One of the many rumors linked to the Paul Is Dead conspiracy theory suggests that the original Paul McCartney was homosexual.
Paul wasn't the only Beatle to be the subject of this type of rumor. In "A Twist of Lennon," Cynthia Lennon describes John telling her when she was still in a hospital bed after delivering Julian that he was leaving to go on holiday to Spain with Brian Epstein. Many have speculated that the trip was a way for John to solidify his position of leadership of the Beatles. According to Lennon confidant Pete Shotten, author of "John Lennon In My Life,"John passively engaged in a mild sexual encounter with the band's manager on that trip. Rumors about John's affair with Brian were apparently the cause of a fist fight between Lennon and Cavern DJ Bob Wooler at Paul's 21st birthday party. Years later, John talked about his up close view of the gay scene as being a good educational experience.
In the book, "The Lives of John Lennon," Albert Goldman insinuated that John's experiences with homosexuality were much more than experimentation. Both Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono dismissed Goldman's accounts as fiction. This type of rumor doesn't die easily. Philip Norman's new book apparently suggests that John Lennon wanted to have a gay relationship with Paul McCartney. Norman is the one often seen in the Rotten Apple series saying that Paul "rewrites history." Yeah, okay.
The subject of homosexuality came up in the Beatles interview with Playboy Magazine in February of 1965. After eliciting the Beatles' views on God and Church, the interview took a sudden turn. The exchange seems shocking by today's standards.

PLAYBOY: "To bring up another topic that's shocking to some, how do you feel about the homosexual problem?"
GEORGE: "Oh yeah, well, we're all homosexuals, too."
RINGO: "Yeah, we're all queer."
PAUL: "But don't tell anyone."
PLAYBOY: "Seriously, is there more homosexuality in England than elsewhere?"
JOHN: "Are you saying there's more over here than in America?"
PLAYBOY: "We're just asking."
GEORGE: "It's just that they've got crewcuts in America. You can't spot 'em."
PAUL: "There's probably a million more queers in America than in England. England may have it's scandals... like Profumo and all... but at least they're heterosexual."
JOHN: "Still, we do have more than our share of queers, don't you think?"
PAUL: "It just seems that way because there's more printed about them over here."
RINGO: "If they find out somebody is a bit bent, the press will always splash it about."
The rumor about Paul surfaced in the mid 1960s when the "cute Beatle" was hanging out with Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, and other members of the artsy community in and around the Indica Gallery.

By 1966, Paul was the only unmarried Beatle. He was supposedly living in the guest room of the Asher family house. His long time girlfriend Jane Asher had her own career and Paul was often seen with her brother Peter.

The high profile relationship between Paul and Jane could have been viewed as one of convenience to minimize the amount of scrutiny into their private affairs.
Speaking of affairs, Paul seemed to have a few that overlapped his time with Jane and with the woman he eventually married, Linda Eastman. Francie Schwartz has written books about her affair with Paul that peaked during the White Album period, and Maggie McGivern claims that her relationship with Paul started when he and Jane were supposedly still together and continued until two days before his marriage to Linda.
This is an early picture of Maggie with Paul and Peter Asher. At the time she was working for Marianne Faithful and John Dunbar, members of the Indica Gallery crowd.

This picture shows Maggie with that taller guy who some claim was not the original Paul McCartney.

McGivern's photographic evidence shows that her relationship with Paul spanned much of his time with Jane right up until he married Linda. Paul and Jane remained a public couple until sometime in 1968. To this day both Jane Asher and Paul McCartney refuse to discuss the nature of their relationship.
According to a web site dedicated to Beatle Girls, Maggie McGivern ran into Paul again in the mid 1970s when she was dating Denny Laine!
Back to Paul Is Dead mythology, one version of the story suggests that this rabid heterosexual did not emerge until the original Paul was replaced. So, the speculation is that the original Paul was gay, or at least bisexual. This theory may seem outlandish at first glance since many people perceived Paul McCartney as the most eligible bachelor of the 1960s. However, it is interesting that John Lennon, in his landmark interview with Jann Wenner of Rolling Stone (published in the book "Lennon Remembers") compared the sexual nature of the touring years of the Beatles to the movie "Fellini's Satryicon."

