The account started December 19, 2008 and has produced two videos:
Paul McCartney Rewrites History, AGAIN
Paul is Dead - ? - The Voice of William
I received this message from FAULofHistory:
"William" from the Netherlands
Dec 13th, 2008
During an interview with Joseph Niezgoda, author of the book
The Lennon Prophecy, someone named "William" calls on the international line
13 minutes and 13 seconds into the interview.
Care to guess who "William" may be?
The "One Out" is iamawhich. I was one of the recipients of this message from the iamawitch account, which is now closed:
This accounts (iamawhich) days are numbered
Paul is Dead - 1 - Yoko Ono and the Number 9
A copyright owner has claimed it owns some or all of the content in your video. We regret to inform you that your video has been blocked from playback due to this rights issue.
Thank you all for the 7,087 views!
This accounts days are numbered, thank you all for watching!
See you on the other side...
Sent to: 20mojo20, aiiofthemwitches, andregrandier, appalcore, beatleslove88, byrdsmaniac, carlosbonds2513, daycron66, dvs1572, faulconandsnowjob, felipegcs, felolobos, goo3joob, grandfatheraleister, hammerjackson, harlotthewitch, ihi666, ispeakthetruth25, itstimenow1, kubrickkey, magillnancy, mariomariojr32, mikeynl1038, mrgordo1997, mst3kct
In other news, there seems to be some misconceptions about the origin of this picture:

The image appeared (exclusively as far as I know) in an Iamaphoney video that is still readily available called a Lie Adds Up - son king 0911 281 F:

Speaking of something that adds up, YouKnowMyName231 has a new video called Gematria.

1 – 200 of 309 Newer› Newest»My Bad. Miles posted that still on his blog claiming it could be (or was) phoney, and when asked where it was from, he said it was from the video that Taf removed from this blog at the request of Phoney (Superstone). Nevertheless, the picture does resemble Roag Best. I guess the question is, who did Phoney mean for it to represent, himself or one of the crew, or someone else entirely? Why is it there and what does it mean?
Why is it there and what does it mean?
I ask myself that with every video IAAP puts up.:)
It must be bothering him though because he's blocking FAULofhistory's video responses. Hmmmm...
I would just ask Roag Best. Go to the Pete Best forum and join up. Ask around.
I would just ask Roag Best. Go to the Pete Best forum and join up. Ask around.
January 4, 2009 10:36 PM
Tha sounds simple, but if he is part of IAAP, he ain't going to tell.
That would undermine his schedule, wouldn't it?
You are all brain-fucked...
When Miles posted that still, it was the night of 1000 comments, and he was supposedly drinking. Maybe he got confused as to which video he saved it from. LOL
Hi Miles
and not in fan-way, maybe a you seem to be posting here 5 minutes ago way.
Well it's better than sitting around and endlessly speculating. I've seen this happen over and over again. Someone gets an idea and it's talked about for two days on here and that's it and it's forgotten and we move on to the next theory.
There are three people who make up Iamaphoney.
Do you figure Pete and Neil's childhood was like that of Harry and Lloyd in "Dumb and Dumberer"? Lloyd tells Harry that his mom is putting the moves on him and that he is going to be Harry's new Daddy?
Lloyd: "Your mom just totally made a move on me. I'm going to be your new Daddy."
Harry: "Shut up Neil! No you're not!"
Lloyd: "Don't you take that tone with me mister! I will turn this car around!"
Harry: "Shut up Neil! No you're not!"
Oops! That was suppose to be "Shut up Lloyd!" LOL
Do you men think that Iamaphoney is in the book of revelations? Do you think he is connected to jesus?
Do you men think that Iamaphoney is in the book of revelations? Do you think he is connected to jesus?
January 4, 2009 11:23 PM
From Jesus to Paul.
There are three people who make up Iamaphoney.
January 4, 2009 11:07 PM
Of course there are. And you can confirm this how?
It is NOT a stupid idea, and I am not a retard. MikeNL clearly is GFA. I'm sick and tired of every contribution I make to the comments on this blog being met with comments that I'm stupid. You're clueless, not me.
My Bad. Miles posted that still on his blog claiming it could be (or was) phoney, and when asked where it was from, he said it was from the video that Taf removed from this blog at the request of Phoney (Superstone).
I never said that or anything close to that.
Anonymous said...
There are three people who make up Iamaphoney.
January 4, 2009 11:07 PM
There are three sides to the story...
Yours, mine, and the cold hard truth.
I got that still from the same "readily available" a Lie Adds Up - son king 0911
281 F.
I put it on my blog with the question; "Who is this person?" (or something like that.)
Mike was only one who left a comment.
on that new FAULofHistory vid,@5:05 the clip shows "the actor" walking away from a building at CERN that says "33 Reception 33" above the door.
so there's the "33" again mentioned in the YKMN and grandfatheraleister videos.
So iaap/ykmn/gfa/FAULofHistory are showing these "33's" why?
Why the 33?????????
There is no such thing as coincidence?
That what you were thinking of saying?
Someone we know may say that, yes.
faul of his story
from Taf's last post
Anonymous said...
Iamaphoney we know you are whaledreamers. Why waste time making little videos to answer comments when you can just post here in about 2 seconds?
January 4, 2009 10:39 PM
I agree, that new FAULofHistory video has a WHALE song in it starting @0:44, and the host of coast to coast is LAUGHING. Sounds like the host IAN PUNNET is in on the conspiracy that FAULofHistory is Whaledreamers (Julian Lennon) by playing that whale song.
Anybody got a freaking score card here to keep track of all these people?
whats the point anyways...
they're just aliasses.
miles is roag? is that correct?
miles is roag? is that correct?
January 5, 2009 6:07 AM
that is correct
that's somewhat interesting....
Miles/MIAMelodies is Roag Best.
Youknowmyname231/JohnCharles2007/Jude/FAULofHistory is Julian Lennon.
Grandfatheraleister is Mike.
Mike is some guy from the Netherlands.
