The new video "Paul Is Dead - 33" by grandfatheraleister features scenes from "The Big Lebowski," "Tin Men" and "Capricorn One." It also features lots of Volkswagens.

Grandfatheraleister certainly has a fixation with these German cars, but it seems that movie directors do as well. The Beatles made one particular Volkswagen famous by putting it on the cover of Abbey Road with a license plate that would engender years and years of speculation.

The license tag on the famous Volkswagen was "LMW 28IF." Why 28If? Paul's age would have been 27 at the time of the release of Abbey Road. The most common reason offered by PID theorists is that if you include time in the womb the way those "Eastern Religions" do, then Paul would theoretically have been 28 years old. That excuse never worked for me. In fact, I felt that if one did actually believe that Paul was dead, it was more plausible that the conspirators simply got the date wrong because the real Paul wasn't around to correct them. Another possibility that I have never seen mentioned anywhere was that if the Beatles were intending to release "Get Back" in 1969, the following album would probably be held back until 1970 and thus, Paul's age would have been 28 by then. History tells us that the Beatles knew that "Get Back" would remain in the can when they commenced recording of Abbey Road, but they still could have expected a mid 1970 release date for some other reason.
When an outtake picture of George Harrison from the Abbey Road cover session appeared in a Rotten Apple video, I thought that Iamaphoney was trying to show that the original license plate on the Volkswagen was different from the one that appeared on the album cover. That would certainly be strong evidence that the content of the plate was intentional.

However, I now believe that what we are seeing is pixelation, a distortion caused by the enlarging of the picture. If you take the LMW 28IF license plate and blow it up, you get a similar result.

No matter how well loved the Volkswagen Beetle was (and they were loved---just ask anybody that ever owned one) there have always been stories about its association with one of the most hated people in human history, Adolf Hitler. There are even rumors that Hitler himself designed the car, but that appears to be an exaggeration.
Yahoo explains:
Hitler met with automotive designer Ferdinand Porsche in 1933 and charged Porsche with creating the new car. The chancellor required that the Volkswagen carry two adults and three children, go up to 60 miles per hour, get at least 33 miles per gallon, and cost only 1,000 reichsmarks. Hitler may also have named the car the Beetle.
As I mentioned previously, Sgt. Pepper cover designer, Peter Blake, says that Hitler was on the cover of the album, just not visible because he was behind the Beatles. [The irony of the phrase Hitler was behind the Beatles (Beetle) is not lost on me] Outtakes from the photo session show Hitler off to the extreme right looking more like a supervisor than a discarded prop.

After his death in 1945 and the fall of the Third Reich, it didn't take long for Hitler to become a curiosity. I'm not sure why the Beatles intended to have his image on the cover of Sgt. Pepper. Perhaps it was just John's tendency to want to stir up trouble. I am also not sure why Hitler would be in the background of this picture of George Harrison, Olivia Harrison and Larry Legs Smith that was not intended for public consumption.

Certainly by the mid 1960s Hitler became to some the butt of jokes. In fact, comedian Lenny Bruce did a routine called "Adolf Hitler and the M.C.A." The piece is based around the idea of Hitler being recruited by a talent agency in search of a dictator. In the piece, Lenny Bruce mentions former child star and talent scout Bobby Breen.
Where can you find Lenny Bruce and Bobby Breen together? The cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, of course.
Lenny Bruce

Bobby Breen

While Hitler may be a joke to some, he is a fascination to others. This was true in the 1960s and it is true today if the large quantity of documentaries on the History Channel is any indication. One of the key points in this surge of interest has been Hitler's involvement with the occult.
I find it unsettling that the Beatles would want Hitler's presence on the album that has become the focal point of the Summer of Love. Was this interest just a joke to create controversy or was this an indication that the Beatles were much more involved in occult practices than people realized? With its own belief system and rituals, the Occult bears some things in common with organized religion. Joseph Campbell suggested that many religious people take the metaphor of mythology and mistake it for literal truth. I wonder if the same can be said for those who engage in occult practices.
