The centerpiece of Iamaphoney's latest effort is a Magickal statement Paul McCartney made to Anthony DeCurtis of Rolling Stone. In the interview clip, which is readily available on the Rolling Stone website, Paul says:
"There is such a thing as magic, and the Beatles were magic. It depends on what you believe life is. Life is an energy field, a bunch of molecules. And these particular molecules formed to make these four guys, who then formed into this band called the Beatles and did all that work."
He goes on to say, "It's something that must be thought of as Magick with a 'k'."

You have to give Iamaphoney credit for jumping on something that fits the story. It appears that the Iamaphoney was informed of the clip's existence by someone who has been following the Rotten Apple Series. A commenter here wrote:
"I'm the one who informed iamaphoney about the magick with a k statement. I can prove it was in Rolling Stone."
Realistically, you do not have to be a disciple of Aleister Crowley to make a statement like the one Paul made. In fact, the word "Magick" with a "k" is very much integrated into popular language. Paul could have been thinking of the best selling book called "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho when he made that statement.

"The Alchemist" is an uplifting story about a young man who discovers that when you strive for something, the universe will conspire to help you achieve it. I hope that I can believe that without being a disciple of Aleister Crowley because I do and I'm not. There are meaningful coincidences in the world. Talk about coincidence, I referred to that very concept from that very book just the other day with a reader of this very blog.
The bottom line is that I highly recommend the Paulo Coelho book and the music of Paul McCartney. But at the same time, I continue to recommend the Rotten Apple series by Iamaphoney.
Rotten Apple 28 said, "X-Wings member Denny Laine claims that Paul were [sic] heavily into the occult and Aleister Crowley."

"Is Paul McCartney a disciple of Aleister Crowley? I have never been able to find any quote by Denny Laine that claims Paul was "heavily into Crowley." Laine is credited for providing some dirt on McCartney to Geoffrey Giuliano (see related piece) for the book "Blackbird," but there was no mention of Aleister Crowley. Former McCartney publicist Geoff Baker says that there is no way that Paul McCartney could have been a Crowley disciple during his 29 year marriage to Linda. Baker added that "The Pope is likely to be more into Crowley than Linda."
Back already and just in time!
I'm glad that people are feeling more momentum behind the Rotten Apple Series again after this new video. Let's hope phoney can capitalize on this minor hit of an episode so to speak.
First!!! GREAT BLOG TAF!!!
Great post!@!
Remember that pic of Crowley we've all seen where he as the crazy eyes? Doesn't the pic of McCartney at the top of this post (from Rotten Apple 73) look a bit like that Crowley? Son of the magickian indeed......
Remember that pic of Crowley we've all seen where he as the crazy eyes? Doesn't the pic of McCartney at the top of this post (from Rotten Apple 73) look a bit like that Crowley? Son of the magickian indeed......
Good replica == Mccartney Years.
Nothing in RA73 hasn't been said before.
dense? no, just elementary
The "crazy eyes" photo is not a photo at all but a screenshot from an interview where Paul was talking about the failure of the Magical Mystery Tour film when it aired on Christmas day in the U.K. and was widely considered a flop. In the interview he's saying people were expecting the Beatles to appear jolly and say "have you had your Christmas pudding yet?" and instead they got (makes crazy eyes) four psychedelic Beatles saying "I Am The Walrus".
He's given this same interview several times (in fact he does it on the Anthology) but I believe the source for this clip is the 1987 VHS tape "The Paul McCartney Special" which was released to promote the Press To Play album. It's a career retrospective with McCartney (I recognize the shirt he's wearing from that video).
I doubt IAAP has that video personally otherwise he would have used many more clips from it by now. Like much of his work, it's lifted from another YT video.
It appears that the Iamaphoney was informed of the clip's existence by someone who has been following the Rotten Apple Series. A commenter here wrote:
"I'm the one who informed iamaphoney about the magick with a k statement. I can prove it was in Rolling Stone."
-From "New Video - Rotten Apple 73"
Mr. Phoney, the man with all the answers, relying on outsiders for new material. Pretty sad people, pretty sad.
That should put to rest any thoughts that Sir Paul is iamaphoney.
