Correction: The 0bama2OO8 YouTube is still up. I thought I had tried every combination of zeros and O's but I must have missed one. Thanks F for setting me straight on that one.

As the end of the weekend approaches, we are still waiting for a glimpse of the contents of the Berlin Suitcase.
There is a rumor of a New York suitcase, but I could not find a mention of it on Iamaphoney's channel, and I believe the suspected YouTube user account 0Bama2008 has been closed.
One item of note this weekend is a new offering, Theosophic Extension from YouKnowMyName231

1 – 200 of 475 Newer› Newest»Interesting video from YKMN231.. and 0bama2OO8 is still up.. has a "0" instead of a "o". Welcome back Taf!
new single from the Fireman! Not the official video though. Song is AMAZING!
Interesting video! Contains the opening for "The Prisoner". That in itself is an interesting television series back in the 60's. Many have their own interpretation of what it all means, but I'm sure we'll get an informative post about that here eventually. I can imagine Miles Deo smiling and saying 'Can you see now?'
Thanks for letting me know what that was from. I wasn't sure. I'll have to see if I can find any of the episodes. There is another version of the song with a different user video but it uses a lot of official Paul/Faul footage. Miles has been kind of quite since the other night. He's gotten a few comments on his blog though...
No problem! The series is on the web if you look hard enough for them. I'm planning on buying the lot.
I like Miles. He was making sense to me in the previous blog. I understand what he's saying, just putting it into words is not one of my specialties.
I planned on looking in the morning... He was making some sense and I agree with you about the putting it into words. There was a lot of nonsense to sift through to try and get what he was talking about. It's kind of nice with it being so quite but then again the chatter can be useful...
So prove it, Taf. Prove it.
I don't understand why he didn't upload the video yet..
he has send me a message every couple of hours, but then it just stopped. i guess he went to bed to upload the thing today. : /
What is it with this guy_
10.50 TONIGHT???
meet phoney :|
where are you getting this from?
Maybe he's dropping it at my place.
oh, I get it....he's wants someone to meet him at strawberry fields tonight.
p- denny- it's on you!
where are you getting this from?
November 3, 2008 6:59 AM
Look on the main blog page
(Tafs Main)
one chance
circle imagine
10 50 pm
look out for more info
10:50 PM....NYC....central the've got to be kidding me?
take big flashlight and videocam : ] ?
who is going?
Here is your evening in a nutshell:
(the sound of someone going through your pockets)
(the sound of someone running away)
(30 minutes later, sirens, but they don't stop)
oh, please it's right off the street. thousands of people around
phoney knows my schedule, phoney knows he has to have a home delivery.
"oh, please it's right off the street. thousands of people around"
Be my guest then, you go.
"Here is your evening in a nutshell:
(the sound of someone going through your pockets)
(the sound of someone running away)
(30 minutes later, sirens, but they don't stop)"
I wrote that. I live here. I won't be going.
it not say tonight
It says: "Look out for more info."
Nothing on there specifies a date. It doesn't have to mean tonight, although it could. But isn't it also possible that the "more info" will be the date?
Doesn't matter to me what night, that fact is that it is AT night. No way Jose.
"I wrote that. I live here. I won't be going."
I doubt it, highly. A real new yorker would laugh at know it's not dangerous there. But no.I can't go.
I doubt it, highly. A real new yorker would laugh at know it's not dangerous there. But no.I can't go.
November 3, 2008 7:26 AM
Not dangerous? The only thing you are right about, is a new yorker would laugh at that. He'd still go, but be packing heat.
Its like 500 yards from the street, West 72nd. People are there all the time.
Whatever. No worries. No one is forcing you to go.
It's probably bogus, anyway.
What does the great and powerful OZ have to say about this, Mikey?
Don't go to NY. It's suitcase eBay!
Forgive me if I indulge in a little mindless speculation, but...
isn't there a significant date coming up on the calendar soon?
IONEIX? Whatever that is??
it would have to be 11/9
where's the link to suitcase ebay?
where's the link to suitcase ebay?
November 3, 2008 8:16 AM
You asked. From the Halloween post.
After the great succes of Suitcase Ebay, we now present the Dutch version! Suitcase Marktplaats! Especially made for mikey!
Suitcase Marktplaats.
we also have
we can play suitcase ebay!
" look out for more info"
look out is from, of course....helter skelter
isn't the object of the game to actually put a suitcase on ebay?
Dat weet ik, maar het leek me leuk om te zeggen.
