The New Music Express expressed bewilderment at this fragment of a promotional photo from Paul McCartney. Were they really serious when they speculated that it might be a veiled attack against EMI? I think they gave it away when they ended the article by saying, "NME.COM will have the full image in the next coming days, so stay tuned to find out the meaning behind the legend's message."
This is a good sign that the Fireman project is still on track. Someone mentioned that it has not yet appeared on any upcoming release list. Then when The Fireman canceled an appearance on "Later With Jools Holland" last week, I was beginning to worry about the fate of the project. Although the "official reason" for the cancellation was that Paul had to rehearse for his Israel concert, the speculation is that he opted to be with one of his kids. It would not be the first time. The Kennedy Center Honors come to mind as an event that Paul missed in order to support one of his children. That's the way McCartney is. He's not the Antichrist.
Still, no results yet for a new Fireman CD on Amazon.com. In fact, a quick search with the keywords "Paul McCartney Youth" didn't result in a release date for a new Fireman CD, but instead yielded this (Click picture for link):

Weird, huh?
!!!!!daed si luap
wow! they have paul is dead shirts for kids now! now I know what to get the kids for xmas!
Who is the seller???
peter sellers
well, then
I think IAAP is emerging. If you don't think Paul is behind all this, then I have a bridge to sell you.
iamabuyer of that as well
i need more paul mccartney ring tones
free ringtone with every paul is dead T-shirt
Free t-shirt and ringtone with every bridge
Paul is Dead
i think the answer is in those suitcases.someone must get them.
The answers are not in the suitcases. Remember the first one?
Anonymous said...
i think the answer is in those suitcases.someone must get them.
September 23, 2008 2:12 AM
IAAP? zat u?
i think the answer is in iamaphoney and he or they should tell us
IAAP just logged on 12 minutes ago, maybe there is a new video being uploaded as we speak?
lately it has been preceded by a mostly CAPS message like
(insert relevent data)
what happens if no one gets the suitcases?
Anonymous said...
i think the answer is in iamaphoney and he or they should tell us
September 23, 2008 3:39 AM
why should you get the answers by doing nothing? anything worthwhile requires effort
Anonymous said...
lately it has been preceded by a mostly CAPS message like
(insert relevent data)
September 23, 2008 3:46 AM
ya and then mikeNL has left messages says
"well, if IAAP is going to make some big revelation I wont be here, because I will be sleeping and will miss it, so (yawn) GOODNIGHT EVERYBODY!"
Anonymous said...
i think the answer is in iamaphoney and he or they should tell us
September 23, 2008 3:39 AM
why should you get the answers by doing nothing? anything worthwhile requires effort
September 23, 2008 3:48 AM
Because I am a lazy American and have an inflated sense of entitlement
i hope someone gets the suitcases!
whos going to get them suitcases?
a little bird told me the next video is going to awesome
is the next video coming now?
Anonymous said...
a little bird told me the next video is going to awesome
September 23, 2008 4:13 AM
where's awesome?
or did you mean "to be"
to be or not to be
that is the question
99 volts sells those paul is dead tshit
turn 99 upside down,
66 as in 1966
"lately it has been preceded by a mostly CAPS message like
(insert relevent data)
don't forget a liberal CAPS sprinkling to hint massive drug use. Add peace and love, a few windows and ONE suitcase. Stir to create mass confusion.
Anonymous said...
i think the answer is in iamaphoney and he or they should tell us
September 23, 2008 3:39 AM
why should you get the answers by doing nothing? anything worthwhile requires effort
September 23, 2008 3:48 AM
Because I am a lazy American and have an inflated sense of entitlement
vince, here.
That's not entirely true. You're about the save the BANKING industry from total bankruptcy!!
If you were lazy, you'd be like me, and be umeployed for the past 3 years!
anonymous is going to save the banking industry?
wow, anonymous, what's the plan?
Vince, again.
I have a plan!
Wanna hear it?
Two simple moves:
I think we should get a collection together and order the "daed si luap" t-shirt for the Iamaphoney actor.
Oh, and just a reminder.
The new People Like Us album is available for FREE at WFMU's Beware Of The Blog!
Like if Spike Jones made "Revolution #9"!
Beautiful stuff!