That being the case, I can't help but wonder what is really going on the gathering below.

Bug Love
Beatles Code
Stupid Bull
"The chancellor required that the Volkswagen carry two adults and three children, go up to 60 miles per hour, get at least 33 miles per gallon, and cost only 1,000 reichsmarks. Hitler may also have named the car the Beetle."
33 miles per gallon, Paul is Dead-33.
Hmmmmmm! He smiled quite knowingly
33 miles per gallon or kilometers per gallon?
Great article Tafultong!
I am thankful this thanksgiving for Tafultong
iaap going to start making cool videos again someday?
"Anonymous said...
33 miles per gallon or kilometers per gallon?
November 26, 2008 11:55 AM"
or 33 kilometers PER LITRE?
nice article taf!
Stack one dime up a nickle. 8 ( the snowman)
Reverse a 3 and push the two together. 8
Push those two circles together to form the al mond.
Anonymous said...
33 miles per gallon or kilometers per gallon?
Ug! Why didn't I catch that? I wanted to give Wiki a break and give Yahoo Answers a try.
This web site has some good information and pictures about the Hitler/Volkwagen connection.
1933 was a big year for Hitler.
" Anonymous said...
iaap going to start making cool videos again someday?
November 26, 2008 11:58 AM"
Just you wait.......
wanna take a ride?
Since you already answered the question before "Is Tafultong grandfatheraleister?",
and you answered a no, is it a fair question to ask if you worked together on this video & article as a collaboration? I am very impressed if you did, and even more amazed if you did not!
Well done to you both, either intentional or coincidentally on this fine multimedia presentation!
I vote to change the name of this blog to "Tafultong". You sir, are good!
anonymous asked:
Is it a fair question to ask if you worked together on this video & article as a collaboration?
That is a fair question. The answer is no, we did not. However, since I subscribe to GFA's videos, his new one was right in front of me when I logged on to YouTube today. And since it seemed to go well with some ideas that had already been kicking around in my head, the article came together rather quickly.
" Tafultong said...
That is a fair question. The answer is no, we did not. However, since I subscribe to GFA's videos, his new one was right in front of me when I logged on to YouTube today. And since it seemed to go well with some ideas that had already been kicking around in my head, the article came together rather quickly.
November 26, 2008 12:18 PM"
Then I am more amazed! Cheers!
Tafultong & grandfatheraleister
5 star today!
" Anonymous said...
iaap going to start making cool videos again someday?
November 26, 2008 11:58 AM"
Just you wait......."
That's a no then.
gfa has a background image behind the feature video on his channel, shows a film crew in reflection on the VW Beetle driving by from that Tin Men movie.
Tin Men/Man, Wizard of Oz connection.
Reminds me of when MikeNL was looking for reflections in the iamaphoney videos.
"The new video "Paul Is Dead - 33" by grandfatheraleister features scenes from "The Big Lebowski," "Tin Men" and "Capricorn One." It also features lots of Volkswagens."
What is everyone else getting out of the videos of
Yeah, I understand how it is that the movie "Help" fits into the Beatles/occult/PID theme -- though "Hard Day's Night" was made some time before 1966.
But what do any of the other movies used by
"grandfatheraleister" have to do with those themes? That has always gone completely over my head.
If I ever make my own video, I think that I'll include an excerpt from an episode of the "Flintstones". Or from "Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Paris". Or from "Seinfeld".
I'll use tags referring to "PID" and "Iamaphoney" and Crowley and Satan and so on, and someone somewhere will actually find a connection.
"The license tag on the famous Volkswagen was "LMW 28IF."
Didn't I read somewhere that the "I" was actually the number "1"?
But maybe the important thing is that, in context, it LOOKS like an "I".
"Why 28If? Paul's age would have been 27 at the time of the release of Abbey Road. The most common reason offered by PID theorists is that if you include time in the womb the way those "Eastern Religions" do, then Paul would theoretically have been 28 years old. That excuse never worked for me. In fact, I felt that if one did actually believe that Paul was dead, it was more plausible that the conspirators simply got the date wrong because the real Paul wasn't around to correct them. Another possibility that I have never seen mentioned anywhere was that if the Beatles were intending to release "Get Back" in 1969, the following album would probably be held back until 1970 and thus, Paul's age would have been 28 by then. History tells us that the Beatles knew that "Get Back" would remain in the can when they commenced recording of Abbey Road, but they still could have expected a mid 1970 release date for some other reason."