SirLarryMildew said...
It appears that the Iamaphoney was informed of the clip's existence by someone who has been following the Rotten Apple Series. A commenter here wrote:
"I'm the one who informed iamaphoney about the magick with a k statement. I can prove it was in Rolling Stone."
-From "New Video - Rotten Apple 73"
Mr. Phoney, the man with all the answers, relying on outsiders for new material. Pretty sad people, pretty sad.
That should put to rest any thoughts that Sir Paul is iamaphoney.
January 18, 2009 4:03 AM
i know that you might think that because they, (iamaphoney) didn't find the interview themselves that you can exclude iaap = Paul... but you can't.
i know that you might think that because they, (iamaphoney) didn't find the interview themselves that you can exclude iaap = Paul... but you can't.
January 18, 2009 4:16 AM
Paul wouldn't need or heed such help from outsiders. Also, if he were the one behind The Rotten Apple, the series wouldn't be so helter-kelter. His agenda would have been well thought out and not so "shot from the hip".
Besides, he would have "magic with a K" on his side, so the series wouldn't have never taken such a nose dive as it has......right?
i was the one that named larry larry.
I wrote to him and told him there was such a name.
I dont rely much on anonymous blog readers telling they told phoney about something.
What I rely on is what I see.
I see The King Of Cosmania being an anagram for Son Of The Magickian and I see Sir Paul talking about Magic with a K. What happened to you, tafultong,
just because GB is denying that Paul was into Magick and a anonymous blogger tells you that he found the interview for phoney, you assume that it is true?
Dont you think Phoney might have read this interview himself without help? This is sad, Tafu!
i was the one that named larry larry.
I wrote to him and told him there was such a name.
January 18, 2009 5:02 AM
......and you your timing couldn't have been more perfect. You certainly were a big help. I thank you for that.
I dont rely much on anonymous blog readers telling they told phoney about something.
What I rely on is what I see.
I see The King Of Cosmania being an anagram for Son Of The Magickian and I see Sir Paul talking about Magic with a K. What happened to you, tafultong,
just because GB is denying that Paul was into Magick and a anonymous blogger tells you that he found the interview for phoney, you assume that it is true?
Dont you think Phoney might have read this interview himself without help? This is sad, Tafu!
January 18, 2009 5:10 AM
Yes, it is ALL very sad, really.
Charlie will be up for parole again in 2012.
.neht tser ot siht lla tup lliw eH
on a Sunday morning?
stop fear mongering SLM.
on a Sunday morning?
stop fear mongering SLM.
January 18, 2009 5:38 AM
Sunday morning? Yes it is. Aren't we having Church?
Fear mongering? How do you figure?
charlie is generally not a pleasant topic, but explain what you meant:
"Charlie will be up for parole again in 2012.
.neht tser ot siht lla tup lliw eH"
charlie is generally not a pleasant topic, but explain what you meant:
"Charlie will be up for parole again in 2012.
.neht tser ot siht lla tup lliw eH"
ry 18, 2009 6:01 AM
What's to explain? I thought the consensus was that the RA series will not end until 2012. One event, the one event I assumed was being referred to by the time frame, the event that would bring closure to the series, is that Charlie, the bringer of "the revelation", "the fourth horseman of the apocalypse", will be up for parole once again. Only this time, he will cooperate with the board, be released, and put an end to this saga.
Did I miss something?
and you believe that? or you are funning the one's that do?
and you believe that? or you are funning the one's that do?
January 18, 2009 6:32 AM
Fun, fun, fun, 'til her daddy takes the T-bird away.
Kansas City to St. Louis
Alan Ginsberg
The Fall of America
what's a T bird?
what's a T bird?
January 18, 2009 7:02 AM
T-bird is short for Thunderbird, as in Ford Thunderbird, the automobile.
I guess only us old farts know that kind of stuff.
alot has changed. polanski wants back too. think he'll talk?
what are you talking about?
what are you talking aboot?
Not much of an answer. why are you bringing up polanski?
"The Pope is likely to be more into Crowley than Linda."
Actually, he probably is!
As for: "Paul wouldn't need or heed such help from outsiders. Also, if he were the one behind The Rotten Apple, the series wouldn't be so helter-kelter."
