The album cover had some annotations on the back. The words "Maclen Music" and "Lilli" were underlined.

There was a doodle in the bottom right corner of the back cover too.
But what about the record itself? Ah yes, that black vinyl disc inside. The person who found the suitcase, known as 65if2007, did not have a record player. Iamaphoney said, "It's time." But time went by. Ringo said, "Time Takes Time." 65if2007 proved that it does. Angry words were exchanged. Iamaphoney's credibility went into a free fall. More time went by. An online petition was created. The participants proved that an online petition plus one dollar will get you a double cheeseburger at McDonalds. 65if2007 walked away from it all, which prompted me to say for the 33rd time, "No one has ever been harmed by walking away from a conspiracy theory."
But 65if2007 graciously returned and offered to give the album to someone who could properly investigate it. The recipient, a moderator of the "Nothing is Real" discussion group received the album this week. I knew as soon as I saw the picture of the record itself that it was probably the standard U.S. issue of the "Magic Christian Soundtrack."

The label is identical to my copy. On the picture of Side Two, you can see the factory writing on the runoff groove.

My copy has "CURLPS 10008 TMC - RE3" which I believe is partially shown in the picture above from "Nothing Is Real." It appears that if this item has any significance, it must be in the annotations found on both the cover and the record label.
I listened to the mp3 files of the album and aside from some scratches in different places, the soundtrack was identical to mine.
I'm sorry to say, no revelation here. Oh well, I guess we can always go back to this item.
Is this you or is someone stealing your words for his own notes (uncredited)?
Marlene Dietrich aka Lili Marleen She is more than she appears to be. She is the only cardboard cutout on the Sgt Pepper film who does not sway to the music.
Dietrich's picture appears on the cover of The Beatles' iconic "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album cover, just behind George Harrison. The standee of Dietrich is life-size and signed by all four Beatles. It was auctioned by Christie's in 2003 and fetched ₤86,250.
David Bowie arrived with a Dietrich photo book at the cover shoot of his album Hunky Dory – photography credited to Brian Ward – "a perfect metaphor for this album's visionary blend of gay camp, flashy rock guitar and saloon-piano ballad" according to Rolling Stone magazine.[13]
Dietrich is the subject of "Marlene on the Wall", a song by Suzanne Vega.
Peter Murphy's 1990 song, "Marlene Dietrich's Favourite Poem", references a scene from the documentary film Marlene where Dietrich read the poem "Der Liebe Dauer" (by Ferdinand Freiligrath). The poem had been a favourite of Dietrich's mother.
British rock band Barclay James Harvest featuring Les Holroyd sing about Dietrich in their song "Marlene (from the Berlin Suite)" which is featured on their 2002 album Revolution Days.
Referenced in the song 'Looked like Audrey Hepburn' by Little Man Tate (2008) with the line 'Legs like Marlena Dietrich' in the chorus.
nicee, finally got that out of the way. :)
Taf, let us not forget the theme of Magic Christian: "Getting it ready for you."
I say, "Meh." to the Colbert thing-y.
PS. Mike, nice connections made in the latest "LOST"!
"Marlene Dietrich aka Lili Marleen She is more than she appears to be. She is the only cardboard cutout on the Sgt Pepper film who does not sway to the music.
Dietrich's picture appears on the cover of The Beatles' iconic "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album cover, just behind George Harrison. The standee of Dietrich is life-size and signed by all four Beatles. It was auctioned by Christie's in 2003 and fetched ₤86,250.
David Bowie arrived with a Dietrich photo book at the cover shoot of his album Hunky Dory – photography credited to Brian Ward – "a perfect metaphor for this album's visionary blend of gay camp, flashy rock guitar and saloon-piano ballad" according to Rolling Stone magazine.[13]
Dietrich is the subject of "Marlene on the Wall", a song by Suzanne Vega.
Peter Murphy's 1990 song, "Marlene Dietrich's Favourite Poem", references a scene from the documentary film Marlene where Dietrich read the poem "Der Liebe Dauer" (by Ferdinand Freiligrath). The poem had been a favourite of Dietrich's mother.
British rock band Barclay James Harvest featuring Les Holroyd sing about Dietrich in their song "Marlene (from the Berlin Suite)" which is featured on their 2002 album Revolution Days.
Referenced in the song 'Looked like Audrey Hepburn' by Little Man Tate (2008) with the line 'Legs like Marlena Dietrich' in the chorus."
Wow. 0_0
Are you Iamaphoney, or Tafultong posting anonymously?
gender bender Marlene
Anonymous said...
Is this you or is someone stealing your words for his own notes (uncredited)?
This is the first I have heard of that facebook site. You saw some of my words on it?
Anonymous said:
Are you Iamaphoney, or Tafultong posting anonymously?
I never post anonymously. My take on Marlene can be found here
Lennon's Sons to Perform Together
Thursday , January 29, 2009
By Roger Friedman
Julian Lennon and Sean Lennon, the sons of John Lennon, are finally going to perform together in public.