Well, just in case you don't hear it somewhere welse, iamaphoney has been picked up by the FBI. You won't hear about it on the news or anything since this is an entirely secret event.
Currently, the phoney is being held in a disclosed location somewhere in Finland, where he was captured. The FBI is tracking down the suitcases, which contain clues. We also have the cool yellow car seen in earler vids (The Phoney-mobile).
Paul has thanked me and Bern for helping capturing this dangerous entity with suitcases. The iamaphoney YouTube channel will stay up though.
Finland? lol
"dangerous entity with suitcases"
anonymous?? lol
what does that mean?
Why can't you people all get along?
Gnik Nus
just a link to paulmccartney.com, but....
who knows what the future holds?
the fireman unfurls his hose???
liek?? wad?
that's what iamaphoney did in the video...
unfurling his hose
23rd Sept..snippet of new (?) Fireman music on 'Paul McCartney's Channel'...
Same 'siren' sound as in the opening of rotten apple 111 from June 18....
You guys better hope that Paul McCartney/The Fireman is not behind Iamaphoney otherwise you've been played for fools and the the big revelation is the new CD. Imagine devoting all those message boards and YT profiles to Iamaphoney in hopes of uncovering the truth about Faul only to have been completely swindled by Faul himself!
I'd feel quite the opposite, actually.
To know that Paul knows I EXIST!
How COOL would THAT be!
is be?
Anonymous said...
23rd Sept..snippet of new (?) Fireman music on 'Paul McCartney's Channel'...
Same 'siren' sound as in the opening of rotten apple 111 from June 18....
This is actually from PauIMcCartney' (with an 'I')
Though it suggests heavily that IAAP is Macca/the Fireman
It's what I've thought all along, and hope it's true
Let's play with this idea:
Paul McCartney and Killing Joke's Youth release the first Fireman CD in 1994. They sneak it on to the ambient/electronica scene on a white label release without a mention of McCartney's involvement (Paul has NO cred whatsoever in the ambient world). It garners a few good reviews but when the CD is released it's clear that it is a McCartney project and it makes next to no impact.
In 1998 the second Fireman CD "Rushes" is released along with a bizarre web promo "interview" of McCartney in a mask seated next to an unidentified woman. Although the CD is a more realized effort and in some ways sounds like Ummagumma era Pink Floyd, it stiffs at the registers (not that ANY ambient music CD is going to fly off the shelves).
Hypothetical: 8 years later, work begins again on the next Fireman CD inbetween McCartney's "proper" albums. Someone clues McCartney in on the PID websites. Paul is always looking for some kind of freaky underground gimmick to promote his Fireman project and decides that infiltrating the ranks of PID online would be:
a) easy to do
b) not very time consuming
c) free (the best part!)
Maybe he also has a musically sympatico "friend" Martin Lind-aka_Former who makes nearly identical ambient/electronica music (have you been to Former's site? Sounds like "Rushes" part 2).
A viral marketing plot is hatched and while work continues on the 3rd Fireman CD over a period of years (after all it's something he does for fun when he's not busy with "real" music) the PID enthusiasts are dazzled with cryptic videos that prime the pump for the next Fireman CD..a CD that otherwise would only appeal to a handful of McCartney maniacs who have to buy everything. Wouldn't be the first time he's traded on PID to promote a record (Paul Is Live anyone? right down to the volkswagen plate that reads "51 is"!)
The problems with this theory:
1. The PID community is so tiny as to be non-existent and they would guarantee...what?...maybe 20 sales if that?
2.As freaky as Paul likes to behave in his alter-ego of The Fireman I don't think he'd court Charlie Manson worshippers and drop his ex-wife into the videos.
3.No connection has been made between McCartney and Martin Lind (while there is much to connect Lind with Iamaphoney...like the Iamaphoney website being registered to Lind)
There IS, however, that IAAP address that's very close to Ringo's.....
Something else to keep in mind which Taf has touched upon in a previous post:
The Thrillington album. It was McCartney's first full fledged venture into creating a fictional character and using that identity to promote a reccord in a very Iamaphoney like way. Long before the age of the internet people read newspapers (yes kiddies..there was a time before YT and message boards.....I know the average age of the PID conspiracy theorist is between 14 and 22 despite so many of you claiming to be in your 40's on your YT profiles...yeah right...40 year olds who also like Fall Out Boy,Katy Perry,Godsmack,and Insane Clown Posse?...who do you think you're fooling? I mean really!).