Iamaphoney is...? But is known to have worked with Neil Aspinall and Roag Best to create the RA series. RA series began when Ian/William sent a video collage of PID clues addressed to Neil Aspinall @ Apple HQ (as seen recently in the video "pid" by SUNKIN6). For whatever reason this caught Neil's interest and he decided to pay Ian/William a visit. Neil promises (and keeps on promising, until his death) an interview with Paul McCartney(which has always been Ian/William's main goal--to get Paul's attention). The RA series ensues. After Neil's death other individuals who until that point had only stood back and watched started to get involved. Now the whole thing is a mishmash of conflicting goals, with Ian/William in the middle of it, still determined as ever to get his interview with the man known as Paul McCartney.
My Bad. Miles posted that still on his blog claiming it could be (or was) phoney, and when asked where it was from, he said it was from the video that Taf removed from this blog at the request of Phoney (Superstone).
I never said that or anything close to that.
January 5, 2009 12:10 AM
Let me help. The picture was posted on Miles' blog, the comments about it were left here at Tafs blog within the Halloween post of 1031 comments:
Blogger Miles Denton Oliver said...
"A picture is worth a thousand words."
October 31, 2008 10:52 PM
Blogger Miles Denton Oliver said...
Visit my Blog damn it!
November 1, 2008 12:29 AM
Blogger i smell bullshit said...
Miles, Is that the pic from the video Taf posted that phoney asked him to remove?
November 1, 2008 12:38 AM
Anonymous Miles Denton Oliver said...
November 1, 2008 12:41 AM
As you can see, it was the fake Miles that said "yes". Name in blue, no Blogger icon.
You see how things can get confusing around here?
So, with Miles now vindicated, let's move on.
We now know that the video still of the "unknown person" was indeed from an official video of IAAP. He looks a lot like Roag Best.
Miles, any thoughts?
Tafultong, was or was not that photo of Roag Best in the video that IAAP asked you to take down?
Tafultong, was or was not that photo of Roag Best in the video that IAAP asked you to take down?
January 5, 2009 7:56 AM
Taf already answered that on the main page:
"The image appeared (exclusively as far as I know) in an Iamaphoney video that is still readily available called a Lie Adds Up - son king 0911 281 F."
Did Miles post a cameo of himself a one time, and did that image match that of Mr. Best? Real Q.
Anonymous said...
Tafultong, was or was not that photo of Roag Best in the video that IAAP asked you to take down?
The photo of Roag Best was from the current issue of Beatlefan.
The photo of the man from "Lie Adds Up - son king 0911 281 F" looks like an entirely different person to me, but I am no photo expert.
Neither photo was in the Superstone video, which consisted of clips from other Rotten Apple videos. The word MacGuffin comes to mind.
Why do people keep insisting that YKMN is Julian Lennon? He already revealed who he is--John Charles2007. And Jude has made clear in numerous posting wars that he can't stand John Charles, so unless it's all an act, highly doubtful they are one and the same.
The photo of the man from "Lie Adds Up - son king 0911 281 F" looks like an entirely different person to me, but I am no photo expert.
Neither photo was in the Superstone video, which consisted of clips from other Rotten Apple videos. The word MacGuffin comes to mind.
January 5, 2009 8:26 AM
Tafultong: I don't think MacGuffin applies here. Looks like an honest mistake to me; someone AGAIN believed they had a legitimate clue, based on the photo Miles posted, with the idea that it was from the Superstone video in which you removed at the request of phoney. If that was in fact the case, it would be of more interest. Nonetheless, the video still could be a clue . To say it "looks like an entirely different person to me" seems a little presumptuous. Don't be offended, but at times, when you comment on a particular subject of interest, as with this, you do so as to play it down a bit, but to not make it obvious that you are doing so; to plant a little seed of doubt which will stick in our minds. Such as: "looks like an entirely different person to me, BUT I AM NO PHOTO EXPERT."
....then you try to distract away from the topic even more by bringing up MacGuffin.
....then you try to distract away from the topic even more by bringing up MacGuffin.
January 5, 2009 8:59 AM
Just to clarify, I said that assuming you are saying that the person who brought the Miles still to our attention is using it as a distraction; MacGuffin.
mac guffin? that come with fries and a coke? can I super-size, please?
mac guffin? that come with fries and a coke? can I super-size, please?
January 5, 2009 9:32 AM
Sorry Mike, the Mac Guffin is not served in Holland.
Is MacGuffin wearing a wig?
Is MacGuffin wearing a wig?
January 5, 2009 9:39 AM
A fake mustache.
When I used the word MacGuffin, I was trying to reinforce the point that there is no footage in the Superstone video that cannot be found in other Iamaphoney videos. Some people have tried to make it sound like the video contains a revelation. The absent Superstone video is being used as a device to move the plot along, but it has no real significance. I had the video up for a few weeks before I was asked to take it down and I think Iamaphoney had it up even longer.
The suggestion that Superstone contained a revelation only benefits Iamaphoney. Nobody ever asked me not to share a "revelation," so if it did contain one, there would be nothing stopping me from reporting it here. It didn't.
Plus we all know that if I were to break my word and put up the Superstone video, some anonymous person would write in saying, "Tafultong edited the revelation part out of the video."
I wasn't born yesterday. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and if I had been born, he would have told me.
Mystax, in some Diptera, is a patch of bristles or hair, immediately above the mouth, on the lower part of the hypostoma, below the vibrissæ.
Naked, (pupa) not folliculated; (surface) glabrous.
So the fish eye view of the person who sort of looks like Roag Best is enough for some to conclude that he looks exactly the same, but PIAers are crazy if they believe that the pics and videos of Paul McCartney look like the very same person?
Sorry Mike, the Mac Guffin is not served in Holland.
January 5, 2009 9:37 AM
It's called a Royale with cheese.
More video magick to come here in PID land.
Joined: September 29, 2006
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Age: 26
Country: Netherlands
notice all the "xxx" at the end. kind of like xxxidneppa/appendixxx
Joined: September 29, 2006
Last Sign In: 6 days ago
Videos Watched: 1,372
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Channel Views: 456
Age: 26
Country: Netherlands
notice the country.
those netherlands kids have lots of time, lots of toys to make the videos!
wow ididnt know you could replace john travolta with a dutch kid in the movie pulp fiction use the blue screen. imaginne what else could be replaced with a good replica?
