The fake name "Iamaphoney" means nothing until he gives us his name and history. I would hope that he stops playing games in 2009 and makes the jump to the next level with David Icke and Alex Jones who, as I've pointed out, make far more incendiary claims than the fake "Iamaphoney". When he stands behind his work than I'll consider taking him seriously.
Anonymous said... The fake name "Iamaphoney" means nothing until he gives us his name and history. I would hope that he stops playing games in 2009 and makes the jump to the next level with David Icke and Alex Jones who, as I've pointed out, make far more incendiary claims than the fake "Iamaphoney". When he stands behind his work than I'll consider taking him seriously.
It's not Paul McCartney. This fantasy that Paul is making videos on YouTube calling himself the grandson of Aleistar Crowley, the Zodiac killer, Manson's leader and talking up his ex-wife is a neat way to sweep suspicions under the rug and misdirect viewers away from Denmark. No wonder "Iamaphoney" loves it when viewers do that. Anything to shift the attention away from him.
Whether one is a believer or naysayer, 2009 is surely the end of the line for iaap - it's put up or shut up year. Calls for patience and continued insistance that 'it's only the beginning' will only result in droves more people simply losing interest/concluding it really was just bs right from the beginning.
Lloyds of London placing the odds: Who will act first? Sun King at TKIN releases the 60if documents in 2009: 238 to 1 Iamaphoney gives Mikey the interview: 500 to 1
Judging by the pitiful 41 comments on Iamaphoney's video by the usual subjects I'd say this blog has trumped Iamaphoney himself. Yet another reason to rename it Tafultong's PID blog or something. I come here to keep up with all of you guys and see what Tafultong has cookin' this week.
Guys, look at the comments section of Mike's video, "Sloop John B." Reminds me of exactly the way grandfather aleister responds to his video comments. Who would be surprised if MikeNL is grandfather aleister? Compare and contrast.
Guys, look at the comments section of Mike's video, "Sloop John B." Reminds me of exactly the way grandfather aleister responds to his video comments. Who would be surprised if MikeNL is grandfather aleister? Compare and contrast.
January 2, 2009 2:31 PM
It wouldn't be far fetched to suggest that the majority of the YT channels, those posting the pro phoney riddles, are the same individuals behind iamaphoney.
Tafultong had a long list of Iamaphoney YT aliases on this blog at one point. Factor those in with the multiple accounts by his fans who also subscribe and you get the REAL picture of how many subscribers he really has.
grandfatheraleister is definitely mikeNL. exact same method of responding to comments. hell thats proof more then all the bloody clues he keeps spouting.
youknowmyname is John Charles, notoriously PIA. He figured out the futility of arguing PIA/PID so he decided to go with a medium PIDders understand= videos on YouTube....only they still don't understand!!!! The PIDders hate John Charles and love youknowmyname and STILL haven't figured out that it's the same guy and that the message is PIA.
i have watched both the grandfatheraleisters videos and the MikeyNL1038 videos, they are indistinguishable from one anothers. As is theres responses comments to the watchers of the videos. Very the same. I am sure the are together one person.
i have watched both the grandfatheraleisters videos and the MikeyNL1038 videos, they are indistinguishable from one anothers. As is theres responses comments to the watchers of the videos. Very the same. I am sure the are together one person.
MikeyNL sure is getting exposed lately! First the revelation about his age and sexuality, now we find out he is GFA!!!!!! Mikey, why the secrecy for so long? Please just tell us the truth about yourself.
This time next week, claims will be filed against Mike from the estate of Elvis, and Freddy Mercury for not only copyright infringment but utter butchery by means of cover songs. The legal brief will be so iron clad that by its sheer weight and magnitude GFAs videos will also be pulled into the vortex. Then the new year can begin. Take that to the bank. My brother Harold is on the cell phone as we speaking with Paul. Paul said, and I quote "You can't arse for a better lawsuit then has been prepared. We arsed them to stop nicely, now to quote my good friend Alice Cooper, NO MORE MR. NICE GUY." Harold said that Paul can't be arsed to take much more of this. First are the acusations that he spoke backwards on the latest fireman album, which is catagorically untrue. I mean, listen to it. Not a word of it is backwards. Not a one. We arsed him, he said "No". Second are the insinuations that Paul is somehow involved in this whole mess. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Paul was involved the videos and music would have been better. I challenge you to dispute that. The man wrote "Let it Be" for the love of God. I think he knows a thing or two about videos! He has made HUNDREDS of them. Thirdly, tonight is the first time ever that Paul has seen any of these videos. And they are now dropping like flies. Just you watch. Next week, they will all be removed.
"First are the acusations that he spoke backwards on the latest fireman album, which is catagorically untrue. I mean, listen to it. Not a word of it is backwards. Not a one. We arsed him, he said "No"."
