As I previously reported, I was one of the recipients of the goodbye note from iamawitch. However, I found a very different message that was sent by iamawitch to a YouTube account that I have had my eyes on for some time.

There seems to be a link between the sdofik account and the Berlin Suitcase.

In other suitcase news, I am happy to report that with the help of a friend, I was able to identify the issue of the Beatles Monthly that is presumably in the suitcase that was dropped near CERN.
It was shown of the video "paul is dead - the rotten apple 71 O."

Here is a rotated view.

The partially obscured issue has a red band at the bottom, which narrowed down the candidates significantly. I am relatively certain that the issue is Number 46, from May of 1967.

That particular issue features and article about Mal Evans, and the writer credited was none other than Neil Aspinall.

Click on the images to see full size scans.

Other notable entries in the issue included an article speculating on why the Beatles grew mustaches and a picture of a bus from Penny Lane. And just like the promotional film that was shot to accompany the song, the destination on the bus (which has a number that corresponds to the number of this particular issue of the magazine) is Grave Street. There are just so many coincidences in life.

1 – 200 of 260 Newer› Newest»me first!
Me last!
Kidsof taf. You owe me one. That's two now.
poop 4
Constipated, sorry.
some interesting "kids of" "skid of" "disks of" comments where made during the drunken night of 1000 posts, also coincidentally a day that Tafultong did the famous "All work and no play" post..
i thought those comments were just part of the debauchery... taken in light of the
Joined: October 26, 2008
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takes on a new meaning...
also... wait a minute..... hang on... be right back.. something even more interesting...
Tafultong, please check out the lone subscriber to the sdofik channel...
when you look at QTFanGER, lo and behold.... a comment from...
grandfatheraleister (1 month ago)
Say hi to Quentin from me
; )
i am wading through the night of a 1000 posts to find the comments that were made that i thought were strange and now seem to have a different meaning.... i need a drink... and so i shall
the pizza man returns.. had soup tonight. cold and snowy here tonight didnt want the dominoes guy to get in an accident.
saw my son over christmas, so it was good. ex wife is still evil as hell.
going to find those posts from the night of 1000 posts. about sdofik
be right back, need a refill
no pizza tonight dude? Soup?
I dub thee, "Soup Man"
(the [burial] plot thickens!)
Anonymous said...
Tafultong, please check out the lone subscriber to the sdofik channel...
Yes, that comment has been there for quite some time. That suitcase may really be "in circulation."
Let me know what you find out from the night of 1000 posts. I would help you but I don't think I have enough alcohol in the house.
remember all those PID videos, from i think PIDgame, had a lot of pulp fiction clips in them about "ringo" and suitcases?
so then QTFanGER, with clips from the set of "Inglourious Basterds" being filmed in Berlin..
I'd like to solve the puzzle please mr. Pat Sajak here on this wheel of fortune,
Quentin Tarantino is involved...
his he grandfatheraleister?
is he Iamaphoney?
ok, i will be "soup man" tonight.
if I break down and get pizza tonight, I want my old name back.
hang on, wading in the 1000 posts, drinking too. difficulty level about 5. going to also make a couple of other predictions here later too with a little more liquid courage.
Ok, actually the deal started the day before and continued on the night of 1000 posts.
see what you think about this
Disk Of said...
i have a big secret
October 30, 2008 5:11 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
i do too.
October 30, 2008 5:12 PM
Anonymous Disk Of said...
who are you?
October 30, 2008 5:12 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kids Of
October 30, 2008 5:12 PM
There is more, hang on...
if you would like to follow along..
go to tafs post on
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pantomime "Everywhere It's Christmas"
UPDATE: This was uploaded today. Note that this is from IAMAPH0NEY, but not Iamaphoney.
the interesting sdofik i think start there and continue in the night of 1000 posts.
wait... uh oh.. hang on.. need more drinks
more weirdness..
and of course.. MikeNL is involved
Anonymous Skid Of said...
me too
October 30, 2008 5:13 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Disk Of said...
i have a big secret
October 30, 2008 5:11 PM
Tell mikey, then its sure to be safe!
October 30, 2008 5:16 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Tell mikey, then its sure to be safe!
October 30, 2008 5:16 PM
I did
October 30, 2008 5:21 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
MikeyNL1038 (4 days ago)
are you still there, or is this ""we have the suitcase" thing a scam.
and then
Blogger MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
MikeyNL1038 (4 days ago)
are you still there, or is this ""we have the suitcase" thing a scam.
October 30, 2008 5:23 PM
so he's sending you messages too!
good. do you have the video yet?
October 30, 2008 5:37 PM
Blogger MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
MikeyNL1038 (4 days ago)
are you still there, or is this ""we have the suitcase" thing a scam.
