Our conspiracy theory and speculation appears to be crossing the lines of fantasy into reality (with mixed results, I might add).
Something very weird happened recently to former Paul McCartney publicist Geoff Baker, who turned down offers to write a book about his time with Paul to instead write a novel titled "Diary of a Madman."

The novel has been appearing in parts as frequent updates of Geoff Baker's blog. Breaking away from the routine novel updates, Baker recently posted an email exchange between him and someone named William Donohue.
Here are some highlights:
On November 26, 2008, Baker apparently received this email message from a William Donohue:
It went back and forth with Geoff trying to convince the person that he had the wrong guy. You will notice that this person mentioned the "Twin Peppers" two days before I did. William also gave Baker the address of a phony (but probably not Iamaphoney) YouTube account which has already disappeared.
Later in the exchange we have Geoff responding this way to Mr. Donohue on November 27, 2008:
This is becoming surreal. To answer and possibly explain:
1. The website you sent me to, where I am alleged to exist as Geoff 'anus' Baker, has McCartney references. I worked for Paul for 15 years so I presume the Geoff Baker they are referencing is me.
2. Of course I have heard of YouTube.
3. I have however never heard of the RA Revelation Freedom Fighters who are those claiming to be the people who have hacked me.
4. I don't know who this other Geoff Baker is who is warning you that he too has been hacked, but I shouldn't worry about any of this as it all has the hallmark of the petty and daft.
5. It doesn't bother me, I have much experience of dealing with nutters. Which is why I am now posting all this correspondence onto my blog, so everyone else can enjoy the pointlessness of it all.
This really is a "nutter" move. I hope that Iamaphoney had nothing to do with it.
The "Twin Peppers" are supposedly two different mixes of the Sgt. Pepper album provided to Iamaphoney by Neil Aspinall. Someone claimed that if you sync the two together and play them simultaneously, you will hear secret messages. If I ever get any evidence that the "Twin Peppers" exist, I will share it here.
The harassment of Geoff Baker concerns me and threatens the credibility of those who claim to have special inside information, including Iamaphoney. Since the Berlin suitcase is "in circulation" it presents all kinds of opportunities for people with partial information to make the water even more murky than it already is. My hope is that Iamaphoney will speak soon and distance himself from this latest excursion that seems to be over the line. Geoff Baker clearly seems to not be playing along.
UPDATE: The image below will take you to a YouTube Channel that appears to be related to the Geoff Baker shenanigans.

Incidentally, Geoff Baker's book looks like it will be a good read.
There have been other less scary occurrences of items in the news that seem to fit our story.
Recently Mojo Magazine did two consecutive issues spotlighting the 40th anniversary of the Beatles White Album. I noticed as I was reading the second issue that they cleverly title their letters to the editor around a particular theme. All of the letters in that issue had titles from lines in the movie "Yellow Submarine." I then realized that in the first issue, which featured the Beatles on the cover, all of the letters to the editor had titles taken from lines of the movie "Paths of Glory." That movie of course was directed by none other than Stanley Kubrick. Iamaphoney and Grandfatheraleister would be proud.

The much talked about article Sir Paul McCartney confronts the ghosts of his past contained some interesting items. First of all, the author committed a glaring factual error by stating that Ringo played on "How Do You Sleep." If Ringo played at all on the "Imagine" album, it has been a well kept secret for over a quarter of a century. But the article was based on conversations that took place over a period of several months, so the author, Mark Edmonds, did get to spend a lot of time with McCartney. As a result, he asked McCartney questions that I doubt he had ever been asked previously, such as, would he ever perform the song "How Do You Sleep." Yes, he actually asked him that. The article also described McCartney's access to world leaders, or more accurately, world leaders' access to Paul McCartney.
Despite the unusually tight access, the article is far from being a fluff piece about Paul. He addresses some of Paul's unfortunate public relations gaffes including his initial reaction to John's death and the firing of Geoff Baker. A particularly interesting passage in the long article dealt with Lily Evans, the widow of Mal.
I mention that I have recently interviewed the widow of Mal Evans, the Beatles’ long-standing roadie who felt let down by the group when they broke up — the comment is simply ignored as though he didn’t hear it.
Who interviews Lily Evans these days and why? Interesting.
There is a new website dedicated to the Beatles and created for the purpose of spreading peace and love throughout the world. Check out Fixingahole.org. Even CNN did an interview with author Steve Turner with the title "The Beatles were a 'Spiritual Force.'" With power like that, they could, dare I say it, rule the world.
Finally, I got a mention on one of my favorite websites recently, the often cited Abbeyrd News Page. I happened to contribute some Fireman minutiae after I spotted a missing piece in a story.
1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»Good article Tafultong!
"titles taken from lines of the movie "Paths of Glory." That movie of course was directed by none other than Stanley Kubrick. Iamaphoney and Grandfatheraleister would be proud."
maybe why new account popped up
boy now would be about time for an urgent personal message confirming that he had nothing to do with that harassment, kind of like when people thought he was responsible for all those fires.
something like
"Tafultong I am a big big fan of yours. I did not start any fires, and I do not harass people. I just make videos claiming Paul is a satanist."
yeah he better, otherwise Bern and Harold are coming back. and that would not be too cool.
Is mikey going to get all pissy again today?
MikeNL - "How do you know this information is genuine? Only I can determine that."
Tafultong - "I found the information in a published magazine and on a valid blog."
MikeNL - "Not good enough! Only I can deem things genuine. And I am going to have a royal hissy fit until you allow me that right!"
