A reader requested some interview footage of Brian Epstein's business partner Nat Weiss. This
Nat Weiss clip was the best thing I could find in one day. It comes from the documentary "The Brian Epstein Story." This was posted for research purposes only. No rights implied.
1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»Prediction: Someone at NIR is now going to say that Nat Weiss is the REAL James Paul McCartney. He'll use photo comparisons and everything. He may even claim to have "proved" it. And at least, one other NIR contributor will enthusiastically chime in, "Could be".
A middling elderly man with chubby features and a connection with the Beatles. That's all that you need to be the "real" JPM.
Well, now that you meantion it...
See the lines on his face, miles?
Those are actually surgical scars.
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contents almost there.
Mr. Pilgrim
stnemugra cirtcele - namerif eht
Name: Mike
Country: Netherlands
stnemugra cirtcele - namerif eht
Name: Mike
Country: Netherlands
the fireman - electric arguments
Berlin Suitcase - In Circulation
Added: 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,422
So... its still in circulation....
From the Miles Deo Blog
Blogger MikeNL said...
i don't think so...
iamaphoney has smaller head.
i have a picture of the eyes of TPF for you...
i saw his eyes in 1 frame from a video.
it doesn't look like these eyes.
November 2, 2008 4:20 PM
Blogger Miles Denton Oliver said...
"iamaphoney has smaller head."
Very interesting!
MikeNL, maybe you should open up sometime and tell all those you know exactly what and how much you do know about iamaphoney.
November 3, 2008 9:12 PM
"MikeNL, maybe you should open up sometime and tell all those you know exactly what and how much you do know about iamaphoney.
November 3, 2008 9:12 PM
November 4, 2008 11:12 PM"
He is in a wheelchair... He doesn't need to answer any questions!
Your questions are just "rocks under his wheels!"
"Blogger MikeNL said...
i don't think so...
iamaphoney has smaller head."
The biometric scan begins in 3....2....1.......
"iamaphoney has smaller head"
Blogger MikeNL said...
i don't think so...
iamaphoney has smaller head.
Good work knowing all about IAAP small head Mikey.
Confirmed my suspicion about you.
So did this....
Blogger MikeNL said...
I've got "gaydar".
Blogger MikeNL said...
I've got "gaydar".
November 4, 2008 11:20 PM
Why do you suppose Mike is so enamored of IAAP?
"iamaphoney has smaller head"
November 4, 2008 11:15 PM
The Suitcase Revelation may be more revealing then was once thought.....
All you jokers are going to look very foolish when the big news comes out. Very foolish. You should beg forgiveness. Mike is right. When the suitcase information is released it will change the world. Notice how Obama was elected. Do you think this is just a coincidence? Did you notice that IAAP announced that he would be elected BEFORE it happened?
V l l l l V l X l l
circle imagine
delusions of grandeur
Did you notice that IAAP announced that he would be elected BEFORE it happened?
November 4, 2008 11:34 PM
delusions of grandeur
IAAP is swimming in the deep end of the pool.
"For me, I was able to imagine myself as in a role of greater importance than I would seem to be ordinarily. At the time, I had some recognition. I was making some progress professionally, but I wasn't really at the top. I didn't have top level recognition, and so when I started thinking irrationally, I imagined myself as really on a Number 1 level. I was the most important person of the world, and people like the Pope would be just like enemies, who would try to put me down in some way or another, or the president.
—John Nash"
So who is crazier? The crazy people, or the people who watch the crazy people?
I don't think it took a psychic to predict Obama would win. I'm dumb as hell and even I knew he would. I guess that makes me and IAAP equal.
first iaap picked fires, now he picks presidents.
versatility! now that the election is over, what will IAAP pick next? stocks? racehorses?
who will get the next suitcase?
ask the magic Tiny Tim MikeNL Bobblehead doll
"Anonymous said...
versatility! now that the election is over, what will IAAP pick next? stocks? racehorses?"
