Oooh, I hate that game talk, but we have a YouTube account worth checking out. The eclectic mix of videos includes a retread of
YouKnowMyName231 /
JohnCharles2007 plus a new entry in the spirit of Aleister Crowley that appeared today, disappeared and returned.
The channel is
yourtubeunderground and these are the videos uploaded in the past week:
(23) †he Wri†ing On †he WallEye OpenerIf I FellIn Other News, The
Abbeyrd Beatles News Briefs site is reporting that
At Savile Row We Sold.
1 – 200 of 233 Newer› Newest»Taf, that's interesting that "someone" gave you the "original" MMT scene document to post, presumably after said person saw the hilarious backlash to the original "typed over" post. This begs the question: If said person is happy to feed you certain documents directly, what on earth point in first dropping them in suitacases for people sans scanners to find?
Any thoughts on this ridiculous development, which everyone agrees has pretty much destroyed whatever credibility Mikey and Phoney had?
This begs the question: If said person is happy to feed you certain documents directly, what on earth point in first dropping them in suitacases for people sans scanners to find?
I don't want to ridicule something that I feel was a nice gesture, but I do admit it provokes more questions than answers. Maybe there is somebody out there who is able to make more sense of these documents that we can.
The first suitcase video detsroyed the credibility for me. That was so embarrassing I have to think anyone who still believes in Iamaphoney is probably either braindead or insane. Game over.
For the kids out there to whom surrealim is just a big nasty word here's an article about the Beatles and surrealism.
The art will blow your mind. Dali's candle never goes out.
Oh no! You mean it's an actual artistic sensibility to create art tht does not make sense. No no that's too much for my tiny acorn-sized brain to comprehend. I must have meaning. I can't handle surrealism. Those surrealists must be evil. Tht's the only explanation. If I can't understand it than it must be the work of the Devil!
Notice how quiet it's been? It's because school hasn't let out and the kids are not online yet.
" Oh no! You mean it's an actual artistic sensibility to create art tht does not make sense. No no that's too much for my tiny acorn-sized brain to comprehend. I must have meaning. I can't handle surrealism. Those surrealists must be evil. Tht's the only explanation. If I can't understand it than it must be the work of the Devil!"
1. Who are you making fun of?
2. What provoked this sarcastic response?
3. Do you feel better now that you have openly ridiculed this group that you perceive to be so stupid, despite no one else having a damn clue about what you're rambling on about?
"Maybe there is somebody out there who is able to make more sense of these documents that we can."
That someone doesn't exist. If that someone did exist, one thinks these documents and videos would be addressed to his or her attention at the PID think tank in the sky. No, the series and the documents are all for the viewing pleasure of mostly young boys (I'm guessing with tight trousers). Most of Phoney now wants to show he presents to you to post in this very blog, which now gets more attention than the RA series.
Phoney has lost his audience, so he's happy to continue with what's left here in his exile.
I have a feeling he would continue to keep it alive with an audience of one.
That's true. This blog is now much more popular than Iamaphony's own YouTube page. There are about 3 people on there discussing Hitler at the moment.
the thing is, we all knew these things and gave the benefit of the doubt for a bigger payoff. Has that happened?
yes and
I believe we are helping too much. Let it folley.
Fool Watcher 2008-2009
the eeeee rests on his head
"Do you feel better now that you have openly ridiculed this group that you perceive to be so stupid, despite no one else having a damn clue about what you're rambling on about?"
The person who posted that was definitely being sarcastic, but the point is important to note. The Beatles, particularly Paul and John, were very much into Surrealism and, as was pointed out, it was Magritte's influence behind the Apple logo. Their later songwriting was indeed the sonic equivalent of Surrealism; George Martin and others have noted Lennon's Dali-esque style. McCartney, too, tended toward impressionistic and surrealistic lyrics, and still has a fondness for the absurd.
and, apparently, a fondness for appearing an arse...
McCartney was cool like that. He could rock with the best of them, but he wasn't afraid to throw "When I'm 64" into the mix. He didn't worry about being cool in the 70's when he put his wife(!) in his band. He'd already been the coolest and hippest dude possible, and he let it go by not taking it all too seriously. He probably needed to make himself more "normal" for his own sanity.
You hit the nail on the head. This hatred for McCartney based on his vegetarianism, his non-religious "thumbs up" views on everything and his corporate lifestyle despite being associated with a hippie frame of mind is just so petty. Get over it already. Would it be better if McCartney went to church on Sunday, refused money for his concerts and never progressed beyong "Love Me Do"? To some here it would but that's not what happened. Worry about your own life rather than sitting in judgement over someone else's. McCartney is not losing sleep over you so why would you waste your time losing sleep over him.
I've seen the comments on NIR and Iamaphoney's page and it would appear that most involved in PID have an almost if not downright sexual attraction to the clean cut look Paul had back in 1964 and a peculiar revulsion for the Beatles hippe period from 67 on. That's the REAL story behind so many of you PID people. Your comments and postings are drenched with it.
I'm shocked the surrealism angle has only recently crept in to this blog. You would think that with all the agonizing "research" into the Beatles that someone would have stumbled on to John and Paul's constant mentioning of it from the 60's on up. There's a famous section in the Anthology videos where John talks about LSD and how it fit in with his surrealistic thinking. Even before they were famous or even knew what surrealism was the Beatles were massive fans of Spike Milligan and the Goon Show which is surrealism based comedy. Over and over constant mentions in books and magazines and there has never been one post bout it on NIR, the hub of all things PID. They must be too busy looking for boogymen under the bed.
Anonymous said...
I'm shocked the surrealism angle has only recently crept in to this blog.
Perhaps it is just a matter of surrealism being taken for granted. I love surrealism. I think it is folly to say that something that is surreal is meaningless as much as it is folly to suggest that a surreal piece of art means one particular thing. It is the many layers of meaning and the give-and-take interpretation between the artist, the fan and the times that causes the surreal to live and breathe.