Sources tell me that the Lennon boys have agreed to appear at a United Nations event here in New York on February 26th called the UN-Millenium Goal Awards. Other artists tentatively scheduled to appear include Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora, as well as possibly Akon and Macy Gray.
The show is the brainchild of Rhodesian Sacha Stone, founder in 1999 of the Humanitad Foundation. Stone, who lives in the UK now, is said to have relationships with all involved and convinced the Lennons to come aboard. This would mean putting aside differences between the two former Lennon households.
When John Lennon was murdered in 1980, a rift grew because Sean’s mom, Yoko Ono, wouldn’t give Julian what he and his mom, Cynthia Lennon, considered a fair share of the estate. Julian Lennon wound up engaging lawyers, and a long legal situation followed. In May 2007 Julian told Howard Stern that he still hadn’t gotten any money from Yoko Ono. Unbelievable.
Over the years, there’s been plenty of animosity, mostly fueled by Ono. At a 2001 tribute to Lennon at Radio City Music Hall, she all but wiped out any reference to the Beatle’s first family. When Cirque du Soleil’s "Love" show opened in Las Vegas a few years ago, the severe Ono kept her distance from the amiable Cynthia and Julian. Sean was a no-show.
More recently, though, the two brothers have found more common ground, with Julian surprising Sean in Prague at a 2007 gig. Ironically, the brothers could not be more alike: soft spoken, friendly, and talented. Julian, of course, had success in his 20s with hits like "Valotte" and "Too Late for Goodbyes" in 1984-85. Sean has released a couple of indie albums and one on his dad’s old label, Capitol.
By the way, the MDG Awards will not be open to the hoi polloi. The Lennons will play in front of 3,000 invited guests inside the UN General Assembly Hall.
Tafultong said...
Anonymous said...
Is this you or is someone stealing your words for his own notes (uncredited)?
This is the first I have heard of that facebook site. You saw some of my words on it?
January 29, 2009 7:18 AM
The whole "Notes" section is this blog, but no credit is given to you. (From Oct 2008 until this latest post)
Anonymous said:
The whole "Notes" section is this blog, but no credit is given to you. (From Oct 2008 until this latest post)
Well, it is NOT me. Thanks for letting me know.
Marlene Dietrich is the subject of "Honey Pie"
That suitcase cd video was stupid.
what if it was a real attack?
what was it, anyway? iaap should really hire some help. what was that banana thing? is Marlene dressed like a banana? with a gun? a yellow lilly cup-buster?
Anonymous said...
That suitcase cd video was stupid.
January 29, 2009 9:27 AM
it was a rape
we could have stopped it before the feb. 9th, but we were too late, really.
no one knows what you are saying, really.
achingly beautiful moment during macca's recent howard stern interview. mccartney, recalling the sgt pepper sessions said that he told john he could be "dirk" or "barry". but he sort of swallowed the "b", like john could have been "mary" as in mother. so sweet. we love our beatles so much. the winds of time are no match.
Good post Taf!
Anonymous said:
mccartney, recalling the sgt pepper sessions said that he told john he could be "dirk" or "barry".
I thought it was quite interesting that he picked the names of two Rutles, Dirk McQuickly and Barry Wom.
Tafultong said...
Anonymous said:
mccartney, recalling the sgt pepper sessions said that he told john he could be "dirk" or "barry".
I thought it was quite interesting that he picked the names of two Rutles, Dirk McQuickly and Barry Wom.
January 29, 2009 11:48 AM
going to listen to the magic christian mp3's backwards this weekend to put a nail in the coffin of my own mind on this suitcase nonsense.
also, i recommend looking at the album under blacklight.
"CSI style"
walmart has them for $7
Then, and only then,
will David Caruso put his glasses on and The Who will sing
"We wont get fooled again"
There's only one way to put on a pair of shades... and that's the "Caruso" way.
He's our generations William Shatner...
.ma i emosewa woh fo dnuos eht revo ouy raeh t'nac i .yrros m'i
The name is Horatio, not David...
if only the iamaphoney actor would have some of those cool lines at the end of the rotten apple videos, like david caruso old school CSI style
Rotten Apple 74
This suitcase smells...
"Yes, a dead body can have that effect on you."
(Sun glasses)
CSI Miami - Endless Caruso One Liners
Iamaphoney, when do we get the promised interview?
The contents of the first briefcase has been thoroughly disclosed, and investigated. The album was played.
An interview was promised.
Come on, chop chop!
Dear Question,
Just trying to clear the rights from Pete Townsend for "Won't Get Fooled Again". As soon as I can get them cleared, you will get a new video. The actor is thinking up some really snappy David Caruso type sunglass YYYEEAAAHHHH endings. We think it will rejuvenate the rotten apple series, really!
Then you will get your precious interview. I triple promise pinky swear. REALLY!
