We are not talking huge belly laughs here although I think he came close to that once, possibly in an effort to relieve some tension in the Iamaphoney world. In February of 2008, Iamaphoney dropped the first suitcase in California. In late March, a member of the Nothing Is Real discussion group known only as 65if2007, recovered the suitcase and was extremely cooperative about sharing information about the contents. Then the wheels fell off the cart. MikeyNL1038, who was getting some heat for being such a big fan of Iamaphoney said that he was told that 65if2007 was not telling everything about an important item in the briefcase. There is no point in dredging up old wounds of internet petitions, threats, hate messages, a banished discussion group thread, etc., but let's just say that the atmosphere in the PID world was not good. In a moment of massive frustration, 65if2007 threatened to throw the suitcase into the ocean.
Iamaphoney's hilarious response was emerge from the ocean with a suitcase in his next video:

Now, if he attempted to be that funny all the time, he would lose his core audience [I would stay, but he would lose the other two.] So, I don't expect to see much in the way of humor in these videos. Someone who sees only "Clockwork Orange" and "Full Metal Jacket" may think that Kubrick doesn't ever laugh, but with repeated viewings and exposure to his other work one may begin to detect some subtle humor. The same may be true of Iamaphoney on a much smaller YouTubeish scale.
Sometime around February of 2008, I had read in a discussion group that someone had sent Iamaphoney a picture of John Lennon and Ringo Starr, and that he responded saying that the picture was interesting. In the picture, John was wearing one of those Illuminati Symbol thingy tee shirts. I saved the picture on my hard drive and decided I wanted to do a quick post about it.

My quick post turned into several excruciating hours because I was searching and searching for that newsgroup post where I got the picture. I must have read a thousand threads on several different groups, but could not find it. I posted the picture anyway and just said that Iamaphoney had taken an interest in it. I remember being sternly reprimanded for my lack of journalistic integrity because of my failure to identify the source of the picture. [I think it turned out to be Paul Is Dead Miss Him.] This was the first time it ever occurred to me that journalistic integrity was a consideration when writing a blog. Then some other person on another discussion group said he had lost what little respect he had for Iamaphoney based on my post with the picture.
A few days later the rotten apple - 101 came out and the picture appeared in it about four times. I felt vindicated. I was thinking about that a few months later when I wrote something. I don't know if anyone else got the joke because I am often taken too seriously, but this still makes me laugh out loud.

A couple other good-natured and humorous Iamaphoney moments can be found if you look hard enough. Those who have corresponded with Iamaphoney via his YouTube Channel have discovered that he has a penchant to include the word "really" at the end of a sentence, really. But my very favorite one was when Iamaphoney graciously supplied the new fledgling Rotten Apple Discussion Group with the original lyrics to one of his songs based on a backwards Beatle song. The song "Harmless Game" included the word "shaggily." In context, the line is "man I´m singing now for my fear - will Paul re-live shaggily if someone - that is reality." The word "shaggily" has worked its way into my lexicon. I struggle to resist including it in every article. I use it at home more that I will admit.
So, yes, I believe Iamaphoney does have a sense of humor, but I do understand those who disagree. We are dealing with a dark subject after all. My hope is that we will all eventually arrive at the punchline together and have a good laugh.
UPDATE: Thanks to MikeNL for bringing this to my attention. It is the background of the YouTube site for the user http://www.youtube.com/user/lANIACHIMOE

1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»Only you understand me Tafultong.
I love this post, tafultong... really!
User iamafunny not found!
Damn.... thought I'd find it, somewhere...
I couldn't find user iamafunny either.... where could he be?
god i hope not
martin lind is known for his comedy
taf, i noticed you haven't posted anything about the photograph of TPF that can be found on:
maybe you missed it.
mike wrote this 4 days ago on FAULofHistory vid Paul is Dead - ? - The Voice of William
MikeyNL1038 (4 days ago)
don't know.
I did miss it. Thanks.
I heard that 65if2007 was really holding out on everybody and was extremely un-forthcoming with the contents of the suitcase. I can't remember where...
I also heard that some German fiasco was a laugh riot, also involving a suitcase and middle fingers.
Or Iamphoney iamafunny fun?
My vote is iamaphoney,
nobody does comedy like iamaphoney.
One word... suitcases...
That one STILL makes me laugh!
photograph of TPF?
what is TPF mike?
Actually, as I recall, I threatened to throw the suitcase and its contents into a landfill, not the ocean.
And that was in response to a sympathetic suggestion made by jarvitronics. It wasn't my own idea.
So unless I'm mistaken, Iamaphoney's venture into the ocean really wasn't a humorous response to me.
I still have all of this stuff, and I'll probably continue to hang onto it, just on the very very very very slim chance that any of it is a genuine artifact.
I really think that I have plummeted the depths of what I have and found every "clue" that there is to be found in it.
If Iamaphoney wants to tell me to look at something else he'll have to contact me and direct me to it instead of telling others that I am "holding back".
The one possible exception is the record. The brouhaha started when Jude and others demanded that I go to the trouble of finding a phonograph to play the LP forwards and backwards.
I was unwilling to do this because I had grown tired of playing the game and I resented having the request that I do so phrased as a demand. I still haven't done it.
However, Jude and I have more or less reconciled, and now that the emotions have subsided, I'm willing to give up the LP while keeping everything else. I offered it to Jude, but he no longer wants it.
Do you want it, Tafultong? I will send it to you or to someone trustworthy if my expenses in doing so are paid and if my privacy is respected (since I will necessarily have to include my return address).
I think that our common sense tells us that it is extremely unlikely, based on Iamaphoney's history, that there is any "revelation" in the record, but I might as well establish closure on this matter.
"One word... suitcases...
That one STILL makes me laugh!
January 8, 2009 11:16 PM"
suitcases is two words....
just because the word is plural doesn't mean that it, in and of itself, is two words.
"Actually, as I recall, I threatened to throw the suitcase and its contents into a landfill, not the ocean."
