I'm literally on my way out the door, but I wanted to let you all know that Geoff Baker's blog is BACK!!!
I encourage all Geoff Baker fans to visit and send him lots of love.

Special thanks to several folks for various favors in the past week or two. I hope you know who you are.
guess what! phony just logged in again!!!!!!!!!!
magic with a k wow wow wow
he had a phone interview with Paul?
You better get back taful there is a revelation going on.
finally is proofed right. Paul is into magick.
is the voice paul?
it does resemble his voice somewhat... but i don't think it's him.
I don't think phony would fake mccartneys voice
see thats the thing about mr phony, he wouldn't do that.
The voice is Paul from an interview which anyone can find online. He's being interviewed for Rolling Stone last year by Anthony DeCurtis.
pssssttttttxxxzzztttttttssss ssss sssss sssss ppptttt ttp pt
( air out of the balloon)
Of course Phoney would throw a video together after Paul made the rounds on TV this week. Phoney's major deal is to be popular and attract Paul fans like flies to shit, so when the chances are high that people are going to YouTube to catch one of Paul's appearances, Phoney sticks a video on hoping to lure them in. I see he threw an image of Yoko in at the end so naturally that will start the new theory buzzing "Yoko is behind it all!".
This latest video is the same old same old. This guy is the walking definition of tiresome.
"The voice is Paul from an interview which anyone can find online. He's being interviewed for Rolling Stone last year by Anthony DeCurtis."
but isnt it not iaaps job to show us where Paul makes his statements that nobody notice?
why does it make iaap a bad person. it is Paul who try to tell us something nobody WANTS to understand.
You have to appreciate the irony in this...
The Fireman's song "Nothing Too Much Just out of Sight" is the 2009 theme song for the Starz Channel "Crash" series.
it is Paul who try to tell us something nobody WANTS to understand.
Paul has been saying the same thing about the Beatles for decades. He isn't saying THEY physically practiced magic and sex rituals, he is saying the opposite: they didn't do anything but show up--the universe conspired in a magical (wondrous) way to create the Beatles.
I'm the one who informed iamaphoney about the magick with a k statement. I can prove it was in Rolling Stone.
i was the one who informed phoney about the hole pid thing and he is very thankfull
I'm the one who informed iamaphoney about the magick with a k statement. I can prove it was in Rolling Stone.
You don't have to. You can hear the clip of the interview that Phoney downloaded yourselves at rollingstone.com
I'm the one who informed Phoney that Paul never died or was replaced. He just said, 'I never let the facts ruin a good story.'
Even Better. Thanks. I did not know you could download audio of random RS interview on rollingstone.com. I'll be damned.
Even Better. Thanks. I did not know you could download audio of random RS interview on rollingstone.com. I'll be damned.
Yep. Just heard it myself.
Phoney really did proove something today.
Paul IS
the king of cosmania = son of the magickian
I have never seen or heard such a valid proof
for phoneys claims, as the one He showed us today.
I am back into IAAP.
I am sorry IAAP that I walked away.
but isnt it not iaaps job to show us where Paul makes his statements that nobody notice?
why does it make iaap a bad person. it is Paul who try to tell us something nobody WANTS to understand.
It was in Rolling Stone magazine. I can assure you that Rolling Stone has a much wider audience than IAAP. Unlesss you've been living under a rock all your life you'll hear performers claiming their success is "magic", "fate", "destiny" and so on. I read an interview with William Shatner where he calls Star Trek "magical" so should we then assume Shatner is painting pentagrams on the floor and chanting Crowley's name? Grow the fuck up you moron!
Stop capitalising the "H" in the word "he" when referring to Iamaphoney. He's not God and he's not Jesus Christ no matter how much you want to believe that.
