Now that the whole process has come full circle with mysticism and consciousness entangling themselves into this mix, it might be helpful to examine some of the Beatles "close encounters" with quasi-religious and extraterrestrial manifestations that have shown up in their art over the years.
One of the most interesting close encounters was also the earliest. In Mersey Beat, July 6, 1961, there was a piece called, 'Being A Short Diversion On The Dubious Origins Of Beatles (Translated From The John Lennon)'.
John spoke in a rather Biblical style about the origin of the name Beatles:
It came in a vision - a man appeared on a flaming pie and said unto them 'From this day on you are Beatles with an 'A'. Thank you, mister man, they said, thanking him.
It doesn't take much imagination to classify this Lennon quip as either a religious experience, a close encounter or both. Interestingly the PID expert Joel Glazier (the first voice you hear in Rotten Apple 1) interpreted this event as a meeting with the devil. How shocking it is that Paul would take this image 36 years later and reveal "I'm the man on the Flaming Pie." [And here's another clue for you all, the walrus is Paul]
In the artwork for the Flaming Pie album, Paul even provides an interpretation of what a flaming pie looks like, and damn if it doesn't look like a flying saucer.

In an interview from the February 1965 issue of Playboy Magazine, Paul shares a story of an odd encounter he had with an American girl, which had some religious overtones:
PAUL: "Well, you know, alot of Americans are unbalanced. I don't care what you say. No, really. Alot of them are quite normal, of course, but we've met many unbalanced ones. You know the type of person, like the political Whig."
PLAYBOY: "How do you mean?"
PAUL: "You know... the professional politcal type; in authority sort of thing. Some of them are just mad! And I've met some really maniac American girls! Like this one girl who walked up to me in a press conference and said, 'I'm Lily.' I said, 'Hello, how do you do?' and she said, 'Doesn't my name mean anything to you?' I said, 'Ah, no...' and I thought, 'Oh god, it's one of these people that you've met and you should know.' And so Derek, our press agant, who happened to be there at the time, hanging over my shoulder, giving me quotes, which happens at every press conference..."
GEORGE: "You'd better not say that."
PAUL: "Oh yes, that's not true, Beatle people! But he was sort of hanging about, and he said, 'Well did you ring, or did you write, or something?' And she said, 'No.' And he said, 'Well, how did you get in touch with Paul? How do you know him?' And she said, 'Through God.' Well, there was sort of a ghastly silence. I mean, we both sort of gulped and blushed. I said, 'Well, that's very nice, Lily. Thanks very much. I must be off now.'"
PLAYBOY: "There wasn't a big lightening bolt from the sky?"
PAUL: "No, there wasn't. But I talked to her afterward, and she said she'd got a vision from God, and God had said to her..."
JOHN: "It's been a hard day's night."
PAUL: "No, God had said, 'Listen Lil, Paul is waiting for you; he's in love with you and he wants to marry you, so go down and meet him, and he'll know you right away. It's very funny, you know. I was trying to persuade her that she didn't in actual fact have a vision from God, that it was..."
GEORGE: "It was probably somebody disguised as God."
Moving ahead into the solo years, there is quite a bit of imagery related to outer space and religion.
The artwork to Red Rose Speedway may have a motorcycle on the front cover, but the inner booklet suggests some more sophisticated means of travel. (Note that the picture of Marilyn Monroe serves as yet another backwards reference to the Sgt. Pepper album)

While the "Mind Games" L.P. is credited to John Lennon on the covers and on the labels, the inner sleeve musician credit reads the "U.F. ONO BAND."

The cover of "Mind Games" depicts John walking away from the Mother Ship.

The cover of Yoko's companion album "Feeling the Space" also nods to ancient astronauts.

George Harrison's "Dark Horse" album contains an image of Babaji (also found on the cover of Sgt. Pepper). Wikipedia notes, "Babaji is reputed to be ageless, according to some accounts, and about 500 years old around the late 1800’s, according to Swami Pranabananda." The human body is not built for that kind of longevity.

That same year John Lennon and Ringo Starr released albums around the same time. Lennon's "Walls and Bridges" featured this strange announcement.

Although this might simply be interpreted as a tie-in to Ringo's "Goodnight Vienna" album since both were promoted together, May Pang reported John's UFO sighting as an actual incident. "Walls and Bridges" also contains the song "#9 Dream," which could be interpreted as an encounter with a spiritual or extraterrestrial being.
Ringo's "Goodnight Vienna" gave us an in your face extraterrestrial connection.

The doctored photograph from the 1951 Science Fiction classic "The Day The Earth Stood Still" resulted in a revamping of the top of the Capitol Records Tower to promote the release. The name of the character in the film whose body now features Ringo's head was Klaatu. A little over a year later, a mysterious band called Klaatu released an album featuring the song "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" prompting rumors that it was actually a pseudonymous Beatles album.
Paul continued the space theme on the project McGear, a close collaborative effort with his brother Michael which featured the beautiful track, "The Man Who Found God On The Moon." The next Wings album was, of course, "Venus and Mars" with its mention of Starship 21ZNA9 and "Spirits of Ancient Egypt."
There are many other references that I could add to this list, but one of the most compelling is found on Wings "Back To The Egg" album. Obviously the front cover features an outer space theme, but the real gem is found on the album's inner sleeve.

This picture is from the interior dome of the Chapel of the Holy Shroud, Turin, Italy, the place where the alleged shroud of Jesus resides.