I agree with you completely on this. The "Indian religion" thing never worked for me; the anticipated later release date is more plausible.
Or maybe they were just rounding upward to the NEXT birthday.
Or maybe they couldn't get a Volkswagen Beetle with a "27IF" on it by the deadline so they went with the closest that they could get.
"Certainly by the mid 1960s Hitler became to some the butt of jokes. In fact, comedian Lenny Bruce did a routine called "Adolf Hitler and the M.C.A." The piece is based around the idea of Hitler being recruited by a talent agency in search of a dictator."
There's a MAD Magazine satire from the 1970's, in which the network decides to do a spinoff of "All in the Family", using a coming-out-of-hiding Adolf Hitler as the principal character.
"I find it unsettling that the Beatles would want Hitler's presence on the album that has become the focal point of the Summer of Love. Was this interest just a joke to create controversy or was this an indication that the Beatles were much more involved in occult practices than people realized?
Didn't John Lennon invoke images of Hitler -- or at least images of the Second World War -- as a means of baiting or provoking his audiences in Hamburg?
So this might have been something as simple as what you suggested earlier -- some envelope-pushing mischief on his part.
Then too, notwithstanding his distraughtness over Brian Epstein's death, Lennon was supposed to have harbored a certain amount of anti-Semitic feelings towards Jewish people as a whole.
Even if that's true, I doubt that those feelings ever became genocidal, but maybe using Hitler's image was a way of sublimating those feelings.
There used to be an anti-Semitic Iamaphoney imitator who called himself "Stephen Ciummo", who claimed to have found inferences in "Imagine" that supported his position, but he hasn't contributed anything lately.
You have to know British attitudes Tafultong. I'm not saying you don't but you need to know the British take on Hitler. Great Britain was the target of massive bombings and tremendous suffering at the hands of the Nazis. One of the ways the Brits dealt with it was to turn Hitler into a figure of ridicule. There's an expression "Mock the devil and he'll run" and that's exactly what you see in all of the British films and radio shows from that era. After the war was over, Hitler became even more of a running joke in England. The idea being "let's not respect him for his evil but mock him as the scumbag he was". Had Hitler appeared on Sgt. Pepper I'm sure most Brits of a certain generation would not have given it much thought. It would have been a hard sell in other countries, particularly Germany.
The Americans had a different attitude, probably because they were not being bombed left and right in their home country. Of course Jewish American comedians have always adopted the British attitude for obvious reasons (Mel Brooks?).
Some here use that expression "mock the devil and he'll run" in how they post about Iamaphoney. Not to compare Iamaphoney to Hitler but Iamaphoney is perceived as evil or sinister by some and to take him seriously gives him power. Although there are some here who see fit to compare him to Jesus Christ which means they either know nothing about Christ, are stupid beyond words or mentally ill.
Well said, anonymous.
Anonymous, you've brought up a point that a lot of the "occult Beatle" types just don't get. One could argue that Lennon and McCartney were, above all else, satirists. They loved to mock conventions, power, and even their own fame and postition. It's very British to do so. The Beatles were essentially mocking "eastern religion" in Help! not promoting it for those who don't catch the drift ("your filthy eastern ways")
I agree with you completely on this. The "Indian religion" thing never worked for me; the anticipated later release date is more plausible.
Or maybe they were just rounding upward to the NEXT birthday.
Or maybe they couldn't get a Volkswagen Beetle with a "27IF" on it by the deadline so they went with the closest that they could get.
OR maybe.. just maybe... it was just 281F... nothing more, nothing less. ;- )
but that's a ridiculous thought of course. i'll just stop thinking about it. ;- )
Anonymous said...
You have to know British attitudes Tafultong. I'm not saying you don't but you need to know the British take on Hitler...
