The presence of this document in my hands may elicit all kinds of speculation, which is understandable. I am guessing that the Iamaphoney organization wants this document available for some reason.
1) I can neither authenticate nor dismiss this document as a legitimate Beatles item.
2) Most historians cite the "Magical Mystery Tour" film as the the Beatles first and only big flop.
3) The "4 or 5" magicians in the "Magical Mystery Tour" film were John, Paul, George, Ringo and Mal Evans.
4) In John Lennon's tell all interview with Jann Wenner (Published as "Lennon Remembers") John identified Neil Aspinall and George Martin as people who overinflated their importance in the creative output of the Beatles. He intentionally did not include Mal Evans in that rant.
5) Mal Evans told Ken Mansfield "Paul and I just worked out some problems, and he is going to give me credit for some of the things I wrote with him." (From "The White Book," page 179).
6) Mal died shortly after that conversation and official credit has never been given to him (although most Beatles fans are aware that he was involved in the writing of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band).
7) In 1996, Paul McCartney went to court to prevent Mal's widow, Lily, from selling the original lyrics to "With A Little Help From My Friends."
Not Facts:
Just a guess here, but I think that it's possible that Iamaphoney is using these documents to establish Mal's uncredited input in the writing of "Magical Mystery Tour." In order for this to be true, these documents have to be real of course. Could it be that if the secret of Mal Evans' involvement in the creative side of the Beatles is revealed then other Beatles' secrets would quickly unravel?
On a related note FM EA from Y0K00NO
In other news, our friend YouKnowMyName231 is back with Clovis.
And what does this page from a script have to do with Magical Mystery Tour, The Beatles and PID? There's no scene like this in the movie and no characters like that either.
This looks like any college kid's arty film class project (although to be fair MMT is no different from any college kid's arty film class project except for the great songs).
Possibly nothing, but "The Hostess" was a character in "Magical Mystery Tour" and the described setting is similar to what was eventually used as the two magician sequences.
But you are right. And, the temptation to say if they wanted to fake a document, they would have made a stronger connection is not a good reason to believe it is authentic.
I hope the documents are real and I hope IAAP has everything. If for anything else it'll be a lesson in how not to do something. Creating tons of YouTube videos and leaking documents with no explanation behind them to some guy's blog has resulted in IAAP being effectively neutered by his own fans. If he had pointed a camera in his face and said "this is who I am and this is what I know" that would have been the shot heard round the world. He would have had less to fear because a lot of people would have had his back. As it stands he has a handful of racist asholes posting on his page a few teenagers who give a shit. These guys are such a disaster and it looks like they seem too stupid to know it. Thanks for setting PID back 39 years. Stay the hell away from NIR.
anonymous wrote:
These guys are such a disaster and it looks like they seem too stupid to know it. Thanks for setting PID back 39 years. Stay the hell away from NIR.
I'm not sure that you are going into the apocalypse with the right attitude, sir.
ha! Heil ! Hal! Hail!
39 steps!
ha ha
alway's know when to post!!1!
finally a word from
Tafultong said...
anonymous wrote:
These guys are such a disaster and it looks like they seem too stupid to know it. Thanks for setting PID back 39 years. Stay the hell away from NIR.
I'm not sure that you are going into the apocalypse with
November 7, 2008 5:40 PM
the right attitude, sir.
The apocalypse? I'm sure you're aware of the "Barack Obama is the antichrist" phenomenon that has swept the internet since January. It makes PID look like a walk in the park. Thousands of websites but a few debunkers too.
PID=Obama the Anti-Christ
We are truly a confederacy of dunces.
great songs? lolololololol
Not Blue Jay Way and Flying. Those songs are terrible. I hate the Beatles for perverting our souls.
you didn't even understand Confederaccy of dunces..jackass!
o' fortuna!
Yeah you suck jackass guy
Fuck off
Awwwwwwwww poor baby. We call him out and he goes all Yenz like on our asses.
I may be a jackass but at least I'm not a jackoff!!1!
Real clever. You kiss your mother with that mouth?
I feel I should mention that the following exchange was written by the same person. Apollo loves you. Pick a side. Change sides. Play the game.
You are correct sir!!1!
anonymous said.."I feel I should mention that the following exchange was written by the same person. Apollo loves you. Pick a side. Change sides. Play the game."
Don't you mean the "preceding" exchange? I see the kids are home from school so the madness begins all over again on this blog, clogging it up with immature nonsense. I don't know who this Apollo is but I gather he's the ringleader behind your antics. Tell him to take his ball home because playtime is over. Furthermore is every Iamaphoney fan under the age of 18? Sure seems like it.
Apollo was part of Iamaphoney inc.
He quit.
Now he's out to smear Iamaphoney.
