As a result of his historic announcement, I immediately sprang into two courses of action. I packaged and sent him a piece of Ringo memorabilia postmarked before October 20 and produced a video that I will never live down. If I were a smarter person, I would have removed the video as soon as I sobered up, but I left it up just to remind myself that humility is a virtue. It also serves as a constant reminder that I should not take myself too seriously and neither should you. I must say that I have warm feelings not only toward those who suggested that they could hear what I thought I heard in the background of Ringo's video, but also those who took great effort to break it to me gently that I might have been out of my mind. It humbles me that a cyber-identity could be the recipient of that kind of love.
But a bigger mystery than the Paul Is Dead rumor is why hasn't the press and public given Ringo Starr that kind of love? Ringo has always been gracious to his fans. Particularly through his website, he has offered fans glimpses of his personality and inside information about his activities in such a relaxed and unassuming manner, that regular viewers could feel an intimacy that is rare for a recording artist of his stature. Paul has followed his lead in recent years, but Ringo was the real internet pioneer.
It was that feeling of intimacy that caused people like me to think something was terribly wrong when he made his "no more signing items" statement. I remember some people at the time suggesting that he must have been making the statement under duress. To make matters worse, the press coverage of his public relations faux pas prompted a rash of YouTube videos from people who had never purchased any of his albums announcing that they would continue their policy of never purchasing any of his albums. It was even disheartening to see some of Ringo's defenders saying things like, "He's retired--leave him alone," when in fact he had been one of the most prolific recording artists of the last two years.
The press was even worse. Ringo never said he wouldn't ever sign an autograph again. He just said he wouldn't return items sent to him. That's all. He apparently was sick of taking the time to sign and mail back items that ended up on Ebay within a week. Who can blame him for that? On top of that, he even gave fans a warning with a window of opportunity to get things signed. That is above and beyond the call or duty.
Now, Ringo has resumed his video updates on his website. He has been nominated for a Grammy award. He may even be working on a new album. But the press still appears to be clueless as evidenced by the examples below:

Fortunately thanks to YouTube and Steve Marinucci of the Examiner, we are learning that Ringo is making good on his promise to sign items that arrived by his deadline of October 20, 2008.

As I indicated earlier, I sent Ringo Starr an item with an autograph request before the October 20 deadline. I used an address that I got from an Iamphoney video.

Imagine my excitement when my self addressed stamped envelope showed up in my mailbox today. Inside I found my item complete with the addition of Ringo's signature. I am incredibly happy, but not at all surprised. I knew that he would make good on his promise to his fans, no matter how bad the press had treated him. As Bonnie Jo Mason said many years ago, "Ringo, I love you, yeah, yeah, yeah." I now possess an autographed item from the greatest rock and roll drummer of all time and it ain't ever gonna be on Ebay during my lifetime! Thank you, Ringo.

Some new Iamaphoney-inspired videos have appeared on YouTube.
Just a good, uh replica by S3ANL3NN0N
Paul is dead 4 - Foot size tells all by WilliamShearsCampbel
Paul is Sleepy - 3 - Iamaphoney share the kookies! by iamafunny
Thats awesome, Taf.
Don't you go throwing that relic on eBay now ;)
very cool taf!
Yeah very cool and it's on Ringo's comeback CD "Time Takes Time".
Yeah the press ate Ringo alive over this and the PIDders thought Ringo was being held captive by the Illuminati...
Turns out quite a few unsavory characters were making a mint on Ebay off Ringo's back. I'd stop signing too.!
He had to take time off to make Iamaphoney videos.
Ringo is mutha Fffing back yo! In your face h8terzs!!!!!
Ringo quit signing because of all you suitcase eBay playas!
Just keeping it real! Yo hat8erZs!
He completes us!
keeping it real, ol skool suitcase eBay, starts again tonight.
going to hide another suitcase. going to video it,
I DARE myself to find it in the cold light of day! Sober!
I DARE myself to find it in the cold light of day! Sober!
January 20, 2009 10:40 PM
I travel by covered wagon. Drinking is mandatory.
That is way cool Taf! So great to hear that you got it back and that he is holding up his end. It does suck that all the press he has gotten has been negative. Too bad they won't report on the good in this situation... Time does take time though has changed their account a whole bunch...
I know it's just a dream, but I thought it would be cool if he RETURNED to "The Simpsons", saying it was Homer's fault for putting one of Marge's Ringo Paintings on eBay!
The time is now for next level, if there is indeed a level that is next.
Time travel
All of this amid a long string of running gags and almost-impossible coincidences.
my vote is next level too...
