The video appeared earlier today and was removed most likely within an hour after about 9 views. An hour later the video returned. It's probable that some editing was done after the first posting, so I am still interested if anyone was able to capture the original version.
This is the "Instant Karma" of the Rotten Apple series. Apparently Iamaphoney still has the resources to do whatever he wants on a moment's notice. This must have been quickly filmed and edited, which is probably the reason for the on and off and on release.
And, yes, it looks like we have a third suitcase.
great. a suitcase in europe!!!
What is the source on that Lennon quote- that his idea for the cover was to 'decapitate' Paul?
Anonymous said...
What is the source on that Lennon quote- that his idea for the cover was to 'decapitate' Paul?
That was directly from the Beatles Anthology Book, page 204.
the video never changed.
they simply switched from "public" to "private" and then 2 hours later back to "public".
A 3rd suitcase next to the hadron collider : ] niceee
Thanks for the sourcing, T.
So I guess that person frantically posting about seeing the IAAP actor in a motorcade the other night...that was for real?
Wow, this is weird.
seems authentic, or phoney himself :]
BTW, a conspiracy theorist's perspective of CERN Laboratories can be found in the Dan Brown book "Angels and Demons."
please go get that suitcase mikenl!
I see no reason to think this is a different suitcase, especially since 65if2007 was unable to find it on his last trip to LA. It's the same one; they moved it.
Jude said...
I see no reason to think this is a different suitcase
The description of the video is simply "3."
Since the actor was walking around near the CERN collider, I'm guessing that area isn't restricted, although one would think it should be, don't you think? Anyway, I'm wondering now, given IAAPs thirst for attention, if he planted the first case near where authorities were looking for Manson bodies so that the press or someone might come across the case and make the news. Maybe it wasn't close enough to that area, I'm not sure. In this case, though, could it be that IAAP wants to have people snooping around CERN and get themselves arrested with a case that could easily be mistaken for an explosive device? From a security standpoint, wouldn't you be suspicious of a big locked case near CERN? Doubtful anyone would imagine it's a harmless game piece in a Paul is Dead video scavenger hunt. Just thinking aloud.
John would have happily decapitated Paul in 1970 and more at the time I'd bet.. But they resolved their differences a few years later, all was cool during the May Pang era. (and then not so much again after a return to Yoko) Anyway, take this John quote with a grain of salt, he may have been in a "hate Paul" mood when he said that.
jesus christ
has anyone even looked at what CERN looks like?
conception art http://www.lablit.com/images/91_ART_Cern.jpg
the "suitcase" is not a "suitcase" but a transport case for film
hey that was the thirteenth post....seven years of bad luck?
mikenl could you go get this new suitcase?
Clearly IAAP was at/near CERN, as the CERN vehicle and all else attests. CERN Lab looks like this:
Hey Mikey, d'ya think IAAP set this up for someone neutral like yourself to pick up the film case?
All I know is, Mikey picking up the case is like George Bush counting his own ballots.
be nice to mikey!
he is our only hope!
valis could get it too
or would you rather Bush count the votes?
please go get the suitcase valis!
who are those other people with iamaphoney in this new suitcase video?
seems like
1 camera man
2 iphoney
3 leather jacket/black jacket guy
thats why they needed 3 black cars
1 for "iphoney"
1 for cameraman/black jacket dude
1 for cameras and suitcases
iamaphoney = Johnny "Appleseed"
sprinkling suitcases WORLDWIDE
at places that may just get you arrested
three temples of doom
when do the midgets show up? er, little people....
get the case, valis
btw, he continuity is weird ...iaap needs a bath and a change of wardrobe
good point!
change clothes heathen!
spend some of that Beatle money!
maybe he is like Jeff Goldbloom in the 1986 movie "The Fly"
multiple clothes of the same type so he can concentrate on all of these suitcases he keeps SQUIRRLING around
he should be easy to spot, could you repost that WANTED poster you made for IAMAPHONEY MikeNL1038?
think he still has the same clothes on?
that YOU vince?
like Rocky?
artists dont change clothing
HEY ROCKY! Watch me pull these suitcases from CERN bushes!
that was fucking hilarious
suitcase left near the water faucet/waterbearer
its the dawning of the age of?
oh sheet! am I in copyright violation of georgekush?
it was either the water spigot ( hey 'member george spigot?) or the checkpoint charlie....
