So, is this the famous missing Superstone video from August of 2007? So it famous is.
If anyone finds the revelation, please feel free to slip me the answer.
I did notice that if you freeze the frame above and step back about 10 feet from your computer screen, it looks a little bit like the cover of "Electric Arguments." [Update: I meant to add that the shot above is from the Abbey Road graffiti wall.] Apparently the person who posted this video sees a flash of Sylvester Stallone at the very end. I don't happen to see that, but I'm no video expert.
Anyway, I'm glad it's finally out there. I do believe that it has not been altered. Any insights will be appreciated.
Yes it's Sly Stallone (rolls eyes) and that image you're taking about is a blurry shot of the graffitti at Abbery Road.
To "Letter B"
Happy New Year
iaap is playing catchup! Nugget?
Taf I'm surprised at you, really.
Anonymous said...
Yes it's Sly Stallone (rolls eyes) and that image you're taking about is a blurry shot of the graffitti at Abbery Road.
Yes, I meant to identify the Abbey Road wall in the post. I got home from work and saw the video had been put up and rushed to put up the post in case it disappeared again. I didn't recognize Stallone, but the deception certainly makes sense. You guys have better eyes than I do.
I also didn't take time to see the comments calling me all kinds of names for honoring my agreement with Iamaphoney. I am naive. I still can't fathom why sticking to an agreement seems so foreign and unbelievable to some people.
I thought sharing the Iamaphoney letter with my readers would be a good thing. Back then, nobody knew that I was the one who posted a copy of the Superstone video. I didn't have to share any of it. No one would have ever known it was me that put up and took down the stupid video if I had not told you. I am sick of defending myself about this.
So, that's the revelation? Iamaphoney did something deceptive? I still see it as a non-issue. I am done talking about this.
Deception a non-issue? It's not if your putting your faith in Iamaphoney's claims that he's going to expose "Bill". I gave up putting stock in this guy's videos a long time ago too but a hoax like this is simply stupid. What was he thinking?
Thank you Sir Larry Mildew! (from "Letter B")
I have posted the picture at NIR.
Happy New Year to you as well!
Anonymous said...
Deception a non-issue? It's not if your putting your faith in Iamaphoney's claims that he's going to expose "Bill". I gave up putting stock in this guy's videos a long time ago too but a hoax like this is simply stupid. What was he thinking?
I think I see your point, but is this really that much worse than showing a clip of Ringo from the Anthology and saying "Our friend is gone" when everybody knows he was talking about Brian Epstein? Or is it worse than having a name like Iamaphoney?
I am surprised at those who are so certain that it's Stallone, but I admit it makes some sense that it could be him.
Tafultong...I think I see your point, but is this really that much worse than showing a clip of Ringo from the Anthology and saying "Our friend is gone" when everybody knows he was talking about Brian Epstein? Or is it worse than having a name like Iamaphoney?
You know that and I know that but do the majority of Iamaphoney's fans know that? He always takes interviews out of context and reedits them to make the participants look like they're talking about PID but this goes right over the heads of the fans who believe it. At some point you would think that he would start to develop a guilty conscience about letting these things go out there and if Iamaphoney is serious about PID he's not doing the PID community any favors with stunts like this.
I think a big mystery here is Iamaphoney's motive. I don't know if he is serious about PID. I am convinced that he is serious about his music. I am convinced that he has invested a hell of a lot of time and money in his videos.
And I swear to you that I am still struggling with this apparent acceptance that it is Stallone in the video. Please don't take that as an insult if you happen to be of that opinion.
I don't see Stallone either. It just looks like a pic of Paul at the end.
No big revelation and I could've lived without seeing another video with some guy singing "he'll be dead he'll be dead..people are waiting" on top of it. If you're a McCartney fan that has to be a little upsetting, no?
Stop being the litmus test!
If you play the track backwards, you will hear a close approximation of the lyrics and tune to "Let It Be" much more clearly than you see the face at the end (if I may merge senses). I believe that is why the lyrics are what they are.
I think a big mystery here is Iamaphoney's motive.