All of this amid a long string of running gags and almost-impossible coincidences.
Where Beatles are concerned, a group that is both heard, discussed, and mentioned daily in ordinary life and in countless media outlets, coincidences will ensue.
almost impossible coincidence??????
That would depend on how you define "coincidence".
The coincidences surrounding the Beatles are more then just mere happenstance.
beatles; lets be a
I think not!
The coincidences surrounding Iamaphoney, Pupil Copenhagen and Martin Lind are more then just mere happenstance.
Can this all be blamed on a guy in a band? Either McCartney or Lind, can it all be the fff'ing bass player?
Bass players are shifty Fff'ing bastards. Can't trust them with your girlfriends, your wallet, or your god blessed conspiracy.
Notice how their "bass solo's" SUCK?
Notice how they are always bragging up the damn conspiracies they are involved in?
Loose lips sink ships you damn bass players!
yeah, bass solos suck...
googled the "best bass solos of all time"
Read em and weap you bastards...
1)Hugh McDonald - Keep The Faith
2) Cliff Burton - Anesthesia
3) Flea - Give It Away
4) John Deacon - Under Pressure
5)Geddy Lee - YYZ
6) Les Claypool - John the Fisherman
7) Mattias Bernvall - Hate to Say I Told You So
8) Bernard Edwards - Good Times
9) Geddy Lee - Show Me Don't Tell Me
10) Lee Sklar - The Pretender
I rest my case.
Bass players are incapable of conspiracies. OR SOLO's
oh yeah??!?!?
He is MORE then capable of pulling off any conspiracy he could possibly think of to cheat death! EVEN FAKING HIS OWN DEATH AND KEEPING THE RUMOR ALIVE!!!!
I rest my case...
Line of the night...
He wrote Hey Jude! It says "IAMAPHONEY" when you play it backwards!
I rest my SUITCASE!
Notice how Iamaphoney still has the suitcase videos up... Think that isn't coming back?
With a vengence!
Berlin Suitcase - In Circulation
Iamaphoney has pretty good circulation...
Jenz does.
That's because the suitcase is ready to come back, when someone plays the magic christian album backwards....
Oh yeah Mr. Smarty Pants?
The where is the CERN suitcase video, huh? IT IS GONE!
The next level time machine took it.
was there a Rome suitcase?
No, only the Los Angeles suitcase, and the Berlin suitcase.
googled the "best bass solos of all time"
Bass solos? Those songs are like phrases, not solos.
I defy you to write a better song then Paul McCartney.
If he can write a catchy tune, he can fake his own death.
The red hot chilli peppers could beat up the beatles
Yes because most of the beatles are dead!
But could the red hot chili peppers beat up the Red Hot Sgt. Peppers???
Anthony Kiedis will not shut up about Paul is Dead. Flea is a little more cool about it. Get him alone and he won't shut up about it either.
I am playing this game, called "crazy or bluetooth".
When you walk down the street determine if the person talking loudly to themselves is either bat crazy or talking to themselves.
After you get good, come back here and test your skills...
So... Crazy or Bluetooth?
"Anthony Kiedis will not shut up about Paul is Dead. Flea is a little more cool about it. Get him alone and he won't shut up about it either.
January 21, 2009 9:34 PM"
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
But could the red hot chili peppers beat up the Red Hot Sgt. Peppers???
January 21, 2009 9:32 PM"
Anonymous said...
I defy you to write a better song then Paul McCartney.
If he can write a catchy tune, he can fake his own death.
January 21, 2009 9:29 PM
"Anonymous said...
googled the "best bass solos of all time"
Bass solos? Those songs are like phrases, not solos.
January 21, 2009 9:29 PM"
Anonymous said...
The next level time machine took it.
January 21, 2009 9:26 PM
" Anonymous said...
Notice how Iamaphoney still has the suitcase videos up... Think that isn't coming back?
With a vengence!
Berlin Suitcase - In Circulation
January 21, 2009 9:20 PM"
Anonymous said...
I DARE myself to find it in the cold light of day! Sober!
January 20, 2009 10:40 PM
I travel by covered wagon. Drinking is mandatory.
January 20, 2009 10:41 PM
" Anonymous said...
oh yeah??!?!?
He is MORE then capable of pulling off any conspiracy he could possibly think of to cheat death! EVEN FAKING HIS OWN DEATH AND KEEPING THE RUMOR ALIVE!!!!
I rest my case...
January 21, 2009 9:16 PM"
Anonymous said...