"artists dont change clothing"
neither do wolves or le(o)p(a/e)r(d)s
These videos could have all been filmed around the same time, only to be released within the RA series as scheduled.
The game continues........
i am from south america
what mean you?
still, a flight from LAX to CERN is a long one, bring a change of clothes mate!
From the new evidence, without a shadow of a doubt, the actor must be...........Pepe Le Pue.
Affair d'amour? Affair d'coeur? Je ne sais quoi ... je vis en espoir. (Sniffs) Mmmm m mm ... un smella voo feenay .
damn french, now they have our suitcases
First the Large Hadron Collider, and now the IAAP suitcases
we have a suitcase GAP
Call the Pentagon, draw a line in the sand, you are either with us or against us
kinda wish someone would have gotten the suitcase in california now :(
is phoney the fifth Beatle?
John - smart Beatle
Paul - cute Beatle
George - quiet Beatle
Ringo - funny Beatle
Phoney - stinky Beatle
one of the detectors called
ATLAS - as in Atlas shrugged who is John Galt?
another detector is called ALICE
as in Alice in wonderland
alice from EYES WIDE SHUT
down goes the rabbit hole
into the LHC
is phoney the fifth Beatle?
I've got the suitcase. Inside, there's a note that says, "you are all f-ing idiots."
I know! Right!?
I feel greasy and stupid, like when either I eat Kentucky fried chicken OR watch pornography
Paranoid Americans!
You couldnt handle the suitcase and now we have all your suitcase!
eat more burgers fries shakes americans made fat!
I am an american
I eat pornography and watch kentucky fried chicken
i can't get this one either.
if it's NL, or somewhere close in germany or belgium, i would get it. but this one is too far away to get in a single weekend.
then we are doomed
you were our only hope Mikey :(
will europe let us down as well?
"When is someone going to get the suitcase?" - MikeNL1038
never, probably
Mikey is 16 years old and does not have a car like you americans
You let US down! Americans had suitcases for years and failed!
i'm 18.
even if i had a car, i couldn't go... it's simply too far to get in 1 day.
take a train
joke video about IAAP shirt problem
Footnotebot is now dead. He committed suicide.
i miss footnotebot
maybe footnotebot was "suicided"
goodbye and goodnight
David Foster Wallace
now you are a part of the infinite jest
footnotebot dead
Anonymous said...
HEY ROCKY! Watch me pull these suitcases from CERN bushes!
September 13, 2008 10:44 PM
Anonymous said...
You let US down! Americans had suitcases for years and failed!
September 14, 2008 2:34 AM
Years? IAAP hasn't been around for years, and the suitcase been around for months, ya?
You couldnt handle the suitcase and now we have all your suitcase!
All your suitcase belong to us!
Suitcase game has been here about 7 months.
hey stinky, nice vid
Vince here,
Speaking of death,
my cat just died...... out of the blue.
Showed no signs of illness.
Her name was Samantha,
of course, her brother, Fox, is quite upset.
Maybe that's why "My Pal Foot-Foot" hit me in the heart so strongly.
Plus, Mr. Stinky,
The end of your vid, with that cat, reminded me of my Samantha.....
Nice work.
Have a happy day, all.
sorry for your loss Vince!
That's sad Vince! So sorry
There's something Rotten in Denmark.
too bad about your cat Vince
sorry man
"There's something Rotten in Denmark"
We know Mike
Blogger MikeNL said...
great. a suitcase in europe!!!
September 13, 2008 3:43 PM
WOW! are you going to go get it?
Blogger MikeNL said...
i'm 18.
even if i had a car, i couldn't go... it's simply too far to get in 1 day.
September 14, 2008 3:02 AM
The answer is NO
will you promise NEVER to go get that suitcase mikenl?
Never ever ever?
mikenl is 18?
man I thought you were 12?!?!?!
the gloves are off now Mikey
sentimos acerca de su gato Vince
SLM? sir larry mildew?
SLM=so long mike go get that suitcase already! for months you chimed in for someone else to go get it, now its your turn
The Code is in your blood? now the suitcase is closer then ever and you wont go get it because its more then a day, or a weekend away? seems like a small price to pay to be forever linked to history
anonymous said...
