The woman in possession of the document, Annie Mawson, claimed that she sent McCartney a request for a donation of 5000 pounds in support of her program to teach music to children with special needs. According to Mawson, who responded directly to an inquiry from the Abbeyrd Beatles News Site, "I have well documented proof that I did write to Paul McCartney in 1989, including a photocopy of my handwritten letter on the 9th August, prior to even establishing the charity in 1992. I hand delivered the letter to his office in Soho. In July 1990 I received a reply from the MPL offices containing his own personal World Tour stamp and with my own signature and address having being cut off from my letter (hand written on pink paper)! and stuck on the envelope as my address."
The press immediately jumped on the story and drew the conclusion that the document must have been the inspiration for Paul's song "Eleanor Rigby." Although the conclusion was reasonable based on her story, Annie Mawson made it clear that, although she claims the envelope came from MPL offices, she never stated that the document was Paul's inspiration for the song.
If the document was the inspiration, it contradicts the story that Paul has been telling about the genesis of the song since about the time some people think that he was replaced by a lookalike.
In fact, of all the songs in the Beatles catalog, "Eleanor Rigby" seems to be the one with the most conflicting details about authorship. John Lennon claimed in both a Hit Parader Interview and in a Playboy interview that he wrote most of the lyrics (Hit Parader "70%"; Playboy "The first verse is his and the rest are basically mine"). John also claimed that Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans were invited to work on the lyrics.
Paul disagrees strongly with John's recollection. So does Lennon friend Pete Shotten, who wrote in the book "John Lennon In My Life" that John's contribution was "virtually nil." Pete goes on to suggest that Ringo, George, and Pete himself were throwing out lines and phrases. Pete specifically remembers thumbing through a phone book and pulling out the name "McKenzie."
Other witnesses to earlier drafts of the song were Donovan, who remembered an early version with the words "Ola Na Tungee" and may have claimed some minor input in an interview or two over the years, and William S. Burroughs who said, "I saw him there several times. The three of us talked about the possibilities of the tape recorder. He'd just come in and work on his 'Eleanor Rigby'. Ian recorded his rehearsals so I saw the song taking shape. Once again, not knowing much about music, I could see he knew what he was doing. He was very pleasant and prepossessing. Nice-looking young man, fairly hardworking."
Another story reported in Steve Turner's book "A Hard Days Write" came from songwriter Lionel Bart, who clearly remembered walking through a cemetery with Paul and spotting a gravestone for an "Eleanor Bygraves."
Then in the 1980s someone discovered an old gravestone of a woman who died in 1939 named Eleanor Rigby. The location of the stone was St. Peter's Woolton, the place where John Lennon and Paul McCartney first laid eyes on each other.

Paul claims the song began as an ode to a "Miss Daisy Hawkins" and is comfortable accepting credit for the entire composition. He also suggests that the name Eleanor came from "Help" Co-Star Eleanor Bron and Rigby came from a shop front in Bristol.
Despite the song's checkered history, Paul is clearly taking issue with the claims of Annie Mawson. He says, "Eleanor Rigby is a totally fictitious character that I made up. If someone wants to spend money buying a document to prove a fictitious character exists, that's fine with me."
In other hard to believe news, the U.K. Mono version of the Beatles White Album #0000005 is up on Ebay. I have always assumed that John, Paul, George and Ringo got the first four and George Martin got number 5, but according to this story, this copy belonged to a musician who was told by John to take any copy except number #0000001.

Although I can see Eric Clapton getting an early number for his work on "While My Guitar Gently Weeps" or Nicky Hopkins, who probably played piano on several songs, including "Sexy Sadie," but I can't see anybody but the fabs and George Martin getting the first five copies of the mono pressing. But who knows? The bid is up to £2,050.00 as I write this.
Special recognition goes to Iameye of NIR for identifying this character from the Rotten Apple 71.

Okay, now admit it. How many of you saw the title of today's post and thought it referred to Iamaphoney? Iamaphoney---a liar and a fraud---GET REAL!
good job on this article, taf... i enjoyed it very much.
Good Job, Taf!!! When I'm not patting myself on the back, I'm patting you and Yenz on the back!!!
Wanna hear me sing? My momma tells me I'm talented and not listen to the "haters".
just give me some truth
no short haired-yellow bellied
son of tricky dicky
is gonna mother hubbard
soft soap me
with just a pocketful of hope
money for dope
vince, here
Well, here's something for 'liars' dept.
From the Steve Hoffman forum:
Check the Bruce Spizer book on the Beatles' Apple releases. Duplicate numbers were pressed, including single digit ones.
So, maybe they WERE helping friends, knowing, 40 years from now, you could make a tidy profit, if you kept your copy clean.
" Okay, now admit it. How many of you saw the title of today's post and thought it referred to Iamaphoney? Iamaphoney---a liar and a fraud---GET REAL! "
get real?
nerd... of course he's a fraud, that's the whole point isn't it?
hell, this blog is a fraud, i'm just waiting for it to fall apart. if all keeps going the way it has, then it won't be long.
Okay, now admit it. How many of you saw the title of today's post and thought it referred to Iamaphoney? Iamaphoney---a liar and a fraud---GET REAL!
we already knew that you would NEVER judge phoney in the least, your blog is like the Fox News of IAAP. Get real.
Anybody else miss Harold and Bern? Whatever happened to those two crazy nuts?
Excuse me guys, nobody asks you to be here.
you dont have to be an a..h... just spend your time away from the blog doing something else, ehh?.
I LOVE this blog, you see!
go fishing!
what are we supposed to gain from that?
what is this aia max theon business?
no one cares
we already knew that you would NEVER judge phoney in the least, your blog is like the Fox News of IAAP. Get real.
Then why are you still here?
"no one cares"
Yes, because obviously you are everyone.
Jude + MikeNL + Tafultong = Circling the wagons
I, The Unknown Bastard, thought the title was about me.
there is going to be egg on your face when the suitcase is revealed to the world...
OMG! There are eggs in the suitcase????
phony's the EGG MAN!!!
so where did iamaphoney get this interview from, huh????
"Anonymous said...
there is going to be egg on your face when the suitcase is revealed to the world...
November 15, 2008 1:13 PM"
And what was it again that you have all over your face???
ummm. nothing.. he swallows
TheUnknownBastard said...
I, The Unknown Bastard, thought the title was about me.
If I had said television or TheUnknownBastard, I might have got away with it, but I just happened to be writing to my friends and I used the word "Iamaphoney" as a remote thing, not as what I think as Iamaphoney, as that other Iamaphoney like other people see Iamaphoney. I just said "Iamaphoney" but I said it in that way which is the wrong way, or was taken wrong and now there's all this.
This blog is not really the Fox News of Iamaphoney. It's just fair and balanced (heh heh).
Here's you substitute Iamaphoney comment of the day:
"What's happening? I'm scared!
Carry on phoney apostles.
Prove it.
Here's your substitute phoney comment of the day 2:
"prove it"
Carry on sheep
you're not much of a shepherd, are you? you can't prove it because you can't.
Trying to remember the shadows. . .
they become fossils.
Miles....... we know
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