Shortly after Aspinall died, a committee from the Nothing Is Real discussion group claimed that the member known as Apollo was in fact Neil Aspinall. The main bit of evidence given at the time was the fact that Apollo's messages stopped after Neil died, which of course, in and of itself, was not convincing. However there were a couple details that emerged later that were not so easily dismissible. First of all, Apollo needed some special tech support from a moderator in order to post. Someone playing a practical joke would probably not need that kind of assistance. Secondly, he apparently had an assistant to type the messages for him. He also left a final message that sounded like a person who had accepted the inevitability of death. People knew that Neil was sick, but I don't know if a practical joker would have known the right time to cease posting. Another thing was that a significant amount of Apollo's communication was in the form of personal messages to specific group members. I was not included in this specific group of Apollo recipients. You would think a practical joker would want more exposure than that.
Of course, all of this circumstantial evidence goes out the window if members of NIR were involved in the scheme. Although I personally don't believe that the members of NIR were lying, it is still unlikely that Apollo was really Neil Aspinall, but who knows?
The other Neil Aspinall myth relates to the Iamaphoney organization. Although IAAP has never come out and said it, those close to the organization have stated that Neil was the guiding hand of Iamaphoney. Again, the main piece of evidence was the seeming disruption and disorganization that occurred in the Iamaphoney camp after Neil died. Someone claiming to be a former member of the Iamaphoney team told me, "When Neil died they had to reorganize and then everything went out of hand." The circumstantial evidence is that Neil abruptly left Apple on April 10, 2007, exactly one year before the date of the Iamaphoney interview that never happened. Neil died in March of 2008, a little over a month after the first suitcase was dropped, which signaled the beginning of a string of miscues that caused Iamaphoney to lose a significant amount of fans (or so they tell me).
Again, it is highly unlikely that Neil was the brains behind Iamaphoney, but like the Apollo thing, I cannot disprove it at this time.
Is it possible that Neil Aspinall could have been both Apollo and the brains behind Iamaphoney? I doubt it. That is a marriage that both Nothing Is Real and Iamaphoney seem to be against. Unfortunately, I can't disprove that one either at this time.

Interestingly, the new issue of Beatlefan Magazine, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary, contains a piece that may raise the eyebrows of both parties and give some support to any of those who would like Neil Aspinall to be their guiding hand. [BTW, if you are at all interested in the Beatles, I can't recommend Beatlefan highly enough. It is the best printed source of Beatles news. This recommendation is unsolicited.]
Anyway, the new issue of Beatlefan includes an interview with Pete and Roag Best. Pete, of course, was the Beatles' drummer who was replaced by Ringo Starr right before they became famous. Roag Best is Pete's half brother. Neil was a friend of Pete's. But when Pete's father was away, his 19 year-old buddy had an affair with Mona Best. Pete's mother, Mona became pregnant with Neil's baby. Three weeks after Neil's son was born, Pete was fired from the Beatles.

Neil continued to be a part of Roag's life even after he married in 1968 and started his own family.

Howie Edelson asked an outstanding question to Roag in the interview regarding the Pete Best DVD release:
Well, what everybody thought was that had Neil not been in the position he was, your DVD would've been blocked, and that he [helped it come to fruition]. That's the common perception, that Neil said to the powers that be at Apple, "You gotta let him do this." Is that far off?
Roag's answer becomes especially appealing when you think about the Apollo and Iamaphoney mysteries:
Roag: Truthfully? I have no idea. The wonderful thing about my dad, and what he did with the lads and what he did for Apple--and they're all aware of this--my dad was a fantastic keeper of secrets. And my dad did a lot of stuff for a lot of people and you wouldn't even know that he'd done it. If he did, he never said. That's how he worked. That why he was admired, because he didn't speak out. He never felt that he needed acclaim; it wasn't something that he craved. He had no real interest in that at all.
Is it possible that discussion group members and Iamaphoney could be included in that "lot of people" that Neil "did stuff" for? Probably not, but it is a legitimate question. It is true that Neil was a great keeper of the Beatles secrets. On the other hand, Mal Evans DID seem to want some acclaim eventually, but he was killed before he had the chance to get it. His unfinished book has never seen the light of day.