Maybe IAAP could tell me where I put my suitcase eBay? I lost it in a drunken stupor. The microsoft Movie Maker program I used didn't render the video so I can't tell where I left it. Should have sent it to MikeNL. That way it would've been posted by now, and I could go into my backyard and find it. Now I think I know why Mike takes so long to put up the 30 second videos I send him. It gives him time to send them to IAAP and IAAP then gets the suitcases for his own nefarious purposes.
I fear IAAP may have already kidnapped it. I weep for my suitcase.
I am printing up fliers, "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SUITCASE?"
All this crying has made me thirsty.
The thirst makes me drink.
The drink makes me forget.
All this crying has made me thirsty.
The thirst makes me drink.
The drink makes me forget.
November 5, 2008 1:06 AM
Amen brother! Heres to forgetting!
We used to call iamaphoney blogstrodamous. We now call him Nostradamus. He predicts fires. He is a kingmaker President picker. He is a layer of suitcases. You call it corn, we call it Maize. Only you can prevent 4est f-eye-Rs.
IAAP registered luggage offender. He can't live within 1,200 meters from a luggage store. He can't go within 5 meters of a luggage turnstyle at an airport. Thats why he keeps having to ditch the suitcases in the bushes.
samsonite carryons worldwide weep while IAAP gallivants scott free.
film at 11
Boy! There seems to be a real ANTI-phoney attitude taking shape here on this blog! Why? The guy makes artistic videos. Why ridicule?
especially since he is confined to a wheelchair! Leave Britn..... iamaphoney ALONE!
John Nash said...
"For me, I was able to imagine myself as in a role of greater importance than I would seem to be ordinarily. At the time, I had some recognition..."
Hi John. Are you still the Emperor of Antarctica?
So he has 'smaller head'? Maybe head is a codename. And it's actually 'cock'. So he has 'smaller cock'. Of course one wonders how you could see that in a picture like that. However, the eyes tell his 'size'.
I knew it was a gay triangle thing!
I still don't believe the 0bama2008 channel is an official IAAP channel.
Theres several clues that indicate its not his style.
Open your eyes.
Anonymous said...
I still don't believe the 0bama2008 channel is an official IAAP channel.
Theres several clues that indicate its not his style.
I agree.
Great work on finding the Nat Weiss footage!
Eppy Fan
Tafultong said...
John Nash said...
"For me, I was able to imagine myself as in a role of greater importance than I would seem to be ordinarily. At the time, I had some recognition..."
Hi John. Are you still the Emperor of Antarctica?
November 5, 2008 6:02 AM
No. Was ousted by Obama.
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contents almost there.
Mr. Pilgrim
stnemugra cirtcele - namerif eht
Joined: November 20, 2006
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Big news! Berlin Suitcase video being loaded NOW! Hang on to your hats!
Big news! Berlin Suitcase video being loaded NOW! Hang on to your hats!
November 5, 2008 8:34 AM
Just in time! Was about to give up on this whole mess
Didn't we?
where's it gonna show up, mike?
I did
let's stick around and see what it was.
Anonymous said...
where's it gonna show up, mike?
November 5, 2008 8:43 AM
Do I hear a question??????
how long is this gonna take? seconds? hours?
Do I hear a question??????
November 5, 2008 8:45 AM
sorry. forgot the rules.
Anonymous said...
how long is this gonna take? seconds? hours?
November 5, 2008 8:45 AM
Don't forget the angles, either.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
how long is this gonna take? seconds? hours?
November 5, 2008 8:45 AM
November 5, 2008 8:47 AM
I'll raise your days, and raise to weeks!
how long is this gonna take? seconds? hours?
November 5, 2008 8:45 AM
November 5, 2008 8:47 AM
I'll raise your days, and raise to weeks!
November 5, 2008 8:49 AM
I raise to months!!!!
When the vid about suitcase Berlin,
Will be up, you'll notice some har curlin,
Yes it's phoney's pubic hair,
Deceased years ago but he doesn't dare,
To tell you the truth in his eyes,
As small the hair is, is the size.
IAAP's poet.
I am all in..
I raise to.. NEVER!
oh yeah?!??!
I raise to infinity BILLION!
