other maybe... pointing at I am the Risen Son of Man:
"Oh the sun is risin' again."
from the song The Sun Is Shinning.
And one more thing...
The phrase "warmer than the sun" is also in the lyrics of "Lovers in a Dream".
paul is still an awesome guy! thats for sure!
I'm forced to agree with Jude. This album is noticeably weaker than Memory Almost Full and Chaos And Creation. Critics love records like Electric Arguments however. Sadly for Paul good reviews don't translate into record sales.
Oh buy the CD already! He needs the money!
Electric Arguments really turns me on. YES, buy it! And buy one for Mother too.
it's an experimental record...
+ it's under the fireman pseudonym, so don't expect a Paul McCartney record.
it's just a matter of taste, i guess :)
You've got it right, Mike.
I say... I think that many people have overlooked many things from newer-releases (Post-MM)
If I could only make good videos. No, no, that won't do. May Be some day. Not now. No, no.
Nice findings, Pmc!
By the way Taf, i have a question about the sentence
"No, no Sam, it ain't no anagram"
If i made a double denial... it could mean an affirmation, right? If i deny the word "No", it could mean "Yes"
Just wondering :)
The Fireman albums have been the best thing McCartney has been making for some time. Face it, he hasn't released a good "McCartney" album since Venus and Mars. The Fireman albums really hold up, though.
Nice findings, Pmc!
By the way Taf, i have a question about the sentence
"No, no Sam, it ain't no anagram"
If i made a double denial... it could mean an affirmation, right? If i deny the word "No", it could mean "Yes"
Just wondering :)
NO, NO sam, it ain't NO anagram
3x no. ;)
NO NO Sam, it ain't(is NOT)NO anagram
4x :O
No NO equals to YES
Felipegcs said...
NO NO Sam, it ain't(is NOT)NO anagram
4x :O
No NO equals to YES
January 26, 2009 6:13 PM
good work, good work...
blogger MikeNL said...
good work, good work...
January 26, 2009 7:06 PM
so by saying it twice, you are saying it wasn't good work?
you are mean mikeNL!
Anonymous said...
blogger MikeNL said...
good work, good work...
January 26, 2009 7:06 PM
so by saying it twice, you are saying it wasn't good work?
you are mean mikeNL!
January 26, 2009 7:49 PM
actually, i was just watching a scene of "Elvis On Tour" where charlie hodge says "good show, good show" and then i kind of copied it - )
is this some crazy shit or what?
i was searching for some info on elvis his twin brother who died at birth. and i came to this news article, or whatever it is... and it just goes on and on about yoko ono being a spy?
oh dear...
Good evening,
I am the one who discovered the Paul is Saturn clues. The iamafunny video is cheating. Jordan Maxwell is cheating as well.
When will you people learn that Paul is not dead, he is SATURN! I told you about it, you should all know by now!
Paul is Saturn - Proven Jan 26th 2009? Mr.iamafunny you are wrong. Jordan Maxwell is also wrong, he stole all my material as well. I told Jordan Maxwell all about this before 2001 and he made a video using my material. I am not trying to brag here about this. This is the truth. My new video is going to blow the iamafunny video out of the water.
Soundlessdawn also has stolen all of my material, and made all his videos using my ideas. Everyone steals my ideas.
When will everyone learn? I came up with all of this myself! I discovered all of this before anyone else.
I did it all using my own independent research. Everyone is copying my ideas without giving me credit. I have many friends and fans here, we will be vindicated. Those of you who feel Paul is Dead are dead wrong. Paul is Saturn! I proved it!
Jordan Maxwell and iamafunny are cheating and stole my material without giving me the respect I deserve from discovering this all by myself with no outside help or assistance. In fact, it was only with my assistance that any of this is known. You know it is true. I am not trying to brag.
this is bull bull shitt
yes yes
A conspiracy-minded website and forum has suggested that folks go back and watch Yellow Submarine for clues as to what is about to happen to the world.
By the way, Sing The Changes is the song of the year for 2008. Good on ya, Paulie!
"When will you people learn that Paul is not dead, he is SATURN! I told you about it, you should all know by now!"
I must have missed it. Where can I find this material posted?