Actually Bern, that is inaccurate. He said.. "On" which we then turned into a wav file and played backwards. Which sounded somewhat like the word "no", but more eeirly sounded like "Paul is toast", which could be "Paul needs toast" which he used to say to Mal Evans when requesting a beans on toast sandwhich. At that time Mal was also known as IAMASANDWHICH. When also played backwards at one quarter of the speed, it sounded like "John needs socks" which would have sent Mal into a tizzy hissy fit to run out to a local Marks and Spencer store and buy six pairs of cotton socks for him. Thank God alcohol, a divorce, a pellet rifle and the LAPD put a stop to that nonsense. Paul suffers from "sock jealousy" meaning he must have the best socks in any room he is in. His security detail will remove by force any socks better then his, which caused quite a stir when visiting the white house at a function where Sir Elton John was attending. Paul covets sequined socks. The two are no longer on speaking terms. Even though they share the same first name "Sir".
In summary, GFA is MikeNL and all videos will be removed by the middle of next week. Iamafoeny will be in a turkish prison. Tafultong will have changed the name of this blog. And me and my brother Bern will be receiving a much vacation after the next awards ceremony where we will get another lifetime achievement award for saving Paul's bacon. Not literal bacon, because he is a strict vegan. But his metaphorical bacon.
"at a function where Sir Elton John was attending. Paul covets sequined socks. The two are no longer on speaking terms. Even though they share the same first name "Sir"."
That is so sad! They were like brothers! Girls, before we get on Oprah, we need to knit some socks for Paul and put some sequins on them. And take them to the unknown burial grave that the real Paul is in. The photographic evidence proves this. We will prevail. Oprah needs to know the truth about the real Paul McCartney that we discovered from searching for images on google.
"a function where Sir Elton John was attending. Paul covets sequined socks. The two are no longer on speaking terms. Even though they share the same first name "Sir"."
How do you know this?? This is a top level secret!
Harold and me are on a need to know basis. Paul tells us everything we need to know. Since we saved his bacon. He hates when we say that because the idea of anyone saying a word containing a meat product drives him almost as nuts as someone wearing better socks then him.
well, elton jon did sing "Maybe you'll get a replacement" in the song "Goodbye Yellowbrick road". He was singing about Paul. He knew he coveted his socks.
Glad you arsed that yank. a stone is a British term, like the word "arsed" It is a word for weight measurement. One stone is equal to 14 of your lbs. So a bloke weighing in at 10 stone is 140 of your lbs. A scrawny chap.
Whatever you do just don't say that the Paul of 64 was gay. The Oprah women will jump all over you. They have great proof too! Paul is(was?) hairy and therefore could never be gay. See? That makes perfect sense. Thank God that brain trust at PIDMHMH is working overtime.
Someone is trying to divert attention away from the topic at hand (Mikey being GFA) with all of these silly comments. When Harold/Bern come out to play, that's when you know a full on diversion is taking place. It's not going to work. Mikey, we know who you are.
notice also that mikeNL did not comment at all on the yellowsub2009 video either. normally he would have. you tipped your hand mike! got a little sloppy there. got your hand caught in the old cookie jar didnt you. tried robbing the old piggy bank eh? like taking candy from a baby huh? well, the babies got wise to your game! got you figured out. admit it! for once just admit it
"what if gfa was really mikeNL and not the other way around?"
Mikey was on the scene long before GFA ever appeared. Mikey, I give you credit. I never suspected it was you until you posted such similar replies to comments on your "Sloop John B." video. But it's pretty obvious now, looking back on it, really.
Ok. So we know John Charles 2007 is youknowmyname231. And we know MikeyNL is grandfatheraleister. Now, let's figure out who iamaphoney is. 2 down, 1 to go.
Grandfather Aleister is a "Beetle". Haven't you seen his signature, done in the style of the Volkswagon emblem. But which "Beetle" is he? Aye, now there's the rub!
Paul McCartney, world renowned musical genius, and trend-setting pop star of Beatle fame, died in a car crash in 1966. For reasons both personal and professional, a concerted and clandestine campaign to divert attention from the matter was immediately undertaken. The facts surrounding McCartney's death were tightly guarded, and details obsessively concealed and obscured to this day. The truth was immediately buried in a frenzied yet amazingly well coordinated subterfuge. For nearly four decades now our arcane secret has avoided full disclosure through total commitment. We're a fraternal order you see, we of The Beatles circuit. And a postioric group of divergent yet royal personalities. LOLLZ hey's betraying and shocking those who know him best!!!!! WTFFFFF
Take a nap! the iamaphoney is revealing it now and you are so tired! be awake when or if the revelations do come up, for if eyes are closed blinking you will indeed miss them.
"We all know the actor who drives the Mustangs in phoney's videos is gay. Do you think MikeNL has hooked up with him or tried to?
January 3, 2009 10:12 AM"
Because he is thin. Like Sir Paul should be. He is a vegan. How come he is so fat? Because he was replaced. We, the Oprah girls, figured this out from combing the google image searches.