Why have we not addressed surrealism in this blog? When have we not addressed surrealism in this blog?
Anonymous said...
I have to think anyone who still believes in Iamaphoney is probably either braindead or insane.
I'm still perplexed about this "believing" thing. There are very few things in life that I "believe" in. I have never "believed in" Iamaphoney. I just created a blog in his honor.
Good points to the comments above me.
I think the metamorphosis the comments section on this blog has gone under is most interesting. Looking back through the archives here it was mostly Iamaphoney fans commenting and a few skeptics, now it's almost entirely filled with skeptics and comedians with a couple of lurking Iamaphoney fans.
I admire Tafultong for sticking to his guns knowing full well that each new offering from Iamaphoney is bound to be dissected, mocked and ripped apart here.
1. Who are you making fun of?
2. What provoked this sarcastic response?
3. Do you feel better now that you have openly ridiculed this group that you perceive to be so stupid, despite no one else having a damn clue about what you're rambling on about?
November 10, 2008 2:58 PM
In that respect this blog reflects pretty accurately the mood of the RA channel,which went from mostly believers to mostly skeptics and/or comedians.
You forgot racists and Nazi sympathizers. They seem to hold the floor at IAAP's page these days.
This hatred for McCartney based on his vegetarianism, his non-religious "thumbs up" views on everything and his corporate lifestyle despite being associated with a hippie frame of mind is just so petty.
Funny. I know someone just like that who posts here now and then...
1. Who are you making fun of?
2. What provoked this sarcastic response?
3. Do you feel better now that you have openly ridiculed this group that you perceive to be so stupid, despite no one else having a damn clue about what you're rambling on about?
November 10, 2008 2:58 PM
jude said...
1. Who are you making fun of?
2. What provoked this sarcastic response?
3. Do you feel better now that you have openly ridiculed this group that you perceive to be so stupid, despite no one else having a damn clue about what you're rambling on about?
November 10, 2008 2:58 PM
November 10, 2008 8:20 PM
PIDgame closed his account just now :|
wtf up with pidgame? the video is private?
Paul is Dead - viral Youtube Strategy
anyone grab it?
PAPA UBU: By my green candlestick, I understand not.
MAMA UBU: What, Papa Ubu, are you happy with your lot?
PAPA UBU: By my green candlestick, shitsky! my dear, verily, verily, I am happy. A man could be happy with less: captain of the Dragoons, an officer who has the confidence of King Wenceslas, decorated with the Order of the Red Eagle of Poland, and former King of Aragon, what more could you want?
MAMA UBU: What! You, who were once King of Aragon, you now think it's good enough to march in a parade at the head of forty attendants armed with cabbage-cutters?when after the crown of Aragon you could place the crown of Poland on your noggin?
PAPA UBU: Ah, Mama Ubu, I can't understand a word you say.
MAMA UBU: You're so dumb!
PAPA UBU: By my green candlestick, King Wenceslas is still very much alive; and even assuming he dies, does he not have swarms of children?
MAMA UBU: What's stopping you from massacrating the whole family
and taking their place?
PAPA UBU: Oddsbellyzooks, by my green candleskick, I'd rather be poor as a good thin rat than rich as a wicked fat cat.
MAMA UBU: What about the cape? and the umbrella? and the great big suitcase?
PAPA UBU: Well, what about them, Mama Ubu? Who needs them? (He exits, slamming the door.)
MAMA UBU: Crapsky, shitsky, he was an old meanie, but crapsky, shitsky, I do think I have shaken him. Thank God!—and myself.
well, game must be over!
Game over man! Game over! They mostly come at night...
the video that was called Paul is Dead - viral Youtube Strategy.. already had 3000 views. so he renamed another video to viral Youtube Strategy... and then quickly removed his account after he posted a comment to iamaphoney youtube account.
this shit is so played out... yawn
it was that one about the new yorker article
...and the hits just keep on coming. IAAP is like a an actor who keeps showing up for work on a cancelled TV series.
jude said...
1. Who are you making fun of?
2. What provoked this sarcastic response?
3. Do you feel better now that you have openly ridiculed this group that you perceive to be so stupid, despite no one else having a damn clue about what you're rambling on about?
November 10, 2008 2:58 PM
November 10, 2008 8:20 PM
Any bets that some others bite the dust here soon?
I think my favorite people around here are the ones that post little things like "Oh the dominos are falling! The revelation is coming!" to try and get people motivated. Guys please, take a look at the comments on this blog. Do people seem motivated to do anything here but make fun of Iamaphoney?
Face it. He's a less successful Chris Crocker.
Looks like the rats are abandoning the ship!
slow news night... pidgame gets 15 seconds... yawn.... back to fraiser reruns...
Do people seem motivated to do anything here but make fun of Iamaphoney?
Face it. He's a less successful Chris Crocker.
November 10, 2008 8:46 PM
100:1 odds IAAP erases his site....
Paul is Dead - viral Youtube Strategy??
not that good of a strategy!!
I don't even buy this argument that IAAP deserves some respect because the videos are well edited and he makes Beatle soundalike music.
I'm sure Gossip Girl is well edited but the show still sucks and go buy an ELO CD if you want Beatle imitations.
Notice I used Gossip Girl as an example. I'm thinking of the age group here.
anonymous said...
Paul is Dead - viral Youtube Strategy??
not that good of a strategy!!
HA! Sharp retort!
I just can't help myself. The whole thing. IAAP, Mikey, Yenz's middle finger. What's not to love? It's the best comedy going.
"$2,000 IAAP blogger bucks said..."
100:1 odds IAAP erases his site....
November 10, 2008 8:50 PM"
not a fair bet if you are the one with the password...
Paul is Dead - viral Youtube Strategy
oxymoron, like military intelligence
I hope IAAP's account stays up until 2012. What would I do without my daily dose of the Retarded Apple?
2012 ....oooohhhh the Mayan calendar! Ooooohhh!
looks like pidgame pulled the ol' buddhist monks self-immolation in protest of the PID viral youtube strategy
burn baby burn
Hey I have the Mayan Calendar hanging on my wall! Here's what it says:
1/1/2012: Global apocalypse. World ends. Everyone dies.