A recent issue of Guideposts Magazine revealed a close encounter that a mission church in Karuizawa, Japan had with John Lennon in the mid 1970s. In the article, Carol Fleenor, the minister's wife admitted that she felt judgmental towards the Ex-Beatle and Yoko as they rolled up to the church on bikes. But, in the end she was disarmed by John's humility and patience. One church member even asked John about his "more popular than Jesus" statement that caused a storm in America in 1966. John's response was "When we talk to reporters, we play around with them." He added, "We're just a music group. Don't people know that Jesus is far greater than we are?" I'm a little suspicious about the quotes, but whatever John said must have endeared him to the church people.

Paul McCartney also showed respect for traditional religious values recently on his trip to Israel when he lit a candle at the Church of the Nativity.

Former Apple Executive Ken Mansfield has been speaking at several churches in recent years about his work with the Beatles, his transformation as a Christian and his perspective on an illness from which he was not expected to survive. In at least one of his messages available on video Mansfield declares that at least one of the two remaining Beatles will profess belief in Jesus before he dies. "Mark my words," Mansfield challenged as he made the pronouncement. I never mark people's words. It is just something I do not do.
We can look all around and see numerous connections between art and ancient mysteries, but the work of the Beatles, collectively and individually seems to evoke these ideas more than most. I suspect that ancient mysteries are at the heart of the Beatles mystery.
Hey! U!
I suspect it will be Paul. I can't see Ringo believing in Christ but I would hope that he will or does.
"....but the work of the Beatles, collectively and individually seems to evoke these ideas more than most."
Well not really. Certainly not nearly as much as Pink Floyd. Look at the cover art and packaging art of every Pink Floyd album and solo album. No one comes close.
I won't even get into Black Sabbath. You could fill a hundred blogs with speculation over that imagery, most of it ancient demonism.
Anonymous said...
"....but the work of the Beatles, collectively and individually seems to evoke these ideas more than most."
Well not really...Pink Floyd...Black Sabbath...
That's a fair comment. However, I think it's possible that the Beatles' references, like their music tended to be more subtle.
Ringo wore a shirt saying (paraphrasing) "Jesus is coming, everybody look busy!"
Although, wouldn't it freak the IAAP camp if it was Paul that was a Christian. Where is your Crowley now iamaphoney?!? Where is your Crowley NOW!?
"I suspect that ancient mysteries are at the heart of the Beatles mystery. "
i suspect tafultong is gfa!
Anonymous said...
i suspect tafultong is gfa!
For the 3012th time, I don't have time to be anyone but Tafultong. I do have one other YouTube account, but have made no attempt to hide my identity on that either.
I like GFA, but I refuse to inhabit his body. We don't have sleepovers either.
Anonymous said...
Although, wouldn't it freak the IAAP camp if it was Paul that was a Christian. Where is your Crowley now iamaphoney?!? Where is your Crowley NOW!?
Maybe, unless of course there is more than one Paul McCartney.
what gives, taffino? that's the second time you've said that.
Anonymous said...
what gives, taffino? that's the second time you've said that.
2nd, 3012th, I knew it was some number. Sorry. I didn't mean to sound huffy. I just put a lot of time in being Tafultong and see no reason for anyone to think I am someone else.
Oh, I thought the person who said it was "the second time I have said that" was referring to my response to the question about me and GFA being the same person.
Was it instead aimed at the comment about two Paul McCartneys?
If so, yes, it is the second time I have said that. I just try to be open to all possibilities. If you take that supposition and keep it in mind while looking over Paul's songs, videos, album covers, etc., you might find some evidence in support of it.
"If you take that supposition and keep it in mind while looking over Paul's songs, videos, album covers, etc., you might find some evidence in support of it."
You could also drop in "Paul is Gay" find just as much evidence if not more. The question is why would you want to muse about Paul being dead or Paul being gay when the facts contradict it. To kill time? For the hell of it? What possible satisfaction could you, as an avowed McCartney fan, get out of imagining that one of your favorite singer/songwriters is dead? What will you do in 15 or 20 years time when Paul McCartney actually does die?
I don't mean to be hard on you Tafultong but you seem far too smart to get caught up in this gruesome fantasy. Do you just enjoy playing both sides of the field to provoke a reaction?
The flaming pie also looks like........wait for it.....Saturn.
Describing the Flaming Pie to be a UFO is interesting.
Would that mean that a UFO and not Saturn is being juggled in the MPL logo?
I'm guessing there's more to the story?
paul IS saturn.
paul IS saturn.
November 8, 2008 5:40 PM
You are treading on trademarked waters, Sir!
The papers have been filed. The lawyers have been notified. Appropriation of intellectual property. Kush-vs-Phoney. Denny Crane is on the job!
Notice the Flaming Pie artwork. How many flames do you see?
three? so?
65if2007 is holding back. Show us all the contents.
anonymous wrote:
I don't mean to be hard on you Tafultong but you seem far too smart to get caught up in this gruesome fantasy. Do you just enjoy playing both sides of the field to provoke a reaction?
Oh, that's okay. I appreciate your comment. I guess that I tend to look at art and let my imagination run wild. The thought of a field having only two sides is incomprehensible to me.
John Lennon said that the line in Eleanor Rigby that says, "Wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door" means "Wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door," but as a listener I am not bound by that explanation and I think the writer would be disappointed if I was.