Welke stad woon je : ]
Which city do you live in? : ]
Ja dat zou te persoonlijk worden.
Well that would be too personal now wouldn' it?
In ieder geval.
Geloof je nou echt dat Paul dood is?
Do you really believe that Paul is dead? (Aan Mike, To Mike)
"isn't the object of the game to actually put a suitcase on ebay?"
Not at all! For the best description of the game, go to the Halloween (1031 comments) Blog. Page 3, not quite halfway down the game is described.
Look for an Anonymous post, pay attention to the time posted. Starts like this:
"I am ready. How do I play?
November 1, 2008 2:13 PM
G-ddamn it we have a winner! A man who is not afraid of the consequences, devil may care attitude."
You really have to read it all. Once you start, you'll be hooked.
I can get it.
nee, geloof niet dat paul dood is.
no, i don't believe that paul is dead.
maar ik denk wel dat er rare dingen gebeurd zijn/op dit moment gebeuren.
but i do think that weird things happened/happening at this moment.
Joy! Now ready to join the fun in suitcase ebay.
say hi to phoney if you get the chance :- )
Ik twijfel vaak aan dingen, of ze aan mij liggen of dat iedereen het voelt.
I often doubt my own feelings, I wonder if everyone feels it or if it's just me.
Een gevoel dat er geen plezier meer zit in vertrouwde dingen en alsof al het leuke in het leven al geweest is.
A feeling as if there's no joy in life anymore in the old trusted things or as if every fun thing in life has already happened.
Ik wil niet suicidaal klinken, zeker niet maar ik merk dat ik niet de enige ben die zo denkt.
I don't mean to sound suicidal but I notice I'm not the only one who thinks like this.
Sommigen denken dat het met 2012 te maken heeft en soms twijfel ik, als skeptisch persoon, eraan of het niet echt waar is.
Some people think it's 2012 and I sometimes doubt, as a skeptic, wheter it's not actually that.
Naja, te diep gelal.
Anyway, too deep BS.
so how did suitcase ebay change your life?
Well, it changed my life completely! I now have this great suitcase from a guy named Dick and he left all his stuff in there as well. We're talking about a few old muffins and some (broken) glasses chocolatemilk.
Thanks suitcase ebay!
five more to go
so post it already!
Well take some pictures and load them on up Mikey! We'd all love to see them!
i only got one document.
when i have the rest, i will upload it all in one. but he is uplaoding it to me now.
Sounds good... So how does the first document look? Anything you feel like talking about?
well, it's about an astrological research room, i can tell ou that...
some kind of weird script.
Astrological research is an oxymoron.
Maybe it's stuff from that Green character--Yoko's astrologer.
Getting laid right now, thanks to Suitcase Ebay!
I see you like my suitcase, happy suitcase ebay? Don't think you've seen it all. There's one unused condom in there as well.
hey mike,
whats up with the suitcases?
How can you get laid and type at the same time?
lots of practice...
Something that our friend 65If mentioned that has caused me to abandon my theory that Paul died in 66/67 and was replaced was his comment about PID clues before the supposed death. That photo of the three leather jacketed Beatles holding a mock funeral for Paul in Hamburg Germany circa 1961 seems like the smoking gun. I'm not sure if I agree with the occult angle but could this sort of behaviour be something they picked up from the German art students they hung out with? An avant garde art idea that they carried all the way through to 1969. There is also a photo of laughing and jolly Paul George and Ringo standing over what is supposed to be a smiling and dead John in 1968. I'm starting to think this was a private joke and we've been left out.
pic mentioned.
From the Famous Mikey Quote List
Latest Entry
From iamaphoney Comment Section
MikeyNL1038 (21 hours ago)
berlin suitcase contents in a couple of hours!
21 hours ago. A couple of 21 hours ago.
Please understand,
the windows movie maker project file was screwed up, he couldn't render it... so he has to send all those files to me separately. that's why it was taking so long...
Every time I wonder "how MikeyNL1038 could be more irrelevant?" he says something even more incredibly irrelevant. Thanks Mikey! You are not so much irritating as you are entertainingly consistent!
Quit being so negative towards MikeNL!
Stop it! Leave him alone!
Not his fault! You are MEAN!
When this all comes out you are going to be so sorry you were ever mean to Mikey
Did you know that he is in a wheel chair? Did you? NO???
OMG! I had no idea! Sorry Mikey!
God Bless us all! Each and every one!