All of this amid a long string of running gags and almost-impossible coincidences.
January 21, 2009 6:00 PM
" Anonymous said...
yeah, bass solos suck...
January 21, 2009 9:10 PM"
Bass solos suck!
How do you tell if a bass is actually dead?
Hold out a check
(but don't be fooled: a slight, residual spasmodic clutching action may occur even hours after death has occurred).
Someone try it!
How do you tell if a bass PLAYER is actually dead?
How dare you!
Hey! You got CRAZY in my bluetooth!
Damn you batman...
We are all made of stars
No one cares about the suitcase I have... and that's a good thing.
Suitcases can't hold much.
As talented as he may be, Paul McCartney, live or dead, could not fit himself into one. a-hahaha-ah
"Miles Denton Oliver said...
No one cares about the suitcase I have... and that's a good thing.
Suitcases can't hold much.
As talented as he may be, Paul McCartney, live or dead, could not fit himself into one. a-hahaha-ah
January 22, 2009 1:35 AM"
That is why there are so many suitcases, for like Osiris, torn asunder and scattered with the wind, when returned whole to hold up the roof of the world.
Anonymous said...
That is why there are so many suitcases, for like Osiris, torn asunder and scattered with the wind, when returned whole to hold up the roof of the world.
January 22, 2009 1:54 AM
I wish I had a suitcase... sigh...
Anonymous said...
I wish I had a suitcase... sigh...
January 22, 2009 1:56 AM
Miles Denton Oliver said...
"No one cares about the suitcase I have..."
No, no one cares about any of the "clues" you "have".
no one cares about phonyclues anyway
what abou non-phoney clues? surely they exist
I wish SOMEONE had some non-phoney clues... sigh...
Now would be the time that Miles should spring some suitcase action here, bust a move, poppin'& lockin
I triple dog dare you Miles Denton Oliver... It's the way John Wayne would have done it...Step up and knock this one out of the park!
Break out the black bat leather suitcase Miles. For Mia Melodies is far from over my friends. It has only just begun!
Is there any possible way we can work Merry Melodies into this? I really enjoy those old Bugs Bunny cartoons. You guys effortlessly worked Popeye in to the PID myth so what about Bugs and Daffy.
Th-th-that's all folks!
Please. No...
The Loony Tunes/PID connections are inescapable. Take, for instance, Bugs Bunny-- a rabbit--a clear reference to Alice and the White Rabbit. Bugs, with his wise cracking charm and ambiguous genitalia, is also a type of McCartney figure. Like Paul, Bugs is ambidextrous. Porky "Political" Piggy speaks for itself. Elmer Fudd is Bungalow Bill the hunter, seeking to snuff out the white rabbit (Paul) with his "warm gun." The impression left by Bugs Bunnys' body upon impact is a symbol of the shadow or replacement/clone of Paul. "Thaaaaat's all folks" is believed to be Paul's last words, echoed in the refrain "We hope you have enjoyed the show."
Mel Blanc, who did the bulk of the character's voices, was known as the "Man of a Thousand Voices," referenced slyly by Paul in Fool on the Hill. Like Mel, Paul and John were influenced heavily by cartoon voices, witnessed by Lennon's "cowboy" and other impressions. Paul demonstrates his Yosemite Sam rebel yell at the end of "Jet," and of course his hiccup take of Woody Woodpecker in the intro to "Helter Skelter" (yeah, yeah, yeah, ye-he-HA-ah--which is also a reference to yhshva).
Iamaphoney has got nothing on the "Simpsons are freemasons/Simpson predicted 9/11" videos. Geez, there are a lot of these on YouTube. And here I thought Family Guy was the NWO/Illuminati show.
it has begun.
the audio, from my vid nothing is real 141, is muted. :|
hello again Tafultong,
Here is Mark and Dennis again.
Thank you for your reply to our channelcount comment. Where is Nederland, Denmark?
We know the Nederlands and Denmark are to different countries in Europe, but Nederland, Denmark, what is that? We wonder why some people here thought that we were from there, where ever it is. Can't find in on google. Anyway, we have a new question. Can you tell us what this is? Can it be a fake account and if it is why is Ringo, Denny Laine, Sean Lennon, The Beatles, Giles Martin, Arthur Baker and Pauls other account among its friends?
Thanks in advance,
M and D
they borrowed a lot from IAAP.
they borrowed a lot from IAAP.
what did they borrow? I wouldn't put my money in their CD. uuaaarrggg
Mark and Dennis asked:
Anyway, we have a new question. Can you tell us what this is? Can it be a fake account and if it is why is Ringo, Denny Laine, Sean Lennon, The Beatles, Giles Martin, Arthur Baker and Pauls other account among its friends?