I don't think that anyone would deny that both Neil and Mal took secrets to the grave with them.
great post, tafultong.
i don't know much about the apollo thing, but it could be true. who knows...
Sadly looked at another way, Roag Best's comments contradict your entire premise Tafultong.
I can't imagine Neil Aspinall throwing the word "douche" around either. Sorry me no buy it.
You forgot to mention this little gem from our ex-friend HobostankJr 3 months ago:
"Prepare yourselves for a little shakeup.My round is almost over.Apollo has let it be known that he is not happy with my work.Fuck him I say.Shall I spill the beans here and now,douche?"
If Iamaphoney was a friend of Neil's it's a shame Neil did nothing to help out Pupil Copenhagen who Iamaphoney sang lead for. No record deal at least?
There's a "v" on Neil's palm.
interesting post, taf.
Should we contact Roag Best about all this? I'm sure he could clear it up pretty quick.
I doubt it, all of it. It's all BS.
How do you respond to the accusations that you are grandfatheraleister?
And what about Pupil Copenhagen? Surely there's more to be written about them and the Superstone video.
Nicely done Taf! Always giving us something to think about!
How do you respond to the accusations that you are grandfatheraleister?
January 3, 2009 11:37 PM
He responds that he is. The truth is undeniable. MikeNL is GFA.
Notice, no response.
Thats the proof right there
"Sadly looked at another way, Roag Best's comments contradict your entire premise Tafultong."
I love it when you say things like that and make no effort to back up your statements.
Just go away, and take your predictably snarky comments with you please.
Slightly more than a year before Neil died, Apollo sent me a private message at NIR saying that I was welcome to ask him any questions I might have. He said I was one of the people whose posts he felt demonstrated a worthiness to have my questions answered, as I had been willing to think outside the box, so to speak.
I told him that I was honored, but that I didn't have any questions for him at the time. (I was wondering about his motives, so I hesitated to take him up on his offer.)
I mention all this because, in hindsight, it makes sense that, if Apollo was Neil, he would have wanted to use his final days to get the word out to people he felt would be able to read 'between the lines' of his messages.
I, of course, was unaware that he was dying, and unfortunately did not ever make use of that opportunity. (Groan)
Byrdsmaniac aka 4000 Holes
(He called me "Holey one" much to my horror.)
Since all this is sanctioned as truth, you will have to change you name legally to "Holey One" by 2012.
History unfolds,
That picture of Roag Best looks a lot like the picture of the "mystery man" from the phoney video Miles posted on his blog.
It can't be him.
It can't be him.
January 4, 2009 9:16 AM
Why not?
Apollo C. Vermouth was on the 60IF scene back in 2003, "annoying" those who romanticized over Paul's "death" with a grounded story of what actually happened.IAAP was nowhere near being a "wet dream" at that point. The two have nothing in common.
From The Sunday Times
January 4, 2009
China rattled by Sun King attack
Sun King is one bad a$$ mo-fo!
PID videos AND taking on an entire country!
Could be him. lol
But he's not Apollo.
But he's not Apollo.
January 4, 2009 10:12 AM
Didn't say he was.
hey, it's confusing
MikeNL is sun king
Will all the answers come soon, or do we have to wait till 2012?
Anonymous said...
MikeNL is sun king
January 4, 2009 11:31 AM
MikeNL is sun king
January 4, 2009 11:31 AM
January 4, 2009 11:32 AM
right! he is grandfatheraleister.
he can't have that many split personalities!
thought mikenl was iamaphoney
Nope, just a thelma coolaid drinker
Kool-Aid! God! Get it right!
oh no?
!!!!!oh yeah!!!!!
January 4, 2009 9:48 AM
Very interesting. Roag was born in '62, so he would be 46. I could see the Best family/Aspinall harboring ill feelings toward Paul......and the other Beatles.
From Wikipedia:
When the group heard that Martin did not like Best's drumming, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison asked Epstein—who had taken over as manager in January—to fire Best from the band. Before Epstein became The Beatles' manager, Best had arranged all the bookings in Liverpool, after they had parted company with Williams. Epstein agonised about the decision, and asked Bob Wooler if it was a good idea, to which Wooler replied that Best was too popular with the fans to get rid of him. Nevertheless, Epstein dismissed Best on 16 August 1962, which was almost exactly two years after Best had joined the group.