SLM=so long mike go get that suitcase already! for months you chimed in for someone else to go get it, now its your turn
The Code is in your blood? now the suitcase is closer then ever and you wont go get it because its more then a day, or a weekend away? seems like a small price to pay to be forever linked to history
September 14, 2008 11:22 AM
I don't think he wants to make the trip twice.
at least once a week mikey said
"When is someone going to get that suitcase?"
and now when it is closer then ever to you, you cant get it
you lost your street credibility mate!
hope this puts an end to your incessant comments for someone else to go get it
I don't think he wants to make the trip twice.
now that you are 18 you dont want to go to jail for hunting around the CERN grounds eh?
well, approx 700miles or 1,100 KM is too far for for Mikey
either youre in on the deal or you are all talk about this stuff mate
your mom called mikenl, cookies and a nap time
"I, meanwhile, sat and watched them - and wondered why, in two years they had become a phenomenon that had somehow transcended stardom - or even showbiz. They were mythical beings, inspiring a fanaticism bordering on religious ecstasy among millions all over the world."
From the intro to Playboy interview of February 1965.
Forty-five years later, the saner ones among us here probably wonder if elapsed time, and the self-reinforcing aspects of the internet, may be skewing some of our perceptions of the phenomenon.
This quote provides some perspective, I think.
~ km
lol, i asked a friend of mine if we can go get it next weekend.
but no promises. : ]
we can call CERN.
CERN Useful Numbers:
Central telephone exchange:
+41 22 76 761 11
Central Fax:
+41 22 76 765 55
Reception desk:
+41 22 76 766 49
Visit's Reception desk:
+41 22 76 784 84
: ]
hello CERN
there's an Paul is dead suitcase full of secret information in your backyard. please retrieve it and send it to me : ]
badboyrae mikeyNL1038 ROADTRIP!
ya those CERN people who are searching for hidden godparticles would relish taking a break smashing lead ions to go find another of the worlds great hidden mysteries, the Higgs IAAP suitcase boson
should take them minutes to solve any anagrams and or clues all that brain power there, and of course all of the satanists there will really dig the scene as well
badboyrae says he is 38, does he have a car?
at least if MikeNL and badboyrae go get the suitcase the video of it will be watchable, you guys make visually appealing videos
anonymous said...
badboyrae says he is 38, does he have a car?
September 14, 2008 12:05 PM
And Mike is supposedly 18? Isn't that a little odd?
Mike. Bring a change of clothes.
Odd little coincidence:
Paul: "You know... the professional politcal type; in authority sort of thing. Some of them are just mad! and I've met some really maniac American girls! Like this one girl who walked up to me in a press conference and said, 'I'm LILY'. I said, 'Hello, how do you do?' and she said, 'Doesn't my name mean anything to you?' I said, 'Ah, no...' and I thought, 'Oh god, it's one of these people that you've met and you should know.' and so Derek, our press agant, who happened to be there at the time, hanging over my shoulder, giving me quotes, which happens at every press conference..."
George: "You'd better not say that."
Paul: "Oh yes, that's not true, Beatle people! But he was sort of hanging about, and he said, 'Well did you ring, or did you write, or something?' and she said, 'No.' and he said, 'Well, how did you get in touch with Paul? How do you know him?' and she said, 'Through God.' Well, there was sort of a ghastly silence. I mean, we both sort of gulped and blushed. I said, 'Well, that's very nice, LILY. Thanks very much. I must be off now.'"
Playboy: "There wasn't a big lightening bolt from the sky?"
Paul: "No, there wasn't. But I talked to her afterward, and she said she'd got a vision from God."
~ km
And Mike is supposedly 18? Isn't that a little odd?
ya! mike is 18??? wha? thought he was innocent school boy
MikeNL is 18?
will wonders never cease?
now i know for sure that CERN is going to prove that higgs boson thing, TRUTH IS STRANGER THEN FICTION
Do the math on that MikeNL 18 year old thing
sorry about your cat Vince!
i'm actually 44, but please don't tell anyone.
the guy in the videos is an actor.
But hey everybody, isn't the suitcase like "the sword in the stone"? You know - only the right person can get it?