October 30, 2008 5:23 PM
so he's sending you messages too!
good. do you have the video yet?
October 30, 2008 5:37 PM
"so he's sending you messages too!
good. do you have the video yet?
October 30, 2008 5:37 PM"
ah ha!
damn it, going to order a pizza. this soup is no good for the drinking..
HEY! Someone is erasing the posts from those nights!
found the 65if2007 landfill comment
The sean...ahem..I...ennon YouTube account is typical Phoney bullshit. How anyone can be so damn stupid to fall for this guy is a bigger mystery than PID. He's like the world's most clumsy con man. Please people, do something about that I.Q. of yours.
October 30, 2008 10:20 PM
Blogger 65if2007 said...
"Bingo! That is why on phoney's YT channel the suitcase count is 1/4. There WERE 5 suitcases/briefcases, but because 65if didn't kiss ass, he again is being punished. It is their way of saying "sorry, your efforts don't count."
Well, I'll be! Those dirty ****** (grins)
Well, I guess that I no longer have to worry about commands from on high to take the briefcase apart and bombard the record with infrared radiation.
None of the **** that I have is important anyway. So what was RA 101 all about then if the contents of THAT suitcase don't mean anything?
Anyway, I'm free. I really CAN dump it all in a landfill if I want to. And it seems that only yesterday, I was being threatened with dire consequences if I did.
October 30, 2008 10:43 PM
So taf, do you want the "Magic Christian" LP that was in the suitcase/briefcase?
I'll send it to you or to whomever you designate if my expenses in doing so are reimbursed.
Don't know bout ya'll cats, but I'm going to order some pizza, spark it, and play 222 on top of 444.
avoid the noid
I want it!!!! (Letter B)
Taf doesn't need it 65.
Thats like giving TPS reports to the boss... He's in on it and probably has a stake in the company.
avoid the noid
damn man, brought back some memories that I cannot remember when you said that....
as i am fishing in the old comments, someone is actively erasing comments as I refresh. Hello you! You are deterring me a little bit here. that is makinng me drink more. this is not good. for i shall start drunk dialing old girlfriends and exwives. please make my job easier and stop censoring the old comments. or i shall start calling the women, and i will tell them that you made me. then they will be mad at you too as well. trust me, when they get mad they TAKE ALL YOUR MONEY. Do you want that? Do you???!??!? They take your $$$!!! And your pride. Its terrible man. I do not recomend this. Please don't redact the old comments. or i call the women. and tell them i am you. then they take your money.
comments here are best forgotten, my friend.
a toast? a slice? held up.
we forget this shit ever happened?
you are better off without it.
Or you can spend your life savings on a fucking crappy record...
(not saying 65 would sell it for a profit, he's a good guy.. Yet no one need to care as much as to drop one dime)
KILL IT 65!!!
Your highest bidder. I'll pay more to see you burn it.
the pizza delivery guy is here. rocking the tripple peperoni this evening. tip is massive because of the snow difficulty. helped a friend sell christmas trees so got some extra $$ in the pocket, the ex doesn't know about it. got the #1 son a blueray game consol. he is happy. the world is looking kinda good, a new year and a fresh clean slate.
Except you my evil nemesis. I don't know who you are yet. But you are vexing my search for the sdofik comments from the day before and the day of the 1000 comments.
You are hurting my chances of making a contributions here, and man, that aint cool. I am already pretty low down on the totem pole in life. Leave me a shred of my dream to help! Actually, youre greatest enemy is your best friend. so thank you best friend for making me stronger and wiser. but stop erasing the comments! not cool or nice.
Time for another drink and a slice. if you are playing along, do the same. smoke em if you've got some as well. going to get back on the road trucking so sticking with drinking tonight.
And if sherlock holmes is in the background, get your magnifying glass out and lend a hand! Could use your help.
damn man, reading the comments from the night before and the night of 1000 comments, i had pizza that night too. same deja vu all over again. except i am not near as drunk yet. staying frosty to find the rest of the sdofik comments.
full moon tonight as well. maybe its the moon that makes me drink like this, and not just the alcoholism. if i brought that up in a meeting... friend of bill w.
there's that bill clue again. damn near everywhere you look.
Seriously man, stop erasing your comments. You are being very inconsiderate. its making me drink... more...
It's not a goddamn seminar... LET GO!
Apparently you like pizza and beer. Its not a clue. But it can sure turn one into a Sherlock.