That's what I recall as well.
Tafultong -1
65if2007 +1
-----I heard that 65if2007 was really holding out on everybody and was extremely un-forthcoming with the contents of the suitcase.-----
I was quite forthcoming on the contents of the suitcase, which included that silly video that I downloaded to YouTube.
An extensive discussion of the contents of the suitcase can be found on the NIR group, and Tafultong posted copies of some of the digital photographs that I had taken.
The only dispute that I know of was my refusal to go to the trouble of playing the LP, and I am now offering to send the LP to a trustworthy person who is willing to go to that trouble.
"If Iamaphoney wants to tell me to look at something else he'll have to contact me and direct me to it instead of telling others that I am "holding back"."
What? Didn't you find that funny 65if2007? He meant it as a joke.
Ha HA!
He calls Paul a satanist, He calls you a LIAR. All in good clean humorous fun!
"I think that our common sense tells us that it is extremely unlikely, based on Iamaphoney's history, that there is any "revelation" in the record, but I might as well establish closure on this matter.
January 8, 2009 11:17 PM"
Thank you 65if2007, I think that is a great gesture especially in light of the shit things that have been done and said about you. The treatment you have received on this matter has not been fair. You have risen above the situation.
-----What? Didn't you find that funny 65if2007? He meant it as a joke.
Ha HA!
He calls Paul a satanist, He calls you a LIAR. All in good clean humorous fun!-----
I see what you're saying, Anonymous.
Iamaphoney's sense of humor is akin to that of a villain from Batman.
"Don't you know the joker laughs at you?"
I was hoping that if the record was played backwards it would say
"sssssssnatch crucifix"
or some such comedy gold.
-----Thank you 65if2007, I think that is a great gesture especially in light of the shit things that have been done and said about you. The treatment you have received on this matter has not been fair. You have risen above the situation.-----
You're welcome, Anonymous. Thank you very much for your kind remarks.
"Snatch crucifix" is apparently Iamaphoney's backwards version of "Imagine".
In Rotten Apple 9 q, Iamaphoney gave us a backwards version of "Come and Get It" ("Say half of them who works this out...").
So I suppose that if I played "Come and Get It" backwards on the LP, I might have gotten something that sounded a little like Iamaphoney's song.
This assumes that the record even plays, given its several weeks exposure to the elements in Santa Susanna Pass State Park.
Iamaphoney was just pissed after having dropped a grand pressing the album that you didn't play it backwards. After blowing the budget on limos and plane tickets, suitcases and mustang rentals, hotel rooms and other shoe leather, the non-playing of the album was the last straw. Who here hasn't had the occasional outburst from frustration?
65if2007 wants to be reimbursed for the postage on the record. How about if you not only paid a large sum to press a record WITH A CLUE on it, and then for plane tickets for TWO, car rental, hotel expenses, and countless hours in video editing, to be told that the person that found it was "tired" of the game.
Who is going to reimburse iamaphoney?
What if he was "tired"?
Iamaphoney was just pissed after having dropped a grand pressing the album that you didn't play it backwards. After blowing the budget on limos and plane tickets, suitcases and mustang rentals, hotel rooms and other shoe leather, the non-playing of the album was the last straw. Who here hasn't had the occasional outburst from frustration?
65if2007 wants to be reimbursed for the postage on the record. How about if you not only paid a large sum to press a record WITH A CLUE on it, and then for plane tickets for TWO, car rental, hotel expenses, and countless hours in video editing, to be told that the person that found it was "tired" of the game.
Who is going to reimburse iamaphoney?
What if he was "tired"?
Heh heh.
Definitely keeping in line with the original humorous theme of Tafultong's latest.
I didn't find it funny what iamaphoney said about you 65if2007.
Nor what some others said about you as well. You are the one and only person to actually get a suitcase. What you did was above and beyond what anyone else has done so far in that respect.
MikeNL1038 who repeatedly admonished someone to "go get the suitcase", cast doubt by saying you were withholding something,
HIMSELF failed to get the suitcase when one was dropped in his near vicinity.
I really am hoping that the humor tafultong sees in iamaphoney is a reality. What I have seen so far has been extremely mean spirited towards not only the person who is the subject of the videos, but towards the participants of this game of revelation iamaphoney purports to be preparing the world for.
Maybe instead of Yenz giving the middle finger to the viewers it was iamaphoney himself.
"Nor what some others said about you as well. You are the one and only person to actually get a suitcase. What you did was above and beyond what anyone else has done so far in that respect."
Not true! the German kid got it also. Give some respect there to him. He had just as much the balls as 65if2007
"I really am hoping that the humor tafultong sees in iamaphoney is a reality. What I have seen so far has been extremely mean spirited towards not only the person who is the subject of the videos, but towards the participants of this game of revelation iamaphoney purports to be preparing the world for.
Maybe instead of Yenz giving the middle finger to the viewers it was iamaphoney himself.
January 8, 2009 11:49 PM"
Here here. I second that
Not true! the German kid got it also. Give some respect there to him. He had just as much the balls as 65if2007
January 8, 2009 11:52 PM
Did he really? Is the suitcase "still in circulation?" Will MikeNL1038 tell us if it is genuine?
No good dead goes unpunished here in Paul is Dead land.
Try it sometime. To do something good.
Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger (or at least risk) in which they have been placed. The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm, Sweden, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28 in 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their victimizers, and even defended their captors after they were freed from their six-day ordeal.
Paul is Dead syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an viewers and bloggers of Iamaphoney videos, in which the blogger shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger (or at least risk) in which they have been placed. The syndrome is named after Tafultong, who is known to quote iamaphoney entirely too much around his home, really.
Really shaggily I might add, really!
In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their victimizers, and even defended their captors, finding humor in things that did not happen, such as 65if2007 saying that he would throw the suitcase into the ocean and magickilly iamaphoney has a video where he rises from the ocean, when 65if2007 clearly said landfill.