Tafultong - "Uh... ok"
MikeNL - "It is indeed GENUINE"
Tafultong - (rolls eyes)
MikeNL - "Go watch a movie while I work on my latest video, up tonight. Me singing the album "Twin Peppers". I hand typed the secret messages and will put them up on my website later too. The "German" boys, i.e the Boys from Brazil, have no scanner yet either. So put your imagination caps on!"
are the imagination caps made of tinfoil?
yes they are? how did you know?
can't wait till your latest singing mikey!
"Izzz diss de reel liff... izzz diss yust fan-T-cy. Cought nn ah LAN slide, noo excape frum reelality."
your engrish is priceless!
sing on!
Memo from IAAP
"Mikey, knock off the singing! It is what ruined the suitcases"
iaap likes to blame mikey, not fair!
badboyrae is working on a video too, of mikey. blows the lid off the whole "I am going to Berlin suitcase, ohhh no! I can't go now!" fiasco.
film at 12
Mikes "engrish" is better then yours! You try being multi-linquistic!
MikeyNL1038 = Tudefjæs
there... hows that rotten apple?
So? You can google... Not the same as actually speaking a language that others can understand
Din fede bondeknold
Kys mig i røven
Hvem tror du egentlig du er?
Behøver du virkelig være så grim?
Jeg keder sig og søvnig
I am bored and sleepy
multi-lingual aja
Beat that faulconandsnowjob!
Bet you don't have a degree in that!
Geoff Emerick
tinfoil hats fit nice!
faulconandsnowjob has a blackbelt in EVERYTHING!
Rest assured that the bogus hacker warning to Geoff Baker was IAAP or a Phoney accomplice. That sort of thing is right up their alley.
Once again, the Phoney crew is attempting to make it look as though they are hiding some deep dark secret (and that Geoff Baker knows about it) by sending the self-serving emails to Geoff Baker regarding the "Twin Peppers," a decidedly Iamaphoney topic that only Iamaphoney cares about.
Hey Phoney crew, nice stalkin' to ya.
"The "Twin Peppers" are supposedly two different mixes of the Sgt. Pepper album provided to Iamaphoney by Neil Aspinall. Someone claimed that if you sync the two together and play them simultaneously, you will hear secret messages. If I ever get any evidence that the "Twin Peppers" exist, I will share..."
Back when not everyone had a record player that would play Stereo, the record companies had to put out two versions of their records, and I know for a fact that the Mono version of Sgt Pepper differs slightly from the Stereo. One notable example: in the Sgt. Pepper reprise, the mono version of "Is he really really dead?" shouting is not drowned out by the orchestra as it is in the stereo version. They really did record two versions back then, because sometimes the stereo version, when mixed together for mono, would "not sound right".
If there was any "secret message", it would have had to have been in bits and pieces so as not to be too conspicuous. (Byrdsmaniac)
Hey! Be calm! MikeNL is going to blow the roof off tonight with his video
All will be revealed!
Iamaphoney somehow involved with dirty tricks?
Welcome to the real world, Tafultong. It looks like soon you'll be finding out just who is the sort of person you've dedicated your blog to.
"Back when not everyone had a record player that would play Stereo, the record companies had to put out two versions of their records, and I know for a fact that the Mono version of Sgt Pepper differs slightly from the Stereo. One notable example: in the Sgt. Pepper reprise, the mono version of "Is he really really dead?" shouting is not drowned out by the orchestra as it is in the stereo version. They really did record two versions back then, because sometimes the stereo version, when mixed together for mono, would "not sound right".
If there was any "secret message", it would have had to have been in bits and pieces so as not to be too conspicuous." (Byrdsmaniac)
November 29, 2008 2:55 PM
"Twin Peppers" Twin-Track Mono
Ask Geoff Emerick
Damn I missed another great Mojo (2 actually) so I'll have to get the back issues. Time to subscribe, but anyway..
I don't know what the context was about Ringo playing on HDYS without reading the article, but it may be possible. Yeah, he's nowhere to be found in the movie, but there's this story that I read somewhere.. Wish I had the source at my command, but it's been a while.
The story goes like this: John wanted to use these lyrics:
The only thing you done was yesterday,
I bet you pinched that bitch anyway
And Ringo (which implies he was there) talked him out of that second line. (take this for what you will)
I guess it was in "Many Years From Now" where, after veiwing J &Y writing new lyrics and giggling, he said he wanted no part of it!
I think.
PS That Laurel Canyon thing was pretty good!
Jojo wrote:
The story goes like this: John wanted to use these lyrics:
The only thing you done was yesterday,
I bet you pinched that bitch anyway
And Ringo (which implies he was there) talked him out of that second line. (take this for what you will)
Hmm. The story I heard had Allen Klein instead of Ringo and it even credited Klein for the alternative line.
"Many Years From Now" says:
The song does focus on all John's resentment of Paul and it is no surprise to find in it a reference to 'Yesterday'; John never got over the fact that the two biggest Beatles songs, 'Yesterday' and 'Michelle', were solo efforts by Paul on which John did not even play. Allen Klein told Albert Goldman that after the line in 'How Do You Sleep?' that says the only song Paul wrote was 'Yesterday', John planned to scream, 'You probably pinched that bitch anyway!'
Klein was in me control booth with Phil Spector during the run-through at the Record Plant in New York, where the basic tracks were mixed and the final vocals added, and was so aghast at the potential libel involved that he demanded that John drop it. Klein himself improvised its anodyne replacement.
If you find the source of the Ringo statement, please let me know.