1/2/2012: Iamaphoney unleashes revelation. Consents to interview.
speaking of youtube strategy!
now that mike is back.. do we get a new video?
I have that calendar too! Who knew Megan Fox posed for the Mayan Calendar? Yum!
Dear Santa Claus,
Hi my name is Virginia. My momy says that iamaphoney isn't real? Is my mommy a liar?
PS-If I leave cookies for you will you leave me a barbie doll? My brother is mean, leave him coal! His name is Jude.
Dear Virginia,
Yes dear, it is true. There is no such thing as iamaphoney!
PS - How old are you? I can't tell by your picture
Too bad about PIDgomez. Let's hope other rats jump ship as well.
November 10, 2008 9:22 PM
The secret to success is knowing who to blame for your failures.
Mikey? Iamaphoney just called.....
Taf -- check this out. Recent random surrealist synchronism. From a spokesman, for the IMF:
"Strauss-Kahn said the IMF should not be considered simply as a "fireman" that comes to the rescue of distressed countries at times of emergency, but that the Fund also wanted to be a "mason" with a role in rebuilding economic growth."
So it seems that the fireman is also a mason.
~ km artlu
anonymous said...
Can I get an OBEY?
km artlu,
brilliant man, brilliant!
1/1/2012: Global apocalypse. World ends. Everyone dies.
1/2/2012: Iamaphoney unleashes revelation. Consents to interview.
November 10, 2008 9:09 PM
I hope I am still around!
Oh no, it looks like an anonymous source in the McCain campaign is starting to blame Phoney now...
the best part of the rotten apple stuff now is the comments here... never thought that would be the high point of the rotten apple... comedy
" iamlegend said...
1/1/2012: Global apocalypse. World ends. Everyone dies.
1/2/2012: Iamaphoney unleashes revelation. Consents to interview.
November 10, 2008 9:09 PM
I hope I am still around!"
Man, you people are good! Quick wits abound tonight.
If you think the Rotten Apple is bad you should have seen Iamaphoney's "Michael Crichton will live forever" series.
iamaphoney will be the last man standing, junior.... believe that shit!
Fake Vince here,
Michael Crichton The Andromeda Strain, classic.
I just thought of something! Curly Joe replaced Joe Besser who replaced Shemp who replaced Curly...oh never mind. Wrong blog.
MikeNL said...
PIDgame closed his account just now :|
November 10, 2008 8:30 PM
Mike is the first on the scene each and every time. Ever wonder why they video the crowd at fires? The fireman returns to the scene of the crime.
damn cold medicine! makes me say shit!
cold medicine is a helluva drug
Dont make me angry!
You wouldnt like me when I was Angry!
Who cares about PIDgame?!
All he had was bogus bandwagon videos.
Boy I bet it's just as busy over at the Rotten Apple Forums as it is here........oh sorry. My bad.
I missed angry taf!
Boy I bet it's just as busy over at the Rotten Apple Forums as it is here........oh sorry. My bad.
November 10, 2008 9:47 PM
glad pidgame is gone
All he had was bogus bandwagon videos.
November 10, 2008 9:46 PM
lets hope the rest self immalate too
glad pidgame is gone
November 10, 2008 9:48 PM
He'll be back as Superman!
glad pidgame is gone
"He'll be back as Superman!
November 10, 2008 9:48 PM"
Y'know there's a scene in the opening credits of The Incredible Hulk TV Show where Bill Bixby is standing over his own grave and then the camera cuts to his face split into two half the normal Bill Bixby face and the other half a raging angry Hulk face!
I can't help thinking this must have something to with PID. It's like the creators of the TV show are insiders and they're trying to tell us something!
(this impersonation of a typical NIR post was brought to you by the IAAP comedy brigade. Remember you only live once or twice. Keep smiling!)
Joined: November 20, 2006
Last Sign In: 1 hour ago
Videos Watched: 12,065
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Channel Views: 10,957
IAAP YT Channel Comment
PIDgame (1 hour ago)
Paul is Dead - viral Youtube Strategy
ya! and mikey was first on the scene here to report the "pidgame is dead" thing too!
he is pidgame!
Blogger MikeNL said...
PIDgame closed his account just now :|
November 10, 2008 8:30 PM
both mike and jude were here... notice the connection from many times in the past?!?!?!
compare and contrast the arms
it aint easy being green....
both mike and jude were here... notice the connection from many times in the past?!?!?!
November 10, 2008 9:56 PM
You do know they are both Siamese Twins, joined at the hips by wheelchairs don't you? Aren't you proud of yourself? You should be ashamed!
this mikey pidgame private video game really reminds me of that "south america" song. "when you were young" iamaphoney voice song that flashed the letters individually i a m a p h o n e y out of sequence.
mikey bobble head wheelchair doll says yes
anonymous said...
both mike and jude were here... notice the connection from many times in the past?!?!?!
Indeedlee-I-doo! Just sitting back and watching this earth shattering game dissolve into a slow descending fart.
(shakes magic 9 ball)
Yes, you are correct
"when you were young" iamaphoney voice song
*another in a long line of false starts
goo3jooooby needs new lotion.... its turning ya green mate!
Indeedlee-I-doo! Just sitting back and watching this earth shattering game dissolve into a slow descending fart.
November 10, 2008 10:02 PM
How 'bout that suitcase ebay!
Nyquil tastes like the color it looks!
That is Taf?
anyone got any nyquil? makes suitcase eBay ROCK!
suitcase eBay! Now with Nyquil! More better!
Anonymous said...
That is Taf?
November 10, 2008 10:07 PM
My God! First PIGgame now Tafultong!
They are coming after us next!
Anonymous tin foil hat said...
My God! First PIGgame now Tafultong!
They are coming after us next!
November 10, 2008 10:14 PM
May G-D strike you down
god god god!
