Then in August of 2008, YouKnowMyName231's fake identity merged with JohnCharles2007's fake identity.

JohnCharles2007 was the name of a frequent commenter on the Rotten Apple series. His comments were often critical, but always insightful and challenging. The comments stopped after the release of the 6:32 epic video Revelation (part 1) #21.
It is likely that the name "JohnCharles" was inspired by the birth certificate of John Lennon's first son, although it is extremely unlikely that the real person behind the JohnCharles persona is Julian Lennon. Despite his annoying habit of deleting and revising his videos, I consider myself a fan of his work. And I have an inkling that if I were to construct a list of people with whom I would like to sit down for a few beers and conversation, you-know-who would be on that list, as would many of the others featured (sometimes by more than one alias) in the Revelation (part 1) #21 video.
YouKnowMyName231 has just released an extended and re-edited version of the video Revelation #3 (Understudy). He has done some things on this one to help his viewers connect the dots.

There is a great new clip on YouTube that falls neatly into the "I don't get it, so it must be evil" category. Check out Paul and Stella McCartney by heyricky.

I found the link on the AbbeyRd Beatles News Page. The clip is from the BBC special "Stella's Story," directed by Geoff Wonfor. More information can be found in Steve Marinucci's Examiner piece. Incidentally the soundtrack of this clip first appeared as a bonus track on a collection called "Medium Rare."
There is also a new slide show with the usual forward and backwards soundtrack from sunssoul: Writing on the Wall.
UPDATE: Bread & Circus: Episode 7 by breadandcircusfilms
FIRST! and: great Paul&Stelle video!!
Stella! ;-P
what's the Buddy Holly connection (in the grand scheme) ?
notice the order of the names mentioned on the revelation video, especially the last couple.
Maybe "John Charles" refers to another John Charles.
Like a song in a museum
He revealed himself long ago, watch YKMN's comments section
65If2007 is a traitor to the cause!
No, 65If thinks for himself. You should try it sometime.
The "cause"? Oh please.....
If you're so inclined, I would love for you to write a post on the 1970 Roger Moore film "The Man Who Haunted Himself" and how it relates to the PID myth. I haven't seen the film but the premise is interesting...
Conservative executive Harold Pelham (a harrowing and atypical performance by Roger Moore) is involved in a car accident and declared momentarily dead. When he's eventually released from the hospital, Pelham discovers that an exact double of him has recently been seen in places that he's never been, taken over his family, undermined his business and even begun an extramarital affair. Is Pelham being stalked by a doppelganger with a taste for the wild life or is he simply a man going insane?"
Buddy= 23?
To Jude because I know you read this blog:
The Maccafunhouse gang could stand to be more open minded but as far as them being "rude", keep in mind that they have dealt with the likes of people like faulconsnowjob and Sun King for years now and in doing so have a predisposition to cast everyone into PID as weakminded because of it. Call it PID profiling.
The kooks such as faulcon who are guided by their sexual attraction to moptop era Paul or those that hate Wings or his solo material so therefore he must be dead or those that are looking to hang the Anti-Christ tag on whoever's convenient tend to be the most vocal and get the lion's share of attention.
I've been a member of 60if, NIR and MFH. 60if is just plain crazy. NIR is sinking to 60if levels. MFH gets off on mocking them both.
And with all that "mocking" going on, they are completely missing the point of the exercise. All three "camps".
faulconsnowjob IS trutha. She's posting identical comps in the PID threads she started at the David Icke Forums. Talk about rude!! Her whole game is "Well if you can't see the difference, and you can't see how Paul is so much cuter then Faul then you must be conditioned or brainwashed. I'm sooo much better and smarter than you and I pity you like I would an ignorant offense. "
My God, how many times does she have to bring up "cuteness"? Does she have any idea how stupid that makes her look?
why do you pay attention to her even?
