There is talk of a hostess and a placeholder for a song, so this appears to be presented as an unused idea for "Magical Mystery Tour."
Obviously the timetable for revealing the suitcase items has been delayed.
Two videos have been released in support of the restless natives:
Tick Tock and Hickory Dickory Dock from PaulTheRevelator
In other news...
Paul McCartney steals show at MTV Europe awards
Hmmm . . .the font on the document looks like it's from a computer, not a manual typewriter.
Could be wrong.
it is from a computer.
i think it was typed over from the original document because they didn't have a scanner.
a likely story...LOL
You "think" it was typed over because they didn't have a scanner?
Oh brother, Mikey.
So the finger clown who is on the internet and who has a digital video camera to film himself retrieving the case can't upload IAAPs video and doesn't have a scanner or access to any place of business that has a scanner.
i think it was typed over from the original document because they didn't have a scanner.
Mikey, that is as lame as some guy claiming to have rare Beatle demos, but he uploads himself singing and playing the rare songs because he doesn't have an mp3 converter.
well, i'm going again :- )
see you guys after the contents.
"So the finger clown who is on the internet and who has a digital video camera to film himself retrieving the case can't upload IAAPs video and doesn't have a scanner or access to any place of business that has a scanner."
Since "finger clown" is my coined phrase, I have taken the advice of George Kush and had it trademarked, so please, from now on, use the alternate phrases "bird-man" and or "50Cent" when talking about the person in the video that snatched the Berlin suitcase. Thank you.
see you guys after the contents.
After the actual contents, or after your low-tech friend recreates the contents because he didn't have a scanner or any other means of sharing information digitally?
Kind of funny how all 6 of Iamaphoney's fans are making nothing but racist comments on his YouTube page. Imagine after all those videos he made and that's the end result.
Makes sense the channel would eventually filter down to a few zealot wackos. The series is sympathetic to Charles Manson in many ways.
Sun King here.
You haven't seen wacko yet. Just wait till I teach mike to channel the spirits of the dead beatles and beatle-crew.
Mikey, assuming that you were not present and or personally know the persons that retrieved the Berlin suitcase, I would suggest that you not be the middle-man to other suitcase snatchers. This whole suitcase idea is absolutely retarded and will prove nothing(I have already posted reasons for why). You and Phoney need to accept the fact that anyone can grab up these cases; those that would like to promote your cause, and those that would rather film themselves taking a big shit in the suitcase, never planning to reveal the contents in the first place. If I found one, I would be the person in category 2; unless of course it was a nice suitcase/briefcase in which I could use, then I would go the the thrift store and find another one to film myself shitting in. This is the chance taken when pulling such a stunt.
Note to self:
Plant suitcases with "wonderful evidence" - NO
Kind of funny how all 6 of Iamaphoney's fans are making nothing but racist comments on his YouTube page. Imagine after all those videos he made and that's the end result.
How's that phrase go again? In the end....The LOVE you take...is equal to...to..what was it again? Seems karma's gonna getcha, instant or not.
Hasn't it always been a racist/religious/political flamewar over there.
They are all pretentious frauds who just want to be heard.
I'd like to know if iamaphoney got those cases from the same person I got the one I have from.
I doubt it.
Shut up or use better grammar, Myself!
Speak for yourself.
i think it was typed over from the original document because they didn't have a scanner."
priceless! :-) LMAO
Taf, you shouldn't even encourage MikeyNL by posting this crap. It's ridiculous. But on the other it gives us a good laugh. Phoney and Mikey are my favourite internet-clowns right now!
I asked Iamaphoney if this document was genuine suitcase-content. he simply replied: no!
so back of MIKENL!
it is from a computer.
i think it was typed over from the original document because they didn't have a scanner.
god you are either stupid or an idiot
If it's typed over we all lose the authenticity of it! Of course, there is no authenticity but still... I mean, we do lose it. Even if it's not there.
Well if this typed over unused scene from magical mystery tour isn't a major revelation I don't know what is.
i know what it is:
Hey guys! Phoney just sent me some handwritten lyrics to "Hey Jude."