Eh, it's possible I have it wrong, (or probable) I can only excuse myself by saying I consume a lot of Beatle information and sometimes I get things mixed up.. I still have a sense of having read it somewhere, and I'll try to find it regardless.
Whether it was Klein or not, you can't argue one thing: That line was directed at the Paul McCartney living in 1965, which makes me figure that's who the anger expressed in the song was for.
One other thing, there are bootlegs of HDYS, with an apparent "rehearsal on tape", much like the many takes of Strawberry Fields we've all heard. For example, John plays around with the line "But pretty soon they'll see what you can do". No sign of that that nasty line anywhere, which makes me believe the decision to take it out was made very early, before anything was even recorded, making the control booth story seem a bit hard to believe.
Jojo said:
No sign of that that nasty line anywhere, which makes me believe the decision to take it out was made very early, before anything was even recorded, making the control booth story seem a bit hard to believe.
Excellent point. I guess it's possible that John recorded demos in the studio with Klein in the control room, but I have never heard a version with the nasty line in it.
I disagree with Jojo on just about everything (I'm PIA after all) but Jojo is correct. The story was mentioned in Beatlefan magazine in an interview with one of the musicians (Klaus Voorman?) who played on the record.
John was jealous of exactly one person in the history of music and his name was Paul McCartney. Sorry, John, but you couldn't keep up with your genius friend.
This Geoff blog reminds me of the time that Jude and co. made the May Pang blog...
and dont forget "diary of a madman" was a title of one of Crowleys books!!!! I dont know who to trust but Geoff are making this even more suspicious.
Crowley never wrote a book called Diary of a Madman, you're thinking of the Ozzy album with Mr. Crowley on it.
Even if it were a title from one of his books, it's a meaningless point.
Ozzy's album Diary Of A Madman is named after Crowley's autobiography.
Interesting that the theories of the PWR crowd work against the PID crowd. Obviously, if Lennon was expressing anger toward 1965 Paul, he wouldn't put it in a song to sing to a dead person.
Yeah, the lyrics in question from HDYS are obviously jabs about Paul wanting to do solo work. The first line about Yesterday, the first song Paul did solo, and Another Day, another solo song by Paul that was around in the late Beatle days.
Are you thinking of Diary of a Drug Fiend? Please show me this Diary of a Madman by crowley, I cannot find record of it.
Feb 2008
From: Mikey
I asked Iamaphoney when the revelation was coming and he said SOON!
Feb 2008
From: Mikey
I asked Iamaphoney when the revelation was coming and he said SOON!
Hahaha, just a teeny bit longer, eh?
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iaap background changed
New video being downloaded
no it isnt, iaap signed out then signed back in again
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iaap is just moving the furniture around a bit
I hoe he paints the walls while he's at it
hope, that is
Getting back to "HDYS", it's a wonder nobody (not even Paul) brings up the "Some people can sleep at night time.." line from "Some People Never Know"!!!
Tafultong, I've noticed that whenever you make a new blog entry, all serious discussion on the previous blog entries terminates.
I was out of town for the holiday weekend and did not have regular online access or a lot of time on my hands, so I missed your Friday entry on the suitcases.
I'm responding to that entry in this series underneath your Saturday entry, even though this Saturday entry is on a different subject matter altogether.
"There are no details about the audio content of the record, but I have no reason to believe that it was anything but the "Magic Christian Soundtrack."
"In an unfortunate turn of events, the finder of the suitcase, known as 65if2007, was accused of holding back information about the contents. Those complaints, along with an ineffectual online petition to force 65if to either play the record or give it to someone who would caused him to stop cooperating."
One of these days, I might get a phonograph and listen to the album out of boredom or to satisfy my own curiosity.
I doubt that there's anything else other than Magic Christian soundtrack on the record either.
Apparently, Iamaphoney later composed his own music to the tune of what he thought was a backmasked version of "Come and Get It".
It was pretty good actually -- better than the original, I thought. Maybe he expected me to spin the record backwards and find the same thing.
Iamaphoney's version is on Rotten Apple 9 q -- and again, it's pretty good. The guy can make lemonade out of a lemon, I'll say that for him. He is either a highly-talented amateur musician and film-maker or a low-flying professional one.
But even if there was somehow some other cryptic clue that Iamaphoney could have somehow inserted into the record itself (or that already existed) that I never found, that's all that it would be -- just another cryptic clue.
I am sure that there are no "answers" in that record, and I am reasonably certain that Iamaphoney has no "answers" to give in the first place.
After I found Suitcase #1, people should have been getting tired of more cryptic clues and demanding solid answers from Iamaphoney -- but instead some of them were demanding that I squeeze the turnip dry in an attempt to draw more anemic blood from it.
I got tired of that. I got tired of a lot of things.
Iamaphoney was telling his surrogates that I was "holding back" without even having the courtesy to contact me to tell me what he had in mind.
Holding back WHAT? Where would I find it? When I was in a more tractable frame of mind, he could have made himself more explicit by contacting me through my NIR box or my YouTube box and he never did.
Then too, your chronicle of events inadvertently fails to mention another important non-event: the famed Iamaphoney INTERVIEW. It's hinted at in the very title of "Rotten Apple 9 q".
Iamaphoney initially promised that he would allow himself to be interviewed. Later, he conditioned that promise on someone finding the suitcase. Later, he indicated that he would answer nine questions only ("9 q") even if the suitcase was found.