Hay kinetixxx, make mee a kahuna burger wile u R bak der wil ya? iz star-ving! bin smokin wid mee buds in amsterdamn ann i gotz de munchies big tiyme!
is kinetixxx part of the iamaphoney video editing team? is he xxxidneppa/mikeNL/gfa?
Notice how Mike has been mostly VERY absent from this blog since he was found out as GFA!!! He made one little comment complementing Tafultong on a good post. That's it. MikeNL, I used to like you until I found out you lied about your age. Don't appreciate the lying.....
Notice how Mike has been mostly VERY absent from this blog since he was found out as GFA!!! He made one little comment complementing Tafultong on a good post. That's it. MikeNL, I used to like you until I found out you lied about your age. Don't appreciate the lying.....
January 5, 2009 11:33 AM
Just curious, I have seen this here and at NIR, how was it proven that Mike lied about his age?
Don't appreciate the lying.....
January 5, 2009 11:33 AM
You must not be happy at all here. That is what the whole RA series is based on....lies.
"Just curious, I have seen this here and at NIR, how was it proven that Mike lied about his age?"
You will have to go back a few posts to an anonymous poster who found out that MikeNL uses the same internet handle for everything he does. Anonymous provided links to other non-PID-related accounts Mike has that proves he is in his 20s and homosexual (not that the homosexuality is relevant at all). It has been several days, and Mike has not refuted these accusations, nor has he refuted that he is GFA.
"You must not be happy at all here. That is what the whole RA series is based on....lies."
Are you calling Neil Aspinal a liar?
MikeNLs lack of comments on this subject is very telling. he used to comment at every opportunity, everywhere. Now he is strangely and very tellingly mute.
Fess up and come clean MikeNL about the deceptionistic practices you are engauged in.
I just messaged Mike and he said,
"Do what thou wilt"
what does this mean????
omg he is knee deep in the conspiracy! run lad! run away from these muck-amucks!
Are you calling Neil Aspinal a liar?
I'll field this one. First, we would like to see any shred of evidence that Neil Aspinall ever posted to NIR. The idea is ridiculous on its face to anyone other than NIR and PID people immersed in Beatle fantasies ("Mikey is Sean Lennon! IAAP is Paul!").
Even granting the fantasy that Paul died and Neil wanted to tell the world, you'd better believe he would have found a much more reputable (and lucrative) venue than a wacked-our conspiracy site whose members don't even trust each other half the time.
You will have to go back a few posts to an anonymous poster who found out that MikeNL uses the same internet handle for everything he does. Anonymous provided links to other non-PID-related accounts Mike has that proves he is in his 20s and homosexual (not that the homosexuality is relevant at all). It has been several days, and Mike has not refuted these accusations, nor has he refuted that he is GFA.
January 5, 2009 12:07 PM
That is not really proof of any kind. A few of those other accounts were mentioned here before, a little while ago during some razzing of Mike. Before you say anything, I am not a fan of Mike's. I believe he is part of IAAP, if not the ring leader, but I can't believe you would consider those other accounts as evidence toward his identity. After actually looking at those accounts, it became obvious to me that there are other MikeNL's, MikeyNl, etc., out there in internet land. Maybe he chose his ID for that reason.
Besides, why would he refute any of the accusations? He has tried before, only to be blown out of the water. Maybe he is actually learning that keeping quiet is sometimes the best move.
Silence is golden
and remember the golden rule, do onto others as you would like them to do onto you.
Silence is golden
and remember the golden rule, do onto others as you would like them to do onto you.
January 5, 2009 12:43 PM
Not to be knit-picky, but I wish to do nothing onto Mike.
It is "do unto others...." ;)
spelling nazi G-HAD!
it is not nice to call people nazi's! using your logic than, you would LIKe to be called the nazi!
Anonymous said...
it is not nice to call people nazi's! using your logic than, you would LIKe to be called the nazi!
January 5, 2009 12:51 PM
then not than....
LIKe should be like or LIKE
"called the nazi" should be "called a nazi"
Nazi should be capitalized.
I rest my case.
Mikey, why haven't you gotten the suitcase at CERN??? It's still there you know.
Are you a lawyer? Why are you always resting your case?
"Anonymous said...
Mikey, why haven't you gotten the suitcase at CERN??? It's still there you know.
January 5, 2009 12:55 PM"
GOOD QUESTION! Finally someone asking a real valid question!
Mikey doesn't refute the GFA thing probably because he is flattered and wouldn't mind a little more air of mystery. I don't think any of these video makers refute charges because it's pointless anyway. Jude doesn't refute that he's Julian Lennon (I don't think he's refuted it anyway), IAAP doesn't refute that he's Formermedia, etc.
Are you a lawyer? Why are you always resting your case?
January 5, 2009 12:55 PM
He is always resting his case because it is a very large case; a case built from too many Big Macs and fries. A case so large, that he is no longer able to sit amongst the little children at the swivel seats in the dining area, but must rest his case within a booth. Pretty sad case, really.
"Anonymous said...
Mikey, why haven't you gotten the suitcase at CERN??? It's still there you know.
January 5, 2009 12:55 PM"
GOOD QUESTION! Finally someone asking a real valid question!
Since when does anyone care about the suitcases?
Since when does anyone care about the suitcases?
January 5, 2009 1:13 PM
Nobody cares. This is just a good place to gather after school and mingle.
It's like the modern era After School Special. Instead of heartwarming morality tales, we watch deceptive YouTube propaganda videos. Used to be the girls would watch Hard Day's Night ten times in a row then discuss the Beatle's accents. Now, they watch Rosemary's Baby looking for evidence that Paul is a Satanist.
Ah, how times have changed.
Anonymous said...
It's like the modern era After School Special. Instead of heartwarming morality tales, we watch deceptive YouTube propaganda videos. Used to be the girls would watch Hard Day's Night ten times in a row then discuss the Beatle's accents. Now, they watch Rosemary's Baby looking for evidence that Paul is a Satanist.