Paul McCartney has several videos where he plays two or more characters. Does that imply a fragmented personality? Does it mean that there are several people playing the part of Paul McCartney in the world? Does it mean that the director wanted to play with the technology? Shouldn't I be allowed to considered numerous possibilities for a piece of art (even unlikely and morbid ones)?
Paul McCartney has several videos where he plays two or more characters. Does that imply a fragmented personality? Does it mean that there are several people playing the part of Paul McCartney in the world? Does it mean that the director wanted to play with the technology? Shouldn't I be allowed to considered numerous possibilities for a piece of art (even unlikely and morbid ones)?
This effect is used in thousands of videos by thousands of artists. Should you not consider all of them too?
taf is 65if?
anonymous wrote:
This effect is used in thousands of videos by thousands of artists. Should you not consider all of them too?
Yes, but unfortunately those other thousands of artists don't excite me the way that Paul McCartney does. I would lose interest in them before I got that far. I can play Paul's music over and over again to find new ways of analyzing, interpreting and appreciating it.
I mean, listen to the album "Flaming Pie." If you try, you can build a case that the entire thing is about Princess Diana and that it even predicts her premature death. That doesn't make it true, but for me, it sure does make it interesting.
Interesting post, Tafultong. It is I, The Unknown Bastard. It's been a long time since I've seen such an interesting post from you. The previous ones were only about phoney and phoney-related business. I like your style when you write about these sort of things, although I've always believed and will always believe that Paul is alive; Spread that word everyone, and Taf: keep on going with your blog.
I rekon there was 1 suitcase, thus far....
It's me.
yeah, you're numero uno
What did I win?
not a lot, as number 1!
but it is QUITE an honor. You may feel some discomfort, however, it won't last very long.
Oh that's so neat! I'll better prepare for the feeling of discomfort to transform into pure oral pleasure.
congrats, anyway
maybe you can try to get a few groupies or something. good luck.
Oh no problem. In Holland we have hookers!
Paul McCartney has several videos where he plays two or more characters. Does that imply a fragmented personality? Does it mean that there are several people playing the part of Paul McCartney in the world? Does it mean that the director wanted to play with the technology? Shouldn't I be allowed to considered numerous possibilities for a piece of art (even unlikely and morbid ones)?
November 8, 2008 5:54 PM
Paul is still playing the game The Beatles started in 1966. That is why you can find clues in a lot of his solo stuff. There is no reason to stop. He likes the game. After all, it is fun.
I mean, listen to the album "Flaming Pie." If you try, you can build a case that the entire thing is about Princess Diana and that it even predicts her premature death. That doesn't make it true, but for me, it sure does make it interesting.
Well in that case I can build a case that you're actually Iamaphoney but I won't because I don't believe you are but one could make an excellent case for it. Leaked documents exclusively to you, updates to the latest videos....
There's a whole in the world like a great black pit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it
and its morals aren't worth what a pin can spit
and it goes by the name of London.
Mikey being not only Phoney's slave, but also your's. Well... he is not your slave, but your blog's slave. But still. Let's suggest you are.
Nice blog, phoney.
Ha ha. I am not him, but I would have been willing to take a crack at writing lyrics to one of his backwards songs. Shaggily, I wasn't given the opportunity.
Maybe I am phoney. I'm not actually him, but it would make for an interesting story. Actually it wouldn't.
Maybe I'm anonymous. Now, that's not really true, but still... You see where I'm going.
Maybe I'm tafultong. Yeah, I'm not registered. But maybe I'm just fucking with yer heads!
I know I am repeating myself, but what I am looking for is a cohesive story that explains the clues. It doesn't have to be true. It can include supernatural elements. It just needs to be cohesive.
In 42 years the ones who came the closest to a cohesive story in my view are Joel Glazier, Apollo, and Iamaphoney. The latter is the one that is still evolving.
Glazier told his. Apollo did not finish. Iamaphoney is telling his story at a snail's pace.
Once the cohesive story is complete, we can then decide on whether or not could be true.
But what gives you the feeling that iamaphoney is trustworthy enough to listen to?
Anonymous said...
But what gives you the feeling that iamaphoney is trustworthy enough to listen to?
Trustworthiness is not a requirement. Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Paul McCartney are examples of artists who have had an off and on relationship with honesty.
".....I know I am repeating myself, but what I am looking for is a cohesive story that explains the clues."
What is not to be believed about the whole story being a publicity stunt? It is a known fact that the boys new they would eventually dissolve as a group. What would the future hold for four ex-Beatles? How could they top what they already had done? Could they? They themselves weren't sure.
What is not to be believed that the whole story was just The Beatles mucking with the fans? Would a group of guys who's artistic influences were said to have come from such books as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and Through the Looking-Glass do such a thing? Not The Beatles!
No matter what the conclusion, it will never be enough for most. Paul, Ringo, and George Martin could write the answer down on paper and have it signed by the Queen as truth, and for some, it still wouldn't be accepted.
"Anonymous said...
The flaming pie also looks like........wait for it.....Saturn."
- I am George Kush's therapist. We had to sedate him from an extreme emotional episode talking to his lawyer about your above comment. He should be knocked out till monday morning when he resumes his job at Kentucky Fried chicken. You have carte blanche to make as many "Paul is Saturn" comments until then. After that, please refrain from doing so. Medically, I am unsure how many more episodes George is going to be able to handle before he is going to need to be hospitalized. Please keep that in mind that you are dealing with an extremely fragile individual. Thank you, in advance, for your assistance in this matter.
Dr. Phil
Florida Board Certified Psychologist
This whole story is too far gone. The truth will never be accepted as truth.