One thing I can tell you about Satryicon is that it contains quite a bit of sexual innuendo, but very little, if any, is heterosexual. The main character of the movie breaks up with his lover after the lover took a boy that they shared and sold him. Later in the movie the two original lovers are reunited but then one is killed. Could John have been suggesting that homosexual adventures were a staple of Beatles tours?
Some PID theorists believe that it was the replacement Paul who was homosexual, but that could be due to the replacement providing clues about the original Paul. For example, in 1968, when Paul produced the single "I'm the Urban Spaceman" for the Bonzo Doo Dah Dog Band, he used the pseudonym, Apollo C. Vermouth.

Apollo, a god of Greek Mythology loved a young mortal man named Hyacinth.

While the two were engaging in competitive games, the young Hyacinth was accidentally killed by a discus thrown by Apollo. As he lay dying, a beautiful red flower emerged from Hyacinth's blood. This could explain the presence of all of those beautiful red hyacinths on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Another Apollo, the alleged insider and "castle keep" who approached at least two Paul Is Dead discussion groups, claimed that the story of Apollo and Hyacinth was a central key to solving the McCartney mystery. Apollo's hints seemed to completely change the direction of PID theories for the select group of individuals who received them. "Paul is Dead" became "Paul Was Replaced" as Apollo interpreted clues in a new way with some tantalizing insights. What if Paul decided some time in 1966 that he didn't want to be famous anymore? There is precious little evidence to suggest that, other than the fact that he experienced the same adversity as the others on that world tour with threats in Japan, the Philippines and the United States. Some people also point to an interview that Paul did with David Frost when he joked about retirement, but that requires some creative interpretation of what appeared to be a couple quips.
All four Beatles might have been tempted to pack it in after feeling that their lives were in danger a few times during that 1966 tour. But, what if some other event upset Paul so much that he was not able to do the Beatle thing anymore, even with the assurance of no more touring? In my effort to try to produce a scenario consistent with Apollo's hints and the clues that we all know, I returned to the beginning, that is, the Sgt. Pepper album.
In addition to the red hyacinths, we have people on the cover, some dead, some living, and a significant amount who were either homosexual or portrayed characters who were homosexual. There are also references on the cover and in the music to a fatal car crash. But perhaps Paul was not the one who died in the car accident. What if the person who died in the car crash was someone whom Paul loved?
Although Paul eventually disputed the claim, several factors indicate that the man who "blew his mind out in a car" was Guinness heir, Tara Browne. This obit was borrowed from the Nothing Is Real discussion group.

We do know that Paul and Tara were friends, but not much is known about the relationship. Paul was with Tara the day he chipped his tooth in a moped accident. Like Paul, Tara Browne was a public figure and he was not known to be homosexual. He had a wife and children. We know the consequences that the Beatles would have faced in 1966 if a story had broken about Paul McCartney, despondent over the death of his male lover, was leaving the group. Also, what if like the story of Apollo and Hyacinth, Paul was somehow responsible for Tara's death?
According to news reports, Tara's girlfriend, model Suki Potier, was with him but survived the accident. Wikipedia describes it this way:
On 18 December 1966, Browne was driving with his girlfriend, model Suki Potier, in his Lotus Elan through South Kensington at high speed (some reports suggest in excess of 106 mph/170 km/h). It is not known whether he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. He ignored or failed to see a traffic light and proceeded through the junction of Redcliffe Square and Redcliffe Gardens, colliding with a parked lorry and was killed instantly. Potier was not injured.
This account makes the lorry (bus) a culprit in the accident, which adds a new dimension to the line "Yellow lorry slow nowhere to go" in "You Never Give Me Your Money." (Note: The likelihood that Tara was driving drunk may also be evidenced by the line in Paul's song "Venus and Mars" that says, "Red lights, green lights, strawberry wine.")
There is another detailed account on a web site that features and in-depth study of the song "A Day in the Life." The site describes the accident this way:
Tara died in the early hours of the morning of 18 December 1966, while on his way to visit David Vaughan, who was painting a design on the front of Tara's Kings Road shop Dandy Fashions. He smashed his Lotus Elan into the back of a parked van while swerving to avoid a Volkswagen which had pulled out in his path in Redcliffe Gardens in Earls Court.
This one of course adds weight to that Volkswagen that keeps appearing everywhere including the Abbey Road cover (and damn if that isn't yellow too!).