Neil Aspinall was waiting downstairs in Epstein's NEMS record shop after Best's dismissal, and was the first one to talk to the then ex-Beatle in The Grapes pub, across from The Cavern Club, where The Beatles had often played.[41] Aspinall was furious and said that he would stop working for them as well—he had been employed as the band's road manager and personal assistant—but Best strongly advised him not to. Aspinall decided to stay, but ended his relationship with Mona (and his three-week-old baby, Roag). Aspinall asked McCartney and Lennon at the next concert why they had fired Best, to which they replied, "It’s got nothing to do with you—you’re only the driver."
"When the group heard that Martin did not like Best's drumming, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison asked Epstein—who had taken over as manager in January—to fire Best from the band."
Sadly, not everything in Wikipedia is true. The firing of Pete Best was not the work of George Martin. The fellow who demanded Pete be replaced admitted to it in a September 2005 PBS TV show called "Best of the Beatles". He was a mid-management level person at Decca, if I recall. I'm sorry, but I don't remember the fellow's name. I believe that show can still be purchased as a DVD.
George Martin should be let off the hook.
Anonymous said...
"When the group heard that Martin did not like Best's drumming, Lennon, McCartney and Harrison asked Epstein—who had taken over as manager in January—to fire Best from the band."
Sadly, not everything in Wikipedia is true. The firing of Pete Best was not the work of George Martin. The fellow who demanded Pete be replaced admitted to it in a September 2005 PBS TV show called "Best of the Beatles". He was a mid-management level person at Decca, if I recall. I'm sorry, but I don't remember the fellow's name. I believe that show can still be purchased as a DVD.
George Martin should be let off the hook.
January 4, 2009 12:54 PM
I don't know, according to Peter Brown in "All You Need is Love" it WAS Martin....
George Martin has gone on record several times saying that Best couldn't cut it in the studio. He even suggested that they use a studio drummer for recording and then Pete could tour with them, but George was adamant about not using Best, and if you hear the original demo for Love Me Do (Anthology I), you can hear Pete's limitations. When they brought Ringo in for the next session, George had hired Andy White to drum on the track. Ringo played tamborine. It wasn't until after that George saw Ringo's abilities as a drummer. Ringo still razzes George Martin about it.
Bottom line: the "Apollo" character was not Neil Aspinall. Paul is alive. Lennon is dead. All the rest is fanboy fantasy.
I read in an interview done back in '05 that Pete hadn't spoken to John, Paul, or George since the night he was canned.
That phoney picture does resemble Roag a bit.
Bottom line: the "Apollo" character was not Neil Aspinall. Paul is alive. Lennon is dead. All the rest is fanboy fantasy.
January 4, 2009 1:20 PM
I agree. The main point of the last few comments has been that the still of "phoney" Miles posted resembles the picture of Roag Best that Taf posted.
A little bit. I think the Miles photo is Miles.
Anonymous said...
Bottom line: the "Apollo" character was not Neil Aspinall. Paul is alive. Lennon is dead. All the rest is fanboy fantasy.
January 4, 2009 1:20 PM
You're kind of right. Paul is not actually dead. Not actually. Just a good, err, replica.
Obviously you have not thought hard enough about what that means. When The Beatles say Paul is "dead," what do they mean by "dead?"
Obviously you have not thought hard enough about what that means. When The Beatles say Paul is "dead," what do they mean by "dead?"
If you happen to believe the Beatles intended to tell us that Paul was dead, it would have been as an in joke or a surrealist statement.
A little bit. I think the Miles photo is Miles.
January 4, 2009 1:29 PM
So, Miles was in the Superstone video of IAAP?
Here we go again. Fake names with their little secrets. How convenient. Give us your real name Iamaphoney and then you might earn some credibility. Secrets coming from fake names on the internet. Secrets that go round and round and never add up. How convenient.
Here is secret, one that might help end another secret, the voice of "William" from the Netherlands, recorded during an interview with with Joseph Niezgoda, author of the book The Lennon Prophecy
Someone named "William" calls on the international line
13 minutes and 13 seconds into the interview.