I take all suitcases back! See how you like that game! NO MORE SUITCASES!
" iamapoker said...
oh yeah?!??!
I raise to infinity BILLION!"
too rich for my blood. I fold.
iamapoker said...
I take all suitcases back! See how you like that game! NO MORE SUITCASES!
November 5, 2008 8:57 AM
Wait, what?
"I raise to infinity BILLION!"
IAAP World Poker Tour
iamapoker is all in. lets see the flop.
The flop comes
Mal, Neil, photocopy.
Since iamapoker is all in. we go to the turn.
The Turn comes
Zodiac killer.
So we have,
Mal, Neil, photocopy, Zodiac killer.
You have to know iamapoker is happy about that!
Now the river,
The river is.... CHARLES MANSON!
So its Mal, Neil, photocopy, Zodiac killer, CHARLES MANSON.
Thats why iamapoker is the king!
iamapoker gets a full house!
take and eat the words haters!
What's going on, Mike?
suitcase poker
what will they think of NEXT??
you there. Mike? what's the deal?
Anonymous said...
What's going on, Mike?
November 5, 2008 9:14 AM
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Must be a long video! 53 min still not up!
"So its Mal, Neil, photocopy, Zodiac killer, CHARLES MANSON."
Textbook iamaphoneypoker.
I suspect a loaded deck. I demand a recount!
so mike is now questioning iaap?
cut out the obey shit
oh - no!
i used to be a young smart ass like the obey guy. then i grew up. now i am an old smart ass. things arent always what they seem. are you a human being, or just some hungry ghost out there?
Anonymous said...
cut out the obey shit
November 5, 2008 9:22 AM
Leave mike alone
Anonymous said...
cut out the obey shit
November 5, 2008 9:22 AM
ya! it not funny! go home!
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New video any minute now!
How could we have ever doubted you MikeNL? You are the best!
thanks mike!
the house of cards is built upon the sandcastle. the tide wave fills the moat. all the kings horses and all the kings men cant put the rotten apples back on the trees. with glue. in a rain storm. at night. in the dark.
tell em Jude!
Prediction: Someone at NIR is now going to say that Nat Weiss is the REAL James Paul McCartney. He'll use photo comparisons and everything. He may even claim to have "proved" it. And at least, one other NIR contributor will enthusiastically chime in, "Could be".
If you're going to pick on NIR, at least get your facts straight; NIR doesn't do the whole "this person = Paul McCartney" thing. They never have. In that fact it's that sort of thinking that is partly the reason behind JoJo et al founding NIR.
What you're thinking of is TKIN!, and aside from a couple of loonies that frequent both places, the two forums are markedly different from each other.
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
November 5, 2008 9:42 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
tell em Jude!
November 5, 2008 9:43 AM
The above deleted message was brought to you by Jude. The anonymous poster responsible for much of this noise.
Jude said...
Prediction: Someone at NIR is now going to say that Nat Weiss is the REAL James Paul McCartney. He'll use photo comparisons and everything. He may even claim to have "proved" it. And at least, one other NIR contributor will enthusiastically chime in, "Could be".
If you're going to pick on NIR, at least get your facts straight; NIR doesn't do the whole "this person = Paul McCartney" thing. They never have. In that fact it's that sort of thinking that is partly the reason behind JoJo et al founding NIR.
What you're thinking of is TKIN!, and aside from a couple of loonies that frequent both places, the two forums are markedly different from each other.
November 5, 2008 9:44 AM
where's the link?
Wasn't it at NIR that I saw a lot of stuff saying some old British woman was Paul? And that a dozen random 60s musicians were really Paul? Maybe it was another site, not positive.
tkin, amusing cross to nir for comedic value
Yes, anonymous, that is what I posted. Thank you for copying and pasting my message for no apparent reason. I really, er....appreciate it?
Yes, anonymous, that is what I posted. Thank you for copying and pasting my message for no apparent reason. I really, er....appreciate it?
Once again, why does IAAP bother to hide suitcases if they contain videos that have to be uploaded and posted on YouTube? What difference whether Mikey uploads it or IAAP uploads it?