"Tafultong said...
Anonymous said...
i suspect tafultong is gfa!
For the 3012th time, I don't have time to be anyone but Tafultong. I do have one other YouTube account, but have made no attempt to hide my identity on that either. "
"- I am George Kush's therapist. We had to sedate him from an extreme emotional episode talking to his lawyer about your above comment."
It is about time he was given his Thorazine.
"It is about time he was given his Thorazine.
November 8, 2008 9:17 PM"
I am fricken starving! Anyone got any Thorazine???
I am fricken starving! Anyone got any Thorazine???
November 8, 2008 9:19 PM
George has some....
"Tafultong said...
Anonymous said...
i suspect tafultong is gfa!
For the 3012th time, I don't have time to be anyone but Tafultong."
sorry taf! never heard you say it the two times you did! Now I won't ask anymore
Maybe gfa is tafultong!
Never considered that did you? Maybe HE has time to pretend to be tafultong! Did you ever stop to think of THAT??????
someone should bring back fake tafultong. i have missed him...
anyone have time to pretend to be tafultong?
" Anonymous said...
Maybe gfa is tafultong!
Never considered that did you? Maybe HE has time to pretend to be tafultong! Did you ever stop to think of THAT??????
November 8, 2008 9:24 PM"
There can be only ONE!
does fake tafultong have time to pretend to be gfa?
" MikeyNL1038 (6 days ago)
N.Y. Suitcase Soon
Check out the time and place...
and be there "
Looking forward to the NY Suitcase. I can get that one. I have a scanner and a computer already.
"Looking forward to the NY Suitcase. I can get that one. I have a scanner and a computer already.
November 8, 2008 9:37 PM"
You're going to need it buddy. that sucker will be packed!
whats in it?
not if i get it first man, i have no computer. i have crayons and construction paper and glue sticks. going to rock that suitcase out old school impressionistic.
no computer? how are you making these comments here then, idiot?
Cell phone has internet on it. But you are right. I am an idiot.
i am watching the bridge on the river kawi. anyone know where the PID info is on it?
Bridge On The River Kwai? Didn't that come out before the Beatles even existed?
tafultong said: Apollo did not finish
Really? That's not what I've been hearing and reading on this blog. Sounds to me like he's just getting started.
I guess it means which Apollo you are talking about and which one Tafultong had mentioned. Are you talking about the person posting with a A.V.? Or Apollo C Vermouth?
I thought A.V. was the guy representing the Berlin suitcase person. You know, Audio Visual.
Are you talking about the person posting with a A.V.? Or Apollo C Vermouth?
Are they too different people or one and the same?
Are they too different people or one and the same?
November 8, 2008 10:43 PM
which came first... the chicken or the egg?
again with the cryptic..... yawn
do all the mysteries have to be so mysterious?
MikeyNL1038 (6 days ago)
N.Y. Suitcase Soon
Check out the time and place...
and be there
- another project doomed to failure......
cryptic can be good and bad but that picture is just funny:)
Anonymous said...
do all the mysteries have to be so mysterious?
November 8, 2008 11:30 PM
with this bunch, yes. there is a pride in being obtuse(difficult to comprehend : not clear or precise in thought or expression).
Instead of working together for some common goal, any knowledge is hoarded to be re-communicated through the filter of obfuscation (the concealment of meaning in communication, making it confusing and harder to interpret.)
It stands to reason that the current method of information dissemination is indicative of the lack of depth of the information itself and credibility of the sources themselves. Put in other words, they don't have it. If they had it, they would reveal it. They cannot reveal it, because the information lacks substance.
"Obfuscation said...
Anonymous said..."
many "fancy" words... put in a nut shell..
they are full of shit. they are pulling our legs. it's not true and they are making it all up....
Hello?!?!? You are drawing this conclusion NOW????
For all your big words, you should have been to that point ohhhhh, i don't know ....
about a year ago!
"Put in other words, they don't have it. If they had it, they would reveal it. They cannot reveal it, because the information lacks substance.
November 8, 2008 11:43 PM"
Well said!
mikey will prove you wrong!
the N.Y suitcase isn't real.
the account isn't even phoney's
Anonymous said...
the N.Y suitcase isn't real.
the account isn't even phoney's
November 9, 2008 12:15 AM
why did mikey say it? On IAAP's comment section? Does he not have IAAP's ear? Does Mikey not proclaim what is genuine?
dont believe everything you read.
mikey is not always in the loop.
he is not?
almost never
why do you care if he is or isnt?
he just said what was posted on the channel of that guy
he is a parrot
impossible, i already am the parrot.
A.V. that's me!
and no i am not apollo c.v.
andiamnotaphoney, but i am
Ya. This is my new document. I can not get my scanner to work. Tschuss!
——————/´ ¯/)
——--('(———- ¯~/'--')
——————/´ ¯/)
——--('(———- ¯~/'--')
ya. This is my new video. It will move when I get technology.
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Mr. Pilgrim
stnemugra cirtcele - namerif eht
P is for... Goodbye
double mirroring
suitcase contents when owner is finished with video.
suitcase contents when owner is finished with video.
interesting A.V gets on at same time as Iamaphoney.....
" A.V. said...
A.V. that's me!
and no i am not apollo c.v.
andiamnotaphoney, but i am
November 9, 2008 4:45 AM
and iam not a phoney, but i am?
either you are, or i am...
double fantasy THAT dude........