How did McCartney promote Thrillington? From Wikipedia:
"In preparation for the release of Thrillington, McCartney invented the fictitious socialite Percy Thrillington, and even took out ads in various UK music papers announcing Thrillington's so-called comings and goings to generate curiosity and interest."
The original ads and messages of Percy "Thrills" Thrillington are reproduced in the CD reissue. Guess what? It's all cryptic and nonsensical ramblings that may strike many of you as..ahem..kind of familiar.
So let's suppose that Iamaphoney is just another tool of Paul's gimmicky promotional quirks when it comes to pushing his esoteric projects. Where does that leave PID? It leaves it in a state of ruin. So much of what Iamaphoney has presented in his videos has been accepted as "gospel" by (many in) the PID crowd. As it turns out this may very well be Paul "fucking with you" because:
a) he's not dead and thinks you're all morons who will believe anything.
b) he's going to get some sales out of people who are convinced that Iamaphoney is the saviour of the PID movement and that more PID clues will be on the new CD so you better buy it or download it find them.
Once again though, too few buyers to make that much of an impact. Then again hardly anyone was going to buy Thrillington anyway. Why would Paul McCartney go to so much trouble over something that he's not making any money from.
Hey! That's a great question! Let's insert Iamaphoney's name in there:
"Why would Iamaphoney go to so much trouble over something that he's not making any money from?"
Where have I heard that before?
The PID community may have just taken a blow to the gut.
anonymous said...
"Why would Paul McCartney go to so much trouble over something that he's not making any money from?"
Because he doesn't need the money, and he's an artist who needs to experiment.
Vince, again.
I STILL say "Thrillington" was HIS answer to The Residents, since the music was made WAY earlier than the record was released with all the cryptic 'residents' style stuff on the cover!
"anonymous said...
"Why would Paul McCartney go to so much trouble over something that he's not making any money from?"
Because he doesn't need the money, and he's an artist who needs to experiment."
My point exactly. Thank you.
If Paul is behind iaap it leaves more questions than answers.
First he's working off a "myth" that has always had a set of clues that would make one wonder if it's true or not. Now, with the rotten apple series, this "myth" is substantiated by even more clues and a much darker set of them. All of the clues and connections take a turn to a place that most people aren't comfortable going.(Except us , the freaks that we are.)
Second, if iaap is a McCartney project, all of these clues will be dismissed because it is "just McCartney taking a piss". And that makes this even more interesting than it already is. Because then all of these clues and connections are things McCartney is well aware of. And if there is any truth to Paul is dead or Paul was replaced it will stay hidden.
Only time will tell. Of course iaap reads all of this and they may insinuate Paul having a role in the series. They use all of these sites and boards as inspiration. And that is one of the main reasons one can say that iaap is phony. But I'm having such a good time. Aren't you?
McCartney is already well aware of the clues as evidenced by his "Paul Is Live" album cover. He is certainly aware of the 28IF plate since he spoofs it. McCartney is not an idiot or a babe in the woods. If there was a mythology built up around YOU wouldn't you check it out?
No myth is "substantiated" with Rotten Apple videos (Iamaphoney has proven nothing) but I would agree that more "elements" have been added to the myth. As for taking people to a darker place, I would argue that NIR and the other message boards have done that. There is very little original material in the RA's. It's mostly based on or lifted directly from discussions in NIR (which is why those same members see the videos and go "eureka!" without noticing that it's their own ideas are being spat back at them).
That darker place? Who's even going so far as to explore the RA videos? Less than 1% of Paul's audience? What has he got to lose? Nothing. Besides most sensible people are well aware that "the darker place" these videos lead to is the domain of conspiracy nuts and potheads.
McCartney need not even visit NIR or PIDMHMH or TKIN to get the mythology. Maybe he just read Dr. Lev's wonderful book of fiction called "Billy Shears" which is like someone taking the best posts at NIR and turning them into a book. JoJo can you sue?
Do you think the actor is paid? There has to be something in it for him (besides the one shirt...) Unless he's that guy from the Former videos. But if he's not, he'd have a day job probably, and that's a lot of traveling (in a private jet) just to drop off a suitcase here or there for some YouTube crap. You know? Whoever is behind it has money to just throw around. Are Former really that well off?