Excellent point. Thank you.
Although there are some here who see fit to compare him to Jesus Christ...
I can't say that I have seen that, but I have mentioned that some of the language is similar to that of Religion, or specifically Christianity.
It seems bizarre to say,"Do you believe in Iamaphoney?" But most of that language seems to come from the critics who suggest that anyone who has anything positive to say about Iamaphoney's music or videos are his "disciples."
Anonymous, you've brought up a point that a lot of the "occult Beatle" types just don't get. One could argue that Lennon and McCartney were, above all else, satirists. They loved to mock conventions, power, and even their own fame and postition. It's very British to do so. The Beatles were essentially mocking "eastern religion" in Help! not promoting it for those who don't catch the drift ("your filthy eastern ways")
Excellent observation anonymous and a movie like Help could never be made today because of that great scourge of all satirists political correctness.
To further illustrate the British sensibility, consider that Charlie Chaplin's comedy "The Great Dictator" ran for years in London and moviegoers risked bombings to pack theaters. Chaplin (a Brit and a Jew) played Hitler. The movie was not as popular in the U.S. where that sense of humor tends to go over their heads.
for sure it is an other license plate at the first picture of george, Taffi.
Cant you tell?
Tafultong said...I can't say that I have seen that, but I have mentioned that some of the language is similar to that of Religion, or specifically Christianity.
Look over the comments section of your last few posts. At first I thought these comments comparing Iamaphoney to Christ or the messiah were satirical but now I don't think so. Everyone who comments here is a little touched in the head if you know what I mean but you have a few extreme cases for rubber rooms coming here too.
Phoney is the Messiah
He is the Revelation
OR maybe.. just maybe... it was just 281F... nothing more, nothing less. ;- )
but that's a ridiculous thought of course. i'll just stop thinking about it. ;- )
Maybe so, but aren't you a member of the Iamaphoney Marching & Chowder Society?
Why would you, of all people, express any skepticism towards a legendary PID clue that Iamaphoney has referred to?
jammie said...
for sure it is an other license plate at the first picture of george, Taffi.
Cant you tell?
I think your position is reasonable, but I'm not as sure as you are about it. I intentionally left George in my blow up. The fact that George is distorted in my picture, but quite clear in the other one supports your point of view.
To the comment above mine....okaaaay......
hey let's stick up for the Americans! Jerry Lewis who is Jewish played Hitler in a movie too and tried to make a concentration camp comedy that never came out but Life Is Beautiful was supposed to have ripped the idea off.
"You have to know British attitudes Tafultong. I'm not saying you don't but you need to know the British take on Hitler. Great Britain was the target of massive bombings and tremendous suffering at the hands of the Nazis."
But John Lennon wouldn't have had much of a personal recollection of this.
He was five years old when the war ended.
"To the comment above mine....okaaaay......
hey let's stick up for the Americans! Jerry Lewis who is Jewish played Hitler in a movie too and tried to make a concentration camp comedy that never came out but Life Is Beautiful was supposed to have ripped the idea off."
I think that every actor who regularly played a Nazi on Hogan's Heroes was Jewish.
Who knows? Following up on the last comment board, maybe the license plate really says....
...wait for it....
The Beatles were essentially mocking "eastern religion" in Help! not promoting it for those who don't catch the drift ("your filthy eastern ways")
Also, I seem to remember a burst of laughter being sequenced after a certain "Eastern"-sounding Pepper track....
SEXY SADIE too, is almost full-on mockery...
There were actually two Jerry Lewis movies. "Which Way to the Front?" was a comedy that featured Hitler (played by Sidney Miller) and the unreleased film, "The Day the Clown Cried" from 1972 was not a comedy.
But John Lennon wouldn't have had much of a personal recollection of this.
He was five years old when the war ended.
True but the lingering mocking of Hitler continued long into the 60's and is only gradually dying away with that generation. Lennon grew up listening to the Goon Show which parodied Hitler and as a boy he played in bomb sites in Liverpool. The remnants of the war were all around him and it was a big part of popular culture in Britain. It was how his parents generation defined themselves. You couldn't escape it in the 1950's. The war had only been over for a short time. If you read Pete Shotton's book about John he talk about the young Lennon mocking Nazis as "nasties" etc.