Think about it though, if nothing else Iamaphoney has brought so much laughter into the world. Like Chaplin. I bow to you sir (but I will not OBEY!)
I only feel sorry for poor Mikey. Obviously he has NOTHING to do with any of this. He's just chained to his computer morning noon and night, quivering from multiple cups of coffee, trying to stay awake to catch the latest PID video from Iamaphoney's many accounts the first INSTANT it appears. Amazing really. I don't think anyone ever in history has been this on the ball.
"This hatred for McCartney based on his vegetarianism, his non-religious "thumbs up" views on everything and his corporate lifestyle despite being associated with a hippie frame of mind is just so petty."
I dislike McCartney for just about all of those things. "Petty" is not always synonymous with "wrong".
"Get over it already."
Are you trying to "impose your value system on others"?
Don't you know that that's the eighth deadly sin? It's also very unhippie-like.
When you say, "Get over it already", you mean "Stop doing it", don't you? That sounds like a command. How will you enforce that command? What if people don't want to stop doing it to oblige you?
"Would it be better if McCartney went to church on Sunday, refused money for his concerts and never progressed beyong "Love Me Do"?"
Yes, of course.
"I've seen the comments on NIR and Iamaphoney's page and it would appear that most involved in PID have an almost if not downright sexual attraction to the clean cut look Paul had back in 1964 and a peculiar revulsion for the Beatles hippe period from 67 on. That's the REAL story behind so many of you PID people. Your comments and postings are drenched with it."
I don't think that's a fair comment with respect to most of the men who involved in PID.
But there is a great deal to be said for the supposition that this is what motivates a lot of women (perhaps most of them) who are involved in PID.
"Paul is dead: Miss Him Miss Him Miss Him" is a heavily estrogenized PID web page, made up largely of 50-something women who swooned over the early Paul.
And most of it is indeed filled with pics of the early Paul that would have been originally shown in the teen mags that those gals read back in the day.
These gals, who couldn't help growing old themselves, are furious at Paul for growing old.
And they're not happy with the way that he metamporphosed into a dork starting in late 1966. As far as they are concerned, there can only be a sinister explanation for it.
Their adulation of the Paul that was is not a substitute for forensic science, I agree.
"This hatred for McCartney based on his vegetarianism, his non-religious "thumbs up" views on everything and his corporate lifestyle despite being associated with a hippie frame of mind is just so petty.
Funny. I know someone just like that who posts here now and then..."
And I know dozens of anonymous posters who try to command perpetual belief in Iamaphoney -- but I think that they're all actually one individual -- maybe two individuals, at most.
A dork in late '66? Paul was never cooler or grooved harder than his White Album Let it Be stage.
Damn 65if2007! You always come in with the most insightful comments at the right time. I've seen the Miss him Miss him forum and it really is some kind of weird golden oldies moist panties club with pics torn from 16 magazine in 1964.
Yeah, Paul became a dork like all the other Beatles in the 70's. George with his "I'm forever trapped in the 60's" hare krishna groupies and afro-perm and John with that stupid feather in his hat hanging out at Studio 54 like a vampire
...and Ringo. Well he's kind of always been a dork.
" anonymous said...
A dork in late '66? Paul was never cooler or grooved harder than his White Album Let it Be stage."
Aw man where have you been? This has been going on for ages. This idea that rock-n-roll started to suck when Sgt. Pepper came out and the whole scene moved from Jerry Lee Lewis and all those great early 60's garage bands and surf rock. The Beatles were in that early style too but went along with the times when it got played out. I can see the whole pre-67 opinion. It's all a matter of taste.
I'd say the 70's sucked overall. What happened to Paul was that he became Donny Osmond. John Lennon involved himself with these neo-Yippie burnouts and made the most hideous record of all time "Sometime In New York City" while George and Ringo took turns boring us. Hell, I'd take the Beatles at any time in the 60's over that. 62 or 69 don't make no difference to me!
"A dork in late '66? Paul was never cooler or grooved harder than his White Album Let it Be stage."
I'm talking about Paul's post-1966 physical appearance only, which did become more dorkish.
I'm not at all crazy about the change that the Beatles went through, and I would say that it actually started to take place BEFORE Sgt Pepper.
It started to take place around
"Yesterday and Today" with the infamous "butcher" cover when the Beatles were making a conscous attempt to be "relevant".
But I don't deny that there was a lot of great material produced at that time and afterward. Again, "dork" is purely a reference to Paul's later physical appearance.
He reached the heights of dorkiness actually in the immediate post-Beatles era in the early 1970's with that stupid mullet.
A lot of the "after" photos purporting to show that Paul was replaced show him in that mullet. He looks like such an ass that -- all things being equal -- the reader's mind probably does become more receptive to the notion that it's a different individual.
65if2007, everyone looks like an ass in a mullet. No two ways around it. Paul rocked that ass mullet all the way into the 90's too. But I actually think his hair looks worse now. Just go grey, y'know? Who do you think you're kidding?
"Paul is dead: Miss Him Miss Him Miss Him" is a heavily estrogenized PID web page, made up largely of 50-something women who swooned over the early Paul.
LOL that hits the nail! :D
Hey I'm the guy that wrote the Get over it already comment.
No its not about imposing value systems it's me saying look Paul got older, got into psychedelics, vegetarianism and hippie culture and so what? How on earth does what an entertainer do with his or her life have any bearing on anyone else personally? Why would it inspire hatred? It's not like he's driving down the street with a semi-automatic weapon blowing people's heads off. Like most people under 30 I find it embarrassing when these old rockers flash the peace sign and talk about what a "magic time the 60's were" but I don't seethe with hatred over it. Donald Trump seems like a dick but I'm not on blogs spewing bile about him. What would be the point in that? To make myself feel better? To hope that Trump runs across my blog and changes his ways and thanks me for it? I mean if you don't have to deal with Paul or Donald Trump everyday and they're not making decisions that affect you and your family then who gives a shit really? Since you said you dislike Paul as opposed to hate him and you're not here calling for his lynching then I guess the comment wasn't directed at you anyway.