" iamaphoney said...
Dear Question,
Just trying to clear the rights from Pete Townsend for "Won't Get Fooled Again". As soon as I can get them cleared, you will get a new video."
So, you "cleared" all the Beatles music and videos that you have used in your rotten apple series?
How interesting!
"Then you will get your precious interview. I triple promise pinky swear. REALLY!
January 29, 2009 1:45 PM"
a triple pinky swear promise is a legally binding agreement iaap. you are compelled under full penalty of law to actually give an interview this time!
"a triple pinky swear promise is a legally binding agreement iaap. you are compelled under full penalty of law to actually give an interview this time!
January 29, 2009 1:49 PM"
Not if you have your fingers crossed behind your back!!
thank God we finally get an interview from Iamaphoney!!!!
When is it?
February 8, 2009
Anonymous said...
February 8, 2009
January 29, 2009 1:54 PM
so does this have something to do with the advanced copies we received of the "iamaphoney comicbook"?
The announcement is going to be at New York ComicCon??? Feb 6-9th, 2009
Not another suitcase! Please don't drop one there! Sh!t no! Is nothing sacred to you iaap? Leave our comic book loving parents basement dwelling a*ses out of this!
ComicCon is sacred.
iamaphoney comic book? oh brother...
"Not another suitcase! Please don't drop one there! Sh!t no! Is nothing sacred to you iaap? Leave our comic book loving parents basement dwelling a*ses out of this!
ComicCon is sacred.
January 29, 2009 2:00 PM"
How about a BRIEFCASE? Could he drop a briefcase packed with iamaphoney comicbooks?
"How about a BRIEFCASE? Could he drop a briefcase packed with iamaphoney comicbooks?
January 29, 2009 2:14 PM"
how bout NEITHER! None.
None more briefcase. None more suitcase.
"None more briefcase. None more suitcase."
spinal tap called, they want their "the answer is none, none more black"
so are we going to get the interview now??????
Ask what thou wilt. I am ready.
Ask what thou wilt shall be the hole of the law.
(And no, I didn't mispell "hole".)
That doesn't sound too bad.
it is getting boring out here.
an interview about now would be interesting
Is there going to be an interview mikeNL?
i think there is might be a morse code in all you need is love.
listen to the isolated 5.1 channels from Yellow Submarine
is anyone here know shortwave morsecode?
grandfatheraleister seems to know morse code....
· · · — — — · · ·
at least he knew "S.O.S"
you crack me up mikenl
funny mike would ask that question! Him knowing "morse code" and all
· · · - - - · · ·
· · · — — — · · · NL
-- .. -.- . -. .-.. + .. ... + .. -. - . .-. . ... - . -.. + .. -. + -- --- .-. ... . + -.-. --- -.. . + ..-. ..- -. -. -.-- + .-.. .- -..
connect the dots... la la la la!
Notice how....
Anonymous said...
Is there going to be an interview mikeNL?
January 29, 2009 8:47 PM
LEADS MIKENL to say...
Blogger MikeNL said...
i think there is might be a morse code in all you need is love.
listen to the isolated 5.1 channels from Yellow Submarine
January 29, 2009 8:53 PM
can someone say...
... -- --- -.- . + ... -.-. .-. . . -.
anyone check the magic christian album for morse code?
david caruso called... he wants his "meme" back...
iamaphoney called... he wants his briefcase back, with all contents returned...
When times are hard, and the trust fund got "Bernie Madoffed", time to call back the suitcases and briefcases.. and
eBay time!
Any bidders on some luggage and semi-precious beatles memorabilia?
damn! just when it was starting to feel safe around here and mike could ask some pertinent questions once again,
omg! did anyone see that attack video from the iamaphoney CD?
Did the dude live? Is he ok?
* This is gonna be worse than that time I was stuck behind Robert Loggia
at the airport.
- May I have your name, please? - Robert Loggia.
- Can you spell that for me? - Certainly. That's Robert Loggia.
"R" as in Robert Loggia,
"O" as in "Oh, my God, it's Robert Loggia,"
"B" as in "By God, that's Robert Loggia,"
"E" as in everybody loves Robert Loggia,
"R" as in Robert Loggia,
"T" as in "Tim, look over there, it's Robert Loggia,"
"L" as in "Look, it's Robert Loggia..."
rumor is... the dude was hit by a "land shark".
first, there was a knock at the door.
The mistake, was to let him in!
OMG!?! That CD proves that MikeyNL is gay!!
Time to give up on this shit.
This was the lost Iamaphoney CD video that 65if2007 knew the world was not ready for. The beginning of the famous Iamaphoney CD video, unseen, until NOW!
Holy F!ck! The video editing and sound is almost indistinguishable from the other iamaphoney CD attack video!
This HAS to be genuine!
Holy F!ck! The video editing and sound is almost indistinguishable from the other iamaphoney CD attack video!