But if Macca really was behind it, wouldn't he have cooler stuff to put in a Goodwill suitcase than an old book, a used record and a pig video (done in American accents I might add)?
Of course everybody is paid. And have probably signed their NDAs.
Do you figure the first of the RA videos was by design and in on the game? Or did they buy him out?
anon said....."But if Macca really was behind it, wouldn't he have cooler stuff to put in a Goodwill suitcase than an old book, a used record and a pig video (done in American accents I might add)?"
I agree. MACCA is not a cheap bastard. The crap in the first suitcase was exactly that...CRAP.
I should also mention his backwards message of "Oh by the way..I'm not dead" on the Simpsons episode he appeared on (in animated form). It would appear that PID is not something McCartney is at all worried about. In fact he appears to enjoy it and at times has participated in it. Remember Apple associate Bruce Spizer's April Fool's joke about PID which McCartney evidently sanctioned a few years ago?
There are those who believe Paul is cowering in fear over Iamaphoney's videos and that, to paraphrase Mikenl, they are literally shaking over at Apple. This is a fanciful wish on the part of PID enthusiasts but the facts have born out and continue to bear out something quite different.
For a sobering perspective on a typical Beatle fan's reactions to PID (not the 911 truthers/NWO/Masonic cult fanatic's reaction) read the reviews on Amazon of Dr. Lev's book.
McCartney is not cheap? Really? I think he's well known for being notoriously stingy.
I though Macca was a total cheap bastard. Isn't that the story?
"Are Former really that well off?"
Visit http://www.formermedia.com
I'd say the television commercials he's done for Toyota/Nissan and Coca Cola are pretty substantial corporate clients. If I were in advertising I'd jump over flames to land those accounts.
Although direct involvement from Paul would probably mean better material, it's also possible that his team just subbed out the project to IAAP and let them play with it as they choose, with some minor oversight from Macca.
If and I say IF former is Iamaphoney or is connected with Iamaphoney he's very much a corporate dude.
The Rotten Apple series, though it is bizarre and very creative, does have an overall "mainstream" feel to the editing techniques. It could be, as IAAP said himself way back when, an indie film project, and this is just the viral build-up to it, or a way to demonstrate its look, feel, and demographic to potential investors. Perhaps he's selling it as a possible online video or art film with PID inspired IAAP soundtrack, and let's not forget, the soundtrack seems to be IAAPs principal focus.
or another motive no one has mentioned
anonymous said...
or another motive no one has mentioned
September 23, 2008 5:58 PM
IAAP is moving out of mom's place and decided to get rid of his old Beatle stuff?
there's more here than meets the eye
anyway, what really happened w/ suitcase #1?
was there one item not reported or something?
and with the latest probable vid from iaap - does this mean Finland has not captured the flag?
So many questions.
Gnik Nus
The idea that Paul McCartney is behind IAAP is just as idiotic as the idea that Paul is dead. I'm sure IAAP is thrilled with the connection being made. He's never thrilled with those other kinds of connections like when he panicked and removed all of his Pupil CPH videos and wrote an e-mail to Tafultong asking him to take down his Superstone video. What we have here is a friend of Martin Lind's who is a Manson fanatic and can't seem to find any other way to get his creativity out. The other projects he's worked on have been flops or have generated no interest at all. He's going to ride this Rotten Apple for as long as he can. He doesn't have much else.
I just saw the Former website. If he is Iamaphoney then Iamaphoney is part of "the system".
that's a lot to con cider.
Yeah, the removal of the Pupil videos was pretty much the smoking gun. So it's Former, as everyone already believes, and the alleged Macca connection is just another ploy to bring in viewers and/or sustain some interest in a series that has been sinking fast since the briefcase fiasco.
So IAAPs profile image is an "F" made with packing tape that looks identical to the packing tape from the Macca promo picture . . . either IAAP has the full picture, or he went out and bought some tape and made the "F" himself - I'm wondering now, Tafultong, if there was some collusion with the timing of your post and the new profile image . . .
Anonymous said...
So IAAPs profile image is an "F" made with packing tape that looks identical to the packing tape from the Macca promo picture
I think the new post answers this question.