Where's the Satan dude when ya need him? I bet he'd weigh in on that. lol
"It was in Rolling Stone magazine. I can assure you that Rolling Stone has a much wider audience than IAAP. Unlesss you've been living under a rock all your life you'll hear performers claiming their success is "magic", "fate", "destiny" and so on. I read an interview with William Shatner where he calls Star Trek "magical" so should we then assume Shatner is painting pentagrams on the floor and chanting Crowley's name? Grow the fuck up you moron!"
Except that's not what Paul is saying. He's saying magic - with a K. And notice that he made sure to emphasize the k. Stop trying to explain shit away, you skeptic.
Never mind. It's the same mindset that scours through every scene in Help! or Yellow Submarine looking for satanic or Masonic symbolism. Phoney takes the squiggly shape on a red light and compares it to a mustache! This is pure silliness. Once people start down that road looking for hidden meanings, they often go nuts.
I swear, some of you guys......
If Paul fucking came out and said he was a replacement and that The Beatles were instituted for sinister purposes, some of you fuckers would STILL deny it to your grave. Ridiculous.
At this point, for a lot of you it's about pride. It's about ego. About being right or wrong. People don't want to think that not only was the wool pulled over their eyes, but they were wrong about denying it. That's a tough load to swallow for some. That's why y'all come here and go out of your way to debunk and deny shit. You're afraid of being wrong.
Afraid of being right, too. It's a win win situation.
If Paul fucking came out and said he was a replacement and that The Beatles were instituted for sinister purposes, some of you fuckers would STILL deny it to your grave. Ridiculous.
Funny, I'd rather listen to what Paul actually has to say (and not what Manson heads want to reinterpret). Paul has said again and again that he is proudest of the fact that the Beatles were a force for good. That they could have, given their power, spread a negative message of hate or evil, but they spread the opposite message of love. This is what he says, this is what he believes, and that ultimately the Beatles made a lot of people happy made some others think and even many religious types (Christians included) have praised them for their positive messages. If they were set up by this bogus Tavistock for sinister purposes, it obviously didn't work. Why don't you use your energy railing against individuals that we know and we can demonstrate were sinister, such as Charles Manson or Stalin?
If they were set up by this bogus Tavistock for sinister purposes, it obviously didn't work. Why don't you use your energy railing against individuals that we know and we can demonstrate were sinister, such as Charles Manson or Stalin?
Oh they would never do that. They LOVE Charles Manson. That's what happens when you let Satan into your head. Good going PIDders!
"I never killed anybody." - Charles Manson
Except that's not what Paul is saying. He's saying magic - with a K. And notice that he made sure to emphasize the k. Stop trying to explain shit away, you skeptic.
Your point being? I must have missed something. You could go down to the New Age kiosk in the mall and find tons of products with the word "Magick" on them. Does that mean they're all worshipping Satan in the mall? And since when is magic or magick real? Tell ya what, try learning how to do magick and then come back and tell us how it's working for you. If you're successful you'll be worshipped as a god since there has never been any proof of the supernatural in all of human history.
"I never killed anybody." - Charles Manson
Yeah sure. He seems so honest I just know I should believe him. I think Hitler's generals said the same thing come to think of it.
"Your point being? I must have missed something. You could go down to the New Age kiosk in the mall and find tons of products with the word "Magick" on them. Does that mean they're all worshipping Satan in the mall? And since when is magic or magick real? Tell ya what, try learning how to do magick and then come back and tell us how it's working for you. If you're successful you'll be worshipped as a god since there has never been any proof of the supernatural in all of human history."
There's not supposed to be proof. It's a secret.
the fact is that The Beatles always denied backwards messages, and with this " magic with a K " business we now have undenieble proof that Paul is into Magick and In order to gain power in Magick you " must leard to talk backwards ". Come on you guys you all have to give iama point for this one.
What's been puzzling you is just the nature of my game!
Still confused?
Still looking at sigils and reading Crowley?
Starting to dislike rational people?
Wish you prove to the world that (celebrity name here) is evil (or a reptile) but you just don't have the smoking gun?