Find it funny that research is pointless? Taf will post a link to a new IAAP video. You can watch it. You can see all the blinking crap. You can see (per Jude?) Sylvester Stallone). You can see Aztec (first, and later mayan) 2012 sunwheel crap. You see paul talking bout 2012, and possibly see Ringo on his "The day the earth stood still" cover (and his 2012 garbage). You can see alot of wacky crap.
No reason to even care tho. If Taf isn't part of the game, he will still show you the videos.
Taf, the magical scribe. He will feed you your 2012-magical-shit-eating-cult-leader pizza.
And it tastes good, man.
-----KILL IT 65!!!
Your highest bidder. I'll pay more to see you burn it.-----
Then why not just pay me to send it to you?
hrm. lets figure this out.
wading deep into the night of 1031 posts.. so far... this
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
you kids really think you're suave ...throw the disc us
October 31, 2008 10:35 PM
you mean the Disk Of said...
i have a big secret
October 30, 2008 5:11 PM
Disk of?
Kids of?
Skid of?
October 31, 2008 10:40 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Disk of?
Kids of?
Skid of?
anagram that and you'll see another mikey deal
MikeyNL1038 (4 days ago)
are you still there, or is this ""we have the suitcase" thing a scam.
October 30, 2008 5:23 PM
October 31, 2008 10:42 PM
then this....
then this....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
why can't you throw the disk us(disk of) yourself? why do you require someone else to throw it?
October 31, 2008 10:53 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
I guess you didn't notice yesterday
October 31, 2008 10:43 PM
I did. what is it you would like done?
What I would like done is the deal.
October 31, 2008 10:54 PM
Anonymous said...
What I would like done is the deal.
October 31, 2008 10:54 PM
I made no deal with you. However, that is not to say that I wouldn't. What are your terms?
October 31, 2008 10:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dude should watch his mouth a little.
October 31, 2008 10:59 PM
then thiss...
Anonymous said...
"I made no deal with you. However, that is not to say that I wouldn't. What are your terms?
October 31, 2008 10:59 PM"
depends on the merchandise
October 31, 2008 11:03 PM
a million bucks + shipping?
then this...
Anonymous said...
depends on the merchandise
October 31, 2008 11:03 PM
I have none. Sorry, I cant throw your disk of/kids of/skid of.
Maybe tonight there is someone else here who could for you. Is that the requirement for the next step?
October 31, 2008 11:08 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
the suitcase must frighten the someone who doesnt want to put it up under their ISP.
October 31, 2008 11:10 PM
disk of said...
hypothetically, if someone had some, pictures of something. why do you think someone would send a non-directly involved person those pictures and videos to post up, ostensibly as their own?
Why do you feel someone wouldn't want to do it themselves?
some thoughts I had on the subject.
1. the person is in fact running the game.
2. or, the person who has said information for some reason is fearful of doing it themselves.
3. they lack the knowledge on how to do.
but the hypothetical person was knowledgeable to set up say, a "rapid share" account to send the hypothetical information in the first place, so #3 is not plausible. or it may be that i am overlooking another variable.
October 31, 2008 11:29 PM
none of your disks or pizzas needed..
I believe Iamafunny is our friend from a few days ago who said with a humorous glint in his unseen eye that he would be tempted to make a Phoney like account to have it talked about here. Right aftre he made that statement the account appeared.
Mission accomplished but no one's lauding you as a "master" yet.
I srsly have an offer for 65. Click the link. This other one, click it too.
"Mission accomplished but no one's lauding you as a "master" yet.
January 10, 2009 11:42 PM"
no doubt! i was not even fooled by it. and i am very foolable. try again there man, you may still be called master yet. make another video, give it a shot
in the words of sanguine111
"Smoke sum buds wid yer buds!"
in the words of MikeNL
in the words of sanguine111:
"brb my bff jill, k yo?"
"Anonymous said...
It's not a goddamn seminar... LET GO!
Apparently you like pizza and beer. Its not a clue. But it can sure turn one into a Sherlock. "
sorry man. the pizza man just saw some connections with that sdofik stuff. didn't mean to piss you off. my life is sad and kind of lonely since getting divorced. i drink and have too many problems. just wanted to help.
i will stop now.
pizza man out
i'll buy that shit. click the link.
2 above. Not the 1 before.
send me what you want for it.
Tell 1-2 things we might have already talked about during fiasco #1, witch luckily no snakes or power rangers got ya.
We'll watch it burn...
damn. over 111 seconds passed, on the 11th, i was willing to donate $111 dollars to the first one who could elementary penguin me.
then all this pizza and divorce stuff.. You lucky, bastard... How'd you get both?
just a knocker in a slaughterhouse here... :(
bad luck. the pizza is excellent however
kick me when i am down. go ahead. things can only get better.
The oracle google can show that these are about 4 people.