According to the psychoanalytic view of the syndrome, the tendency might well be the result of employing the strategy evolved by newborn babies to form an emotional attachment to the nearest powerful adult in order to maximize the probability that this adult will enable — at the very least — the survival of the child, if not also prove to be a good parental figure. This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defense mechanism of identification.
Tafultong = Patty Hearst
tafultong patsy foney
"Anonymous said...
tafultong patsy foney
January 9, 2009 12:14 AM"
No! What is TPF that mike says is william and the man on the beach picture?
Anonymous said...
Tafultong = Patty Hearst
January 9, 2009 12:12 AM
This is hurtful, why do you say such things?
Anonymous said...
Tafultong = Patty Hearst
January 9, 2009 12:12 AM
This is hurtful, why do you say such things?
January 9, 2009 12:16 AM
It is humor. Humor in the style of Iamaphoney. All the kool kids are doing it.
"It is humor. Humor in the style of Iamaphoney. All the kool kids are doing it.
January 9, 2009 12:17 AM"
If your friends decided to jump off a cliff would you think that it would be a good idea?
Joined: November 15, 2008
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all 53 of the cool kids jumped off the cliff to look at lANIACHIMOE
A small piece of irritating material is placed with a oyster. The mantle tissue forms a "pearl sac" around the bead and the oyster then coats the bead with nacre, which is the pearly substance.
I appreciate the sympathy and understanding of the one or more anonymouses who have expressed it.
At the risk of being labeled myself with Stockholm's Syndrome, I don't feel that victimized.
I worried about snakes and park rangers when getting the suitcase but nothing like that happened, so I look at all of that as an adventure of sorts -- and I'm really keeping this stuff as a souvenir of it.
The whole brouhaha that developed afterwards was distasteful, but I don't think that I was harmed by it.
Telling Mike that I was "holding back" something was at best a stupid joke or ploy on Iamaphoney's part and was at worst extremely mean-spirited.
But I've enjoyed his videos. I still do. There was a time early on when I wondered if it wasn't just possible that he really had stumbled onto the greatest Beatles story of all time.
I'm not disappointed that "Paul is still with us" after all, but I guess that I am disappointed that there was never any "revelation" to be had.
But it was and is still great entertainment and I don't think that my disappointment has harmed me. I certainly don't blame Tafultong for anything.
Blogger Tafultong's Iamaphoney Pearl
Small well editied videos are made, casting ominous aspersions towards Paul McCartney, musical hero of Tafultong.
This psychologically irritating material is placed within Tafultong's psyche.
The protective mechanisms within Tafultong's psyche towards Paul McCartney forms a "pearl sac" around the unsaid intentions of the persons behind the iamaphoney and others videos.
A Transference occurs, leading to the Paul is Dead syndrome. Where the intense admiration and other positive healthy emotions once reserved for Paul McCartney and his music are replaced by intense feelings for the person making well edited videos saying that Paul McCartney is a satanic warlock.
This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defense mechanism of identification.
It is a common pitfall for those articulate, thoughtful, and intelligent individuals, some who may be reading this message right now.
In an attempt to reconcile the dichotomy between the polar opposites of identification between the negative image presented by iamaphoney, and the positive image originally held about Paul McCartney, leads to a transference of emotions from Paul to Iamaphoney in an attempt to control the damaging psychological information.
Humor is seen by the blogger by means of intricate "clues" placed within the well edited videos. A imagined statement by 65if2007 about throwing the suitcase into a landfill, is remembered by the blogger as "throwing the suitcase into the ocean" which is cleverly featured in the next video to be discovered as a clue to Iamaphoney's comic genius.
Blogger Tafultong's Iamaphoney Pearl
Small well editied videos are made, casting ominous aspersions towards Paul McCartney, musical hero of Tafultong.
This psychologically irritating material is placed within Tafultong's psyche.
The protective mechanisms within Tafultong's psyche towards Paul McCartney forms a "pearl sac" around the unsaid intentions of the persons behind the iamaphoney and others videos.
A Transference occurs, leading to the Paul is Dead syndrome. Where the intense admiration and other positive healthy emotions once reserved for Paul McCartney and his music are replaced by intense feelings for the person making well edited videos saying that Paul McCartney is a satanic warlock.
This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defense mechanism of identification.
It is a common pitfall for those articulate, thoughtful, and intelligent individuals, some who may be reading this message right now.
In an attempt to reconcile the dichotomy between the polar opposites of identification between the negative image presented by iamaphoney, and the positive image originally held about Paul McCartney, leads to a transference of emotions from Paul to Iamaphoney in an attempt to control the damaging psychological information.
Humor is seen by the blogger by means of intricate "clues" placed within the well edited videos. A imagined statement by 65if2007 about throwing the suitcase into a landfill, is remembered by the blogger as "throwing the suitcase into the ocean" which is cleverly featured in the next video to be discovered as a clue to Iamaphoney's comic genius.
So will you be so smart when the revelation comes and you were here on the ground floor of history, and you turned your back on iamaphoney and are left out high and dry in the cold with others who doubt?
Will you be laughing then, or weeping?
You will weep uncontrollably and inconsolably and beg forgiveness
and even the lowest of the low will have pity on you
I'd rather laugh with the sinners then cry with the saints....
I think our former Kimmel writer beats IAAP hands down in the comedy department. I'd have a little more respect for IAAP if he developed a sense of humor. I just think the examples you used Tafultong are either weak or just not funny. I can't decide. No disrespect.
Billy Joel Connection to Paul is Daed
as "interpreted" by grandfatheralistertoon
True Story
Monday, April 26, 2004
Top Story: Billy Joel in Yet Another Car Crash
One wonders if Billy Joel might need a refresher course at driving school. Slightly injured but mostly embarrassed, the singer/songwriter was involved in his third car accident in two years on Sunday when he lost control of his car on a rain-slicked road and banged into a house in Nassau County, New York, The Associated Press reports. The accident occurred at about 4 p.m., when Joel, driving a vintage VW bug, crashed through a row of bushes and banged into a small beige home one block from the beach.