Mr. Iamaphoney is like a second father to me. Renal tubular acidosis has left me in a wheel chair. He leaves suitcases the world over for me to wheel up to. Notice every place he leaves them is handicapable accessible. Notice I said handicapable. Because I am. So your negative attitude towards my enthusiasm is nothing but rocks under my wheel chair. You should be ashamed!
Anonymous said...
Every time I wonder "how MikeyNL1038 could be more irrelevant?" he says something even more incredibly irrelevant. Thanks Mikey! You are not so much irritating as you are entertainingly consistent!
November 3, 2008 1:53 PM
He is in a wheelchair? Well, then he is an annoying person in a wheel chair.
anonymous said...
pic mentioned.
Yeah really. The 66 replacement timeline is incredibly farfetched and bordering on fantasy. Seeing photos like this convinces me the Beatles were pulling this stuff long before they had creative control over the packaging of their albums and music. I can only conclude that Paul is not dead and that PID is a misinterpretation.
Man I am sorry Mike. I had no idea you were a 12 year old gimpy kid from the Netherlands. I feel awful! No wonder Paul McCartney hired you to be the cheerleading section for the iamaphoney project! It fullfilled the handicap employement quota, and since you are disabled you have nothing to do all day long and can be first on the scene for every video and comment day or night!
God Bless us all! Each and every one!
When it comes time to do merchandising for this Beat les (tm) thing, can we all get complimentary Tiny Tim Mikey Bobble heads for our dash boards???
That way when I am driving and I ask questions to the space aliens communicating via telepathy to me when I am alone, I can verify if the comments they make are "GENUINE" just like IAMAPHONEY DOES!
Quick cut to the Famous Yellow Code Mustang as it powers its way down Route 66. A prototype Tiny Tim Mikey Bobblehead doll (tm) rests silently on the dashboard.
The actor in the dirty shirt asks:
"Tiny Tim Mikey, when the space aliens tell me the Dark Troll replaced Paul McCartney in 1966 with Billy Faul Shears and that I need to make videos and post them to Youtube to tell the world, and then when people start to question the made up claims and video sheenanigans I do, will a tiny handicap child from the Netherlands show up to be my sidekick, riding "shotgun" as it were who will always and truly back me up and keep me GENUINE?"
(Tiny Tim Mikey bobble head doll bobbles silently in agreement)
And as he wipes away the tears rolling down his cheeks,
"Thank G-D I am NOT ALONE" says the IAAP actor, a beam of light breaks through the clouds and bounces off the tiny metal plate in the tiny head of the Tiny Tim Mikey bobble head doll (tm) and the voice of Almighty G-d booms across the valley.
The actor pulls the car over, and jumps out the convertible to reverse video grab a suitcase and reverse video dump/fill it with various "Goodie-bag" items from the latest West Coast Crowley and Satanists Anonymous Meeting.
"Here Lord? I should leave the suitcase here?" says the IAAP Actor in the dirty shirt.
And in the silence from the Heavens, all that can be heard is the quiet rhythmic movement of the tiny wheelchair wheels spinning and bobblehead nodding the affirmative from the Tiny Tim Mikey bobble head doll (tm).
Is it an accident that Paul is working with musician Youth from the 80's band Killing Joke....KILLING JOKE???? Get it?
How did NIR miss that one or did they just not want to see it. They turn over rocks looking for PID clues and never noticed the irony in that?
Will the Tiny Tim Mikey Bobblehead doll be in the next suitcase?
Anonymous said...
Will the Tiny Tim Mikey Bobblehead doll be in the next suitcase?
November 3, 2008 2:37 PM
Chalk that up to another stellar benefit to those who play Suitcase eBAY!
NIR is not exactly Scotland Yard. They were debating on the identity of a certain person a while back whose name is George Harrison. They were looking at a famous shot of him when he was young.
"I can only conclude that Paul is not dead and that PID is a misinterpretation."
Thanks for the update. I figured that out when I was six years old.
"And in the silence from the Heavens, all that can be heard is the quiet rhythmic movement of the tiny wheelchair wheels spinning and bobblehead nodding the affirmative from the Tiny Tim Mikey bobble head doll (tm).
November 3, 2008 2:33 PM"
That brought a tear to my eye!
When is that MikeNL bobblehead doll coming out! I need it for the next time I play suitcase eBAY! Then I can ask mikey if the contents I had put in the suitcase the night before in a drunk stupor are GENUINE or not!
Folks, if you want to play suitcase eBay right, you need to get a MikeNL handicap bobblehead doll. Then you can place your suitcase in your backyard in the same way that IAAP does it. GENUINE!