Mikey, here's some constructive criticism for you. You need to work on your filmmaking, especially the music you incorporate. The songs you used in the GFA videos didn't really fit in with PID. Instead, they sound like something out of the movie "Garden State." That's some Zach Braff shit. Also, the wizard of Oz is about the robbery of America's gold and the formation of a central bank. Not PID.
Mike, now that we know you're GFA, will you come out and tell us how you believe Stanley Kubrick fit into all of this. I remember you made a few videos solely about Kubrick. And phoney puts the space pod from 2001 in some of the rotten apples. What's the deal? I'm a big Kubrick fan and I want to know what the two of you suspect. Please tell us.
I wish everyone in this little community we call Tafultong's blog (and iamaphoney, too!) could spend an evening in a room with James Paul McCartney. Just all of us and Paul. Imagine what mayhem would ensue!!!!!! Hilarity, too, probably.
Dennis had befriended Charles Manson. (quoting wikipedia)" The Beach Boys released a Manson song, originally titled "Cease To Exist", but reworked as "Never Learn Not To Love", as a single B-side. The song, credited only to Dennis, was said to have been purchased from Manson.[citation needed]" Of Manson, Dennis said: "I know why Charles Manson did what he did. Someday, I'll tell the world. I'll write a book and explain why he did it." But then he drowned.
When they won't tell you the truth, figure it out for yourself. Truth is attainable. That's what we did with grandfatheraleister. Now it's time to do that same for phoney.
Having seen a number of NWO video series, I realize they are pretty much indistinguishable from Phoney. THey all try to connect various "clues" to a larger conspiracy. Even the comments on those channels are the same as the kind you get on PHoney's page. The only difference is that Phoney focuses mainly on Paul, otherwise it's really more of the same.
Iamaphoney=Kermit Schaffer Paul McCartney=Uncle Don PID=Famous Bloopers
It's a stretch but hear me out:
In the 1950's Kermit Schaffer coined the term "blooper" and put together radio and TV shows featuring on-air mistakes in the media. Of course he didn't have access to enough of them to build a career on so he conveniently began inventing them. One victim of Kermit's hoax was kiddie radio program host Uncle Don. According to Kermit at the end of one of Uncle Don's shows in the 1930's Uncle Don, not realizing the microphone was still on, muttered "well that ought to hold the little bastards" and ruined his career. Children were shocked, parents mortified and Uncle Don never worked again. The story became immensely popular because it's human nature to want to take a down a celebrity a peg or two. It makes us feel better about ourselves. The story was repeated in hundreds of articles and was accepted as fact. The problem was that Uncle Don never actually said anything like that. If he had it would have made the papers in the 1930's and ended his career but there was no such blooper in reality and Uncle Don continued into retirement. Kermit got around that problem by fabricating an audio recording of the blooper. Naturally this was marketed and sold on hundreds of "blooper" cassettes and everyone laughed and laughed at Uncle Don's expense. Only it wasn't Uncle Don's voice as listeners to the original Uncle Don show attested and those who worked with him made clear. It didn't matter though because it was such a good story that people WANTED to believe it. Even now books about the golden age of radio address this hoax but if you talk to people on the street and ask them if they ever heard about the kiddie show host who said "well that ought to hold the little bastards" into an open mike when he thought he was off the air, people will smile and say they have and it serves Uncle Don right that he was exposed as a fraud. Like PID, the Uncle Don hoax reveals more about the cynicism of human nature than it does about the subject involved.
thanks for the heads up Tafultong would have missed those videos
happy new year! thanks for a great 08
Yes, tafultong, thank you for the great job you've done all year.
Thank you Tafultong for a great year and all your hard work! I check your site more then Drudgereport.
Seriously you need ad's to generate some income for all the time you spend on this.
Happy New Year!
Prosperity and happiness to every one of you.
The check is in the mail.
(Sir Paul)
Someone kill me.
Now what kind of attitude is that?
(Hands over a gun.)
Happiness is 33
I am happy every n00b spouts off a 33 without realizing 32.
But hey!!! I hear this 33 is cool!!
and you'd buy it
but you already bought into it...
Happy new year Taf.
..and I'll even wish a happy new year to that old Scrooge...Iamaphoney.
Only three more years to go until......... you guessed it!
'til iamaphoney grants that interview?
The fake name "Iamaphoney" means nothing until he gives us his name and history. I would hope that he stops playing games in 2009 and makes the jump to the next level with David Icke and Alex Jones who, as I've pointed out, make far more incendiary claims than the fake "Iamaphoney". When he stands behind his work than I'll consider taking him seriously.
Anonymous said...
The fake name "Iamaphoney" means nothing until he gives us his name and history. I would hope that he stops playing games in 2009 and makes the jump to the next level with David Icke and Alex Jones who, as I've pointed out, make far more incendiary claims than the fake "Iamaphoney". When he stands behind his work than I'll consider taking him seriously.