Ah, how times have changed.
i lol'd.
It's like the modern era After School Special. Instead of heartwarming morality tales, we watch deceptive YouTube propaganda videos. Used to be the girls would watch Hard Day's Night ten times in a row then discuss the Beatle's accents. Now, they watch Rosemary's Baby looking for evidence that Paul is a Satanist.
Ah, how times have changed.
Well it's not as widespread as you may think. It's the same 20 or so people with multiple accounts who go on YouTube to shit all over Paul and the Beatles and meanwhile talk about their favorite hardcore bands or video game exploits. If you want to really piss off a lot of these kids start a video series linking Kurt Cobain to the occult, call him a witch, etc. and they'll freak out.
It's more like an afterschool special for me. PID is like entering into some weird Harry Potter inspired cult where the Beatles are casting magical spells and resurrecting ancient gods. Throw in a little Matrix and Lord Of The Rings and you've got PID in the 2000's.
I always wondered however why no one could explain why Michael Jackson with his millions could get the worst plastic surgery in the world in the 1980's and 1990's and have to worry about his nose falling off while "William" could get the most advanced plastic surgery job of all time in the 1960's when plastic surgery was butchering at best.
I am really shocked that no one here has figured this out yet....the revelation.
It is like this....Sir Paul is the one behind the RA Series, but it is not quite what all of you have in mind. Think of Macca as Willy Wonka. He is getting older, and is looking for his greatest fan to take over his musical genius after he is gone, an apprentice if you will. A special arrangement has been made with Blogger and YouTube so that Sir Paul can keep track of all the IP addresses of those posting comments, videos, etc., and the most creative person will win. The contest winner will not be announced until 2012 because he must be sure the person picked is genuinely creative, and that can only be proven over a lengthy period of time.
He is getting older, and is looking for his greatest fan to take over his musical genius after he is gone, an apprentice if you will.
LOL If that were the case he could look elsewhere. Iamaphoney's music is not very good. There's a reason he doesn't have a record label.
" Why do people keep insisting that YKMN is Julian Lennon? He already revealed who he is--John Charles2007. And Jude has made clear in numerous posting wars that he can't stand John Charles, so unless it's all an act, highly doubtful they are one and the same."
Not sure about Jude but I think the general idea is that JohnCharles2007 = John Charles Julian Lennon (which could go a long to explain why the year 1963 pops up in his videos so very often; Julian Lennon was born in 1963). By using the name youknowmyname and then revealing himself to be a JohnCharles it seems like he was inviting people to guess at his "true" name.
I am stealing the fizzy lifting drink to disqualify myself
LOL If that were the case he could look elsewhere. Iamaphoney's music is not very good. There's a reason he doesn't have a record label.
January 5, 2009 2:09 PM
No, no, you missed the idea. Iamaphoney's music is not suppose to be that good. That music is being put out by Macca as a device to help motivate OUR creative genius.
old school gene wilder willy wonka ref. you must be older then 28
Bern just called Paul.
Paul's never heard of IAAP or anyone else. He could care less about any of this nonsense.
I always wondered however why no one could explain why Michael Jackson with his millions could get the worst plastic surgery in the world in the 1980's and 1990's and have to worry about his nose falling off while "William" could get the most advanced plastic surgery job of all time in the 1960's when plastic surgery was butchering at best."
but omg mikel jaksun is teh alien!!!!1
Not sure about Jude but I think the general idea is that JohnCharles2007 = John Charles Julian Lennon (which could go a long to explain why the year 1963 pops up in his videos so very often; Julian Lennon was born in 1963). By using the name youknowmyname and then revealing himself to be a JohnCharles it seems like he was inviting people to guess at his "true" name.
Wishful thinking. John Charles had videos up of himself and his friends and other things where he lives in New York City before he became embroiled in PID. He was a vigorous PIA-er like JGuildersleeve and then got smart and made clever PIA videos that the morons on NIR still haven't figured out. They have a whole thread devoted to a guy who thinks they're idiots which is hysterical. I'm jealous of him and I'm tempted to screw with them myself.
Wishful thinking. John Charles had videos up of himself and his friends and other things where he lives in New York City before he became embroiled in PID. He was a vigorous PIA-er like JGuildersleeve and then got smart and made clever PIA videos that the morons on NIR still haven't figured out. They have a whole thread devoted to a guy who thinks they're idiots which is hysterical. I'm jealous of him and I'm tempted to screw with them myself.
January 5, 2009 2:18 PM
Not New York, Chicago.
"He was a vigorous PIA-er like JGuildersleeve and then got smart and made clever PIA videos that the morons on NIR still haven't figured out."
Waitaminute--how are YKNM's videos cleverly PIA? As JC2007 he made a couple of videos that were pro-PIA, but as far as I know YKMN's videos have always explored the mystical side of the Beatles---the numerology, astrology and spirtualism of the Beatles. Also, I wouldn't compare JC2007's pro-PIA arguments to JGuildersleeves. JC2007, unlike Guilders, has a sense of humor and doesnt take the matter of whether people believe something that isn't true or not so seriously.
Also, not to support the idea that he is Julian Lennon, but he is also a musician. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
They have a whole thread devoted to a guy who thinks they're idiots which is hysterical. I'm jealous of him and I'm tempted to screw with them myself.
January 5, 2009 2:18 PM
Join in! The water is fine!
yeah seriously dude
so would that mean that there are now FOUR people who run the show? I mean, if you join?
FOUR horsemen of the......
All you have to do is ask. I asked YKMN if John Charles was pretending to be him or vice versa. He said (quote)
John Charles = agnostic
YKMN231 = Gnostic
He's playing two roles to demonstrate Paul/Faul Reality/Illusion and the way people perceive things. PIDers perceive YKMN differently than JOhn Charles even though it's the same person.
He's from New York and he's got a video up right now where you can see who he is.