Like if you, or I, or Larry Mildew try to get it, the CERN police will intercept us, and we'll be arrested, but when Prince Michael goes to get it, you know, the security cameras will be looking the other way, and everything will just work out. Go for it Magical Mystery Lad! Bad Boy Rae can be Sancho Panza to your Don Quixote!
The shades of night were falling fast,
As through a Swiss village passed
A youth, who bore, 'mid heavy surveilance,
A banner with the strange suitcase
that friend said: no, i'm not gonna get it.
: [
sorreh guys.
maybe oskar can get it now : ] he lives in czech republic.
ok, my friend is doubting whether to go or not...
i'm trying : ]
no more comments from the Europeans saying
"when is someone going to get the suitcase?"
you are just as bad as the americans!
get a lawyer before you go mikenl
i think iamaphoney is trying to grab some headlines with this suitcase thing, disrupt an amazing scientific experiment
and then pull a Charles Manson and say "I never told them to go there and do that!"
and you will be there swaying in the breeze, Code in your veins wont help you at all mate
the "YouTube made me do it" defense has not been tested,
ask Jguilders or Faulconsnowjob
it probably wont hold up in court
no matter how many Paul/Faul comparison photos or IAAP freaky videos you throw at the authorities
we are going to get the suitcase
in the weekend : ].
can someone help me with the map and everything???
i know it's in switserland or something.. lol
MikeNL said...
that friend said: no, i'm not gonna get it.
: [
sorreh guys.
maybe oskar can get it now : ] he lives in czech republic
make oskar go to jail?
why dont you do it mikenl?
mikenl said...
"finally. great. a suitcase in europe!!!
not as easy as it looked to go get it here in the states eh?
mikenl said...
"Dudes!!! when is someone going to go get the suitcase???"
talk is cheap mikey, and I am as cheap as they come as well, but I wouldnt even ask Jguilders to go get it
google maps will take you right there, I am sure if you ask the locals they will point you in the right direction for the authorities who are likely waiting for someone to pick up a suitcase right about now
lucky you are 18!
European Organization for Nuclear Research
CERN CH-1211
Genève 23
is that it?
good lad mikey!
you show these yanks the what for eh wot!!
show them how a European does things!
They are jealous!
We are doing the Large Hadron collider, we are doing the suitcase, you are left in the dust America!
God am I glad we waited for you guys to go get the suitcase, I would rather watch it on TV then get off my american fat *ss
you are my hero MikeNL!
show these poofs!
Good on ya mate!
Nederlands rule!
Americans drool!
if something needs doing, send a Dutchmen!
whats wrong with you people? you want Mikey to get arrested?!
thats mean!
he wont get arrested!
he is a kid 10-11 years old, they will give him some swiss miss hot chocolate and send him home
anyone care to take up a collection for Mikey bail $$$$$$$$$?
Jguilders just called, he will defend you in court mikenl,
he will PUT THE BURDEN OF PROOF RIGHT BACK WHERE IT BELONGS and prove once and for all that he is smarter by far then anyone else, which is why he spends so much time arguing with people he thinks are stupid, because he is so SMART!
The judge will just give up when faced with such an impressive defense onslaught from Jguilders
Don't worry. If he didn't get arrested for placing the suitcase, he probably won't get arrested when he goes to pick it back up.
if you invoke the name of Jguilders
like the Cthulhu Mythos he will show up like a yog soth and cause this whole blog to go mad
Anonymous said...
Don't worry. If he didn't get arrested for placing the suitcase, he probably won't get arrested when he goes to pick it back up.
September 14, 2008 2:47 PM
Let's not forget
SubscribeFrom: MikeyNL1038
Added: September 13, 2008
(less info)
George Harrison's beautiful Brainwashed.
i love this song!
extended cut.
Category: Music
Tags: apple brainwashed dead george harrison iamaphoney is mikeynl1038 paul rotten
dont listen to them Mikey
the doubters of this world
Code is in your veins and you are the one destined to get the suitcase!
right dude,
and you are all 1 person : ]
ya mikenl have no trouble find it, just message phoney he tell you if suitcase in place still
actually we are three, because I am not typing all of this, unless you mikey are the other two
just send a message to IAAP before you go mikey to see if the suitcase is still in place!
nope mikey, i'm not them either...
