The song is not new. In fact it goes back a few years and is relatively obscure in the McCartney catalog, although it has been widely touted and studied by PID enthusiasts and fans of Iamaphoney. The song is "222."

Marco Sandeman previously directed the documentary covering the making of the video for "Dance Tonight"
Paul McCartney - On the Set of 'Dance Tonight' Pt1
Paul McCartney - On the Set of 'Dance Tonight' Pt2
Sandeman has also directed videos by The Kooks.
Spiral Ham and Eggs.
Radii at 0° and approximately 222.49° divide a circle in the golden ratio.
McCartney gave us 222.
The Fireman gave us 444.
We should be flying then, like Dutchmen.
that song is so cool! the video is even better!!
Nice, yea?
I jokingly made a comment a couple posts back about being surprised if Colonel Sanders showed up in one of phoney's videos.......check out this link:
Below the Neil Aspinall obituary is another, a man named Al Copeland. Copeland was inspired by the 1966 opening of a new KFC in NEW ORLEANS, and later became the founder of POPEYE'S Chicken. We all know that The Beatles played NEW ORLEANS in 1965, and Paul supposedly died in 1966. Interesting huh? But wait, it gets even weirder. Copeland was 64, Neil was 66; The Beatles first came to America in 1964, Paul died in 1966. Both men died on a Sunday. Here is what really put it over the top for myself: POPEYE'S Chicken. A lot of you probably already know where I am going with this. King Features Syndicate was not only responsible for the cartoon POPEYE, but also developed The Beatles television cartoon. Enter Al Brodax.....but that is another story.
So, you have to ask yourself, was the Al Copeland obituary strategically place below Neil Aspinall's, or is it just merely a coincidence?
I bet you guys hate me.
Not as much as you hate yourself.
Not as much as you hate yourself.
January 7, 2009 10:34 AM must love me. I love you too!
Love is all you need.
golden arches, pretty funny. Thanks Larry.
Associated Artists Productions, Inc.
Popeye: [singing] I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam that I yam / And I got a lotta muscle and I only gots one eye / And I'll never hurt nobodys and I'll never tell a lie / Top to me bottom and me bottom to me top / That's the way it is 'til the day that I drop, what am I? / I yam what I yam.
popeye, the movie.
"The company was acquired by United Artists in 1958 and absorbed into United Artists Television (UATV). In 1981, the library was incorporated into the merger of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and United Artists. Rights of Rope were sold to Universal Pictures, although UA continues to hold the film's copyright."
"On 30 August 1968, Aspinall married Suzy Ornstein at the Chelsea Register office, London,[43] with "Magic Alex" Mardas as best man. McCartney, Starr and his wife attended, and were also at a surprise party held later in the King's Road, London.[44] Suzy Aspinall is the daughter of Bud Ornstein, the chief executive of United Artists Pictures (UK)."
small world, sir larry
"The company was acquired by United Artists in 1958 and absorbed into United Artists Television (UATV). In 1981, the library was incorporated into the merger of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and United Artists. Rights of Rope were sold to Universal Pictures, although UA continues to hold the film's copyright."
"On 30 August 1968, Aspinall married Suzy Ornstein at the Chelsea Register office, London,[43] with "Magic Alex" Mardas as best man. McCartney, Starr and his wife attended, and were also at a surprise party held later in the King's Road, London.[44] Suzy Aspinall is the daughter of Bud Ornstein, the chief executive of United Artists Pictures (UK)."
small world, sir larry
January 7, 2009 11:25
Yes it is. If you are to believe that the universe and everything contained within come from the same source, then everything is interconnected.
I found proof of my claim:
....and don't get any ideas, that picture is copyrighted material.
-GK, I am not he. Just making a funny.
"All you need is a tub."
sure that's not you, Sir Larry?
"All you need is a tub."
sure that's not you, Sir Larry?
January 7, 2009 12:04 PM
I might have tweaked that picture to help support my claim....just a bit.
But hey, ain't that what it is all about?
Bud and Brian were friends, Pickfair Films.
I wonder who Mary was in that scenerio?
Well as long as we finally got around to the subject of Popeye (as all conspiracies do) can anyone explain why Popeye's adversary is sometimes called Brutus and then other times he's called Bluto? To me they appear to be the same guy but I wonder.....hmmmmmmm.
Okay, I'll play.
The Popeye-Beatles Connection
from article Tafultong referenced:
"The connection between the one-eyed sailor and The Fab Four..."