Everyday - it's a gettin' closer
goin' faster than a roller coaster
Well as surely must know the relative cuteness of someone is the most scientific method of determining identity. It's that "awwwwww" factor and wobbly knees that science deems as credible.
faulconsnowjob/trutha, what are your feelings on David Cassidy?
You attack against her, right now, is very foolish. Who cares why she is hung up on this, or who she considers cute or not? Why do you really hate her so? Just another woman you'll never sleep with?
Anonymous said...
65If2007 is a traitor to the cause!
February 2, 2009 12:41 PM
Why is 65If2007 a traitor???
65if2007 got the suitcase! Why is he a traitor?
iamaphoney thinks he is a traitor...
65if proved IAAP is full of shit (and a couple of kids).
A well deserved "Thank You" 65.
65if2007 is not a traitor, he is a hero!
Anonymous said..
"You attack against her, right now, is very foolish."
-foolish in it's futility perhaps. I take it you don't approve when a reader sees someone peddling idiocy in a public forum and points it out? Perhaps you would like to dictate what does and what does not get discussed? Should everyone run a comment by you for approval first?
" Who cares why she is hung up on this, or who she considers cute or not?"
-She does quite obviously
"Why do you really hate her so?"
- I don't hate anyone but clearly any criticism of anything deeply disturbs you. Perhaps you shouldn't read the negative comments on Iamaphoney's videos either. They would send you running for the hills.
" Just another woman you'll never sleep with?"
-an infantile statement. I have no interest in a relationship with multiple fake screenames. Get your mind out of the gutter.
anyone who has the time to post such a long-drawn-out comment is a david icke new-age-garbage tool, and/or some crazy-type who the maccafunhouse people get a kick out of.
"I came back again"
(text for the ykmn231 "Revelation #3 (Understudy)" video.
OK. He's saying (I think) that the first time he was
Buddy Holly. The second time he was Paul.
Now he is back. (Third time's the charm folks!)
So he's .... St Germaine. ;-)
And that all those times, he was 'the risen son of man', or,
in other words, the one who was also Adam and Christ.
Video starts off at Mason City Municipal Airport.
Beyond the obvious Buddy Holly connection, is that significant? In a, you know, Masonic sort of way?
Prolly not.
"the name 'JohnCharles' was inspired by the birth certificate of John Lennon's first son..."
So then Julian's real name is John Charles Lennon?
Anonymous said...
"the name 'JohnCharles' was inspired by the birth certificate of John Lennon's first son..."
So then Julian's real name is John Charles Lennon?
February 2, 2009 11:12 PM
John Charles Julian Lennon actually.
A question Taf --
Any thoughts on the yuppies (sorry, guys. no malice intended) with the Rolling Rock?
Seen them enough, and I'm enough of a sucker, to wonder what the message could be.
A nice gesture from 231 towards being February 3rd.
~ km artlu
Gawd Stella McCartney is hot.
Stella McCartney is Trutha.
She might be a vegetarian, but I think I could persuade her to taste my meat.
Maybe you could disguise it as tofu?
km artlu asked:
Any thoughts on the yuppies (sorry, guys. no malice intended) with the Rolling Rock?
Letter B of NIR suggested back in January of 2008 that it had more to do with the bottles than the yuppies.
The bottles have the number "33" on them. See this link.
Don't forget that he put our names in that cool "All Together Now" font on that one video!
That was cool!
That was cool, for a change.
Oh, and here's the latest chapter on Laurel Canyon, for those who are interested.
you're a little late on that vince
Late or not, this guy ROCKS!!!
Way more interesting than Mr. Phony....
Imagine if they BOTH got together!!!!!
What a saga!
Bread and Circus ROCKS too
we forgot all about that CERN crap
Seriously. Stella is teh sex.
Stella is the sexolution! where's that banana as I levitate down the sidewalk.
Double-rawr. And, on a somewhat creepy note, look at where Macca's hand is creeping up...
seriously boring
the real # 9 to da ROOF in da garden. Grope that
"seriously boring"
Not as boring as hearing you call it boring over and over again. Sorry you have such an aversion to pictures of attractive females.