My question was and still is: Who the hell is the elderly British guy on RA's 42 and 45 who claimed to be a member of the "Beatles circle" with personal knowledge of a fatal motor vehicle accident in 1966 that killed Paul McCartney?
If that guy was a real person, as opposed to an actor, then to have answered that question I think would have effectively answered all questions.
I made it very clear at the time that my primary motive in retrieving the suitcase was to require Iamaphoney to submit to the interview, at which time I expected my question to be among those answered.
But AFTER I found the suitcase and reported on what I could find of its contents, that question of mine was removed from the list of questions.
That was a fine way for Iamaphoney's surrogates to thank the guy who had found the suitcase and reported on it, as best as he could.
And then, of course, Iamaphoney broke his promise to allow himself to be interviewed in the first place.
Instead of turning on Iamaphoney for breaking his promise, his surrogates -- who had thoughtlessly removed my question from the list of questions that would be asked at the interview (which again, Iamaphoney never gave) --were turning on ME, demanding that I play the record.
By the way, notice how elderly British Beatles insider with knowledge of the supposed fatal 1966 car accident has disappeared from the series. He hasn't reappeared since RA 45 was made in August 2007.
Elderly Mediterranean guy still makes an occasional cameo in the RA series, but elderly British Beatles insider hasn't reappeared in that series for 15 months.
If he was a TRUE Beatles insider with genuine knowledge of such a thing, it would defy logic and human nature for Iamaphoney to "sit on" such a witness.
Anyway, it's true that that sequence of events disgusted me and made me tired of the whole thing.
MilesDeo ?
rock on, 65
Let me ask you this then, 65if2007.
If you tired of it as you say and there is nothing to it, why would you waste your time hanging around just to discredit everything you see which is PID related?
You seem to have made this a personal crusade to try and upset the apple cart any way possible.
65if, I went back and listened to the "elderly gentlemen" segment which is the only component of the entire series that would merit attention if it were an honest statement by a Beatle insider. However, this person does not seem to be speaking his mind, rather, it is obvious that he is reading from a carefully worded script, and there is no emotional connection to his words (sorry if you are the actor reading this). Beyond that, his delivery indicates, in all probability, that he is a trained (classical, Shakespearean) actor. Thus I would conclude that the series was put together by film editors who have teamed up with, or are part of, a theater ensemble, and that the "Mediterranean" guy is another of these actors, and may even be the same actor trained in dialects, as most of them are. In conclusion, it seems quite possible that the PlugFive-Miles Deo Shakespearean ensemble and the Formermedia folks are connected through some promotional work and that the series is basically a labor of Beatle love, though love's labor is apparently lost.
Anonymous said...
MilesDeo ?
I would add that the persons behind the series are more interested in style than substance, which is telling, because it indicates above all else that it is an artistic enterprise, not a journalistic undertaking involving a serious earth-shattering story.
Miles, since you just happen to be hanging around the blog, tell us, do you think the voice in that video is or isn't that of a trained actor?
That voice reminds me of McCartney's "The Broadcast" that had Ian Hay doing one part. Taf, do you have a way to post the Broadcast for comparison?
I think it's not the voice of a trained actor. Nevertheless, a nice sounding voice. Eh?
65if2007, how can we miss you? YOU NEVER GO AWAY!
65if2007 has the "Jude disease".
It's ALLLLLLLLLL about 65if2007.
Lets all unsubscribe from Iamaphoney.
Perhaps not trained, but someone put to the task of reading the script. As I mentioned, the statement doesn't sound conversational, and it doesn't sound like the person is speaking his own mind. It is difficult for some trained actors to pretend they are not actors (which may be the case in that video), in the same way great singers have trouble pretending to sing off key.
65if2007, play the album.
I agree Jacob Richardson! Lets!
Beyond that, the wording of the script is quite dramatic, written as a narrative, not a personal statement of a Beatle insider spilling the beans.
How you know it was me?
Was it my stink of cheese?
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To play or not to play?
In any event, if you haven't found the Shakespearean overtone of the whole thing (and the Shakespearean lurkers here and on Phoney's site), you've missed the plot. Something is indeed "Rotten in Denmark."
Miles, you might know: to which Shakespearean play does the RA series most resemble?
I am a Freemason Zionist disinfo agent working for the Illuminati, in collaboration with M16 and the CIA,
Don't piss me off or I'll shapeshift into my true reptilian form.
David Icke does not like it when you do that NosdrahcirBocaj AKA Jacob Richardson
"Let me ask you this then, 65if2007.
If you tired of it as you say and there is nothing to it, why would you waste your time hanging around just to discredit everything you see which is PID related?
You seem to have made this a personal crusade to try and upset the apple cart any way possible."
Because your assumptions are not accurate.
I've given Iamaphoney credit for the entertainment level of many of his videos and continue to do so.
I even think that he found some genuine PID clues that no one before him had found.
I AM still interested in PID, although I very much doubt now that there is any literal truth to it. That is, I doubt that Paul literally died or was ever replaced.
But, as I have said before, I still believe that the Beatles hinted on many occasions that this was what happened. So I think that PID is a genuine phenomena, to this limited extent.
The question, as I have said before, is WHY the Beatles dropped these hints if they weren't the literal truth. I don't think that it was simply a marketing ploy.
I've speculated and continue to speculate on the possibility that Iamaphoney is some low-level Beatles insider who has a very
limited insight as to the truth -- though not nearly as much insight as he would like everyone to believe.
I also have said that there might be some truth to the occult element of Iamaphoney's Beatles story, which may very well touch upon the PID mystery.