"So, any road, he went to see the dentist instead, who gave him a pair of teeth, which wasn't any good at all. So instead of that he joined the bloody navy and went to sea." (Revolution 9)
There it is! Paul is Popeye!
Ah Tafultong you've opened up a can of worms (for Popeye's fishhook methinks).
The Beatles came from a small nowheresville by the sea...Liverpool
Popeye resides in a small nowheresville by the sea called Oyl Island or Sweet haven (if you consider the feature film part of Popeye canon).
John Lennon was abandoned by his father..Fred and was only reunited with him as an adult.
Popeye was abandoned by his father...Poopdeck Pappy and was only reunited with him as an adult.
The Beatles had their infamous "wild years" in Hamburg before they became famous.
Popeye had his infamous "missing years" before appearing in the Thimble Theater comic strip. Virtually nothing is known about Popeye's early life other than he was already a sailor (most likely a merchant marine) when he became famous.
The Beatles performed many popular songs that are familiar and still cherished by groups of all ages.
Popeye performed his popular theme song "I'm Popeye The Sailor Man" in every cartoon appearance since the 1930's and this song is still familiar and still cherished by groups of all ages.
The Beatles agreed to be servants of a large powerful international force...EMI which was rumored to develop weapons on the side.
Popeye agreed to be a servant of a large powerful international force...the U.S. Navy (during WWII) which is KNOWN to develop and implement weapons!!!
The Beatles ingested and helped to popularize a mind altering leafy substance called marijuana which unleashed in them psychedelic visions which they then set to music. Critics argue that their best work was made under these circumstances.
Popeye ingested and helped to popularize a mind altering leafy substance called spinach which unleashed in him psychedelic visions such as moving tanks and airplanes in his forearms. Olive Oyl would arge that Popeye's best brawling was made under these circumstances.
Popeye has an utterly useless mooching pal named Wimpy who serves no purpose in Popeye's endeavors.
The Beatles had Ringo.
There is however one major difference between Popeye and The Beatles.....
The Beatles believed that the answer to the world's problem was as simple as "all you need is love".
Popeye believes the answer to the world's problems is beating the shit out of everyone.
Don't laugh. It's the spinach. They're gonna call it Olive Lite
or PE in a can.
The chlorophyll receptors of spinach have been used to make part of a computer chip. The report went on to say in three years they will have a complete circuit and self-powered chip. The self-powered aspect when joined with the peptides which self-replicate in Bill Joy's Wired Magazine article will provide some truly interesting possibilities that Joy and Kurzweil (Awarded the 1999 National Award for Technology by Bill Clinton in March 2000, see Wired Magazine, Mar/Apr. 2000, for Bill Joy's article.) are confident will enable our human obsolescence as workers.
Sunday October 26, 2003 sees the Toronto Star running an article about a different Robin Williams who is a scientist in Ottawa. Quantum encryption using the fact that photons exist simultaneously in two different forms “somewhat like having a version of yourself to go to work and another to run the household errands at the same time.” Yes, that mysticist Heisenberg is at it again. “Enter quantum cryptography.
Quantum particles like photons should be the ideal vehicle to carry the encryption key over ordinary communication channels – because of the Heisenberg uncertainty Principle.”
Quantum particles like photons should be the ideal vehicle to carry the encryption key over ordinary communication channels – because of the Heisenberg uncertainty Principle.”
And so we go from Colonel Sanders to Popeye to the uncertainty principle.
Now that's telephone tag!
actually, the KFC did Chicken in a Box" didn't he?'s_box
F*** "Paul Is Dead", can someone explain to me why Popeye allows himself to beaten to a pulp by Brutus/Bluto and only when he's at death's door does he whip out the can of spinach? If he has the spinach on him the whole time why not eat it before the fight starts and clean Brutus/Bluto's clock right then and there?
And why the hell are they fighting over that stringbean Olive Oyl? Geez, she must be a tiger in the sack or something because I just don't see the attraction.
Too many unexplained mysteries involving Popeye. It's like PID times10!!!!
Anonymous said...F*** "Paul Is Dead", can someone explain to me why Popeye allows himself to beaten to a pulp by Brutus/Bluto and only when he's at death's door does he whip out the can of spinach? If he has the spinach on him the whole time why not eat it before the fight starts and clean Brutus/Bluto's clock right then and there?
And why the hell are they fighting over that stringbean Olive Oyl? Geez, she must be a tiger in the sack or something because I just don't see the attraction.
Because it is a ritual beating and Popeye enjoys it. Perhaps he feels the need to be punished for unspeakable sins commited during his "missing years".