This HAS to be genuine!
January 29, 2009 9:32 PM
Hey! what part of
" IAAP CD Attack prequil said...
This was the lost Iamaphoney CD video that 65if2007 knew the world was not ready for. The beginning of the famous Iamaphoney CD video, unseen, until NOW!
January 29, 2009 9:30 PM"
hardy har har!
Clearly this knock off video is fake, and just a couple of goofy ass kids...
Anonymous said...
hardy har har!
Clearly this knock off video is fake, and just a couple of goofy ass kids...
January 29, 2009 9:34 PM
which is EXACTLY WHAT THE ORIGINAL IAMAPHONEY CD attack video was as well!
Robert Loggia has a message to MikeNL
I didn't know he has AIDS!
Get checked mike! You were standing BEHIND him... or to use your words... STUCK behind him....
man robert loggia isnt looking well.
maybe robert Loggia was replaced....
Anonymous said...
maybe robert Loggia was replaced....
January 29, 2009 9:43 PM
if they didnt, maybe... they could...
he seriously doesnt look well
See what you did MIKE?
The insanity has returned!
All because you said something!
iamaphoney just messaged me, he expects another night of 1,000 posts on Feb 8th, 2009 to usher in the dawn of ThelemafaulmaddnesswithA"k"
Bring a dish to pass, and BYOB.
Please no more night of 1,000 posts...
Can we get back to the yellow submarine 5.1 morse code?
"Blogger MikeNL said...
it is getting boring out here.
January 29, 2009 8:25 PM"
and then he vanishes!!!!!
he is probably listening to the morse code on 5.1 yellow submarine.
what is 5.1?
You should hear it in 10.2 mike.
That way you could hear the aliens whispering. They are saying
"I see dead PAeoUpLe!
I see your 5.1 and raise to
22.2 Channel Surround
Royal Flush beats your 3-2 pair mike!
"Blogger MikeNL said...
it is getting boring out here.
January 29, 2009 8:25 PM"
Can we go back to borring!? Please?
This just in:
iamaphoney will leave a suitcase at the Super Bowl!
Anonymous said...
"Blogger MikeNL said...
it is getting boring out here.
January 29, 2009 8:25 PM"
Can we go back to borring!? Please?
January 29, 2009 10:01 PM
You can f!ck with the Beatles..
You can f!ck with McCartney
But F!ck with the NFL and there will be lawsuits...
"This just in:
iamaphoney will leave a suitcase at the Super Bowl!
January 29, 2009 10:06 PM"
Will there be more magic christian albums and land shark attack vids!??
i cant believe you are making fun of the Iamaphoney CD video! That poor man was ATTACKED! Dont you care if he is ok?
Sitting in the stand of the sports arena
Waiting for the Springsteen show to begin
Red lights, green lights, (flares at halftime show)strawberry wine,
A good friend of mine, (iamaphoney),follows the stars,(after Bruce)
Venus and mars (Vince and Bern)
Are alright tonight.
Think of this as an Enigma.
sitting in the hall of the great cathedral
waiting for the transport to come
hair as wool
eyes of fire
starship 2 1 zed and 8 9 a good friend of mine studies the stars
Venus & Mars are alright tonight
pencil them in
Groovy as me.
the answers are easy
Welcome St. Martin VON Revelation!
been waiting for you
Robert Loggia says learn that mother fucker!
Big ups grandfather!
so when is the interview? you promised iaap!
feb 8th, 2009
aap in dutch means Monkey
so iMonkey : ]
Think Different.
It was a fake attack? a fake attack?
Anonymous said...
It was a fake attack? a fake attack?
January 30, 2009 4:39 AM
what happened to the fake mustache?
Commonwealth United Corp:
very eclectic body of represented work
I think that attack looked real. Also please note that the quality and tone of the iamaphoney videos changed, and the suitcase plan unraveled. When you think about it, many things changed at that time. Maybe it was iamaphoney the organization itself that was attacked.
Real? was it? it seemed so real to me?
Do you think Phoney got "scared straight"?
is that why he dropped off the face of the Earth?
I think it all adds up from the first suitcase:
the book of the law,
the magic christian,
the reverse version of if you want it,
The Mask video on other channels
this was surely Paul copy of the album
lily (lilith)
I don't think we are looking close enough.
something we are missing?
I will have to take a new look at the whole serie, something is there, He is waiting for us to find out
we need the second one in california
the third one in geneva the forth one in rome and those assholes who holds back the evidence from the berlin suitcase. It All Adds uP. Come on, they say He is waiting. The Fireman is Waiting. Everybody seems to accept the fact that phoney is paul is the fireman.
just take a look at the phoney videos, how could He know about The new album long before we even heard about it?
Well, that Julian & Sean thing was FALSE!
Nidhi Sharma - Celebrity News Service Reporter
London, England (CNS) - John Lennon's son Julian Lennon has rubbished rumors that he and his half-brother, Sean, will perform together at a United Nations event next month.