I doubt very much that the Beatles were ever consciously or unconsciously part of any Satanic plots against the public -- but it's possible that the Beatles might have gotten involved with the occult, maybe to an extent that they regretted later on.
It would not be too surprising if four young men, who found that they had achieved a more phenomenal level of success and material wealth than they could have imagined, and yet still found themselves unsatisfied, turned to the occult for reasons of boredom and/or misplaced spiritualism.
I'm wondering if Paul ever "died" in a spiritual sense or in some sense other than the purely literal one.
Something like that might be a more plausible explanation for the somewhat weird changes that really did seem to come over him between August 31, 1966 and December 1966/early 1967.
Although I doubt very much that Iamaphoney will ever provide any answers or will ever be in a position to, I still think that it's possible that he has gotten hold of a worm's eye view of the truth -- which he has embroidered with a fair amount of fiction.
And, as I've said, his videos can be tremendously entertaining -- though not recently. The multiple suitcase angle is a symptom of writer's block on his part.
He needs to move on from it, if he can -- and yeah, in my particular case, Iamaphoney REALLY either overplayed or underplayed his hand.
But you're wrong in thinking that I'm purely an Iamaphoney-debunker. I'm still interested in his story and am interested to see how it plays out -- if it ever plays out. I'm just no longer waiting up nights for the "revelation" that he promised in RA 1.
"65if2007, how can we miss you? YOU NEVER GO AWAY!"
Not permanently. I guess that I didn't have the willpower.
"65if2007 has the "Jude disease".
It's ALLLLLLLLLL about 65if2007."
I try not to allow it to become all about me.
Tafultong did a retrospective on the suitcases and mentioned me by name, so I responded.
I've talked about subjects that didn't concern me.
Nothing's gonna change my world.
*****Iamaphoney said...
65if2007, play the album.
PLAY IT!*****
The real Iamaphoney has a blue link that connects with his YouTube websight.
Can't wait till 65if2007 storms outta here in a hissy huff again, never to return... until next week, when he can bring some more cool condescension and his overbearing pride back to this forum.
Are you a low-level Beatles insider 65if2007? Is your "worm eye" view getting in your way?
Miles, the latest video you posted as CultureBat (from another channel) is reminiscent of the Blair Witch fiasco. This time, however, the actress can be seen wearing a body pack (either that was a terrible oversight on your part or it is deliberate to show how goofy the whole thing is).
Play the album 65if2007
I just farted.
To the "Anonymous" or "Anonymouses" who discussed the elderly British man who portrayed himself as a member of the "Beatles circle", your points are well-taken.
One of you signed as "T". Tafultong?
" Iamaphoney said...
Play the album 65if2007
November 30, 2008 2:46 PM"
There you go 65if2007, the ball is back in your court.
blue link and everything for ya
Hey, goofball, the one asking 65if to play the album. Guess what? He doesn't have to play the album if he doesn't want to. There is an old saying amongst lawyers, and one that Phoney should have taken under advisement: Never ask a question of a witness to which you do not already know the answer. You don't plant suitcases for anyone to find, and then moan and groan if the patsy's don't play along as planned. That's bad planning. And that brings up another classic showbiz truism> The audience is always right.
Never blame the audience for a poorly executed performance.
T as in Thomas. Thanks, 65if.
NosdrahcirBocaj (26 minutes ago)
Lets all unsubscribe.
Good idea!
Subscribers: 905
You first!
I just unsubscribed.
Way to stick up for 65if2007!
Maybe you too could have a hissy fit and leave. Forever. And then pop back in every week or so with another proclamation.
Iamaphoney didnt bitch about anything mate, he went about leaving more suitcases. He moved on. You didn't.
"The blue-linked Iamaphoney said...
Play the album 65if2007."
Hello blue-linked Iamaphoney.
Where have you been for the last seven months?
So you've finally lowered yourself to address me directly instead of addressing me through surrogates?
Any particular place in the album that you'd like for me to play?
Or am I supposed to just play the whole thing and guess what you had in mind?
Why should I do this for you? If what I have is important, why would you ever give it up in the first place?
How will my playing the album advance anyone's state of knowledge on the subject at hand?
There doesn't seem to be a whole lot in the suitcases that others have found.
Is there some sort of revelation in the album that you haven't disclosed elsewhere? Then again, why would you give the album up?
Finally, who IS the elderly British guy who portrays himself as a member of the Beatles circle and claims personal knowledge of a fatal 1966 motor vehicle accident?
And why haven't you referred to him over the last 15 months?
Not that I really believe in any of this anymore, but maybe if you had been forthright with answers to THOSE questions -- particularly that last series, I might have played ball with you longer.
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wicked nice!
"Can't wait till 65if2007 storms outta here in a hissy huff again, never to return... until next week, when he can bring some more cool condescension and his overbearing pride back to this forum.
Are you a low-level Beatles insider 65if2007? Is your "worm eye" view getting in your way?
Hey Jude, don't make it worse.
Actually, I don't intend to storm out of here in a hissy fit.
I've decided that I no longer need to let you get under my skin.
Seriously, if we all ignored IAAP you would be amazed how soon a video would come out. It has worked before.
You don't spend all that time making these videos, and money flying around, to have people NOT watch them.
Unsubscribe and boycott IAAP. Notice what happens.
"Can't wait till 65if2007 storms outta here in a hissy huff again, never to return... until next week, when he can bring some more cool condescension and his overbearing pride back to this forum.
Are you a low-level Beatles insider 65if2007? Is your "worm eye" view getting in your way?"