Yes, anonymous, that is what I posted. Thank you for copying and pasting my message for no apparent reason. I really, er....appreciate it?
How did anonymous cut and paste the above message one minute before you posted it Jude?
blogger jude, why don't you answer some q's for mikey?
Many times you are both sides of the issues Jude. Self point counterpoint
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
November 5, 2008 9:42 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
tell em Jude!
November 5, 2008 9:43 AM
Comment deleted.. thats why.
err. thanks.. for busting me with my hand in the anonymous cookie jar
Well. Sometimes I make a comment and forget that I am logged in. So when I make a comment, I need to erase it when I don't want you to know it's me. So, you copied my message before I could erase it. You beat me too it. So what?
huh... thought Mike and Jude didn't post anonymously? Ever! Never Ever!
Never except when they do. Which they do ONLY for the best reason. And you can't do it. Only them.
"How did anonymous cut and paste the above message one minute before you posted it Jude?
November 5, 2008 9:55 AM"
Jude. Everything is about you.
"How did anonymous cut and paste the above message one minute before you posted it Jude?"
Wow! Everyone really is after Jude!
Leave Britn...... Jude alone!
You don't have the GUTS to post using a blogger identity!
And neither do I! My name is Jude and I post anonymously, and when I forget to post anonymously I erase the message! And when someone catches me, I repost the message with my blogger ID and try to er.... laugh it off. Errr.. Thanks!
Jude and Mike NEVER EVER post anonymously! NEVER!!!!! NEVER EVER!!!
OBEY ANONYMOUS! (when its anonymous Jude or MikeNL)
Jude Watcher said...
You don't have the GUTS to post using a blogger identity!
And neither do I! My name is Jude and I post anonymously, and when I forget to post anonymously I erase the message! And when someone catches me, I repost the message with my blogger ID and try to er.... laugh it off. Errr.. Thanks!
November 5, 2008 10:22 AM
Jude is so busted.....
"And when someone catches me, I repost the message with my blogger ID and try to er.... laugh it off. Errr.. Thanks!
November 5, 2008 10:22 AM"
Never question Jude, Mike, or Iamaphoney.
Socash, you have way too much time.....
And what happened to you socash/dontbotherthatguy? Why are you so angry?
Anonymous said...
And what happened to you socash/dontbotherthatguy? Why are you so angry?
November 5, 2008 10:35 AM
If you must know, I am now in a wheelchair..
Are you happy with yourself now?
your youtube account is removed dontbotherthatguy... what gives?
socash watcher said...
your youtube account is removed dontbotherthatguy... what gives?
November 5, 2008 10:38 AM
got sick of you creating fake accounts and stalking me.
Anonymous said...
November 5, 2008 10:42 AM
add yshevh
yeah, those guys are the anonymous crew stirring things up. under orders. from the fearless suitcase leader! Zieg IAAP!
oh yeah--yhshvh is the biggest offender--and 65if hangs around now.
Who needs enemies when you can create your own!
And you'll note that all of them make PID videos as well.
MikeNL messaged me. He told me to write
"zzzZZZZzzzz" and "Move along folks! Nothing to see!"
but I am done being a useful idiot for them. Now I am my OWN idiot!
Anonymous said...
And you'll note that all of them make PID videos as well.
November 5, 2008 10:47 AM
yup. Tafultong does, gfa does, sunsol, paultherevelator They are all in on this. they all post anonymously and are all conspiring
everybody's phoney
Anonymous said...
November 5, 2008 10:53 AM
damn it JohnCharles quit tattling on us!
neener neener!
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must be a loooooooong video!
I am all. I am none. I am He.
Are we having fun?
When I cracked the code (which of course gave me IAAPs YouTube password), I was happily surprised to find the third-party messages left for whomever to find, explaining the game, and that I was now "It" if I chose to be Iamaphoney. So yes, you are correct when you say "everyone's a phoney," considering how many of us have been at the helm of the channel. We all use much of the same pool of stock images, and re-edited them almost randomly, which explains whey they are all basically the same. If all goes to plan, practically everyone will be in on the joke, and everyone will have been Iamaphoney.