"That way when I am driving and I ask questions to the space aliens communicating via telepathy to me when I am alone, I can verify if the comments they make are "GENUINE" just like IAMAPHONEY DOES!"
So thats how he does it!
And after this weekend, who isn't!!!!
"The actor pulls the car over, and jumps out the convertible to reverse video grab a suitcase and reverse video dump/fill it with various "Goodie-bag" items from the latest West Coast Crowley and Satanists Anonymous Meeting."
Sign me up for THOSE meetings. I hear the "goodie-bags" are worth a mint, and almost the Holy Grail for Suitcase eBayers!
From Obama2OO8's channel
(probably iamaphoney)
press pause in 00:49. Notice that the end of the video is a false youtube screen with 2 links.
the links are
Anonymous said...
And after this weekend, who isn't!!!!
November 3, 2008 2:45 PM
No doubt! How better to kill 21 hours or so then to get epic drunk and hide suitcases filled with semi-precious Beatles memorabilia in your own backyard!
All the time waiting between IAAP videos and MikeNL/Yenz announcements could be spent DRUNK and playing suitcase eBay!
It's the right call.
"Chalk that up to another stellar benefit to those who play Suitcase eBAY!
November 3, 2008 2:39 PM"
all this suitcase talk MAKES ME THIRSTY!
"Obama is a STAR"
...because he adores the sun?
"West Coast Crowley and Satanists Anonymous Meeting
Sign me up for THOSE meetings. I hear the "goodie-bags" are worth a mint, and almost the Holy Grail for Suitcase eBayers!
November 3, 2008 2:46 PM"
We meet on the full moon of every month in the Barker Ranch. Bring a vestial virgin(not mikeNL), a sacrificial goat, a suitcase, a magic 8 ball(we don't use MikeNL bobblehead dolls), and a moneyorder or cash in the amount of $6.66. Chicken blood will be available for a free will offering.
Starts at sundown, we try to end the meeting around around 11pm as most of us have jobs. Goodie-bags are not giving to first timers. You have to attend at least TWO meetings. Suitcase eBay players RUINED it for you.
See you at the Barker Ranch!
These damn kids get out of school! Look at them DRINKING! Kids should not play suitcase eBay!
See you at the Barker Ranch!
November 3, 2008 3:05 PM
That guy rocks! AND HE IS ALIVE?????
"Chalk that up to another stellar benefit to those who play Suitcase eBAY!
November 3, 2008 2:39 PM"
Dont forget to drink? sounds like that gfa tagline
Dont play dead!
Does gfa play suitcase eBay?
Dont forget to drink? sounds like that gfa tagline
Dont play dead!
Does gfa play suitcase eBay?
November 3, 2008 3:09 PM
I hope he does! He can bring the little tin foil hats!!!!! That way the space aliens can't read our thoughts and steal our Tiny Tim Mikey Bobblehead dolls (tm)
Drink till your mentally dead!
All the kool kids are doing it!
mikenl is gfa
MikeNL said...
take big flashlight and videocam : ] ?
who is going?
November 3, 2008 7:19 AM
Damn it Mike you have balls to tell anyone how to do anything. How bout you go get something? Oh yeah, you DID'NT!
Who is going? HOW ABOUT YOU!
I play suitcase eBay!
Don't Play Dumb!
Don't Forget To Drink!
Hall of Hall%Oats?
Oh they're all Satanists. All of 'em. Every pop star. Even the Pussycat Dolls. It's a HUGE conspiracy. You may only listen to Amy Grant from now on.
"Damn it Mike you have balls to tell anyone how to do anything. How bout you go get something? Oh yeah, you DID'NT!
Who is going? HOW ABOUT YOU!"
I can't go. I live in the Netherlands.
Amy Grant!!!!?!?!?!?!??!
Really? Kick ass! Now I can f*ck her!
You'd do amy grant???
Anonymous said...
You'd do amy grant???
November 3, 2008 3:30 PM
MikeyNL1038 (23 hours ago)
berlin suitcase contents in a couple of hours!
Where is the pics and videos mikey?
Anonymous said...
MikeyNL1038 (23 hours ago)
berlin suitcase contents in a couple of hours!
Where is the pics and videos mikey?
November 3, 2008 3:32 PM
It's not my fault.
The file was mircrosoft. I use an APPLE. Then my dog ate my homework. Then my cat ate my dog.
Then I forgot daylight saving time, and my alarm didn't go off so I overslept.
Excuse Mikey said...
I can't go. I live in the Netherlands.