While Lennon may not have had any personal recollections of the war it was in his pop culture DNA in much the same way The Beatles are in the pop culture DNA of kids born in the 70's and 80's who had parents who were classic rock fans.
Yeah don't forget that when The beatles went to Hamburg before they hit it big, they gave the crowd an endless stream of Hitler jokes when it was illegal do that at the time. But they were playing seedy strip clubs and saloons where all that gutter humour was acceptable.
I'd really like to see this dope who keeps adding comments about Iamaphoney being the messiah fully explain him or herself and why they believe that.
Haven't read all the comments yet, but I have read a book called, "Explaining Hitler", in which they note that one of Hitler's relatives LIVED IN LIVERPOOL! I'll have to find my copy to give you the exacts, but he was considered to be a 'party animal' who would occasionally ask his.... (uncle, cousin, I'm not sure), relative Adolf for some cash, or else he'd tell the papers.....
Tell the papers what, you ask.
We'll never know 'coz he always paid!
According to the book, most of the nazi's were 'blackmaled' for one reason or another. Much like poor Brian Epstein, and his 'rough trade' adventures!
I'd also like to add that I didn't know just how influence Lenny Bruce had until I bought the box set, "Let The Buyer Beware". Not only does Lenny say "Thanks For The Pepperoni", but he also says, "That white smoke really knocked me out". Both have been used by George Harrison!
stay simple, go green
1523, from M.Du. wagen, waghen, from P.Gmc. *wagnaz (cf. O.E. wægn, Mod.Eng. wain, O.S., O.H.G. wagan, O.N. vagn, O.Fris. wein, Ger. Wagen), from PIE *woghnos, from *wegh- "to carry, to move" (cf. Skt. vahanam "vessel, ship," Gk. okhos, L. vehiculum, O.C.S. vozu "carriage, chariot," Rus. povozka, Lith. vazis "a small sledge," O.Ir. fen, Welsh gwain "carriage, cart;" see weigh). In Du. and Ger., the general word for "a wheel vehicle;" Eng. use is a result of contact through Flemish immigration, Dutch trade, or the Continental wars. It has largely displaced the native cognate, wain. Spelling preference varied randomly between -g- and -gg- from mid-18c., before Amer.Eng. settled on the etymological wagon, while waggon remained common in Great Britain. Wagon train is attested from 1810. Phrase on the wagon "abstaining from alcohol" is 1904, originally on the water cart.wagon
nice drive by, today
so are you on or off the wagon?
The new GFA has the car driving right into macca's head @7:46 reminiscent of the Beatles Strawberry Hills film at Stonehenge.
Why are there always hands over Paul head, and cars driving into his head as well?
Great article Tafultong, great video GFA
Joined: July 23, 2006
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November 26, 2008 4:08 PM"
here what comes?
I give up, what? The Phoney Chr*st?
" Anonymous said...
I give up, what? The Phoney Chr*st?
November 26, 2008 4:09 PM"
May G_d strik...... Oh, sorry! Wrong G_d!
"May G_d strik...... Oh, sorry! Wrong G_d!
November 26, 2008 4:10 PM"
May G-D strike you..... Oh, sorry! You did it right! Nevermind.....
Anonymous said...
I give up, what? The Phoney Chr*st?
November 26, 2008 4:09 PM
GRRRRRRR8 video and article Tafultong!
Anonymous said...
GRRRRRRR8 video and article Tafultong!
November 26, 2008 4:14 PM
Taf is not Gfa, but maybe....
Gfa is Taf!
Oh, yeah.
I Is a good article.
I should'a said that, too.
Taffy, you're the BEST!!!
Taf is not Gfa, but maybe....
Gfa is Taf!
November 26, 2008 4:15 PM
Nope. You are wrong. Read the comments above before you go posting hoser.
Oh, and IAAP is Christ. Yawn.