I don't have a scanner, but I'll type out what I have:
Hey Jude
Don't make it bad
Take a sad song (scribble)
And make it better
(Then there is some sort of doodle that looks like this)
. . . you're welcome!
Full legal proof!
It is not even Beatles related. It is just a random script.
Or isn't it?
Imagine this:
they took the genuine document, typed it into the computer, because they didn't have a scanner, then they took a photo of that script and send it to Mr. MIKENL.
He renames it as mikesuitcaseitem2.jpg at posts it on his youtubepage, next day tafultong makes a post on his blog.....
I like the "charts astrological" syntax.
At home, I have one of the instruments Beatle.
And some rare recordings studio.
Don't think I'm an artist con.
Why not just take a photo of the original and post that?
And what do production notes, genuine or not, have to do with PID anyway?
it is from a computer.
i think it was typed over from the original document because they didn't have a scanner.
god you are either stupid or an idiot
November 7, 2008 4:18 AM
If we are to assume that Mike is just an innocent young lad, we should cut the kid some slack. If that is the case, I would have to believe he is acting on good faith and is just trying to give finger clown(TM) the benefit of the doubt, which is something I wouldn't normally do. Chock it up to being young.
Otherwise, he is one hell of an actor, and the point of his falling for all this Berlin business would be to purposely make himself look like a tard, with the hopes that he will be exonerated from being in on all this.
Damn it all to hell.
Don't worry about me, I still think there is something rotten in Denmark.
I have decided that given the opportunity to snatch a suitcase (filming myself pooping in it is still a must) I would post the contents....about a week afterwards. The post would consist of crayon drawings of each item, because my scanner and camera are broken.
maybe so. thing is: there seems to be no reason at all for wasting more time reading this blog. or waiting for new iaap material. or anything PID related. it's all bullshit.
the document is a cut and paste job from another source used to create a new document. look closer. It's still stupid.
just wait for the video guys.
this is a little preview...
Yeah. The video will be a BIG preview.
maybe so. thing is: there seems to be no reason at all for wasting more time reading this blog. or waiting for new iaap material. or anything PID related. it's all bullshit.
November 7, 2008 6:14 AM
I tend to agree. The thing is, anyone here can walk away at anytime. I have, but the sigil voodoo magic just brings me right back.
what are the Vegas odds at this point of a vid today?
I see there are others who decided to copy my idea of copyrighting my original ideas. The idea of copyrighting ideas is mine.
So if you see my information or pictures on anybody's videos or website please let me ASAP.
I am putting finishing touches on my book. I have attorney's. Let this be a warning. If you want to know the full truth, you will need to buy my book to get it. It is the only source that I know of, and I know many of the sources and they are wrong.
As far as I know I am the only one to have figured this out, and I did it all by myself.
I hate to sound like I am bragging but it is the truth.
MikeyNL1038 (24 minutes ago)
you didn't listen, Saint Paul.
from iaap comment section
Berlin Suitcase - In Circulation
Added: 4 weeks ago
Views: 1,458
Anonymous said...
there seems to be no reason at all for wasting more time reading this blog. or waiting for new iaap material. or anything PID related. it's all bullshit.
For me, PID is still hard to beat as an entertaining fantasy-scenario, and I still enjoy reading Taf's blogs for the fascinating trivia they consistently provide. The comments section, however, has begun to drive me to distraction with the endless torrents of rubbish.
george kush said...
So if you see my information or pictures on anybody's videos or website please let me ASAP.
Lets see....
Soundless dawn called, he had some interesting stories about your claims that you invented syncromystism. Seems like you claim ideas other have posted.
Manly P Hall called from the dead via a Ouija board. His lawyers from the otherside are planning a helluva lawsuit. Seems like your ideas are presented via time machine printed in a book from 1928 called The Secret Teachings of All Ages. Yes, the copyright was not renewed here on earth. But from the place beyond it is still in effect.
That mushroom you found in your backyard called. He exaggerated many things he told you about yourself. He thought you would have seen the humor in it, but it seems that you took it all a little too seriously.
Some of the things he told you about everything else he noticed you have copyrighted and claim as your own.
plugfive says word "rubbish"
socash says word "rubbish"
dontbotherthatguy says word "rubbish"
no connection but interesting.