Please don't tell me Jude said that,
What a hypocrite.
Can we ban Jude while we are at it?
Iamaphoney didnt bitch about anything mate, he went about leaving more suitcases. He moved on. You didn't.
Pardon me, but Phoney did bitch through his surrogates, who bitched relentlessly at 65if. So much bitching, in fact, that NIR split in two, and the Phoney comments on NIR had to be made private.
Cat got your tongue blue-linked Iamaphoney?
You are going to lose subscribers mate!
Speak up!
ANSWER 65if2007!!!!!
IN any event, I don't think anyone disputes that the suitcase thing was a fiasco. It could have been worse, too, if someone other than 65if had picked it up. At least he went to the trouble, picked it up, and posted what he found, unlike this Yenz person.
"Pardon me, but Phoney did bitch through his surrogates, who bitched relentlessly at 65if. So much bitching, in fact, that NIR split in two, and the Phoney comments on NIR had to be made private"
My surrogates are little bitches. They don't speak for me.
Anonymous said...
Cat got your tongue blue-linked Iamaphoney?
You are going to lose subscribers mate!
That's ok. I will either get more subscribers, or I will make them.
"amaphoney said...
Anonymous said...
Cat got your tongue blue-linked Iamaphoney?
You are going to lose subscribers mate!
That's ok. I will either get more subscribers, or I will make them.
November 30, 2008 3:06 PM"
obviously he makes his own subscribers! you take a look at that subscriber list that was posted here last week? the one MikeNL said he was going to go thru with a fine tooth comb? ever hear anything about that?
check that list yourself. see what you find. don't listen to MikeNL. IAAP was right about that. He is a little bitch.
They don't speak for you? If you are Iamaphoney, that is patently false. Mikey has repeatedly said that you told him to say such and such, including the details of the interview, etc. Tafultong, I would add, is also a surrogate, to whom you have sent various materials to post. You have chosen to have these folks speak for you within the limited guidelines you have set for yourself.
Don't blame the audience.
" Anonymous said...
Cat got your tongue blue-linked Iamaphoney?
ANSWER 65if2007!!!!!
November 30, 2008 3:03 PM"
I did answer him. Play the album. If 65if2007 would have done that I would not have had to drop these other suitcases.
65if2007 messaged me and said he hates his mother. I am going to call her and ruin christmas.
Anyone can say anything dude. MikeNL does not speak for IAAP
check that list yourself. see what you find. don't listen to MikeNL. IAAP was right about that. He is a little bitch.
November 30, 2008 3:08 PM
what you find when you go thru that list is that a lot of the accounts are closed, or are IAAP subaccounts.
Phoney could post whatever is in the Magic Christian album on his own. There is absolutely no need for 65if to do anything.
The audience is always right.
Probably there are a few hundred fake subscribers to Phoney, for sure.
Don't blame the audience.
November 30, 2008 3:09 PM
I am not blaming the audience. I blame 65if2007 for not playing the album.
65if2007 added his own shit to the suitcase too... no wonder phoney is pissed.
damn it 65if2007 just play the album and get this shit over with. call IAAP's bluff.
Maybe with that his last shred of credibility can be destroyed.
oh hell....
Sorry, wrong answer.
I'm still not playing ball, Iamaphoney.
But thank you for lowering yourself to talk to me this time. We progress by degrees.
subscriber count is still at 904.. only Jacob did it.
or IAAP made up the accounts with fakes already.
Gosh you all are gullible.
"damn it 65if2007 just play the album and get this shit over with. call IAAP's bluff.
Maybe with that his last shred of credibility can be destroyed."
I ALREADY called his bluff!
He was supposed to consent to be interviewed after I got the suitcase.
He broke his promise THEN!
If refusing to be interviewed didn't destroy his last shred of credibility on this point, what would?
What is going on here? How come I was not told about all of this?
"Gosh you all are gullible.",
You cant be iamaphoney,
Your English is too good.
"Gosh you all are gullible."
We are?
Maybe you're not even the real deal.
Maybe anyone could blog here with a blue identity and have that identity link to Iamaphoney's youtube page.
damn it stay outta this MikeNL! This is between Iamaphoney and 65if2007.
Mano y mano.
Man to man.
The way John Wayne would have done it.
ya! this is no place for girly men mikeNL
I do the cha cha like a sissy girl. I lika do da cha cha.
65if2007 said...
"Gosh you all are gullible."
We are?
Maybe you're not even the real deal.
Maybe anyone could blog here with a blue identity and have that identity link to Iamaphoney's youtube page.
November 30, 2008 3:22 PM
What part of I AM A PHONEY do you not understand 65if2007?
I am a phoney and so's my wife.
I knew it all along! You were not man enough to face me before, and now you hide behind surrogates and smoke screens again! Well, guess what? I have your precious suitcase, and YES I DID EBAY THAT EXPENSIVE PRESSED ALBUM THAT YOU HAD MADE. Cost you a pretty penny didn't it "Iamaphoney".
I sold it for one thin dime. The shipping was more then what I got for it.
Well, that's it for me. I am leaving here. NEVER TO RETURN!
You are such a RUBE 65if2007. Just walking down the midway....
My blue link links back to my blogger account.
65if2007 said...
My blue link links back to my blogger account.
November 30, 2008 3:32 PM
Duh. Your head connected to your neck too?
You got played again 65if2007. Come back anytime. Next time we play for money.
"Duh. Your head connected to your neck too?"
Not since the car crash.
Who is the real 65if2007?
If this was a movie, we would have to shoot you both. And the real 65if2007 would tell us to do it.