As for Olive Oyl...well beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
(look for my Rotten Hornpipe series coming in 2012. I'm preparing the world for the revelation (toot toot).
An even bigger mystery is why Popeye went into the fried chicken business. I mean...chicken???? Seafood I could understand but chicken????
Not like it matters. He's a big time chicken mogul now so he doesn't have to answer any of our questions. Everytime you eat fried chicken you're helping Popeye say "fuck you" to the world. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
How weird is it that a one eyed middle aged sailor prone to violence was a cartoon star? If that wasn't a conspiracy I don't know what it is.
"Olive Oyl"...the secret aphrodisiac?
The face that launched a thousand fights!
Or maybe it is spinach that's the new Viagra!
Or chicken!
Or chicken and spinach! Or yams!
What were they really telling us?
I guess Olive really WAS an aphrodisiac! Iyamaphoney should use this for hard evidence (emphasis on the word "hard") if he/they ever make the series. lol
HAHAHAHAHA! That maybe the most pitiful reverse speech example I've ever heard. Then again I wouldn't expect anything less coming out of a sailor's mouth!
Iyamasemen you mean.
The title kind of says it all. Popeye was anything but subtle.
Colonel Sanders' chicken had 11 secret herbs and spices.
Popeye's may too:
Damn! Popeye punched that Mexican in the teeth just because he laughed at him. Popeye is a BADASS!
Just like Faul!
These Popeye cartoons are pretty trippy. Look at the one called Sindbad the sailor. It's in 2 parts.
The connection is always there.
Music written and composed for the 1980 Popeye movie by Harry Nillsson, friend of John and Ringo.
Hey! So long and thanks for ALL THE FISH!
That line never gets old!
What fish? Who fish?Red fish? Blue fish?
Anonymous said...
The connection is always there.
Music written and composed for the 1980 Popeye movie by Harry Nillsson, friend of John and Ringo.
January 7, 2009 9:21 PM
Klaus Voormann was in the movie too...
Did he play bass?
from wiki:
"Shelley Duvall admitted that kids used to call her Olive Oyl when she was in grade school."
"Everyone tried to dissuade Robert Altman from working with Harry Nilsson, claiming that Nilsson would be constantly drunk. Only Robin Williams supported him in this decision. As it turned out, Altman found Nilsson to be delightful to work with."
If Iamaphoney wouldn't write his schedule backwards it would be a lot easier to read!
Popeye mostly comes to the truth by "accidentally" sneaking on the villains, the moment they are bragging about their schemes' ingenuity, thus revealing everything to an enraged Popeye, who uses his fists in the name of Justice.
united artists produced that other cartoon, Yellow Submarine, too. The third film in their contract.
In addition to the existing title song "Yellow Submarine," five new songs were commissioned for the movie: "All Together Now", (a football-crowd favourite); "It's All Too Much", (a George Harrison composition); "Baby You're a Rich Man" (the first song recorded specifically for this film, but made its first appearance on the Magical Mystery Tour album); "Only a Northern Song", a Harrison song originally recorded during sessions for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (the partial inspiration for this film); and "Hey Bulldog", a John Lennon piano romp echoing of "Lady Madonna",
Beatles Only a Northern Song
If you're listening to this song
You may think the chords are going wrong
But they're not;
He just wrote it like that.
It doesn't really matter what chords I play
What words I say or time of day it is
As it's only a Northern song
It doesn't really matter what clothes I wear
Or how I fare or if my hair is brown
When it's only a Northern song.
When you're listening late at night
You may think the band are not quite right
But they are, they just play it like that
It doesn't really matter what chords I play
What words I say or time of day it is
As it's only a Northern song.
It doesn't really matter what clothes I wear
Or how I fare or if my hair is brown
When it's only a Northern song.
If you think the harmony
Is a little dark and out of key
You're correct, there's nobody there.
It doesn't really matter what chords I play
What words I say or time of day it is
And I told you there's no one there.
please see
This is off topic but this guy Steve Riks is really overrated and all the infamous PID video makers are all joined up with him and love him to death. His George and Ringo are okay but his John and Paul are embarrassing. He's a funny guy I'll give you that and he's best when he does George Michael. He doesn't look or sound at all like him but that bit is funny.
I've noticed that the two consistent friends on PID fans accounts are Steve Riks and this Dylan and The Deadheads bands (some fat guy trying to sound like Jim Morrisson).
what are you talking about w/ steve?
Popeye loved Spirulina, too. With Olive Oil.
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