January 1, 2009 6:23 PM
Paul McCartney.
search him up in google!
It's not Paul McCartney. This fantasy that Paul is making videos on YouTube calling himself the grandson of Aleistar Crowley, the Zodiac killer, Manson's leader and talking up his ex-wife is a neat way to sweep suspicions under the rug and misdirect viewers away from Denmark. No wonder "Iamaphoney" loves it when viewers do that. Anything to shift the attention away from him.
33 is truth and nothing is real. Iaap is a liar and a fraud. That's all you need to know. Now get on with the show.
have you ever kicked a man in his dick-sack?
about that time? no?
Whether one is a believer or naysayer, 2009 is surely the end of the line for iaap - it's put up or shut up year. Calls for patience and continued insistance that 'it's only the beginning' will only result in droves more people simply losing interest/concluding it really was just bs right from the beginning.
Here, hear.
Lloyds of London placing the odds:
Who will act first?
Sun King at TKIN releases the 60if documents in 2009: 238 to 1
Iamaphoney gives Mikey the interview: 500 to 1
The walrus repents: 1:1
Here is a song co-written by William "Junior" Campbell. Ringo Starr narrated this children's animated series.
mr. pilgrim.
leaves the building
in state of facial covering
carry on
he will
Judging by the pitiful 41 comments on Iamaphoney's video by the usual subjects I'd say this blog has trumped Iamaphoney himself. Yet another reason to rename it Tafultong's PID blog or something. I come here to keep up with all of you guys and see what Tafultong has cookin' this week.
mr. pilgrim.
leaves the building
in state of facial covering
carry on
he will
Whatever, goofball.
Guys, look at the comments section of Mike's video, "Sloop John B." Reminds me of exactly the way grandfather aleister responds to his video comments. Who would be surprised if MikeNL is grandfather aleister? Compare and contrast.
mr. pilgrim
takes a shit
forgets to wash his hands
touches burgers in kitchen at McDonalds
Guys, look at the comments section of Mike's video, "Sloop John B." Reminds me of exactly the way grandfather aleister responds to his video comments. Who would be surprised if MikeNL is grandfather aleister? Compare and contrast.
January 2, 2009 2:31 PM
It wouldn't be far fetched to suggest that the majority of the YT channels, those posting the pro phoney riddles, are the same individuals behind iamaphoney.
Tafultong had a long list of Iamaphoney YT aliases on this blog at one point. Factor those in with the multiple accounts by his fans who also subscribe and you get the REAL picture of how many subscribers he really has.
grandfatheraleister is definitely mikeNL. exact same method of responding to comments. hell thats proof more then all the bloody clues he keeps spouting.
i thought the grandfather was tafultong? oops, no i remember that taf said he wasnt
hell maybe grandfatheraleister is YKMN with all the "33" stuff.
wouldnt it be cool if every person was THE SAME PERSON?
The Multiple personality Guinness Book of World Records goes to......
drumroll please!
if mikeNL was grandfather then he really lied about his age. And that would make him really phony. Or, Phoney.
No, i just think its a team of loosely affiliated pot smoking film editors. The bulk of which reside in the Nederlands.
Who live in parents basements and/or live off of pepsi money.
MikeNl makes better videos
We know who YKMN is . . .he went public weeks ago. But Mikey is probably GA along with Deceptionist and a few others.
Anonymous said...
We know who YKMN is . . .he went public weeks ago. But Mikey is probably GA along with Deceptionist and a few others.
January 2, 2009 7:33 PM
Mike = Mike.
ever notice you dont see GFA or mikeNL in the room at the same time????
just the fact that mike came on here to say mike = mike proves that he is GFA.
damn, does that mean that IAAP has only 1 subscriber?
yeah and MikeNL is ALWAYS THE FIRST 2 COMMENT ON HIS VIDEOS! almost like he KNOWS they are going to be put on!
Mike = grandfatheraleister
your honor, may i approach the bench?
i rest my case...
sleeping aja says
i am bored!
glad someone is picking on him now, instead of me.
oh..... we're not finished with YOU Jude.
just got a personal message from iamawhich, looks like yoko didnt like the video.
bye bye witchy!
huh? thought no one was looking for copyrighted material on youtube?
Soon more will be taken down. Mark my words.
By this time next week grandfatheraleister will be taken down as well.
Good Riddence! The videos are annoying
This account is closed.
Ding dong the witch is dead!
This is just like the beginning of wizard of oz
yeah the wicked witch is dead
are you a good witch, or a bad witch?
I'm a Sand Wich/
youknowmyname is John Charles, notoriously PIA. He figured out the futility of arguing PIA/PID so he decided to go with a medium PIDders understand= videos on YouTube....only they still don't understand!!!! The PIDders hate John Charles and love youknowmyname and STILL haven't figured out that it's the same guy and that the message is PIA.
"Who live in parents basements and/or live off of pepsi money."
