It appears that Paul McCartney and Youth did cancel their appearance as the Fireman on Later with Jools Holland. "F" informed me last week that the Goldmine Trash blog reported that they had pulled out in order for Paul to rehearse for his performance in Israel. I don't know why it was canceled, but I'm pretty sure that the official reason has nothing to do with the real reason.
I'm a little concerned about the Fireman project. I still have not seen a release date for the album and there have been some significant changes at the Hear Music Label, which released Paul's last album "Memory Almost Full." I haven't seen anything from Capitol either about the project. The charity song, "Lifelong Passion" and the collaboration with Nitin Sawhney titled "My Soul" could be the closest things we get this year to a Fireman album. But anything could happen. If these one off concerts really are the lead in to his final world tour, it would make sense to delay the release of new recordings.
The Israel concert is making worldwide news, particularly after someone reported that Paul had received threats from terrorists. Headlines like "Paul McCartney promises Israel gig will go ahead despite death threats" are unsettling to fans. But, WorldNetDaily offered some comforting news: "Expert: No credible threat against Paul McCartney."
Fans of John Lennon, especially those who believe he is still alive will be comforted to hear that he continues to produce new artwork.
The Abbeyrd Beatles News site has been following Yoko Ono's 100 acorns blog. In the spirit of her book "Grapefruit," Yoko continues to provide instructions to make our lives more meaningful. One curious post was Questionnaire 1 from Sunday, September 14. True/False question #4 reminded me of a cross between Ringo Starr and the Zodiac.
4) Your brother is the man you killed in the past world. He was born in your family because he wanted to be near you.
The Hunches Department suggests that Iamaphoney will drop Suitcase #4 somewhere near the Vatican and that there may be as many as 10 more suitcases after that.
Another Iamaphoney rumor is that the actor in the Rotten Apple videos has been replaced.
First Appearance:
Most Recent Appearance:

And although I am impressed with my timing, it is Philip Norman's fault that there are articles like this everywhere you look this week: "John never tried anything, I slept with him a million times," says Paul McCartney of John Lennon.
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»damn! even the actor has been replaced!
phoney was replaced
maybe there will be 10 of them, one for each suitcase
14 suitcases
this is going to be a long game
will you stay till the end?
Are all the suitcases going to have a video of a guy in a pig suit attacking the camera?
I hope so.
cool post.
" anonymous said...
Are all the suitcases going to have a video of a guy in a pig suit attacking the camera?"
About that... Iamaphoney is this awesome editor and filmmaker, and he came up with that crap? What is this, a high school film class?
Stick to editing other people's stuff 'phoney.
the end?
the Dallas ending
"it was all a dream"
At the end of the end
it's the start of a journey
to a much better place
and this wasn't bad
so a much better place
Would have to special
No need to be sad
On the day that I die
I'd like jokes to be told
and stories of old
to be rolled out like carpets
the children have played on
and laid on while listening
to stories of old
At the end of the end
it's a start of a journey
to a much better place
and a much better place
Would have to special
No reason to cry
On the day that I die
I'd like bells to be rung
and songs that were sung
to be hung out like blankets
That lovers have played on
and laid on while listening
to songs that were sung
At the end of the end
it's a start of a journey
to a much better place
and a much better place
Would have to special
No reason to cry
No need to be sad
At the end of the End.
a journey that starts with CERN?
i will retrieve the suitcase tomorrow and post a video on tuesday. maybe sooner, or later. it depends on what's in the suitcase and all... i'll post hi-res pics of the suitcase and it's contents. plus scans of the documents, if there are any... in the video i saw this one frame where the suitcase is open and a big black garbage-bag was in it...
Thank you MikeNL!
" mikenl said...
... in the video i saw this one frame where the suitcase is open and a big black garbage-bag was in it..."
I'm excited that you're going to go get it and I don't want to dissuade you in anyway but, doesn't that scare you?
Yeah I caught that black bag in the suitcase and was wondering what was up with it... I figured it would be to help keep whats inside safe from water...
yeah, i figured that too.
i'm not afraid of a black bag! :P
oehh the scary black bag is going to kill me.
What? you think Paul's head is in it or something wicked like that.? don't think so...
i think this one contains documents and and a CD... maybe.
Don't worry about the black bag Mike! There will be no head in it and it won't kill you!
yeah dont worry mikenl! thank you for going to get it! finally we will have the truth!
or a new clue : ]
or a new clue! yes!
now we'll get a new clue!
i'd rather have the truth then some briefcase clue
this is so staged
but you will watch anyway, won't cha?
yes but i wont like it
yeah, i'll say i am not going to watch, but i will anyway, then bitch about it and say iam not going to watch anymore, then keep watching anyways
I had that same idea socash, the same idea
first stage of project briefcheese completed.
second stage of project briefcheese failed.
my friend isn't allowed to drive through france...
so no briefcase :-(.
Does it really matter if the actor was replaced?
From the looks of the picture of the "new" actor, he loved to play cowboy...
Suitcase at the Vatican?
