Jim did an outstanding cover of "She's Leaving Home" on the World Cafe.

He also did a rocking version of "Helter Skelter."

We are not talking a casual Beatles fan when we talk about Jim Boggia. You can go to ITunes and buy his cover of "Simple Life," a song recorded by Ringo Starr exclusively for a Japanese television commercial for Leisure Suits! That song, and several other Beatle covers can be purchased on the Jim Boggia MySpace Page.
Another gem on his MySpace is a special mix of a song he did for his album "Safe In Sound." The song "Let Me Believe (Evan's Lament)" was a collaboration with Emitt Rhodes. When Emitt's eponymous album came out in 1970, many people thought it was the Beatles or Paul McCartney. Although Emitt grew tired of the comparisons, he was another fan of the Beatles music and more recently the subject of a thread at "Nothing Is Real." The great thing about the version of the song on Jim's MySpace is that it is a karaoke version with the lead vocals eliminated. As a result, you can clearly hear Emitt's Beatlesque backing vocals. I am planning to do a post about Emitt Rhodes in the near future.
Back to Jim Boggia...There is another thing that makes him worthy of a post here. Jim was in fact, one of Iamaphoney's earliest critics.

In response to "Paul Is Dead - Rotten Apple 7" which pointed out the lyrics to the not yet released "You Never Give Me Money" on Manson's door at the Spahn Movie Ranch in 1969, Jim wrote the following comment:
JimBoggia (1 year ago)
Dude, as is the case today - radio gets the record BEFORE it's released. Abbey Road was being played on the radio in Aug '69. Always good to see Mike Douglas, though.

I would love to see Jim Boggia collaborate with Iamaphoney. Maybe Jim could do a Beatles song forwards while Iamaphoney does it backwards, and they could meet in the middle.
Me first again!
no shit!
I doubt very much that Boggia would want to collaborate with someone like Iamaphoney. Boggia seems to have his wits about him.
Sure, Jim Boggia, The Beatles finished the song aug 5 1969, rushed it out to radiostations at the 6th, Manson got it at the 7th, wrote it on the door at the 8th and went out to kill at the 9th.
Go view the comments for Rotten Apple 40. Sexolution9 commented:
sexolution9 (1 year ago)
This proves there is some connection between the two! The denial was a lie!
link to Rotten Apple 40 comments section
what would you do if you were getting a lot of attention from a lot of channels linking to the LOVE CODE video? I would for sure some how thank them maybe with a LUX.
Hello all,
I'd like to formally announce the creation of the Paul is Evil forums, a place where you can go to talk about Paul possibly being evil/the son of Aleister Crowley/Aleister Crowley himself, and/or the other Beatles and their dealings with the occult. Basically, if you want to talk about the "sinister" side of the Beatles, or just want some place to go where you can bitch about how you hate Paul/John/George/Ringo, this is where to go. It's not all serious, however, and neither should all of the theories about Paul be taken at face value. This is simply a place for those of you who take an interest in the dark side of the Beatles.
That said, the idea of me creating such a place might come as a shock to some of you, as I am known to come to McCartney's defense nearly every time his character is called into question at NIR. This is because NIR is a PID message board, and a moderated one no less. Whereas this is unmoderated, and the topic is not limited to one particular subject but rather any and all things that pertain to the Beatles being somewhat less than the darling little angels that the world grew up with in the 60's. Whatever your take is on the idea that Paul and the Beatles were forces of evil, it is an idea that is growing in popularity amongst PID conspiracy theorists with no small thanks to Iamaphoney.
Do you think that behind the Beatles storied success there were sinister forces at work?
Perhaps you just dislike Paul McCartney, or rather what he became (or who became him) in late 1966?
Please join:
Sorry but what does Lux mean or what is it?
I just watched that video like 20 mins ago!
Jude said...
Hello all,
I'd like to formally announce the creation of the Paul is Evil forums, a place where you can go to talk about Paul possibly being evil/the son of Aleister Crowley/Aleister Crowley himself...