No he sucks off random strangers who respond to his add scribbled on a park bench and/or bathroom stall.
to the weak-mind who thinks GFA is MikeyNL:
You give Mikey too much credit. Have you not seen mikey's videos? they are fucking pathetic.
I, also, can comment first on all PID-related videos as long as I have the proper search set up and on my toolbar.
(that search has long been deleted from this toolbar)
I come here now. I can catch up with all the lack-luster youtube video bullshit here, without wasting any of my time.
Taf, phoney-pony, keep it up..
I have seen mikeNL videos. they are good. they have harmony. end of story
and suitcases. love the suitcases. BACKWARDS suitcases too. love the backwards suitcases
i have watched both the grandfatheraleisters videos and the MikeyNL1038 videos, they are indistinguishable from one anothers. As is theres responses comments to the watchers of the videos. Very the same. I am sure the are together one person.
hmmmm. is that your final answer? no 50/50 or phone a friend?
Did you not hear me say "CASE CLOSED"?
There is no more to say on this and other subject!
"Anonymous said...
I'm a Sand Wich/
January 2, 2009 9:50 PM"
I am fricken starving! Anyone got any of them IAMASANDWHICHes left over. Ham and cheese if you have it, thanks! Really!
" Anonymous said...
i have watched both the grandfatheraleisters videos and the MikeyNL1038 videos, they are indistinguishable from one anothers. As is theres responses comments to the watchers of the videos. Very the same. I am sure the are together one person.
January 2, 2009 10:45 PM"
You are more right then you know.
"You are more right then you know.
January 2, 2009 10:48 PM"
The dam is breaking. The truth is coming out. The accounts and videos are being removed.
MikeyNL sure is getting exposed lately! First the revelation about his age and sexuality, now we find out he is GFA!!!!!! Mikey, why the secrecy for so long? Please just tell us the truth about yourself.
Hey, he tried to tell us. What did you thing GFgay stood for???
This time next week, claims will be filed against Mike from the estate of Elvis, and Freddy Mercury for not only copyright infringment but utter butchery by means of cover songs. The legal brief will be so iron clad that by its sheer weight and magnitude GFAs videos will also be pulled into the vortex. Then the new year can begin. Take that to the bank. My brother Harold is on the cell phone as we speaking with Paul. Paul said, and I quote
"You can't arse for a better lawsuit then has been prepared. We arsed them to stop nicely, now to quote my good friend Alice Cooper, NO MORE MR. NICE GUY."
Harold said that Paul can't be arsed to take much more of this. First are the acusations that he spoke backwards on the latest fireman album, which is catagorically untrue. I mean, listen to it. Not a word of it is backwards. Not a one. We arsed him, he said "No".
Second are the insinuations that Paul is somehow involved in this whole mess. Nothing could be further from the truth. If Paul was involved the videos and music would have been better. I challenge you to dispute that. The man wrote "Let it Be" for the love of God. I think he knows a thing or two about videos! He has made HUNDREDS of them. Thirdly, tonight is the first time ever that Paul has seen any of these videos. And they are now dropping like flies. Just you watch. Next week, they will all be removed.
1 person who believes Mikey is GFA will own this shit tonight.. by sheer number of comments alone...
they will probably flunk this semester and has already flunked last semester.
but here.... here. in their anonymous comments, they still have a voice.
"First are the acusations that he spoke backwards on the latest fireman album, which is catagorically untrue. I mean, listen to it. Not a word of it is backwards. Not a one. We arsed him, he said "No"."
Actually Bern, that is inaccurate.
He said.. "On" which we then turned into a wav file and played backwards. Which sounded somewhat like the word "no", but more eeirly sounded like "Paul is toast", which could be "Paul needs toast" which he used to say to Mal Evans when requesting a beans on toast sandwhich. At that time Mal was also known as IAMASANDWHICH.
When also played backwards at one quarter of the speed, it sounded like "John needs socks" which would have sent Mal into a tizzy hissy fit to run out to a local Marks and Spencer store and buy six pairs of cotton socks for him. Thank God alcohol, a divorce, a pellet rifle and the LAPD put a stop to that nonsense. Paul suffers from "sock jealousy" meaning he must have the best socks in any room he is in. His security detail will remove by force any socks better then his, which caused quite a stir when visiting the white house at a function where Sir Elton John was attending. Paul covets sequined socks. The two are no longer on speaking terms. Even though they share the same first name "Sir".
In summary, GFA is MikeNL and all videos will be removed by the middle of next week. Iamafoeny will be in a turkish prison. Tafultong will have changed the name of this blog. And me and my brother Bern will be receiving a much vacation after the next awards ceremony where we will get another lifetime achievement award for saving Paul's bacon. Not literal bacon, because he is a strict vegan. But his metaphorical bacon.
Someone has WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands.
I've got a beer to drink.
It's round here somewhere.
Someone has WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands.
I've got a beer to drink.
It's round here somewhere.
So Harold and Bern just turned out to be that girl?