Er...it would be, don'tcha think?
If Paul were behind RA he would have planted a few clues to match up better to the series and he sure as hell wouldn't incorporate Heather Mills in such a way that it looks like she's a victim. It's clear from the evidence that IAAP doesn't have a master plan and borrows ideas from NIR, some of his fans, and even skeptics like YKMN. But I think most of us stopped hoping for any real Paul is Dead bombshell a long time ago, but this latest video is well done and it's still fun to watch, manipulation and all.
The Crowley stuff isn't about a Love Code or Paul is Dead anyway.
I still want to know what the connection is to the Zodiak Killer.
Anonymous said...
I still want to know what the connection is to the Zodiak Killer.
January 18, 2009 12:49 PM
the zodiac sign on the floor.. you know, the photo with paul mccartney on a bed.
IAAP said...
I dont rely much on anonymous blog readers telling they told phoney about something.
What I rely on is what I see.
First of all, let's not confuse your identity with Iamaphoney. Second, Iamaphoney has always borrowed things from other YouTube videos and contributions from supporters. Third, that second thing I mentioned is nothing to be ashamed of. Fourth, don't be sad.
In addition to the mark on the floor, (which is most likely a common mark used in movie making) the Zodiac killer made a reference to "Blue Meanies" in at least one of his letters. You will also find some common ground if you do a google search on connections between the Zodiac and Manson (and some of the intersections cross paths with the Beatles).
I don't think Iamaphoney was implying that Paul McCartney is the Zodiac killer, but he might have been implying that the Beatles music, which has been uplifting by so many people, has also been attributed as inspiration for evil acts by unstable people.
Iamaphoney would have no monopoly on that point of view. There are several web sites implying that the Beatles music may seem to be about love, but it is evil at its core. Somebody was handing out Christian Tracts at a McCartney concert I attended in 1989 that said the Beatles were the "angel of light." That is Biblespeak for the devil.
the zodiac sign on the floor.. you know, the photo with paul mccartney on a bed.
Uhm . . . goofballs, let's just get a few facts straight. The little circle on the floor of which so much has been made is a mark made by the camera man. They are all over the place on movie sets. Have you heard the expression, "you need to hit your marks?" These are set places where the camera is going to aim, and the actors need to know where they are during their scenes. Circles are not satanic. Circles are geometric shapes, as are x marks and crosses. A circle with a cross in it is also a symbol of Christianity. IAAP is desperately trying to make a case that the Beatles had something to do with the Zodiac murders with little shapes and symbols. The "Y" shape is a Y and it could be the sign of Aries (like "Ram" get it?) or it could be a crossroads or a million other things. I could walk into any of your houses and find a thousand things shaped like Zodiac symbols or whatever I choose to call them. One could look at the blueprint for a condominium and find "Zodiac" or "Satanic" or "Christian" symbols because they are all based on geometry.
Taf, you have hit on the key question of the whole RA series. Either Phoney is, as you say, merely pointing out the danger of fallacious and deluded reasoning (Manson, Zodiac PID), or he is guilty of the very same delusions and he is fueling the same fire those Angel of Light folks were stoking. I think it is quite improbable that he is advocating the former, even though that is obviously your preference.
What a lot of people don't seem to grasp here is that any iconic figure can influence deluded people negatively. You can't fault the Beatles for Manson's reasoning any more than you can fault Jesus for Jim Jones's reasoning. You can't do anything or make any statement in this world that cannot be misinterpreted or misrepresented by someone else for good or ill.
The Beatles are but one of thousands of other examples in history.
How many wars have been fought and how many killed in the name of religion?
If you want to go down that guilt by association road, then you would have to blame Jesus for Satanism itself, because Satanism was directly influenced by Christianity.
Two things about which I welcome any insights:
- In the longer perspective of Paul on the bed in #73, I can't find any reasonable use of the glyph on the floor as a mark. Most likely that use would have had him standing in that spot prior to his getting on the bed. But...
Look at that position. Who hoists themselves onto a bed from the area adjacent to the pillow?
Also -- a mark mere inches from the edge of the bed is of dubious use anyway.