If that sounds un-hippie like well that's fine I'm not a hippie, more like a ex-punker.
What good is it to know good and evil, if you have no knowledge of truth and life?
And I know dozens of anonymous posters who try to command perpetual belief in Iamaphoney -- but I think that they're all actually one individual -- maybe two individuals, at most.
Now let's not jump that gun just yet, 65if2007. I'll have you know that I myself stopped believing in Iamaphoney somewhere between the 45 and 49th suitcases. What good would it do to try to command perpetual belief in something that, at present, I have virtually no faith in?
The IAAP camp was always very nice to me, and I'm grateful for that. But I posed a very important question to Iamaphoney--sort of a challenge, really--and instead of answering it he and the gang dropped a few more briefcases. Last I saw he was pretty desperate for someone to pick them up, too. Why? Oh, well he can't answer that, now can he?
Very good. Life is not always true and good is not always good and evil is not always evil. But I am not saying it's all in the mind... It's actually all around us
Oh and by the way, Jude I always like it when you are around. You always have some good points. I'm sorry people give you a hard time.
Miles, normally when you post a good post like that there is something new on your blog... Nothing new this time. Were you just stopping by to add a comment? You and I had a good chat the other evening...
credibillity? phony have been givin us so many new clues and documents and suitcases and time.
i am d... sure he will continue no matter what we say on this blog. he gets new viewers all te time, why should he care about you guys?
i dont care about what you think
Nice try, but the real Iamaphoney talks like the guy in the comment below this one:
I don't care about what everyone thinks. The revelation is coming quite soon, really! Perhaps sooner than expected.
With Regards,
Iamaphoney has this weird speech impediment where he's gotta say "really" at the end of every other sentence.
Also, he signs his comments and letters with P. CUZ THAT MAEKS HIM SOUND LIEK PAL MCCRATNEY LOL!!!!!!!
We all shine on.
I watched the Shining three nights ago for the first time in a long time. Very interesting movie.
It's the forth Kubrick film I've seen and finished thinking, "What the Hell was that all about?"
It seems that iamaphoney uses a Kubrick Effect to his advantage; ergo the steadfast ambiguousness of the Rotten Apple Series.
And we all shine on.
Also, he signs his comments and letters with P. CUZ THAT MAEKS HIM SOUND LIEK PAL MCCRATNEY LOL!!!!!!!
November 11, 2008 2:24 AM
No, no. P. is short for "penis wrinkle"
No, no. P. is short for "penis wrinkle"
November 11, 2008 4:41 AM
He's a penis wrinkle alright. He'd stop all this nonsense and straighten out.....if he could get hard.
Anonymous said...
PAPA UBU: By my green candlestick, I understand not.
MAMA UBU: What, Papa Ubu, are you happy with your lot?
Pataphysical Science at its best. Thanks!
Alfred Jarry
km artlu wrote:
Taf -- check this out. Recent random surrealist synchronism. From a spokesman, for the IMF:
"Strauss-Kahn said the IMF should not be considered simply as a "fireman" that comes to the rescue of distressed countries at times of emergency, but that the Fund also wanted to be a "mason" with a role in rebuilding economic growth."
So it seems that the fireman is also a mason.
Beatles' 'Eleanor Rigby''s identity revealed?
Also- Thank you, Taf. You're welcome.
Ah yes, I saw that Eleanor Rigby article after Valis spotted it on NIR. Scullery maid -- Interesting.
What is Paul doing with a hospital accounts log? 1966 again...very strange.
Well, I was going to quip, "There is a nurse alive," but I don't believe that a scullery maid is an any way considered to be a nurse.
Taf, any word on what happened to the Berlin suitcase contents?
Anonymous said...
Taf, any word on what happened to the Berlin suitcase contents?
MikeyNL1038 recently added this message to his YouTube Channel:
"suitcase contents when owner is finished with video."
Oh, and Sun wished bill a happy birthday on the Rotten Apple Forum.
Tafultong said...
Well, I was going to quip, "There is a nurse alive," but I don't believe that a scullery maid is an any way considered to be a nurse.
Unless, of course, she was a SKULL-LORRY maid privy to the tragic death of one James Paul McCartney!!!!! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?!?
anonymous said...
Fake Vince here,
Michael Crichton The Andromeda Strain, classic.
anonymous said...
I'd say the 70's sucked overall.
Ah, but when The Rutles came out..... THAT'S what finally sucked ME in!
"Damn 65if2007! You always come in with the most insightful comments at the right time."
Heh. Thanks.
"I've seen the Miss him Miss him forum and it really is some kind of weird golden oldies moist panties club with pics torn from 16magazine in 1964."
There might be one or two younger female recruits. Last time that I checked -- it was quite a while ago -- I think that one of them was "channeling" the spirit of the dead Paul McCartney and letting the others know what he was telling her.
Or something like that.
Actually, given the age of many of these women, "estrogenized" might not have been an entirely accurate description of this web page.
"Yeah, Paul became a dork like all the other Beatles in the 70's. George with his "I'm forever trapped in the 60's" hare krishna groupies and afro-perm and John with that stupid feather in his hat hanging out at Studio 54 like a vampire
...and Ringo. Well he's kind of always been a dork."
Poor Ringo.
"I'd say the 70's sucked overall.
What happened to Paul was that he became Donny Osmond. John Lennon involved himself with these neo-Yippie burnouts and made the most hideous record of all time "Sometime In New York City" while George and Ringo took turns boring us. Hell, I'd take the Beatles at any time in the 60's over that. 62 or 69 don't make no difference to me!"
I pretty much agree.
Although I like the early Beatles image better than I like the later image, they turned out great music throughout.
They were better as a group than they were individually. Nothing that any of them did individually matched what they accomplished as a group IMHO.
But regardless of my feelings about the personality and lifestyle and value system that John Lennon developed afterwards and regardless of my feelings about Yoko Ono, I think that John was the greater individual talent in terms of what any of them accomplished afterward.