"at a function where Sir Elton John was attending. Paul covets sequined socks. The two are no longer on speaking terms. Even though they share the same first name "Sir"."
That is so sad! They were like brothers!
Girls, before we get on Oprah, we need to knit some socks for Paul and put some sequins on them. And take them to the unknown burial grave that the real Paul is in. The photographic evidence proves this. We will prevail. Oprah needs to know the truth about the real Paul McCartney that we discovered from searching for images on google.
"a function where Sir Elton John was attending. Paul covets sequined socks. The two are no longer on speaking terms. Even though they share the same first name "Sir"."
How do you know this?? This is a top level secret!
Harold and me are on a need to know basis. Paul tells us everything we need to know. Since we saved his bacon. He hates when we say that because the idea of anyone saying a word containing a meat product drives him almost as nuts as someone wearing better socks then him.
"Even though they share the same first name "Sir".""
OMFG!!! another clue!!!! ! !
well, elton jon did sing "Maybe you'll get a replacement" in the song "Goodbye Yellowbrick road". He was singing about Paul. He knew he coveted his socks.
elton jon, professional sock tease
"Not literal bacon, because he is a strict vegan. But his metaphorical bacon."
Why is Paul so fat? Every vegan I know weighs about 10 stone.
"Why is Paul so fat? Every vegan I know weighs about 10 stone.
January 2, 2009 11:33 PM"
what is that supposed to mean? 10 stone?!?!
Glad you arsed that yank. a stone is a British term, like the word "arsed"
It is a word for weight measurement.
One stone is equal to 14 of your lbs.
So a bloke weighing in at 10 stone is 140 of your lbs. A scrawny chap.
Paul secretly is sneaking hamburgers at every opertunity. THAT IS THE GREAT SECRET THAT HEATHER MILLS WAS GOING TO TELL THE WORLD!
"Paul secretly is sneaking hamburgers at every opertunity. THAT IS THE GREAT SECRET THAT HEATHER MILLS WAS GOING TO TELL THE WORLD!
i knew it. told you!
"So a bloke weighing in at 10 stone is 140 of your lbs. A scrawny chap.
January 2, 2009 11:36 PM"
Maybe he weighs so little because he lost his teeth....
come on! Flash us that british smile one more time!
Paul eats meat.
Paul eats meat.
January 2, 2009 11:41 PM"
mojo's gay newspaper man in dallas alreay outted him.. old news.
Paul is Fat?
Is that going to be the new video series???
" Anonymous said...
Paul is Fat?
Is that going to be the new video series???
January 2, 2009 11:42 PM"
bet the oprah girls jump on THAT bandwagon!
" Anonymous said...
Paul is Fat?
Is that going to be the new video series???
January 2, 2009 11:42 PM"
bet the oprah girls jump on THAT bandwagon!
Whatever you do just don't say that the Paul of 64 was gay. The Oprah women will jump all over you. They have great proof too! Paul is(was?) hairy and therefore could never be gay. See? That makes perfect sense. Thank God that brain trust at PIDMHMH is working overtime.
Paul of 64 was known as a "bear". A hairy g*y man. The replacement was trained to be exactly like paul in every way, only shaved.
Sorry to say this oprah girls, but you are f*g h*gs.
January 3, 2009 12:24 AM"
you have been outvoted mike, you are gfa. accept it before it destroys you!
Someone is trying to divert attention away from the topic at hand (Mikey being GFA) with all of these silly comments. When Harold/Bern come out to play, that's when you know a full on diversion is taking place. It's not going to work. Mikey, we know who you are.
If MikeNL=grandfatheraleister is true then is MikeNL=xxxidneppa also true?
None of the three have been logged in at the same time today...
If MikeNL=grandfatheraleister is true then is MikeNL=xxxidneppa also true?
January 3, 2009 12:36 AM
notice how mikeNL who normally comments on EVERY Paul is dead video has NO COMMENTS on the xxxidneppa videos AT ALL!
"None of the three have been logged in at the same time today...
January 3, 2009 12:37 AM"
so that proves what?
so that proves what?
January 3, 2009 12:58 AM
it proves he is Grandfatheraleister
notice also that mikeNL did not comment at all on the yellowsub2009 video either. normally he would have. you tipped your hand mike! got a little sloppy there. got your hand caught in the old cookie jar didnt you. tried robbing the old piggy bank eh? like taking candy from a baby huh? well, the babies got wise to your game! got you figured out. admit it! for once just admit it
well, the babies got wise to your game! got you figured out. admit it! for once just admit it
January 3, 2009 1:02 AM
the babies are an accurate description....
what if gfa was really mikeNL and not the other way around?
" Anonymous said...
what if gfa was really mikeNL and not the other way around?
January 3, 2009 1:04 AM"
if they are the same person, WHAT DOES THAT MATTER?
if they are the same person, WHAT DOES THAT MATTER?