I found this picture of Tara Browne (back seat, center) on a web site where he and a business partner are referred to as peacocks. Paul McCartney has an unreleased song called "Peacocks" and it may be a sexual slang term.

Is it possible that Paul was with Tara when he died? That would explain the curious line in "Don't Pass Me By" that says, "You were in a car crash and you lost your hair." I think it was someone at NIR who pointed out the possible play on words and translated "hair" to "heir." Was Paul spirited away from the crash scene to protect his reputation? (Yes, Paul was replaced all right, not by a Canadian bassist, but a young woman at the scene of a fatal accident!)
This of course is all wild speculation and it is very unfair to Mr. McCartney. This is not intended to be investigative journalism. Think of it as an attempt to interpret the drama that has been presented in the post 1966 work of the Beatles and the videos of Iamaphoney and various others who have followed in their footsteps.
Apollo C. said something along the lines.. Tara's death was "icing on the cake" re: Paul's decision to leave the group.
I've been getting massive Google alerts about this book that claims that John had um.. desires for Paul..
Ever hear of Tony Manero? I scanned this some time ago for someone who wanted to see it, but don't think I ever posted it.
Not so sure about Paul being gay.. It is an interesting angle to the whole PID/PWR situation. Good post though Taf!
Have to say- this 'wild speculation' makes much more sense to me than a lot of that SATURN IS THE KEY stuff. Mind-poppin' as usual, Tafultong.
Hey JoJo,
I know a lot of people loved Norman's book "Shout," but I thought it was overrated. I guess I will wait and see if he has any credible evidence about this John/Paul thing.
Yes, I saw the Tony Manero scans. I am a frequent visitor to JoJo's place. I am surprised that Goldman didn't find Tony, because I'm sure he would have looked.
Would you care to sit with me
For a cup of English tea
Very twee, very me
Any sunny morning
What a pleasure it would be
Chatting so delightfully
Nanny bakes fairy cakes
Every Sunday morning
Miles of miles of English garden, stretching past the willow tree
Lines of hollyhocks and roses, listen most attentively
Do you know the game croquet
Peradventure we might play
Very gay, hip hooray
Any sunny morning
Thanks Taf, for this post. Finally. I never thought about the Tara Browne thing. Very interesting indeed! I have, however, always suspected something was going on (or very close to) between John and Paul and I really believe many of their songs were written to each other.(go through the Lennon/McCartney catalogue wiith this in mind) For instance...
I Saw Her Standing There
Well, she was just 17,
You know what i mean,
And the way she looked was way beyond compare.
So how could i dance with another (ooh)
And i saw her standin' there.
Well she looked at me, and i, i could see
That before too long i'd fall in love with her.
She wouldn't dance with another (whooh)
And i saw her standin' there.
Well, my heart went "boom,"
When i crossed that room,
And i held her hand in mine...
Whoah, we danced through the night,
And we held each other tight,
And before too long i fell in love with her.
Now i'll never dance with another (whooh)
Since i saw her standing there
Well, my heart went "boom,"
When i crossed that room,
And i held her hand in mine...
Whoah, we danced through the night,
And we held each other tight,
And before too long i fell in love with her.
Now i'll never dance with another (whooh)
Since i saw her standing there
This could very well describe the day Paul met John since John was about to be 17, he helped him tune his guitar in which hands could have met, etc.
In this theory, something must have happened between the two in '65 as their songs turn a little bitter. John wrote:
Run For Your Life
Well I'd rather see you dead, little girl
Than to be with another man
You better keep your head, little girl
Or I won't know where I am
You better run for your life if you can, little girl
Hide your head in the sand little girl
Catch you with another man
That's the end'a little girl
Well you know that I'm a wicked guy
And I was born with a jealous mind
And I can't spend my whole life
Trying just to make you toe the line
You better run for your life if you can, little girl
Hide your head in the sand little girl
Catch you with another man