OR a dude.
Mr. Mike!
Vince, here.
You do whatever you want!
Don't listen to these BASTARDS!
Chiding you into doing something.
If you feel the least bit unsafe, or unsure, you get your ass right back home.
That being said, if you DO go.....
"Though I might not be in your town,
you know that I'll still be around,
right here on this record,
spinning 'round,
with the sound."
peace be with you.
hell, mikey probably only needs to go to the closet to pull out that suitcase, bet he didnt even leave it there
we will just twiddle our thumbs here for a week to ten days while you stretch out this suitcase saga for yet another month
you want mikey to film more of his ass vince? havent we seen enough of the actors ass?
well, maybe the lurkin chick drive by message"her" will appreciate it.
They always shoot for multiple demographics in these viral marketing campaigns.
The female demographic said "MORE ASS"
i'll do some pre-editing before i go.
it's gonna be an interesting video!
but it also depends on whats in the suitcase.
cue the mojo hot seat comments
or the aja is bored chorus
Blogger MikeNL said...
i'll do some pre-editing before i go.
lol, whoever is out there : ]
you're making my day!
i think phoney likes you too.
MikeNL said...
lol, whoever is out there : ]
you're making my day!
i think phoney likes you too.
September 14, 2008 3:12 PM
you mean your imaginary friend?
I like you too
Vince again,
On an OFF-TOPIC note,
If it's in bittorret land,
check out "The Best Of William S. Burroughs".
Disc 1 and 2 are especially GOOD!
anonymous said...
you want mikey to film more of his ass vince? havent we seen enough of the actors ass?
Would that be any worse than 'rubber masks' and "Blair Witch"rip-offs?
that iamaphoney actor has a great ass
"No beast is more savage than man,
when possessed with power
answerable to his rage."
Plutarch Cicero
What is CERN doing?
What is iamaphoney doing?
Why is iamaphoney leaving a suitcase there?
Don't get the suitcase
6 6 6
"anyone care to take up a collection for Mikey bail $$$$$$$$$?"
What do you think is in the suitcase?
Bail money from IAAAP!
Anonymous, interesting remarks about Lilly. Thanks for posting them!
So Iamaphoney puts a 3rd suitcase in what could potentially be a very dangerous place? Way to show the love Iamaphoney! What's the matter? Galveston Texas too safe a place for your fans to get to?
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous, interesting remarks about Lilly. Thanks for posting them!
That was actually km who did the Lily comment as well another great insight from the Playboy interview. Both items had been in my head for future posts. We must be on similar wavelengths.
If that area is off-limits, then how did IAAP get in there?
"The description of the video is simply "3.""
one and one and one is three
open the window, phoney, just a little
Anonymous said...
dont listen to them Mikey
the doubters of this world
Code is in your veins and you are the one destined to get the suitcase!
Ka-boom! (test of first A-bomb called "Trinity")
The 3-in-one also a trinity.
3-in-One (holy oil!) :-)
I don't think you can do THIS with plastic surgery . . .
Macca is now under threat for performing in Israel.
He better have good security.
Listen very carefully everyone. This is very serious. More serious than the LHC, more serious than a stupid briefcase.
Sir Paul McCartney is going to die
on September 25th. He's going to die, and the sick thing is that IAAP knows it but is doing nothing to stop it. He told everyone, including me, to lay low and keep making videos as if we knew nothing about it. After the whole fire thing, I guess He thinks it would be in His best interest if He pretended not to know what would happen. The last thing He wants is to be associated with Paul's real, actual death.
Mark my words. Paul McCartney will be killed by Islamic extremists.
All the pieces are falling into place, and it's time for the End Game to begin.
How would IAAP know if Paul will be killed by terrorists? The best he could know is that there is a plot or threat to kill him (which everyone knows), not whether such a threat will be acted upon or how it will turn out. And why, if you are such a confidant of IAAP's video editing team, would you continue making videos if you had actual information about this plot?
sI, you have just incriminated yourself. Are you familiar with conspiracy laws? You do not have to participate in the conspiracy. You do not have to break any laws. If you have some knowledge of a conspiracy, and aid and abet that conspiracy (actively or passively), such as keeping knowledge of a possible crime or terrorist act to yourself, you are subject to the same penalties as the highest member of the conspiracy.