- The Crowley image we've often seen in the context of a Wings concert...is that video trickery or a part of the concert staging for that tour? Anyone know?
If it were in fact the latter, that might indicate a Crowley connection extending from at least Pepper on into the '70s.
Seeming, were that the case, to be more than a cultural-quote whimsy.
I've raised both these questions before. I guess doing so on the premise that the circular debating and sniping could be alleviated by using this forum to acertain fact from fiction, at least on specific small points.
~ km artlu
"- The Crowley image we've often seen in the context of a Wings concert...is that video trickery or a part of the concert staging for that tour? Anyone know?"
Yes. I have the McCartney years on DVD in which the Glastonbury gig is featured. I checked the DVD and freezed it still by still to confirm that iaap did not add the Crowley screen in the background. It is legit.
The camera mark needn't be there for that particular scene of even as an actor's mark. We don't know whether the bed was set in place yet or anything else. But it is a stage mark, not a zodiac symbol placed on the set of Help! for no apparent reason. I've been on many sets, both film and stage, and there are marks everywhere for various reasons. If you were to walk on a set, you wouldn't be able to figure what the marks were for. Sometimes to place lights on a particular spot. Sometimes to remember where a set piece is supposed to go at a later time for continuity. You can shoot 5 different scenes on one set, but you have to remember where all the props, actors, lights, equipment, and everything else has to be. That mark has absolutely nothing to do with PID or PIS (Paul is Satan).
- The Crowley image we've often seen in the context of a Wings concert...is that video trickery or a part of the concert staging for that tour? Anyone know?
If it were in fact the latter, that might indicate a Crowley connection extending from at least Pepper on into the '70s.
The many background films used in Paul's concerts (such as Glastonbury) make use of literally thousands of images. The personalities used during "Helter Skelter" are exactly what you'd think, representing pretty much every iconic political, cultural, and religious figure. Yes, Crowley is there. So is Jesse Jackson, Mother Theresa, Chairman Mao, JFK, Jesus, Virgin Mary, and other classic examples of Good/Evil, which is basically the idea behind the Pepper cover to begin with (major personalities both positive and negative). Is this further evidence of Paul's connection to Jesus and JFK? You'd be hard pressed to think of ANY iconic or other image that was not used in those background videos (three monitors each displaying rapid fire images--probably the inspiration for Phoney's editing). Check it out yourself.
I think much of Iamaphoney's overall concept is flawed in that he attatches some level of legitimacy to Alistair Crowley's claims of Magick when by nearly all accounts he produced nothing of any magic at all and was merely a Church agitator, ego and sex maniac and hoaxer. His appeal is limited to mainly teenage boys or incredibly juvenile grown ups who see something of themselves in his overbearing egocentricism and delusions of grandeur, probably the same reason teenage boys drift into Heavy Metal music with it's convoluted allusions to magic and unlimited sex appeal. Had Crowley's magic actually worked I imagine he would have left us with a lot more than a few sex-crazed half-assed occult books before he died strung out on heroin and wheezing into his pillow.
I was actually a bit surprised to see Crowley treated with such reverance in the Rotten Apple series since he's been primarily a comic figure for the past 75 years.
Taken into account Iamaphoney's hero worship of another lunatic, Charles Manson, it's no shock that he would put Crowley on that same pedestal as well. In doing that he deifies both men rather than exposing them for they are which calls into question whether his intention is to "fight the forces of evil i.e. Crowley and Manson" or to celebrate them. Evidence would suggest sadly that it is the latter. Kids these days have a name for someone like that: fanboy.
I was actually a bit surprised to see Crowley treated with such reverence in the Rotten Apple series since he's been primarily a comic figure for the past 75 years.
Excellent post, by the way. Phoney has to elevate Manson and Crowley because if he doesn't give them a false aura of legitimacy then his thesis falls apart. Credulous people want to escape the boundaries of natural law. Whether snake oil, tea leaves, rabbit's old feet, levitation or other flim flam and hoaxes, it's the same ancient story of the con artists and the conned.
Would you say iamaphoney is a con artist? Or does he really believe in what he is doing?
Would you say iamaphoney is a con artist? Or does he really believe in what he is doing?