I don't know the answer to the Nederland, Denmark question, but for the second question, it is not unusual for the people who maintain fan sites to routinely accept all friend requests. Then the bogus site will list the high profile people as top friends, but the bogus people won't be listed as top friends on the artists' sites.
There are a few MySpace sites around with the usual suspects, like this one and this one.
Anonymous said...
they borrowed a lot from IAAP.
what did they borrow? I wouldn't put my money in their CD. uuaaarrggg
January 23, 2009 4:12 AM
well, if you would have watched the vid, you would have known ;)
hello again Tafultong,
Here is Mark and Dennis again.
Thank you for your reply to our channelcount comment. Where is Nederland, Denmark?
We know the Nederlands and Denmark are to different countries in Europe, but Nederland, Denmark, what is that? We wonder why some people here thought that we were from there, where ever it is. Can't find in on google. Anyway, we have a new question. Can you tell us what this is? Can it be a fake account and if it is why is Ringo, Denny Laine, Sean Lennon, The Beatles, Giles Martin, Arthur Baker and Pauls other account among its friends?
Thanks in advance,
M and D
No offense guys but you really should brush up on your English skills if you're a senior in high school? C'mon you must be much younger than you're letting on.
sorry, dude, you might want to apply for a job at our school, what is wrong with our spelling, we are doing our best (at least mark is), sorry if you are dispointed.
love is a flower
the power for within
keep on playing those mind games together
faith in the future, outta the now
you just can't beat on those mind guerillas
absolute elsewhere, in the stones of your mind
we've been playing those mind games forever
projecting our images in space and in time
yes is the answer, it's mirrored in your soul
and yes is surrender, the messages are whole
so keep on playing those mind games together
doing the ritual, dance in the sun
millions of mind guerillas
putting their soul power to the carmic wheel
playing those mind games forever
raising the spirit of peace and love
to, you...
i want you to make love, not war
Mind Games, alternate take.`
I am watching a movie about a woman who has a pussy full of teeth.
Better post a new one, Taf. Else I just keep on posting comments on pussy-mouth-horror-movies (an untouched medium - thus far).
hello again Tafultong,
Here is Mark and Dennis again.
Thank you for your reply to our channelcount comment. Where is Nederland, Denmark?
We know the Nederlands and Denmark are to different countries in Europe, but Nederland, Denmark, what is that? We wonder why some people here thought that we were from there, where ever it is. Can't find in on google. Anyway, we have a new question. Can you tell us what this is? Can it be a fake account and if it is why is Ringo, Denny Laine, Sean Lennon, The Beatles, Giles Martin, Arthur Baker and Pauls other account among its friends?
Thanks in advance,
M and D
No offense guys but you really should brush up on your English skills if you're a senior in high school? C'mon you must be much younger than you're letting on.
I seriously have a hard time believing some of you guys believe this kind of's way to easy to mess with the people that read this stuff.
I seriously have a hard time believing some of you guys believe this kind of's way to easy to mess with the people that read this stuff.
January 24, 2009 7:41 AM
their BS meter is prob. broken.
No short-haired yellow-bellied son of tricky Dicky's gonna mother-hubbard soft-soap me with just a pocket full of hope
Money for dope
Money for rope
They very well could be high school students. Open your minds......
Anyway, we have a new question. Can you tell us what this is? Can it be a fake account and if it is why is Ringo, Denny Laine, Sean Lennon, The Beatles, Giles Martin, Arthur Baker and Pauls other account among its friends?
Thank you for the fake question. We're used to fake stuff around here, it's a hallmark of PID and RA. Anyway, I suppose that question is to feed suspicions that the fake accounts are in some way connected to real Beatle insiders, to give Phoney more credibility, since he has none. Here's what you do. Make a friend request for Sean Lennon, and there is a good chance the administrator, who actually runs the site, will add you as a friend! This works for many celebrities and even major stars. I'm MySpace friends with a lot of big names. It's fun and easy. Try it!
I find it odd these Naughty Girls start walking backwards in their music videos after reading McCartney's diary.
Since High school students are frequenting this blog, we should all avoid the swearing or the drug references from now on.
For we all know, teenagers dont swear, and they sure as hell dont do drugs!
High schoolzers just here? hell, you can tell everyday when school gets out with the comments they leave. The damn high schoolzers have been here for a long time
"The damn high schoolzers have been here for a long time
January 24, 2009 2:20 PM"
ah ah ah! now now! it should read
"the d!mn high schoolzers have been here for a long time"
"For we all know, teenagers dont swear, and they sure as hell dont do drugs!