Let this be a warning to you all!
"Thanks for setting PID back 39 years."
This ridiculous statement presupposes that PID was actually going somewhere, and IAAP set it back.
The only thing that could set PID forward or back is actual evidence that PID. Phoney could make a jillion videos and it wouldn't matter in the face of proof, now would it.
As if the "research" at NIR has ever turned up anything of value whatsoever, that would mean anything to anyone other than another NIR member ("His eyes are green!!")
Enjoy PID as a fan hobby, but don't take yourselves too seriously.
how little you know . total BS
see how it goes?
Ladies and gentlemen....a big round of applause for yhshvh10! Let's hear it out there.
There is oh so much more legitimate research going on at NIR than you'll ever know. It's like a thousand times better than Iamaphoney and his stinky purple shirt and his flying suitcases.
( he know's dick)
probably paid by paul!
serpentine shell!
NIR proves NOTHING? How about that rubber ear? The eye color? The haircut? Explain all that away. All the proof is there to see in photographs published in real magazines.
"....How about that rubber ear? The eye color? The haircut? Explain all that away."
The haircut? My God you people are mentally ill.
"Could it be that if the secret of Mal Evans' involvement in the creative side of the Beatles is revealed then other Beatles' secrets would quickly unravel?"
Taf, seriously, if anyone was involved in the creative dept. that didn't get due credit it's George Martin, who was salaried and who also wrote key instrumental parts in some songs and even arranged many of them.
The Beatles let Mal chip in ideas; they let a lot of people chip in--but they didn't need their ideas, they simply enjoyed the randomness and there are countless examples of their using found sounds, audio clips, and letting friends and even strangers collaborate to a degree. Mal wanted some credit and they should have thrown him a bone but they weren't the types to give credit or even thanks as George Martin remarked.
Anyone could've anonymously dished PID secrets. George could've done it.. Heck, Pete Best would know--he could write a book and cash in.
George DID do it! Sunking has the document to prove it. George's deathbed confession. You think you're so smart.
So what's the big deal about the MMT script thingy in the briefcase? We've been seeing these MMT scraps for months now. MMT pie charts in the videos, MMT script in a case--what difference does it make?
If I don't know, and Mikey doesn't know, and Taful doesn't know, then I guess there's nothing to know.
I guess the thing that makes my perspective a little different from many of the people who comment here is that if Iamaphoney, with his videos and his music is doing a work of historical fiction, I can live with that. It would still be a legitimate chapter in a far off corner of the Beatles story in my view.
The other thing is that although there appears to have been some severe missteps, my feeling regarding the possibility that Iamaphoney may legitimately know something about the Beatles mystery has still not reached zero.
The whole problem with the Beatles "clues" is that most people admit that they are there, but at the same time, they never quite add up.
That may be why the various discussion groups seem to get close tying a couple pieces of evidence together into something plausible, but then it runs out of steam before a coherent theory develops. That's the Beatles' fault.
SUN KING!!! Where are you to prove all of this?
We need you to channel the dead spirit of George Harrison to show us the Light!
SunKing 2.0 == IAAP
And a big fuck-you to MikeyNL. Go cower under your stone.
SUN KING!!! Where are you to prove all of this?
We need you to channel the dead spirit of George Harrison to show us the Light!
SunKing 2.0 == IAAP
November 7, 2008 9:52 PM
Copy that!
First there is SunKing with TKIN and all his ramblings. Then, things get a little too weird, spooky-nutty-fucking-weird to be exact, and a few at TKIN (we know who) get fed up and start NIR. SunKing is now pissed because some have shunned his channellings and George Kush style of thinking, and starts "The Rotten Apple Series". HE WILL SHOW YOU ALL!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAH! HE WILL SHOW YOU ALL!!!! HOLY POOP-STICK! MY CAPS LOCK BUTTON IS STUCK! DAMN IT!! STUPID LOGITECH KEYBOARD!
"Thanks for setting PID back 39 years."
You're welcome.
"SunKing is now pissed because some have shunned his channellings and George Kush style of thinking, and starts "The Rotten Apple Series"."
That is a direct and willful copyright infringement of my name "George Kush". You must immediately cease-and-desist using my name and any variation of it up to and including the word "George" or "Kush"
"George Bush was a bloody wanker"
You cant use it because it contains the word "George". Did you say George Kush is a bloody wanker? If you thought it, that is SLANDER and deformation of character, and ANOTHER law suit.
"Curious George is a wonderful childrens book"
This is wrong in two places and is also a use of my name. I am not "curious" because I ALREADY KNOW!
"MikeNL smokes "Kush" in Amersterdam"
While it may be legal in that infernal country to smoke Kush, it is illegal by internation copyright treaty to use my name.