I'd love to see a video of iamaphoney getting his ass kicked by the Swiss Gaurd. That would make my day.
"What is this, a high school film class?"
Ah! The truth at last! That's why the first foney is gone:
he graduated! I'll bet Miles Deo is behind all of this!
Mike, can't you get your parents to take you to CERN?
(Tell 'em you're interested in science, and want to see the place.
Then - oh, gee, what's this? A suitcase!)
No - cancel that. Parents always mess things up.
Get your local Mafia guy/drug distributer to arrange for picking up the suitcase. He'll do it, for a cut of the take.
What do you think the analogy is between Rotten Apple 39 and "Lonely Road"? Why that song?
It's something I always kind of thought about.
Lonely road:
RA 39:
The red car, the yellow car.... I don't know, it's interesting anyway.
anonymous, thanks!!!
i never made that connection.
very interesting.
I predict clips from the All Together Now trailer will soon wind up in someone elses videos.
Especially that "Slightly crazy people" and "holy grail" comments.
Damn you IAAP. All this time I've been having a crack at the supposed "ciphers"
Its the keys on the keyboard. The key before or after the letter.
Good find, anon!
thank you for trying MikeNL!
Cheers mate!
i hope cern doesnt get it before mikenl, they wont post pics and vids and we will never know!
yes thank you for trying MikeNL
you did more then most! Thanks!
all hope is lost now, CERN is going to get that case and we will never know now
oh well, thanks for trying Mike
iamaphoney if you are reading this, could you bring a suitcase to the mall of america? if you drop it near the Orange Julius® I promise on Paul McCartneys hidden secret grave I will go get it! Maltese Cross my heart
I don't have a video camera but I know someone who does and we could put some videos up about it. I will get the local news here and everything. Minnesota LOVES iamaphoney
I live in NYC phoney, drop one near the Dakota building and I will go get that I promise!
France sucks! You will have hell to pay for turning away MikeNL French people!
I am changing, from now on, the name or FRENCH fries to PHONEY fries
put that in your french face and smoke it Roman Polanski!
I hope Germany invades you again, and this time no one will come to the rescue
the french were tipped off, I called the FBI
the Bern curse
F rench
B locking
I amaphoney
Damn it Bern! Why did you do that!
givl gtsmvr!
givl NRTM!
Mark my words, this will soon be over!
We got them on the run!
Yo Bern
Faul turned down your brother at the rest stop?
that why you so mad?
Bern's brother is imaginary, its like someone calling a radio talk show..
"I have this, uh, friend.... yeah thats it, this friend who likes to proposition men at rest stops."
Mojo's gay dallas newspaper man just ran a story about Bern, page 9, about half way down the page
Headline on the editorial
"Bern has the whitest teeth I ever CAME across"
You've got a small dick gay dallas newspaper man!
no bern, you've just got a big mouth
This place has descended into pure madness...
Anonymous said...
Damn you IAAP. All this time I've been having a crack at the supposed "ciphers"
Its the keys on the keyboard. The key before or after the letter.
good job Socash!
Zakk said...
This place has descended into pure madness...
September 17, 2008 12:21 PM
Madness started
with Rotten Apple #1
Paul is alive!
CHOW is spelled ciao!
if you were really gay you would know that!
thank you Anonymous
i will be sure to check with you on those type of nuances in the future
"FRENCH fries to PHONEY fries"
Has a RING to it!
I don't think bern is real. I think he IS an agent of Paul, warning us all of the impending arrest of iamaphoney.
It will happen.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I don't think bern is real. I think he IS an agent of Paul, warning us all of the impending arrest of iamaphoney.
It will happen.
I am marking your words
Anonymous Bern
17 Sept 2008 - day one of the impending arrest of iamaphoney
care to put a date on the actual arrest?
There are at least three steady, reliable people in the New England area that I know of (myself included) that are at least good enough sports to get the suitcase and do what needs to be done.. So pick one of those six states there Phoney. I don't mind a long drive, but I can't just jet over to freakin' Cern.
Lille again
Bern / Cern
Waterbury sounds like an appropriate spot!
But Connecticut, or Vermont? Which?
Call in The Hardy Boys!
Anonymous said...
"Does it really matter if the actor was replaced?
From the looks of the picture of the "new" actor, he loved to play cowboy...
Iamaphoney actor #2 seems like more like a New Hampshire kind of guy...
I don't think the actor was replaced. He had shorter hair then, that's all. And he had darker skin, the hot desert sun will do that to ya.
Anonymous said...
Bern / Cern
My GOD! I don't think so!
Anonymous said...
Bern / Cern
My GOD! I don't think so!
Faux Bern
Iamaphoney actor #2 seems like more like a New Hampshire kind of guy...
Yeah I saw him at the local Wal-Mart buying a new shirt.. So that "stinky" Youtube person can rest easy now.. :->
"Waterbury sounds like an appropriate spot!
But Connecticut, or Vermont? Which?
Call in The Hardy Boys!"
Maybe try Wilton Ct.
I don't think the actor was replaced. He had shorter hair then, that's all. And he had darker skin, the hot desert sun will do that to ya.