I wonder if anything will actually happen today.
Will Saturn be discussed? we only have a few hours left.
Will Saturn be discussed?
Not by me. George is in the hospital. His therapist asked for a reprieve.
But go ahead, he is sedated until KFC monday.
It's George right now!
I have the same dreams as you
have you seen the latest yenz iaap?
——————/´ ¯/)
——--('(———- ¯~/'--')
can we have our interview now????
that sure looks like something that would be in the german suitcase!
Now we get the interview! Thanks Yenz!
Anon said:
"I have the same dreams as you"
really ? what happened in your dream?
really ? what happened in your dream?
November 9, 2008 5:14 AM
everything you do. before you do it
so am I having a good day today?
today will be a tale of two cities
ha ha good one....dream on!
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one of us is here...
why not both?
both what?
can we have our interview now????
November 9, 2008 5:11 AM
just answered one question.
are you promoting me?
private captain lieutenant?
uber geeks
you call it corn, we call it maise
the father the son and the holy ghost
"Close Encounters"
vince, here.
I'm sure we all know George was chanting the Hare Khrishna mantra as he left us, right?
November 9, 2008 7:03 AM
....and the bandwagon picks up another rider. More nonsense.
I'm off watching Frasier.
....and LAM backwards is....MAL.
....and LAM backwards is....MAL.
November 9, 2008 7:19 AM
I am sure that was a joke, but don't you see how easy it is to play the game. See how nothing can be turned into something? When will it end?
In the Japanese language, "L" and "R" are interchangeable due to the lack of an "L" sound in the Japanese alphabet. McCartney, considering himself the Son of the Magickian, named his sophomore album RAM as an inside joke to John, but even more to Yoko who shared his tastes in esoteric knowledge.
LAM, curiously enough, resembles the classic depiction of a "grey" alien.
Three years after RAM was released John claimed to have been witnessed a UFO. And even later, according to Uri Geller, was visited at his doorstep by strange, bug-like aliens.
What does this all mean?
I don't know, but according to some of you it means I'm on some sort of bandwagon. Not so. Since Tafultong had posted on the subject of aliens I thought I'd pitch in my own observations by linking to my three-month old video. The fact that it was posted three months ago seems to have eluded you, eh anonymous #1?
The Geller egg was debunked.
A lot of Uri's tricks have been debunked, but when was his story about the egg debunked?
I've asked this many times before . . .exactly what is the IAAP narrative? How is it cohesive? It seems to thrown in every possible image, although it leans toward the old Tavistock created the Beatles to control the masses as part of some occult agenda, with touches of biblical prophecy. The whole "starseed" and resurrected mummies and all that nonsense is hardly cohesive.
uri geller, Piet Hein
Sunday School
Rev 15:2 And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the [sea] beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his [the sea beast's] name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.
How in the world does that link you posted debunk Uri Geller's claims in any way?
John Lennon probably got his at the very esoteric Norden Fjord World University in Skyum Bjerge in Denmark, which he and Yoko Ono visited for the Christmas holidays in 1969-70. We all know that — unlike Geller — John Lennon had a sense of humor, so he may have claimed that he got his super egg from an alien
†he Wri†ing On †he Wall
Beyond stupid. sorry.
you are so cool
Dont I Know it! You know it! Accept it before it destroys U!
what is the sound of one hand clapping?
you heard it here first...
If a man has nothing, he should put it in many suitcases and hide them the world over.
If a man does this, then he should get several fake teenage sycophants who can parrot and confirm genuine fakes. Then a man can start giving middle fingers as the bigger the lie the more they believe.
What does this all mean?
I don't know, but according to some of you it means I'm on some sort of bandwagon. Not so. Since Tafultong had posted on the subject of aliens I thought I'd pitch in my own observations by linking to my three-month old video. The fact that it was posted three months ago seems to have eluded you, eh anonymous #1?
November 9, 2008 7:38 AM
Eluded me? Not at all Blossom. What does this all mean? It obviously means that you are a member of TKIN or NIR or both, and possibly a cousin to G*orge K*ush. Stop being silly before E.T. comes in through the bathroom window and molests your cornhole.
E.T......coming in through the bathroom window!
is a cornhole a maize product?
are a cornhole and a rabbit hole elated?
which came first? the corn or the rabbit (hole)?
I am Cornholio!
It is quite obvious to me that once the meaning behind The Beatles' clues are revealed, we will have discovered the true meaning of life.
From YouTube, all across the internet to this blog, people have connected PID to God, Satan, the sciences, almost every earthly religion, The Illuminati, UFO's, Aliens, JFK, Hollywood, serial killers, alternate lifestyles, Jews, Tavistock, Egyptians, Aztecs, Canadians, many celebrities, NASA, etc., etc., etc.
When is enough enough? Can this get anymore ridiculous?
I will post my relevant Paul McCartney audio comments soon.
Well since Tafultong has stated that "unfortunately those other thousands of artists don't excite me the way that Paul McCartney does. I would lose interest in them before I got that far" we can't really count on anything approaching an unbiased look at the supposed "ancient religious" ephemera PID enthusiasts love to associate with the Beatles. To ignore all the other artists is to single out The Beatles which is unfair since they should be placed in their proper context. I would expect this kind of thing from IAAP but not from Tafultong. Paul for example uses the "double" artistic concept in videos less than most, but to single him out for it is to ignore the prevailing thematic style of music videos from the 80's onwards.
The doubles concept is so overused by every artist (David Bowie and Briteny Spears especially) if I never see another video with it I'll be happy.