"Now and Then" and "Real Love" are probably the two most exquisitely beautiful songs that I have heard or expect to hear, and they are post-Beatles Lennon creations -- though -- ironically or not so ironically -- it took the surviving Beatles to make them so by finishing them.
"No its not about imposing value systems it's me saying look Paul got older, got into psychedelics, vegetarianism and hippie culture and so what? How on earth does what an entertainer do with his or her life have any bearing on anyone else personally?"
(Shrugs) What he does with his personal life is indeed his own business.
However, PETA is a radical disruptive organization whose members would like to terrorize others into becoming vegetarians.
I don't know if Paul is a PETA member, but there's a messianism about his pronouncements on the subject. Clearly, this is more than just a matter of individual choice to him.
There is a tendency among prominent entertainers to use their celebrity as a means of effecting change.
McCartney's view of the good society and his use of his celebrity to try to bring it about doesn't equate to my view of the good society, and I resent him for that.
"Why would it inspire hatred?"
-Hatred- is a strong word.
"It's not like he's driving down the street with a semi-automatic weapon blowing people's heads off."
No, it's not like he's doing that. There are rap performers who seem to be urging that. I wonder what McCartney thinks about them.
"Since you said you dislike Paul as opposed to hate him and you're not here calling for his lynching then I guess the comment wasn't directed at you anyway."
Very well. "Hate" is a strong word. I appreciate Paul's musical contributions to the Beatles too much to "hate" him.
""And I know dozens of anonymous posters who try to command perpetual belief in Iamaphoney -- but I think that they're all actually one individual -- maybe two individuals, at most.""
Now let's not jump that gun just yet, 65if2007. I'll have you know that I myself stopped believing in Iamaphoney somewhere between the 45 and 49th suitcases."
Very well.
"What good would it do to try to command perpetual belief in something that, at present, I have virtually no faith in?
The IAAP camp was always very nice to me, and I'm grateful for that."
The IAAP camp wasn't always nice to me.
"But I posed a very important question to Iamaphoney--sort of a challenge, really--and instead of answering it he and the gang dropped a few more briefcases."
Well then maybe now you see -- in my own way, I did the exact same thing.
"Last I saw he was pretty desperate for someone to pick them up, too. Why? Oh, well he can't answer that, now can he?"
He has clearly overplayed his hand.
The thing is that even though I now doubt very much that Paul was ever replaced, I don't think that PID/PWR is complete ----.
I think that SOMETHING happened during the time frame in question with the Beatles and perhaps with Paul in particular that caused all this. There may very well be an occult element to it.
I'm sure that Iamaphoney is not Paul, but I suspect that he's a very low-level Beatles insider or the son of someone like that who has gathered a shred of truth -- like the blind man who had a hold of the elephant's tail and concluded that an elephant is like a rope.
Iamaphoney took what little he had -- which wasn't enough for a book or a screenplay (though he might have been contemplating these things) -- and expanded on them to create a youtube legend.
At this point, he seems to have taken the whole thing as far as it can go. The intertia has expired.
I asked Him of what will happen.
"The revelation is in its early spring!"
He said
the e.rigby paper is from the suitcase
If Iamaphoney or anyone else from the organisation is reading, I ask that you please listen to my predicament:
In the beginning I was interested in learning the truth, just like anyone else. I believed that you held the truth, even though you felt that you had to get everyone ready for the revelation before actually giving it to anyone. My devotion to the Rotten Apple series is attested to by the development of my own tribute series, Unfresh Apple.
Clearly I had faith in you.
As I've said before, I almost picked up the original briefcase before 65if2007 beat me to it. My quest for the second suitcase was riddled with difficulties, some of which I've shared here also. By the time of the third suitcase I was ready to call your entire operation bullshit. Why? Well, no offense, but you can't seem to, or are rather unwilling to answer certain questions that you raised.
You made us aware of Mr. Pilgrim. You repeatedly insinuated that Mr. Pilgrim was one John Winston Ono Lennon. Which of course should be impossible, he's dead, etc., etc. but I was intrigued nonetheless. Throw in a few shots of a man who looks like John in a few videos and I was hooked. I thought that that was part of some "revelation"---that John Lennon had somehow faked his death, and you and he were going to get the band back together (assuming that George also faked his death). It all sounds like such batshit lunacy now, but then and there in your world, the Rotten Apple world, anything was possible. I had literally been sucked into this world of intriguing coverups, magick and mystery.
So you had me hooked. Then what?
You dropped another briefcase.
And another briefcase.
And another briefcase.
And I no longer buy the excuse that this is "the way it has to happen". You had me playing fool the whole time, and I never knew it. You had me believing in the impossible, and while it was fun for awhile, in the end it led to such deep disappointment that I don't think anything short of John Lennon appearing in your next video saying "Hi, I'm the secret mastermind behind the Rotten Apple series." would ever revive my faith in you.
I'm sorry Iamaphoney.
You were always very nice to me, but this briefcase business seems to be nothing more than a game, and I'm not here to play games.
great post jude! it was time somebody said this. Good hearing it from you.
I have to add: i think the phoney played you and played all of us.
I think either MikeyNl played us regarding the berlin-suitcase (or he was played by some other guys - sorry then Mikey)
The berlin-suitcase was never retrieved.
And even if so. it doesnt matter.
(number is added intentionally)
65if2007 said...
I think that SOMETHING happened during the time frame in question with the Beatles and perhaps with Paul in particular that caused all this. There may very well be an occult element to it.
I'm sure that Iamaphoney is not Paul, but I suspect that he's a very low-level Beatles insider or the son of someone like that who has gathered a shred of truth -- like the blind man who had a hold of the elephant's tail and concluded that an elephant is like a rope.
Iamaphoney took what little he had -- which wasn't enough for a book or a screenplay (though he might have been contemplating these things) -- and expanded on them to create a youtube legend.
At this point, he seems to have taken the whole thing as far as it can go. The intertia has expired.