65if2007 said...
OR maybe.. just maybe... it was just 281F... nothing more, nothing less. ;- )
but that's a ridiculous thought of course. i'll just stop thinking about it. ;- )
Maybe so, but aren't you a member of the Iamaphoney Marching & Chowder Society?
Why would you, of all people, express any skepticism towards a legendary PID clue that Iamaphoney has referred to?
well, it seemed as if tafultong had to have an explanation for 281F. and forgot that maybe the simplest explanation in the right one.
and really, just because i follow IAAP doesn't mean i believe every Paul is Dead clues, after all.. they're made up by beatle fans.
Joined: July 23, 2006
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Ok, still nothing yet.... Something going to happen? New video? Anything? Another suitcase? Berlin suitcase in or out of circulation?
Where is yer iamaphoney chr)st now?
This is for all of those people bitching about the cost of The Fireman cd or special edition version.
Paul McCartney Doesn't Mind Free Music
Fans who can't find the Beatles in the iTunes store can take some solace in Paul McCartney's recent admission that he doesn't object to people downloading music without paying for it.
"It's weird for me [downloading music]. I'm not from that," McCartney told the Daily Express. "I'm from going into a shop and buying a 45. We've come through vinyl, tapes and CDs -- it's all the same, except people don't pay for it [today]. I don't mind. It works out."
It's also weird that Beatles catalog is not available on iTunes while McCartney (sort of) endorses free downloads. But according to him, the Beatles/iTunes holdup is due to the record label EMI "want[ing] something we're not prepared to give them" as part of the deal.
Perhaps the answer is to try something new. Like everyone else in the music business, McCartney was fascinated by Radiohead's In Rainbows pricing-optional release and thought about participating. "I like it, it's a new idea. I like its anarchic-ness. I thought about buying it for one pence and telling my friends I'd paid £10," joked the former Beatle and current Fireman.
and really, just because i follow IAAP doesn't mean i believe every Paul is Dead clues, after all.. they're made up by beatle fans.
November 26, 2008 4:18 PM
I don't believe every Paul is Dead clues, only if they come from IAMAPHONEY!
Hey, IAMATHIRSTY, got any o' that Thelma koolaid left? IAMAJONESTOWNING for some! OHHHHH YEAH!!!!!!!
OH YEA!!!!
you a total hack
I don't believe in every "fakey" mikey either. So what do you think of them rotten apples?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't believe in every "fakey" mikey either. So what do you think of them rotten apples?
November 26, 2008 4:26 PM
I think the rotten apples the best!
". So what do you think of them rotten apples?
November 26, 2008 4:26 PM
I think the rotten apples the best!
November 26, 2008 4:27 PM"
american slang... damn yanks. he is danish. he only knows rotten apples as a video series, not as a colloquialism.
"Although there are some here who see fit to compare him to Jesus Christ which means they either know nothing about Christ, are stupid beyond words or mentally ill."
Exactly. Hitler was real so there is really no comparison.
I miss Hitler Chr)st!
me too
You would you phreaking Nazi
"Didn't John Lennon invoke images of Hitler -- or at least images of the Second World War -- as a means of baiting or provoking his audiences in Hamburg?"
I wish John Lennon would try that to me! I am Impervious to trolls and disinformation agents, and Neo-Socialist-Marxists and Zionistic trolls like you YSHIVA
" Zionistic trolls like you YSHIVA
November 26, 2008 4:43 PM"
Spell the name correctly or I will get all spellin Nazi on you.
Spell the name correctly or I will get all spellin Nazi on you.
November 26, 2008 4:44 PM
Make my day Punky Boobster!
Cant we all just talk about ME once and awhile????????
MikeNL said...
Cant we all just talk about ME once and awhile????????
November 26, 2008 4:48 PM
nice t*ts mikey!
such a great video and song by the best band ever!!!
almost as good as the mikeynl covers
Anonymous said...
such a great video and song by the best band ever!!!
almost as good as the mikeynl covers
November 26, 2008 5:07 PM
that's great.