Anonymous said...
November 5, 2008 10:42 AM
add yshevh
and Taf
what's it like to have to wait around for your next thought?
When I cracked the code (which of course gave me IAAPs YouTube password). . .
Who broke ranks!!?
and . . . .game.
but there's more to the story, right?
There's a little more to the story. . .
there's a lot more to the story...
There's a lot more to the story than the Phoney thinks. It's a double whammy!
give us a hint?
why would I give you a hint?
You're one of the ones "in" on it that will be affected by the double whammy!
Phoney knows the stupid plans.
It's stupid and it's got april fool written all over it.
REMEMBER THE ALAMO!!!!!Remember the days of September!
I agree!
whatch your step!
April Fool-ish yes, but the tables will turn. Double Whammy!
If you're going to pick on NIR, at least get your facts straight; NIR doesn't do the whole "this person = Paul McCartney" thing. They never have. In that fact it's that sort of thinking that is partly the reason behind JoJo et al founding NIR.
What you're thinking of is TKIN!, and aside from a couple of loonies that frequent both places, the two forums are markedly different from each other.
Are you kidding? Of course they do that sort of thing. Remember the old woman being JPM shit? If you've forgotten about it, it's still there. They try to be a tamer version of TKIN, but honestly they are the same. NIR has a lot more unrelated conspiracy shit and random religious discussions, though.
When I cracked the code (which of course gave me IAAPs YouTube password), I was happily surprised to find the third-party messages left for whomever to find, explaining the game, and that I was now "It" if I chose to be Iamaphoney. So yes, you are correct when you say "everyone's a phoney," considering how many of us have been at the helm of the channel. We all use much of the same pool of stock images, and re-edited them almost randomly, which explains whey they are all basically the same. If all goes to plan, practically everyone will be in on the joke, and everyone will have been Iamaphoney.
November 5, 2008 11:04 AM
I would like a(nother) try.
double coupons in your face, phoney.
turn your OWN tables, lame-o's.
it's loooong road to 2012!
remember how the april fool joke back fired?...what makes you think this joke won't back fire, phoney? your track record ain't too good. whose face will be egged then?
(other phonies are free to go back to penis envy talk)
please get it out of your systems.
what cookie # was that? 111?
silence, then bull shit to follow....
consumer rating:
so quiet it is! here's a riddle to break the cabin fever:
if I was going to st Ive's, and met a man with seven wives, and every wife had seven kitten and every kitten had seven mittens!
How many were going to st Ives?
so quiet it is! here's a riddle to break the cabin fever:
if I was going to st Ive's, and met a man with seven wives, and every wife had seven kitten and every kitten had seven mittens!
How many were going to st Ives?
November 5, 2008 4:04 PM
or ONE
it's gonna get r e a l q u i e t around here: prediction
What did you think of the suitcase contents? Pretty impressive huh? That was some wonderful evidence! Sir Paul probably went into hiding. I am glad I am not him!
(tee hee)
How about a joke.
Barack Obama was seated next to a little girl on an airplane trip back to Washington. He turned to her and said, “Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”
The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to The Obama, “What would you like to talk about?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” said the Obama. “How about What Changes I Should Make To America?” and he smiles.
“OK,” she says. “That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?”
Obama, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it for a second and finally says, “Hmmm, I have no idea.”
To which the little girl replies, “Do you really feel qualified to change America when you don’t know shit?”
you have proved nothing.
(tee hee)
yep, nothing.
( the rest of you will have to see this in slow motion)
speed is not iaap's forte
mouth watering for yoda cookie?