Read em and weep.
Copy and paste if you will grandfatheralistertoon, you love them car crash vw
my god the clues are everywhere. remember when bily joel crashed his bug into that guy's house?
"Anonymous said...
I think our former Kimmel writer beats IAAP hands down in the comedy department. I'd have a little more respect for IAAP if he developed a sense of humor. I just think the examples you used Tafultong are either weak or just not funny. I can't decide. No disrespect.
January 9, 2009 1:19 AM"
Iamaphoney can do no wrong.
Anonymous said...
my god the clues are everywhere. remember when bily joel crashed his bug into that guy's house?
January 9, 2009 1:25 AM
grandpaTOON will be sure to include that one in his next video
thought the billy joel thing was a joke! NOPE!
Billy Joel cuts hand in car crash
By J. Jioni Palmer and Bill Bleyer | Newsday Staff Writers
April 26, 2004
Billy Joel crash
Billy Joel's car after it hit a house at 409 Bayville Ave., Bayville. Sun., April 25, 2004. It was his third crash in two years. (Photo by - Thomas C. Phillis Jr. / April 25, 2004)
BAYVILLE, N.Y. - Musician Billy Joel crashed a vintage car into an unoccupied house in Bayville yesterday afternoon, Nassau County police said. It was Joel's third accident in about two years.
The crash occurred at about 4 p.m., when Joel was driving westbound on Bayville Avenue and his 1967 Citroen veered off the road and smashed into 409 Bayville Ave. The occupants of the home were not there at the time, police said. The impact left a crack in the home's foundation.
Police said Joel, 54, suffered a small laceration on his left ring finger and minor damage to his car. He refused medical attention at the scene and had the car towed, police said. There was "no criminality" so no charges were filed, police said.
Neither Joel nor his publicist could be reached for comment.
Related links
Billy Joel crash, Bayville Billy Joel crash, Bayville Photo
Neighbors who rushed to help Joel said he emerged from the car shaken and sheepish that he was involved in another car crash.
"When we found out it was Billy Joel, we were like holy cow, this is Billy Joel," said Tom Phillips Jr., who helped Joel out of the car and, with other neighbors, helped push the vehicle away from the house.
He said Joel told them he was on his way from his Centre Island estate to pick up a pizza.
"He said 'I can't believe I'm in another car accident,'" Phillips said. "I think he was embarrassed he lost control -- that's why I think he was trying to be a joking guy and laugh it off."
Neighbors said there is a bend in the road near Third Street and Bayville Avenue close to the accident scene that can be tricky to navigate. They said a motorcycle crashed into the same house last year.
Nassau County police said no field sobriety test was conducted at the scene because there was no indication of any type of alcohol or drug use involved.
In June 2002, Joel was treated for alcohol addiction after a car accident in Sag Harbor.
Yesterday's accident marks Joel's third since 2002. His previous two bang-ups were on the East End, where he owns a home. In June 2002, Joel crashed his 1999 Mercedes-Benz into a fire well and post after losing control of the vehicle while attempting to make a turn. He refused medical attention, no charges were filed or field sobriety tests administered.
A week later, he voluntarily entered Silver Hill Hospital in New Canaan, Conn., a drug and alcohol facility.
Joel's publicist at the time said the accident and his hospitalization were "100 percent unrelated."
Six months after the first accident, in January 2003, Joel drove his 2002 Mercedes Benz into a tree in Sag Harbor, and had to be extricated from the vehicle. He spent a night at the hospital being treated for head injuries. No charges were filed or sobriety tests given in that incident either.
Billy Joel wrecked that bug!!
Proves paul is dead by the way... in case you had any doubt.
A Man named "BILL" wrecked a BEETLE!
GrandfatheralisterTOON is vindicated and is booking radiotalkshows right now
interesting clue about billy joel! they are really trying to tell us something
The Billy Joel Stanley Kubrick Connection
My God it's Full of Stars!
tpf records
tpf group
so your saying that TPF is a thing like Kubrick used for HAL being move the letters over and you get IBM?
I like the part where IAAP climbs out of the ocean and starts kicking ass in the yellow mustang! Almost runs over that mexican dude
IAAP knows billy joel?!?!
I like the part where IAAP climbs out of the ocean and starts kicking ass in the yellow mustang! Almost runs over that mexican dude
January 9, 2009 1:47 AM
at 58 seconds
mexican dude calls him a cabron before being run over
Cabron means MALE GOAT!
remember that joke sir paul was telling "one Goat"
slam and dunk, i rest my case
makes me think of that billy joel song
"only the good die young"
he was singing of pre 1966 PAUL!!!
he tried to tell us when he crashed his VW beetle! when will we wake up???
I like the part where IAAP climbs out of the ocean and starts kicking ass in the yellow mustang! Almost runs over that mexican dude
January 9, 2009 1:47 AM
"I like the part where IAAP climbs out of the ocean and starts kicking ass in the yellow mustang! Almost runs over that mexican dude
January 9, 2009 1:47 AM
January 9, 2009 1:56 AM"
Look at the tatoo on the IAAP actor's arm... BELIEVE IT! Nazi tatoos!!!
He ran over a bunch of mexicans filming that california suitcase video. notice the blood on the "code" license plate!
Hi there Tafultong,
I just wanted to say that I am a big fan of yours, really!
And I wanted to clear a couple of things up tonight.
Firstly, I did not run over any Mexicans while filming the suitcase videos in California. That would be against what we are trying to do to bring about the revelation.
Although we very could have easily run over bunches of them, there are so many! Really!
So please, nobody call the cops.
Secondly, while I make all kinds of wild accusations and out of context inferences my videos, I really dislike others talking negatively about me here. You really need to get a handle on your blog readers Tafultong. They are getting a little upitty. I basically like to dish it out, I will not take it. I think my video editing earns me the right for blind devotion. It seems to have worked with you!