Thanks to your efforts, we are closing in on this week's goal of 300 souls! If it wasn't so frikkin' hot down here, I'd probably be laughing at the misconceptions and puzzlement going on up there!!
My proudest achievement is roping in the non religious types, you know, the ones who don't think I exist. It's hysterical when non-Christians worry whether someone is a satanist, especially if they don't believe in me! Tee hee!
Thanks to all you fledgling accusers (hey, don't forget who the master accuser is guys, seriously) for your continued efforts at finger pointing and witch hunting. That whole witch thing was one of your best ideas up there! Keep 'em coming! For you fence sitters, remember--it doesn't cost a thing to accuse celebrities and people other than yourselves (this is the key) of being evil or sinister!!
It's like pay it forward but in reverse. Pay it backward beotches! You tell a friend someone is evil, they'll tell a friend, and so on. It's a pyramid scheme (thanks Egyptian dudes).
I know I'm starting to sound sales-y but 'm not working on commission with this (souls are not a thing of value where I come from). You can start your own chain of lies today and only about 4 rational people will complain. F 'em if they can't take a joke.
Remember what we discussed. Half truths, gut feelings, YouTube videos and innuendo are always better than reason, science, and blah blah blah. Why do you think we invented Wikipedia!
You're welcome.
-Prince of Lies
for what?
"Your point being? I must have missed something. You could go down to the New Age kiosk in the mall and find tons of products with the word "Magick" on them. Does that mean they're all worshipping Satan in the mall? And since when is magic or magick real? Tell ya what, try learning how to do magick and then come back and tell us how it's working for you. If you're successful you'll be worshipped as a god since there has never been any proof of the supernatural in all of human history."
Err, yeah...
Except for healings. You can find lots of documented cases of those if you actually get off your ass and look. I'm not talking about controversial healings, a.k.a Benny Hinn "miracle service" type healings, I mean people who have had tumors disappear and broken legs heal overnight. I know such people. But knowing people like that, and hearing their testimony, that's never good enough for you skeptics, is it?
And levitation. Fucking levitation, and a lotta shit magicians do that people all too easily pass of as just being an illusion. Floating off the ground is no fucking illusion, and yet I've personally seen it done.
Jesus Christ, you skeptics amaze me. The supernatural is real; you're just afraid to acknowledge the existence of something you've never seen or felt.
I also have undeniable proof that you're into it. in fact you've elaborated way more than Paul has. You talk about it with an air of authority. I can only conclude that you're a Satanist who follows Crowley.
Except for healings. You can find lots of documented cases of those if you actually get off your ass and look. I'm not talking about controversial healings, a.k.a Benny Hinn "miracle service" type healings, I mean people who have had tumors disappear and broken legs heal overnight. I know such people. But knowing people like that, and hearing their testimony, that's never good enough for you skeptics, is it?
And levitation. Fucking levitation, and a lotta shit magicians do that people all too easily pass of as just being an illusion. Floating off the ground is no fucking illusion, and yet I've personally seen it done.
Jesus Christ, you skeptics amaze me. The supernatural is real; you're just afraid to acknowledge the existence of something you've never seen or felt.
Spoken like a true Satanist.
This is a smoking gun IMO, and He showed us what we all could have seen ourselfes, thats why He started the revelation . Look around us and we will understand but we need Him to lead the way.
" the fact is that The Beatles always denied backwards messages, and with this " magic with a K " business we now have undenieble proof that Paul is into Magick and In order to gain power in Magick you " must leard to talk backwards ". Come on you guys you all have to give iama point for this one."
Damn straight they do. For once the skeptics need to put their money where their mouth is and give a non-Crowley/occult-related explanation behind McCartney citing the "k" in "magick".
"Spoken like a true Satanist."
If I was a Satanist, then why the fuck am I acknowledging faith healings? Last I checked, the big red dude doesn't do those, so obviously I am giving credit to JC.