November 3, 2008 3:27 PM
Yeah, and you couldnt go to the CERN or Berlin suitcase either! Practically in your BACKYARD!
Yeah, and you couldnt go to the CERN or Berlin suitcase either! Practically in your BACKYARD!
November 3, 2008 3:41 PM
I don't play suitcase eBay, so I cannot get suitcases close to me or in my backyard. All I do is watch and comment like a hawk online. This is me. This is what I do.
Hey guys great news! I found MY suitcase. Yep, I had a big trip planned and I thought I had lost it but there it was in the closet underneath a pile of old socks. I'm so happy! I'll be uploading the contents soon. I think there's an old can of Barbasol shaving cream in there and travel size bottle of English Leather. STAY TUNED ALL YOU H8TERS because my suitcase has been found and you will all have to eat your words!
Dickweed here
Remember me? Ok, I am so sick of these cute little MEMES you jokers keep trying to spread.
First it was "Dillweed" which was totally wrong. It's DICKWEED. Dick! Dick! Dick!
Then you were quiet for awhile. Now you are back in force with this STUPID annoying suitcase eBay, fricken Tiny Tim Mikey bobblehead dolls Memes. Guess what? Not funny. Not cool. Just clutters up this blog. Not that it matters. The whole thing is getting pretty stale. But you piss me off with your trying to be cute. You think you're pretty funny hhuh?
Well, your not!
Memes are not funny! They are mark of low intelligence actually. And I speak for EVERYBODY here that you should never say anything again. Better yet, I hope you get cancer and suffer.
Joined: July 23, 2006
Last Sign In: 45 minutes ago
Videos Watched: 5,164
Subscribers: 876
Channel Views: 166,453
Man, what a dickweed!
Anonymous said...
Hey guys great news! I found MY suitcase. Yep, I had a big trip planned and I thought I had lost it but there it was in the closet underneath a pile of old socks. I'm so happy! I'll be uploading the contents soon. I think there's an old can of Barbasol shaving cream in there and travel size bottle of English Leather. STAY TUNED ALL YOU H8TERS because my suitcase has been found and you will all have to eat your words!
November 3, 2008 3:45 PM
And you know what the awesome thing is? This guy did it, AND I would bet money that the videos and pics will be up BEFORE MikeyNL1038 even has a bowl of ceral!
Good job fellow suitcase eBay friend!
ploease inform us MIKE
i'm going crazy cant sleep before suitcase
And you know what the awesome thing is? This guy did it, AND I would bet money that the videos and pics will be up BEFORE MikeyNL1038 even has a bowl of ceral!
Good job fellow suitcase eBay friend!
November 3, 2008 3:53 PM
I can't help it. If you were in a wheel chair you may take extra time with pictures and videos.
You are not being fair. And if you ask me anymore questions I will ignore you. If you make anymore hatefilled statements I will shun you.
This is me. This is who I am. This is what I do.
Anonymous said...
i'm going crazy cant sleep before suitcase
November 3, 2008 3:54 PM
play suitcase eBay! makes the time ZIP!
anonymous said: i'm going crazy cant sleep before suitcase
Don't worry buddy. Soon you'll be seeing my precious travel size bottle of English Leather on YouTube and then all the h8ters will bow before me because my suitcase has been retrieved!
Anonymous said...
Every time I wonder "how MikeyNL1038 could be more irrelevant?" he says something even more incredibly irrelevant. Thanks Mikey! You are not so much irritating as you are entertainingly consistent!
November 3, 2008 1:53 PM
nailed you mike
Don't worry buddy. Soon you'll be seeing my precious travel size bottle of English Leather on YouTube and then all the h8ters will bow before me because my suitcase has been retrieved!
November 3, 2008 3:56 PM
hey buddy you restored my faith! Don't forget to drink man! I will be joining NOW
chug-a-fricken lug!
I don't need mikeNL or IAAP anymore now that I found suitcase eBay!
Make your own rules!
Play your own Game!
Drink till you find your own suitcase you forgot!
Everyday is a wonder! A Terrifying Wonder!
everyday is a wonder! A Terrifying Wonder!
November 3, 2008 4:03 PM
thats my fav line!
yeah! we can put our fake suitcases up AND RETRIEVE them in less time it takes IAAP or MikeyNL1038 to put up their fake suitcases/videos/pics.
we got you beat IAAP/MikeNL
mike, prepare to be P'WNED by h8tzers
IAAP is an Obama supporter? It figures. That NWO-loving Zeitgeist-stealing hippie.