President Barack Obama = Arab base, pink Democrat
President Barack Hussein Obama = A Democrat speaks inane rubbish
Q. Why wouldn’t Barack salute the American flag?
A. It was ours.
Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting. Well, for example, the other day I went downtown and into a shop. I was only there for about 5 minutes, and when I came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. I said to him, 'Come on, man, how about giving a retired person a break'? He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a 'Nazi.' He glared at me and wrote another ticket for having worn tires. So I called him a 'doughnut eating Gestapo.' He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he wrote a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused him the more tickets he wrote. Personally, I didn't care. I came downtown on the bus, and the car that he was putting the tickets on had a bumper sticker that said, 'Obama in '08 .' I try to have a little fun each day now that I'm retired. It's important to my health.
Obama preached to the multitude by the side of the lake.
Obama created new states from out of the void.
Obama turned whine into Kool-Aid® for his followers.
Obama came to us carried upon a donkey.
Obama triumphed over the beast, the enemy of all men.
Obama was stoned and yet he has risen.
Obama's flock has millions of sheep.
Obama will reign over us from a house with many rooms.
You must have no other candidates before Obama.
Obama will raise voters from the dead. Count on it.
Obama Is So Pretty
Obama is so pretty that the new symbol of the Democrat Party will be a unicorn
Obama is so pretty that Bill Clinton wants to intern for him
Obama is so pretty that the White House Rose Garden will need to triple in size
Obama is so pretty that his anti-matter version is James Carville
Obama is so pretty that his supporters think that he's smart
Obama is so pretty that he won't ride in Ted Kennedy's car
Obama is so pretty that he would be a 10 if his Daddy owned a liquor store
Obama is so pretty that he would even look good in a Hillary pantsuit
Obama is so pretty that when he goes to Iraq he has to wear a Burka
Obama is so pretty that he gives John Edwards makeup tips
Obama is so pretty that his mirror on the wall was struck speechless
Obama is so pretty that he can wear white after labor day
whad I say? r e a l
(tee hee)
I guess mikey realizes he's been used and is too ashamed to show his face around here anymore..
I need a new job. My boss is working me like a President!
Jude said:
"If you're going to pick on NIR, at least get your facts straight; NIR doesn't do the whole "this person = Paul McCartney" thing. They never have. In that fact it's that sort of thinking that is partly the reason behind JoJo et al founding NIR.
What you're thinking of is TKIN!, and aside from a couple of loonies that frequent both places, the two forums are markedly different from each other."
Yes, and thanks Jude. Btw, the "old lady is McCartney" business or whatever it was was posted by a TKIN regular.. Can you guess which one?
I deciphered IAAP's bullshit!!! Jude is the cristos!
Taf, is it true? Are you GFA? Are you in on all of this?
notice how gfa and tafultong are never in the same room at the same time? always one leaves before the other gets there.
i think that answers the question.
tafultong is gfa
check the halloween post. taf is gfa
i messaged gfa and asked if he was taf. he said "do what thou wilt.."
or was that iamaphoney who said that? i cant remember, but the point is, taf is somebody. and gfa is somebody. so they may just as well be the same person.
i don't know what somebody is.
i just got out of jail.
we didn't kill your mom and dad kids.
his fine arm unfurls the heso.
- Ereck Klaptonic.
The phoney's after me and he wants to molest me! What should I do?
kill yourself
Consider it done.
IS IT TRUE????????????
Yeah Mike, hurry up with the suitcase contents!
It doesn't exist.
Wow how smart you are.
Anonymous said...
When I cracked the code (which of course gave me IAAPs YouTube password), I was happily surprised to find the third-party messages left for whomever to find, explaining the game, and that I was now "It" if I chose to be Iamaphoney. So yes, you are correct when you say "everyone's a phoney," considering how many of us have been at the helm of the channel. We all use much of the same pool of stock images, and re-edited them almost randomly, which explains whey they are all basically the same. If all goes to plan, practically everyone will be in on the joke, and everyone will have been Iamaphoney.
.... wait a minute, what???
What's the password?
Each new Phoney changes the password and puts clues in the next video about the new password.
If you watch the new YKMN video you'll realize why someone asked for a clip of an interview with Nat Weiss.
Sounds like the same guy to me . . .is that possible, Taf?
Just when you thought it couldn't get worse...
I uploaded some phoney accounts myself! Quite funny to watch people discuss about made up bullshit.