That's the end'a little girl
Let this be a sermon
I mean everything I've said
Baby, I'm determined
And I'd rather see you dead
You better run for your life if you can, little girl
Hide your head in the sand little girl
Catch you with another man
That's the end'a little girl
I'd rather see you dead, little girl
Than to be with another man
You better keep your head, little girl
Or you won't know where I am
You better run for your life if you can, little girl
Hide your head in the sand little girl
Catch you with another man
That's the end'a little girl
Then (the missing piece to my puzzle) is this Tara Browne angle and viola. PAUL IS DEAD.
Couple that with the bitterness of the break-up between them - much more like a romantic break-up than a couple of friends going their separate ways.
I definitely won't post all the lyrics, but you should go through them one day, with this idea of Satryicon.
I'm getting a raging clue right now
:In this theory, something must have happened between the two in '65 as their songs turn a little bitter."
Don't people keep saying that "Help" was called and no one came? Related?
There was an article earlier this summer on an British news site about the original Beatles house going up for sale. They lived in the house in London together throughout 1963. The strange thing is, the article mentioned that it only had three bedrooms. Hmmm.
Paul always goes out of his way to say that John was not gay, even if the interviewer didn't bring it up. Why?
Didn't Paul say something about Satrycon too?
My clue is pointing over there now
Pete (Doherty): Did you see they were giving out these supplements of great interviews with the Guardian over the past couple of months - Fidel Castro and Mae West, people like that. And they had an interview with John Lennon [with Jann Wenner, editor of Rolling Stone, from December 1970]. I'd never seen it before but it struck me as quite interesting, him saying that your tours had been like Satyricon.
Sir Paul: Like what?
Pete: Like Fellini's [1969 film] Satyricon.
Sir Paul: Not really. I mean, it's a bit of an exaggeration. It was definitely quite decadent. The whole thing about getting into a band was to get girls, basically. Money and girls. Probably girls first. So when you are on the road, and there was time for a party, we had a bunch of those. There was an element of Satyricon, although that overstates the case a bit. But there were certainly some elements that you wouldn't talk about in the newspapers. Privately, I could tell a tale or two [laughs]. The funny thing is when later the rumour came out that John was gay, I said: 'I don't think so.' I mean, I don't know what he did when he went to New York, but certainly not in any of my experiences. We used to sleep together, top and tail it, you know. I always used to say: 'Come on, I would have spotted something here.' But what I spotted was completely the opposite. It was just chicks, chicks, chicks.
"We were pussycats in leather, it's not like we were big hard guys, and it was the same for a lot of our friends."
For the gfa fans out there:
"Sir Paul: Dear old Wilfred (Bramble). Later you start to realise he's an actor, but to us he's like a magic person. Now I can see that he actually got up in the morning, shaved and did stuff, but then he was just this magic guy. Wilfred was a fantastic actor but he would forget his lines sometimes. To us he was a God, and it was sort of embarrassing for him, but in a way it was fascinating."
Might this be that "NEXT LEVEL" we've been promised for so long?
I should be surprised if John and Paul weren't gay. To be universal, it requires both the masculine and the feminine to be present.
Witness Shakespeare- many have suspected that he was a woman. To be otherwise, he was surely gay to have had such insight into womanhood.
Sorry, right-wing Christians- The Beatles strike again!
"Paul McCartney has an unreleased song called "Peacocks" and it may be a sexual slang term."
About that:
What British pop star ISN'T gay?
Anonymous wrote:
About [peacocks]:
Don't forget the opening sequence of the "Dance Tonight" video. "I'll bet he's got peacocks. They always have peacocks, these sorts of people."
My God,,,the guy is a genius.Why we don´t recognize that and just relax and enjoy his music ? Stop hunting Paul´s imaginaries ghosts
Desmond stays at home and does his pretty face...
Isn't there a group photo or two of them actually standing with a peacock?