You have also left you digital fingerprint on this blog.
More serious than suitcases, indeed.
Then we're all involved. Every single person reading this blog. And each one of us needs to do something NOW! If this is true, anonymous, why are you writing on some blog and not calling the police?
I'm sorry, I meant s.l., not anonymous.
Many of you have noticed that the "extremist" holocaust denier to761983 canceled his account. Is he up to something? As I have mentioned many times, his views (Israel = evil, Zionists are behind the NWO) are much the same as those expressed in several IAAP videos, particularly the Dennis Kucinich Light Tower video (DK is a liberal, according to this perspective, and therefore a Zionist). This type of person, following the logic, would also think Paul McCartney a Zionist for performing in Israel, even though it's just a rock concert for heaven's sake. This type of paranoid thinking is exactly what Manson was all about. And Jim Jones. And Heaven's Gate. And David Koresh. The End Times, in their minds, cannot happen without a little help on the human side, and that's why Manson and the others listed tried to kick-start Armageddon (unsuccessfully, of course).
Why would SL call the police? It's not a police matter anyway. Besides, from the tone of that little scare note ("All the pieces are falling into place"), it sounds as though he likes the idea: so that the "End Game" can begin.
"Mark my words. Paul McCartney will be killed by Islamic extremists."
Aided and abetted by MI5 and MI6 and other slime. Like 911 or 7/7 no doubt. A perfect set up to piss off Beatle lovers everywhere -
and get them "on board" for nuking "Islamic extremists" - at least in the minds of the vermin that plan such wickedness.
Faul surely knows it is likely:
Paul McCartney 1882
("The McCartney Eye" sees through time.)
Wasn't the devil supposed to go out 'with a bang'?
Remember all the explosions over London in the IAAP videos?
Hey anonymous, before you go blaming everything on MI6, go read the statements made by the actual Islamic extremist with regards to McCartney. You don't believe there are fundamentalists who would put a hit out on Macca like they did Rushdie?
And the devil doesn't "go out with a bang," if you know anything about the NT. If you're another one of these Paul = The Beast you're a goofball because his name doesn't add up to 616 or 666, and he isn't a religious or political leader.
Here's the less than official story for anyone who wants to check it out:
But, in answer to the poster who asked, I don't, for one second, think this isn't a scheme cooked up by the powers that be, whoever they may be, who will allow an "Islamic Extremist" access to Faul because it serves their purpose.
If the idea is to create resentment toward Islam in order to nuke Palestinians, I think that's pretty weak, because most would view it as the act of extremists, not the Islamic world. Even 9/11 didn't create the impression in most that the US should go out a nuke the world. Besides, we couldn't nuke anyone anywhere without nuking ourselves (radiation flies with the wind).
T., there is simply nothing to go to the police with! I can't be charged with conspiracy because someone I work for claims that Paul McCartney will die! Iamaphoney had the clairvoyance to predict those fires, didn't He? And yet He was never arrested for conspiracy to commit arsony.
Anyway please don't think that He is involved with the plot to kill McCartney. He is only involved in the sense that he has forseen that this would happen, and has failed to act thus far. I personally do not know what to do in this situation. I am a lifelong fan of Paul McCartney's music and I've never known IAAP to be wrong with his predictions so I am very frightened that Paul McCartney will die on September 25th.
Clairvoyance? Get real. To my knowledge, IAAP never predicted any fires. He incorporated fires into a few of his videos after the fact. Why do you capitalize "He" when you speak of IAAP? Is he a deity? And when you say you "work" for him, are you being paid? And how do you know IAAP's "prediction" about Paul isn't because he's a psycho Chapman type who thinks Macca's the devil and wants to take him out? IAAP also "predicted" an interview that never happened and he predicted that two suitcases would be found. He was wrong. If he wasn't wrong, why did he have to drop a third case?
Well, a lot of people thought there was a decent chance someone would try to kill The Beatles or Lennon at some point, and that turned out to be true. So to imagine that someone might want to kill Paul isn't exactly shocking. He's had death threats for years. There were elaborate plans to storm his home and take his kids hostage. That's the price of fame. You always have to be concerned with psychos looking for attention and with religious kooks thinking you're satanic or play a role in prophecy.