I remember that prior to getting into the PID business, John Charles was posting and promoting his own music clips and resembled a younger Sean Hannity. I don't know where the John Charles is Julian Lennon theory came from but it obviously sprung from the imagination of someone who never saw all of John's old videos.
The "yuppie" in the YKMN video is obviously the guy who played Buddy Holly in the Broadway show. Isn't that the same guy?
The Rolling Rock guys are HOT!
"Anonymous said...
The "yuppie" in the YKMN video is obviously the guy who played Buddy Holly in the Broadway show. Isn't that the same guy?
February 3, 2009 8:48 PM"
Fuddy Folly is even HOTTER
(stage make-up, but who cares when he's THAT !HOT! )!)
Stella may be against eating meat and wearing animal skins, but I'd slip my meat into her skin any time of the day.
she's all your's, man
your's and Alasdhair's
Alasdhair is HOT!
Alasdhair is da BOMB.
sǝsɐɔʇıns ǝɥʇ
1 revealed
2 found
3 still missing
Pfft. Alasdhair's nothing but a punk. I can take him with one hand tied behind my back.
sʇop ǝɥʇ ʇɔǝuuoɔ
sǝsɐɔʇıns ǝɥʇ
1 revealed
2 found
3 still missing
I found one. Inside there was a drawing of Fred Flintstone and a copy of Hustler. I'm connecting the dots as we speak!!!!
I wanna connect Alasdhair's dots IN ǝɥʇ sǝsɐɔʇıns
,¿ʇɥƃıɹ sı ʇı 'əƃɐ ɹnoʎ ʇɐ 'ʞuıɥʇ noʎ op --pɐəɥ ɹnoʎ uo puɐʇs ʎlʇuɐssəɔuı noʎ ʇəʎ puɐ ;əʇıɥʍ ʎɹəʌ əɯoɔəq sɐɥ ɹıɐɥ ɹnoʎ puɐ` 'pıɐs uɐɯ ƃunoʎ əɥʇ ,'ɯɐıllıʍ ɹəɥʇɐɟ 'plo əɹɐ noʎ`
How the hell are you guys flipping your words upside-down?!
In other news, Stella McCartney can flip me upside-down any day of the week. Rawr! >:)
Joined: July 23, 2006
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Videos Watched: 6,104
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ɐɥɔɐɥɔʇɐɥ ˙uɐɯəɹıɟ ʇxəu əɥʇ sı sıɥʇ )ʎllɐuıɟ ( səıp uɐɯ plo əɥʇ uəɥʍ
now you to can be retarded:
3 hours. Damn you are FAST
"Anonymous said...
now you to can be retarded:
February 4, 2009 5:"
will this be an overnight retardation? who will proof tomorrow?
bread & circus?
Let it be retarded.
sǝsɐɔʇıns ǝɥʇ 5 Videos
1 revealed 2 found 3 still missing
Wow iamaphoney! your ability to write backwards upside down has completely rejuvenated my interested in the suitcases! Maybe if you release some more of the suitcase videos you have already produced you can ride the wave of this new found momentum all the way to 2012!
rotten apple-101 15,656 views
Los Angeles Suitcase 7,786 views
rotten apple 70 O 3,925 views
rotten apple 70 T 1,966 views
Berlin Suitcase - In Circulation
15,656 all the way to 2,121 views
I'd say that was rejuvenated AND VINDICATED!
I am not that good at math, so fewer views means better right???
what you fail to mention mr. hater hate hater is that the original suitcase video was 1 year ago, the berlin suitcase was made only 4 months ago, so naturally there would be fewer views! Put that in your Magritte pipe and smoke it mr. hater hate hater!
ps iamphoney, i love all your work and always had faith that you would restore and rejuvenate the original luster of the rotten apple! You never let me down. Yenz let me down, by flipping us off.
