The waters are extremely muddy at the moment. Here are some links of interest.
Hoax E-Mails Attack Beatles Fans
Paul is Dead - 4 - Where's The Bus? from iamawhich
B FOUR THREE E from MilesDeo
billisher wants you to visit the following five links. [If you click the link for billisher, you'll be surprised where it takes you.]
Milesdeo Cryptogram
Understandings of Kabbalah
Hebrew Numbers
Other recent related videos include:
CALLS HIMSELF LIVE from milesdeo
If I Were Not Upon The STAGE from SirLarryMildew
House of Wax from SirLarryMildew
Got to be a joker...from arlarmy

In the Iamaphoney Suitcase YouTube world, there seems to be a tiff going on between SantaSusanaPass and 922008Suitcase. One of them does not want anyone to pick up that suitcase.
Another person who advises against getting that suitcase is felipegcs. Feli posted a warning in the comments of my last post. More background can be found on this blog.
Now that it is official that Paul McCartney will be doing a concert in Israel, the New World Order theories are coming to the fore.
This will probably put the fear of God in some people and cause others to just shrug their shoulders.

still ignoring paul = iamaphoney?
i thought it was one of the most interesting developments in the last couple of months. but you have yet to write anything about it. did iamaphoney told you not to?
i'm not forcing you to write about it of course, i'm just curious on the reason why.
Mike - I am and am not 65if2007.
I'm not the person who retrieved the items left in California by iamaphoney. I left for the States the day after 65if told that he had retrieved the items.
iamaphoney had better hurry; lest I make him look like "the Fool."
MikeNL said...
still ignoring paul = iamaphoney?
i thought it was one of the most interesting developments in the last couple of months.
What developments? Other than people saying it, I haven't seen any developments. Believe me, I would LOVE for Iamaphoney to be Paul, but I don't even think that Iamaphoney is suggesting that.
There is a suggestion from sources that I believe might be or might have been close to Iamaphoney that Neil Aspinall was involved, and I have written about that.
Please share these "developments" that you mentioned. I do not know about them.
"A lipogram is a kind of writing with constraints that consists of full paragraphs or books in which a particular symbol, such as that fifth symbol of Latin's script (which is most common in writing), is missing. An author of this kind of lipogram must submit to an awful handicap, allowing only consonants and A, I, O, U, and Y. This is ordinarily a quorum of six fours plus half of two (or XXV, to a Roman).
Another example, this time challenging the reader to discover the oddity:
"This is an unusual month — Santa, snow and so on. But this is an unusual paragraph too. How quickly can you find out what is so uncommon about it? It looks so ordinary that you may think nothing is odd about it, until you actually match it against most paragraphs this long. If you put your mind to it and study it hard, you will find out — but nobody may assist you — do it without any coaching. Go to work and try your skill at figuring it out. Par on it is about half an hour. Good luck — and don't blow your cool."
Writing a lipogram is a trivial task for uncommon letters like Z, J, or X, but it is much more difficult for common letters like E. Writing this way, the author must omit many ordinary words, often resulting in stilted-sounding text that can be difficult to understand. Well-written lipograms are rare, providing a challenge to writers seeking challenges." wiki
Stop the fright night, Miles. It's counter- productive. Paul is dead. Long live Paul. Gimme an E!
"In a letter Prosor wrote: " There is no doubt that it was a great missed opportunity to prevent people like you, who shaped the minds of the generation, to come to Israel and perform." "
I didn't really put much stock in the Faul coming to Isreal bit until I read that
The letter "E" was a key part of Edgar Allan Poe's strategy for solving cryptograms.
I confirm that I am not milesdeo/Miles Denton Oliver.
Why don't you actually confirm who you REALLY are?
that really doesn't matter much....
it's the same as you, "anonymous".. that we demand from you to tell who you are. but that would be crazy right?
tafultong; i was also talking about the conversation here about Paul being iamaphoney.
+ that oskar rakos thing.
+ the strong suggestion in the videos
Mike, you need not answer for Miles. I'm sure he is highly capable.
brofain said...
Miles Deo cryptically encoded:
Miles is the original Paul McCartney?
Who loves "us" very much?
Bill, Paul, John???
Creates adjectives from nouns meaning "having something".
kar (arm) - karos (something with an arm), for example karosszék (armchair), a chair with an arm.
rakos, cancer
ayurxlaw dyoaa ib kixlruib
i believe this has been added within the last 43 minutes.
that has already been on for a couple of days.
the change this time is the background.
a color image of the map.
anonymous said...
Mike, you need not answer for Miles. I'm sure he is highly capable.