John was the white peacock.
The White Peacock
funny how peacock feathers look like eyes.....
(a peacock with feathers outspread is said to be ‘in his pride’)
With the Peacock stage, the alchemist has entered into the inner experience of the astral world, which initially appears as ever shifting patterns of colour. This experience is often symbolised in alchemy by the appropriate image of the peacock's tail with its splendid iridescence of colour. In terms of this series of five stages, the turning point is reached with the Peacock. Up until this point the alchemist has experienced aspects of his being which he was formerly unconscious of - the etheric forces and the astral body. Essentially these experiences have happened to him, although he had to make himself open to the experiences through entering into the initial Black Crow state, however, in order to progress he must begin to work upon his inner being.
The scale and Ma'at's feather(usually depicted as a peacock feather) in the afterlife, was used to weigh the balance of one's life ...
....Now what type of feather was in John's hat in MMT movie?
Vince, here.
Re: "Yellow lorry slow....."
On the driving rain, it was funny the first time, when instead of singing those lines, he sings, "This is the bit I haven't remembered, maybe I'll learn 'em by the end of the tour...", but, he kept singing it that way, show after show!!!
I always found that odd, but never talked to anybody about it.
Taf, you're a genius!
Vince, again.
In other news:
I just heard "My Pal Foot-Foot"
by TheShaggs for the FIST TIME last night!
What a SONG!
Frank Zappa was right!
I'm shocked & stunned!
From Iamaphoney's channel comment box....
"MikeyNL1038 (9 hours ago)
George Harrison - Brainwashed (extended cut)
George Harrison's beautiful Brainwashed.
i love this song!
extended cut.
Category: Music
Tags: apple brainwashed dead george harrison iamaphoney is mikeynl1038 paul rotten
youtube dot c0m slash watch?v=BQO61TvrNSE"
Iamaphoney IS Mikeynl1038.....?!
Really Mikey?
On the driving rain, it was funny the first time, when instead of singing those lines, he sings, "This is the bit I haven't remembered, maybe I'll learn 'em by the end of the tour...", but, he kept singing it that way, show after show!!!
I always found that odd, but never talked to anybody about it.
Also on his last tour he prefaced "Too Many People" with the comment: "This is for the Wings fans!" Similarly, he never stopped doing this, even though we all know that song is from Ram.
I sometimes wondered well.. is "Wings" a code word of some kind then?
Comments are being deleted left and right over at Iamaphoney's channel, but I did manage to copy this
"iejmem (34 minutes ago)
The new RA claimed John killed Paul. Not making shit up."
But apparently he doesn't have the video.
JoJo, I think Paul doesn't really think too deeply about what songs he recorded as a solo artist or with Wings, he basically means "Wings" as his solo output. C'mon, half the time he doesn't even remember the words to classic Beatle songs. Fans are always more concerned with little details, the artists aren't. Fans know which songs are in which order on the albums and what date they were recorded, etc., but the artists don't always keep up with these things.
John killed Paul? Oh brother.
Damn, Taf!
I've been thinking a lot about Paul and Tara Browne lately and was working up to a post on NIR, but you beat me to it.
Not only that, but you included a kicker that I hadn't thought about at all.
Putting Paul IN THE CAR with Browne is a master stroke of genius on your part, and the "yellow lorry slow" line is a connection that I can't believe I never made before.
Great post!
3 Beatles songs about boys:
"Bad Boy", "Boys" and "This Boy"
1 solo Lennon song about boys:
"Beautiful Boy"
Yet 5 solo McCartney songs!:
"Dear Boy", "Not Such A Bad Boy", "Teddy Boy" and "Young Boy"
but the artists don't always keep up with these things.
Oh please.. He wrote the damn things. The idea that Paul comprehends his own material on the level of casual listeners of top 40 radio is pretty.. hard to believe. And, it's not that he forgets the words to Beatle songs and makes this "Wings" mistake, so much as it seems deliberate.. Even on his own forum, people were commenting on the Wings thing. (while the tour was ongoing)
OK, saying it's a code word or some such is a goofy theory I threw out, but Ram is credited to "Paul and Linda McCartney", how could he forget?