I am a big fan of yours Tafultong, thank you for seeing my humor where I intended it, me climbing out of the ocean and not in the suitcase disaster. The ocean thing was a secret "wink" to you. And I am so proud you caught it.
So, you doing ok? Good, good.
In summary,
A big fan of yours Tafultong
A good driver,didn't hurt the mexican
P lease get grip on upitty blogreader
i really love to dish, not take
s o you doing ok?
F is for cookie, good enough for me!
U really think Iamafunny?
N o, really big fan of yours
N o, 65if2007 IS HOLDING BACK
Y ouknowmyname owes me 33rollingrocks
Do what thou wilt
You know when it's the really IAAP when the first letter of a sentence spells out SECRET MESSAGES!
Nothing pleases MikeNL more then that, gives him something to do, empowerment, really!
Y ouknowmyname owes me 33rollingrocks
me too! damn mooch! I am like, git your own damn beer YKMN! And he's like, I'll make another impressive video, and I am like, ok.
he tricks me every time with that...
As a proud Mexican American, I support Iamaphoney for not running over me on his visit to California. If he could next ditch the nazi tatoo's, then I would give him blind adoration.
"So, you doing ok? Good, good. "
He says that to you too?
"Do what thou wilt"
He says that to you too???
there are other secret codes up there in Iamaphoney's comment. if you know where to look......... not just the acrostic
My vote is iamaphoney,
nobody does comedy like iamaphoney.
One word... suitcases...
That one STILL makes me laugh!
January 8, 2009 11:16 PM
suitcases is two words....
grammer nazi! g-HAD!
me?? A nazi!? Hey, do I look like the IAAP actor's tatoo?
That's a lot of anagrams to try to work out...
I can attest with all my vested authority, that the above message from IAAP is in the best of my knowledge GENUINE.
You can tell by a number of iamaphoney patented message "Watermarks"
1. He is a big fan of Tafultong.
2. He tells us not to call the cops,
because it is not his style to
run over mexicans, it would hurt
the revelation! Leave the law out
of this. Love is the only Law,
Love under will.
3. He can dish it out, not take it.
4. There is a lovely ACROSTIC that
spells out IAAPisFUNNY
ACROSTIC's are a notable feature
of a GENUINE iamaphoney message.
5. He ends with "Do what thou wilt"
Classic ending, sums up the whole
Satanic angle.
I attest under penality of PID Perjury that the above comment is funny but not nearly as funny as Iamaphoney, nor could ever dream or hope to be. If you can dunk a basket ball, or if you can play guitar and sing really well especially old beatles tunes backwards, or if you have washboard abs, or if you can edit some snazzy videos, well then you shouldn't be questioned about anything. Since some members of the team can do some of the above things, except the basketball part, learn to love instead of hate us.
Do what you're going to do.
Anonymous said...
That's a lot of anagrams to try to work out...
January 9, 2009 2:27 AM
indeed. too many. i don't think thats a really message from iaap. something is not quite right about it... someone is trying to mislead us..
what is TPF that mikey said?
who is that? the actor?
Damn YKMN, owes me a beer too.
We drove by a VW beetle with a headlight out, and he's all "you owe me a beer."
and Im like, "dude i saw it first."
and hes all "Yes i did!"
and Iam all "NO youknowyourname, you didnt"
and he's all
"I will say hi to you in my next video, your name center screen."
and Iam like
"you want rolling rock or Heineken?"
"you want rolling rock or Heineken?"
January 9, 2009 2:48 AM
I would have said "Look youknowyourname, you owe everybody beer all over the world. time to pay it all off."
and he's like "Party at my house, I bring mega kegs"
And I am like "SWEET!"
and he's all,
"come by my house tomorrow at 9pm."
And I am like "Great!"
and then he gets out of the car, but forgets to write out his address and I don't have his number!
curse you YKMN. you still owe me beer. I will not forget.
don rickles has left the building
a cha cha cha!
"GOOD NIGHT, Mrs. Calabash--wherever you are!"
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
That's a lot of anagrams to try to work out...
January 9, 2009 2:27 AM
indeed. too many. i don't think thats a really message from iaap. something is not quite right about it... someone is trying to mislead us..
January 9, 2009 2:41 AM
Do you include yourself in that "us"? Or do you just mean us that are trying to figure it all out and not spread more dis-info?
damn iaap sure brought the funny tonight!!!!
good job Iamaphoney. We are laughing with you, I promise!
What's wrong with you dis-info people, we get a real iaap message tonight and you turn it into a joke!
iaap only wants us to laugh! lighten up. taf is right, iaap is FUNNY!
so iaap is trying to say this is all a joke?
I think his message speaks for itself, read between the lines.
How can it speak for itself between the lines? that doesn't make any sense!
I am rewatching all the iamaphoney videos, this time with the sound off, and playing "wacky sax" music behind it. IT REALLY MAKES A DIFFERECE!
You can too! it will change the way you feel about this.
that's me trying on different hats, with the wacky sax playing in the video. what you do is click my video (remmeber to voote and subscribe!)
Then keep my video playing, wHILE WATCHING THE IAAAP videos!
The waky sax makes all the subtle comedy LEAP out of the iaap videos. When I play it loud i start to believe that I don't need to take this Lunesta and ambien anymore! The ambien makes me sleepwalk, down to the store, for twinkies. I need more hats, not TWINKIES!
Vote for my video Wacky Sax Hat Style! Watch the IAAP videos with my video sound playing in the background. FEEL BETTER ABOUT LIFE!
Don't do Milk, drink yur drugs!
Keep up the good work tafultong.
Sincerely :)
dude you do need more hats! you only have like 5 or six hats then you repeat!
by the way, as you are a mexican, do you support IAAP with his Nazi tattoos, even though he wont run you over while making suitcase videos in california?
i am an Aboriginal from Australia. I don't a mexican.
Man, they skimp you on the hats down under! Less twinkies! MORE HATS!