Can you explain this one? are you referring to my post behind your post? or my post in the other post.
Nothing is Real, Mike. ;)
If I tell you that I am Paul McCartney, will that make you happy? John Lennon, maybe? Billy or Joey?
I told everyone what I would be doing .. for five months now, and we are doing it in LOVE.
I am the Banker, the rest are hiding their heads because of the rain. Do you know what happens after the rain, Mike? Better yet .. while the sky is pouring rain?
A man walks down the street
He says why am I soft in the middle now
Why am I soft in the middle
The rest of my life is so hard
I need a photo-opportunity
I want a shot at redemption
Don't want to end up a cartoon
In a cartoon graveyard
Bonedigger Bonedigger
Dogs in the moonlight
Far away my well-lit door
Mr. Beerbelly Beerbelly
Get these mutts away from me
You know I don't find this stuff amusing anymore
Miles, i don't believe you are paul mccartney.
The fireman loves you.
I don't know who you really are, Miles. but is it important in this Game?
It's worth it, in my opinion.
Now it will be easy.
Getting back to the primary subject - what is it that you are waiting on?
The revelation.
The Revelation of Faul.
Have you considered the (reverse-)replacement theory?
It's worked well for me.
“Do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it.”
miles denton oliver said...
The Revelation of Faul.
Have you considered the (reverse-)replacement theory?
It's worked well for me.
I'm sorry, what's the reverse replacement theory?
That the real McCartney replaced false Paul.
oh, no i haven't thought about that...
that would mean that the car-crash was no accident.
it would also mean that, wait what??? this is impossible.
if pre66paul was fake, and post66paul real. then...
i'm sorry but that goes a little bit too far for me.
even if it would be true, i think that a better explanation would be that Paul McCartney never existed. All made up.
(lol, thinking while writing.)
I agree, Mike.
See now that's why I am here. To make people think.
hehe, i still don't know who you are.
i'll be going through your posts now.
i'll keep in mind that you love us. LOL.
In eggshell seas.
Sorry, just trying to join the lovefest.
Vince, here.
My brain is stuck on the fact that that bit of manson on the iamawitch video reminded me of George W. Bush!
At You Tube:Phoney Quest from iMphoney
Tags: imphoney iamaphoney paul ciphers lives cryptograms in france
Paul lives in france
I'm just reporting this; not saying it's troo.
How does one reverse replace?
how does that guy SantaSusanaPass
got a subscriber with no video?
is there a private video ?
yes, SantaSusanaPass. indeed, you have a private video. : ]
Klaatu barada nikto.
abracadabra, pesto chango, shazamm.
that's not the SantaSusanaPass private video, its a new one from Footnotebot sorry forget to mention that... Any way to find out who the private video is for and why it is private?
Because he doesn't want anyone to see it.
I figured someone would post that response! lol
I was wondering when that response would come up! ha!
countdown to SantaSusanaPass being deleted in 3....2.....1
ok i am drunk as hell and my wife call me in here screaming "WTF is going on!!!" about this suitcase business
i dont have a blesssed god dang clue what is going on here but this is amazing! is this what you all do in your spare time! shit!
this reminds me of a espisode of fricken lost!
then she asks "Can we go to california and get that suitcase?"
how can i say no to those deep blue eyes?
ok, your on
where is the sonofabitch?
Why was my blog deleted?
-Young Goodman Brown
Santa Susana Pass California
I would go but gas is to expensive
65if2007 could you tell us where the first one was so someone could go get this?
At least we know that Miles is also Sir Larry Mildew.
what happens when you get the suitcase?
good things?
Well.... the super Large Hadron Collider rips a hole in the dimensional space time continuum and space fricken aliens take over your body and make your loved ones think they are you while they impregnant your women while singing "let it be" softly in their ears, and then Paul fricken McCartney sings in the Holy Land Israel against the wishes of the elected government don't you just know they run the show those shape shifting lizard bitches
all the while making your hard earned tax dollars go towards things you NEVER EVEN DREAMED FRICKEN NEXT FRICKEN LEVEL! !!! ! ! ! !
so where is the god dang suitcase?
I go get the son of of a bitch before this buzz wears of damn it
hello? is there anyone one of you there?
you makin fun of me Mr.? ? ?
I live in the Netherlands, I am a kid!
So I think Larry Mildew/Miles/EliasCrowe (an actor into Shakespeare) is one person, GA, PIDGAME, IAMAWITCH (etc) another (based on tags, editing style content all identical, and IAAP and related accounts the same guy (or small group).
"I am the Banker, the rest are hiding their heads because of the rain."
I'm not afraid when I see L.A. rainclouds. It rains for you and me.