JRouly and the Macca Funhouse
yes, but uhh, it's about the symbolism you know...
people want phoney to be dead. so they say he was replaced between RA 39 and RA101.
so it could be possible that he changed his hair... OR he was replaced.
PS; this message is not serious.
FERN! lol
bern cern fern!
"people want phoney to be dead."
who does? i hope not!
Wilton Ct would be good!
I know a gal who may go get it there
will anyone go to Rome if IAAP drops one there?
Fern will go.
Bern will stay home.
Hern washes the potatoes while
Cern will destroy the earth.
Hmmm. The Forbes 400 Richest Americans (for right now)
# 20. Donald Bren
Net Worth: $12 billion
Source: Real estate
Residence: Newport Beach, Calif.
Age: 76
Bren, Bern, whatever.
what wealthy person is bankrolling all this world travel do you suppose?
follow the money
Without question there are two Iamaphoney actors. The first one seen walking around Abbey Road and signing his name to the wall looks nothing at all like the current 2008 model. The switch was made to become more popular.
Yeah, Iamaphoney in the good old days when he would fly in to a rage on his comments page spewing all kinds of insanity. No one here likes to talk about that for some reason. When Iamaphoney revealed so much about himself. More fun to just pretend it never happened, hm?
maybe he was extra stinky that day
Hey everybody, I'm Bern's (yes, the REAL one)brother, Harold. My good pal Paul (yes, Paul McCartney) is really determined to catch iamaphoney. He hasn't said outright, but I think Paul does know who iamaphoney is, and whoever it is, he makes Macca really, really nervous. This is a real top secret hush-hush investigation the FBI is performing at the moment, and you all here are probably the only ones who are hearing about it.
On a side note, I want to note that my brother has gone to help out Paul's crew in Isreal. I asked him if he's nervous about any death threats and he said, "Nah... Iamaphoney is more dangerous than any death threat." Wish my brother luck, and Paul in his journey to cath the phoney!
- Harold
"No one here likes to talk about that for some reason. When Iamaphoney revealed so much about himself. More fun to just pretend it never happened, hm?"
wow! where do i find that?
So you only "think" Paul knows about IAAP and yet somehow you know that IAAP makes Paul really really nervous? How could you know one fact without knowledge of the other, goofball?
There are thousands of IAAPs, not all of them make videos. Manson was an IAAP. The guy who stabbed Harrison was an IAAP. The whack job in the movie "Imagine" who showed up at Lennon's door saying he thought Beatle lyrics were meant for him is IAAP. IAAP just happens to be an IAAP that knows how to edit videos well, which gives the loose narrative of his videos greater impact and believability (although, written on paper, no more believable than anything at NIR or TKIN).
There have been and will always be goofballs that believe the Beatles were something other than just a popular band. Whether it's PID or Paul is Satanic or Beatles were Mind Control or Beatles-have-something to do-with-my-particular-favorite cult film-or-book and therefore validate my nerd-dom (Clockwork Orange, Star Wars etc.), it's all a subconscious ploy to engage in shared community, fan devotion (albeit in reverse), and attention-getting ("my theory about Paul is shocking and true!). It's like fantasy football, only it's fantasy Beatles, a place where fans can shape and mold their heroes into superhumans or demons, making them playing pieces in the alternate fantasy reality in which they live.
Anyway, I'm off to find the case.
Try TKIN. He is "Bill". You will have to go back more than a year in the posts.
"Yeah, Iamaphoney in the good old days when he would fly in to a rage on his comments page spewing all kinds of insanity. "
are they still there on his comment page?
I would like read them if they are
"Yeah, Iamaphoney in the good old days when he would fly in to a rage on his comments page spewing all kinds of insanity. "
so his crazy insane comments are not actually on his youtube channel, but on TKIN????????
maybe someone was pretending to be iamaphoney there at TKIN
People pretend to be all sorts of things on the internet
hey real bern's brother,
where are those crazy comments?
are they on his Youtube page?
also, couldn't Paul McCartney make a copyright claim against iamaphoney and shut him down immediately?
why the dreaded "FBI" investigation all hush hush that you just spilled the beans on?
"why the dreaded "FBI" investigation all hush hush that you just spilled the beans on?"
Bern's Brother,
mojo's gay dallas newspaper man was right,
you do have a BIG MOUTH!
damn man, you just probably screwed up an investigation! Thats probably a violation of some law in of itself
so now its Bern himself that works for Paul McCartney?
"n a side note, I want to note that my brother has gone to help out Paul's crew in Isreal. I asked him if he's nervous about any death threats and he said, "Nah... Iamaphoney is more dangerous than any death threat." Wish my brother luck, and Paul in his journey to cath the phoney!
- Harold"
I thought he said that you did Harold?
you don't sound very credible Harold Bern whatever. I mean, no one really does here so you are in good company.
I'm an Iamaphoney? He's an Iamaphoney? Is that sort of like, I'm a Pepper, He's a Pepper, She's a Pepper too? Come to think of it, is that another shocking clue?