2awilk2001 2awilk2001 MikeyNL1038 Mike yhshvh10 yhshvh10 sanguine111 sean grandfatheraleister Wilfrid Brambell Brambell joshblue33 joshblue33 CryHepZero CryHepZero PIDgame PIDgame footnotebot David Foster Wallace Wallace wizardofFaul wizardofFaul IONEIX IONEIX IONEIXHEDIE IONEIXHEDIE iamawhich iamawhich sonofwhom sonofwhom 922008Suitcase John Galt Galt faulconandsnowjob Faulcon
who's this?
Be sure to invite sanguiine's #1 best bud to your top-8 too!!!
add yshvh10
major edits, that night, right there
"I made no deal with you. However, that is not to say that I wouldn't. What are your terms?
October 31, 2008 10:59 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dude should watch his mouth a little.
October 31, 2008 10:59 PM"
down in Louisiana, where the alligators grow so mean...
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
popeye chicken is yummy
"just a knocker in a slaughterhouse here... :( "
But aren't we all?
"who's this?
That's Iameyemaphoney.
huh? that's iameye? what's MBFFF?
Changelings would be identified by malicious temper, difficulty in movement, and other unpleasant traits. Changelings also hate shoes so they walk about barefoot as often as possible. They are very wise and possess an intelligent vocabulary. Their hair is hopelessly tangled, no matter how many times you brush it, and grows very fast.
Their eyes and hair are usually earthen colors such as green and brown.[citation needed]
According to some legends, it is possible to detect changelings as they are much wiser than human children.
Compared to other children, Changelings tend to be extremely eccentric in personality and in clothing choices. As young adults, their strange traits will become harder and harder to conceal
Pupa Häagen-Dazs® Coat of many colors?
Sounds good but probably tastes like shit.
"Changelings also hate shoes so they walk about barefoot as often as possible. "
so is Iaap a changeling? or Faul?
Anonymous said...
"Changelings also hate shoes so they walk about barefoot as often as possible. "
so is Iaap a changeling? or Faul?
January 11, 2009 11:05 AM
what are you talking about? is that a new conspiracy or something?
from wiki:
"Changeling is a being in West European folklore and folk religion, typically described as the offspring of a fairy, troll, elf or other legendary creature that has been secretly left in the place of a human child."
Article goes on to explain that if you abuse the changeling,
it will leave, and the original child will show up in its place.
wouldn't want THAT to happen
Sunday morning creeping like a nun.
Monday's child has learned to tie his bootlace.
See how they run.
Lady Madonna, baby at your breast.
Wonders how you manage to feed the rest.
Lady Madonna, lying on the bed.
Listen to the music playing in your head.
pa pa pa pa papapapa l
Their eyes and hair are usually earthen colors such as green and brown.
no comprendo, big man
Is it true what they say about Tuesday afternoon?
Interesting McCartney entry.
wow this is weird geoff baker diary of a madman
shut down his blog??????
you hear anything on that jammie?
so? what's weird about that?
"Anonymous Anonymous said...
so? what's weird about that?
January 11, 2009 2:35 PM"
you don't think its strange huh? nice!
i may be broke but i pay attention.
just tell me
was he gilder?
I pay a shit load of attention. Do you?
Tafultong. Please tell us what is going on.
Geoff Bakers blog is closed, maybe yours are next?
FYI, the only people who can delete comments are the person who wrote them or myself. If comments are being deleted from the night of 1000 comments, it is not me doing it.
I do have copies of all of the comments, so if you think something significant was deleted, let me know what you noticed was missing.
But I will respect anyone's right to delete their own comments.
Geoff Baker was using his blog as a pre-publication resource for his novel. It is no surprise that the blog would be deleted if he is close to signing with a publisher.
Please check your personal messages at Nothing Is Real.
" But I will respect anyone's right to delete their own comments."
if there was a deletion, it would say comment deleted. no? so where's that?
Hmmm, I think I have seen that. I have never deleted my own comments on someone else's blog, and I rarely delete other people's comments here, so I don't know if it will always say "Comment Deleted" or not.
Maybe the beers were causing comments to appear deleted.
and maybe not...because it happened.......
I like it better when the beer causes comments to appear!
Anonymous said...
Interesting McCartney entry.
Yes, that was great. Thank you.
One of the biggest pieces of evidence against the Paul Is Dead theory is Jim McCartney. He nearly committed suicide when his first wife died. It seems unlikely that he would simply go with the flow and keep the secret if his young son died suddenly.
Mal Evans would dispute Paul's story about the inspiration for "Let It Be" if he were here today.
Drink Me.
One of the biggest pieces of evidence against the Paul Is Dead theory is Jim McCartney.
And everyone else that Paul ever knew.