I don't know if you are correct or not, but this presents a clear challenge to Iamaphoney.
Jude said...
If Iamaphoney or anyone else from the organisation is reading...
Fascinating post, Jude. I think it's Go Time. Let's see what happens.
i agree with jude, however... i still have some faith left over.
Paul is not gonna be at the gods games..he will p*** away at 2010...aneurysma
I once thought Iamaphoney had information as well. I waited and waited but his story seemed to spin out of control. I did notice that he had faked a few things in his videos but I thought it was all for the greater good and let it go. In the end there was a little too much deception on his part. The Rotten Apple became more of a vendetta than a revelation and just as my faith was all but gone then came the suitcases and the silly video inside. I am now of the opinion that he is either a slick con man or a little wacky in the head.
I'm not bitter. Like Jude I was played for a fool like the rest of you but I chose to do it. I still contribute to NIR when I come across something intriguing but I don't believe Paul ever died now. The only thing I can thank Iamaphoney for is that he did in a roundabout way expose me to some of McCartney's Wings music which I had always been told was terrible but now I enjoy some of it.
another good post! thx anonymous
"I just created a blog in his honor."
This blog would be so much better if not for Taf's apparent obsession with IAAP. He has such a huge bias that I'm sure even if IAAP ended his charade officially, Taf would ignore it.
I think we're all a little obsessed with IAAP otherwise we would never come here in the first place. It does however look like Taf may wind up being the last man standing when it comes to taking IAAP seriously.
The problem with IAAP is that even his fans began to notice some of the deception in his videos and that rubbed them the wrong way. There's your domino effect.
Okay I just looked at the paulisdeadmisshimmisshim forum and I would hope these women are just off their medication. It's not just Paulie that was replaced, it's every pop star who ever got old and lost their looks. They have a whole subforum about celebrity replacements. Almost all of them are male pop stars and movie actors like George Clooney. Bono and Mark Hamill. Here are some of my favorites in summary:
Sting was replaced after the Police broke up and when he married Trudi Styler because she's ugly and Sting was so hot and sexy in the 80's that the REAL Sting would never marry an ugly woman.
George Michael was replaced after Wham broke up because the REAL George Michael was just too hot and sexy to be gay. The fake George Michael is gay just to discredit the real George Michael who was kind and loving and straight and would have gone out with them all if he had the chance.
These women are in such denial it's sad. They also seem incredibly horny judging by all the drooling over shirtless pics of 20 year old male celebrities going on over there.
They also have a thread about how Brooke Shields was replaced but I think it's only there for them to be catty about someone who was more attractive than they were when they were young. They take delight in pointing out wrinkles and crow's feet. I bet you anything these women gobble up the "worst beach bodies" issue of Star magazine every year to feel good about themselves.
One of the first posts I left for Phoney last year pointed out the obvious hypocrisy of a series that accused the Beatles (Paul especially) of being deceptive when in fact the series was deceptive. This is a person who calls Paul "Bill," a person who thinks Paul is an imposter, all the while, in his David Champanian way, setting up imposter Macca accounts to bait and switch McCartney fans.
This replacement fixation seems to have some psychological affinity with UFO abduction stories. There is a distinct sexual overtone in both of these paranoid fantasies. The changeling, replacement, or shape shifter is an ancient mythological and archetypal motif. Based on the recent summation of misshimmisshim by anonymous, this replacement notion may indeed be a metaphor for the loss of youth, or a yearning for that which can never be, e.g. a love affair with 21-year old Paulie from Hard Day's Night.
I think some people may have been initially fooled by IAAP's fake Macca YouTube accounts but he doesn't seem to know what to do with them other than throw a few videos on that no one even bothers to look at.
He's been much more successful with his fake Beatles and Paul McCartney accounts on MySpace that he updates with Beatlenews pulled from the web everyday. His Paul site was hacked recently and his subscribers were being sent porn! LMAO!
Conspiracy theories like NWO work much like a watered-down religious impulse; it is easier for many to believe that all or most things are actually planned by Hidden Masters either on earth or in space, and these Masters are surrogate gods for people who are sometimes a bit skeptical of God capital "G." The more power and influence one cedes to these Unknown Superiors, the more one reliquishes his or her own concept of free will, choice, or sovereignty. If one is a failure, or if life seems impossible to win, one can chalk it up to the Hidden Masters keeping them down. The other fantasy, which has much in common with what I've just stated, is the idea that all "famous" or "successful" people are Initiates or part of some demonic coven. The only people that think this way are either unsuccessful, out of touch, or secretly jealous.
He's been much more successful with his fake Beatles and Paul McCartney accounts on MySpace . .
Phoney's been defrauding MySpace as well? If this is true, he's obviously a whack job.
I would disagree with some of the comment above me. I believe there is a push for a NWO but I don't believe Paul is dead or any of that idiocy. I can see why IAAP and others tried to tie it into that to win the good favor of anti-NWO types but even that right there is a desperate move to gain popularity.
That's true about the demonic coven celebrity conspiracy theory though. It's always "I'm not a movie star because I'm not part of the secret society" rather than "I'm not a movie star because I'm not goodlooking or talented".
Fuck iamaphoney!
Paul is Dead is Dying.
Get back to the REAL.
"Fuck iamaphoney!
Paul is Dead is Dying.
Get back to the REAL."
What IS the "real", Miles?
What the Beatles put out there for you and many to find. That is all you need.
Well, I think phoney still have a LAST chance with this berlin suitcase. The first suitcase was a fiasco but anyone deserves a second chance. Anyway, the IAAP organisation invested a lot in this game. They made excellent videos, good music and brought excitement to the beatles mystery. And I think it has been very entertaining and groundbreaking in the PID world. The mistake they made was making promises. So, last chance for them with the revelation story. But the Beatles game has to continue by phoney or not, because it's so magical and mindblowing. Even if Paul didn't die is there anybody who doesn't believe that The Beatles were a supernatural story? This mystery is much bigger than phoney, remember that. I don't believe the Beatles story was supernatural. Christ, they just made records! Jimi Hendrix and The Doors made better music IMHO. Is it because music today sucks so bad that people must think it had to have been a supernatural event for "Penny Lane" to exist? I don't even like that song. It sounds like something from an Archies cartoon.