The speculation about the duo performance started on Thursday when Fox News columnist Roger Friedman reported that the two would take the stage at the UN Millennium Goal Awards on February 26. The brothers have never performed together in public.
However, the junior Lennon has lashed out at Friedman on his MySpace blog saying that the "news today about Sean & I playing together at the UN Awards came directly out of Roger Friedman's ass!"
"Do they ever tell the truth at FOX?" he added. "He/they didn't even attempt to get in touch with either of our reps or the producers of the UN event to find out whether this story was true or not. So you know what they represent.....J x"
However, Julian, 45, did indicate previously in his blog that some sort of performance was in the works, but offered no word on whether it will include his 33-year-old sibling.
"I'm in discussion with people from the U.N. Awards about possibly performing a track or two for their LIVE inaugural show/event, which I'm very excited about, but also very nervous about, as I haven't really performed properly for about 8-10 years!" the "Valotte" singer wrote on his blog earlier.
The half brothers are often caught between the former Beatle's widow, Yoko Ono (aka Sean's mom), and his first wife, Cynthia (Julian's maternal unit).
Currently in heaven, enjoying "Lumpy Money".
Just beautiful!
i cant believe you are making fun of the Iamaphoney CD video! That poor man was ATTACKED! Dont you care if he is ok?
OMG! If you're THAT'll fit right in. Iamaphoney is mayor of stupidville.
Anonymous could He know about The new album long before we even heard about it?
Get a life. If you're a hardcore Macca fan you've known for a long time that he was doing another Fireman CD. It was mentioned in Beatlefan magazine long before it was in an Iamaphoney video. This is the THIRD Fireman album too. God you people are so damned stupid.
Don't even bother responding to that shit. That "anonymous" is phoneyprophet who doesn't know anything about Paul or the Beatles. The first Fireman CD came out way back in 1994. phoneyprophet is one of those Iamaphoney is Jesus Christ on earth nuts.
ehhh, excuse me .This is easily solved with facts, right!
The first news story I know of is from this summer 2008 about a new fireman album, Phoney promoted it way before that! How can you disproove that? come on dude, don't just make noise for the noise, why can't you give the phoney org some credit? also for entertaining you, eh? Looks like you are one of them who is only here to try to debunk everything, must be boring not to enjoy his eminent editing and musical skills!
ask yourself:Why am I here?
BTW I am one of them thinking Phoney is Jesus (Paul), but I know my Beatles Lexicon very well, so lets sit back and enjoy, have fun, and discuss, abd finally one day Paul will step forward telling the truth!
The first Fireman CD came out way back in 1994. phoneyprophet is one of those Iamaphoney is Jesus Christ on earth nuts.
one more BTW it was in 1993, clever guy.
Maybe you have something to learn?
Maybe you could learn something from Mr.Phoney (Paul)?
hi.... check this out
sorry I meant this!
I dont know why it wony post the whole link?
tafultong wrote
I'm sorry to say, no revelation here. Oh well, I guess we can always go back to this item.
My personal opinion is that iama tried to draw attention to the mask video that he uploaded right after the CD blair witch was uploaded. Why?
hopefully time will tell.
Iamaphoney is not Paul. I wish that were true because it would be hilarious. Imagine the headlines! "Macca outwits PID freaks just in time for 40th anniversary of world's dumbest urban legend".
But nope...all signs point to Denmark and a little band that was once called called Pupil Copenhagen. Iamaphoney was very upset when we pointed this out and warned us not to talk about it but there are too many people being taken for a ride in his 'lovemobile" to let a confidence trickster get away with a scam. Quite a bit of information about Iamaphoney has come to light.
The first Fireman CD came out way back in 1994. phoneyprophet is one of those Iamaphoney is Jesus Christ on earth nuts.
one more BTW it was in 1993, clever guy.
Maybe you have something to learn?
Maybe you could learn something from Mr.Phoney (Paul)?
Goodd one jammie except I'm in America and the CD came out in 1994. That's okay. Face Denmark and pray.
What is this talk about Sweden, denmark ?
Where were iaap upset? I dont understand.
Please show me. The only band called Pupil i have seen is from asia. Check it out on youtube.
Where is this story from. I am sure Paul is laughing his socks off.
The album was recorded as a side project with producer Youth (aka Martin Glover, former member of Killing Joke) and will be released under the pseudonym of the Fireman.
Their two previous collaborations - Strawberries Ocean Ships Forest (1993)
Goodd one jammie except I'm in America and the CD came out in 1994. That's okay. Face Denmark and pray.
Hello, clever boy, so can you show me any article mention a new fireman release before the summer of 2008?
After all the IAAP fires , actually right after the big one in Los ANgeles in June, Paul started to spreed the news.
Can you show me something else or am I right, and can you admit that?
After all the IAAP fires , actually right after the big one in Los ANgeles in June, Paul started to spreed the news.