Paul is Saturn? According to YKMN, Paul is the Fool from the Tarot. Paul said he was Mars and Linda was Venus. Patti Smyth is the Warrior. Daltry is the Pinball Wizard. Elton said he was a Rocket Man. Sting, always pretentious, is the King of Pain. Maybe he meant "Spain" and he's got a lisp, I don't know. It's all making sense.
Mikey is Iamaphoney! The "actor" is the kid who played Mikey, from the Netherlands, who just happens to live where Iamaphoney lives. And there are only two people in the Netherlands who believe Paul is Dead, and they are Mikey and Iamaphoney. And Mikey just happens to be in close touch (no pun intended) with Iamaphoney, and we wonder why that would be so, if Iamaphoney is Paul McCartney or Mal Evans' cousin or some BS.
So it is only fitting that Mikey find the case, since that would prove how legit the whole thing is. And I think George Bush should count his own ballots and defendants at trial should vote on whether they are guilty and magicians should be able to turn off the lights before they make something disappear. That whole "objective" thing is for losers.
"also, couldn't Paul McCartney make a copyright claim against iamaphoney and shut him down immediately?
why the dreaded "FBI" investigation all hush hush that you just spilled the beans on?"
yeah! why not just shut him down?
it could be done in minutes!
"hey real bern's brother,
where are those crazy comments?
are they on his Youtube page?
also, couldn't Paul McCartney make a copyright claim against iamaphoney and shut him down immediately?
why the dreaded "FBI" investigation all hush hush that you just spilled the beans on?"
I said before, Paul might know who the phoney is, and his motivations. The phoney's story is boreline tragic, and really fuckin weird. Paul and Phoney have a sort of Batman/Joker relationship right now. If the videos are pulled then BAD things will happen. Once it all gets taken care of, the suitcases and all, and the phoney is captured, then the videos will be gone. Right now the FBI just doesn't see any need to pull the videos down.
I would tell more about the Phoney's origins, but I just can't right now. Now is not the right time. Later, I will...
No one was pretending to be IAAP before the series. Many people at NIR knew him then, and know him now. And you notice they don't even talk much about his series on NIR. They should know whether he's legit, and apparently they don't think so. Mikey doesn't even think Paul is Dead, and he's IAAPs de facto spokesperson! If you want to know what IAAP ("Bill") sounded like, very much like a cross between Jude (RockXLight) and to171983.
"If the videos are pulled then BAD things will happen."
what bad things??????
Who said Paul even knows or cares a whit about the series? There's no evidence of that, let alone a Batman/Joker relationship, which so far is only a fantasy on the part of IAAP believers.
what crime is iaap gonna be charged with?
"and the phoney is captured, then the videos will be gone."
it would not be hard to "capture" IAAP man, just follow his ISP address.
What "BAD" stuff if the videos would be taken down before his "capture"??
"I would tell more about the Phoney's origins, but I just can't right now. Now is not the right time. Later, I will..."
right, more cryptic comments.
sounds like the same stuff as
"now that I know, I am not going to tell you. Maybe someday I will.."
" alone a Batman/Joker relationship, which so far is only a fantasy on the part of IAAP believers."
so now BERN/Harold FBI secret informant confidant is an IAAP believer?
"Right now the FBI just doesn't see any need to pull the videos down. "
are YOU a FBI agent or informant?
seriously, how would you be "privy" to any sort of that information, and if you were why would you come HERE and discuss it?
sounds to me like you are involved in a bit of "Fantasy" yourself
delusions of grandeur
you think that Paul McCartney is going to give you a medal and take you backstage and then out to dinner, listing you as a credit on his latest album
when you single handedly thwart this IAAP threat?
If there is an FBI investigation, it would be more along the lines of those fires and perhaps stalking, which Paul is rightfully concerned with. IAAP presents himself as a stalker, being filmed on Abbey Road walking backward and writing on the wall and hanging up signs and walking up the steps at EMI. That's stalker stuff. It's okay if it's just a video editing art project, but anything other than that is wacko territory.
"Paul might know who the phoney is, and his motivations."
then you say
"I would tell more about the Phoney's origins, but I just can't right now. Now is not the right time. Later, I will..."
so Paul MAY know, but YOU claim that you DO know!
Why not tell him Harold/Bern?
Sounds like you are Impeding a FBI criminal investigation by not disclosing to them or Paul what it is that you know
you say you or your brother work for Paul
you say that you know about Iamaphoney
you say you know what the FBI thinks and or is doing
you hoping to get some sort of reward? Then Paul will really love you?
I've said it before: the best end game for IAAP is to reveal that HE is a phony. He set up a fake Paul YouTube site--a phony. He set up a fake Mal Evans, Yoko, Neil, and other sites--phonies. He calls himself IAMAPHONEY and he doesn't even spell Phony correctly, so even his spelling is phony.
And I don't recall if IAAP ever said that Paul said he was a phony, but we do see the actor writing "Iamaphoney" everywhere as though he were referring to himself.