My name is socash!
I am a useless troll who pretends to be other people! Every day I overcompensate for my lack of a penis!
you are so wrong T!
tell em EliasCrowe
we are two people!
what are you going to do now T?
I have no penis because I am a girl and I am BORED!
Hey! an actor into Shakespear is PLUGFIVE! not those aforementioned squier!
Mayday Mayday Mayday!
editing style content all identical???
I am sure EliasCrowe is at least offended to be compared to GA!
GA is a goddamn HACK!
GA is Hack
I should know... I AM GA!
GA is gayyy!
Mayday Mayday Mayday!
WHOA! bring it down a 1,000 you MANIACS!
Mayday Mayday Mayday!
Mayday Mayday Mayday!
Mayday Mayday Mayday!
I live in Arizona and I would have go gotten that damn suitcase you sonsofbitches! my wife is right you sonsofbitches! WTF????????????
Alcohol is a hell of a drug!
you makin fun of me Mr.? ? ?
Mayday Mayday Mayday!
Mayday Mayday Mayday!
Blogger MikeNL said...
yes, SantaSusanaPass. indeed, you have a private video. : ]
MIKENL is in on it!
You might want to re-read the comment. The editing style/content of GA, PIDGAME, FOOTNOTEBOT, etc. are the same (Beatle cartoons, 11:11 stuff, the phone number 231-1438, Stanley Kubrick and Shining). The LarryMildew/MilesDeo font is identical, not to mention their similarities in posts. The comment from EliasCrowe BE B BE BE is straight from the IAAP mirrored Pepper (and NIR), but concurrent with MilesDeo's video with the BE B BE BE BILL "code."
The persons most interested in what is said in this blog are the videomakers on all teams.
ok i am drunk as hell and my wife call me in here screaming "WTF is going on!!!" about this suitcase business
Women are so emotional!
get control of your women!
The persons most interested in what is said in this blog are the videomakers on all teams.
There is more then one team????!?!??!
the fact that GA, PIDGAME, FOOTNOTEBOT are the same is no secret ANONYMOUS
that has been known for MONTHS
T is right! They are all the SAME
all on the same TEAM!
That's true that it's been known. Just pointing out the Larry Mildew/Miles/Plug Five thing.
all your team is belong to us!
is it a full moon or something?
ANONYMOUS is Also Known as
they are all the same.. just ask them
right MikeNL?
That's true that it's been known. Just pointing out the Larry Mildew/Miles/Plug Five thing.
EliasCrowe plays with umbrellas
just like the Beatles
is it a full moon or something?
is it a full moon or something?
is it a full moon or something?
sorry for the multiple posts!
that you socash?
is it a full moon or something?
that you socash?
No, I don't say such ludicrous things
Yes you do!
You are all the same PERSON! STOP IT!
It can cut you like a knife, if the gift becomes the fire
On a wire between will and what will be
She's a maniac, maniac, I sure know
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
She's a maniac, maniac, I sure know
And she's dancing like she's never danced before
I remember that song!
Larry Mildew and Elias Crowe
Yes, I'm both of them. I am whoever you say that I am. But I'm not "Billy" or "Faul" ... unless, of course, you say that I am.
or a boat load of Faul money Tafultong, a Egyptian boatload of beatle money
Paul is Dead -13 - Ringo's Red Pill from footnotebot. All I can say is a lot of thought has gone into tying all of these disparate elements together.
damn lizards
Larry Mildew and Elias Crowe
are one in the same!
Larry Mildew and Elias Crowe
are one in the same!
You are Billy and Faul
there, now its TRUE!
Diogenes the Cynic
ONE of my all-time heroes is Diogenes the Cynic, who spent most of his life chilling in his barrel outside the city-state of Corinth . He was the original Cynic because he believed that men and women lived a life dictated by rules and taboos and therefore no one was really truthful or honest. Actually Diogenes is my hero because he was witty, rude, and had little respect for authority. For example, when Alexander the Great rode down to visit Diogenes in his barrel, he offered Diogenes any gift of his choice. With a scowl, Diogenes snapped back his response: "What you've taken away, you can never give me."
"Huh?" said Alex.
"You're standing in my sun."
. . . and To761983 is IAAP.
IAAP watched Pulp fiction and dreamed up this whole suitcase crap.
Quentin Tarantino
thought of this not IAAP
. . and To761983 is IAAP.
that is true,
IAAP is a antisemite who thinks Home Depo is in on the conspiracy
I wish Quentin Tarantino was Iamaphoney
I know Tarantino
Then I could ask him what the heck is going on
"I knew Sen. John F Kennedy. You sir are no John F Kennedy!"