Floating off the ground is no fucking illusion, and yet I've personally seen it done.
Actually, it's just an illusion. That's why we call ourselves illusionists.
--Cris Angel
"A sucker is born every minute"
(PT Barnum)
I have changed my mind tonight. For once and for all.
He is right. Iamaphoney was right all along, but everybody in'clue'ding me was to blind to see it.
I now will confess that I put all my trust and love to Him.
If I was a Satanist, then why the fuck am I acknowledging faith healings? Last I checked, the big red dude doesn't do those, so obviously I am giving credit to JC.
Satan believes in JC too. I was being sarcastic. Paul's an ex-hippie. Of course he'd be caught up in hippie new age mumbo jumbo.
His magick is pretty lame if Beyonce outsells him 100 times over. I guess she's a master magickian.
All hail Beyonce!
In case you're wondering, Crowley's own definition of "magick" was any act by a person in order to make something happen according to one's own wishes, such as writing a resume in order to get a job. It was a sort of "positive thinking" or proactive philosophy. No big deal. Anyway, didn't work so well for him.
Iamaphoney IS Jesus Christ! How fucking stupid can you skeptics be? Iamaphoney is in the book of Revelations! The blind do not see.
"Floating off the ground is no fucking illusion, and yet I've personally seen it done.
Actually, it's just an illusion. That's why we call ourselves illusionists.
--Cris Angel
"A sucker is born every minute"
(PT Barnum)"
Then explain it, asshole.
Oh that's right YOU CAN'T!!
Iaap is using Magick on all of us. so is Paul.
Paul is Iamaphoney.
Lead us to the revelation , Paul/IAAP.
If I was a Satanist, then why the fuck am I acknowledging faith healings? Last I checked, the big red dude doesn't do those.
Not to toot my own horns (get it?), but I'm the one known for the kick ass miracles. Hello? Did you read that New Age pamphlet by John called Revelation? He said that I would work "lying wonders" and perform great miracles (but enough about my sex life). So great, in fact, that I would be able to deceive the "whole world" (I think 'whole world' includes you guys).
PS: Cris Angel is an illusionist.
Do You Remember the fires. The Fireman is Him and He is Paul.
Criss Angel uses special effects and pays crowds to go along with his tricks. But I've actually seen levitation at work, and odds are you can probably find a few unaltered Youtube videos of levitation being practiced as well. There is no scientific explanation for human levitation, yet there it is.
Then explain it, asshole.
Oh that's right YOU CAN'T!!
What are you, fifteen years old? If the dude you saw levitating in some park somewhere for spare change could actually fly, he'd be the ruler of the known world. The military wouldn't even let you know about this trick, since helicopters are currently the best way to rescue troops and other handy operations.
There are a number of videos on YouTube demonstrating several different levitation illusions. There are hundreds of variations on the trick, depending on the setting and circumstance. The whole point of magical "illusion" is to trick people into believing they have seen something that didn't actually happen. The reason even many beginning magicians and illusionists draw gasps from shocked crowds is because they are using the audiences' expectations and ideas against them.
There is no scientific explanation for human levitation.
That's because it's always always always a trick.
Why do you think the illusionist wants you to see him levitating? Is he helping his fellow man? Is he on CNN disproving every scientist and theorist of the past five centuries?
Why doesn't he take his levitating ass to the Middle East and float up over Israel and Palestine and tell everyone to stop fighting?
Of course if you believe someone actually levitated you'll believe just about anything else. It's a psychological phenomenon called, ironically enough, "Magical Thinking."
There are a number of videos on YouTube demonstrating several different levitation illusions. There are hundreds of variations on the trick, depending on the setting and circumstance. The whole point of magical "illusion" is to trick people into believing they have seen something that didn't actually happen. The reason even many beginning magicians and illusionists draw gasps from shocked crowds is because they are using the audiences' expectations and ideas against them."