Man they skimp you on the hats down under!
you owe me a beer!
curse you YKMN! you always get the beer
the iamaphoney videos with wacky sax is BRILLIANT!
The suitcase videos make so much comedy sense now!
Iamaphoney is going to be really huge in France. They know how to treat an artist over there.
think about the crepes you will eat, the french toast, the french bread, the french fries. You will live like a king iamaphoney. All because of a hat wearing mexican looking Aboriginal from Australia who came up with Wacky Sax Iamaphoney and said the now famous words....
take that meme and choke on it h8tzers, we got the t-shirt rights. we wont f*ck it up like seltaeb did in the 60's.
Amusing post, Taf. Very amusing.
what have you started Tafultong? You want us all to sleep?
wacky sax iamaphoney videos!
that fricken "Code Clown" looks EXACTLY Like Roag Best! Guess we know who is behind this little caper.
Joined: January 09, 2009
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My name is Ettamogah Glaginye
Wacky sax + iamaphoney = sleep
get off of ambien and lunesta and get a sleep
if you are reading this you need sleep
if you are watching iamaphoney you need wacky sax
if you are watching iamaphoney with wacky sax, you will sleep
i promise, if worked for me it can has worked for YOU!
I lost 2 kilograms last month from getting the good sleep. iamaphoney made me not sleep, i took sleep drugs to sleep. now i watch the wacky sax and feel better about the my world. you will loose the weight as well, which helps with the ladies i can assure you.
I am the Richard Gene simmons of the Paul is Dead wacky sax. Together we will get together to do great things, such as we will speak at great length at a later date. For now, SLEEP!
The code clown he is your silent powerful scary friend,
he will frighten the companies that prevent your sleep!
Name: Ettamogah
Age: 43
Country: Australia
that fricken "Code Clown" looks EXACTLY Like Roag Best! Guess we know who is behind this little caper.
January 9, 2009 5:42 AM
No! Not at all!
The code clown he is your silent powerful scary friend....
With friends like this, who needs life?
wait a minute..
you are kidding, right?
Blogger MikeNL said...
taf, i noticed you haven't posted anything about the photograph of TPF that can be found on:
maybe you missed it.
January 8, 2009 11:07 PM
Is this the original actor, or the "replacement?"
it is jon bon jovis replacement.
January 9, 2009 6:30 AM
loving it! :-D
Jon should be pretty happy about that.
Whatever gets you thru the night.
check this out
it's his f**** twin brother
Anonymous said...
check this out
it's his f**** twin brother
January 9, 2009 7:00 AM
seems genuine.
doesn't work.what are you aying? iaap is BJ?
well, well, what do we have here..
the "actor" together with Paul
if my wouldn't see it for themselves
too fat
he's got that nasty shirt on for a whole year: http://cgi.ebay.com/New-Bon-Jovi-Rock-music-2009-Calendar-08HY_W0QQitemZ350150190100QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Music_Music_Memorabilia_LE?hash=item350150190100&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=66%3A2%7C65%3A15%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318#ebayphotohosting
I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam!
(And I yam pretty phunny!)
jon bon jovi is more of a hunk , but the similarity is striking!
Or he's delusional and thinks he's Bon Jovi....or worse, wants to be just like him.
what is TPF, mikey?
Sir Tafultong,
I might have missed the posts (I use the plural post(s) because I would think more than one would be needed for such a rebuttal), but why the sudden need to defend phoney's humor?
No offense intended; just curious.
All the best,
Sir Larry
wow taffy
there is something there
the actor is Bon Jovi
crazy, right?
I really thing we have to keep an eye on what McCartney and Bon Jovi are doing these days
something is not right here.
Good question, SLM.
The voice of William on Coast to Coast is not iamaphoney nor is he from Europe. He said he was born in 1966, yeah right. iamaphoney is 45 years old, do the math. This so-called international caller had an American accent. One last thing, just because someone calls on the international phone line, it still could come from anywhere on Earth, even the US.
In other words, it was a hoax call.
The windows 7 beta makes me think about iamaphoney, right at this moment on the beta page it says;
Windows® 7 Beta coming soon!
and... *Check back in the afternoon on jan. 9th.*
well GUESS WHAT... i've been refreshing this damned page all day.. and it's almost midnight... and still no new beta...
it makes me think of iamaphoney...
and not to forget that your windows has to be GENUINE!
Iaap looks like a pitarte. He has a sun kin chest
pirate, ar ar
Friday night arrives without a suitcase
Now that IAAP has dropped all the suitcase shenannigans, can we lose the whole "barechested dude" stuff? I know this sort of thing has it's fans but if this is some grandiose scheme to get laid....
pirate booty
Not sure how the ocean reference could even mildly be construed as humorous if no one--and I mean no one--doesn't catch the reference. I'm guessing Taf is searching feverishly for a quote from 65if about throwing the case into the ocean. If he did, no one remembers and therefore the "joke" is pointless. If he didn't, there's definitely a credibility issue.
Not to sound sexist, but I didn't hit me until this post that Taf must be female (if you aren't Taf, apologies). It's just that it reminded me of that Saturday Night Live when Phil Hartman playing Donahue interviewed the battered women. "Why do you stay with this guy when he beat you, humiliated you, stole your life savings, and cheated on you?" Phil asked. "You just have to know him," came the reply.
It sounded sexist.
I think Phoney is quite hilarious. There's nothing more side splitting than trying to connect Paul McCartney to the Zodiac murders. Oh, how we laughed when we saw that 1,2, 3,4,5,6,7 and how Paul used the same old nursery song in "You Never Give me Your Money."
But backwards? what is all that backwards? ah ah?
But backwards? what is all that backwards? ah ah?
You mean the Phoney version of the song or the original?
ocean vid
Taf is a guy and not gay or anything. His devotion to Phoney is just plain odd but whatever works for you I say.
I think devotion is the right word. Anyway, how could a bunch of pot head musicians in the 60s hide Paul being dead when Eliot Spitzer couldn't hide his own hooker?