I find this VERY irresponsible of you, Jude.
"I find this VERY irresponsible of you, Jude."
How so? It's not that I believe Paul is evil, or that I hate him; I simply felt that people with a passion for such things (you know you are because we've probably butted heads in the past) should have a venue for discussion.
How long has it been since PID forums like NIR began to shift their focus away from PID to delving into matters such as Paul being a Satanist, or the Beatles being Tavistock slaves? And I don't want to name any names here, but there have always been people at NIR and in the Youtube PID scene that wear their emotions on their sleeves in regards to Sir Paul, going so far as to claim that Sir Paul played a role in the 911 attacks. As a self-containing discussion such outrageous claims about Paul and the Beatles could be fascinating, but when they spring up in the middle of a PID-related discussion they are just annoying.
I just want Paul is Evil to be a place where people can talk seriously about the darker side of the Beatles that directors like Iamaphoney so love to explore in their videos. I don't see what's so irresponsible about that. Like Tafultong I am interested in the Beatles/religion/occult connection, but maintain a deep sense of respect for Paul McCartney.
wednesday morning -papers didn't come
wednesday morning -papers didn't come
"Start accusing today and we'll throw in a box of stones to throw at your neighbor's glass windows absolutely FREE!"
Maybe you can help. Currently my accusations are pretty damaging (aliens, reptiles, replacements), but I'd really like to bring them to a wider audience. My friends at school have already heard my theories. I'm also interested in stepping up my game to libel. What should I do?"
Caller, we already recommended you start a YouTube site and forum in order to accuse celebrities of being evil. Your dream of casting aspersions and outright witch-hunting is now one step closer. Jude has now created a brand NEW evil Paul forum. Sure, all the other PID forums have little sections on evil Paul and "Occult Beatles," but they don't focus enough on a single individual. If you can't wait to start accusing Paul McCartney of being evil while hiding behind an anonymous username, then join today at absolutely no cost! If anything, at least a few unhinged kids that can't be bothered to research facts will come away with the sense that Paul is evil, and that's good enough for us!
Remember, if you find yourself digging into dark subjects then you're well on your way to the Satanic Labyrinth!!!
Our goal: 300 souls this month.
I just want Paul is Evil to be a place where people can talk seriously about the darker side of the Beatles.
Well THAT would be a change of pace, now wouldn't it?
There's way too much positive talk on the net. That whole Buddah Jesus goodwill crap is played. What the internet really needs is more venues for people to start taking the theories of sociopaths like Chapman and Manson more seriously. If we're gonna do make this whole "everyone starts turning to evil and turning on their neighbors" prophecy happen then what better way to start?
Jude said....Like Tafultong I am interested in the Beatles/religion/occult connection, but maintain a deep sense of respect for Paul McCartney.
January 14, 2009 2:57 AM
So....out of your deep sense of respect for Paul McCartney you chose the name "Paul Is Evil" for your forum? No offense, I am just trying to understand how you can have respect for a person, yet promote a subject that may cause disdain toward the same person.
I hope you never develop a deep sense of respect for me. If you do, please don't dedicate a whole forum to my name, just include me in your "Paul Is Evil" forum, only rename it "Paul and Larry Are Evil". I would consider that an honor.
Satan was replaced by Lucifer. It's true.
Sir Larry was replaced by Mildew.
Anonymous said...
There's way too much positive talk on the net. That whole Buddah Jesus goodwill crap is played. What the internet really needs is more venues for people to start taking the theories of sociopaths like Chapman and Manson more seriously. If we're gonna do make this whole "everyone starts turning to evil and turning on their neighbors" prophecy happen then what better way to start?
January 14, 2009 4:55 AM
Re the Manson Spahn ranch door: it was taken in by LA police in November, 1969, well after release of Abbey Road.
Anybody 'get' the Stern interview?
Anonymous said...