You would have to make two people disappear. The "original" Paul and then the impostor would have to drop off the face of the earth to become the new Paul.
Considering the media busts celebrities for even the smallest bits of gossip, they would have been all over this one.
"Drink Me."
"Considering the media busts celebrities for even the smallest bits of gossip, they would have been all over this one.
January 11, 2009 6:58 PM"
.redaer edoc a era uoy dalG
od dluoc uoy dna pu ekow uoy fi tahW
?taht tsuj
?rekaerbedoc ekil ti s'tahW
If anyone ever wondered what would happen if groups of people spent years and years trying to solve a mystery that never really existed, or that didn't fit the preconceived answer, you would end up with exactly what you have now. NIR, Miss Him, Miss Him, Phoney, et al. Breathtaking amounts of long winded speculation without anything to show for it. For those who already believe PID, more evidence one way or the other is pointless anyway. For skeptics, there is nothing in the RA series that would pass the laugh test. A lot of people put their faith in Phoney, who basically mocked his audience with shirtless escapades (mocked, not joked) and more and more briefcases (taunting) containing Beatle's Monthly magazines.
That's why Taf has increasingly taken the position that the series (and the whole PID clue thing) is entertainment and mythology more than anything else.
Oh, but is it? (Qeues mystery music)
If anyone ever wondered what would happen if groups of people spent years and years trying to solve a mystery that never really existed . . .
Don't bring me down, Bruce.
and an alfred hitchcock silourtte appears.......
Good Evening!
silhouette. damn shadows!
Enjoy the tour.
Hook, line, sinker.
Hickory, dickory, dock.
Three blind mice.
See how they run?
i feel as if i have been on this ride before. is is ok that i am exhausted?
Can this be the last time please that we repeat this story?
That's a new way to say absolutely nothing.
childrens storys are a warning to what lies ahead.
well if it Lying ahead, why trust it?
all good children go to heaven?
Having nightmares?
Can't sleep?
Does PID have your brain tied up in knots?
Find yourself studying Egyptian symbols and the occult?
Feeling paranoid, like you can't trust anyone anymore?
Don't worry, kids! "What's been puzzling you is just the nature of my game."
Hey Satan,
got MILK?
Boy, Satan really knows how to spoil a party. I KNEW something funny was going on when I found myself buying that Golden Dawn book at Border's.
I was wondering why my girlfriend suddenly got all interested in ram's heads, anagrams, and Spahn Ranch.
Perhaps that's not a good sign.
Find yourself thinking everything is evil? Inanimate objects, geometric shapes, the sun, cats, celebrities, pretty songs like "I'll Follow the Sun?" Find yourself looking at things upside down, backwards, or listening to music in reverse? Find yourself thinking upside down? What's wrong is right, what's right is wrong? Starting to think beauty, love and truth are tricks?
Don't worry! In the demonic biz we used to call this "perversion." It's so easy a five year old can do it! Nowadays, we call it "looking for clues."
Try it at home!
Start a forum and discuss Egypt till dawn!
Accuse your friends and people you don't know of being replacements, lizards, or changelings!
Once you go down that road, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to distrust and hate your fellow man!
Satan won 1,000 bucks when he bet that he could get people to think Paul McCartney (yes, Paulie) was EVIL! I have to admit even I thought that would be a challenge even for him.
Join in the demonic witch hunt today!
Lose your sense of logic!
Whip yourself into a manic frenzy!
What better way to make people to hate their neighbor as you would have them hate you!
Well, when you put it THAT way . . .
Where do I sign up?
Where do I sign up?
It's easy! Try any PID forum such as NIR, Paul is Dead, or any place with lots of graphics and reptilian talk (wink wink) such as David Icke.
Best part: You'll feel you're uncovering great truths when you're actually being sucked into a Satanic mind trap!
oh noes!!!! satan! changelings!
Thar be dumb people...
Google tells me that i have misspelled "satan". It should be spoken in the proper and capitalized. This must be this satanic conspiracy you speak of! I better go grab my bible.
and fat people hogging the scooters.
Who is this lama phoney?
iamaphony is Paul McCartney
no kidding
Thanks Paul - for Hope Street.
iamaphony is Paul McCartney.
I think Paul would have checked the spelling on "phoney" and quite a few other things as well.
Google tells me that i have misspelled "satan". It should be spoken in the proper and capitalized. This must be this satanic conspiracy you speak of! I better go grab my bible.
Not to worry!
There are a few instances in the Bible when the word Satan refers to an individual with the definite article "The Satan" (although in Hebrew nothing is capitalized), and instances where satan (lower case) may refer to any individual that presents an obstacle or that falsely accuses others (Satan means "obstacle" or "accuser")like the accusations you see in RA and NIR).