"Can this get anymore ridiculous?"
Yes! It CAN!
The "flaming pie" is another reference to the sun.
"It is quite obvious to me that once the meaning behind The Beatles' clues are revealed, we will have discovered the true meaning of life."
That's pretty much the truth!
"With our love, we could save the world, if they only knew."
Thanks for covering this topic, T.
It really is a big part of it.
How about a link there sunshine. I don't know no Forkmode.
You mean the guy who said this:
Today I am weighted with the heaviness of my own folly. Had these cables, routers and relays been imbued with light and not fright, the messages might have been heard. But by now it almost seems obvious not to be true. Dissect it, reconstruct it, and use it, but first you must find it. It won’t be long, and I tell you this because in the deep, one must reach to be felt."
There are references to McCartney and Roman Polanski and chatter about some Blend Schism Conspiracy project but tht picture is in an Iamaphoney video?
I think that's a picture of a monkey.
this sounds a lot like Lennon
I think it's IAAP's Wolverine costume from Halloween
Anonymous said...
I guess it means which Apollo you are talking about and which one Tafultong had mentioned. Are you talking about the person posting with a A.V.? Or Apollo C Vermouth?
Sorry for the confusion. I was talking about Apollo C. Vermouth who stopped talking shortly before Neil Aspinall died.
anonymous wrote:
sorry taf! never heard you say it the two times you did! Now I won't ask anymore
It was unrealistic of me to expect anyone to go through thousands of comments and remember my answer to a specific question. My apologies to you, friend. I have been taking daytime and nighttime cold medicines and they have altered my waking and sleeping states.
anonymous wrote:
What is not to be believed about the whole story being a publicity stunt?
I guess I could list it with the others, but I have trouble with the idea of "let's build up the publicity stunt over the next three years to push not this album, not the next album, not the one after that, but the album after that."
Anonymous said...
I've asked this many times before . . .exactly what is the IAAP narrative? How is it cohesive?
Fabulous question! It is the PID equivalent to the elusive Scientific Theory of Everything. It puts Paul McCartney in the center of the past, present and future. He encompasses the good, the evil, the yin, the yang, and all of life's contradictions that can only be resolved in LOVE.
Ha, I betcha didn't think I knew the answer, did ya? (Is the cold medicine causing grandiose thoughts again?)
How about a clever college kid comes up with the idea and it takes on a life of it's own in the limited media at the time and now years later on the internet a few more clever college kids revive it? How does that scenario strike ya? How about some conspiracy nuts who have absolutely no grasp of surrealism at all hunting for meaning in things that purposely don't make any sense? They can't handle the idea of surrealism. "No no it must mean something! It must mean THIS".
Sometimes a urinal with R.Mutt written on it is just a urinal with R.Mutt written on it. The express purpose for it's existence is to thunb the artist's nose at those searching for meaning. To unravel conventional thinking.
Read up on DaDaism and Dali and Max Ernst. The Beatles knew who they were and what DaDaism and surrealism is about as do most art students. You conspiracy nuts see something you don't understand and say "uuuhhh it must be Satanic!" when in fact the art exists for you to not understand it.
anonymous said:
You conspiracy nuts see something you don't understand and say "uuuhhh it must be Satanic!"
You say that like it's a bad thing...
"Ha, I betcha didn't think I knew the answer, did ya? "
Its the cold medicine.
Nothing means nothing.
Everything means something.
Whoever is hell-bent on their guess that Grand Father Aleister is Tatultong is a fucking retard.
GFA was hell bent on promoting his "conclusion" too.
Your "philosophical wisdom" is nothing more than the ambiguous, anonymous, garbage you post here in.
nix in
Taf said: "I guess I could list it with the others, but I have trouble with the idea of "let's build up the publicity stunt over the next three years to push not this album, not the next album, not the one after that, but the album after that."
November 9, 2008 8:07 PM
The idea of the publicity stunt was not to push the "album after that". Here is the idea: hide the clues in the albums starting 1966, say nothing, and only leak the clues to the public when/if The Beatles popularity dropped, or if the group breaks up. Either way, after the discovery of the first clue, it would cause fans to buy both the previous albums, and any future ones in hopes to find more clues. Not only would it work with album sales, but Beatle movie sales as well.
All four of The Beatles were in the studio together for the last time August 20, 1969. Lennon announced his departure to the other Beatles September 20, 1969. McCartney publicly announced the break-up on April 10, 1970. When were the clues conveniently discovered? In September 1969 they were first mentioned in a college news paper, then October 12, 1969 it went public on WKNR with Russ Gibb. Sounds like a good publicity stunt to me.
I like your concept, Taf, but I don't think your summation of the IAAP narrative corresponds to the actual videos. Where is the Yin and Yang? Where is the Good part to the Evil? You have seized upon maybe one or two rapidly shown images (in the entire series!)to support your minority of one opinion that Phoney portrays Paul as Good as well as Evil.
I like your concept, Taf, but I don't think your summation of the IAAP narrative corresponds to the actual videos. Where is the Yin and Yang? Where is the Good part to the Evil? You have seized upon maybe one or two rapidly shown images (in the entire series!)to support your minority of one opinion that Phoney portrays Paul as Good as well as Evil.
November 9, 2008 9:41 PM
It is quite obvious to me that Phoney doesn't care for McCartney, that is to say, Paul.
I see nothing positive about the RA series.