Based on his posts at NIR I would say he believes in what he is doing and based on his methods, I would say he is a con artist. I doubt that he thinks of himself as a con artist, even though he is obviously aware that he is manipulating, distorting, and manufacturing evidence and setting up counterfeit McCartney sites. Above all else, I think he just enjoys the attention the series has brought him, however limited by YouTube standards. He's probably open to shifting course and taking an ironic approach at this point. He could then say, "I never meant it seriously . . .it was to show how easily people can be misled."
Anonymous said...
Would you say iamaphoney is a con artist?
I would say no. To me a con artist is someone who takes things from me (us) under false pretenses. Iamaphoney gives things to me (us) under false pretenses. That's totally different in my rule book.
Or does he really believe in what he is doing?
I would need your definition of "what he is doing" and his confirmation that "what he is doing" according to your interpretation is actually "what he is doing."
Anonymous said...
Taken into account Iamaphoney's hero worship of another lunatic, Charles Manson, it's no shock that he would put Crowley on that same pedestal as well.
I think your case is stronger for Crowley than for Manson. I think if Iamaphoney really wanted to legitimize Manson, he has the editing skills to do a much better job.
He legitimizes Manson by affirming Manson's ideas. Maybe not in every detail, but by the same logic and principles.
km artlu said...
Two things about which I welcome any insights:
- In the longer perspective of Paul on the bed in #73, I can't find any reasonable use of the glyph on the floor as a mark.
- The Crowley image we've often seen in the context of a Wings concert...is that video trickery or a part of the concert staging for that tour? Anyone know?
Hey km, I'm adding your questions to my "I have to check my facts before I answer" pile.
By the way, you can con someone (defraud or cheat) them in ways that don't involve money. Sometimes the goal is promotion. You can gain someone's confidence by pretending to be, say, Paul McCartney or someone with the secret to the Love Code. The fake McCartney sites are cons. The are not legitimate, obviously. They exist solely to gain the confidence (con) of Macca fans, in a classic bait and switch maneuver. The con doesn't have to result in money changing hands. The motive could be the sheer joy of hoodwinking others, or to shift popular opinion about Macca. Mostly, the con was originally intended to grab a wide audience to bait and switch with IAAP music. Methods such as this, intended to draw viewers, are all the rage nowadays, whether on YouTube, Facebook, or any other promotional site.
As for the Crowley image used on Macca's tour . . .
The many background films used in Paul's concerts (such as Glastonbury) make use of literally thousands of images. The personalities used during "Helter Skelter" are exactly what you'd think, representing pretty much every iconic political, cultural, and religious figure. Yes, Crowley is there. So is Jesse Jackson, Mother Theresa, Chairman Mao, JFK, Jesus, Virgin Mary, and other classic examples of Good/Evil, which is basically the idea behind the Pepper cover to begin with (major personalities both positive and negative). Is this further evidence of Paul's connection to Jesus and JFK? You'd be hard pressed to think of ANY iconic or other image that was not used in those background videos (three monitors each displaying rapid fire images--probably the inspiration for Phoney's editing). Check it out yourself.
Taf, I get that you enjoy Phoney's music irrespective of the Paul is a murderer/demon thing. But Phoney could have posted his Beatle remixes stand alone and that would be that. The one doesn't really have anything to do with the other. The only reason he must make them is to get people to think he's a Beatle insider. So you really have to be forgiving and overlook the hatred and distrust he's fostered in order to reconcile those facts. Imagine if Paul McCartney had a site where he tried to make Heather look like a satanist. He would be vilified. What if the Phoney site is actually Heather trying to make Paul look bad? Would you still be cool with it? Just wondering.
Anonymous said...
He legitimizes Manson by affirming Manson's ideas. Maybe not in every detail, but by the same logic and principles.
I must respectfully disagree.
If Iamaphoney were advocating race wars, ordering people to steal from or kill innocent people, or even creating songs based on Manson's compositions, I promise you this blog would not exist.
I grant you that it is wrong to give any kind of publicity to some of the criminals shown in Rotten Apple videos, but I don't think it is any worse, or even as bad as what I see on PBS or the History Channel sometimes.