"Well, I think phoney still have a LAST chance with this berlin suitcase."
If that's the case (no pun intended,) then the evidence therein the Berlin Case would have to be something proving that Paul is Dead indeed, and not more clues or pieces to the phoney puzzle.
iamaphoney can no more prove himself true with the contents of the Berlin Case than I can prove myself true with the contents of the Love Case.
History is written and then rewritten every day, by everyone who can rewrite it. GET BACK to the beginning of all this!
So Phoney's last chance is the hands of Yenz the bird flipping moron of Hip Hop. GREAT plan!
If "Penny Lane" sounds like the Archies to you, I'm afraid you're missing out. Sure, you may superficially hear just a catchy melody, but you've missed the lyrical sophistication, imagery, and avant garde flourishes, not to mention the stunning bass line. The bass line alone puts it in a category of its own, and I dare say the Beatles contemporaries (Hendrix and Morrison among them) recognized the Beatles' genius. Any middling writer could put together something like Roadhouse Blues but only Paul could write a Penny Lane. But, to each his own, that's music.
Any middling songwriter could write "Well I woke up this morning and got myself a beer. The future's uncertain and the end is always near"? That kind of sums up my philosophy in two lines. To me the Beatles are always too cutesy. But to each his own.
I remember last year at this time... It marked the end of the first year of IAAP and the RA series. 12 November was rumored to be the first of the big revelations from the IAAP camp. We had just come off a really interesting year with song clues, backwards lyrics, the "LOVE CODE," the English gentleman who was going to "break rank and speak" of Paul McCartney's death. We enjoyed the RA 64 video with "Hey Jude" and the "I'm a phoney" lyrics.
Perhaps the second year was IAAP's sophomore jinx? We started with RA 66,6 and Charlie Manson. Since then we've had some decent tunes and too few RA videos. These seem to be too few and far-between. We've had more than our fill of suitcases...and our appetites whetted with Mal Evans' manuscript.
I truly hope that in year Three IAAP and crew will GET BACK to making videos and music... And fill in the gaps they have seemingly left as the tale of PID unfolds...
Do all masonic temples allow you to just go inside like that and shoot a video?
Do all masonic temples allow you to just go inside like that and shoot a video?
Some won't, but public ones will. I was allowed to shoot at the Scottish Rite temple in NY. You gotta figure a Masonic lodge in LA is always up for some filming.
"You gotta figure a Masonic lodge in LA is always up for some filming."
I don't know about that.
The Mormon Temple on Santa Monica Boulevard is closed to outsiders.
The Masons are probably no less secretive.
Then I believe this must be a complete failure of an attempt to spark a viral marketing campaign for a new Fireman webcast. Remeber the imagery used in the original Fireman-Rushes webcast. That too was an official mccartney/youth project with masonic crap in it.
Punk and Hardcore rockers drawn into the Masonic fraternity
"Musicians have always been a part of Masonry since its inception."
and Freemasons defy mystical roots in bid for new members
Doubtful it was a viral campaign using copyrighted materials up the yin yang. Not to mention the Heather McCartney innuendo -- no way would Paul let that slip in there. Doubtful Macca would allow the briefcase fiasco with that embarrassing "fright night" video. That was the end of the end.
Yeah Paul would have had a bigger budget for that video. I doubt he would have used dumb kids saying "what the fuck?" and pig squeals. That was the end for me. Now I just hang around to watch the last remaining crumbs of IAAP's reputation fall from the table.
65 .. Mormon Temples are a whole lot different than Masonic Lodges.
Some Mormons can't even go into a Mormon Temple.
Getting into a Masonic Lodge can be very easy, if you know how to go about it .OR. if you are a Freemayson.
I'm amazed that anyone could think that Paul McCartney could be the guiding light behind the Iamaphoney videos.
Paul MIGHT surreptitiously make or sponsor videos suggesting that "Paul is Dead".
The 3 Beatles (that is, sans John) were still dropping PID clues as recently as 1995 (I think) in the "Free as a Bird" and "Real Love" videos.
But Paul wouldn't make or sponsor videos suggesting that he is a Satanist. Whether he was or he wasn't a Satanist, there's no way that he would advertise the idea.
you just wait
Can someone tell me exactly how many fruitcases phoney has left?
well get the suitcase judde
"So Phoney's last chance is the hands of Yenz the bird flipping moron of Hip Hop. GREAT plan!"
hahaha, LOL :-)
Imagine you had material proving that Paul was replaced. What would you do with it? Put it in a suitcase and drop that suitcase in downtown Berlin?
yeah, right!
That's the premise. Unless it's something else entirely.
Something else entirely? I don't like the suitcase premise for a number of reasons, including a few that haven't been brought up very much around here. Anybody seen "12 Monkeys" lately?
"Well, I think phoney still have a LAST chance with this berlin suitcase."
If that's the case (no pun intended,) then the evidence therein the Berlin Case would have to be something proving that Paul is Dead indeed, and not more clues or pieces to the phoney puzzle.
iamaphoney can no more prove himself true with the contents of the Berlin Case than I can prove myself true with the contents of the Love Case.
History is written and then rewritten every day, by everyone who can rewrite it. GET BACK to the beginning of all this!
Here you are questioning phoney's continuation of clues and pieces of clues when all you give us yourself is the same. As a matter of fact, I would say youre worse. All you have ever given us were tiny 15 sec. clips on youtube, a few words "get back to the REAL," and what seems to be a series of double exposed pictures on your blog.
It has become obvious that you're either an extension of IAAP or another guy thats trying to steal the attention for yourself.
Face it Miles, at this point, you're no more than a carbon copy at this point.
Hes nothing more than an attention whore
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