I smell bullshit says word "retarded"
Dickweed/Dillweed says word "retarded"
May be a connection.
These are copyrighted terms. George Kush expects royaltes.
Yes rather, eh wot?
Stiff upper lip old chap! Don't let the braggarts get you down! Have a cup of tea and crumpets and remember the rain in Spain stays mainly on the plane!
Read a copy of the British Book of Smiles, yank a tooth out of your head and smile knowing that the sun never sets on the British Empire, eh wot?
Bloody wankers!
Coming soon...
Everything here is pure rubbish. I spit a tooth at you! And in so doing I keep a stiff upper lip!
Some of the rubbish is very entertaining though
Iamaphoney the musical is a copyrighted play produced by the Derry Film initiative.
plugfive said...
Some of the rubbish is very entertaining though
November 7, 2008 8:52 AM
You are back to good graces! Drinking a cup of tea in your honor mate!
Australia! Australia! Australia!
Australia! Australia! Australia!
November 7, 2008 8:54 AM
I knew you were an Aussie. On a walkabout you slacker? Checking on your email in a youth hostel, even though you are a 50 year old painter from Melbourne? Cheeky monkey.
Excuse me, but "mushroom" (C) and/or "mushrooms" (c) or "shrooms" (c) and derivations thereof are my copyrighted property.
You yanks have fluoridation in your water, makes for better teeth, but weak minds.
Sod off!
You yanks have fluoridation in your water, makes for better teeth, but weak minds.
Sod off!
November 7, 2008 8:57 AM
Lazy americans
excuses me. lazy FAT americans
Anonymous said...
excuses me. lazy FAT americans
November 7, 2008 8:58 AM
Does tafultong look fat? check out his arms on his gooboocachoo3 youtube channel. jack sprat ate no fat.
Fat americans? Not in the world of PID! No tinfoil hats on rotund heads!
The UFO's and bigfoot see to that!
Miles Denton Oliver said...
Shut up or use better grammar, Myself!
November 6, 2008 11:39 PM
Love the declarative sentences Miles!
You are much more readable and effective communicator now. Keep up the good work!
MikeNL said...
well, i'm going again :- )
see you guys after the contents.
November 6, 2008 8:40 PM
"Astrology Document"
Tafultong, all things Astrotheology and Astrology related are my domain and fall within my bailiwick. As the legal copyright owner of this intellectual property I am asking that you remove this post, or give me all credit due. Meaning, you must change the name of this blog to http://georgekush.blogspot.com/
and replace the title in big letters from IAMAPHONEY to GEORGEKUSH.
Since I have a magic time machine, I also ask that you retroactively change all previous blog posts to completely blot out any and all mentions of IAMAPHONEY as he blatantly stole my copyrighted material.
And you must remove any and all mentions of the "book" written by Vince, and replace them with mentions of my book. You must also purchase several copies of my book.
On a side note......
Vince, stop writing books. I have copyrighted that idea. Next stop, I am suing the bible. I know that you will lend your full support to that endeavor Vince!
Good day Sir!
"On a side note......
Vince, stop writing books. I have copyrighted that idea. Next stop, I am suing the bible. I know that you will lend your full support to that endeavor Vince!"
The Jebuss freaks are drowning since the Obma upset! If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
Reminds me of a Venture Brotha's Episode!
suitcase fiasco aside...
im still left wondering why i still check this page daily. but hell, its interesting. anyway onto my point, this is the video from the VMAs...
bonos pope and st peter quote is interesting to say the least. but what this video doesnt include is bonos introduction before paul came onto the stage.
“You call him Sir, I call him Lord, Saint Paul McCartney!”
quote from here:
as a minor footnote ive been talking to iamaphoney recently and he says the circle imagine IS to do with him. jus incase people still wern't too sure. i also asked shall i be expecting some new videos or revelations soon?
in modest iamphoney style he replied "wait and see, my friend"
last thing i found...
from the ridiculously boring video:
hope everybody here is keeping well. you folks are the only interesting element to iamaphoney nowadays so thank you.
Fakey George Kushy said...
"Astrology Document"
Tafultong, all things Astrotheology and Astrology related are my domain and fall within my bailiwick. As the legal copyright owner of this intellectual property I am asking that you remove this post, or give me all credit due.