Bern/Harold sounds like he too may be some sort of phoney as well
"I've said it before: the best end game for IAAP is to reveal that HE is a phony."
I think you are right
And he isn't even the actor--the actor is a phony. The interview was phony. The 2 briefcases were phony. The remixes of Beatle songs were phonies. The editing tricks to create false impressions were phony. Maybe that's why he shows the telephone scene 'cause he's a PHONE-y. Are there any vids with references to baloney?
Anonymous wrote:
Yeah, Iamaphoney in the good old days when he would fly in to a rage on his comments page spewing all kinds of insanity. No one here likes to talk about that for some reason. When Iamaphoney revealed so much about himself. More fun to just pretend it never happened, hm?
If you tell me where to find these examples, I will be glad to talk about them. Although, if they occurred before R.A. 39, we might be comparing Rotten Apples and Rotten Oranges.
so you or your brother happened to meet Paul McCartney at a road side rest stop, and you or your brother told him about iamaphoney, which sparks a FBI secret hush hush investigation
then Paul McCartney gave you or your brother jobs to go help his concert in Israel?
Loony fricken toons man
you have delusions of grandeur
that's not stalker stuff, c'mon...seriously
and who let him film inside masonic lodges?
Anonymous wrote:
Are there any vids with references to baloney?
No, only ham--and that's what makes this all so mystifying.
"if you tell me where to find these examples, I will be glad to talk about them. Although, if they occurred before R.A. 39, we might be comparing Rotten Apples and Rotten Oranges."
well said Taf!
I am looking at TKIN and cant find these comments, could someone tell me where to look?
Could the person who made the comment give some examples?
Paul McCartney called,
he said Bern and his brother Harold are doing great work, and they should set their secret FBI decoder rings to "whiskey, alpha, tango, foxtrot" to receive further instructions on what to do in Israel
"Yeah, Iamaphoney in the good old days when he would fly in to a rage on his comments page spewing all kinds of insanity. No one here likes to talk about that for some reason. When Iamaphoney revealed so much about himself. More fun to just pretend it never happened, hm?"
Please give some examples
Heather McCartney called also, she wants the leg that phoney pulled.
To the filming in the lodge comment: it isn't illegal to film in lodges--I was let inside the 33rd degree lodge in NY on 23rd street (yeah, I know, 23) before it was opened to the public. Besides, who said IAAP isn't a Mason? He sure seems like one.
I Harold am a brother of Bern, and we are actively involved in a secret hush hush FBI investigation based on our tips to Paul McCartney who was unaware of the Iamaphoney menace.
We have super secret information about Iamaphoney and are withholding it till the "right" time.
We are also space aliens
We are taking women back with us to Mars
We find these women at reststops along major highways
We are not Gay
so bern and his brothers are space aliens! and they are taking women back to mars
and they are not Gay!
No one here likes to talk about that for some reason. When Bern and his brother revealed so much about themselves. More fun to just pretend it never happened, hm?
hush hush is sorta gay, not that there's any thing.....
Man I cant find any examples of IAAP spewing hate on his channel comments yet, but I will be damned if I didnt come across some startling knowledge about Bern and his brother on this very blog
They single handedly started an FBI investigation
They are space aliens
they are taking women back to Mars
they are not Gay
yet NO ONE seems to want to talk about THAT, do they?
more fun to just pretend it never happened, hm???
"so now its Bern himself that works for Paul McCartney?"
We both do. I've been good pals with P since waaaay back, even before he became a Beatle.
"you think that Paul McCartney is going to give you a medal and take you backstage and then out to dinner, listing you as a credit on his latest album
when you single handedly thwart this IAAP threat?"
What? No, me and my brother are just helping him out.
"it would not be hard to "capture" IAAP man, just follow his ISP address."
Phoney doesn't work that way... We can't put are finger on where he is, he moves in an almost liquid way.
"What "BAD" stuff if the videos would be taken down before his "capture"??"
Can't say. Lets just say some people will be killed in ways involving the their body parts being stuffed in suitcases.
"What crime is iaap gonna be charged with?"
Attempted murder of Paul McCartney.
Ok, I suppose now is the time to tell the truth. Paul told me the story of the man he believes to be the phoney. It invlolves Crowley and the moon.
- Harold
yeah and they got jobs with Paul McCartney because of a road side tip about iamaphoney and are now jetting off to Israel to help in hush hush security
you are heros Bern and brother!
The medals are being engraved as we speak. I would tell you more about that, but at this time I can't. The time is not right
Oh good. There is someone pretending to be me, and he claims that me and my dear brother are aliens from Mars.
I'm telling Paul about this blog tomorrow.
- Harold
"We can't put are finger on where he is"
""What "BAD" stuff if the videos would be taken down before his "capture"??"
Can't say. Lets just say some people will be killed in ways involving the their body parts being stuffed in suitcases. "
should we mark your words on this?
you have a time frame for this, like you did last month?
Attempted murder of Paul McCartney?
really? go on
when was the attempt?
Mark my words, this blog will be FBI shut down tonight!