To761983 is IAAP.
that is true,
IAAP is a antisemite who thinks Home Depo is in on the conspiracy
To761983 lives in Israel
That is a FACT
Larry Mildew is Paul. He thanked his son James for helping him with his last video. How obvious does he have to be?
do you really run the banks Mr. Sir Rothschild?
Larry Mildew is Paul.
countdown to SantaSusanaPass being deleted in 3....2.....1
is your name
MikeNL said...
that has already been on for a couple of days.
the change this time is the background.
a color image of the map.
hey MikeNL
Where is this map?
Larry Mildew is Paul.
So, does that mean Miles Deo is also Paul?
is this VINCE?
ok i am drunk as hell and my wife call me in here screaming "WTF is going on!!!" about this suitcase business
i dont have a blesssed god dang clue what is going on here but this is amazing! is this what you all do in your spare time! shit!
this reminds me of a espisode of fricken lost!
your eyes are deep brown because you sir are full of it
"then she asks "Can we go to california and get that suitcase?"
how can i say no to those deep blue eyes?
ok, your on
where is the sonofabitch?"
who does this sound like?
"Santa Susana Pass California
I would go but gas is to expensive
65if2007 could you tell us where the first one was so someone could go get this?"
"That's true that it's been known. Just pointing out the Larry Mildew/Miles/Plug Five thing."
backtracking already eh?
Proves that you are on the team as well!
Here's one classic version of the "Conspiracy": All of those rock stars died. Must've been the Illuminati.
Manson and the Zodiac killer must've been programmed by the Illuminati with - subliminal messages and programming.
The OTO must be another Illuminist front.
Crowley = WWII double agent (disinfo agent and secret Zionist).
The Light Tower and London Eye are Illuminist symbols of Lucifer and the Eye of Osiris respectively (psy-ops reprogramming and reveal the method images).
Beatles = Tavistock program to subvert youth as part of a grand antichristian programming scheme with Prince William (you should'a seen him when he was a boy) the latest candidate for Antichrist.
The Iluminati are Zionists seeking to eliminate Christianity and institute a "New World Order" per the "Protocols of Zion."
It would be interesting to see whether any PID videos allude to this particular conspiracy theory.
Larry Mildew is Paul?
you need to throw some more money at that project Paul Faul whatever, could've been better.
it costs a lot of money to make it seem cheap Anonymous
I am bored too Aja
See, Aja.... if you'd have just laid low like Mojo no one would pick on you.. its been days since anyone's mentioned her "contemplating your hot seat" comment. Follow her lead, don't feed these people, they just keep it alive when you do.
and if you're reading this Paul McCartney, Mojo would totally do you the next time you are in Texas.
I mean it
google that shit
its true
mojo has been contemplating your seat
she said so
her name is mojo
FROM texas
That's usually the case, Paul.
so what happens at midnight?
its Totally NEXT LEVEL at midnight, right MikeyNL?
Can't WAIT!
see now when you say Tavistock
mr T, it makes me really think you are Daycron66, because thats a real pet issue Daycron66
seriously, what do you have against the Tavistock people?
Hopefully, it won't involve anyone's ass from the lone star state.
how many levels after the next one? or is this the last one?
mojo has been contemplating your seat
she said so
her name is mojo
FROM texas
AND as a bonus, she doesn't care that you are gay
bonus to you
she already knows someone you had sex with in Texas, and it was a guy, so you are in! She doesn't care at all that you are homosexual.
seriously, she had cocktails with some man who claims he knows someone who is also male who you had sex with.
And she still wouldn't mind having you as a partner either.
Paul is kind of sensitive about the gay issue it seems
just like Tom Cruise
"she had cocktails with some man who claims he knows someone who is also male who you had sex with."
Well if that isn't credible, I don't know what is, pardner.
Daycron66 here. I'm not T, but I suspect that much of what he says is true.
What do I have against the Tavistock people? It's called social engineering. I don't know for sure if they engage in it, but I would like to know.
I do believe that our society is managed, and that manufactured consent is the order of the day. Where is it all heading? Nowhere good.
If I were Paul (which I'm not, honest) I'd be mildly amused by all this stuff. Then again I might be shit scared, you know.
Were gonna cause talk and suspicion;
Were gonna give an exhibition.
Were gonna find out what it is all about.
I am on Daycron66 side
why is it then when someone says tavistock you get all defensive?
Vince, here.
No, it wasn't me.
Like Moj and Aj, I tend to stand back when the shit gets a little heavy, like it has.
We're just cheerleaders to y'all triyng to figure all this out!