"Who is the real 65if2007?"
Hoo boy. Even the link to the blogger account was no guarantee.
Oh well. I guess that if Mikey could take the treatment, so can I.
Go ahead; lay it on me.
ya, 65if2007 is honorable man, but a stupid man. Very stupid.
As we say auf german, ungeheuer dumm.
By the way, my congratulations, Jude.
You did a good job stirring up this nest.
we've all had it done before 65if2007
no worries. We know the real you. the IAAP surrogates are pretty easy to spot once you have been "Berned" a few times.
Can we ban Jude? Please?
Wow! 45 views for 65if2007
Let's see..... Iamaphoney has....
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Wow! You showed him 65if2007!
You go ahead and keep that suitcase 65if2007. Sell it on eBay. Whatever.
You are still irrelevant. You had your 15 minutes of fame.
"we've all had it done before 65if2007
no worries. We know the real you. the IAAP surrogates are pretty easy to spot once you have been "Berned" a few times."
I'm not stupid, just naive about this blogger technology and about how easy it is (on the surface) to impersonate someone else in this unmoderated format.
Ever notice it's Jude in the center of these created storms? Where there is smoke there is Jude.
I am not blaming the audience. I blame 65if2007 for not playing the album.
65if is a member of the audience.
The "British Man" is an actor reading a script.
The series is a hoax.
What a shock.
Channel Views: 172,347 ??
Does that make IAAP god or something?
Can I buy that record off you 65if2007 if you really didn't sell it on eBay?
MikeNL messaged me that it has the twin peppers on it, and may be valuable. Since you are not using it, can I have it?
How much for that album 65if?
Let's get down to brass tacks gentlemen, how much for the album?
"Wow! 45 views for 65if2007
Let's see..... Iamaphoney has....
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Channel Views: 172,347
Wow! You showed him 65if2007!"
Jude, I give the man all of the credit in the world for the entertainment value of his videos -- which is considerable -- and for the knowledge that he has contributed to the subject at hand -- which is not so great, but still...
I don't begrudge him a single subscriber or a single channel view.
And I'm not competing with him.
If you're trying to hurt my feelings, you should try to hit me somewhere else.
Why did you tell him about my message? And why did you tell him that it is valuable?
You are almost as "ungeheuer dumm" as 65if2007!
The boss is going to have our hydes!
Are you going to sell that album 65if2007? Why are you keeping it anyways?
I am keeping the suitcase and it's contents for the same reason that I kept the blue dress with stains on it from when I was with the president.
I want to remember the time when Iamaphoney fucked me. He did it long. He did it hard. He did it often. He did it again to me today.
My name is Monica "65if2007" Lewinsky
and I approved this message.
So you are keeping it for personal reasons. I understand.
If you ever want to sell it, let me know.
Why are people concerned about the Magic Christian album or any other Phoney clue when the whole thing is a hoax? Shouldn't the fact that it is a hoax be your concern? If not, why not?
I don't have any sentimental attachment to any of this.
I have always assumed that the fun that I am getting in defying Jude and Iamaphoney was worth considerably more than anyone would ever pay me for this crap.
But I think that some time this week, I might just put this crap up on ebay with a reserve amount and see what I can get for it.
I said "might". And if I do, I might try to see if I can get away with a really outrageous reserve amount.
I'm sure that this next question will provoke a lot of whimsical response, but seriously, is there anyone out there -- any SENSIBLE person -- who really think that this is worth anything?
It's only worth what someone will pay for it.
Intrinsic value--low.
"It's only worth what someone will pay for it.
Intrinsic value--low."
Of course.
Please put it on eBay. It will give MikeyNL1038 and Jude another chance to really look poorly and fail.
They will fail again to put their money where there mouths are.
MikeNL wouldn't spend 50 euros to go get the suitcase in his backyard. You know he won't spend a dime to get another suitcase.
Right! and that will be another nail in the coffin for them both!
Jude and Mike and the other apologists for IAAP need to come down another couple of pegs.
another couple of pegs? shit, they already live in their parents basements for gods sake!
Just you watch! Jude will come thru! Him and Mikey pool their collective allowances and get that suitcase and prove 65if2007 wrong once and for all!
I would not be surprised if any or all of the contents of these suitcases (if they even exist) will wind up on Ebay. IAAP wins the prize for the most stupid and ineffective "revelation" in recent history. He might as well just hand cash out to people on the street.
Make em' pay dearly 65if2007!
Soak them little phonies!
We've established that very few people actually believe in the PID PWR urban legends. Tafultong, creator of this very blog, does not believe. Mikey, who is Phoney's surrogate, does not believe. Jude (see Mikey) doesn't believe. 65if no longer believes. Since no one is waiting anymore for some sort of evidence that PID/PWR, what is left?
I think it was a party for awhile, but the host left, and now there are hangers on, sort of waiting around because there is no other party. That's why the party moved over to this blog. But now even this party is winding down because there is little to no fuel left in the Phoney engine, or patience left in the six or ten people who cared.
I think all people are waiting for at this point is some final statement from Phoney so they can definitively call him a fraud or hoaxer. The others just want to know who he is, although that answer will disappoint. So it has to stay in limbo, because there is no revelation regarding Paul and there is no great mystery behind the Iamaphoney channel. The only recourse, then, is for Phoney to stay anonymous, because that's his only remaining gambit to keep the thin aura of mystery alive.
I think it is worth something, because the "Oh Fuck" video that was in the suitcase really is a big clue! It gives the RA series some validity imo.