How about a clever college kid comes up with the idea and it takes on a life of it's own in the limited media at the time and now years later on the internet a few more clever college kids revive it? How does that scenario strike ya? How about some conspiracy nuts who have absolutely no grasp of surrealism at all hunting for meaning in things that purposely don't make any sense? They can't handle the idea of surrealism. "No no it must mean something! It must mean THIS".
Sometimes a urinal with R.Mutt written on it is just a urinal with R.Mutt written on it. The express purpose for it's existence is to thunb the artist's nose at those searching for meaning. To unravel conventional thinking.
Read up on DaDaism and Dali and Max Ernst. The Beatles knew who they were and what DaDaism and surrealism is about as do most art students. You conspiracy nuts see something you don't understand and say "uuuhhh it must be Satanic!" when in fact the art exists for you to not understand it.
ZING! This anonymous individual has it mostly figured out, I think. At least he or she mostly agrees with me, which is essentially the same thing in my mind.
The Beatles were pop surrealists par excellence, and Paul, to his credit, appears to have spurred many of these explorations and (re-)discoveries (even if Lennon seems the more blatantly obvious surrealist, musically and lyrically).
The Apple logo is from Magritte, remember. Ceci n'est pas une une coïncidence.
anonymous wrote:
The idea of the publicity stunt was not to push the "album after that". Here is the idea: hide the clues in the albums starting 1966, say nothing, and only leak the clues to the public when/if The Beatles popularity dropped, or if the group breaks up. Either way, after the discovery of the first clue, it would cause fans to buy both the previous albums, and any future ones in hopes to find more clues. Not only would it work with album sales, but Beatle movie sales as well.
I like it. And the next comment about the timing of the discovery of the clues fits nicely as well.
Anonymous said...
I like your concept, Taf, but I don't think your summation of the IAAP narrative corresponds to the actual videos. Where is the Yin and Yang? Where is the Good part to the Evil?
You are correct, but we already know the good side of McCartney. In fact, the good side got so good that it became a liability. Read all of the reviews of McCartney's performance at the Super Bowl. He went out there and did an exciting and masterful performance and all you heard was what a SAFE choice he was after the wardrobe malfunction of the previous year.
This is a guy who has been arrested a few times. He came on TV pretty much encouraging kiddies of the 60s to use LSD. According to Richard Dilello (who worked for Apple) Paul once chased after a young woman and ripped the coat of her back saying she stole it only to find out that it wasn't his.
I'm not trying to smear Paul, I'm just saying that his white bread image requires one to ignore certain parts of his history. And his "Silly Love Songs" stereotype has unfairly caused much of his artistic output to not be taken seriously.
Iamaphoney changes all that by suggesting (yes, strongly) that there is a dark side to Paul McCartney. I'm not sure that's so bad for Paul's image during these cynical times.
And, yes, I do believe that Iamaphoney is a McCartney fan. Listen to his version of "1882."
lol, mccartney is a fan of mccartney!
that's his arse side, lol
That's true that "everyone knows Paul has a good side" Taf, but my point is that this Dual Good Paul Bad Paul is not an element of the RA series. You are creating your own narrative based on wishful thinking.
The actual RA Narrative, remember, is about Paul is Dead--The Rotten Apple. The second element is that the videomaker claimed to have cracked a code in the Love album, and he said that he wanted to "claim his prize" from Apple, namely, money. This supposed contest is the backbone of the series, not whether Paul represents Good and Evil.
does he say "money"?
i think he just said "prize" and the print george martian media said "prize" also, but no mention of money.
The "prize" and "love code" contest come from two sources, a website clumsily called The Rock News and a Wikipedia edit created by Iamaphoney/Bill. The fact that IAAP shows the edit that he made himself on Wiki in one of his videos as "proof" is the ultimate act of egomania.
Actually it's The Rock Radio but it's just as clumsy a name. Here's the link to the article:
I have a feeling IAAP is connected with this site in some way.
"All four of The Beatles were in the studio together for the last time August 20, 1969. Lennon announced his departure to the other Beatles September 20, 1969. McCartney publicly announced the break-up on April 10, 1970. When were the clues conveniently discovered? In September 1969 they were first mentioned in a college news paper, then October 12, 1969 it went public on WKNR with Russ Gibb. Sounds like a good publicity stunt to me."
All good as far as it goes, of course, but....
True, the story had to be
brought to the public's attention, but there was no satisfactory
conclusion to the riddle to be found at the time.
In other words, after one had ascertained that Paul was 'dead', what was the point of that message?
"I've been played for a fool by the record company!
Oh, I get it: I'm the fool on the hill!" maybe?
But if that were all there were to it, why all the clues
on subsequent Lennon, Harrison, McCartney and Starr albums?
Cleary there would seem to have to be more to it than just what was on the Beatles albums per se.
And songs done by other artists suggesting clues as well,
such as blatant examples like Robert Palmer doing "Looking for Clues", or Emerson Lake and Palmer doing "Still you turn me on" (deadman) should be enough to make it apparent that a dubious conclusion that Paul was dead, - or not - could not the final meaning of the riddle, unless one was to believe that the Beatles themselves put all the effort into creating clues just to generate money. Implying that someone is dead seems pretty serious in my book. It's comparable to yelling "Fire", imo, so the: "Oh, we were only kidding" defense seems too lame to account for all the work that went into creating the "hoax". Therefore there simply has to be more to it than a devil-may-care bid to accumulate money in my opinion. (And one needn't dig too deep to see that there is, imo.)
anonymous wrote:
Therefore there simply has to be more to it than a devil-may-care bid to accumulate money in my opinion.