Like I said, they are all mini satans, accusing their neighbors of being reptiles!
Start accusing today and we'll throw in a box of stones to throw at your neighbor's glass windows absolutely FREE!
Refer your friends directly to Satan by getting them to study up on Horus, Set, or Amenhotep and we'll reserve a guaranteed spot in the Abyss with no money down!
It's THAT easy!
(P.S. extra points for any false, misleading, or outright fabricated information).
Start accusing today and we'll throw in a box of stones to throw at your neighbor's glass windows absolutely FREE!
Maybe you can help. Currently my accusations are pretty damaging (aliens, reptiles, replacements), but I'd really like to bring them to a wider audience. My friends at school have already heard my theories. I'm also interested in stepping up my game to libel. What should I do?
Maybe you can help. Currently my accusations are pretty damaging (aliens, reptiles, replacements), but I'd really like to bring them to a wider audience.
Excellent questions! A lot of people here in hell wondered the same thing.
If you want to start accusing people on a bigger scale, you should try creating a YouTube account. One good way to bring in new viewers is to set up a false account for celebrities like Paul McCartney or Miley Cyrus.
The best part is that you can accuse whomever you want of whatever you want (replacement, evil, etc.) and there will little or no criticism as long as you make your videos entertaining (iMovie has instructions for making entertaining videos with the push of a button).
It may sound crazy, but no matter how bizarre your accusations might seem, you'll find that lots of forums will pick up on your stories and discuss them day after day, spreading the false info even further (and into the most unstable and willing to believe minds--heehee!)
More suitcases!
Taf are you sure that's a genuine Beatles Monthly and not a revival copy from the 90's? If I remember correctly they often used the same photos on the cover despite having current info on the inside. I ask this because of the color discrepancy in the heading, red in the suitcase, pink on the original. Along with Beatlefan I would always pick up the latest Beatles Monthly at Tower Records.
(R.I.P Tower Records)
Taf are you sure that's a genuine Beatles Monthly?
Uhm . . . the series isn't about nitpicking concepts like "genuine" "authentic" or "honest." Have you watched the other 75 videos? Let's just say they aren't geared toward Scotland Yard types.
pink turns to red when colorgraded which iaap clearly did in the video, or somebody go check the damd suitcase
Taf are you sure that's a genuine Beatles Monthly and not a revival copy from the 90's?
Call me cynical, but that sounds a bit like a self-serving statement from Phoney or a Phoney-ite, the purpose of which is an attempt to distract attention away from the latent satanism and stir interest in the briefcases, which is almost impossible to do given the bogus content of the others. Apparently this little ploy provides an opportunity for a Phoney-ite to confirm that there is an extremely valuable Beatle's Monthly issue in that case ($7 to $10).
Somebody get that case!!!
First case: picked up, embarrassing contents.
Second case: picked up, even more embarrassing contents.
Other cases: see above.
My first reaction to seeing the video he had in suitcase #1 was "he would have been better off just shitting in there". lol
Iamaphoney is MikeNL. GFA is not MikeNL, although a good guess from whoever started that.
Here's a hint: GFA is someone whom is a regular on NIR, and has been for some time.
If I ever meet Paul McCartney, the first thing I'm going to mention is The Rotten Apple.
Refer your friends directly to Satan by getting them to study up on Horus, Set, or Amenhotep and we'll reserve a guaranteed spot in the Abyss with no money down!
I agree with some of your posts. Am I correct in thinking it's all from the same person? Iamaphoney is very heavily into Satanism. I think however that much of his hatred for Paul stems from old fashioned jealousy. Iamaphoney is a musician first and foremost but also a failed musician. He probably began his life in music inspired by the Beatles and Paul in particular but his ambitions went nowhere so that admiration turned to jealousy and then hatred. He sees someone like Paul who effortlessly puts out albums and has no trouble getting record deals and compares it to his own struggle to get noticed. He digs around online looking for negative stories about Paul to soothe his own wounded pride and comes across TKIN. Tie that in with his obsession with the occult and you get RA loaded with his original music. The RA series is probably the first time anyone outside of his friends paid any attention to his music so he won't be giving up anytime soon.
Yeah, but iamaphoney is a much better video editor than he is musician. I guess a dream is a dream, but why try to force a music career? Just stick with what you're good at.
MikeNL is GFA.
The evidence is clear.
Firstly, MikeNL is the first to comment on any and all GFA videos the minute they are uploaded. That is impossible considering many times that the videos are uploaded would be the dead middle of the night in Amsterdam and MikeNL being a 12 year old kid would have to be up to go to school in the morning.