Waitaminute--how are YKNM's videos cleverly PIA? As JC2007 he made a couple of videos that were pro-PIA, but as far as I know YKMN's videos have always explored the mystical side of the Beatles---the numerology, astrology and spirtualism of the Beatles. Also, I wouldn't compare JC2007's pro-PIA arguments to JGuildersleeves. JC2007, unlike Guilders, has a sense of humor and doesnt take the matter of whether people believe something that isn't true or not so seriously.
Also, not to support the idea that he is Julian Lennon, but he is also a musician. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
You can have an interest in numerology, spiritualism, astrology and the Beatles and be PIA as myself and Tafultong can attest to. The message of the videos, as I see them, is that such spiritual concerns whether genuine or hogwash have existed as long as man has been around and man has always attempted to drop in contemporary culture to make it fit the format. He also had a video up of latter day Paul speaking superimposed on top of 64 paul speaking which was one of the best PID refuting jobs I've ever seen. I compared him to JGuildersleeve for his long arguments against PID on Iamaphoney's channel and on here. It would do the members of NIR well to go back and read them all to get an insight into where he's coming from. He was (is?) the best at shooting down PID theories.
As for making my own videos I would make PID videos just to see how quickly I'd be treated like a "master" at NIR. It does alot for the old self esteem to be a celebrity in someone's world.
Also, not to support the idea that he is Julian Lennon, but he is also a musician. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
January 5, 2009 2:37 PM
His YT account states he is a musician, not saying he isn't, but that doesn't say a lot.
He is not from New York.
He is from Chicago.
As for making my own videos I would make PID videos just to see how quickly I'd be treated like a "master" at NIR. It does alot for the old self esteem to be a celebrity in someone's world.
January 5, 2009 2:52 PM
You will be.....
Master- baiter...
Lets hear some music!
Although I don't believe that JohnCharles is Julian, he is a more likely candidate than Jude.
No offense Jude, you are too uptight to fit the bill.
Can't wait to see your videos there master - baiter.
Maybe they will be discussed to THIS VERY DAY, this time next year. Make sure to let your little niece or nephew in the actual creation of it as well, especially don't forget that they must eat a Kraft dinner first.
Apparently it really fuels the creativity.
Then you sure will be a master in any true believers world.
Shine on you crazy master - baiter!
His YT account states he is a musician, not saying he isn't, but that doesn't say a lot.
If people haven't figured out the other thing about yKMN by now, it's that he is the one who is performing the Beatle songs in his own soundtracks. He's a McCartney impersonator.
Waiting for your condescending video! Can't wait! Can I call you master already before you make it? Just for practice?
Get used to the acclaim! You too can be a star here! OOOOOOOO! ITS MAGICK!
Love those kraft dinner inspired videos! They are the best!
When I see them, I immediately assume they are created by Paul McCartney himself. They are a fine forgery, and a pretty good replica, REALLY!
If people haven't figured out the other thing about yKMN by now, it's that he is the one who is performing the Beatle songs in his own soundtracks. He's a McCartney impersonator.
January 5, 2009 3:04 PM
Be sure to let us know when you make the video, so we can be sure to venerate you and call you MASTER!
As for making my own videos I would make PID videos just to see how quickly I'd be treated like a "master" at NIR. It does alot for the old self esteem to be a celebrity in someone's world.
January 5, 2009 2:52 PM
Come on! All the cool kids are doing it!
"so would that mean that there are now FOUR people who run the show? I mean, if you join?
FOUR horsemen of the......
BUT I don't want to BE the fourth horseman, Daddy!!! I want to be the Seventh Angel!
RE: Making PID videos:
Ah, the sheepie are out in full force. I knew it was treacherous to throw the word "master" around with the likes of you comdeians. lol
Consider it done.
I'll know I've hit the big time when Tafultong mentions me in a post.
Got any good suggestions for a YouTube name? I won't tell you which one I'll pick but I'll use one of them.
Whoops! Forget that. Then he'll know it's one of his commenters and he won't mention me. I know by now that I have to get a plug on this blog before NIR picks up on it.
And I promise I won't use any original Iamaphoney shot footage. I'll just play around with what's already out there on the Beatles and YouTube with a few slowed down clips of Vanilla Sky and The Matrix and Eyes Wide Shut and The Shining.
"I knew it was treacherous to throw the word "master" around with the likes of you comdeians. lol"
I am sure you did know. You are omniscient.
And I promise I won't use any original Iamaphoney shot footage. I'll just play around with what's already out there on the Beatles and YouTube with a few slowed down clips of Vanilla Sky and The Matrix and Eyes Wide Shut and The Shining.
January 5, 2009 3:35 PM
It is allowable to use iamaphoney footage if it is for comedic purposes. That is my rule anyway.
Got any good suggestions for a YouTube name? I won't tell you which one I'll pick but I'll use one of them.
January 5, 2009 3:31 PM"
are you not "master" enough to come up with your own name? come on! before your master - baiter license is revoked.
you going to start asking for video ideas next? what kind of master are you?
I am sure you did know. You are omniscient.
Ah the anger already starts and I haven't even made an account yet. I'm on my way.
"Anonymous said...
And I promise I won't use any original Iamaphoney shot footage. I'll just play around with what's already out there on the Beatles and YouTube with a few slowed down clips of Vanilla Sky and The Matrix and Eyes Wide Shut and The Shining.
January 5, 2009 3:35 PM"
Do what you feel you need to master
Ah the anger already starts and I haven't even made an account yet. I'm on my way.
January 5, 2009 3:47 PM"
a little less talk and a lot more action master.
you going to start asking for video ideas next? what kind of master are you?
There doesn't seem to be much in the way of "ideas" in these video to begin with. I won't have any trouble. You won't be hearing from me again on here until the experiment is over. So long and thanks for all the fish!
eat a kraft dinner first, and be sure to let a little kid actually make the video, then it will be sure to be a hit with all us poor confused sheeple.
And years from now every one of us will be talking about it, and about what a master you are.
You won't be hearing from me again on here until the experiment is over. So long and thanks for all the fish!
January 5, 2009 3:50 PM
That a promise or a threat master?
" I won't have any trouble. You won't be hearing from me again on here until the experiment is over. So long and thanks for all the fish!