If tricking people into seeing something that isn't there is that easy, then the world is pretty much fucked. It would mean that all of our so-called elected leaders and officials can get us to believe anything they want. The US presidential election? An illusion, obviously.
If you really think it's so easy to make someone see something that their own two eyes should not be seeing then I'm afraid you are the one with a fifteen-year old mentality.
If tricking people into seeing something that isn't there is that easy, then the world is pretty much fucked. It would mean that all of our so-called elected leaders and officials can get us to believe anything they want. The US presidential election? An illusion, obviously.
You're only f**ed if you don't realize it's an illusion, which refers mostly to visual tricks, not elections (although those can be rigged too, obviously).
You should be thankful for science, which puts any claim to the test. If scientists were evil, they could have kept their discoveries over the past centuries secret. Using a cell phone or Jumbotron, a scientist could have fooled every human being that it was God. And you're right, illusionists in the form of cult and other leaders have screwed people over many times. So have con men. So have dudes who lie to get in a girl's pants. Or advertisers who want your cash. People lie and deceive every single day. But the power is in learning to judge people's motives and methods.
The best bet is to remain skeptical of any and all claims that seem to good to be true or to have some supernatural basis.
If you really think it's so easy to make someone see something that their own two eyes should not be seeing then I'm afraid you are the one with a fifteen-year old mentality.
Not one illusionist would make a dime if they didn't make their audiences think they saw something they didn't. Ever heard of an optical illusion? Even the ancients knew that perception could not always be trusted. Put a stick in the water, it looks like it's bending. Human perception (visual and cognitive) is only partly "accurate" in most situations.
criss angel stole his act. but that's neither here nor there....
"Iaap is using Magick on all of us. so is Paul.
Paul is Iamaphoney.
Lead us to the revelation , Paul/IAAP."
you can lead a phoney to water, but you can't make him levitate.
Magick = fake youtube accounts to entice Macca viewers.
Not a very supernatural approach, is it?
Of course if you believe someone actually levitated you'll believe just about anything else.
Like they say about women, "If she says 'yes' to the videotaping in bed there's not much she'll say 'no' to."
If I'm standing three feet from someone and that person suddenly starts to levitate, rising four to five feet from the ground, that is not an illusion. There is no conceivable way to make someone see something that isn't there. Not to that extent, anyway. Do you think someone can actually fool you into thinking that they are levitating? How would they accomplish this? And if they are not rising up through the air by supernatural means and are clearly not supported by anything, how are they doing it? You skilfully dodge such questions by using the tired old "illusionist" explanation.
If I'm standing three feet from someone and that person suddenly starts to levitate, rising four to five feet from the ground, that is not an illusion. There is no conceivable way to make someone see something that isn't there. Not to that extent, anyway. Do you think someone can actually fool you into thinking that they are levitating? How would they accomplish this? And if they are not rising up through the air by supernatural means and are clearly not supported by anything, how are they doing it? You skilfully dodge such questions by using the tired old "illusionist" explanation.
Talk to Penn Jillette
Let me get this straight Paul uses Satanic magick to write "My love does it good wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo"?
Maybe he should learn to levitate.
Anonymous.....You skilfully dodge such questions by using the tired old "illusionist" explanation.
It's not case of us dodging such questions as much as it is an overwhelming sadness we feel when reading something as looney tunes as that. If you really believe that someone levitated in front of you there's not much anyone can say.
Is Amazon Satanic ?
Is Amazon Satanic ?
No but maybe the band Klaxons are since they had a big Indie hit with the song "Magick". Actually I don't think they are at all and neither do I think Paul is. There are tons of songs and albums with Magick in the title. You people act like the minute anyone brings it up as an esoteric idea they must be Satanists. If that's the case IAAP is the biggest Satanist going.
Who was the 5th magickian in Magical Mystery Tour?
Mal Evans was... Well at least that's what was said..
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