Care to guess who "William" may be?
That MikeNL??????
"Someone named "William" calls on the international line
13 minutes and 13 seconds into the interview.
Care to guess who "William" may be?"
My guess is iamaphoney, only he doesnt sound Dutch........... hmmmmmmm.
Faulofhistory, thanks for that clip! The Beatles certainly were witches!
"Anonymous said...
January 4, 2009 2:10 PM"
Correct! Admit it, Mikey......
Someone named "William" calls on the international line
13 minutes and 13 seconds into the interview.
Care to guess who "William" may be?
It might be someone involved with IAAP but it doesn't line up with IAAP's hevily accented singing voice or his messages to me and others written in horrible broken English. I agree with Tafultong that he joined up with others but I think the emails that Tafultong puts up here from IAAP are not from IAAP at all. They are inconsistent with his writing style on TKIN,NIR and elsewhere.
I believe IAAP is heavily involved with witchcraft and demonism. I believed he was on the right track but was sucked in and now evil consumes him.
It might be someone involved with IAAP but it doesn't line up with IAAP's hevily accented singing voice or his messages to me and others written in horrible broken English. I agree with Tafultong that he joined up with others but I think the emails that Tafultong puts up here from IAAP are not from IAAP at all. They are inconsistent with his writing style on TKIN,NIR and elsewhere.
January 4, 2009 2:24 PM
I went back and re-read all the comments from the rotten apple series, they don't seem that broken to me.
"They are inconsistent with his writing style on TKIN,NIR and elsewhere."
got some examples? The english doesn't seem that broken when I read them from the video comments, and on NIR.
Of course, MY english is quite broken, so that may be why I cannot see it as you do.
"IAAP's hevily accented singing voice or his messages to me and others written in horrible broken English."
His messages to you? Care to publish them here?
" Bottom line: the "Apollo" character was not Neil Aspinall. Paul is alive. Lennon is dead. All the rest is fanboy fantasy."
Observation: There was no reason for you to say this. There was no need to put such a bottom line to anything that you or anyone else had said prior to this comment. Conclusion: You are annoying, and you are just trying to piss PIDers off (and succeeding, let me tell you!)
Seriously, why are you here? And don't say "because I find Tafultong's articles interesting". I've heard that line one too many times. His articles are all ABOUT PID!
maybe the singer was hired apart from the actor and so on.
Someone is holding the camera in the iamaphoney videos other then the actor. Is it not reasonable to guess that there may be other divisions of labor as well?
As in, there is a singer, an actor, a video editor, and so on....
I only read playboy and penthouse for the articles, I only read Tafultong's blog for the articles, I only watch iamaphoney videos because.....
wait.. why do I watch them anyways? Oh, yeah, so I can prove how much very smarter I am then anyone who believes that Paul is Dead!
And I am! Smarter then you!
Ask me what my IQ is! I dare you! My wit will amaze you. And when I say "Bottom line", there is nothing left to say.
Yes, but, does this have anything to do with CARNIVAL OF LIGHT?
His messages to you? Care to publish them here?
January 4, 2009 2:29 PM
Yes, please do!
If Iamaphoney was the one calling into Coast to Coast, don't you think he would have plugged the Rotten Apple? Would have only taken about 10 seconds to say, "there's this interesting video series on on You Tube that backs up what I'm saying. Go to youtube.com/iamaphoney with an "e". Or search for Rotten Apple on You Tube." Why would he not plug his series to a large audience?
"IAAP's hevily accented singing voice or his messages to me and others written in horrible broken English."
Maybe you really aren't talking to Iamaphoney and tafultong is.
Every cross your mind?
". Or search for Rotten Apple on You Tube." Why would he not plug his series to a large audience?
January 4, 2009 2:37 PM"
The interviewer Ian Punnet cut him off rather quickly. As soon as the William caller starts to go off on a tangent, the host says "ok" to move things along.
If you ever listen to Coast to Coast, they hang up on those who plug websites as callers.