Re the Manson Spahn ranch door: it was taken in by LA police in November, 1969, well after release of Abbey Road.
Great. Get me documentation for that and I will post it.
"So....out of your deep sense of respect for Paul McCartney you chose the name "Paul Is Evil" for your forum? No offense, I am just trying to understand how you can have respect for a person, yet promote a subject that may cause disdain toward the same person."
The name "Paul is Evil" is meant to be seen as tongue-in-cheek, and does not reflect how I feel about Sir Paul. And I'm not promoting the subject at all. In fact, I created the forum in hopes that it would attract some of the more rabidly anti-Macca people away from NIR so they'd have a place where they can spew all their hate propaganda (which isn't to say that not all Paul/Beatles are evil theories are rubbish, some of them may have a grain of truth to them).
I like Paul. A lot. He's a great guy, and I don't think he is the anti-Christ. But he did release a song called 444, and then a song called 222, so who knows?
Taf, I've never been able to find a date specifically for the photograph of the Spahn Ranch door, but several sources put the date of the police raid as August 16, 1969.
See page 262 of The Family, by Ed Sanders for one such source:
P(D)enny La(i)ne
Anybody 'get' the Stern interview?
He wanted to be interviewed by the devil.
Taf, I've never been able to find a date specifically for the photograph of the Spahn Ranch door, but several sources put the date of the police raid as August 16, 1969.
I checked that out earlier today, and I believe the door was taken by the police about one month after Abbey Road came out, although tracks had been played on the radio. In any event, why does the famous children's rhyme "1,2,3,4,5,6,7," which was as popular as "eenie meeny miny moe," have to refer to the ending of You Never Give Me Your Money? Is someone alleging that Paul or other Beatle person told the Manson family to scribble that rhyme on the doorway for some unknown reason? Manson never said anything about that--and he's got no reason to lie about knowing Macca or getting acetates of Beatle songs prior to release.
Get real
May I please interrupt this public bashing of THE GUY WHO WROTE ELEANOR RIGBY AND thank you for writing about Jim Boggia, the guy who wrote "Three Weeks Shy" and many other awesome tunes.
Misadventures In Stereo is my favorite pop record of 2008.
In all respect, no matter what the tongue in cheek reference you meant to intend by calling an UNMODERATED blog "Paul is Evil" IS irresponsible. There are crazy people out there. Like the guy that shot John. Like the guy that stabbed George. And to an unstable person looking to right evil or become famous or whatever who wouldn't have thought twice about Sir Paul, you're creating a catalyst. Making you a wanna-be-Manson.
You should think about renaming the blog.
In all respect, no matter what the tongue in cheek reference you meant to intend by calling an UNMODERATED blog "Paul is Evil" IS irresponsible. There are crazy people out there. Like the guy that shot John. Like the guy that stabbed George. And to an unstable person looking to right evil or become famous or whatever who wouldn't have thought twice about Sir Paul, you're creating a catalyst. Making you a wanna-be-Manson.
You should think about renaming the blog."
Is that you, Sir Paul?
Jude should be able to do what he wants to do. Shut up.
Love the new forum, Jude! Awesome idea.
I'll consider renaming the forum (it's not a blog..) if it really bothers people so much. The name "Paul is Evil" is an IAAP reference (he often shows the cover of "Paul is Live" in his videos and rearranges it to say "Paul is Evil"). I really don't take the idea that Paul is Evil seriously which I suppose is why I didn't think twice about naming it that. The idea that Paul McCartney is the antichrist or the son of Aleister Crowley has about as much credibility as Paul is Dead. In the end, it's all in good fun (provided no one takes it TOO seriously), and if I saw that Paul McCartney himself took offense to it (he's never been offended by people claiming he is dead) then I would shut down the forum immediately.