- Harold
The FBI told me, thats how we roll
I already told you, I've been pals with Paul since 1959. We used to play together, and we kept in touch.
I was present when they shot the "butcher album" cover. No shitting. There were good natured laughs all around. Bern has always been jealous of me for that!
No, the FBI will not shuit down this blog. Fucker.
- Harold
If you go back to the first few pages of Rotten Apple on NIR you'll find that IAAP "Bill" was convinced the Beatles were Crowley-ists and had some Manson connection, the same thing he's still talking about. He took the "1,2,3,4,5,6,7 all good children" "clue" from "Beatlies," who thought it was a "smoking gun" because Manson family wrote that on a door at a murder site (although it's a world famous "counting rhyme" that all kids know and use, not some Beatle crypto-speak). IAAP was all about reverse speech and the fact that Paul's name backward sounds like Ian Iachamoe, the name he used as a pseudonym for that very reason. So, in sum, IAAP hasn't changed a bit. He wasn't a Beatle insider and he isn't Paul, he was an NIR dude taking cues from other NIR dudes like Beatlies and Jude, and he's still making the unsubstantiated case that Paul was a devoted Crowley disciple.
IAAP also said at NIR that he was going to make a DVD to be released in Denmark about the topic. That was his original goal.
I doubt a Beatle insider would have some dream of editing a Paul is Dead video for release in the middle of nowhere, no offense to Denmark.
"Paul might know who the phoney is, and his motivations."
then you say
"I would tell more about the Phoney's origins, but I just can't right now. Now is not the right time. Later, I will..."
Man! Someone call Paul right now that Harold and his brother are withholding investigative information from the FBI
Ask Jguilders if that is obstruction of justice
We need a legal opinion on this immediately!
Hush, hush..I thought I heard paul calling bern's name now
he wants his spooky halloween story back...crowley and the moon ? body parts?
So the whole iAAP thing if you check it out is all basically about reversals, because Crowley magick is about reversing speech, and to IAAP the Beatle fondness for backwards tape loops and some backwards talk (and Crowley on the Pepper cover) is enough to show some deep link to the occult rather than to art. IAAP took note that Lennon said the Beatles took their cue from Crowley (Do what thou wilt), and so, if he thinks he's found some CODE, it's got to be a code relating to Crowley's ideas. So IAAP makes clues like the kind occultists use, such as sigils and anagrams and whatnot.
"He wasn't a Beatle insider and he isn't Paul, he was an NIR dude taking cues from other NIR dudes like Beatlies and Jude, and he's still making the unsubstantiated case that Paul was a devoted Crowley disciple."
and that would cause an FBI investigation??
making the unsubstantiated case that Paul was a devoted Crowley disciple??
is Denny Laine under FBI investigation as well? didnt he also claim that Paul was a devoted Crowley disciple??
so that leads to jail time Harold?
friends with Paul since 1959
and you were present at the Butcher cover photo shoot
and your name is Harold, and you have a brother Bern.
got it
Your story is almost as full of holes as iamaphoney's Harold/Bern
Well, you made your case Harold, time will tell if you are right
"IAAP also said at NIR that he was going to make a DVD to be released in Denmark about the topic. That was his original goal."
why would anyone buy that DVD when they can see it free on youtube?
Yeah, well he said he wanted to try to release it by Feb 2008. He probably couldn't get interest in a long form video (really, he's better at short clips, not narrative), so he figured why not just viral it and get interest on the youtube site by generating buzz with false accounts and by having his cohorts wonder aloud whether he was Paul or whomever. What has kept the series going after so many goof ups (like the Blair Witch embarrassment) is not whether Paul is Dead, but the idea that Paul is Behind the series.
On a side note, I want to note that my brother has gone to help out Paul's crew in Isreal. I asked him if he's nervous about any death threats and he said, "Nah... Iamaphoney is more dangerous than any death threat." Wish my brother luck, and Paul in his journey to cath the phoney!
- Harold
"Nah... Iamaphoney is more dangerous than any death threat."
Why is that? Why is Iamaphoney more dangerous then Islamic extremists?
was IAAP in on the 911 attack?
oh my God!
So IAAP isn't waiting for some cosmic time to "reveal" anything, he's just taking his sweet time in order to get more viewers. That's his motivation I think. To get more viewers, he's turned to suitcase hunts and other tactics.
Drop the Harold thing, guys. It's all bs, we know it, Harold knows it.
"We can't put are finger on where he is, he moves in an almost liquid way."
that proves it, since he is made of 80% water, IAAP is the most serious threat ever. More dangerous then Islamic militants
If you drink anything with liquid in it, he can get you.
I am switching to sand as a refreshing beverage.
Thanks for the heads up Harold
Anyway, you guys can dodge with the Harold trivia all you like, but for anyone wanting to know what IAAPs all about, read what I posted about his comments on NIR. Go read his comments yourself. See how the thing developed. It's not a mystery. Like I said, Mikey's his spokesperson and Mikey isn't really a PID believer himself--so there ya go.