January 5, 2009 3:50 PM"
I bet you wont have any trouble. None. Especially since dropping that "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" quote there at the end. Got a lot of independent creative thought there.
Maybe you could throw some star trek or star wars in as well.
Here are some to get you started, since you asked for ideas....
"You serve your master well."
"Always two there are, a master and an apprentice.”
oh now we have to suspect every new PID video as coming from some jackoff wanting to fuck with us.
Anonymous said...oh now we have to suspect every new PID video as coming from some jackoff wanting to fuck with us.
What? like we don't already?
"You won't be hearing from me again on here until the experiment is over. So long and thanks for all the fish!
January 5, 2009 3:50 PM"
You won't be hearing from me again, because I have no creative responses to these comedians. But rest easy in knowing that some stellar new videos will be coming your way that will be the talk of NIR and here. Some earth shattering goodness in the spirit of Mia melodies. Expect 20 second videos of such a masterful caliber that your poor sheeple minds will be in complete awe of my mastery, and you will know that you are the students and I am the teacher.
The sneering condescension I hold for you will be completely oblivious to you sheeple. Just know, there can be only one master. And it is me. The master - b*iter.
Don't forget the kraft dinner master!
Let us know master! So we can subscribe to your sneering condescension channel. We promise not to notice your contempt, REALLY!
where is sir larry mildew when you need him???
"Anonymous said...
Sir Larry Mildew's account on youtube is gone....
September 11, 2008 12:03 AM "
At least he was comfortable in his discovery. Maybe the "master" can also find some solace, somewhere out there, making masterful videos...
as they say our here in the cheap seats, have a kraft dinner, have a great video!
we also say
You go girl!
git her done!
because we are a simple sheeple, needing more masters to make videos for us... masters who ask us to name them, masters who ask for video ideas... masters who promise not to return till after the experiment is over so they can be condescending towards us...
I for one welcome this new master. May the master lead us into a dawn of a new day.
And to quote the master, "so long and thanks for all the fish!"
a brilliant stroke of quote mastery there!
Got that video mastery done yet master?
Anonymous said...
Got that video mastery done yet master?
January 5, 2009 4:24 PM
Yes so we can talk about how you fooled us... for years and years, when really it was just your niece who made the video over a kraft dinner... If it really good, we may mistake you for Sir Paul. When really it was kraft dinner, the master's niece, and our own simple sheeple logic tricked once again...
thanks master!
Look we won't be having any masters around here aside from yours truly. Do you think you can honestly attempt to match my genius? Okay maybe you can dishonestly attempt it but I own the copyright on creativity and as Tafultong has so graciously said on many occasions, my music is brilliant and my editing techniques would give John Carpenter nightmares. And where oh where would you find an exciting metrosexula actor to go shirtless and wiggle his ass to get the young boys all hot and bothered, eh? That taut little buttocks doesn't grow on any trees, y'know.
Sure you've got that little troll his name is breaking my balls every day on here but yeah, like I really pay attention to these little gnats swarming around my fecal deposits. Ha! I scoff at you!
No one can claim to be God when God is right here in front of you on YouTube (which is my creation after all because I created the brain inside the head of the guy I created to create YouTube hence it's my handiwork).
It's been a while but I see I have to remind you all once again....OBEY!!! Worship at my feet and lick my toes clean! Reject Christ and put me in your heart! I am the messiah as claimed in the book of Revelations (and Daniel...for that Yahsvh dude). OBEY ME AND BOW TO THE ONE TRUE MASTER!!!!!! ON YOUR KNEES GUTTER CATS!!!! YOU ARE BUT FILTH BEFORE MINE EYES!!!!!
with honey roasted Obama angel kisses across your quivering thighs,
PS: This idiotic imitation you all do of me by ending your sentences with "really" is sooooo played out.
when did obama become part of this?
Are you kidding? Obama is a HUGE part of this!
Tell me more!
buwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha
you sheeple.... so simple.... if only you were smart
with honey roasted Obama angel kisses across your quivering thighs,
January 5, 2009 4:27 PM
LMAO You are not right!
"honey roasted Obama angel kisses across your quivering thighs"
That gave me goose a good way!
where is sir larry mildew when you need him???
January 5, 2009 4:14 PM
Maybe he has been here the whole time....fooling around with you, spreading Obama angel kisses....just having a good time.
Maybe he went from Sir Larry to I Smell Bullshit to Anonymous to ?....
What say you?
I'm going out to spread Obama angel kisses tonight!!!!
where is sir larry mildew when you need him???
January 5, 2009 4:14 PM
Pleased to meet you
Hope you guess my name, oh yeah
Ah, whats puzzling you
Is the nature of my game, oh yeah
I'll say this for Larry Mildew who I despise along with John Charles,HaHaHaPaulIsDead and JGuildersleeve and all the other h8ters, he had the best profile pic on YouTube and i always pictured that baboon writing those messages.
come save us sir larry!
jump the bog, dump the hog, do whatever is necessary!
We need a joker laughing video again to clean the palate. Let your son make it again. We have been talking about it for YEARS!
We thought you were Paul McCartney!
I'll say this for Larry Mildew who I despise along with John Charles,HaHaHaPaulIsDead and JGuildersleeve and all the other h8ters, he had the best profile pic on YouTube and i always pictured that baboon writing those messages.
January 5, 2009 5:07 PM
One of my specialties.....leaving a lasting impression.
It was a monkey....and he did all my writing for me....G*d rest his soul.
come save us sir larry!
jump the bog, dump the hog, do whatever is necessary!
We need a joker laughing video again to clean the palate. Let your son make it again. We have been talking about it for YEARS!
We thought you were Paul McCartney!
January 5, 2009 5:09 PM
Why so bitter? It was all in fun.
I miss Yenz. Remember the good old days when Yenz would give us the finger because he held the key to the revalation. I hear Yenz is touring with Kanye West now. He irons his pants before every performance.
bitter? seriously thought you were paul mccartney...
not bitter! joyful expectant hopeful!
thought you could train the new master to make videos as more gooder as you.
do it for the sheeple. come on! jump the bog!