"Clairvoyance? Get real. To my knowledge, IAAP never predicted any fires. He incorporated fires into a few of his videos after the fact."
Wow, really? Then to my knowledge you're a complete idiot, pal. Those fires all happened on dates that IAAP had incorporated into His timeline, dates that people were expecting something to happen on (and indeed He would always post a new video on that day). The fires weren't "coincidental" in that He knew they were going to happen and always chose to release the next big video on the day of a big fire, usually in London. He stopped doing it though once people started accusing Him of starting the fires.
Really, anonymous, I am amazed that there are still little dumbshits like you who doubt what IAAP is capable of, despite all the work we've done in educating you all.
But you will see. Keep on joking, but you will see the Revelation come to pass and it will blow your mind to fucking bits.
--S.L. OUT---
And as of today this harmless little blog possibly steps in some deep shit. Time to put an end to all these random comments and have some monitoring going on here O mister blogmaster please if you will?
Ah yes, Jude, all it takes to flush you out is to question IAAPs clairvoyance lol.
Thanks for your hard work in "educating" us with NIR trivia and other hard facts. Now we know that the word "Love" mirrored looks kinda like the word "Code." Ranks up there with general relativity. Before this series, I was unaware that "live" backward is "evil."
I asked you how IAAP could see the future if he couldn't see how the first two suitcase fiasco's would turn out?
We all know IAAP likes to take credit for certain clues and even fires that he had nothing to do with, so that isn't encouraging.
He didn't seem to know about the hurricanes, even though they are easy to predict, sort of like fires. There is a fire every single day somewhere.
"Really, anonymous, I am amazed that there are still little dumbshits like you who doubt what IAAP is capable of, despite all the work we've done in educating you all.
But you will see. Keep on joking, but you will see the Revelation come to pass and it will blow your mind to fucking bits.
--S.L. OUT---
ok so when the 25th comes and goes as any other day and "nothing" happens,,,iaap will pack up his suitcase and go away forever?
Anonymous said...
And as of today this harmless little blog possibly steps in some deep shit. Time to put an end to all these random comments and have some monitoring going on here O mister blogmaster please if you will?
Well, if there is evidence here, I should probably leave it up. However, I can't believe that any law enforcement official would take any of this seriously.
Paul McCartney is doing a risky thing by playing a concert in Israel, but he knows that and must feel it is the right thing to do.
But real terrorists look for vulnerable places that lack security to do their dirty work. I believe that Paul will have the best protection on the face of the earth. I also believe that if God forbid, anything does happen, Iamaphoney will have nothing to do with it.
what is this code?
Mirror punishment
well now that the "film" case is at the CERN eye of the storm, perhaps a good time to revisit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mixSFWwjOZc ra 60 O
hey, does anyone know which RA had the Vesica Pisces with the oldie drum?
Richard Wright of Pink Floyd has passed on to the great gig in the sky.
I thought that maybe I should go on record saying that I do not know this Sam Neval (an anagram of Mal Evans cleverly enough), and he does NOT sound like the IAAP insider he claims to be. Iamaphoney's team do seem to have a habit of addressing each other by their initials, but I know of no S.L., and besides that, Sam Neval is obviously not a real name.
Also, to my knowledge, no one in the Rotten Apple team has ever broken rank. If this person really is involved with IAAP and Co., he's probably just putting on a show (much like that briefcase guy did with his fake arguments over the non-existant contract he never signed).
But socash, er, I mean, "anonymous" being who he is, automatically assumed it was me in disguise. I'm afraid that isn't the case. While I agree with Mr. Neval that Phoney may have the gift of clairvoyance, I'm not as convinced that Paul will die on the 25th. Paul will be surrounded by his usual security entourage, and no religious radical with a bomb strapped to his chest is going to get near enough to harm him.
jude, that J0HN0N0LENN0N was real
he DID try leak new material.
you remember that yellow thumbnail image from the MMT booklet for his "revelation video"???
wel, that thumbnail is in the first half of the rotten apple 69 too!.
+ the song "When We Were Young"...
Actually, I was talking about 922008Suitcase. I didn't buy the "argument" he had with his superior for a single minute.
