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Thanks to those of you who put the link in the comments section of my last post. Things are quite busy in my world this weekend, but I will be working on new posts for this week.
Additional Notes on the new video:
It is possible that the blurry man from R.A. 71 O is Tony Sheridan.

Here is a video of Tony performing in 2004.
The NBC Check appears to be authentic, but it is not the famous Lorne Michaels Saturday Night Live Check.

The video contains some images that we have not seen for a long time, like this one:

One theory is that the video is intended to remind us of the glory days of the Rotten Apple series, but it is also possible that parts of this video were done a long time ago and the suitcase parts were simply dropped in. Whoever gets the suitcase at CERN should get a nice white "Back to the Egg" bag.
More stuff! :-)
I think IAAP reacted to the many posts asking them to put up another old skool Rotten Apple, maybe just for nostalgia's sake. Indeed, this video contains basically more of the same . . . Beatle interviews that one could interpret as Paul is Dead references or "The Beatle revolution was planned by Tavistock" or something to that effect. Personally, I don't see how the fact that the Beatles helped bring some style and hipness to a generation is all that unusual or anything to fret over. Fashions change every few years, and they were changing from the 20's to the 30's and so on. Today, it's Hip Hop style and culture (for some).
I can't tell a single change in fashion (or music) from 1999 to 2008.
You can't tell a single change? You must be old.
Fashion doesn't change every few years, it changes every season.
So Tavistock's bold plan was to have this group "corrupt" kids so that some of them would wear hippie clothes and some would smoke some stuff until they got older, got married, and became the doctors, lawyers, stock brokers, and Christian evangelicals they are today?
anonymous said...
You can't tell a single change? You must be old.
I'll be 41 on November 1st.
the hands with the suitcase do not seem to match earlier iaap hands...
Verb Rant Vex Armchair Clan
And so it begins...
what a guy, that Dick.
great update T
this video is a bit slick, and nothing new, except maybe the George Martin fade. (Is it?)
Oh great the bank routing number for NBC in the 60's!
Would someone also please tell the braintrust at NIR that the vocals on "Fool On The Hill" are sped up exactly like the vocals on "When I'm 64"? I know that they all grew up listening to the do-nothing drivel of Nickelback and Britney Spears and don't know any better but post after post of embarassing babble harms their credibility.
No, on second thought, just carry on kids.
what does he say after "let's use this?"
U wrote:
what does he say after "let's use this?"
This is the quote: (source - The Internet Beatles Album)
On the creation of Apple, Paul said:
"We've already bought all our dreams. We want to share that possibility with others. When we were touring, and when the adoration and hysteria were at a peak, if we'd been the shrewd operators we were often made out to be, we might have thought -- that's nice! Ah. Click. Let's use this for own evil ends. But there's no desire in any of our heads to take over the world. That was Hitler. That's what he wanted to do. There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good."
thanks, T
phoney edited it
"thanks, T
phoney edited it"
"Don't live in the past. Don't try to hold on to something that's changing fast.." (Vintage Clothes)
"Ah. Click. Let's use this for own evil ends. But there's no desire in any of our heads to take over the world. That was Hitler. That's what he wanted to do. There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good."
Ignore this statement all Tavistock-Paul-is-a-Satanist goofballs.
There are several fades in this latest vidyo where we see a blurry, yellowy, almost abstract image fading into the late John Winston Ono Lennon (Bless his soul)
Question: Would it matter if this were video 71 or whether video 66 was 7? In other words, what is the point of this barrage of repetitious images and themes? We already get the thrust of IAAPs premise, so what is the point, if any, to these generic rehashes? The series is definitely spinning its wheels.
Here is some good stuff that I long forgot about. These guys were really good. They were Indie before Indie was cool.
This one fits in here.
Anonymous said...
"Ah. Click. Let's use this for own evil ends. But there's no desire in any of our heads to take over the world. That was Hitler. That's what he wanted to do. There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good."
Power corrupts
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Power corrupts
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
September 28, 2008 11:54 PM
What a dumb comment!
What power did Paul have? HE WROTE MUSIC
Thats it, just music
quotation by John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902). The historian and moralist, who was otherwise known simply as Lord Acton, expressed this opinion in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887:
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."
Do you think that this is a "dumb" comment, or that it doesn't apply to Paul McCartney?
" 'Christianity will go,' he said. 'It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I will be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first-rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.'"
John Lennon
taken from article
How Does a Beatle Live? John Lennon Lives Like This
by Maureen Cleave
London Evening Standard, March 4 1966
Does that statement sound like some one who does not feel that he wields power in this world?
More powerful then Jesus Christ?
A person who is more powerful then Jesus could be said to have absolute power.
Power corrupts.
wait a second....
how does this all tie in with Harold and Bern?
Harold and Bern ist VERBOTEN!
when Harold and Bern come up, I am leaving
Goodnight Jimbob
Goodnight Beckysue
see now? you drove off another person who was saying something intelligent
I don't find the jebus comments intelligent
jebus comments?
are you trying to make friends or enemies?
that you CommenterGV/to761983???
you going to start yer gew bashin?
Anonymous said...
that you CommenterGV/to761983???
you going to start yer gew bashin?
September 29, 2008 12:23 AM
when CommenterGV/to761983
comes up I am leaving
that you socash dontbotherthatguy?
glad you all seem to know one another!