As someone else pointed out here a long time ago, in one of the RA videos IAAP has a collage of Crowley images from pop culture. One of the photos is from a Michael Jackson album cover but it's not Crowley. It's P.T. Barnum. Either this was another mistake by IAAP or he was showing his hand. :0
I just love reversals.
Speaking of reversing things, here is a little known fact.
The final version of the Sgt Pepper cover was manipulated after the photos were shot.
The original wax figures of the four Beatles were smiling and happy and later changed so they appear sad on the cover.
There are better photos of the shoot out there, here is one for quick reference, just zoom in on the black and white. You'll get a good look at the George wax figure here.
Sgt Pepper Cover and Photo
Taf said I don't know if he is serious about PID.
He could be like the famous Uberkind (remember him?).
He admitted he wasn't serious about PID but he had a lot of fun.
The twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Twelve lords a-leaping
Maybe the big "revelation" was in the lyrics:
He'll be dead, he'll be dead...
'cause there are people waiting
I hope not, but maybe so. I do enjoy these little song reversals.
If IAAP doesn't really want to kill Paul I can understand why he wouldn't want to confuse people and jump the g- ...show his hand like that. LOL
IT is The BRAIN photo? what about that?
The final version of the Sgt Pepper cover was manipulated after the photos were shot.
The original wax figures of the four Beatles were smiling and happy and later changed so they appear sad on the cover.
Is there any validity to this? The wax figures look the same to me in the outtake and the official shot.
ram on, PEPPER!
Anonymous said...
IT is The BRAIN photo? what about that?
Ah yes, the old pineal gland. The fake mustache is in there as well.
I always thought that the salient point of the video was the mirrored Anthology cover. For a while I thought that it was only thing that wasn't already in an Iamaphoney video, but then I found it in another one. Don't remember which one.
I might have missed the partial face at the end because my video player cuts off quickly, but it wouldn't surprise me if that was in another video as well.
The original wax figures of the four Beatles were smiling and happy and later changed so they appear sad on the cover.
More lies. As a matter of fact, the actual wax heads from the shoot were sold at auction recently. I've seen them and none of the faces were altered in the final photo. Google is your friend.
Download and zoom in on the photo if your browser doesn't allow it, Firefox does zoom with a plugin. The happy Beatles waxworks.
Once again, the actual wax heads from the photo shoot were sold at auction and you can find the pics of them on the net. The actual wax heads look exactly the same today as they did on the cover.
Yeah, the wax faces look the same, except Paul, who is smiling in the original wax version. He's smiling on the cover, but you don't see his teeth. This could be because his head is tilting down that you don't see the teeth. Different wig, too.
I'm more interested in the explanation behind the alternate drumhead.
Was one of those wax heads the one involved in that train caper a little while ago?
Two drum head designs were commissioned. You can see why they went with the one they did. The other one looks kind of crappy.
Sylvester Stalone, eh?
These people get more wacky by the day..
I'm more interested in the explanation behind the alternate drumhead.
Because when you're putting out an album by a major rock band you don't just go with the first thing amyone comes up with. You give yourself options.
Yeah like red or black roses.
Yeah like red or black roses.
wacky by the day . . .
Having perused the thousands upon thousands of posts at NIR (not actually reading them all, of course), it seems likely that, beyond morbid fan obsession, the enterprise is definitely an obsession or compulsion (or both) irrespective of the subject. The sheer number of tangents and minutiae involved, very little of which has anything to do with the forensic issue whether Paul died, is a pretty good example of hypergraphia in action: the compulsion to write. The subject matter is secondary: no matter what topic comes up, or how trivial, someone will post reams of information pertaining to it (although I'm sure much of it is cut and pasted). The only sane and profitable way to get at whether Paul is dead (in the real world outside of such forums)would be to do actual detective work (interviewing or questioning music industry or other relevant witnesses for starters), not study song lyrics or album covers for supposedly helpful clues from the perpetrators.
I tend to think the clue seeking is basically just a fun thing for Beatle fans. It's also kind of a stream of consciousness or improvisational thing. You throw this clue at me, I'll feedback with mine. Maybe it's just an elaborate form of gossip or telephone tag.
If the original whispered message is "Paul is Dead," you can bet the telephone tag will end up with something like "What is the superstone and its connection to Egypt and Sly Stallone"?