"read what I posted about his comments on NIR"
who are you and what did you post
I cant find what you wrote
"read what I posted about his comments on NIR"
tell me the page i will go read it right now
Iamaphoney's original comments were in very bad English but notice how the notes he sends to Tafultong are in respectable English. Did he learn how to communicate better or did he hand over the corresponding chores to someone else?
Good point!
Why does MikeyNL1038 speak english so well?
"Iamaphoney's original comments were in very bad English but notice how the notes he sends to Tafultong are in respectable English."
"read what I posted about his comments on NIR"
"Try TKIN. He is "Bill". You will have to go back more than a year in the posts."
where on NIR and where on TKIN???
I will go read them right now if you tell me where
You sure it was IAAP?
Someone pretended to be Harold/Bern saying he was a space alien,
couldn't someone do that to IAAP as well?
are they on TKIN or NIR?
tried searching for Bill on TKIN
cant find them, where do I look?
Just to clear up any confusion, Paul told me (and Bern) the possible identity of iamaphoney. That is how know. Just got off the phone with Paul, I told him all about this blog, and he showed interest. He said he may post here soon if he likes the blog.
Would that prove to you all that I am serious?
- Harold
Would that prove to you all that I am serious?
- Harold
fake blog comments from Paul would be AWESOME!
Say hi to your imaginary boss Harold!
where do I find your comments on NIR Harold?
Harold and Bern are my older brothers. They are much closer to each other than I am to them. They never met Paul McCartney. Also, when we were growing up, Bern always used to tell Mom on me for stealing cookies.
I think the user name did change somewhere along the way, but the posts on both TKIN and NIR from "Bill" did correspond to the early days of the Rotten Apple series. And they probably did come from the person responsible for the first few Rotten Apple videos. If Iamaphoney is still only that one guy, he improved a lot more than just his English writing skills in the past two years.
At NIR, you can find him as the originator of the infamous Rotten Apple 2 thread. Go there and click on the name "Bill" to see the posts that are still available. At TKIN, do a search for Iamaphoney and go back about 900 days and you should find a post from Bill. Do the same thing by clicking on the name to see more of Bill's posts.
thank you Tafultong!
I will go check it out!
I've never met a clinically delusional schizophrenic U.S. citizen who did not fetishize the FBI.
~ km
Don't forget that Iamaphoney's original comments are on the RA videos themselves on YT. Go back to the first ones and begin searching through the oldest comments.
"I've never met a clinically delusional schizophrenic U.S. citizen who did not fetishize the FBI.
~ km"
RA 6
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
it is not fake - he is saying what he is saying-but i just used some video to make it more nice-i have
only the audiotape.
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
They meet in LA between the 20 - 25 june 1968,
There is this guy in new mexico who have this picture of the 2 of them together.This spring I am
going to do an interview with this guy,
Really looking forward to that,...
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
search for yourself on the internet...
now what do you find?
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
thanks again
you will learn to love the theory in the next couple of month :-)
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
ask apple corps
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
right you are
RA 11
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
chaos and creation in the backyard...make an anagram like Paul did in Memory almost full...
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
age has nothing to do with this...
only knowledge
visdom and knowledge
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
oxalicman!I understand you dont like the idea that paul is dead.
But The Beatles made it like this I didnt manipulate
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
how do you know??
iamaphoney (1 year ago) Show Hide
Thats not an answer
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
cool keep posted and you will change your mind
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
i will join yours if you make one
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
soon you will know
IAAP comments from the 1st 15 Rotten Apple vids
where is all this insane hate Harold?
English is pretty good too
so far the comments seem pretty measured, I dont see any threats towards anyone
are these hateful comments you speak of Harold after RA15?
where are the "threats" you speak of?
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
thanks again
you will learn to love the theory in the next couple of month :-)
mikenl1038 uses that symbol
YouTube says
"We are currently performing site maintenance. Be cool - we'll be back 100% in a bit."
The F.Bern.I. is taking it all down!
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
get well soon
where is it Harold/Bern?
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
get well soon
right Bern?
you have Paul reading this blog yet Bern/Harold?
maybe now Paul can sleep well at night now reading such frightening comments as "Get Well soon" and "Thanks Again"
"Nah... Iamaphoney is more dangerous than any death threat."
- Harold
So where are the dangerous comments IAAP has made?
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
get well soon
iamaphoney (1 year ago)
thanks again
you will learn to love the theory in the next couple of month :-)
thats right up there with Bin laden dont you think right Harold/BERN?
Look at Bill's posts on TKIN
Calm down.There is no Bern and Harold. This is obviously someone fucking with you because it's fun.
is Bill on TKIN really iamaphoney?
could be someone posing as IAAP
Reality check: Iamaphoney is not Paul or Julian or whoever. He is a video editor in Denmark with time on his hands and a love for playing games. He has friends and followers that create multiple online identities to bullshit people into thinking Iamaphoney has a much larger audience than he really does. There are also PIAers on here, on YT and on NIR who also create mulitiple identies just to fuck with PIDders because they think it's funny and it kills some time. When all is said and done there are maybe 50 people who even contribute to this crap on either side of the argument and everybody is much too stoned or lazy to go fetch a suitcase or call the FBI.
from NIR
sorry i didnt mean to upset you..
man, that's hateful!
he says "sorry i didnt mean to upset you.."
from NIR
I do agree, Jude.