Anonymous said...
mike, prepare to be P'WNED by h8tzers
November 3, 2008 4:07 PM
oh yeah? prepare to eat the words!
mikeNL got the video up! nannay nanny boo boo! and he did it all from a wheelchair! while carrying a PUPPY!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
IAAP is an Obama supporter? It figures. That NWO-loving Zeitgeist-stealing hippie.
November 3, 2008 4:08 PM
Get a job hippy!
and he did it all from a wheelchair! while carrying a PUPPY!
November 3, 2008 4:10 PM
that is racist!
"Every time I wonder "how MikeyNL1038 could be more irrelevant?" he says something even more incredibly irrelevant. Thanks Mikey! You are not so much irritating as you are entertainingly consistent!"
cut and paste this everytime mikeNL says something, if you dare.
"How better to kill 21 hours or so then to get epic drunk and hide suitcases filled with semi-precious Beatles memorabilia in your own backyard!
All the time waiting between IAAP videos and MikeNL/Yenz announcements could be spent DRUNK and playing suitcase eBay!
It's the right call."
playing multi-player suitcase eBay right now!
you are being p'wnd by h8tzers right and left mikeyNL.
all your suitcase are belong to us
no MikeNL bobblehead doll on ebay yet, but these are!
the pope!
I think it's hilarious how at one time Iamaphoney was respected, feared and worshipped and now he is just a laughable comic figure. Boy what a difference a couple of fake suitcases and a year can do. You h8ters rule!
-former Iamaphoney fan
mike was the Pope of all things phoney. there is a new sheriff in town!
Poor kid is in a wheelchair and you make fun of him like this? You are ashamed!
I am NOT in a wheelchair. My Mom and Dad are! Both.
There. NOW how do you feel?
Every time I wonder "how MikeyNL1038 could be more irrelevant?" he says something even more incredibly irrelevant. Thanks Mikey! You are not so much irritating as you are entertainingly consistent!
"Every time I wonder "how MikeyNL1038 could be more irrelevant?" he says something even more incredibly irrelevant. Thanks Mikey! You are not so much irritating as you are entertainingly consistent!'
Sorry! Got trigger happy waiting for Mikey to say something.
"oh yeah? prepare to eat the words!
mikeNL got the video up! nannay nanny boo boo! and he did it all from a wheelchair! while carrying a PUPPY!
November 3, 2008 4:10 PM"
where's the video?
take that h8tzers!
p'nwd you BACK!
Guys I have bad news. I was carrying my suitcase to the car when all of a sudden this gangsta kid jumped out from behind the bushes, ripped it from my hands, gave me the finger and ran off. All I had in there was a can of shaving cream, a trial size bottle of English Leather and some condoms I just packed for my trip to Denmark. Now I'll just have to see if I have another suitcase in the closet. I may have to go out and buy one now. Damn.
take that h8tzers! said...
take that h8tzers!
p'nwd you BACK!
November 3, 2008 4:28 PM
Hang on. Loading the video now. Youtube is really slow today. Probably all the buzz being generated by the frenzy for the suitcase! Normally it would take 10-15 minutes. So far, 21+ hours. But it will go up. Soon. Almost immediately. If you go start playing suitcase eBay, could you please send me some pictures from your suitcase? That will speed this process up. I will just post your stuff up, its probably better anyways.
This is me. This is who I am. This is what I do.
Anonymous said...
Guys I have bad news. I was carrying my suitcase to the car when all of a sudden this gangsta kid jumped out from behind the bushes, ripped it from my hands, gave me the finger and ran off. All I had in there was a can of shaving cream, a trial size bottle of English Leather and some condoms I just packed for my trip to Denmark. Now I'll just have to see if I have another suitcase in the closet. I may have to go out and buy one now. Damn.
November 3, 2008 4:28 PM
Coming to your backyard! To take YOUR Suitcases!
I hope he posts that video soon. The last one inspired 9 comments! When was the last time you saw a video on YouTube got as many as 9 comments? That's AMAZING! I bet this new one will get 11 or 12 or maybe even 13. No, that's impossible. No video has ever gotten 13 comments. It must be the booze talking. Sorry.
Coming to your backyard! To take YOUR Suitcases!
November 3, 2008 4:33 PM"
Mike, it was bad enough how you keep trying to take over IAAP's suitcase game. NOw you and Yenz are horning into ours. Homie don't play that way. Come around our neighborHOOD you understand what bad judgment, repressed anger, alcohol and the second amendment can do FOR YOU
Come around our neighborHOOD you understand what bad judgment, repressed anger, alcohol and the second amendment can do FOR YOU
November 3, 2008 4:35 PM
No video has ever gotten 13 comments. It must be the booze talking. Sorry.