January 3, 2009 1:05 AM"
the chicken or the egg!
I am the Eggman
it is always back to the egg
well now, that proves it to me!
At least we solved one of the mysteries tonight!
So is Paul really dead? or what?
then again maybe MikeyNL is just MikeyNL not GFA and maybe GFA is just GFA and xxxidneppa is GFA and GFA is xxxidneppa.
"what if gfa was really mikeNL and not the other way around?"
Mikey was on the scene long before GFA ever appeared. Mikey, I give you credit. I never suspected it was you until you posted such similar replies to comments on your "Sloop John B." video. But it's pretty obvious now, looking back on it, really.
Ok. So we know John Charles 2007 is youknowmyname231. And we know MikeyNL is grandfatheraleister. Now, let's figure out who iamaphoney is. 2 down, 1 to go.
No offense, Anon... but, uh... you're fucked in the head, right?
I'm gonna poop in your butt.
Heather Mills saved my life.
Grandfather Aleister is a "Beetle".
Haven't you seen his signature, done in the style of the Volkswagon emblem.
But which "Beetle" is he?
Aye, now there's the rub!
When did Heather Mills save your life, Anonymous?
Hey, Mikey!
I noticed, in "Lost", Locke is in a RED BEETLE when he confronts his dad!
nyuk, nyuk.
have a good day,
I want to suck on Heather Mills's big boobies.
Heather Mill was going to tell the world that Sir Paul eats meat. That was the big revelation.
Anonymous said...
Heather Mill was going to tell the world that Sir Paul eats meat. That was the big revelation.
January 3, 2009 9:27 AM
so thats why she was worried that a secret underground group was going to top her off? because Paul eats a steak every now and then?
some of those vegans are pretty militant.
Anonymous said...
I want to suck on Heather Mills's big boobies.
January 3, 2009 9:21 AM
"You may only have one leg, but it's the most beautiful leg I have ever seen." - Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo.
Wow the mysteries are being solved left and right!
Paul McCartney, world renowned musical genius, and trend-setting pop star of Beatle fame, died in a car crash in 1966. For reasons both personal and professional, a concerted and clandestine campaign to divert attention from the matter was immediately undertaken. The facts surrounding McCartney's death were tightly guarded, and details obsessively concealed and obscured to this day. The truth was immediately buried in a frenzied yet amazingly well coordinated subterfuge. For nearly four decades now our arcane secret has avoided full disclosure through total commitment. We're a fraternal order you see, we of The Beatles circuit. And a postioric group of divergent yet royal personalities. LOLLZ hey's betraying and shocking those who know him best!!!!! WTFFFFF
anyone know who that old guy who is saying that? is it mikeyNL1038?
maybe its MikeNL when he is Grandfatheraleister, split personality episode.
2009 is the big year of revelations from the iamaphoney.
Nice, cant wait,
Take a nap! the iamaphoney is revealing it now and you are so tired! be awake when or if the revelations do come up, for if eyes are closed blinking you will indeed miss them.
Well, if there's any revelation from phoney today, I won't see it. I have to go to bed.
We all know the actor who drives the Mustangs in phoney's videos is gay. Do you think MikeNL has hooked up with him or tried to?
We all know the actor who drives the Mustangs in phoney's videos is gay. Do you think MikeNL has hooked up with him or tried to?
January 3, 2009 10:12 AM
MikeNL is GFA
say that 10 times fast and you will get your answer. And you won't even need to "play it backwards"
"We all know the actor who drives the Mustangs in phoney's videos is gay. Do you think MikeNL has hooked up with him or tried to?
January 3, 2009 10:12 AM"
Because he is thin. Like Sir Paul should be. He is a vegan. How come he is so fat? Because he was replaced.
We, the Oprah girls, figured this out from combing the google image searches.
Oprah has been fooled so many times she wont listen to you
"MikeNL is GFA
say that 10 times fast and you will get your answer. And you won't even need to "play it backwards"
January 3, 2009 10:17 AM"
Wow the clues are everywhere!
Mikey, here's some constructive criticism for you. You need to work on your filmmaking, especially the music you incorporate. The songs you used in the GFA videos didn't really fit in with PID. Instead, they sound like something out of the movie "Garden State." That's some Zach Braff shit. Also, the wizard of Oz is about the robbery of America's gold and the formation of a central bank. Not PID.
Mikey is Zach Braff!
Yeah you should use speed metal. that would kick *ss!
Zach Braff is g*y!
Also, the wizard of Oz is about the robbery of America's gold and the formation of a central bank. Not PID.
January 3, 2009 10:28 AM
Tell that to MDC
" Anonymous said...
Yeah you should use speed metal. that would kick *ss!
January 3, 2009 10:29 AM"
No. He should have used only Beatles music. That is the only thing that applies to PID.
there is absolutely no correlation between the wizard of oz and PID. None. Period. End of story.
Mikey should have used some White Snake. Make the mullet hair crowd happy.