He made a joke about forgetting the words to YNGMYM at Tampa on the Driving Rain tour, as Vince said, I guess there is this running joke about him doing that. But in reality, other than missing a word or two, (the real extent of his error prone-ness) he made it through three hours without any serious gaffs when I saw him.
Putting Paul IN THE CAR with Browne is a master stroke of genius on your part, and the "yellow lorry slow" line is a connection that I can't believe I never made before.
Great post!
Agreed. While entertaining this Tara/Paul theory, I thought of the Magical Mystery Tour scene where they were driving around that racetrack.. another possible way that "someone" could be at fault for Tara's death. Only the "competition" (only with cars instead of a discus) didn't go so well.
On the other hand, Suki emerging without injuries (?) in an era without seat belts and airbags from that disaster seems far fetched but not impossible of course.
Vince wrote:
"In other news:
I just heard "My Pal Foot-Foot"
by TheShaggs for the FIST TIME last night!
WOW! What a SONG! Frank Zappa was right!"
Well aren't you just too cool for words! Next time maybe you could post a link, or explain why you're so impressed with the song, or maybe explain the "Zappa was right" remark for people who aren't as "hip" as you.
Anonymous said...
JoJo, I think Paul doesn't really think too deeply about what songs he recorded as a solo artist or with Wings, he basically means "Wings" as his solo output. C'mon, half the time he doesn't even remember the words to classic Beatle songs.
I see your point, but I think it would be stronger if we were talking about a song like "Smile Away." Despite all of those tours, I am pretty sure that Wings NEVER even played the song "Too Many People" in concert.
Anomymous wrote:
Yet 5 solo McCartney songs!:
"Dear Boy", "Not Such A Bad Boy", "Teddy Boy" and "Young Boy"
I don't know about that, but if you listen to Paul's demo for the song "Goodbye" you might draw some conclusions. Granted, the song was written for Mary Hopkin, but still it is a strange lyric:
"Leave your flowers at my door, I leave them for the one who waits behind."
"When the sound of lonely drums invites me on, I must be by his side, goodbye goodbye my love."
There may be no evidence that Tara Browne was gay but he did date the Ossie Clarke model Amanda Lear who was a transsexual, although nobody knew it at the time. She also dated Brian Jones, so it is not surprising that Suki poiter had dated both those men also, it was clearly a very insuar group.
If you guys believe in PID, then BOTH Pauls were secretly gay. Because Paul is gay. The songs If If I Fell was a song from John to Paul and Tell Me What You See was Paul's answer. Look up the lyrics, it all matches. Later years Paul said John told him he wrote Jealous Guy for him.
Paul's No Words was a song for John too. There are words in it 'it's only me' and that is what Paul remembered that John said to him in the middle of an argument.
No kidding guys.
They were not Gay. They may have been Bi..but who cares? I do think the John and Paul as lovers is HOT to think about..they were really beautiful together.
"We were each others intimates." - Paul, The Beatles: A Biography
"Paul and I know each other on a lot of different levels that very few people know about." - John
Q Magazine - 1998
Q: "If John Lennon could come back for a day, how would you spend it with him?"
Paul: "In bed."
It's obvious 'No Words' was written for John.
This was a really intersting piece,I don't believe for one second the Paul died and was replaced, I do believe though that John and Paul were more than writing partners at some point.
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Tara Browne in 1966
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If they weren't gay? What is all about? Gay song from Paul to John? https://youtu.be/TzTVBP5e_vY
What does it matter who was gay or who did what to who.They were young, being young is the time for sex,free love as it was called in the sixties. The trouble is the British , and certain religious cranks in the south of America, are too interested in other peoples sex lives .Give it a rest you little lilly whites. I am reminded of a line from Shakespeare 'Me thinks the lady doth protest too much '
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