What difference anyway? The Baywatch video, the Blair Witch video, it's just entertainment. Forget the source. Consider the audience.
It's the audience (Taf included) that's funny. I'd wager that for the majority of RA watchers, the real show has always been the audience and their posts. Phoney is the venue, the Gas N Sip if you will--we're the ones entertaining ourselves. Hardly anything posted on Phoney's page or here has anything to do with the videos.
Taf is a guy and not gay or anything. His devotion to Phoney is just plain odd but whatever works for you I say.
January 9, 2009 6:02 PM
So be true to your phoney now
Just like you would to your GIRL or GUY
Be true to your phoney now
Lift your web blog high
Be true to your phoney
Sorry, couldn't resist.
....you know, Brian Wilson....Beach Boys..."Be True To Your School".
Hopelessly devoted to yooooou.
Could Tafs devotion to phoney be likened unto Shakespeare?
To thine own self be true.....
Know what I mean? ;>)
.....don't mind me. I'm just a fly in the ointment. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in the ass.
Pretty much just the pain in the ass.
"We are dealing with a dark subject after all."
What is this dark subject of which you speak?
When People ask of me
"What would you like to be,
Now that you're not a kid anymore?"
I know just what to say!
I answer right away:
"There's just one thing I've been wishing for:
I wanna be Phoney's girl!
I wanna be Phoney's girl!
That's the most important thing to me!
And if I was Phoney's girl
(if I was Phoney's girl)
What a faithful, thankful girl I'd be!"
Each night I sit at home
hoping that he will post,
But I know Phoney has some one else. (Sigh)
Still in my heart I pray there soon will come a day
When I will have him all to myself!
Charlie Manson
This Mikey lives in the Netherlands, is an IT man, likes The Beatles, just like our Mikey!
His picture may even look as an older Mikey would (if you have seen Mikey's picture on Hyves.nl).
Taf, Mike and Jude are unavailable for comment at this time. Please stand by.
36? when?
20 years ago? today?
Here I come to Tafultong's rescue. Sort of. I hope.
All that I had to do was to Google "65if2007" and "ocean".
What, did no one else think to do that? It took me at least 24 hours to think of it myself.
Not too many entries with that restrictive search and so I readily found a contribution from Tafultong's own blog -- this blog -- under an article dated June 18, 2008 called "Rotten Apple 111 and More".
There's a sentence in there which reads, "It appears that a second suitcase has been dropped in the same spot in California. I suggest that we bring 65if2007 out of retirement to go fetch it for us. I realize that he may call it a briefcase and throw it into the ocean, but that might tell us how many original Mal Evans suitcases Iamaphoney actually has (or had)."
Iamaphoney's video entitled "Los Angeles Suitcase" came out on June 18, 2008.
So while the notion of Iamaphoney having a sense of humor rankles some, I think that Tafultong's supposition to that effect has been rehabilitated.
"Los Angeles Suitcase" looks like a humorous response to Tafultong's remark and not mine.
Now and then, I miss you.
the fire man "practiced fro three years"? very difficult moves? now THAT'S FUNNY!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF6qC-KJQxI @ 222
"No no Sam, it ain't no anagram"
c'mon. tis easy.
A spider web is made more narrow towards the centre.
A broken clock shows the correct time at least twice a day.
c'mon miles, what is that supposed to mean? stopped clock? what?
Not too many entries with that restrictive search and so I readily found a contribution from Tafultong's own blog -- this blog -- under an article dated June 18, 2008 called "Rotten Apple 111 and More".
There's a sentence in there which reads, "It appears that a second suitcase has been dropped in the "I suggest that we bring 65if2007 out of retirement to go fetch it for us. I realize that he may call it a briefcase and throw it into the ocean, but that might tell us how many original Mal Evans suitcases Iamaphoney actually has (or had)."
Iamaphoney's video entitled "Los Angeles Suitcase" came out on June 18, 2008.
The above post by Taf was concurrent with the baywatch video itself: RA 111 second suitcase. Taf's comment about throwing the case into the ocean therefore was his own joke about the shirtless dude in the ocean and not a humorous response by IAAP to the comment.
which means?
Which means?
65is said, the "Los Angeles Suitcase" looks like a humorous response to Tafultong's remark and not mine.
This is impossible based on the facts.
On June 18 (Paul's birthday), Tafultong saw the video of Phoney emerging shirtless from the ocean. At 9pm, Taf posted the video and his remarks. He said, "I realize that he [65if] may call it a briefcase and throw it into the ocean . . ."
In other words, Taf made the joke about the ocean only after seeing the video. Taf said Phoney demonstrated a sense of humor because he set up the ocean scene in response to 65if saying he would throw it into the ocean.
THere would not have been time for Phoney to film the ocean scene, edit the video, and post it on YouTube in response to Taf's remark at 9pm.
which means?
who cares.
Tafultong rocks with this iamaphony blog.
i love it!
So what? It's just another in a pile of examples of Taf excusing and/or praising Phoney based on erroneous evidence. He thought he heard Ringo saying "Iamaphoney." He thinks the series shows that Paul is an angel and a devil. He thinks Phoney was funny cause of the Baywatch video. Research smeeshearch. Facts, schmaks.
Folks, if you're looking for journalistic integrity or hard facts you're in the wrong place.
Time to eat some Kraft Dinner.
Come on. taf is doing a very good job.
Nobody forces you to read this blog, right?
no one is forcing you to read this blog.
Ahem . . .no one forces me to read newspaper articles, watch the news, or read other blogs. The point of a comments section is to comment on the content of the post, is it not? One can enjoy this blog as I do and point out factual errors. One has nothing to do with the other. The very reason Taf created this Iamafunny post was in essence to correct his audience about their assertion that Phoney is humorless. Why can't we correct his version of his correction?
If Taf had a post that said, "Lee Harvey Oswald is a Mormon because I saw a document that said so," and I discovered that document was a forgery, I would hope that it would be kosher to point that out.