John is Jupiter
Faul is MARs
Yoko is Planet X
Tara was the Earth.
You are gay
A conspiracy-minded website and forum has suggested that folks go back and watch Yellow Submarine for clues as to what is about to happen to the world.
seriously? you guys believe this stuff really?
best Paul is Saturn evidence EVAR!
it is no accident that Faul graduated in 2008 from YALE. Skull and Bones!
Good find there iamafunny walker kushy!
What is the "G" for?
Like G. Gordon Liddy?
Or the *shudders* MASONIC "G"???
Well, from Yale.... what you expect?
No, NO Sam! The Fireman ain't no masonic anagram!
Paul is Skull and Bones???
"Anonymous said...
A conspiracy-minded website and forum has suggested that folks go back and watch Yellow Submarine for clues as to what is about to happen to the world."
grandfatheraleisterTOON posts there all the time, not a shock...
just look at that kooks latest video
"Paul is Dead - Yellow Submarine 2009"
gimme a break! Countdown to 2012 yawn in 3...2....1
how did i miss that Paul is now a doctor of music from yale????
screw that Paul is saturn sh*t!
Paul is ENGAGED!
Yes, but is she a vegetarian?
Sir Paul McCartney, is poised to marry gal pal Nancy Shevell, whom he began dating a little over a year ago in the midst of his messy $50 million divorce from Heather Mills.
he committed adultery! No wonder peg leg left him! Shame on you aFaultery!
Valentine's Day ceremony, place your bets!
you heard it here first! Paul is Saturn and he is engaged!
"you heard it here first! Paul is Saturn and he is engaged!
January 27, 2009 11:28 AM"
Saturn has rings... Wedding rings that is...
Will Ringo be the best man?
The Risen John Lennon will conduct the ceremony
Aja will be the flower girl
Mikenl said..is this some crazy shit or what?
i was searching for some info on elvis his twin brother who died at birth. and i came to this news article, or whatever it is... and it just goes on and on about yoko ono being a spy?
oh dear...
Mike have you heard the story that Elvis wasn't on drugs at all but was a DEA agent who was busting other drug abusing rock stars and the illuminati took him out and slandered his good name just to warn other rockers to get with the program?
Paul´s getting married again?
Paul isn´t dead. Paul´s an idiot.
"It should be noted that youknowmyname did not complain when the phrase was added as a description of an older Iamaphoney video."
LOL! What's he going to do, make a complaint video?
Mikenl said..is this some crazy shit or what?
i was searching for some info on elvis his twin brother who died at birth. and i came to this news article, or whatever it is... and it just goes on and on about yoko ono being a spy?
oh dear...
Mike have you heard the story that Elvis wasn't on drugs at all but was a DEA agent who was busting other drug abusing rock stars and the illuminati took him out and slandered his good name just to warn other rockers to get with the program?
yeah because it would be sooo hard for the dea or illuminati to keep celebrities from doing drugs...
"Rollin' Stones, youre under arrest...thankyaverymuch."
you conspiracy kooks are my favorite
Elvis is very much alive. You h8ters are great entertainment. You believe whatever the mass media tells you like the sheepies that you are. Iamaphoney knows about Elvis and he'll be showing us all about it.
Interesting post, Taf. That "no no Sam" response is loaded with innuendo. Why even take and include that question (which may be a fake one anyway) unless Paul wanted that answer on the webcast? "The fireman is no mason" is an awkward phrase that sounds like it was turned into an anagram from "I am the risen son of man" rather than the other way around.
whatever happened to just living together?
"The fireman is no mason" is an awkward phrase that sounds like it was turned into an anagram from "I am the risen son of man" rather than the other way around.
I disagree. Now that we know the "no no sam it ain't no anagram" came first it's not hard to see how he was playing around with the words, reversed "no sam" and got "mason".
Anyway alluding to someone being the the risen son of man is something CNN does to Obama and not McCartney. :)
Anonymous said...
I disagree. Now that we know the "no no sam it ain't no anagram" came first it's not hard to see how he was playing around with the words, reversed "no sam" and got "mason".
I'm not sure I understand what you mean about "no, no Sam" coming first. It was the answer to a question about the meaning of phrase "The fireman is no mason."
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