Mikey should have used Dio. Ever see the corna handsigns? Lots!
Mike, now that we know you're GFA, will you come out and tell us how you believe Stanley Kubrick fit into all of this. I remember you made a few videos solely about Kubrick. And phoney puts the space pod from 2001 in some of the rotten apples. What's the deal? I'm a big Kubrick fan and I want to know what the two of you suspect. Please tell us.
Mikey should use a condom or he's gonna get aids.
I wish everyone in this little community we call Tafultong's blog (and iamaphoney, too!) could spend an evening in a room with James Paul McCartney. Just all of us and Paul. Imagine what mayhem would ensue!!!!!! Hilarity, too, probably.
Probably ain't gonna happen. We could hire an impersonator, like that Caroline Guy ( who looks like a good hang himself).
Let's all fly to the Netherlands...
Tafultong wrote:
"Bonus: MikeNL1038 suggests there is more to life than PID with Mike Sloop John B "
Well, no, he's suggesting that Sloop John B or the
Beach Boys (at least Carl wilson) was involved, somehow.
Excuse me. Correction: Dennis Wilson
APaul Brand Snake Oil
Aleister Crowley / Magick
Satanism / Cult
(the list goes on)
Is Jebus on that list, too?
Dennis had befriended Charles Manson.
(quoting wikipedia)" The Beach Boys released a Manson song, originally titled "Cease To Exist", but reworked as "Never Learn Not To Love", as a single B-side. The song, credited only to Dennis, was said to have been purchased from Manson.[citation needed]"
Of Manson, Dennis said:
"I know why Charles Manson did what he did. Someday, I'll tell the world. I'll write a book and explain why he did it."
But then he drowned.
9/11 was an inside job?
Didn't he do it because the bosses wanted the Polanski baby dead?
The difference is that YKMN told us who he was. He is the only one of the bunch to give us some truth, even though it made the PIDers freak out.
When they won't tell you the truth, figure it out for yourself. Truth is attainable. That's what we did with grandfatheraleister. Now it's time to do that same for phoney.
grandfatheraleister is going down
we took iamawhich down, the dominoes fall one by one
"we", who are you anonomouse?
"we" don't have to tell you who "we" are. "we" aren't making claims.
boy the natives are restless!
Hey "WE", go to hell.
GFA forever! IAAP too!
Having seen a number of NWO video series, I realize they are pretty much indistinguishable from Phoney. THey all try to connect various "clues" to a larger conspiracy. Even the comments on those channels are the same as the kind you get on PHoney's page. The only difference is that Phoney focuses mainly on Paul, otherwise it's really more of the same.
"The PIDders hate John Charles and love youknowmyname"
I think that's the point that he/they are making. Sort of like the Paul/Faul love/hate dynamic.
Iamaphoney=Kermit Schaffer
Paul McCartney=Uncle Don
PID=Famous Bloopers
It's a stretch but hear me out:
In the 1950's Kermit Schaffer coined the term "blooper" and put together radio and TV shows featuring on-air mistakes in the media. Of course he didn't have access to enough of them to build a career on so he conveniently began inventing them. One victim of Kermit's hoax was kiddie radio program host Uncle Don. According to Kermit at the end of one of Uncle Don's shows in the 1930's Uncle Don, not realizing the microphone was still on, muttered "well that ought to hold the little bastards" and ruined his career. Children were shocked, parents mortified and Uncle Don never worked again. The story became immensely popular because it's human nature to want to take a down a celebrity a peg or two. It makes us feel better about ourselves. The story was repeated in hundreds of articles and was accepted as fact. The problem was that Uncle Don never actually said anything like that. If he had it would have made the papers in the 1930's and ended his career but there was no such blooper in reality and Uncle Don continued into retirement.
Kermit got around that problem by fabricating an audio recording of the blooper. Naturally this was marketed and sold on hundreds of "blooper" cassettes and everyone laughed and laughed at Uncle Don's expense. Only it wasn't Uncle Don's voice as listeners to the original Uncle Don show attested and those who worked with him made clear. It didn't matter though because it was such a good story that people WANTED to believe it. Even now books about the golden age of radio address this hoax but if you talk to people on the street and ask them if they ever heard about the kiddie show host who said "well that ought to hold the little bastards" into an open mike when he thought he was off the air, people will smile and say they have and it serves Uncle Don right that he was exposed as a fraud.
Like PID, the Uncle Don hoax reveals more about the cynicism of human nature than it does about the subject involved.
Hmmm...shades of PID?
I liked the reports of various listeners who claimed to have heard the blooper, all with wildly different stories. Reminds me of NIR. :)
The anagram for nir is inr.
Anonymous said...
The anagram for nir is inr.
January 3, 2009 5:59 PM
add an "e" to the end.
the clues... they are everywhere
well i think that mike is pathetic. he didn't lie about his age. he really is that young. but i guess he wants to be important.
mike lives in haarlem, holland
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