Yenz is bad. phoney is GOOD!
yeah, and rotten apple-101 was remedial "101" and berlin suitcase was advanced placement doctoral level. so the attrition was massive.
take that mr. hate hater hater!
ps iamphoney, can i get another suitcase video? can you write upside down in the video? That would be COOL!
if Yenz were here, he may say something like this...
"Ich finde Dich Schei, du fressen meine titten"
"ps iamphoney, i love all your work and always had faith that you would restore and rejuvenate the original luster of the rotten apple!"
is this now a infomercial for shammies or furniture polish? the time for product placement is now! restore and rejuvenate your original luster!
Yenz had titten?
Wait, it did look like he did...
why is it that people say bad things about the people who actually got off the couch and got the suitcases?
First 65if2007 was maligned, now poor defenseless busty Yenz is getting spoken ill about. I seriously doubt that Yenz would actually curse like you are depicting him. You can clearly tell from the video he is deaf and would use sign language!
That is something you uncaring haters will never understand!
ps iamaphoney, next Kristmas, can you get me a pony? in a suitcase?
"poor defenseless busty Yenz "
NOW WE WILL NEVER GET THE BERLIN SUITCASE! Yenz is sensitive of his mann titten...
"ps iamaphoney, next Kristmas, can you get me a pony? in a suitcase?
February 4, 2009 7:18 PM"
can you make the poney write backward upside down? we can have tea parties and play with our busty Yenz dolls!
Yenz is stella mccartney! In a beard! In Berlin!
Now you'll never sleep with Yenz!
ha ha!
"Anonymous said...
Yenz had titten?
Wait, it did look like he did...
February 4, 2009 7:13 PM"
Hello!?!?!? Didn't you hear??? Yenz is STELLA FREAKIN MCCARTNEY! So obviously!
Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)Rawr! >:)
Yenz can flip me off ANY TIME!!
Rawr! >:)
"15,656 all the way to 2,121 views
I'd say that was rejuvenated AND VINDICATED!
I am not that good at math, so fewer views means better right???
February 4, 2009 7:01 PM"
Your hater math doesn't work here!
Go back to Hate town and do some more of your Hate math with your Hater friends.
ps iamaphoney, i always believed in you! is it true you are doing an interview for us faithful followers on the 8th or the 9th? i know you will, because you have never let us true believers down!
you are amazing!
¿ʎəuoɥdɐɯɐı əɯ ʎɹɹɐɯ noʎ llıʍ
we will have tea parties and talk about suitcase ponies!
just wanted you to know that I am BORED
"I seriously doubt that Yenz would actually curse like you are depicting him. You can clearly tell from the video he is deaf and would use sign language!"
Don't say bad things about Stella McCartney! I challenge you to a DUEL sir!
Rawr! >:)
Still bored...
Which is more embarrassing? The frat boy halloween mask video found in the first suitcase, the infamous Yenz flipping us off video, or the fact that there are still people who believe in this ass king?
Anonymous said...
just wanted you to know that I am BORED
February 4, 2009 7:34 PM
thanks! glad I'm not the only ONE
"believe in this ass king"
hey, why not?
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
you know whats most funny?
i dont think they care about you guys anyway.
There most be a deeper meaning in traveling around
the world, making cool video, making great music, deliver never seen before clues to the mccartney mystery without getting anything valueble out of it.
it must be someone who likes it that way and can afford it in the long run. seriously the only answer I can give is that Sir Paul himself is behind this, maybe day we will find out. I enjoy the videos and so do you guys otherwise you wouldnt be here, would you?
at least Mr. Phoney is a trendsetter in his editing, in his music, in the PID history and now also in his writing. I think thats cool.
Anonymous said...
at least Mr. Phoney is a trendsetter in his editing, in his music, in the PID history and now also in his writing. I think thats cool.
February 4, 2009 11:20 PM
PhoneyProphet, is that you???
in the PID history and now also in his writing. I think thats cool.