Yenz should get some of that Auto-Tune. He too could have been a master. instead he choose to give the middle finger. much like the new master is going to do.
Anonymous said...
Another point. A few of you thought I was perhaps Paul McCartney. Don't you feel a little silly? I didn't even lead you on. Well, not intentionally. Do you remember my one video? The one where I gave credit to my son James? I really do have a son named James, and he actually helped me with MS Movie Maker. I had never used MSMM before, and I told him he would be mentioned for helping. See how people can turn things into something they are not? It's easy.
That takes me to "Sir Larry Mildew". Yea, that is not my name. Odd story though. I had a no-nonsense Army friend that wasn't too keen on this other person. He just plain didn't like him; he was very annoying. Every time he saw this guy, he would call him Larry Mildew. His name wasn't Larry... not even close. When we asked where he came up with Larry Mildew, he said one night he was laying in his bunk, looking at the ceiling. He saw a stain, a mildew stain. It was then he realized the guy he didn't like was much like that mildew stain. Enter Larry Mildew. I know...I didn't explain why "Larry". Couldn't tell you. He must have just liked the name. I used the name because it is funny and reminds me of my youth. I added "Sir" to the beginning because I am a man, not a knight.
Sorry, didn't mean to hog the blog....or flog the dog....or jump the bog.
Take care,
Sir Larry Mildew
September 18, 2008 5:17 AM
Anonymous said...I miss Yenz. Remember the good old days when Yenz would give us the finger because he held the key to the revalation. I hear Yenz is touring with Kanye West now. He irons his pants before every performance.
I miss Yenz too.
I miss the proposed bikini and high heel debate between Aja and faulconslowjab.
I miss the days when we overran this blog with comedy and strutted around like kings and then a Phoney Phollower would come on here and have a meltdown and then that would just be more grist for the comedy mill.
I miss that guy who claimed Iamaphoney was ripping off all of his ideas.
I even miss Steve, bless his little heart, who thought the world was going to end this past summer and was moving to Chicago where it was safe.Hope that guy Blagovich gets in touch with him.
Yessir quite a history on the old PID front. All the good'ens have up and left away.
(spits tobacco into spitoon...DING!)
What happened to all the buzz? We joke writers need more raw material to work with. I left Kimmel for THIS???
show of hands for those who believed sir larry was Macca?
one..... well... one.... just the hand that belongs to sir larry... oh, wait, one more, his son James..
The new master has a pretty high bar to jump with how high you set it there larry. what with all of us having been fooled by your little video that had all us stupid sheeple thinking you were paul mccartney
The new master, baiter, is going to be heads above all the other masters here. His is a jealous God. There an be only one.
" There an be only one.
January 5, 2009 5:32 PM"
Highlander mikey is going to have something to say about that!
"I left Kimmel for THIS???
January 5, 2009 5:30 PM"
Its the only work that pays since the writers strike... damn unions....
Glad you showed up former kimmel writer. I missed you most of all
so long and thanks for all the fish!
does that mean the dolphins have gone away?
Cue "Princes Of The Universe" by Queen
Oh man waitasecond! Freddie Mercury died and Queen replaced him with PAUL Rodgers. It's all starting to make sense.
Obviously many of the GFA videos are Kraft Dinner-inspired. That goes without saying. But most don't realize the bulk of the Phoney videos were made by young boys eating Hungry Jack biscuits. The Hungry Jack influence is pervasive throughout, particularly in terms of the suitcases and tattoos.
nope, just leaving it to FKW
(former kimmel writer)
shift change, going to get something to eat, starving
text me when the new master drops his video....
Kimmel has writers? You'd never know.
Who's here?
Do you figure?
Hungry Jack biscuits!
You've made it impossible now for me to do anything but go to the grocery store and get some mix. Curse you for giving good ideas FKW!
Kimmel has writers? You'd never know.
oooooh I could tell you stories.......
Roag Best looks like he's had a few Hungry Jacks in his day.
" Anonymous said...
Kimmel has writers? You'd never know.
oooooh I could tell you stories.......
January 5, 2009 5:40 PM"
Please do!
Jude isn't uptight. If you talk to via PM at NIR or on Youtube you'll quickly learn that he's a very different person in private. However he acts around here, don't buy it; IMO, it's all an act.
Does Jude have nieces that eat Kraft Dinner?
"I miss the days when we overran this blog with comedy and strutted around like kings and then a Phoney Phollower would come on here and have a meltdown and then that would just be more grist for the comedy mill."
Are you joking, or are you really so evil? If all that matters to you is having a good time with your fellow "comedy kings", at the expense of people who normally frequent this blog (gee, wonder where Mike and Jude went? They got fed up with the BS, that's why they left!), then I think can say without a doubt in my mind that you are an incredibly selfish person. I remember way back when even tafultong asked you guys to stop, and you didn't. Get this through your head: it's not YOUR blog, it's Tafultong's. And i don't think he'd mind me speaking for him by saying he'd rather you cut the crap once and for all, with no excuses for your behavior (because really, there are none!!).
" Does Jude have nieces that eat Kraft Dinner?"
Uh, I don't think they sell those in the UK...
And why don't you just ask him, anyway? Whatever subtle joke you're trying to make about Jude, it just failed epically.
"Are you joking, or are you really so evil?"
Evil is what PID is all about. We see evil in comedy, we see evil in Klaatu, we see evil in Paul McCartney and his filthy evil love songs. Now let's get back to more clues about the evil-ness of Paul and everyone else in showbiz, like as Jimmy Kimmel and his evil writers.
Whatever subtle joke you're trying to make about Jude, it just failed epically.
uhm . . . the running joke is about Kraft Dinner, not the never uptight Jude who would never take offense at something like that.
at the expense of people who normally frequent this blog (gee, wonder where Mike and Jude went? They got fed up with the BS, that's why they left!),
I believe Mike and Jude have their own forum. Mike got fed up with the BS? Such as "Interview guaranteed!"
Such as "Uploading now"?
Those two have been shoveling BS pretty dang high for some time.
Maybe they believed the BS, maybe Phoney Phooled them. Maybe they concocted the BS.