January 24, 2009 2:18 PM"
then why do they call them HIGH schoolers?
then why do they call them HIGH schoolers?
January 24, 2009 2:22 PM
ah ah ah! now now!
it should read
"then why do they call them H!GH schoolers?"
do i have to use "!"
cant i use the old "*"?
so instead of sh!t
which looks like an upside down i
and the kids will know what the word is
it would be "sh*t",
which the kids wont be able to figure out what word i mean
"then why do they call them H!GH schoolers?"
January 24, 2009 2:22 PM
I know what you are trying to say, because the ! looks like an upside down i. As a h*gh schooler who doesnt use profanity and doesnt use dr*gs, please dont subject me to exposure to profanity or drugs, use the star(*) not the !
" please dont subject me to exposure to profanity or drugs, use the star(*) not the !
January 24, 2009 2:28 PM"
ah ah ah! now now!
it should read
" please dont subject me to exposure to profanity or dr!gs, use the star(*) not the !
you are in league with the devil
! nazi
pure satanistic clap trap,
I am impervious to it
Hello. Let me also come forward as someone who supplied clues to Iamaphoney, specifically clues from the Beatles saturday morning cartoon series. He used a few in his videos I think and I did not expect any credit for them but in the list I sent him he never used the best one. In the episode "No Reply" the group match wits with a Japanese disguise artist named Anyface and to confuse the Beatles he transforms into an exact replica of Paul. The cartoon aired on Christmas morning 1965 and in light of the Paul Is Dead craze would be of more interest now than when it was first broadcast.
I personally do not believe Paul is dead or has a secret double running around but I get a kick out of the mythology of the story however grim it might appear and was happy to contribute to the fun.
Nice blog by the way
I gave Iamaphoney the barefoot clue he used in RA73. The Book of the Law barefoot clue. Now some idiot "iamafunny" is claiming he came up with it. I just want everyone to know it was me.
Let's just see how many other clues iamaphoney uses. All of them I bet. Then "iamafunny" will claim them.
"Eddie" Haskell better watch out!
GEORGE KUSH is getting measured for a Lawsuit! In case you had not noticed, the ideas were his to begin with!
Nice Blog by the way!
"GEORGE KUSH is getting measured for a Lawsuit!"
What is he, about 5footCRAZY???
Anonymous said...
Hello. Let me also come forward as someone who supplied clues to Iamaphoney, specifically clues from the Beatles saturday morning cartoon series. He used a few in his videos I think and I did not expect any credit for them but in the list I sent him he never used the best one. In the episode "No Reply" the group match wits with a Japanese disguise artist named Anyface and to confuse the Beatles he transforms into an exact replica of Paul. The cartoon aired on Christmas morning 1965 and in light of the Paul Is Dead craze would be of more interest now than when it was first broadcast.
I personally do not believe Paul is dead or has a secret double running around but I get a kick out of the mythology of the story however grim it might appear and was happy to contribute to the fun.
Nice blog by the way
January 24, 2009 3:58 PM
"For we all know, teenagers dont swear, and they sure as hell dont do drugs!
January 24, 2009 2:18 PM"
They did when I was in H*gh school!
Last year....
We also did the s!x
Ouch! I'm sorry if it seemed like I was bragging. I just thought it would be fun to pass that information along about the cartoon to your readers.
I'm not Eddie Haskell lol
however curiously 1969 was a big year for death rumors. The very same year that Paul was rumored to be dead, Jerry Mathers who played Beaver Cleaver on Leave It To Be Beaver was rumored to have been killed in Vietnam and the actor who played Eddie Haskell (his name escapes me) was rumored to have become an adult film star. Neither was at all true but the stories persist to this day. Also in 1969 there were numerous reports of various Little Rascals being dead but they were untrue too.
Time it was and what a time it was as Simon and Garfunkel sang.
That anyface clip is great. Two Pauls! Speaking of drugs, I am on muscle relaxers. Two Pauls! Groovy.
Angel In Disguise
magillnancy sounds suicidal, iamafunny gained back all his weight and his wife dropped a computer monitor on his head, this group is crazy! WTF happened to PID? Insanity...
Same sh!t different day......
And you wonder why Ringo wont sign stuff anymore? These people are wacked!
Anonymous said...
Angel In Disguise
Tom Petty said there is no way that Ringo will ever release this song. I wonder why.
so ask him
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