February 4, 2009 11:20 PM
iamaphoney is writing???? where is this?
iamaphoney is writing???? where is this?
February 4, 2009 11:37 PM
it's all backwards and upside down, but yeah. honkey mo-fo is WRITING!
is there no medium you do not completely dominate???
is there no medium you do not completely dominate???
February 4, 2009 11:39 PM
Gay porn.
where did you get that mikey
where's that yenz vid?
I put on me wooden shoes and found a Dutch gathering.
"it must be someone who likes it that way and can afford it in the long run. seriously the only answer I can give is that Sir Paul himself is behind this, maybe day we will find out. I enjoy the videos and so do you guys otherwise you wouldnt be here, would you?"
Not to sound like a (backwards) broken record but.....
Denmark, video editor, KABELTV, Pupil CPH....
A lie adds up y'know.
Not to sound like a (backwards) broken record but.....
Denmark, video editor, KABELTV, Pupil CPH....
A lie adds up y'know.
I have tried to google those tags of yours...
there is nothing!!!Nothing!!
What are you talking about.
We are not gonna play your game anymore ,
you are working for Mr. McCartney and you are to desperate in trying to plug out your false flags
Denmark, video editor, KABELTV, Pupil CPH
hi man do you homework better at least you could have put up some false sites as you guys did in the begining
the whole ian martin jr thing..
oooohhh, but Im not falling for this s... anymore,
how much are MPL paying you for doing this.
You are not doing a very good job!
don't hold your breath waiting for a response
hi man do you homework better at least you could have put up some false sites as you guys did in the begining
the whole ian martin jr thing..
oooohhh, but Im not falling for this s... anymore,
how much are MPL paying you for doing this.
You are not doing a very good job!
Bullshit! Here you go again trying to make it look like Sir Paul is behind it which is the dumbest "theory" out there. How much is IAAP paying you??? KABEL TV IS real. It's in Denmark. Martin Lind IS real. He has a website. Pupil CPH WAS real. They had videos featuring the "actor". You won't find them now because (for the millionth time) IAAP shut down the account after Tafultong spotted them. It's YOU who's doing a terrible job. The info is still up at NIR in the Rotten Apple thread and it checks out. Nobody except phoneyprophet is fooled by your transparent attempts to steer us away from those leads. Again, are you taking your marching orders from IAAP? It's pretty obvious now that you are.
Ian Martin jr. by the way was a Wiki entry combining the work of two people. It's where Martin Lind's name came up for the second time. It was immediately vandalised with letters changed and rearranged once it was cited on NIR.
That Rotten Apple Army sure is sloppy. When they're not outright borrowing ideas and concepts from us without giving credit where credit is due they start pushing the "Paul is IAAP" agenda to hide it. Shameless. NIR is a group effort not a think tank for some editor wanting to be an internet superstar.
I wish someone had saved those Pupil Copenhagen videos. Tafultong? Anyone?
Face it ph0neyprophet. These things are not going away no matter what you do to try and obscure it.
There is nothing wrong with a Danish video editor making PID videos. Why is it so hard to accept?
There are people from NIR who know "Iamaphoney." They also know he isn't Paul McCartney. That's one of many reasons the people at NIR don't take Iamaphoney seriously. Of all the possible fan bases on the net, the most likely for Phoney would be NIR, and yet, you will notice, it is not.
Paul is Dead - Commonwealth and Enochian Power
good one
I hate that freaky clown from IT
check out the Commonwealth library...the callalillies are in bloom again, really
curse you iamaphoney for stealing that poor man's wife! when he gets his voice made of computers and his stephen hawkings wheel chair, your girlfriend is his!
that damn Stephen King IT clown is spooky, I hope iamaphoney fears it!
and what about spaghetti cat?
MikeNL said...
and what about spaghetti cat?
My God, we need spaghetti cat more then ever MikeNL! Do you know where spaghetti cat is?
Soon Your Minds Will Be Blown
TPF has been given the talking-stick.