Anonymous wrote:
What if the Phoney site is actually Heather trying to make Paul look bad? Would you still be cool with it? Just wondering.
I have to sign off after this, but thanks for an interesting question.
If the aim of the videos is to make Paul look bad, I don't think they are very successful. I think the book "Blackbird" does a better job of making Paul look bad. I think when Philip Norman opens his mouth, he does a better job of making Paul look bad. Heather tried real hard to make Paul look bad, in fact she put Iamaphoney to shame in that area.
Notice that her vague insinuations of abuse (a most serious charge) were never used in any Rotten Apple video. They didn't go along with the "story."
I still see it as entertainment in the spirit of Orson Wells, Dan Brown and all them other wonder drugs. And as entertainment, I can interpret it any way I want--and so can you.
If the aim of the videos is to make Paul look bad, I don't think they are very successful.
Whoa. Read what his fans have to say. The RA series is the most successful gambit I have ever seen to make Paul look like a fraud, an impostor, a liar, a satanist, or even antichrist. The comments on his page, the posts in the NIR forums all support the idea that Phoney has successfully made Paul out to be a very sinister personality, far worse than a spoiled or ego driven Beatle.
True, the Heather Mills clips didn't address alleged abuse (they couldn't anyway because she was barred from talking about the case), but they insinuate that Paul's "betrayal" was something even more sinister than spousal abuse. As for Manson, Phoney takes the same approach to his subject. He thinks the Beatles left hidden messages and clues with some profound and evil objective behind them, like "Son of the Magickian" or Paul is Live is really Paul is Evil. In other words, Phoney's logic is identical to Manson's, although with a different slant.
Whoa. Read what his fans have to say. The RA series is the most successful gambit I have ever seen to make Paul look like a fraud, an impostor, a liar, a satanist, or even antichrist. The comments on his page, the posts in the NIR forums all support the idea that Phoney has successfully made Paul out to be a very sinister personality, far worse than a spoiled or ego driven Beatle.
Absolute nonsense. What percentage of Beatle fans have any knowledge of Iamaphoney's videos. Less than 1 per cent? He's not mentioned in any media related to The Beatles at all and outside of PID groups and a few isolated blogs he barely exists. He doesn't warrant even a mention in Tafultong's beloved Beatlefan magazine which reports on any and all Beatle related trivia from the web. Iamaphoney is as under the radar as you can get. he might have a presence on conspircy theory forums but the audiences for those are so small as to be irrelevant. PID message boards existed long before Iamaphoney came on the scene and if you'd stop to actually read those boards you'd discover that Iamaphoney is not exactly a favorite son.
Furthermore Iamaphoney's fans seem to have multiple YouTube accounts (Iamaphoney himself has what?....50?) thus inflating the number of subscribers to give the impression that he's more popular than he really is. Even with those tactics the average video from any pop band has more views than the entire Rotten Apple series combined a 1000 times over.
If Iamaphoney's goal is to turn the public against the Beatles then I hope he continues doing exactly what he's doing.
Yeah, simply put, the Rotten Apple is too far out and unconventional for the vast majority of people. I love trippy and creepy video editing, but most people do not enjoy that. Furthermore, the Rotten Apple Series makes you think, and as we've all learned by looking at what's popular in entertainment choices, most people do not like to think if they can avoid it. I'd be willing to bet that most people who have randomly come across a Rotten Apple video here and there ended up just being confused as hell, thus didn't pursue any of the rest of the series. Most friends, family, and acquaintances I've shown the RA to think it's completely stupid. I like it, though. Guess I just have weird taste.
Thank you to those who directly addressed the two questions which I had raised.
Food for thought, not just empty calories, and I do appreciate the specificity.
So...who has a still-intact trust fund and would like to perform the public service of engaging a private investigator to determine whether or not the license plate "28 IF" was issued in the UK at the relevant time?
~ km artlu
If Macca utilized magick after the Beatles, it sure didn't do him much good as a songwriter.
So...who has a still-intact trust fund and would like to perform the public service of engaging a private investigator to determine whether or not the license plate "28 IF" was issued in the UK at the relevant time?