Can you show me something else or am I right, and can you admit that?
Your thinking is so disoriented I don't know where to start. So you believe Iamaphoney started those fires? What does a fire anywhere in the world have to do with Paul's Fireman project which has been going on since 1993?
I am pretty sure that you are aware of the fires of nov 12 2007, february 9 2008, the death of Neil Aspinall march 23, april 10 2008 fire, may 1 fire, june 1 fire.
anyway, you still didn't answer my question.
What source can you show us before the summer of 2008 that clearly shows Paul talks about a new fireman album after 12 years with NO releases?
jammie said..I am pretty sure that you are aware of the fires of nov 12 2007, february 9 2008, the death of Neil Aspinall march 23, april 10 2008 fire, may 1 fire, june 1 fire.
anyway, you still didn't answer my question.
What source can you show us before the summer of 2008 that clearly shows Paul talks about a new fireman album after 12 years with NO releases?
This is the tactic you lunatics always use. In your twisted thinking you've established a connection between the fires in Los Angeles and a Paul McCartney album and want someone else to disprove it, not taking into consideration the idea that a) Paul McCartney could not go around starting fires in Los Angeles without getting hounded just as he can't even buy a cup of coffee without getting hounded. b) when are there NOT brush fires in Los Angeles? Do you know anything about Los Angeles at all? I didn't think so. c) Iamaphoney himself made it clear that he had nothing to do with the fires. Do you honestly think he's that stupid to go around starting fires and making himself public enemy #1?
So you believe that IAAP is an arsonist and you admire him? Nice guy.
You need to go back over previous posts in NIR regarding Pupil Copenhagen, KABELTV and Martin Lind.
idiots, really
"He is waiting for us to find out"
ou need to go back over previous posts in NIR regarding Pupil Copenhagen, KABELTV and Martin Lind.
What exatly is there?. I told you , there is not a band at least not one I can find on the interbnet from sweden, only one from asia. Pupil, are they iaap. Is that your point. And you still didnot answer my question how the hell was IAAP supposed to know about the fireman release one year before Paul told us?
What exatly is there?. I told you , there is not a band at least not one I can find on the interbnet from sweden, only one from asia. Pupil, are they iaap. Is that your point. And you still didnot answer my question how the hell was IAAP supposed to know about the fireman release one year before Paul told us?
You won't find anything about the band now because the band failed. They were never signed by a label or had a website and Iamaphoney quickly deleted them from his favorites and removed the Pupil CPH account from YouTube after Tafultong brought Pupil CPH to the attention of NIR.
Some of us from NIR have the known the score about IAAP for a while now and we're getting tired of repeating the same facts. Tafultong has addressed IAAP/Former/Pupil CPH ad nauseum on this blog.
And what exactly are you seeing in that video you keep talking about that has anything at all to do with the new Fireman CD "Electric Arguments"?
Here is Pupil in the sgt pepper costumes. have patience its is a little bit inside the video. youtube/watch?v=7rGQWzpHbBE
from rotten apple 40 and forwards it has all to do with the fireman...come on, what is the natter with you, cant you see it, and hear it, it is fireman music, jezzzzz, and what about commerce cue from the pauimccartney channel, conincidence? only for inhouse to be released next year..
so do you like your phillipinian friends in pepper uniforms?
To make things clearer for the newbies: Iamaphoney is NOT Paul McCartney nor is he an Apple employee. He IS a very talented film editor in Denmark. Iamaphoney is seeking to expose Paul McCartney as a fraud. He is AGAINST Paul McCartney not FOR him.
This continued push for Iamaphoney to be Paul stinks of a false flag operation.
Why is a film editor in Denmark so hard for you all to swallow? This reminds me of Peter Joseph and Zeitgeist. Rumors were swirling that he was a government insider and then it was revealed he was a film editor at NBC. Iamaphoney is a Danish variation of Peter Joseph. Just because you put up a slick video on YouTube doesn't make you any more informed than anyone else.
and notice the picture of paul standing in front of electric arguments, funny how it says the R in electric
is right over the a in Arguments RA does it ring a bell.
no no sam it aint no anagram, backwards talking in the runout groove. What the f... more do you want,,you....conservative republican fireman likes you tube, the fireman is no mason, etc ect...and all the fires....yes yes all coincidences, right! thats all for now, you can think whatever you like time will tell.
RINGO:is it time
IAAP.Its time
come on you ignorant, and goodnight my friend. sleep tight.
from rotten apple 40 and forwards it has all to do with the fireman...come on, what is the natter with you, cant you see it, and hear it, it is fireman music, jezzzzz, and what about commerce cue from the pauimccartney channel, conincidence? only for inhouse to be released next year..
so do you like your phillipinian friends in pepper uniforms?