Everybody's getting sidetracked. It's all about one thing. Phoney's cock.
Everybody's getting sidetracked. It's all about one thing. Phoney's cock.
Maybe it is for you
You're always posting day and night. About every little Iaap this and that. The one time you're supposed to post something relevant, the thing Iaap has been trumpeting for months, and suddenly you are silent.
You even post videos about the fact that you're going to post videos of the suitcase contents.
Well, now you have them.
Why are you not forthcoming with details?
You said you were uploading.
No video is THAT long.
Be truthful, Mikey, for once.
Anonymous said...
If you watch the new YKMN video you'll realize why someone asked for a clip of an interview with Nat Weiss.
Sounds like the same guy to me . . .is that possible, Taf?
Unlikely, since the Eppyfan has her own blog.
Anonymous said...
You're always posting day and night. About every little Iaap this and that. The one time you're supposed to post something relevant, the thing Iaap has been trumpeting for months, and suddenly you are silent.
Why are you not forthcoming with details?
What about the person who found the briefcase? If he sent MikeyNL all of that information and didn't see anything for days, you would think he would put some pressure on Mike as well. Why hasn't he? Something is going on.
De Wereld Draait Door called, Matthijs wants to have an interview with Mike.
I am a phoney molester. I molest the phoneys. You see, years ago we found out what phoney was doing to our beloved suitcases. Now, we're going to punish him for all the zippers he has broken and for all the suitcases who are forever blinded by the sight of his dead winky.
If you watch the new YKMN video you'll realize why someone asked for a clip of an interview with Nat Weiss.
Sounds like the same guy to me . . .is that possible, Taf?
Unlikely, since the Eppyfan has her own blog.
I wasn't referring to the poster. I'm wondering if it is possible that the voice in the YKMN video is Nat Weiss, and, if so, if that is an audio clip available to the public somewhere.
I wasn't referring to the poster. I'm wondering if it is possible that the voice in the YKMN video is Nat Weiss, and, if so, if that is an audio clip available to the public somewhere.
The voice in the video sounds like a phone call, so I doubt that is something in the public domain, although maybe it is from a Beatle documentary or something.
"What about the person who found the briefcase? If he sent MikeyNL all of that information and didn't see anything for days, you would think he would put some pressure on Mike as well. Why hasn't he? Something is going on."
Taf, since the person who found the case is obviously in on it (or they would have talked), we have only Mikey's word at this point, which isn't saying much.
Anonymous said...
"What about the person who found the briefcase? If he sent MikeyNL all of that information and didn't see anything for days, you would think he would put some pressure on Mike as well. Why hasn't he? Something is going on."
Taf, since the person who found the case is obviously in on it (or they would have talked), we have only Mikey's word at this point, which isn't saying much.
November 6, 2008 11:51 AM
Mikey doesn't have the contents yet. he said he only got one document. he said that the person from the suitcase has a problem with the project file from windows movie maker.
we don't have mikey's word only.
we have the "1/4 suitcase retrieved" on iamaphoney youtube.
iamaphoney changed the berlin video to: in circulation.
we also have a video of a guy picking up the suitcase in berlin...
that's enough proof for me.
now let's just wait calmly, i'm sure it'll turn up soon.
Mikey also said he had the video content and that he was uploading it. Either he has it or not.
When I said we only have Mikey's word, I meant we only have his word with respect to what's going on with the stuff.
anonymous said:
I wasn't referring to the poster. I'm wondering if it is possible that the voice in the YKMN video is Nat Weiss, and, if so, if that is an audio clip available to the public somewhere.
Oh, I see. The video does seem to imply that the voice is Nat Weiss. I cannot place the audio from any documentary that I have seen.
Anonymous said...
Mikey also said he had the video content and that he was uploading it. Either he has it or not.
When I said we only have Mikey's word, I meant we only have his word with respect to what's going on with the stuff.
November 6, 2008 12:17 PM
yeah, but he immidiatly made a new post that it only was 1 document... maybe he thought it was the whole package or something.
it's just the exitement i guess...
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