Dear "Fakey George Kushy"
I have fully and exhaustively researched your claim to exclusive copyrighting of any and all intellectual claims pertaining to any and all intellectual ideas. I categorically reject your assertion that you have legal claim to every idea ever presented in any format. I submit that if you wish to have a website entitled http://georgekush.blogspot.com/
that you should create one yourself and not ask me to change my valid blog name.
I am unleashing the hounds on you. It is open season to impersonate you on my blog.
I just wanted everyone to know that I am still not here.
Fakey Mikey said...
I just wanted everyone to know that I am still not here.
November 7, 2008 9:41 AM
I miss MikeNL
I missed Fakey Tafultong-y!
When is Angry Taf coming back? He kicked *ss!
Angry Taf Fanclub said...
When is Angry Taf coming back? He kicked *ss!
November 7, 2008 9:46 AM
He is still "in Circulation" just like the Berlin Suitcase!
Anonymous said...
I miss MikeNL
November 7, 2008 9:45 AM
Me too!
This reminds me of a sandwich I just ate.
No one will find me up here. In the treefort.. Feverishly crayoning new and better suitcase documents. Lets see, I have already site licensed the George Kush materials (This is COPYRIGHTED 2007-2008. )
Me and middle finger man are experimenting with further abstractions of ideas since we like hampering the information release. We are trying the old "tin cans with string" chestnut. So if you want to hear the latest, hold a tin can up to your ear, or better still a sea shell. You will hear the ocean! Try it sometime! It works! It also whispers important Rotten Apple clues. It works even better then the Tiny Tim MikeyNL bobblehead dolls!
Natural is better! Thats what I am learning!
Anonymous said...
This reminds me of a sandwich I just ate.
November 7, 2008 9:51 AM
G-D damn it you are so right! I am freaking starving! Anyone got any sandwhiches up in this piece?
Some very insightful comments today! I am witholding judgement on Mikey's post until more information comes in, if, indeed, it actually comes in. Otherwise, my foot is going to be on location on Mikey's ass, WHAT!?
Fakey Mikey said...
I just wanted everyone to know that I am still not here.
November 7, 2008 9:41 AM
Hide out Mikey--LOL
"Me and middle finger man are experimenting with further abstractions of ideas since we like hampering the information release. We are trying the old "tin cans with string" chestnut."
Very innovative! I give you an A for effort! Even better the Iamaphoney's efforts to delay!
Arts and Crafts Mikey said . . .
We've decided against the crayon drawings because uplifted middle finger guy that looks like a rapper doesn't have a sharpener. So we're now using an Etch-a-Sketch to recreate the files so that no one can say it wasn't legit. As soon as hipster euro dude that looks like Emilio Esteves probably looks like after he's been on a coke binge can figure out how to make circles on this bitch, we're sending off a picture of the Etch-a-Sketch.
Tafultong said....
"Obviously the timetable for revealing the suitcase items has been delayed. "
Must be in the west indies!
PS: we are also making popcorn wreaths. This part is probably not PID related, but then again nothing on my Etch-a-Sketch to indicate PID either.
PS: we are also making popcorn wreaths. This part is probably not PID related, but then again nothing on my Etch-a-Sketch to indicate PID either.
Arts and Crafts Mikey said . . .how to make circles on this bitch, we're sending off a picture of the Etch-a-Sketch.
Etch-a-sketch = legitimacy
or as MikeNL says
"Genuine" is my copyrighted intellectual property!
Mikey Kush-Y said...
"Genuine" is my copyrighted intellectual property!
November 7, 2008 10:16 AM
You are infringing on MY intellectual property! Get off my "astrotheolgy Paul is Saturn" LAWN!
Oh. And I thought up "Genuine" first.
See you in court! Where they wear black "saturnalian" robes. Google that shit! I thought of it first! Paul is Saturn, black robe judges!
Mikey and Finger Freak are in a tree house where they are hampering release of materials. On the floor of the treehouse is memorabilia Beatles and a computer personal.
time is 3.30.
Mikey is tracing images on his PC and Middle Finger is attaching string to cups while saying, "Check One, Check Two."