I hope this clears up any future problems. Stop using my name, buy my books, give me the respect and credit I deserve. And do it now.
I have been logged on for 42 minutes and I have yet to receive any adoration.
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notice he picked up another subscriber, or more likely created another shell account....
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contents almost there.
Almost there!
George Kush, eh?
Bring out your dead.
Weather for Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Current: Rain
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Humidity: 86%
7:54am Saturday (CET) - Time in Amsterdam, Netherlands
"NIR proves NOTHING? How about that rubber ear?"
Celebrities frequently make artifical changes to their appearances for a variety of reasons, and this is no less true of pop stars.
"The eye color?"
Will vary according to background, lighting, and context. There are as many variations in the eye color in comparisons of multiple photos of early Paul as there are in comparisons of early and late
Then too, apparently people's eye colors do change naturally over time.
My guess is that if you looked at numerous photos of yourself taken during different stages of your life, you would see that the eye color varied.
"The haircut?"
Oh, please.
I used to have baby blues that 0wned the ladies.
As I get older, they get more green and un-cool.
If I prepare though, I can make them grey, and bag those blue-haired babes.
No short-haired, yellow-bellied, son-of-tricky dick
"That's the Beatles' fault."
Yes, by Jove!
I've been waiting for MONTHS for someone else to say this.
The overwhelming probability is that Paul is not dead and was never replaced.
But to the extent that there are people who believe otherwise, it is indeed largely the Beatles's FAULT.
"Fault"! As in "should be held accountable".
Concepts becoming more and more alien to the world in which we live.
Concepts which may certainly have been somewhat alien to the Beatles who prided themselves on a "do your own thing" philosophy.
But while Crowley instructed, "Do what thou wilt", the Beatles might have added "as long as it's not hurting anyone else".
But sometimes that isn't so readily determinable, so perhaps doing what thou wilt shouldn't always be the first order of the day.
Certainly, the whole PID thing has caused its share of psychic pain.
is jude to blame, or is he just impressionable?
whats the deal-e-o?
Troops its time! thug club hump to squeeze a tres and hug a burger!!!
THE MORE CD's WE BUY THE CLOSER WE ARE TO RUNNING THE NIGHT!!!!! FIST STARFISH!!! Highway thunk! Money eggs, pretty boy!!
I call my shaved back-board-bush pattern the "shaven bat-indian money winner"
That name was only devised after the 40 year-old-d-bag mullet-guy stood chatting with the kid-sis all day.. He later revealed himself to be "SON KING" who was that, again?
Sun-King.. You sneaky schizophrenic..
30 rounds of clovis cloves stat
patient is hemoraging badly
aunty M aunty M its a twister its a twister!
i picked the wrong week to stop drinking heavily
me too. and i intend on remedying that soon. very soon
are you unhappy with their work?
considering a switch to the other side?
may just as well
Don't be hasty.
that soon. very soon
That is now. Now is very much so too late. But yesterday is 2 days after tommorow!
you were trained to betray yourself
Drinking wasnt something that she would take the time to read.
She should know
To betray the self is to betray each and every one of Sun-Kings. My friend. Just channel the spirits!!
Let me speak smart. And you dumb.
Hey Guy, I'm not your friend!
if you need a friend, get a dog.
there is glass between us
And you're not my friend, Pal!
I'm not your buddy, Guy!
hostile fuel
I have more dogs than your mother.
She said so.
Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?
This is what Bush administration-era babies become when they grow up.
Seriously. One less kid on my lawn.
Is they learnin?
I still instill the fear of debt and the fear of religion in my babies, yet they still just kinda wanna play video games and steal stuff,
i am ready to live a fake life.
I've seen "Bush administration babies". HAVE YOU EVER SEEN SPECIES!!?!?!? H_AV_E_YOU!!!!
Generation Z
I type it.
Miles should be in bed by now.
A rodent suppository really should have made him sleepy.
Wait! Maybe theres a 2.3 second video about to be realeased!!!
*fingers crossed*
just what the doctor ordered
confrontation is a battery
money AND poop
money AND poop
November 8, 2008 1:03 AM
well said
money creation
destruction poop
This place is nothing without Mike
Yeah he did take over
I'd like to thank you all
poop backwards...is still...POOP! is that a clue?!
the world needs more mikeys.
Back to the viral marketing idea...
Anyone else not too surprised this all falls apart once the Fireman album is out?
No, it fell apart well before the album came out. First interview fiasco was the unraveling, then the first briefcase thing.
quoting jude from NIR:
"I personally believe iamaphoney when he says he cracked the code. He's not making these videos just for giggles, and he means it when he says he will release a DVD in February 2008."