Besides, "William" calling from the Netherlands, born in 1966, talks about witchcraft, sounds like only a few people we know....
you know, the regular gang
Here is secret, one that might help end another secret, the voice of "William" from the Netherlands, recorded during an interview with with Joseph Niezgoda, author of the book The Lennon Prophecy
Someone named "William" calls on the international line
13 minutes and 13 seconds into the interview.
Care to guess who "William" may be?
January 4, 2009 2:05 PM
Clever and all, but what is the point? Am I to assume you know who this person is that called Coast to Coast and have proof to the like, or are you just blowing smoke as to divert from people talking about the possibility of Roag Best being the "mystery man" in IAAP's video Superstone?
Besides, "William" calling from the Netherlands, born in 1966, talks about witchcraft, sounds like only a few people we know....
you know, the regular gang
January 4, 2009 2:42 PM
SOUNDS like?
isnt it all smoke?
Go back and read IAAP's original comments on TKIN and the early comments on the first ten or so videos and you'll see what I mean. His broken English was even parodied on NIR. You guys are acting like this is news to you.
why wouldnt GFA also plug his videos?
Anonymous said...
Go back and read IAAP's original comments on TKIN and the early comments on the first ten or so videos and you'll see what I mean. His broken English was even parodied on NIR. You guys are acting like this is news to you.
January 4, 2009 2:44 PM
I have heard this arguement before, and re-read them at that time. I disagree. People also said that IAAP comments were full of hate on his video comments. Didn't see that either. Care to produce the broken english messages that he sent to you?
"Clever and all, but what is the point? Am I to assume you know who this person is that called Coast to Coast and have proof to the like, or are you just blowing smoke as to divert from people talking about the possibility of Roag Best being the "mystery man" in IAAP's video Superstone?
January 4, 2009 2:43 PM"
Maybe he got nervous.
Well, the William from Coast to coast isn't Roag Best, that is for certain, and he doesn't speak broken English. I can say I was born in 1966 and live in Holland. So what? Where is the connection?
Has anyone else compared the Miles still of "phoney" from Superstone to any picture of Roag Best? Looks worthy of more exploration to me.
Seriously, why are you here? And don't say "because I find Tafultong's articles interesting". I've heard that line one too many times. His articles are all ABOUT PID!
It was Tafultong who said he watches RA mainly because he finds the series interesting and entertaining. He has stated numerous times he doesn't really believe PID is likely at all. He has stated he doesn't believe anything from Phoney other than his name is IAMAPHONEY and that the series is entertainment. It was Tafultong, creator of this blog you frequent, who said that PID is an interactive myth.
As far as The Beatles and witchcraft: it wasn't very good magick, at least, not as good as say The Rolling Stones'? They are still a group.
Why won't Sir Paul meet with Pete Best? He only wishes to reminisce; "bury the hatchet" so to speak. Neither are getting any younger. It has been 46 years since either spoke. Isn't it time to put the past behind and move on? All you need is love.....right?
Who is the phoney now?
Sadly, not everything in Wikipedia is true. The firing of Pete Best was not the work of George Martin. The fellow who demanded Pete be replaced admitted to it in a September 2005 PBS TV show called "Best of the Beatles". He was a mid-management level person at Decca, if I recall. I'm sorry, but I don't remember the fellow's name. I believe that show can still be purchased as a DVD.
George Martin should be let off the hook.
January 4, 2009 12:54 PM
this, for once, was a decent video.
this, for once, was a decent video.
January 4, 2009 6:17 PM
How do you figure?
for once if you follow, a premise is set.
for once if you follow, a premise is set.
January 4, 2009 6:30 PM
Sorry, didn't follow. Other than a guy calling himself "William" and claiming to be from Holland, I don't really think too much of it. Proves nothing.
what about thouse gigantic iaap "Bills" what was that all about? Paul into Bill? need I say more?
What I find interesting is that no one here wishes to discuss what has been mentioned about Roag Best. The resemblance between the Superstone still posted by Miles and picture of Roag from this blog seems a little more relevant that the sound byte of "William" from Coast to Coast AM.
who is Bill?
I don't think Roag looks much like the Miles pic.
what about thouse gigantic iaap "Bills" what was that all about? Paul into Bill? need I say more?