If the insinuation is that IAAP photoshopped the "E" in the image to look like an "F" I don't believe that is true, because I've analyzed both and the tape pattern and bubbling is different. Unless, of course, there is a fuller picture somewhere with which he worked.
It's also clear that the person is spelling the letters EMA, not EMI, so it probably is just FIREMAN spelled out.
It's also clear that Iamaphoney=Former
what were the
'pupil" vids? and why a smoking gun?
back to pid letter game:
what are they saying faintly? Superstone?
what was you vid T, (the original)
about the superstone? Why did you pull it? can we still see it?
Anonymous said...
what were the 'pupil" vids? and why a smoking gun?
Well, I'm not sure how smoking the gun was, but the pupil vids are my claim to fame in the Iamaphoney saga. The early Iamaphoney videos were quite simple in terms of the video editing and other features we have come to know and love. There was no actor with a "Helter Skelter" tee shirt, no original music (or new backwards music) and no unknown documents.
During the transition phase to the sophisticated videos we see now, you could still access Iamaphoney's favorites. When the videos got more complex and peaked my interest, I checked out all of Iamaphoney's favorites and found several videos by a band called "Pupil Copenhagen" or "Pupil CPH." I noticed that the editing was similar to the newer Iamaphoney work and I even saw a large sized Sgt. Pepper poster in one of the studio shots of a Pupil CPH video. The band itself was okay, sort of dance/pop thing as I remember. It didn't sound anything like Iamaphoney's music to me.
When I reported this in the NIR discussion group, the Pupil videos vanished within a day. Soon after that, the favorites list was gone from Iamaphoney's YouTube channel.
I still don't understand why. It's not like Former (aka Martin Lind) disappeared. All of his videos are still available. That's why I don't really consider a smoking gun, unless I missed something.
U wrote:
back to pid letter game:
what are they saying faintly? Superstone?
what was you vid T, (the original)
about the superstone? Why did you pull it? can we still see it?
You talkin' to me? I assume by "T" you mean Tafultong and not the person who comments here who signs everything "T." It gets very confusing. The other "T" might have suggested at one point that his name could hypothetically be Tom, but all I know for sure is that he is not me.
I don't like to repeat myself, but I also don't like to leave questions unanswered. So, I will take one more crack at the Superstone question.
Once upon a long ago, a video called "Superstone" appeared on one of those Iamaphoney alias channels. Then it was taken down.
A short time later, someone at NIR asked if anyone had captured the Superstone video. As a favor to that individual, I uploaded it to YouTube. After a couple weeks, Iamaphoney contacted me via YouTube and politely asked me to take the video down.
I told him that I would comply with his request since the video had already served its purpose. The person who requested that I put it up had plenty of time to get it.
But then I asked him to do me a favor. I gave him a couple of choices and the option he preferred was to allow me to post his original correspondence to me in its entirety on this blog. You can find that correspondence here
That was our deal. You can call me a bad deal maker if you want, but if you suggest that I am doing anything wrong by keeping my word and holding up my end of the bargain, I would feel no need to even respond.
I think I have expressed a certain interest in Iamaphoney by the hours I put into this blog for more than a year, so I hope I have some credibility when I say there ain't a frame in that video that can't be found elsewhere.
Thank you T, Taf
"Subject: superstone
From: Iamaphoney
I must admit that I'm a fan of your work and I know that, in the future, it´ll be widely spread.
We accept the fact that superstone slipped out of our hands, and made it´s own life on youtube, really.
Superstone is a very important brick in the revelation and that demo supposed to be around!
So, if you will remove the video at this point, it would be very helpfull and highly appreciated.
If you choose not to follow the recommendation
I´ll understand it and therefore I´ll accept it.
do what thou wilt,
best regards
peace and unlimited life"
iaap says:
We accept the fact that superstone slipped out of our hands, and made it´s own life on youtube, really.
Superstone is a very important brick in the revelation and that demo supposed to be around!
So, if you will remove the video at this point, it would be very helpfull and highly appreciated.
very important ?
Pupil Coppen?
eye-stone is an old name for pupil, fyi
Alice Through the Looking Glass
4th Case sky
".....important brick in the revelation and that demo supposed to be around!
So, if you will remove the video at this point, it would be very helpfull and highly appreciated."
makes no sense
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