That would be an excellent means to determine whether that was an actual clue or a coincidence as the Beatles have said. Yet, I can't help but think that even if that plate was issued in the UK, that people will say the Illuminati rigged the books or some other excuse.
The arm patch OPP, for example, can be seen on Paul's arm during the shoot, so the explanation given that it is slightly wrinkled to appear OPD seems valid, but that hasn't dissuaded many hard liners.
"The arm patch OPP, for example, can be seen on Paul's arm during the shoot, so the explanation given that it is slightly wrinkled to appear OPD seems valid, but that hasn't dissuaded many hard liners."
Please show us. iamaphony showed us how they removed the batch for the hello goodbye video!
Why did they do that? If you can show me ONE picture where you can tell it says OPP you are a hero!!!
You won´t find it.
That´s a promise.
I've seen the OPP patch before. It looks identical to the one Paul wears. A better clue would have been DOA or something like that. Obviously the patch is from the OPP, no one disputes that. The question is, was the patch rigged . . are there any photos of Paul (not counting the inner sleeve) where you can clearly see the armpatch reading OPD?
Anonymous wrote:
Are there any photos of Paul (not counting the inner sleeve) where you can clearly see the armpatch reading OPD?
I have never seen one. If one exists, the best place to look would be in the book "Blinds and Shutters," which was too expensive for my budget.
Tafultong said...
Anonymous wrote:
Are there any photos of Paul (not counting the inner sleeve) where you can clearly see the armpatch reading OPD?
I have never seen one. If one exists, the best place to look would be in the book "Blinds and Shutters," which was too expensive for my budget.
January 19, 2009 11:34 AM
does this book contains pepper session photos we don't have yet?
Ian Iachimoe said...
You won´t find it.
That´s a promise.
January 19, 2009 10:25 AM
and is this iamaphoney's account?
OPP, how can I explain it?
I'll take you frame by frame it
To have y'all jumpin' shall we singin' it?
O is for Other, P is for People scratchin' temple
The last P...well...that's not that simple!
Are you down with OPP?
Yeah! You know me!
Paul is Naughty by Nature
Believe it! Peace out yo!
MikeNL said...
does [Blinds and Shutters] contains pepper session photos we don't have yet?
Unlikely, but the page promoting the book had this animation with examples of what it has.
and is [Ian Iachimoe] iamaphoney's account?
I don't think so.
oh my god! the rappers know that paul is daed too! Are you down with OPP? hells yeah!
I've seen the OPP patch before. It looks identical to the one Paul wears. That "OPP" rap song is referring to a ladies genitalia. Two separate things I can assure you. Trust me on this.
If you didn't live in your mom's basement and got a girlfriend.....
naikcigamfonos said...
January 19, 2009 12:21 PM
OMG! Family photos of McCartney with A. Crowley!
OMG! Family photos of McCartney with A. Crowley!
January 19, 2009 12:30 PM
Ian Iachimoe
so easy
Anonymous said...
Ian Iachimoe
so easy
Maybe, but when a long time registered reader leaves a rare comment, I always pay attention.
that would be scarey that you pay such attention to, me, TAF!
IF! that is YOUR real NAME!!!!!!
easier said than.....
K is for Kookies!
good enough for me!
Have you visited here? I think it's the best Paul Is Dead Site on the web! They even have information about how you can get a great vintage radio show that covers all the clues. Highly Recommended!
They even have information how you can BUY THINGS! Nice! Spend some $$ on things you get for free on Youtube!
shameless little plug you got there canada2299
I am in no way connected with www.ispauldead.com
Anyone saying that is a fake as Billy Shears!
But I do recommend buying everything they sell!
You really should check them out. If you did, you wouldn't need Iamaphoney anymore, really!
Discover the Mysteries Surrounding the Death of Beatle Paul McCartney. Was this just a hoax put on by the other Beatles, or a crazy Rumor started by Fans! The album cover Abbey Road started it all!
"or a crazy Rumor started by Fans! The album cover Abbey Road started it all!
order now and get a set of Ginsu Knives! So sharp you can cut a can, a shoe, a frozen vegetable, and cut the ham so thin your in-laws will NEVER COME BACK!