And yes, I'm serious. And thank you, 65if2007, for getting the suitcase, and sharing that video.
But really, Iamaphoney does need to live up to his promises.
And I would appreciate it if he would really try to make the next video a "smoking gun" blockbuster that would make people think twice.
I've decided that I no longer need to let you get under my skin.
I could say the same thing about you, 65. But one thing that does get under my skin is when someone mistakes someone else for me. As soon as I read the above comment I skipped past everything else to write this reply. Whoever you think you were responding to, it wasn't me. I have zero interest in getting under your skin.
"I think all people are waiting for at this point is some final statement from Phoney so they can definitively call him a fraud or hoaxer. The others just want to know who he is, although that answer will disappoint. So it has to stay in limbo, because there is no revelation regarding Paul and there is no great mystery behind the Iamaphoney channel. The only recourse, then, is for Phoney to stay anonymous, because that's his only remaining gambit to keep the thin aura of mystery alive."
This is true but I would also say the interest in exposing Iamaphoney and learning his identity is really the only remaining interest he generates at all. A handful of believers does not account for much because they don't matter when compared to the numbers that want to see Iamaphoney revealed.
The videos on the formermedia website convinced me long ago that Martin Lind is involved.
"I think it is worth something, because the "Oh Fuck" video that was in the suitcase really is a big clue! It gives the RA series some validity imo.
And yes, I'm serious. And thank you, 65if2007, for getting the suitcase, and sharing that video.
But really, Iamaphoney does need to live up to his promises."
A big clue? That was the death knell for the entire series! The video that made everyone jump ship. I can think of nothing more damaging to Iamaphoney's credibility than that cheesy video. If he had a big revealtion he's blown his chances at ever being taken seriously. He would best be served by taking his name out of circulation and starting over and being careful not to make the videos look like anything "Iamaphoney" would make. As it stands, he is poison to PID.
Christ, it's funny reading all the comments you left for me, 65if2007, when in fact this is only the second comment I leave on this blog entry.
The truth is, if I had any interest in trying stir up trouble with you I would have done a much better job than these lot. I've said it before on this very blog, and I'll say it again: I bear no ill-will against you, 65if2007. But I do wish you'd bury the hatchet...every time the subject of the first suitcase comes up, it seems like you're the one starting it. I could be wrong, though. I read only half the comments on this blog these days cos the other 50% of it is made up of yhsvh, NosdrahciRcobaJ and the like taking turns impersonating you, Mike, Tafultong and I.
I have always assumed that the fun that I am getting in defying Jude and Iamaphoney was worth considerably more than anyone would ever pay me for this crap.
That's sad. Just.....sad.
whatever Jude, got your hand caught in the cookie jar and now you pretend it wasn't you when you went just a little too far. you are a terrible person. i hope god makes you never born!
May Be we should stop talking and take a closer look.
What do you think of Electric Arguments?
time for a classic hissy prissy fit Jude rant!
sure its only the second time you left a comment Jude. suuuuuuure
noticed you erased a comment you made but forgot you were still logged in as Jude...
pretty much standard shit from you.
say terrible awful things, then claim it wasn't you.
whatever Jude, got your hand caught in the cookie jar and now you pretend it wasn't you when you went just a little too far.
That scenario might actually have a shred of credibility if I actually had a reason to try convince 65if2007 that those posts weren't by me. Like I said before, if I wanted to piss 65if2007 off I'd address him as myself and do a damn better job of it; comparing IAAP's subscribers to his? Why on earth would I do that? I no longer support Iamaphoney, so even I am not impressed by how many subscribers he has. Besides, wouldn't it me more in my interest to simply compare the amount of subscribers I have to how many he has?
I doubt any of that will penetrate your obviously thick head because as this is, as the previous post anticipated, a "hissy prissy fit", apparently.
Me thinks the Jude doth protest too much...
John Lennon called, he is really pissed you no longer think he is alive
You should log back out Jude and stick up for yourself some more
Nanny nanny boo boo
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NosdrahcirBocaj? You resubscribe?
Nope. Bet IAAP made a fresh new account.
Miles, I think Electric Arguments is okay, but nothing special from the person who wrote "Maybe I'm Amazed" and all the rest. I'm a huge Macca fan, but it does a disservice to Paul's truly great output to rank anything on this album with it. Sure, there are some moments, and I enjoy it for what it is, but it isn't McCartney at his best, which was long ago.
Is it true that Paul did backwards messages in Electric Arguments?
Did he also use Alister Crowley poems?
If yes, why did he do taht? He just playing with iamaphoney?
Me thinks the Jude doth protest too much...
Do you actually read the BS they write about me? Would you like it they wrote it about you?
Is it true that Paul did backwards messages in Electric Arguments?
Did he also use Alister Crowley poems?
If yes, why did he do taht? He just playing with iamaphony?
Yeah, try to link phoney with Paul.
Paul was doing backwards stuff with loops back in 1965-6. I believe he used Ginsberg poems.
It always has to be about you Jude...
Everyone is out to get Jude right Jude?
why is paul using alister crowley poems?
Paul is a Santaist! Ask IAAP, he tell you!
I have no real interest in anything that McCartney did after leaving the Beatles -- but I did like "House of Wax".
I wouldn't have bothered to listen to it, except that SolesGirlRachelTwo made a pretty good PID video from it.
She found a backmasking clue in it, but whether or not you want to accept that clue as real, the song itself does sound as though it's an homage to PID.
It has a haunting quality to it that I enjoyed.
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