The Fireman Himself won´t be able to open His mind at this level.
His decision is that TPF might be able to answer some of your questions.
rockin! who is TPF? Is he the spaghetti cat?
TPF has been given the talking-stick.
ah ha! talking-stick!
iamaphoney passed his "baton"
what the hell is a "taking stick?" what's TPF
Anonymous said...
what the hell is a "taking stick?" what's TPF
February 5, 2009 3:38 PM
taking stick is like a suitcase, only more fail
Will there be a talking stick in the next installment of the Iamaphoney suitcases?
TPF has the "conch"
Let him speak!
Will there be a talking stick in the next installment of the Iamaphoney suitcases?
February 5, 2009 3:40 PM
Good Lord No, please!
I am bored!
You know what, Taf?
Check the songmuseum channel in youtube (He revealed himself long time ago in YKMN's channel, as i said before, so i'm not saying anything new, surely you have already figured out)
check the credits of the songs (that are very cool, by the way)
another "John" appears, and it's not John Charles Julian Lennon.
Maybe JohnCharles2007's channel refers to THAT John, not Julian.
Maybe one of those guys is the impersonator that sings on the background of YKMN's videos.
Maybe another of those guys is the Buddy Holly impersonator. (or the same guy, like Steve Riks)
Maybe JohnCharles2007's channel refers to THAT John, not Julian.
Maybe one of those guys is the impersonator that sings on the background of YKMN's videos.
Maybe another of those guys is the Buddy Holly impersonator. (or the same guy, like Steve Riks)
Well, there is only one song on the channel. Who knows? "John Charles" has very carefully plotted his series, so I wouldn't be surprised if that channel is a red herring. Does anyone have an idea who the guy at the beginning of the newest YKMN video is? The guy talking about Buddy's plane crash?
One song?
HEY! he just set other songs to private!
i don't get it. He revealed himself in YKMN's channel, so i don't think that it's a secret.
Now i can't get access to the other songs too.
He revealed himself in YKMN's channel, so i don't think that it's a secret.
He revealed himself by doing what? Did he make an announcement? John Charles is a character like YKMN231. I don't think the identity of the person(s) making the videos is the point . . .and I don't think Charles is Julian or that Phoney is Paul or any of this nonsense. They are YouTube video makers. I vaguely remember Charles' channel before YKMN and there were several videos up there of different bands and odd random things.
He revealed himself by doing what? Did he make an announcement?
yeah, if my memory doesn't fail, in the comments section it said something. -Now i don't see anything, maybe it was deleted or i just don't find it-
So, maybe that channel was related too. Like all the other channels.
In some YKMN's videos a birth certificate appears. The name "John Charles" and a birth date are shown.
I have never seen any clues leading to think that YKMN could have been Julian Lennon in that series. A new YKMN-related channel appears, and a "John" is shown. Maybe he was referring to himself. And if he showed that certificate, maybe it's because it's related to what he is trying to say.
The name "John Charles" and a birth date are shown.
What is the birth date? Which video?
Anonymous said...
The name "John Charles" and a birth date are shown.
What is the birth date? Which video?
February 5, 2009 6:48 PM
The birth certificate can be seen here
watch at @5:43
Revelation part 1 (21)
03:50 "everything is a clue" :)
04:51 the same image of a Magritte painting as the songmuseum channel
St Mary's hospital
John Charles
Did i read wrong or it says that he was born with a TWIN? please someone confirm
And i don't see a date of birth, maybe i made a mistake, don't know
St Mary's hospital
John Charles
Did i read wrong or it says that he was born with a TWIN? please someone confirm
And i don't see a date of birth, maybe i made a mistake, don't know.
The video "Confession" has the date . . .5, 1964, White Male. No month.
sorry. 1962. Julian was born in 1963.
Please explain the e=mc2 Aussie funnyman
Einstein told you about US too, didn't he...?..
there's a jar of honey in it for you, in a jar by the door
Buzz Code
still no closer
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