Joined: May 25, 2008
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Stop having a boring tuna! Stop having a boring life! You're gonna have an exciting life.
-the REAL vince
You’re gonna love my nuts
-the REAL vince
You’re gonna love my nuts
-the REAL vince
January 19, 2009 11:51 PM
"Don't touch that squirrel's nuts! It'll make him crazy!"
hi tafultong,
We are from the 12th grade at Abraham Lincoln High School in Denver.
In history we have had lessons about the rumor, and we are all very sure that Paul Mcartney is behind iamaphoney. We have counted the views iamaphoney channel have had since it started november 9th 2006 up till yesterday and the result is
1.274.845 views. We just thougt you would like to know. Thanks for a cool blog.
sorry, 1.279.845 views it is.
hi tafultong,
We are from the 12th grade at Abraham Lincoln High School in Denver.
In history we have had lessons about the rumor, and we are all very sure that Paul Mcartney is behind iamaphoney. We have counted the views iamaphoney channel have had since it started november 9th 2006 up till yesterday and the result is
1.274.845 views. We just thougt you would like to know. Thanks for a cool blog.
January 20, 2009 7:17 AM
I hope your English teacher doesn't read what you typed. If so, you may end up in summer school repeating Freshman English 101.
That is, if you really are in Denver. By the way you type, my guess is that you are in Europe; the Netherlands maybe?
Yes, Obama is the 44th president. Your point exactly?
In history we have had lessons about the rumor, and we are all very sure that Paul Mcartney is behind iamaphoney.
I guess some school kids really are left behind. To the students in "Denver": the last thing Paul wants is for you to think he's hiding something of importance and that Heather Mills is being honest.
The little children said: "In history we have had lessons about the rumor, and we are all very sure that Paul Mcartney is behind iamaphoney."
Are they really teaching that in History classes? They never taught me any such thing in school. I could see it being mentioned in Sociology, but not History. No wonder the youth of today are in such bad shape. Vote NO on the Denver school levy.
hi tafultong,
We are from the 12th grade at Abraham Lincoln High School in Denver.
In history we have had lessons about the rumor, and we are all very sure that Paul Mcartney is behind iamaphoney. We have counted the views iamaphoney channel have had since it started november 9th 2006 up till yesterday and the result is
1.274.845 views. We just thougt you would like to know. Thanks for a cool blog.
They have an Abraham Lincoln High School in Denmark?
The kids are telling the truth. There is such a high school in Denver. Get off their backs, trolls.
Welcome, high school students. What makes you all so sure McCartney is behind the Rotten Apple?
Welcome, high school students. What makes you all so sure McCartney is behind the Rotten Apple?
The same reason a lot of Phoney fans think so--he creates Macca pages and presents material as though he is an insider or Macca himself.
The kids are telling the truth. There is such a high school in Denver. Get off their backs, trolls.
No shit! Doesn't mean that poorly written comment came from there though. I could say I'm from the moon. The moon exists, right? So I must be telling the TRUTH!
mark and dennis said...
hi tafultong,
We are from the 12th grade at Abraham Lincoln High School in Denver.
Hello Mark and Dennis. Thanks for visiting the blog. If nothing else, this will give you an idea of how conspiracy theories work.
"No shit! Doesn't mean that poorly written comment came from there though. I could say I'm from the moon. The moon exists, right? So I must be telling the TRUTH!"
Do you trolls always have to be suspicious of everyone. You know, there can be legit comments made from people that don't include MikeNL & Co. from Netherlands/Denmark. I'm sure Tafultong doesn't appreciate rude comments towards guests.
Do you trolls always have to be suspicious of everyone. You know, there can be legit comments made from people that don't include MikeNL & Co. from Netherlands/Denmark.
That may be true, but the suspicion here is a direct result of the countless examples of bogus posts and bogus info coming from the posters, Phoney, NIR, and elsewhere. To cite one recent example, Taf pointed out the alleged quote by Denny Laine saying Paul was "heavily into the occult." No one has been able to confirm this quote from any source. In this forum, one should always remain skeptical of any and all statements.
If a High School class is monitoring what goes on here, they ought to know that nearly every "smoking gun" alleged in the RA series is based on dubious and/or manufactured evidence.
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