I believed J0HN0N0LENN0N really had something to say, but his betrayal was real or staged is up for consideration.
Mikey, don't I recall you asking Miles Deo where he got new IAAP material that he used in one of his videos?
he showed new material in one of his vids.
but it wasn't the "real" MilesDeo account it was with a MLLESDEO L instead of I thing.
wait, was that miles deo??? oh i guess it was. :P
Miles also uploaded a video last night and then took it down... I did not see it. When I did a search for videos last night it came up saying that it was uploaded an hour before and when I clicked on it I got the Video Removed By User... Anyone see it?
i saw it.
ummm Can you comment on what was in it? Did you happen to save it?
i didn't save it.
i'm trying to remember what was in it.
Amahd was a man who thought he was a martyr
But he knew it wouldn't take.
Amahd went out looking for Paul McCartney
Didn't know he was a fake.
Get back, get back.
Get back to where you once belonged
not lol.
paul won't die in israel.
they will cover it up again, and there will be a new paul mccartney.
waiting in the Wings: the next McCartney:
Sir Paul McCartney By Request ENGLISH TEA
Jude, you are pathetic. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that your know-it-all, argumentative attitude might annoy more people than just me?
I have better things to do lend brainpower to retarded comments like those posted by s.l, who is obviously a tool too.
Jude, you act all high and mighty yet you are no better. For instance, your funny little penis comment posting anonymously as me:
Blogger Jude said...
September 1, 2008 4:26 PM
Anonymous socash said...
My name is socash!
I am a useless troll who pretends to be other people! Every day I overcompensate for my lack of a penis!
September 1, 2008 4:28 PM
Remember doing that? Were you drunk or something (even tho I doubt you're even old enough to drink)?
socash doesn't have a penis.
jude is well over 40, he's allowed to drink : ].
we need to stay focussed.
it doesn't matter that socash apparently lacks any manhood. this is an IAMAPHONEY blog.
let's talk about that suitcase!
what do you guys think about that CERNsuitcase666 video?
should i still go?
i'm sorry, socash. i do like you :)
that fake jude guy shouldn't have said that about you. that isn't nice. and now i wasn't nice either.
i'm sorry for not being nice today. :-(
Mikey, you realize that if you go to retrieve the case then no one will ever trust anything out of IAAP again if they ever did. It would give the appearance, of, um, being rigged. Since you are already in contact with IAAP, and since you are basically a member of the IAAP team, what point in having you get the case? That's ridiculous. Think about it.
Mike, ignore that ridiculous post, and go get the suitcase! The sooner the better.
Mikey, you realize that if you go to retrieve the case then no one will ever trust anything out of IAAP again if they ever did. It would give the appearance, of, um, being rigged. Since you are already in contact with IAAP, and since you are basically a member of the IAAP team, what point in having you get the case? That's ridiculous. Think about it.
i'm not a member of the IAAP team.
i'm sorry, what do you mean by that?: Mikey, you realize that if you go to retrieve the case then no one will ever trust anything out of IAAP again if they ever did.
if they ever did what???
iaap is not fucking around
neither am "I" with my incessant, lol, eye
now, where exactly IS this case? how close to http://www.panoramio.com/photo/9544843
Route de la Pralay D984c
In Hindu mythology, Pralay (or Proloy) means the day when 'shrishti' and 'Brahmaand' (i.e the Cosmos) will be destroyed by the fury of Nature. The literal meaning for Pralay (from Sanskrit) is a devastating flood of unimaginable magnitude, but in Hinduism, the meaning of Pralay refers to the the destruction of the Universe.
A vague analogy can be drawn between the concepts of Pralay (Hinduism), Qayamat (Islam) and Armageddon (Biblical religions).
what were those numbers on IAAP's code gate (just asking)
what is the road sign he shows?
can't read it
"Jude, you are pathetic. Has the thought ever crossed your mind that your know-it-all, argumentative attitude might annoy more people than just me?
I have better things to do lend brainpower to retarded comments like those posted by s.l, who is obviously a tool too."
No. Because you're the only person who seems to think that I have a know-it-all, argumentative attitude.
You certainly have an attitude of some sort, Jude, even if it just comes down to you being argumentative about how non-argumentative you are (see your last post).
Don't fret about it so much. Relax and float downstream. :)
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