Paul McCartney will perform at the Grammy Awards Show broadcast on February 8, 2009
McCartney to Wed - Fox News*
McCartney NOT to Wed - E Online*
* What better proof do you need that there are two Paul McCartneys?
Paul McCartney's grammy nominated "Amoeba's Secret" was released in the United States today for the first time on CD. The four song extended play remains true to the vinyl issue with its simple shrink wrapped package.
Paul McCartney's son is reportedly working on an album with a band called The Dead 60s. Please tell me I'm kidding.
Paul McCartney will Headline a Benefit Concert for David Lynch's Yogic Flying Education Project. I must be kidding about that one right?
David Lynch? But isn't he the guy who directed...?

Wake up, grandfatheraleister, your time has come.
No Iamaphoney news to report other than a dream that he was in Greece and a feeling that we will hear from him around February 8, 2009.
But, videos inspired by Iamaphoney continue to appear on YouTube. Please drop me a line if I miss any.
Iamaphoney Rotten Apple 73 Secrets #1 and Paul is Saturn - Proven Jan 26th 2009 by Iamafunny
Ritual Fire by Sunssol
paul is dead - rotten apples 1 by dark66horse
iamaprophet by iamaprophet
The iamaprophet video contains this image from the book "Alternative World Scenarios for a New Order of Nations" by Charles W Taylor.

The book also contains this model.