Anyway, that's my own hypergraphia for the night.
Yeah like red or black roses.
Yeah but that was for a scene in a homemade obviously surrealistic movie made for TV and shown in Black & White. The black carnation (I believe it is a carnation) is a fun clue, for sure, and maybe the best of the lot. But having two drum heads when someone like Peter Blake is doing what he knows is a major photo shoot is not unusual in the least. They didn't have digital cameras then to test shoot--color schemes are important, so you have to have back up. Even today, I've seen TV and film shoots where they try everything dozens of ways when it ends up being two seconds of screen time.
The other drum head makes the "He Die" clue seem less mysterious to me. If they only had one you could say 'it had to be that one, 'cause it was designed to be mirrored.'
But doesn't the word "hearts" always mirror to 'he die' the way CODE can look like "clue"?
IN other words, whether intentional or not, wouldn't it be impossible to use the word HEARTS without it looking like 'he die' in a mirror? I just wrote it on a piece of paper and mirrored it, and it still looks like He Die.
Anonymous wrote:
IN other words, whether intentional or not, wouldn't it be impossible to use the word HEARTS without it looking like 'he die' in a mirror? I just wrote it on a piece of paper and mirrored it, and it still looks like He Die.
Actually Iamaphoney made the point that the newer version of the drum that was used in the promotion for "Love" had a slightly different font style. When mirrored, it actually looks like "He Bie."
I've often read PID fans mention that the group made up the phrase "lonely hearts club" SPECIFICALLY so it would mirror "he die". So much has been lost to history in this rapidly accelerating culture that one needs to reminded that a "lonely hearts club" was a common cultural cliche in the mid 20th century (and there were indeed lonely hearts clubs...think of them as match.com before the internet). It's not an unusual concept. Blakes idea of having it filled with famous people you would never think of as lonely was the real masterstroke of the design.
When mirrored, it actually looks like "He Bie."
Well drop the "e" and we get into the Paul is gay material again and the hussies will hound you if you say he may have been bi or gay before 1966. :)
Having perused the thousands upon thousands of posts at NIR (not actually reading them all, of course), it seems likely that, beyond morbid fan obsession, the enterprise is definitely an obsession or compulsion (or both) irrespective of the subject. The sheer number of tangents and minutiae involved, very little of which has anything to do with the forensic issue whether Paul died, is a pretty good example of hypergraphia in action: the compulsion to write. The subject matter is secondary: no matter what topic comes up, or how trivial, someone will post reams of information pertaining to it (although I'm sure much of it is cut and pasted). The only sane and profitable way to get at whether Paul is dead (in the real world outside of such forums)would be to do actual detective work (interviewing or questioning music industry or other relevant witnesses for starters), not study song lyrics or album covers for supposedly helpful clues from the perpetrators.
I tend to think the clue seeking is basically just a fun thing for Beatle fans. It's also kind of a stream of consciousness or improvisational thing. You throw this clue at me, I'll feedback with mine. Maybe it's just an elaborate form of gossip or telephone tag.
If the original whispered message is "Paul is Dead," you can bet the telephone tag will end up with something like "What is the superstone and its connection to Egypt and Sly Stallone"?
Anyway, that's my own hypergraphia for the night.
Great post and when they've been challenged to launch a proper investigation they always back down, presumably because they know in their gut the fun would quickly end.
It's also convenient to make the Beatles a subject of a worldwide cabal because they no longer exist. There have been a few attempts to link rappers like Jay-Z to the illuminati but this is neber followed up on, probably out of fear of angry rap fans.
broke the stone
break the glass
"fear of angry rap fans."
The symbology is there, although a little too heavy, too quick.
It is obvious that that is a photo of Paul at the end. Sylvester Stallone!? Cmon people. Wake up!
Anonymous CultureBat said...
broke the stone
break the glass
January 6, 2009 10:24 PM
You ain't fooling me! I know that is you Miles!
Hometown: Sweetheart
you broke the stone
now break the glass
with what?
stoner soup
soup in a glass? living dangerously......
oh god
a la The Holy Mountain (1973) by Alejandro Jodorowsky
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