January 4, 2009 6:45 PM
That is your connection? Paul has been called Bill since the William Campbell PID ordeal started. I don't find it odd that a person would use the name "William" or "Bill" when commenting about PID. Many posting here have done the same.
I don't think Roag looks much like the Miles pic.
January 4, 2009 6:51 PM
You have got to be kidding?
roag best could be discussed... please re-cap. thank you. Hoppy New Yewr!
Roag looks exactly like the guy in the pic that milesdeo posted. The problem is, since when is this this, or anything else that milesdeo has ever done, relevant? And what context was this picture shown in in? Are you sure it isn't just some random photo of Roag Best that Miles pulled from somewhere?
Pete Best hasn't talked to any of the other Beatles since the day he was fired. He has wanted to get together with Paul, but Paul hasn't allowed that to happen. I always thought it was quite far fetched that Neil was involved in any of this, but with the addition of Pete and Roag, the whole Iamaphoney business may just make sense. All three, even Neil, would have a reason to be miffed at Paul. Neil would have quit The Beatles when Pete was fired, but Pete recommended he stay. The idea that Paul is a phoney may be due to Pete trying to make amends, but Paul refusing for whatever reason, making the caring Sir Paul seem to be a hypocrite; a phoney.
Roag looks exactly like the guy in the pic that milesdeo posted. The problem is, since when is this this, or anything else that milesdeo has ever done, relevant? And what context was this picture shown in in? Are you sure it isn't just some random photo of Roag Best that Miles pulled from somewhere?
January 4, 2009 7:12 PM
Taf can answer that one. He has the Superstone video in which Miles captured the still from. The question is, will he confirm it or not. He may not want to discuss it because it is for that reason IAAP asked him to remove the video.
Did anyone else download the Superstone video before it was removed?
I'm not going to share private messages with Iamaphoney on this blog to prove a point. That wouldn't be right. Mikey would never do it either. Iamaphoney is not an American with an American accent. Get over it.
I thought Miles was chasing Iamaphoney? Suddenly he became part of the team? Maybe we're all phonies. :)
"Iamaphoney is not an American with an American accent. Get over it."
Ok. I am over it.
Will someone finally talk about Roag Best?
"Pete Best hasn't talked to any of the other Beatles since the day he was fired. He has wanted to get together with Paul, but Paul hasn't allowed that to happen." etc.
Well perhaps the Paul that Peter Best knew while he was in the Beatles is not the "Sir Paul" of today, and there really would not be much point in Pete having a meeting with him.
Will someone finally talk about Roag Best?
January 4, 2009 8:31 PM
That is too on topic. Let's talk about the Rogue Bass, you know, the Hofner violin bass copy.
Here's a post from Letter B comparing the two:
Wow!!! Great job, everyone. That's definitely phoney. We have discovered who GFA and iamaphoney are within the span of 3 days!!! And we also know who youknowmyname231 is (although that was given to us). Again, great job everyone. Proud of those here who worked to uncover the identities of these people!!
GFA = MikeNL
Iamaphoney=Roag Best
The pic of Roag is old, though. In other pics he doesn't look nearly as much like the Phoney photo.
Roag July 2007:
Still has the longer hair.
You are a fucking retard.
Anonymous said...
Bottom line: the "Apollo" character was not Neil Aspinall. Paul is alive. Lennon is dead. All the rest is fanboy fantasy.
And you base this conclusion (specifically the first part) on?...
everyone here is willing to brainfuck themselves for nothing...
Taf is; apparently, a shit-head who likes to keep the game going.
He is the only one who saved the superstone video, yet he'd rather suck the phallus of the joker rather than providing the video which holds the only clue.
FUCKALL. And since when did miles have the superstone video?
drop a pre-chewed nibble here and there..
"key jude"
"He was my brother"
"Who was the father of evil?"
"I am the master of low expectations."
i am the master of tug-jobs
Well then put-up or shut-up.
Got the superstone video. Post it.
Iamaphoney we know you are whaledreamers. Why waste time making little videos to answer comments when you can just post here in about 2 seconds?
>> Miles, Well then put-up or shut-up. Got the superstone video. Post it. >>
When did I claim to have the Superstone video?
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