"Upload should be complete in two hours!"
"I'm not lifting a finger to help you Mikey!"
**treehouse,crayons,computerpersonal, middle finger, Etch-a-Sketch*************
I invented the word "Genuine".
it all started with me.
i mean
i even created the yoda cookies you are eating at this very moment
Anon said: "I smell bullshit says word "retarded"
Dickweed/Dillweed says word "retarded"
May be a connection."
I said "tard" once too. Does that count? I never post as Dickweed/Dillweed; been called a dickhead before though. I always post as ISB, unless of course I have nothing of importance to say, then I almost never post as anonymous, but sometimes I never post under other people's names, which I would almost never do, just for shits and giggles.
We are trying the old "tin cans with string" chestnut."
Very innovative! I give you an A for effort! Even better the Iamaphoney's efforts to delay!
November 7, 2008 10:09 AM
Nothing says delay like Iamaphoney! He wrote the book! Prepare for a IAAP Jihad against you soon! He will cut videos insinuating that you are
Aleister Crowleian blood drinking satanists wearing lizard alien reptile Beatle skin suits!
And he will prove it too! Because you ARE!
Oh, and when you come back begging for forgiveness when the REAL suitcase comes out, expect no MERCY! None! You are hereby cut off from any and all mercies, and are cast out of the inner rotten apple circle. Give back your decoder rings, do not pass go, do not collect $200 or even 50 euros!
No suitcases for you! I mean...
NO SUITCASES FOR YOU (small pen*s)
i even created the yoda cookies you are eating at this very moment
November 7, 2008 10:23 AM
damn it all to
H, E, double hockey sticks
I AM FREAKING STARVING! Anyone got any yoda cookies left?
"Nothing says delay like Iamaphoney! He wrote the book! Prepare for a IAAP Jihad against you soon!"
He wrote the book...
"Suitcases and interviews, or.. how I learned to stop worring and delay the sh*t out of a viral marketing campaign for awesomeness results."
"IAAP Delay jihad said...
He wrote the book...
"Suitcases and interviews, or.. how I learned to stop worring and delay the sh*t out of a viral marketing campaign for awesomeness results."
November 7, 2008 10:31 AM"
Stanely Kubrick called.
He wants his
"Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to stop worring and love the bomb"
-fake gfa-y
He wants his
"Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to stop worring and love the bomb"
-fake gfa-y
November 7, 2008 10:34 AM
Thats it! I am now suing the h, e , double hockey sticks out of fake-GFA-y for pointing out how Stanley Kubrick is infringing the ever living "shroom soul" out of my book ideas. I am getting into the time machine RIGHT NOW to head back and pick up Peter Sellers and file suit against Kubrick.
Paul is Saturn!
The ideas are MINE!
I am suing "curious" George Kush-NL " for using my name in his name. My name is trademarked! and I am not "curious" because I ALREADY KNOW!
Geroge Kush--y said...
I am suing "curious" George Kush-NL " for using my name in his name. My name is trademarked! and I am not "curious" because I ALREADY KNOW!
November 7, 2008 10:40 AM
Stay off my treehaus! Me and fingerCent(50euros) are up here quiet as church mice playing "curious". ""by"" "curious" if you catch the double entandre you frenchy french french frenchies!
should be spelled "BI"
I am not "curious" because I ALREADY KNOW!
November 7, 2008 10:40 AM
take that curious george kush!
Paul IS Saturn.
I am suing myself for using volkswagon beetles in all my various account videos!
"GFA is Tafultong said..."
Notice all the silence on THAT subject. You are so busted taf/GFA.
Ever notice how people go get the suitcase and then disappear??????
Whats up with THAT!!!!!!!??!?!???
Anonymous said...
I like the "charts astrological" syntax.
Curious George Kush is COMING AFTER YOU NEXT!!!!
Stay off my treehaus!
"meme" watch said...
Stay off my treehaus!
November 7, 2008 10:57 AM
anyone got a "meme" count????
anyone got a "meme" count????
November 7, 2008 10:57 AM"
f*ck that! We got a current "mikeNL" mention count!?
Its alllllll about the MikeNL!