65if said: "Didn't John Lennon invoke images of Hitler -- or at least images of the Second World War -- as a means of baiting or provoking his audiences in Hamburg?
So this might have been something as simple as what you suggested earlier -- some envelope-pushing mischief on his part."
I would definitely say envelope pushing mischief on Lennon's part. Lennon might have even viewed the German people as hypocrites, if that is the correct word. You have to remember, Germany had outlawed everything Nazi after WWII. You do not really want to mention Hitler in casual conversation, nor is it a good idea to do a "Heil Hitler" salute, not even as a joke; I believe that is actually illegal. Definitely a chapter in German history that would rather be forgotten by the people; sort of like pretending that it didn't happen at all. I could see that type of attitude getting under Lennon's skin a tad bit.
Vince wrote:
a book called, "Explaining Hitler", in which they note that one of Hitler's relatives LIVED IN LIVERPOOL!
Yes that's true. Here is a BBC article.
it's a small world
it hinges on 33
oh, wait! Jebus! 33 1/3!
卍卍卍 卍卍 卍卍
I now envision Rotten Apple No. 1933 being the next in the series.
卍卍卍 卍卍 卍卍
what? >
Anon said:
卍卍卍 卍卍 卍卍
November 26, 2008 9:45 PM
You a Buddhist? That is their symbol. The Nazi swastika was the reverse.
With this post it feels like you've followed many threads to a nexus of sorts. Which, as you have indicated previously, could well be Sgt. Pepper.
As generous as you've been with your explorations Taf, I'm wondering if you will comment on any of some related items:
- Has there been no speculation regarding LMW? Such intense focus on the other line, but I've encountered nothing on its companion.
- I believe the scripture on the selection of personae for the cover has been that they were "heroes" of the lads. Shirley Temple? Johnny Weismuller? Huh? The absurdity of that points towards some other organizing principle, and I suspect whatever that is, it is key.
- In terms of modern spectacle, in some sense the Nazis had the territory to themselves historically until the Beatles launched rock towards stadiums.
- It's been posited that no Hamburg, no Beatles. (as they came to be known) Hitler's relatives in Liverpool, and possibly himself. I can't help but catch the hint of an axis (pardon the pun).
- It is I think fairly well documented that Hitler was one of a very few Western persons who experienced psychedelics prior to the Beatles serving as a catalyst to, briefly, make them enormously popular. (it was a German chemist who isolated mescaline)
Many thanks for the post. This may be an area on which to sustain focus.
~ km artlu
on the phoney site they say that they want the revelation to come out? Its either Jude or Baby Mike!
Seems a little bit weird to me:
westerncommunism (31 minutes ago)
No More Lies
Hack it in
Let It Out
-Ra-Revelation Freedom Fighters-
Tell The Truth Now, Iamaphoney!
westerncommunism (35 minutes ago)
Give us a Revelation, Wild Phoney ie.
Tell us whats inside,
The Fireman anagram has his meaning :
Fine the Ram or Fin(d)the Ram
pablo henderson
The Fireman anagram has his meaning :
Fine the Ram or Fin(d)the Ram
pablo henderson
I hate to burst what one person said about Hitler being one of the first persons to try psychedelics.
This is downright not true or even close to the truth. Psychedelics have been around before mankind was on the Earth. LSD is not the most powerful psychedelic chemical known to man. It is DMT which is made naturally in the pineal gland in the center of your brain.
Even then, there is Ayahuasca, Peyote, Mushrooms. I remember back when a certain breed of Marijuana would make me trip off of two drags it was so potent. This is not your common weed you smoke today no matter how high you get, this was a visual trip.
Here is a list of psychedelic plants on Wiki:
The morons equating John Lennon with Hitler or communism are completely off the wall. I never once heard of John or any of The Beatles as being Satanists except from the wacko right-wing fringe paranoid Christians who made it up to scare their children and brainwash them into their brand of Jesus cult.
Surely as I write this, John thought of people as individuals who have corrupt leaders and not people as good or bad in general. Give the man some credit for being able to decipher the ways of the world. Some of you should take a page from his book and learn to think before you made an insane comment based on nothing except you own internal deceptions. Be honest with yourself then you can then begin to make it better for the rest of humanity.