Persuasive arguments on both sides. I see clues in the solo works too, along with some side projects that had varying degrees of input by one or more of the Beatles. But not everyone sees them. There is nothing as blatant as the black flower, or "The Walrus was Paul."
I was really taken by the lyrics of "Memory Almost Full." Then when Iamaphoney came up with the second anagram, I felt it deserved the study and time that I have invested.
anonymous said:"All good as far as it goes, of course, but...."
That was a perfectly sensible post until you got to the part about Emerson Lake and Palmer and Robert Palmer. There is no such song as "Still You Turn Me On (Dead Man)". You've been misled by some overactive imaginations. The name of the song is "Still...You Turn Me On" and it is clearly written about a woman. Robert Palmer's "Looking For Clues" is about looking for clues that a relationship is about to end. I could see where someone would think that "Twist And Shout" is a refeernce to the Beatles but the "Shake It" and "Twist And Shout" references are both titles of Isley Brothers songs. Palmer is of the blue-eyed soul tradition (and does a few good Marvin Gaye covers).
Yes, but I still liked anonymous' general argument.
I am not a big proponent of the "songs by other people" angle, but if I were to list examples, I would say "Day of the Locusts" by Bob Dylan, "Head On Collision" by Johnny Warman (on Ring-O Records), and "Giving Grease A Ride" by Mike McGear.
I've never heard of those other two songs but your way off about "Day Of The Locusts". Back in 1970 Dylan was awarded an honorary doctorate of Music from Princeton and actually attended the ceremony. The cicadas were a'buzzin as they do in Princeton and the "man who's head was explodin'" was Dylan's companion Bob Neuwirth who had a little too much pot that day and according to myth and legend made a spectacle of himself. Dylan famously immortalized the event in song.
As for the line about "Dakota", well I 'spose he may have nicked that off the 2 year old White Album. Find me a song in the Dylan canon that doesn't have a line or two from some other song. Sorry it ain't about Paul no way no how.
Anonymous said...
I've never heard of those other two songs but your way off about "Day Of The Locusts".
There was a radio program in the early 1970s called "The Beatles - Revolution or Revelation." The host suggested that the Bob Dylan song "Visions of Johanna" was about a meeting with the Beatles on an island where Paul would be sacrificed. As I got more into Dylan's music, I thought "Day of the Locusts" was closer in meaning to the theory presented in the show.
That host must have been a bit of a loon. Not uncommon with this topic. I'm a loon myself. No, "Visions Of Johanna" is another song about a woman and a brilliant song in that it's Dylan talking to a woman about another woman he's in love with. Most agree it's about Dylan being with Joan Baez but wanting to be with Sara Lowndes who he eventually married after dumping Joan. Joan naturally sees it the other way. Well she would wouldn't she.
The Dylan song "Fourth Time Around" is the only track written with a Beatle in mind. A nasty song to John for ripping him off.
I take that back. "If Not For You" could have been written with a Beatle in mind or with the idea of giving it to George since George was present when it was written and also recorded it. Another song to Sara though. Damn amazing woman I think. Listen to "Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands" and then the the entire Blood On The Tracks album to hear about good love gone bad.
"There is no such song as "Still You Turn Me On (Dead Man)"."
I never said there was. What I wrote was:
"Still you turn me on" (deadman).
I don't intend to make mountains out of mole hills here,
but I don't appreciate your misrepresentation of what I wrote.
As for your contention that the song is
"clearly written about a woman"
there are certainly lines that would suggest that, but then:
"You see it really doesn't matter
When you're buried in disguise
By the dark glass on your eyes
Though your flesh has crystallised turn me on"
sounds as if she may have been frozen, or even a corpse!
The opening lines suggest "she" is his muse, in any case.
As for Robert Palmer's "Looking for Clues", you wrote:
"I could see where someone would think that "Twist And Shout" is a refeernce to the Beatles but the "Shake It" and "Twist And Shout" references are both titles of Isley Brothers songs."
Fair enough, but I could see:
"Every time I pick the paper
up it's harder to believe
the news" as:
I read the news today; oh boy!
I could see:
"I suspected all along you
were a tricky fool.
Oh my -
I'm never in the dark as
my heart keeps me well
as allusions to the fool on the hill, and Sgt. Peppers' Hearts Club Band.
I could see:
"Nobody's gonna give you a second chance."
as a reference to the Beatle song "Not A Second Time"
and so on and so on, but of course, you don't have to agree.
Living is easy with eyes wide shut.
Hey man it's okay. Nobody really gives a shit anyway.
I've always thought "Addicted To Love" was about PID. Those undulating girls in black miniskirts are wearing black FOR A REASON!
"Fair enough, but I could see:
"Every time I pick the paper
up it's harder to believe
the news" as:
I read the news today; oh boy!
I could see:
"I suspected all along you
were a tricky fool.
Oh my -
I'm never in the dark as
my heart keeps me well
as allusions to the fool on the hill, and Sgt. Peppers' Hearts Club Band.
I could see:
"Nobody's gonna give you a second chance."
as a reference to the Beatle song "Not A Second Time"
and so on and so on, but of course, you don't have to agree.
Living is easy with eyes wide shut."
Whoa! A musical act that was influenced by the Beatles?? I can't believe it!!!
-this message has been brought to you by the IAAP comedy brigade. only live once or twice. Keep smiling!
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