4th link does not work.
I just tried them all again and they seem to be working. Which one do you mean by "4th" link?
the paul mccartney NOT getting married link
That's weird. It is still working for me. Here is the complete url:
Of course Blogger will not reproduce that whole url accurately in the comments. Here is another shot at the link: Click here
Here is the text from the article:
Paul McCartney Rep Rips Wedding Rumors
Mon., Jan. 26, 2009 12:01 PM PST by Josh Grossberg
Paul McCartney, Nancy Shevell Dave M. Benett/Getty Images
When it comes to Paul McCartney wedding rumors, the British tabs won't let it be.
A rep for the former Beatle is smacking down a pair of newspaper stories that he is looking to get hitched with ladylove Nancy Shevell now that her divorce has become official.
"[There's] no truth to it," says publicist Paul Freundlich.
Both the Sunday Mirror and Sunday Telegraph reported that McCartney sought and received the all-clear from his four adult children, including fashion designer Stella, to marry the New York native.
The newspapers claimed that the New York State Supreme Court had granted Shevell a divorce from Bruce Blakeman on Dec. 9, ending a 23-year union. However, neither publication cited any public legal documents, and and none have surfaced so far.
Shevell's attorney, Michael Stutman, declined to comment on the status of the divorce. He referred all questions to his client, who was not immediately available.
The 49-year-old Shevell, a board member of the Big Apple's Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and her 52-year-old estranged husband, a Port Authority commissioner, lawyer and former Nassau County legislator, amicably split in 2007. They have a 17-year-old son.
According to the British tabs, Shevell and McCartney had known each other almost three decades before they were photographed smooching outside a Long Island sushi joint in November 2007. Both own residences in the Hamptons.
You'd think McCartney would be a bit gun-shy about rushing to the altar. His divorce from second wife Heather Mills, finalized last year, cost the former mop top nearly $50 million.
Betrothed or no, McCartney today became the latest star to sign on for a Grammy performance. He's up for two trophies at the Feb. 8 ceremony.
Paul McCartney "Twin Freaks"
David Lynch "Twin Peaks"
Paul is known for reversed speech, as is David Lynch.
Hellza poppin!
grandfatheraleister feels vindicated and can finally retire.
Anonymous said...
Paul McCartney "Twin Freaks"
David Lynch "Twin Peaks"
Paul is known for reversed speech, as is David Lynch.
You do realize that "Laura Palmer" is an anagram for "Paul Real Ram" don't you?
i love you tafultong!
the dead 60s are a great little rock band - i have known em for years. if james works with them, good for him!
Is the Amoeba concert worth getting on CD?
PS. Mike, I don't know about this 'time travel' stuff on "LOST", but, I WILL, on listening to the creators of the show, get a copy of Stephen King's "On Writing"!
"The Colbert Report" is tonight
Anonymous said...
Is the Amoeba concert worth getting on CD?
PS. Mike, I don't know about this 'time travel' stuff on "LOST", but, I WILL, on listening to the creators of the show, get a copy of Stephen King's "On Writing"!
January 28, 2009 7:25 AM
Anonymous said...
i love you tafultong!
Hey, right back at ya, nony!
Vince said...
Is the Amoeba concert worth getting on CD?
It was for me because it was a cheap way to avoid playing my vinyl copy. The performance is great. The sound is a little like a bootleg, lots of compression and not much speaker separation, but that's part of the charm.
IAAP's worst nightmare: Barack Obama
Barack Obama's worst nightmare: IAAP
I posted this on the nothing is real board. I thought I mights as well post it here.
since noboby really could answer my questions I have done a little research on my own. I have read the 2 Paul is dead books, turn me on, dead man and the walrus was paul. None of them hasn't obviously not the information IAAP started to show us november the 9th 2006. There is no mention on the most to my ears clue we will sing it man we will be reverse, and all the other clues IAAP had come up with, Actually only the #9 and i'm so tired backwards clues are mentioned in the books. It is at least clear for me that Paul wanted these clues out and since nobody really noticed he had to start the machine himself. Why is there so much fireman music and clues and flashes in the early IAAP videos from number 39 i think. Why? and why is the fireman coming out with a new album after 12 years of silence? and why is Paul making backwards speech on the album. I think this is only the beginning and we have a lot of stuff to look forward to concerning IAAP and Paul. What do you guys think? I wish someone would take the time to go through the whole rotten apple serie, I think a lot of answers is buried there, I am just not clever enough to see them, i think you have to be very clever, especially if Paul really do as it says in the rotten apple 72, take the book of the law that serious, with all the cipher and cryptogram stuff.
You do realize that "Laura Palmer" is an anagram for "Paul Real Ram" don't you? guys should just stick to doing cryptograms and word jumbles in your local paper. this stuff is ridiculous. i also like the matter of fact tone expressed in your statement, Taf, as if Lynch affirmed the anagram at some point.
life begins at 40.
it's getting better now, with the rhythm now
now we got a good rhythm going
wmhateeer ikv
didn't mccartney's father love word games? hello?
Feed that rhythm, MikeNL. It wants Kookies ( with a K!)
Five Hours till Colbert... I hope someone gets a shoutout! Like Taffy!
I hope Colbert brings up the dead issue. too. :)
Once you're into the whole PID perpetual motion machine, everything can seem to tie in. Yes, Paul says something backward on the Fireman, and he was doing backward tape loops experimental films and Ian Icahamoe and all that 40 years ago, too. If the RA was going on when Paul is Live came out, imagine the sort of posts you'd be reading. As for Phoney's clues, what does "we'll be reverse" have to do with PID anyway? Growing up, I knew people (myself included) that played pretty much every later Beatle record backward, and we all thought we heard various sentences and words. Whoop ti doo.
why do you come here if this is all sh!t? you just like to be condescending? Whoop ti doo!
Someone has to stick up for Paul here...
I posted this on the nothing is real board. I thought I mights as well post it here.
since noboby really could answer my questions I have done a little research on my own. I have read the 2 Paul is dead books, turn me on, dead man and the walrus was paul. None of them hasn't obviously not the information IAAP started to show us november the 9th 2006. There is no mention on the most to my ears clue we will sing it man we will be reverse, and all the other clues IAAP had come up with, Actually only the #9 and i'm so tired backwards clues are mentioned in the books. It is at least clear for me that Paul wanted these clues out and since nobody really noticed he had to start the machine himself. Why is there so much fireman music and clues and flashes in the early IAAP videos from number 39 i think. Why? and why is the fireman coming out with a new album after 12 years of silence? and why is Paul making backwards speech on the album. I think this is only the beginning and we have a lot of stuff to look forward to concerning IAAP and Paul. What do you guys think? I wish someone would take the time to go through the whole rotten apple serie, I think a lot of answers is buried there, I am just not clever enough to see them, i think you have to be very clever, especially if Paul really do as it says in the rotten apple 72, take the book of the law that serious, with all the cipher and cryptogram stuff.
uhhhh.....the RA series has been discussed at length here and all it does is inspire more questions about the artist "former"-ly known as Iamaphoney.
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