November 3, 2008 4:33 PM
Dude your booze speaks the truth!
Keep on it!
I am epic drunk and my booze is speaking truth too!
Went to good will and LOADED UP on suitcases!
There are going to be a million comments from me on my suitcase video! Each one will say "F*uck! That looks familiar! and "Suitcase eBay 4evah!" and "Dont forget to drink" (and you know I won't) thats the truth. My bottle told me.
Went to good will and LOADED UP on suitcases!
Mike and Yenz CANT GET THEM ALL!
Coming to your backyard! To take YOUR Suitcases!
Mike and Yenz
we've been to goodwill, we got car loads of suitcases and beatles photocopies. Your mom called. She said your closets are full already. She said no more squirreling away.
go home. cookies wait for you. nap time. bye bye... bye... bye!
IAAP just want all of you to know that in U.S. there is very historic election tomorrow and I want that you should vote for Barack Obama.
IAAP don't like the Sarah Palin.
IAAP DO like the Michael Palin. He is sexy and funny. I want to see him in stinky purple shirt. Yum.
Now do as I command you sheep! Obey me!
Original Suitcase Gangsta
OBEY the Mike Yenz suitcase!
We should create a poster of the IAAP actor and put the word "OBEY" in big letters underneath it. That just about sums him up. Of course the IAAP Kool-Aid drinkers would never see the joke and take it seriously....
time for photoshop party favors
alas i am too wasted
you have a drinking problem!
Not a problem if your goal is to drink. Then that would be right on target. A bulleye.
Working on the Obey Suitcase
IAAP can't handle the truth!
second yoda, where are you?
IAAP is not at fault! He is trying to educate us! He left the suitcases for us! You didn't have the guts to get it! Its YOUR VERY OWN FAULT!
oh yeah? You get the suitcase then!
I hope you're having fu-un.
I can't. I have a job and kids
i can tell you mikey, my suitcases are full of empty bottles. if you take them, they are heavy. the wheels on your wheelchair will flat. take that suitcase thief! serves right! stealer of suitcases! stay off my suitcases!
Anonymous said...
Not a problem if your goal is to drink. Then that would be right on target. A bulleye.
November 3, 2008 5:03 PM
I have goals. they are written. I am winning! Did you here that mikey? I am winning!
The suitcase gap is quickly closing. And these videos are AWESOME! And PROMPT!
IAAP is not at fault! He is trying to educate us! He left the suitcases for us! You didn't have the guts to get it! Its YOUR VERY OWN FAULT!
You are soooo right. I would have gotten the first one since he said it was the missing Mal Evans suitcase but then whoops! was all a lie. Then there was a 2nd suitcase and third and a, that's a lot of missing Mal Evans suitcases. There are just too damn many of those Mal Evans suitcases and now with even more on the way! Oh wait these did not belong to Mal Evans after all, right? That's how the story has goes now. So I guess it was all bullshit.
IAAP a bullshit artist? Say it ain't so!
Anonymous said...
second yoda, where are you?
November 3, 2008 5:04 PM
if only they would have listened to suitcase yoda. NONE of this wouldve happened
IAAP a bullshit artist? Say it ain't so!
November 3, 2008 5:12 PM
It really is becoming apparent that you are correct. I hate to say it, but yeah.
"I have goals. they are written. I am winning! Did you here that mikey? I am winning!"
You have problems. Go to a meeting. Become friends with Bill W.
Mike will get the suitcase. You are wrong.
with benevolent love,
your pal,
Anonymous said...
Working on the Obey Suitcase
IAAP can't handle the truth!
November 3, 2008 5:04 PM
Do you realize how foolish you are going to look when the suitcase comes out? Did you ever stop to think about that???????
Just woke up and thought I would poked my nose in. I quickly skimmed through the comments, and the one thing I saw was that now the finger clown is sending pictures of the contents to Mike?
"Please understand,
the windows movie maker project file was screwed up, he couldn't render it... so he has to send all those files to me separately. that's why it was taking so long...
November 3, 2008 1:52 PM"
That was roughly 4 hrs. ago? Hasn't anyone heard of a .jpg compression program or .zip program? Did I overlook something? Then again, finger clown doesn't look like the sharpest tack in the bin.
Mike, you really should associate with better people. Like myself, for example.