You cannot read the manner which each account responds to comments on videos and draw any other conclusion that they are one and the same. Each account comments are verbatim. VERBATIM!
If this was an episode of Myth Busters, Adam Savage would look at the camera and say "BUSTED".
As some one said earlier,
"The RA series is probably the first time anyone outside of his friends paid any attention to his music so he won't be giving up anytime soon.
January 12, 2009 3:09 PM"
Pepsi shelled out money for some of Iamaphoney's music. Pepsi is a multinational company. A large one to boot. Nothing to sneeze at.
Has Paul ever done that?!?!?!?
The short answer, is no.
Guess that solves the petty jealousy argument now doesn't it???
Feel a little silly now, don't you???
" Anonymous said...
If I ever meet Paul McCartney, the first thing I'm going to mention is The Rotten Apple.
January 12, 2009 3:02 PM"
and he would say, "Bern told me last year."
and if pressed
"Harold won't shut up about it. I myself have never seen it. But my alter ego The Fireman, LOVES YOUTUBE!"
"Anonymous said...
MikeNL is GFA.
The evidence is clear.
Firstly, MikeNL is the first to comment on any and all GFA videos the minute they are uploaded."
Nice try, but in case you had not noticed, HE IS THE FIRST TO COMMENT ON ALLLLLLLLLL the videos. Close your case, go home.
Pepsi shelled out money for some of Iamaphoney's music. Pepsi is a multinational company. A large one to boot. Nothing to sneeze at.
Has Paul ever done that?!?!?!?
Only if you buy into the Iamaphoney is Martin Lind theory. Please explain your reasons for believing that?
i thought MikeNL was IAAP! now he is GFA as well? No wonder i never saw them in the same room together. it all makes perfect sense now.
"Only if you buy into the Iamaphoney is Martin Lind theory. Please explain your reasons for believing that?
January 12, 2009 3:22 PM"
i met him a bar and he told me he was iamaphoney. that good enough for you?
I met him at a bar and he told me he WASNT!
Martin Lind looks nothing like iamaphoney!
Lind is chunky
iamaphoney is skinny.
CASE CLOSEssssssDuh!
Anonymous said...
Martin Lind looks nothing like iamaphoney!
Lind is chunky
iamaphoney is skinny.
CASE CLOSEssssssDuh!
January 12, 2009 3:27 PM"
Ever heard of Anna Nicole Smith?
Case.... whatever....
Martin Lind was the original iaap.
He was replaced.
The Actor is like Faul.
You can't tell the identity of Iamaphoney by the person in the videos. There have been two people onscreen. A short guy with dark hair and beard and the more often seen "metrosexual". Both appeared in a music video that was posted on NIR. The video was taken down right after that but the posts about it are still up on NIR in the RA thread. This is not the "superstone" or "superstallone" video but an entirely different one with band members lipsyncing on a couch.
Well I searched through that thread but gave up after the 90th or so page. Too much to wade through. I do remember the video that you mentioned and one of us exclaiming "that's our phoney!" but it may have been in another thread. That was around the time the bloom came off the rose for IAAP to all of our benefit I might add.
How hard is it to figure out? Guys in a band trying to get viral interest through a PID series.
"How hard is it to figure out? Guys in a band trying to get viral interest through a PID series."
It IS hard to figure out. If they're just some struggling band, where do they get the kind of budget to travel all over the world dropping suitcases and shouting "King of Cosmania!" at Paul when he steps out of his car in Las Vegas? Who is their benefactor? Who's funding this shit?
We know that phoney has been as much as a few feet away from Paul in Las Vegas. Of course, he wasn't able to talk to him, let along snag an interview. Still, something interesting to think about.
It IS hard to figure out. If they're just some struggling band, where do they get the kind of budget to travel all over the world dropping suitcases and shouting "King of Cosmania!" at Paul when he steps out of his car in Las Vegas? Who is their benefactor? Who's funding this shit?
We know that phoney has been as much as a few feet away from Paul in Las Vegas. Of course, he wasn't able to talk to him, let along snag an interview. Still, something interesting to think about.
True. But if they have big a budget why are they just resorting to posting videos on YouTube like anyone else? What are they spending this supposed budget on? hookers and beer?
A project looking to expose Paul McCartney as a false Paul from Canada or embarrass him needs to set aside about 90% of it's budget to handle the inevitable libel lawsuit coming it's way. I doubt a reputable film company could even get a project like this off the ground without getting sued up the ass.
Who is a phoney? That's what IAAP has been asking you all along. If you haven't figured it out by now, you don't deserve to see the revelation.