CommenterGV is a Nazi sympathizing White nationalist,
A vile arrogant moron with delusions of grandeur,
Every vile immature piece of shit that spills out of his mouth every time he speaks is laced with bigotry and inconsistency.
"The Fireman anagram has his meaning :
Fine the Ram or Fin(d)the Ram"
"The Fine Ram" as He revealed in rotten apple 45
Some of you should take a page from his book and learn to think before you made an insane comment based on nothing except you own internal deceptions.
Very well said, although, as always with fanatics, it will fall on deaf ears. And as to the choices of personalities on Pepper, the Beatles weren't the only ones involved in the choices. The choice of Shirley Temple and Johnny Weismuller is totally reasonable, being that both were in their time world famous. Boys can be fans of girls as well as boys, you know, and lots of British boys loved Shirley Temple and Tarzan. Paul also said that some of the characters were supposed to be the types of people the Pepper Band would have picked, not "The Beatles."
"The fine ram" is a lame phrase for someone to begin with before scrambling into "The Fireman." Paul obviously used fireman based on the character in Penny Lane, not because he wanted to veil the meaningless phrase The Fine Ram (oh brother).
Well, Lennon was right. He knew the inclusion of a controversial figure like Hitler would lead to endless speculation by paranoids. Yet it is clear that there would be endless speculation no matter the choices, as Don Knotts attests. This speculation as to some deeper meaning or code in the cover will always remain subjective, a true bridge to nowhere.
You betcha!
"The Fine Ram" as He revealed in rotten apple 45
"He," huh?
I take it you're one of the posters who keeps announcing the IAAP=Messiah stuff?
Talk it out, man. Seriously. We're here to help.
I would hope the real messiah doesn't set up fake Paul McCartney YouTube accounts in order to draw attention to himself. I would also hope he doesn't make Blair Witch videos like some frat house boy.
So has the "Iamaphoney" phenomenon all been a promotional exercise for the Fireman album, or not?
Tafultong, are you in a position to answer this question?
If it were a promo for Electric Arguments I think the suitcases would have contained some payoff, and the ones in charge would have ensured someone (inside or not) picked them up on schedule. We already know Iaap is "Bill" from NIR, who actually believes the Manson Crowley occult crap. A viral campaign would've come out of the blue, most likely with no connection to NIR, which is not exactly a pro-Macca site.
Many thanks for the post. This may be an area on which to sustain focus.
~ km artlu
November 27, 2008 1:01 AM
Indeed! Good point km artlu
Yeah, well you guys go ahead and sustain your focus on Hitler's car and other trivia and we'll check in with you in another four years and see what you've got for us.
We should also remember that magnetic tape was created by the nazi's!
My father-in-law, STAN RICKER, told me the tale of how British and American soldiers found a tape recorder at the top of the Eiffel Tower after the war.
Stan's claim to fame is that he was one of the head men at Mobile Fedelity Sound Labs!
Yep! He mastered and cut The Beatle Records for MFSL, back in the day.
He's also known for his mastering/cutting of ELO's "Out Of The Blue".
A couple of my wife's ORIGINAL MASTER RECORDING LP's are up for bid right now at 2261vincent.
I think magnetic recording was an evolution of many events and not a Nazi invention.
Tafultong & grandfatheraleister
5 star today!
ha ha
The "F" means that the auto's registration plates were issued between August 1, 1967 and July 31, 1968.
"My father-in-law, STAN RICKER, told me the tale of how British and American soldiers found a tape recorder at the top of the Eiffel Tower after the war.
Stan's claim to fame is that he was one of the head men at Mobile Fedelity Sound Labs!
Yep! He mastered and cut The Beatle Records for MFSL, back in the day.
He's also known for his mastering/cutting of ELO's "Out Of The Blue".
Say what you will of the Beatles being satirists and the like. But that photo of Harrison and friends in front of a photograph of Hitler with two candles on either side of it is not a joke. There is something truly rotten here.
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