Do you not care whether anything Taf says is accurate or factual? He prides himself on accuracy. He's mentioned this several times. He was aghast that he didn't credit a particular photo to give an example. This was an honest mistake based on what I've seen so far, but it is still possible 65if said something about the ocean in another forum.
90% of what is said here refers to some stated fact or allusion by Phoney, Taf, or others. Singing to the choir is boring anyway.
-----but it is still possible 65if said something about the ocean in another forum.-----
Yes, it is.
-----but it is still possible 65if said something about the ocean in another forum.-----
Interesting, though, that the only person that has any recollection of this whatsoever is Tafultong.
In response to 65if's alleged holding back on the suitcase contents:
"Why? Why be so mysterious? You don't even have to tell the truth...you could just lie and say you burned it or threw it an landfill. ;)"
This comment was made by Jude, not 65if. The other landfill remarks on NIR came in the wake of this one. If Phoney had come out of a landfill with a case, that might be sort of funny.
This comment was made by Jude, not 65if. The other landfill remarks on NIR came in the wake of this one. If Phoney had come out of a landfill with a case, that might be sort of funny.
January 10, 2009 12:22 PM
I am not sure it would have been funny, but it would have been clever.
Personally, I don't really see anything funny about phoney.
This "iamafunny" blog came about after some of us, me being the ring leader, turned the last blog post "New Official Video From Paul MCCartney" into a blog about Colonel Sanders and Popeye. I do realise that in the past people have commented that they mainly frequent this blog for the comedy. So, that brings me back to my original question, why does Taf feel the need to defend phoney's humor? It just seems to me that he is taking this humor challenge all too personally. Hero worship? He is part of the phoney crew? Why else would he feel the need to try and prove that phoney is as humorous as the posters here? He doesn't like us stealing his thunder? Or, maybe he is a she, and she has a crush on the phoneymeister? It wouldn't be the first time someone has done a gender swap on the internet.
I know Taf has defended himself about such accusations before, but hey, as phoney is prone to do, I like to repeat certain key issues to keep them fresh in people's minds. "Question everything" I always say, more than once if necessary.
Taf, me, you, everyone here are just one pimple on the giant anonymous ass of the internet. Right? Only a naive person would pocket an internet claim as gold.
I'm pretty sure I was the guy who sent Iamaphoney that picture of John and Ringo.
I know why Talfultong wrote the article. And I know why he's shutting up about it. LOL
He'll just have to carry that weight until he dies. Just like John Lennon said. A long time.
or maybe not?
Taf sometimes defends Phoney to the point of absurdity.
I know why Talfultong wrote the article. And I know why he's shutting up about it. LOL
He'll just have to carry that weight until he dies. Just like John Lennon said. A long time.
or maybe not?
January 10, 2009 4:06 PM
"I know why Talfultong wrote the article."
this "iamafunny" posting?
"And I know why he's shutting up about it. LOL"
Just say it. Why?
Maybe Taf is phoney's wife and or significant other; life partner? Maybe phoney and his significant other run this blog and take turns posting.
The one feels the need to defend the other.
Now that's funny.
Maybe 2012 will be the Guinness Book of World Records time for the "world's longest followed Blog" or something of that nature.
Well, as Lennon would say, "that would mean something funny is going on . . ."
(Paul wrote "Carry That Weight" by the way).
In any event, you can't explain to an audience why something is funny. That's excruciating.
In any event, you can't explain to an audience why something is funny. That's excruciating.
January 10, 2009 4:30 PM
If you have to go as far to explain why something is funny, it most likely wasn't funny to begin with.
and you can't explain why something is sad. it most likely wasn't sad to begin with. (by your reasoning)
comedy and tragedy
:) and ;(
which came first? the chicken or the egg? what would be the preferred sequence? like, if you had to pick?
Chicken or the egg?
Considering the paint comes before the painting, and simple would appear to precede the complex, I'd have to go with egg.
Good one, but the chicken was in the shell.
"the chicken has little to do with the formation of an egg's shell -- the egg actually grows the shell around itself! It does this using processes that are also seen in bones and seashells."
so there ya go. Chicken first, egg later. And you know the rest of the story.
I have to admit I did not anticipate anybody interpreting this post as being a defense of Iamaphoney's sense of humor. I think that after the fourth of fifth suitcase, he proved that he was immune to criticism. I doubt that he would care if I defended him.
But hey, this whole topic exists because people like us take the expressions of others and use our own creativity to interpret the meaning, so I shouldn't complain. In fact, I won't.
I bristled about being psychoanalyzed a while back, but I have to give a tip of the hat to the psychoanalyst who commented on this post. It was good natured, humorous, thoughtful and who knows, it might have even had some truth in it.
I really don't know how to respond to Larry's question about why I felt the need to defend Iamaphoney's humor. I need oxygen, water, food and a handful of other things. But, I think I could make it through the day without defending Iamaphoney.
I have to admit I did not anticipate anybody interpreting this post as being a defense of Iamaphoney's sense of humor.
Your post states up front (re Phoney's lack of a sense of humor) "It's a difficult charge to refute, but I'd like to take a shot at it."
I'm pretty sure the post was a defense of Iamaphony's sense of humor.
Quote: "This was Phony's hilarious response"
"If he tried to be this funny all of the time"
Case rested.
I doubt that he would care if I defended him.
And there's the thing. You might not realize it, but it is obvious you care more about defending Phoney than Phoney.
Phony cares a great deal about how he is perceived. He doesn't defend himself because his gimmick is to remain anonymous. He responds in other ways to criticism, such as feeding you, Taf, information. If he were immune to criticism (another shot at defending Phoney by the way), he wouldn't have left you the messages about the fires.
Funny doesn't spring to mind with Phoney.
He is not immune to criticism.
His series is not about the good and evil in all of us.
On the other hand:
Nice editing skills.
Competent and lovingly made remixes of rare Beatle tracks.
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