"f*ck that! We got a current "mikeNL" mention count!?
Its alllllll about the MikeNL!
November 7, 2008 10:58 AM"
F*CK THAT! Its alllllll about JUDE!!!!
"F*CK THAT! Its alllllll about JUDE!!!!
November 7, 2008 11:01 AM"
November 7, 2008 11:01 AM"
Get off my name!
Leave BRITN...... Jude ALONE!
I am not "curious" because I ALREADY KNOW!
MikeNL said...
it is from a computer.
i think it was typed over from the original document because they didn't have a scanner.
November 6, 2008 8:21 PM
Seriously. You just gotta love the comedic GENIUS "GENUINE" of these people. You would be hard pressed to make this shit up
so mikey must have messaged IAAP to make sure that is "genuine" right?????
So when is the fucking interview?
Suitcase found yeah?
Domino falls yes???
Anonymous said...
so mikey must have messaged IAAP to make sure that is "genuine" right?????
he wouldn't put it up on his background image if it wasnt 100% proof postive genuine. why? because he has ready access to ask iamaphoney if it is in fact a real item from the berlin suitcase.
So.. the earth is shattered!
See?! Eat the words haters!
Isnt that amazing what was in that suitcase? Don't you wish YOU wouldve went and gotten it? I bet you do!
I know you do! I wish I had!
Don't you wish you would have been a little nicer to Mikey?
av said:
He renames it as mikesuitcaseitem2.jpg at posts it on his youtubepage, next day tafultong makes a post on his blog.....
Now hang on. I gave it that file name, not MikeyNL. I did that so I would remember that it came after the cover of "Pantomime." No matter how potentially meaningless this could be in the end, I am trying to keep it organized.
"he wouldn't put it up on his background image if it wasnt 100% proof postive genuine."
MikeNL always knows what is the real stuff.
Anonymous said...
November 7, 2008 11:44 AM
Don't you wish you would have been a little nicer to Mikey?
November 7, 2008 11:29 AM
I do! Please forgive us iamaphoneyNL!
Why can you not yet dots connect?
The before you lies the answer. I have been saying this since I was "Bill" on NIR three ago years, before I began studying tables astronomical.
relentless isnt it?
Next time, Mikey, make sure Phoney puts a scanner in the briefcase.
Ah, yes, "A Scanner in the Works" by J Lennon.
I'm not sure but I'm sensing a little anti-phoney/mikey backlash.
I'm not sure but I'm sensing a little anti-phoney/mikey backlash.
Phoney molested me.
Who knew the retrieval of the case would turn out to be lamer than the case itself?
At least with 65if we got the Blair Witch video.
By the way, has everyone forgotten the Blair Witch video? That alone should be enough to discredit anything Phoney has done.
I understand that Blair witch video now. The 'camera' is a suitcase being molested by phoney.
Oh no, I di'int!
Interesting two sites. But doesn't look like anything new or different from what I could tell right away. Where did you come across that Yenz?
Anyone can join podomatic.
fake yenz gives us this?
the well runneth dry. Even plans B - D backfired.
"Why can you not yet dots connect?
The before you lies the answer. I have been saying this since I was "Bill" on NIR three ago years, before I began studying tables astronomical."
would you like to talk about it Blll?
th e ga mes uck...s...
I WANT the password
So you are not impressed with my Magical Mystery Tour screenplay excerpt? Do you know how long it took me to type that up? I haven't been on YouTube for two days! I do all of this out of Obamaphoneylove for you, my anointed children and you dare MOCK ME?? You are underserving of Obamaphoneylove! I am your one true saviour and the sooner you drop to your knees, reject Jesus and worship me instead the sooner my revelation will be revealed.
As for you Georgie Kush, you sniveling backstabbing coward you're worse than McCain's anonymous Palin slamming staffers. Nothing you have ever done has been original. Paul is Saturn? Damn right he is and you only know that because I revealed this astronomical phenomenon to you. The face on Mars? That's John. Go ahead! Steal that one from me too while you're at it. You're riding on my coattails! Swimming in my wake! You are DEFINITELY not in Revlover's top 8.
As for the rest of you. It's very simple....
sweet honeydew kisses,
you are really fucking needy.
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