Besides, I'm trying to get a ghost-writer to read 'me blooming boook'.
i've been watching Alex Jones raid the DNC.
I've been watching the birth of the new Residents 'thingy', THE BUNNY BOY.(you all can see it too, at
plus, I've been starting research on my NEW EPIC, based on the necronomicon!
So, it's not me
Good luck to all of you, and I'll be rooting for y'all,
Necronomicon = 555
Anonymous said...
"she had cocktails with some man who claims he knows someone who is also male who you had sex with."
Well if that isn't credible, I don't know what is, pardner.
Blogger mojollikins said...
August 15, 2008 5:35 PM
So, I got into a conversation with a newspaper man at the local watering hole. He was a self described old queen in his 60's and quite shocked that anyone still gave a lick of attention to the old PID hubbub. I wish I could offer a soundbyte, he kept me in stiches and bought me a few rounds of Glenfiddich doubles so I must have kept him entertained. But he did say that he'd known for years that Paul was bisexual. I asked him how and he mentioned some "get-togethers" in Dallas
he'd been privy to. I dunno, I don't think he meant that he'd banged him, I didn't push, old queens can be quite fussy,and I was up for another round.
Too bad they can't plant a suitcase @ the Grassy Knoll...I could get that one.
Dallas is not that large of a city honey, what I told you was in confidence and you are adding to the story.
How many "OLD QUEENS" newspaper men from Dallas do you think there are?
How about I say some equally nice things about you?
NO MORE Glenfiddich doubles FOR YOU!
That old "Queen" from Dallas
OH shit!
its a small world!
Anonymous said...If I were Paul (which I'm not, honest) I'd be mildly amused by all this stuff. Then again I might be shit scared, you know.
said Faul McCartney
What an incredible Cinderella story, this unknown comes outta no where to lead the pack, at Augusta. He's on his final hole, he's about 455 yards away - he's gonna hit about a two-iron I think. Oh he got all of that one! The crowd is standing on its feet here, the normally reserved Augusta crowd - going wild - for this young Cinderella, he's come outta no where, he's got about 350 yards left, he's gonna hit about a five-iron, don't you think? He's got a beautiful backswing - that's - Oh he got all of that one! He's gotta be pleased with that, the crowd is just on its feet here, uh - He's the Cinderella boy, uh - tears in his eyes I guess as he lines up this last shot, he's got about 195 yards left, he's got about a - its looks like he's got about an eight-iron. This crowd has gone deathly silent, the Cinderella story, outta no where, a former greenskeeper now - about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac - It's in the Hole!
Carl Spackler
That old "Queen" from Dallas
Liar! Any queen would know it's 'ciao'
any gay guy would know that one anonymous, am I right?
am... i .... right?
any gay guy or lady who really really really likes to hang out with gay guys in the hopes of sleeping with one of them if she gets them drunk enough
they would know the difference between "chow" and "ciao"!
Carl Spackler spoke of the Dali Lama, he is a true Buddhist
except for the killing of gophers
"So I jump ship in Hong Kong and make my way over to Tibet, and I get on as a looper at a course over in the Himalayas. A looper, you know, a caddy, a looper, a jock. So, I tell them I'm a pro jock, and who do you think they give me? The Dalai Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald... striking. So, I'm on the first tee with him. I give him the driver. He hauls off and whacks one -- big hitter, the Lama -- long, into a ten-thousand foot crevice, right at the base of this glacier. And do you know what the Lama says? "any "ass" would know the difference between "chow" and "ciao"!
just kidding...
"know what the Lama says? Gunga galunga...gunga -- gunga galunga. So we finish the eighteenth and he's gonna stiff me. And I say, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know." And he says, "Oh, uh, there won't be any money, but when you die, on your deathbed, you will receive total consiousness." So I got that goin' for me, which is nice."
chow was intentional
It's 5:43, September 2nd already.
Where the bloody hell are the L.A rainclouds/fire/whatever McCartney-related-metaphor-suits-you-best, Phoney?
good point Jude!
Blogger Jude said...
A bunch of dumb shit.
September 1, 2008 4:26 PM
Anonymous socash said...
My name is socash!
I am a useless troll who pretends to be other people! Every day I overcompensate for my lack of a penis!
September 1, 2008 4:28 PM
You speak for yourself. Jude/Socash = Same person. Grow up
September 1, 2008 4:26 PM
September 1, 2008 4:28 PM
Well me and the missus went out to the Sanna suzanna thingy, and walked around for an hour with flashlights and shit, and we didn't find no stinkin' suitcase, just a couple of dead bodies and a snake.
Now I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
Creativity is beginning to wane around here.
Whatever happened to the original briefcase?
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