Are you joking, or are you really so evil? If all that matters to you is having a good time with your fellow "comedy kings", at the expense of people who normally frequent this blog (gee, wonder where Mike and Jude went? They got fed up with the BS, that's why they left!), then I think can say without a doubt in my mind that you are an incredibly selfish person. I remember way back when even tafultong asked you guys to stop, and you didn't. Get this through your head: it's not YOUR blog, it's Tafultong's. And i don't think he'd mind me speaking for him by saying he'd rather you cut the crap once and for all, with no excuses for your behavior (because really, there are none!!).
January 5, 2009 5:56 PM
You see, this is why I quit posting as Sir Larry. You people are wayyyyy too uptight. Why take all this so serious? Life doesn't center around iamaphoney or PID, it is about "honey roasted Obama angel kisses across your quivering thighs".
Mike and jude are still here...
come back sir larry! we need someone with the cut of your jib here!
Anonymous said...
Mike and jude are still here...
January 5, 2009 6:19 PM
How do you know?
come back sir larry! we need someone with the cut of your jib here!
January 5, 2009 6:21 PM couldn't, really.
Anonymous Cut of Sir Larry's Jib said...
come back sir larry! we need someone with the cut of your jib here!
January 5, 2009 6:21 PM little monkey friend. How I do miss you! OK....maybe I will come back. Please keep in mind, I am not to be taken seriously....nothing I say is pertinent to any is all just for F..U..N...
"F" is for friends who do stuff togeher
"U" is for U and me
"N" is for anywhere and anytime at all
Down here in the deep blue sea
show of hands for those who believed sir larry was Macca?
one..... well... one.... just the hand that belongs to sir larry... oh, wait, one more, his son James..
The new master has a pretty high bar to jump with how high you set it there larry. what with all of us having been fooled by your little video that had all us stupid sheeple thinking you were paul mccartney
January 5, 2009 5:30 PM
Come on now, you are taking this much too personal. I wasn't trying to belittle anyone.....Just think "honey roasted Obama angel kisses across your quivering thighs".
Sir Larry loves you. What is there not to love? Sheeple are soooo soft, and their tails are nice and........oh.....ummm...sorry for that.....I got a little sidetracked there.
The man in the picture looks more like Marcus Chong (Tank in The Matrix) than he looks like Roag Best.
Hmmm . . .once again the links seems to be inescapable. The RA series looks to be another ideological twin of this spate of Anti-Zionist, Pro-Palestinian YouTube projects. As mentioned numerous times, Phoney's subtext is NWO with Anti-Zionist flavors. Note the circle of friends. Note the new "13 Masonic Secrets" channel and "Hashemfilms" which believes in the old chestnut Protocols of Zion and other conspiracy theories (which are propaganda). Note that Hashemfilms is from the Netherlands. Note that Hashemfilms is friends with the Wakeupproject, which is another Pro-Palestine channel (not that there is anything wrong with being pro Palestine, but the underlying conspiracy theories are BS).
come save us sir larry!
jump the bog, dump the hog, do whatever is necessary!
We need a joker laughing video again to clean the palate. Let your son make it again. We have been talking about it for YEARS!
We thought you were Paul McCartney!
January 5, 2009 5:09 PM
Your wish is my command!
How could you miss me if I never left?
Don't worry, I'll have my monkey friend up in a couple of days.
Sir Larry my old friend! Love the newest video. Are you sure you aren't Paul McCartney?
John Charles
Sir Larry my old friend! Love the newest video. Are you sure you aren't Paul McCartney?
John Charles
January 5, 2009 7:55 PM
JC! Good to hear from you! Not a new video, just recycled. You know, gotta' think green these days.
I play better right handed.
The word going around is you are HE. No need to answer though.
You can checkout anytime you like, but you can never leave.
Remember that kids....
"I always wondered however why no one could explain why Michael Jackson with his millions could get the worst plastic surgery in the world in the 1980's and 1990's and have to worry about his nose falling off while "William" could get the most advanced plastic surgery job of all time in the 1960's when plastic surgery was butchering at best"
Michael tried to make himself into Isis.
Paul's famous right eyebrow arch is not something one can accomplish with surgery. That has to do with muscle and tissue underneath.
Taf said: "The absent Superstone video is being used as a device to move the plot along, but it has no real significance"
I hit taf hard on this earlier. but after researching the "superstone", I forgive him for not releasing something which "could" contain another pre-chewed, tasteless clue.
IAAP wanted the buzz on removing the supposed superstone that "they" lost.
Once someone had mentioned in the blogo-forumo-sphere that the superstone video was no longer available, the bait had been taken and it was time to remove the video.
The "superstone" is always sought. IT CAN'T BE FOUND.
Its an allegorical device that is sought after but can never be found.
Welcome to magick-club gathering. We'll be meeting here and at the comic-shops on Fridays to start Magick tournaments at 6:06....
oh, and Taf is in on this...
You will have to go back a few posts to an anonymous poster who found out that MikeNL uses the same internet handle for everything he does. Anonymous provided links to other non-PID-related accounts Mike has that proves he is in his 20s and homosexual (not that the homosexuality is relevant at all). It has been several days, and Mike has not refuted these accusations, nor has he refuted that he is GFA.
After mirroring each of the links, I look forward to seeing them deleted or altered soon (I havent checked yet, far too dangerous going to all those gay sites... who knows what kinda virii you could catch).
Sir Larry loves you. What is there not to love? Sheeple are soooo soft, and their tails are nice and........oh.....ummm...sorry for that.....I got a little sidetracked there.
January 5, 2009 6:40 PM
Nothing says funny like be*stality!
My hat is off to you Sir Larry!
And in that spirit, don't forget to ask Sir Paul about "One goat"!
Glad to see the comments hovering around the 200+ mark again. Sir Larry has reinvigorated the blog comments!
Hats off pip pip and what not!
Glad to see the comments hovering around the 200+ mark again. Sir Larry has reinvigorated the blog comments!
Hats off pip pip and what not!
January 5, 2009 10:05 PM
No, no. It is not about me, it is about US!
Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together.
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