P.S. Sad to hear you are in a wheel-chair, but, I wouldn't be one of those who would degrade you and make you feel unacceptable because of your handicap. I have helped many people in slow moving wheel chairs right out of my way, and they always thanked me for treating them like everyone else.
MikeyNL1038 (1 day ago)
berlin suitcase contents in a couple of hours!
or days!
or weeks!
or months!!!!
or YEARS!!!!!!!!
Do you realize how foolish you are going to look when the suitcase comes out? Did you ever stop to think about that???????
The suitcase already came out and it was nothing. IAAP has delivered nothing. Everything he's done has failed. All of it. Believe that Paul is dead to your heart's content but don't make IAAP your Christ-figure.
its terrible how you people put mikey down just because he is in a wheelchair! how would you like it? you wouldnt i bet!
Sheeple NL said...
MikeyNL1038 (1 day ago)
berlin suitcase contents in a couple of hours!
or days!
or weeks!
or months!!!!
or YEARS!!!!!!!!
November 3, 2008 5:19 PM
quit making things up!
quit making things up!
November 3, 2008 5:23 PM
Making things up??!?!?
go to the iamaphoney comment section and scroll down to a day ago. Read Mikes own words. You can't make this stuff up!
my aunt is in a wheelchair, you going to make fun of her now too?
somebody please end this madness
Stephen Hawking is in a wheelchair. I guess that makes him stupid too huh? Maybe you should think about the things you say before you go making fun of Mike. You judge a book by it's cover? Or is it more fun for you to just make fun of a child who is a cripple?
When will you people wake up to the truth that Iamaphoney is the messiah and the Paul is the Anti-Christ?? Do I have to show you all the evidence?? Paul represents Saturn!! Shit, that should tell you everything you need to know right there. Get on your knees and worship Iamaphoney and accept him as your new messiah right this very moment. Me? I'm going to Chicago where it will be safe when the world ends a few months ago.
I don't have any problems with Mikenl but I do have a problem with IAAP and any con artist who is full of shit.
yoda want skywalker wheel case.
booze speaks the truth said...
i can tell you mikey, my suitcases are full of empty bottles. if you take them, they are heavy. the wheels on your wheelchair will flat. take that suitcase thief! serves right! stealer of suitcases! stay off my suitcases!
November 3, 2008 5:09 PM
I have a family member who is confined to a wheelchair. If I was in a wheelchair I would take your suitcase and open it, and throw those bottles all over your lawn to prove once and for all how pathetic you are. Guess what, your confined to a wheelchair too my friend. The wheelchair of alcohol.
Guess what, your confined to a wheelchair too my friend. The wheelchair of alcohol.
November 3, 2008 5:32 PM
Here here! Finally a voice of reason.
If Mikenl is in a wheelchair and people are making fun of him for it that is pretty lame. Iamaphoney should be the target of the vitriol.
"my aunt is in a wheelchair, you going to make fun of her now too?"
It is not my intention to make fun of anyone. I was being honest. The other day, I was walking into a department store, a man was in front of me in a wheelchair, going incredibly slow. I grabbed the back of his chair and said, "Let's, go, get a move on.", and pushed him through the door. The guy next to me said he felt what I did was quite rude. I looked at the guy in the chair and asked if he rather I treated him like a handicap, and he grinned and said, "Absolutely not!"
Here's another voice of reason.
peace and love,
I think we can all agree to give Mike a pass. Listen, I had no earthly idea he was crippled. I had no right to make fun of his veracity or question in any way anything he said or has done, because I haven't walked a mile in his shoes. You are right anonymous, some of our best and brightest have been confined to wheelchairs. FDR for example. And your example Stephen Hawking.
I will from now on leave MikeNL alone and grant him the undivided respect that he deserves.
Gay suitcases abound.
Mikey isn't in a wheelchair. Haven't you seen his videos? He's walking around backward like Phoney.
I will leave Mikenl alone too...
....but only....
kisses and hugs and Obamalove,
Mea Culpa said...
I think we can all agree to give Mike a pass. Listen, I had no earthly idea he was crippled. I had no right to make fun of his veracity or question in any way anything he said or has done, because I haven't walked a mile in his shoes.
neither has mikey
what's wrong with you people? Mike is on record singing and ....uh......gesturing his tunes, no wheelchair in sight.."tunes"
get a memory
Anonymous said...
Mikey isn't in a wheelchair. Haven't you seen his videos? He's walking around backward like Phoney.
November 3, 2008 5:40 PM
Thats how the car hit him
Don't you feel just a little insensitive now? How that sit with you?
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