Anyway, only a couple of members so far and none of them seem to be the dangerous psychopath type to me. If things get out of hand, I will step in and moderate. But on the other hand, people can swear and flame each other all they want there and I'll just sit back and laugh. Kind of twisted of me, isn't it? :)
Jude: Unwavering Beacon of Moderation? Have fun, kiddos.
none of them seem to be the dangerous psychopath type to me . . .
They never do . . .
if I saw that Paul McCartney himself took offense to it (he's never been offended by people claiming he is dead) then I would shut down the forum immediately.
I can tell you right now, since Paul won't ever know about it, that he would indeed take offense to a forum about his being evil.
Just a guess.
Anonymous said...
if I saw that Paul McCartney himself took offense to it (he's never been offended by people claiming he is dead) then I would shut down the forum immediately.
I can tell you right now, since Paul won't ever know about it, that he would indeed take offense to a forum about his being evil.
Just a guess.
January 14, 2009 2:52 PM
I agree. Evil and fake dead (a joke of which he was probably was in on) are two COMPLETELY different things, Jude.
I can't get behind a Paul is Evil movement because I've sen no evidence of it in his bahavior publicly. The only so called evidence I've seen is the wild speculation and interpretation of lyrics backwards and forwards on NIR, and even then all that information has to be passed through this rather arcane idea about ancient gods and occult lore. It seems to me like these are theorists trying to fit McCartney into a skewed worldview than it is anything that McCartney himself has done or is currently doing.
I do find it strange that murderers like Mark David Chapman and Charlie Manson who have openly demonstrated "evil" or a desire to hurt or destroy someone else are given the same treatment in reverse, frequently excused away as pawns or victims despite their actions.
Although I get the sarcasm of the commenter who posts here as Satan, I do find much of the PID movement to be disturbing or "Satanic" if you will in it's backwards worldview. The concept of examining someone's behavior in public and filtering them through some cosmic mumbo jumbo to reach a conclusion that is inconsistent with that person's original behavior goes against any kind of reasoning society uses to establish good and evil, whether it be the Bible or just common sense. To me, THAT is evil.
Agreed. Although I took the Satan dude as a sarcastic response to the flippant attitude Jude had from the very beginning about creating such a forum.
What is this McCartney song called 444? I've heard 222 but where are you getting 444?
'I would love to see Jim Boggia collaborate with Iamaphoney. Maybe Jim could do a Beatles song forwards while Iamaphoney does it backwards, and they could meet in the middle'
That was so: 'I want to work with him' wasn't it? Iamaphoney?
No search online for a McCartney song called 444 yields any results. Where is this song? I need it.
Agreed. Although I took the Satan dude as a sarcastic response to the flippant attitude Jude had from the very beginning about creating such a forum.
Interestingly, the Satan dude was already joking about just such a forum--BEFORE Jude announced it. Maybe Jude saw those comments and thought they were serious.
No search online for a McCartney song called 444 yields any results. Where is this song? I need it.
Paul McCartney "The Fireman" - 444
has anyone with a better ear and better timing than me able to play 222 + 444 together, at the same time?
Anonymous, 444 is a song from the Fireman's debut album "Strawberries Oceans Ships Forests". The music in promo vid I did for the forum is a mix of 444 and 222 playing simultaneously.
has anyone with a better ear and better timing than me able to play 222 + 444 together, at the same time?
Considering there's about 5 words in "222," I don't think you would hear much of interest.
Considering there's about 5 words in "222," I don't think you would hear much of interest
not doing it for the words, doing it to see if they are in time together, and could possibly together become the song "666"
im no dj, but it'd be cool
Sounds like good clean fun!
Luxor Egypt
For the ancient settlement of Luxor, see Thebes, Egypt
rapidly losing interest
-Phoebe C
i think it's very disturbing how 222 + 444 when put on together sound so well... but at the same time make 666.
"i think it's very disturbing how 222 + 444 when put on together sound so well... but at the same time make 666."
You should make a video about it, Grandfather!
"666" just flows. like they were meant for each other..