Sorry but you've got a lot of catching up to do. You're way behind us. The band from the Phillipines is NOT Pupil Copenhagen. The "actor" from the Rotten Apple videos was in the band Pupil Copenhagen. As I and Tafultong and just about everyone else has mentioned when it was brought up, the videos vanished from Iamaphoney's page and the Pupil CPH account was closed within seconds of each other.
RINGO:is it time
IAAP.Its time
I'm sorry but that was the dumbest connection I've ever seen anyone try to make. You should throw Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" in there too while you're at it.
If you believe that Paul is alive I can understand why you would want to think Paul is Iamaphoney and that he's subverting the underground but Iamaphoney has all but wrapped himself in the flag of Denmark.
what is the point of a scam?
what is the point of a scam?
waste of time
"no no sam it aint no anagram, backwards talking in the runout groove. What the f... more do you want,,you....conservative republican fireman likes you tube, the fireman is no mason, etc ect...and all the fires."
Fires? There have been a sorts of publicized fires in the past two years that did not coincide with any RA videos. There are fires every week.
Phoney has made reference to all of Macca's albums. Repeatedly. He was referencing Ram, Thrillington, and Ecce Cor Meum even more than Fireman. So if Paul came out with Thrillington part II someone would then say, "How did he know about that?"
The "no no sam" sticker on Electric Arguments refers to "The Fireman is no Mason," an anagram revealed by the PID/RA debunker YKMN231/John Charles, not Phoney. Is John Charles a psychic, too? He would laugh at the suggestion. It was Phoney who renamed a video "I am the risen son of Man" only after Charles pointed it out (obviously not realising he'd be caught), a fact that is deliciously rich in irony. It just doesn't add up. Not to mention the Heather Mills insinuations and rumours . . .Paul would not have vindicated Heather even in such a roundabout way.
It only adds up if you are incredibly ignorant or mentally ill. These Phoney Phreaks would make Jim Jones blush.
Cheap shot.
Paul dies about the same time every year.
It's his death that is "just a good replica."
Their purpose within "Paul is Dead" is to keep the ball rolling.
Then again... we all shine on.
so paul is a perennial? like an apple tree?
It was Phoney who renamed a video "I am the risen son of Man" only after Charles pointed it out (obviously not realising he'd be caught), a fact that is deliciously rich in irony.
Unless they are working together. Phoney sometime last summer started with this BeatT LES kick, and he made sure to end a video with the LES, the three letters that are in practically every YKMN video, and we found out why because those letters reversed on MMT look like 231 (from the famous "phone number" death clue dating back to 1969). Phoney also made a video in which the actor is standing by a wall next to the number 23, as though the actor represents the number 1. I know it's implausible but it's not not impossible that Phoney and Charles are in some way connected.
I know it's implausible but it's not not impossible that Phoney and Charles are in some way connected.
It's implausible and impossible.
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Bill Sheperd = Bill Shakespeare
mullet over ;}
Bill is playing Coachella Festival this year.
It won't be long.
It won't be loooonnng!
It won't be long, etc.
I see that 65If is debating (I think) faulconsnowjob under the name trutha on NIR. He brings up a few valid points as he always does and I'm inclined to agree with him. There is just something not right and very bizarre about the PID movement. I hate to disagree with him but to me Paul's mullet is equally as stupid looking as his Beatle haircut. I never could figure out why people thought a Beatle haircut was "cool". Elvis rocked the best hair IMHO.
65If don't waste your time on Faulcon. She'll just continue to insult you and your intelligence with her snooty attitude. She's not interested in actually debating what your saying. She's just using it as an opportunity to insult you. She's an expert in EVERYTHING but never backs it up because she can't.
*****I see that 65If is debating (I think) faulconsnowjob under the name trutha on NIR. He brings up a few valid points as he always does and I'm inclined to agree with him. There is just something not right and very bizarre about the PID movement. I hate to disagree with him but to me Paul's mullet is equally as stupid looking as his Beatle haircut. I never could figure out why people thought a Beatle haircut was "cool". Elvis rocked the best hair IMHO.*****
Thank you for your support, Anonymous.
The haircuts are simply a point of fashion, I suppose.
The Beatle haircut is at least regular and shows signs of grooming.
A mullet looks as if the wearer just got up in the morning. But it's a point of fashion, and I guess that people are going to disagree on it.
I agree that there is a mindset about the PID "movement" -- if that's what it is -- that is not right.
I haven't become a hardline PIA'er however -- though I am now convinced that P is indeed A.
But the Macca Funhouse people and the other hardline PID skeptics also miss the point -- the point being that the Beatles almost surely are responsible for the hoax. It didn't spring from their imaginations before it sprung from anyone else's.
Correction to my last post: I meant to say, "It sprung from the Beatles' imagination before it sprung from anyone else's."
*****65If don't waste your time on Faulcon. She'll just continue to insult you and your intelligence with her snooty attitude. She's not interested in actually debating what your saying. She's just using it as an opportunity to insult you. She's an expert in EVERYTHING but never backs it up because she can't.*****
Thanks for the advice, Anonymous.