Spam isnt cool, questions are!
by the way:see you in LA
So Jude met IAAP?
Jude met phoney in LA?
welcome aboard the merrygoround dude
"When all is said and done there are maybe 50 people who even contribute to this crap on either side of the argument and everybody is much too stoned or lazy to go fetch a suitcase or call the FBI."
right you are!
If you've been at the poker table for 30 minutes and you don't know who the patsy is, you're the patsy. Look around. Do you see the patsy?
Was that about the time that Jude was chased down by George Harrison?
the person on NIR Bill
was spelled B L L L
PIDders and PIAers need each other because we are the only ones who give a crap about this topic. The rest of the world could care less. We both get a thrill out of pissing each other off. It's a marriage is what it is. You hate the wife but you can't live without her.
So after two years we have:
1. a guy called Iamaphoney. he makes videos on youtube (!) about Paul Mccartney beeing dead, replaced and beeing a satanic or masonist or whatever. He is faking and manipulating material for that purpose. and he using "rare" pictures from the internet. oh wait: they are blended in so shortly, they count as "subliminals". and he showed the world that,hhm,what DID he show us?
2. followers: a guy called "jude/rockxlight" and a guy called "MikeyNL". they believe everything that youtube-video guy (see 1.) does.
3. antagonist: a guy called "miles deo". he is posting cryptic videos that no one understands. and he states that he is working against the "phoney". A guy called "Bern/brother": he is calling the FBI and is working for Paul himself!!!
4. no clues, no proof, no revalation what so ever.
5. suitcases (...)
6. approximately 50 people who care about this or are amused by it.
7. i say 10-15 people who are so crazy (or so young in age) that they really believe all this internet-BS
8. did i miss something?
8. did i miss something?
you missed nothing
got it distilled down to the essence
Well done!
Jude met iamaphoney in LA and was assimilated borg style
dont tell the children there is no santa claus!
Anonymous said:
"Reality check: Iamaphoney is not Paul or Julian or whoever. He is a video editor in Denmark with time on his hands and a love for playing games. He has friends and followers that create multiple online identities to bullshit people into thinking Iamaphoney has a much larger audience than he really does. There are also PIAers on here, on YT and on NIR who also create mulitiple identies just to fuck with PIDders because they think it's funny and it kills some time. When all is said and done there are maybe 50 people who even contribute to this crap on either side of the argument and everybody is much too stoned or lazy to go fetch a suitcase or call the FBI."
This is my favorite part:
"There are also PIAers on here, on YT and on NIR who also create mulitiple identies just to fuck with PIDders because they think it's funny and it kills some time."
Exactly. That was mainly all I was doing. YKMN's video said it best, "Open your eyes." When is everyone here and elsewhere going to open their eyes? This is all BS. Not all, but most of the people that post here, on YouTube, and over at the PID forums are under or near the age of 21, merely kids; the basic mentality which believes this crap. No offense to those of you that fall into this category, you are still young and naive. The good news, you will wise up with age and experience......hopefully. The rest of you, it is time to grow up. How many suitcases does Phoney have to plant before you realize he has NOTHING to offer PID or PWR. Sorry Taf, but the RA Series ain't even worth it for the music. It is not exactly something I would burn to a CD, or buy for that matter, to listen to in my car or at home. It sure ain't The Beatles, or anything even close. But hey, that is just my opinion, of which I am sure will be dismissed. The RA Series is just a big drawn-out infomercial. In the end, you will be offered the "secret" for five monthly installments of only $19.95. PayPal will be accepted. Many of you will buy.
I am sorry to say Julian Lennon has nothing to do with IAAP. That was just me talking crap; basically to see how many would believe it. For that I apologize. Such stunts make me no better than IAAP. Julian has better things to do, like finishing up his new album. It should be out very shortly.
-John Charles - "The Return of the Son" I am looking forward to it. Been hankering for something fresh.-
I posted that to YKMN's Revelation video. The son is returning. John Lennon's son Julian. He is making music again. Jesus, the Son of God, will be back at a later date.
Well guys, this has been fun and all, but I have now become very tired of the whole thing. I will probably pop in now and again, just to see if Phoney is still running amuck. If I get bored, I may post a satirical video. JohnCharles2007/YKMN, it was a pleasure conversing with you. Keep up the good work. People, Paul ain't dead. I know, you won't believe a troll, and that's O.K. One day, you'll get it.
-Sir Larry Mildew
P.S. A little advice....some here should watch what they post as far as "death threats" toward Sir Paul. Be it first hand or second, even as a joke (which ain't funny), it is not too smart. There are people that read this blog that do take such things seriously. And.... you can be found out.
P.S.S Don't believe everything you read and/or see on the internet. Believe it or not, pictures, video, articles, etc., can be faked.
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