3 by PauIMcCartney
3 by JamesPauIMcCartney

The question now being asked is "Is Paul involved with Iamaphoney and is whole thing just a viral marketing campaign to promote the Fireman project?" The only tags for the video are "McCartney" and "Fireman." Although it would be great, I sincerely doubt it. Having said that, I think that there is a greater chance that Paul is working with Iamaphoney than that Paul is actually bothered by Iamaphoney. Besides, I found out today that we really don't need to worry about Paul McCartney's safety anymore.
The video doesn't really give anything that can't be found on the new Official Fireman Website.

It is interesting that the website says, "the fireman unfurls his hose on the autumnal equinox." Unless the CD hit the shops today or yesterday, that date was missed, unless you count Iamaphoney's video. If that colorful band image from the beginning of the video appears on any official McCartney/Fireman product, then we really have a story. Otherwise, Paul can simply thank Iamaphoney for creating a little bit of a buzz about the Fireman.
When you say, "There is quite a bit of buzz" relating to the new IAAP video, I'm wondering where this buzz is? The video has had only a few views, hardly any comments, and nothing about it to speak of in any forums.
The "colorful band image" is from the end of the Cirque du Soleil LOVE show in Las Vegas...
yeah no buzz at all unless you count this blog
Fake buzz? Hmmm . . .where there's smoke . . .
I'd say Clay Aiken is monopolizing all the buzz right now. heh heh
There's an old trick in the music biz: the spokesperson for such and such radio programme or entertainment show introduces every new song with statements like "The newest hit song by so and so is burning up the charts!" even when it has sold 14 copies.
Anon said...."Fake buzz?"
"There is quite a bit of fuzz."
I like Clay Aiken!
Former pretends he's Paul
Former pretends he's an insider
Former pretends he's cracked the "Love" code
Former pretends he is clairvoyant
Former pretends he knows something
Pretty much standard for internet.
But would you want to Lay Aiken?
Anonymous said...
When you say, "There is quite a bit of buzz" relating to the new IAAP video, I'm wondering where this buzz is?
I had just arrived home and saw a slew of new comments on my last post with renewed speculation about whether or not Iamaphoney could be working for Paul. That was the "buzz." It was a local buzz. It buzzed me. Maybe I have a low buzz tolerance.
This newest is the clearest example of a fan video yet, and what looks to be the tipping point to the end of the IAAP saga. No longer creepy "Paul is the Zodiac" allusions--I think the end is near, and it will go out with a whimper.
Anonymous said...
But would you want to Lay Aiken?
See? Now I have that post buzz cotton mouth feeling.
Anonymous said...
The "colorful band image" is from the end of the Cirque du Soleil LOVE show in Las Vegas...
Ah. Is that readily available or did IAAP get an advance copy of the DVD?
Anonymous said...
This newest is the clearest example of a fan video yet
Hang on. He did the same thing with the "McCartney Years" promo. This shouldn't be judged as part of the Rotten Apple canon. (Did I just say "the Rotten Apple canon"?)
I think Former could've fooled a lot more people into thinking he was the Fireman if there weren't blogs like this that kept everyone up to date, so thanks Taf for staying on the ball. He put the thing together fast enough so that people not so up on their Macca trivia would think it was a scoop. Of course, anyone could make a 12-second video like that in about one hour.
Not part of the, ahem, "canon" proper, but another clear example that the videomaker doesn't have access to insider material. The point of those bogus Macca sites is to lure unsuspecting fans back to the Rotten Apple site. If the idea is that he's the genuine article, you'd think he'd have something in the videos that isn't in the public domain, rather than scrounging up the rarest looking items he can just to give the appearance for novices. It's sort of like that PID game video "The Letter," that tried the same ploy, only it was not as well executed.
Anyone in the media biz can get advance copies of just about anything. So if this is Formermedia, that would explain it if it isn't out yet.
Remember the original catch phrase "The Fireman releases on the Equinox?"
In another world we can stand on top of the mountain with our hose unfurled . . .
Former works in television so chances are he gets promo copies of things before they are released as do all industry guys, it's one of the perks y'know?. The McCartney Years DVD for example was seen and reviewed by a heck of a lot of people before it hit stores. But I'm sure Iamaphoney rented a limo with his Toyota and Coca Cola money to run down to Denmark's version of Best Buy to pick it up like a good little fan.
"the fireman unfurls his hose"
Yes, Paul has been pissing on us for quite some time.
Paul or Martin? or both? I'm going with Martin.
"The moment you think you've got it figured, you're wrong."
- G-Man
I'm bored.
Gink Nus
"Remember the original catch phrase "The Fireman releases on the Equinox?"
In another world we can stand on top of the mountain with our hose unfurled . . .
"In another world we can stand on top of the mountain with our hose unfurled . . .
what world is that, T?
It's a play on "Tug Of War"....... duh.
uh, thanks.
"Not War."
I like how the 3 people who post here are now hell bent on it being Former
no doubt! leave the poor drunk guy alone!
yes, why do we suddenly have to know this person?
Because the message is only as a good as the messenger.
can't really argue that. so is it over? yet?
Is this the band? Look for Kings Of Leon video youtube Molly´s Chamber song
what about the band? don't get the jist of your comment
When video start.
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