I think that I'm up to the task. But I'll drop it when it no longer is worthwhile.
And as for her being a self-appointed "expert" on everything, her most recent argument would require her to concede that "expertise" can't be relied upon.
"Anonymous said...
Sitting in the stand of the sports arena
Waiting for the Springsteen show to begin
Red lights, green lights, (flares at halftime show)strawberry wine,
A good friend of mine, (iamaphoney),follows the stars,(after Bruce)
Venus and mars (Vince and Bern)
Are alright tonight.
Think of this as an Enigma.
January 29, 2009 10:42 PM"
after Bruuuuucee? Birds and steelers?
Who's Dead?
Elvis rocked the best hair IMHO.
Let us not forget that Elvis, like everyone else, also began to sport the Beatle haircut in the late 60s and 70s. He was a little behind the curve, but the bangs went over the eyebrows fo sho.
Hey! I was just mentioned in somebody's comment!
Hope y'all were able to catch 'dead guy', Bill Hicks on Letterman, last Friday.
Oh, and I hope who ever is getting the 'super-special edition' of "EA", will give us all a listen to the second disc.
Between "LOST" & "Lumpy Money", I've only been snooping around here.
Have a happy day,
PS. Mike, my wife's favorite "LOST" was "The Constant"! She LOVES Desmond & Penny. (Even though Molly would've been a 'cooler' name for her. Nyuk, nyuk.)
Don't knock it 'till you've tried it.
tried what?
why don't you tell us allll about it!
Paul McCartney in Coachella 2009 (april)
I thought that was a joke ( and a good one!) wtg Bill
65if2007 said..But the Macca Funhouse people and the other hardline PID skeptics also miss the point -- the point being that the Beatles almost surely are responsible for the hoax. It didn't spring from their imaginations before it sprung from anyone else's.
That reminds me of something Lennon said well before PID started in '69 and (if you choose to believe it) the Beatles began throwing clues on record sleeves. Lennon said that Paul liked to wear or do something that was a little "off" to set him apart from the others. I can't remember the exact quote but it was something about wearing funky red shoes while the others wore brown because that was Paul's idea of being rebellious. This was said sometime in 1966 when the group were on tour in America and it may have (emphasis on "may"..I don't want to upset anyone) been the jumping off point for what happened later. If so the point of this exercise has never been explained but Lennon notoriously liked to drop in bizarre lyrics to show his disdain for fans who read too much into Beatle music.
When did Paul first take LSD? Do we have a roundabout date on that?
Anonymous said...
tried what?
why don't you tell us allll about it!
February 1, 2009 11:45 AM
Find out yourself! Go to your favorite bittorrent site, and download yourself KING ZAPPA's "Lumpy Gravy" & "We're Only In It For The Money"!!!
and, while you're at it, get anything you can by Bill Hicks!!!
your pal,
I believe he took his first hit at the Superbowl I
Did ya see the suitcase?
It was right after Bruce and Little Stevie left the stage.
If the groundhog doesn't see his shadow, Iamaphoney will do the interview.
uʍop ǝpısdn pǝuɹnʇ ǝɹǝʍ ı ɟı puɐ
would you make me all right?
How do you do that?
with a K
Shadow or no shadow, that is the question;
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to — 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;
To sleep, perchance to dream-
uoos ɟɟnʇs ʍǝu lɐǝʌǝɹ llıʍ ʎǝuoɥdɐɯɐı ǝqʎɐɯ
is it all gonna be upside down? or down side up?
only the phoney knows
The Mods locked the "forehead" thread at NIR. Just goes to show ya, You have to goosestep into oblivion with them. God forbid you actually debate PID! Get with the PID army or get out!
Feb 2, 8:28 AM (ET)
PUNXSUTAWNEY, Pa. (AP) - The world's most famous groundhog saw his shadow Monday morning, predicting this already long winter will last for six more weeks.
Punxsutawney Phil emerged just after dawn in front of an estimated 13,000 witnesses, many dressed in black-and-gold to celebrate the Pittsburgh Steelers' Super Bowl victory the night before.
NEW VIDEO 8th FEB 2009
"So is David Caruso pulling another NYPD Blue and leaving the show? I have the straight-up answer, thanks to a few very well-placed sources...
Survey says: No! Sources inside CBS tell me that David Caruso is not leaving CSI Miami and will most definitely be back next season. The big question is: How?!
"They're setting up a very cool mystery of who tried to kill Horatio," says one Peeper-net insider. "And it will be pretty amazing to see how Horatio gets himself out of this one."
Phew! So the one-liner, sunglasses king will live to zing again."
TheQueenWasDead (21 minutes ago)
nuguk, frfhb95fr
rottenbandshesoul (15 minutes ago)
Thank you for subscribing!
Congratulations for your
fantastic channel, kisses,
damn it! stop wasting the questions!
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