“There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan”
phony already mixed the 2 song a year ago on the RQXQR channel i dont remember the name of the video som ething like 4:34 444 222 check it out
sorry folks, old news, IAAP did this a year ago.
maybe you just don't pay enough attention!
sorry folks, old news, IAAP did this a year ago.
maybe you just don't pay enough attention!
So, in other words, the person who posted asking if anyone could mix 222 and 444 together was Phoney. It's known as a self serving statement.
“There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan”
The childlike philosophy known as Dualism divides everything into paired and equal opposites. Biblically, however, Satan is a subservient angel who can only tempt humans or wreak havoc with permission from God.
Satan: "Can I try to con these people?"
God: "Go ahead. But you have to let them know you're conning them."
Satan: "How about if I call myself a phoney and give out obviously deceptive and misleading information"?
God: "That works for me."
No worries guys, it doesn't look like anyone is joining anyway. It's like the Rotten Apple Forums part deaux, only worse.
It's snowing.
So, in other words, the person who posted asking if anyone could mix 222 and 444 together was Phoney. It's known as a self serving statement.
No, I posted that. And I'm glad to see my train of thought was going the right way, since phoney already did it a year ago.
Join the Rotten Apple forum today!
True, the color scheme is like being locked in the closet when you were a kid, but it has potential.
And I'm glad to see my train of thought was going the right way, since phoney already did it a year ago.
You are correct! If you are wastingtime that could otherwise be spent productively pondering numbers such as 666 and whether Paul McCartney is evil then you are already well on your way to the satanic labyrinth!
If you are stuck in a rut, still feeling human and not quite confused or accusatory enough, you can accelerate your game by studying up on Egyptian rites and symbols. C'mon and head down the dark corridors of unsolvable mysteries en route to the fiery pit!
You christian retard...
You can have your religion, yes, but waving it around throwing it in everyones face makes you a huge douchebag, much like those westboro folk.
Your sarcastic sermons suck.
Hail Satan!!
There is nothing "satanic" about egypt. But no sense in telling you that, you've already chosen your cult.
"the children know the song"
I've listened to both 444 and 222 and to these ears they don't sync up at all for what it's worth...
...at least not nearly as well as Dark Side Of The Moon syncs up with Wizard Of Oz.
" You christian retard...
You can have your religion, yes, but waving it around throwing it in everyones face makes you a huge douchebag, much like those westboro folk."
You're the retard. Westboro Baptist Church is a joke. Most Baptist organizations reject them and do not consider them to be a real church...nearly everything they practice is either founded on their leader's own distorted take on scripture, or in most cases entirely unscriptural to begin with.
Furthermore, I believe the poster that you are calling a "christian retard" (learn how to capitalize the C in Christian, douchebag) was being sarcastic. Get a sense of humor.
Very Funny.
Cool! Now we have Christian PIDders and Christian PIAers battling it out!
Hail Satan!
No, I posted that. And I'm glad to see my train of thought was going the right way, since phoney already did it a year ago.
If your pet project this week was to play 222 and 444 side by side then I would say your "train of thought" is indeed going the right way my friend (or should I say, 'left' way wink wink)! Admirable endeavor, but remixes are kid stuff. When you're ready, we'd appreciate a little more effort on the satanic and occult research. Not comprehensive enough to the point where you actually understand it, but to where you think you do, and hopefully this pseudo knowledge will be enough for you to start accusing celebrities without any sense of guilt or remorse today!
-The REAL Fireman
You can have your religion, yes, but waving it around throwing it in everyones face makes you a huge douchebag .. .
That's the spirit! Accusations! After thousands of years, we've seen better than the lazy go to "douchebag," but it's a start!
Baby steps. If we can get everyone to work up to "I think my congressman is a reptilian" or "Paul McCartney was heavily into the occult based on YouTube research" then we're talking!
And trust me, the last thing I'd like to be throwing around anywhere is religion (yuuccky)!!
From iamaphoney comments
sdofik (7 hours ago)
Paul on Howard Stern
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