..well yeah right
more from JUDE:
"Oh my God, he updated it already?! How is it that I visit his youtube channel religiously, several times a day,and yet I'm always (at the least) a few hours late whenever there is a new one? It's been a long time since he updated so soon after."
I really thought he was going to keep going with the whole "post around the 12 or 13 of every month" thing.
Could it be that if the secret of Mal Evans' involvement in the creative side of the Beatles is revealed then other Beatles' secrets would quickly unravel?
I think youve got something there taffie,
What is this video from yokoono with the fireman?
Who is George Kelly Mal is talking about in the manuscript?
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3 hour watch......
Joined: November 20, 2006
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Mikey just signed on...
he is uploading video now, this is going to be HUGE!
how long is the video?
It's not very long, he added a few cool pre-edited bits, but there is some major shocking news concerning the suitcases.
great! Finally!
Yenz must've gotten his act together!
You mean flipper?
flipper bought a scanner
Flipper isn't messing around anymore. He ordered some new equipment last week, it just got here last night. He was reading up on the manuals last night, got it all figured out, and sent the information to MikeNL.
Its tough to find something when you don't know what you are looking for.....
Mikey isn't doing a video today...
Uhhhhhhhhh. yes he is
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contents almost there.
but there is some major shocking news concerning the suitcases.
November 8, 2008 11:52 AM
what news?
You people are ruining this whole deal. Quit whining and just be patient. The video will come out when the correct contents are presented. Then comes the interview. Then the big revelation. Then world wide news will be focused on the right issue. This issue.
" Anonymous said...
You people are ruining this whole deal. Quit whining and just be patient."
so in other words..... obey?
"so in other words..... obey?
November 8, 2008 12:02 PM"
Now you are getting it! Permit me to set your mind at ease. Sit down, do as you are told, stop whining. Trust Mikey and give him respect, stop with the hostility towards him. Stop calling them names.
No more news tell you decide to play nice. A few days of good behavior will go a long way towards the big revelation.
"Anonymous said...
Stop calling them names."
My name is Yenz.
Not flipper.
Not 50cent.
Not 50euros either.
No 2pacfinger.
Snoopdogg extra is no as well.
Middle finger man...... no.
F*ck you freddy..... no.
Freddy Finger Flintstone... no
Mike is not my friend. I send him things and he adds his own stuff to it. He edited in that finger using video trickery. I wondered why he asked me to wear a green t-shirt. Ever hear of green screen technology? I had not. Now I have.
So. Give me some respect. Sock it too me. Sock it too me.. R, E, S, P, E, C, T. Take out the T, C, P. You get the point, my english is not perfect. That is not the question. The question should be, why I send MikeNL the information and he takes days to put it up. Don't blame me. I try. Don't blame the finger. That was Mike.
No ticky no shirty!
Don't blame the finger. That was Mike.
November 8, 2008 12:13 PM
It did look like CGI!
whats CGI???
So sorry, my english...
I meant CSI!
Anonymous said...
So sorry, my english...
I meant CSI!
November 8, 2008 12:17 PM
CSI - computer graphics
crime scene investigations....
Mike used CSI to put the finger in the video!
New video almost complete. Get ready for the rockin!
It's going to be a long wait.
You dont need the name calling.
Maybe we think we do!
Anonymous said...
It's going to be a long wait.
November 8, 2008 12:22 PM
Please don't say that. I am out of my medications! Panic will strike!
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contents almost there.
ALMOST THERE! Not long wait! Almost there!
Anonymous said...
It's going to be a long wait.
November 8, 2008 12:22 PM
actually, short wait. long rockin!!!
Time to implement plan 9
it's going to be a very long wait.
you'll see. that's what mikey said.
These guys are masters. The plan is perfect. The execution of the plan is flawless. The effect is total. The dominos are falling. Coming down fast as it were, to borrow a phrase.
Well, if it's gonna take this long, I'm gonna have someone wank me.
Anonymous said...
it's going to be a very long wait.
you'll see. that's what mikey said.
November 8, 2008 12:27 PM
Ok. You say that. But his youtube site says
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contents almost there.
Is he lying to you, or lying on his site?
Anonymous said...
Well, if it's gonna take this long, I'm gonna have someone wank me.
November 8, 2008 12:29 PM
they could at least reach around....
Is he lying to you, or lying on his site?
November 8, 2008 12:30 PM
he is! Ask him. If you message him he will tell you the whole story. 2012 is the real date of revelation. This was the warm up. There are going to be so many suitcases.
"This was the warm up. There are going to be so many suitcases.
November 8, 2008 12:33 PM"
Practice makes perfect I say. They're going to get really good at this!
so many suitcases, so much time... how many more cases do they need?
'If I only had a suitcase'
Tin Phoney.
Watch me now.
like watching paint dry
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