As far as I can tell IAAP is Eurocentric and made ONE trip to the states last summer to California with a drive out to Las Vegas to see the LOVE show (a 2 car hour trip. Big deal). He's recycled that footage a zillion times.
He (they) spend most of their time in Europe. Not that hard to get around Europe. Remember that John and Paul once hitchhiked from Liverpool to France.
This rehashed argument that IAAP must be wealthy based on the videos doesn't hold water. So what if he's traveled a few places? Some people have jobs that require them to travel. Maybe part of his video editing gig is to travel a bit to various shooting locations. A rental car (Mustang) and a limo. Not necessarily indicative of wealth or prestige. He could be a trust funder for all we know. And other people could have filmed in different locations for him. I have friends all over the place. I could ask them to film such and such, and upload or send it to me. No big whoop. I've met a lot of huge Macca fans that follow him around the world to see his shows. That doesn't make them EMI insiders.
What difference anyway? There is nothing of substance in the videos or briefcases thus far. That's all you need to know.
Remember that John and Paul once hitchhiked from Liverpool to France."
They call it "hitchhiking" when it involves a boat? Liverpool is on one side, France the other. At that time there was not an under sea Chunnel.
They Hitchfloated
Jude is on the right path. Listen to this man, he is wise. Sylvester Stallone was involved in some form or another. You're getting warmer.
I always felt that the so-called word "code" or "love" on the side of IAAP's car in Vegas was the logo of the rental service.
I've got friends who film a lawn decoration they took from another one of our friends in various locations around the world when they take their vacations. So when Mitch sees his lawn gnome in Hong Kong, toolin around in a yellow mustang with backwards McCartney songs playing he is going to know for the love of christ that Paul is Dead. This will convince him.
Later, I am going to film the gnome, we call him Chauncey, with naked asian girls in a hot tub.
Then he will know beyond any shadow of a doubt that Paul was replaced, and his name is Faul.
Take that Mitch. Doubt me once, shame on me. Doubt me twice, we take the gnome. Doubt me three times, the gnome goes to Hong Kong, drives around in a yellow rented Mustang if they have one, and we chuck him into a hot tub with nude asian girls.
"Later, I am going to film the gnome, we call him Chauncey, with naked asian girls in a hot tub."
I will subscribe to that, when you posting it?
"I've got friends who film a lawn decoration they took from another one of our friends in various locations around the world when they take their vacations. So when Mitch sees his lawn gnome in Hong Kong, toolin around in a yellow mustang with backwards McCartney songs playing he is going to know for the love of christ that Paul is Dead. This will convince him.
Later, I am going to film the gnome, we call him Chauncey, with naked asian girls in a hot tub.
Then he will know beyond any shadow of a doubt that Paul was replaced, and his name is Faul.
Take that Mitch. Doubt me once, shame on me. Doubt me twice, we take the gnome. Doubt me three times, the gnome goes to Hong Kong, drives around in a yellow rented Mustang if they have one, and we chuck him into a hot tub with nude asian girls."
You stole that schtick from the movie "Amelie". Weak.
If you watch the video on Formermedia's website you'll see some of the same locations in IAAP's videos. Coincidence?
Is your name Mitch? He has to see it first. It is his lawn gnome after all.
And when he sees it, it will be like a tiny violin playing, and the notes that it will play will be like a million tiny pocket knives thrusting into his Beatle worshiping heart.
Anothing says Paul is Dead like bobbing lawn gnomes and little asian tit*ies.
"You stole that schtick from the movie "Amelie". Weak.
January 12, 2009 6:09 PM"
Oh thank God! Then I don't actually have to fly over there and do it.
I can cleverly edit the video, put some scary sounds on it, send it to Mitch, make him pay for doubting me.
Guys, turn it to USA. WWE Raw is on. Shawn Michaels is facing John Cena. Maybe James Paul McCartney will perform at Wrestlemania this year.
Mitch was in 'Nam, it is really going to bother him.
"Mitch was in 'Nam, it is really going to bother him.
January 12, 2009 6:13 PM"
And he was a Beatles fan? Last Nam vet I knew was deeply into the rolling stones.
I always felt that the so-called word "code" or "love" on the side of IAAP's car in Vegas was the logo of the rental service.
Phoney knows how to make stickers at Kinko's. This much we know. The rest is speculation.
The Rotten Apple is a work of art. A damn good one, too.
You stole that schtick from the movie "Amelie". Weak.
January 12, 2009 6:09 PM
The movie "Amelie" has a gnome riding around in a yellow mustang in hong kong, and them bobbing around with nude asian girls in a hot tub?
Too bad Phoney can't find a replacement for his lead singer as easily as the Beatles did.
FINALLY! The Iamaphoney interview!
I just got fired!
I lurk at god like productions forum.
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