It would have to be, being staged
Anonymous said...
that you CommenterGV/to761983???
you going to start yer gew bashin?
September 29, 2008 12:23 AM
Them gews arent nearly as oppressed as they CLAIM to be
The HaroldBERN
jebus/mr pottymouth christian
trifecta is in play
someone should poke socash with a stick, see what happens
Could you please restrict yourself to iamaphoney's comment section CommenterGV?
You are cluttering this great blog
Back to the actual conversation...
Some people believe that the Beatles' influence has been overstated, but I think you can make a case for their impact on history and on the world view of many people. And I think their own quotes are evidence that the Beatles themselves believed that. When John implied that he didn't mind looking foolish with his peace campaign, Gloria Emerson of the New York Times told him, "My dear don't think that you have saved a single life." But, Paul gave John credit for turning popular opinion against the Viet Nam war.
John did say "More popular that Jesus," not "More powerful than Jesus. I realize that pop culture tends to blur that distinction.
Lennon and McCartney also took pains to point out countless times that the Beatles were "just a band that made it very big." They knew they had influence, but they didn't use this "power" to do anything other than promote various causes. The Beatles, rightly so, also knew how ridiculous it was that people took them so seriously. "People used us as an excuse to go mad," George noted.
Their primary influence, which did not afford any of them some sort of political power akin to Caesars, Idi Amin, Stalin, or other actual leaders, was their songwriting. They raised the bar for musical and artistic integrity. It's not as if they ever ordered anyone's death, or genocide, or anything that would even come close to putting them into the "absolute power" category. That's purest fantasy.
Paul McCartney to release new dance album as The Fireman
The full tracklisting for 'Electronic Arguments' is:
'Nothing Too Much Just Out Of Sight'
'Two Magpies'
'Sing The Changes'
'Travelling Light'
'Light From Your Lighthouse'
'Sun Is Shining'
'Dance 'Til We're High'
'Lifelong Passion'
'Is This Love?'
'Lovers In A Dream'
'Universal Here, Everlasting Now'
'Don't Stop Running'
It's not as if they ever ordered anyone's death, or genocide, or anything that would even come close to putting them into the "absolute power" category. That's purest fantasy.
...Of course. Yet this "purest fantasy" was charismatically advocated by Manson, horrifically acted upon by his adherents, and, more recently, lamentably rekindled by the tireless efforts of our inscrutable IAAP. History has ways of repeating itself, I guess.
The fact that Manson acted on his bizarre and unfounded interpretation of certain Beatle songs is no different than the many individuals, groups, and even nations that have acted upon their diverse and contradictory interpretations of biblical or other religious prophecies. It isn't Jodie Foster's fault that John Hinkley shot the president because of his diseased thinking. You can't hold artists like the Beatles responsible for psychopathic responses in the minority like Manson but then fail to give them credit for their positive influence on the world, which is well-attested by countless individuals.
The fact that Manson acted on his bizarre and unfounded interpretation of certain Beatle songs is no different than the many individuals, groups, and even nations that have acted upon their diverse and contradictory interpretations of biblical or other religious prophecies. It isn't Jodie Foster's fault that John Hinkley shot the president because of his diseased thinking. You can't hold artists like the Beatles responsible for psychopathic responses in the minority like Manson but then fail to give them credit for their positive influence on the world, which is well-attested by countless individuals.
Neither can one blame Jesus (the individual) for the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials, or countless other examples of horrific and murderous human behavior based on interpretation of biblical teaching and prophecy.
"Light From Your Lighthouse" is the one that brought the tears to my eyes. It made me feel things I've never felt before. For a moment there I knew Macca truly is a divine being. When I see Paul again in person this Thursday, he better be prepared for a huge hug.
Dick is still in prison, the individual who created the newest RA has been captured in America, though where, I have no idea.
- Harold
Mike, calm down, have a glass of milk and take a nap. Human beings have been killing each other ever since we were living in caves. Chimpanzees are always savegly killing themselves, I don't see them going to Church.
Kiss my ass.
what is dick and co being charged with?
Hey IAaP:
so does aja have to do with the Shen Ring? ( kinds sounds like CERN) ? and maybe the Umbrella?
Here's a link
Man. you GOTTA see that Super Furry Animals video I talked about.
Features TONS of facts on how many millions of humans have been killed in the name of christ!
Human beings will always find a reason to justify their actions. That is why John Lennon was always soul searching; all he seemed to cross paths with were religious hypocrites shaming other's in the name of Jesus and God. Christianity is one of the most abused religions on Earth. If they are not hounding you for money, they are trying to jam it down your throat. Not all Christians can be put into the same category. Just because a religion is used to promote a person or groups agenda doesn't make the concept evil. You have to look beyond that. It is tough, I know.
why would a concept differ in practice?
"why would a concept differ in practice?"
Because the concept has been perverted. My Bible doesn't tell me to go about the world and cram my beliefs down people's throat, use my religion for a mere profit, or only believe when convenient. These are human stipulations that have been added to make religion practical.
Not that we should travel down the same road as previous PID-made-Religious topics, but to make it seem like Christianity and all religions for that matter are the reason for most violence in the world is shallow. Like someone before me said, people will find a reason to kill someone else.
And Vince, you've mentioned said video a few times before, we get it.
Holly molly! What happened to DONTBOTHERTHATGUY? His account has been deleted!
Just a note, I had to go. I found something. Goodbye.
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