The always accommodating Iamaphoney has given us a brief review of the four suitcase offerings, providing an answer to the question posed by Tygrefyfe.
That is a snippet of "A Day in the Life" backwards at the end. I was not a big fan of the suitcase idea from the beginning. And then when it turned into complete madness with the 65if2007 episode, resulting in a second suitcase, I mentioned that Iamaphoney seemed to be in disarray. But now the Iamaphoney organization appears to be acting a deliberate and purposeful manner, with complete disregard of the merciless criticism accompanying every move. I like that. I like that a lot.
Thanks to the perceptive reader who pointed out that we now can read the back of the shirt that first appeared in Rotten Apple 101:

Much has been said about this item that we now can see clearly:

There is also a new Iamaphoney inspired video available:
Paul is Dead - The Letter by PIDgame
1 – 200 of 220 Newer› Newest»soon to be a blizzard
Milton says "pick your spots" to Richard Pryor? I suppose the meaning would be clearer by knowing the context, although Richard seems to not know what he's talking about..
Could mean "pick your place"? And addressed to whom?
Anonymous said...
Milton says "pick your spots" to Richard Pryor?
Yes, this was a famous event in American Television history. Although Milton Berle was a comedian, he happened to be talking about something serious when this exchange occurred. Berle had just said something like, "And so she decided to have an abortion..." and Pryor was next to him giggling and mumbling. Berle took offense and told Pryor from one comedian to another that part of being funny is picking the right moments. While that would have been a humiliating moment for most comedians, Pryor just continued to giggle.
If anyone else remembers this event more clearly, please feel free to offer your interpretation.
The pick your spots thing is from a Youtube video called TV Scatology:
Not any closer to understanding however..
Ah thanks Taf, makes more sense.
The back of Iaap's shirt has the lyrics of Helter Skelter on it.
Did you actually say, "the always accommodating Iamaphoney?" Whoa. Someone forgot the last year and a half.
There doesn't seem to be anything deliberate and purposeful about dropping 5 suitcases anymore than it did with two suitcases. Perhaps, as always, these new videos only give the appearance of something purposeful, but from past experience, there has never been a single explanation of a single clue in any of the videos.
Anonymous said...
Did you actually say, "the always accommodating Iamaphoney?" Whoa. Someone forgot the last year and a half.
I understand that I am in the minority with that opinion, but my Rotten Apple needs have been met over the past year in a half. But, in fairness, he has used the term "revelation" and he clearly has not provided that.
Fair enough Tafultong. But the fact that you enjoy his remixes and that is enough for you actually lowers the IAAP bar by keeping it in the safe category of more Beatle-related trivia. If you're happy with the flow and sound of the thing, fine. I've enjoyed watching them as well. But there is no longer a narrative thread, and the series presents itself as a chain of evidence for serious consideration. So far, no evidence, no chain, nothing serious.
I should hope you will hold IAAP to the promises he's made, and not fall back on "Yeah, it's gotten goofy, but I really liked the production on 1882." That's almost like saying you wouldn't necessarily vote for candidate x based on his record, but he sure knows how to throw a great convention.
You are welcome! Thanks for the props.
-The Perceptive Reader
Thinking back to that letter with Charlie Manson's address in prison on it I wonder if Iamaphoney is a Manson pen pal. Henry Rollins recently admitted to corresponding with Manson before his good sense stepped in. Considering Iamaphoney's devotion to this devilish degenerate is it not within the realm of possibility? Manson could be dictating what's happening.
Thus far the series seems to agree with Manson's ideas. Never a good sign.
T wrote:
I should hope you will hold IAAP to the promises he's made, and not fall back on "Yeah, it's gotten goofy, but I really liked the production on 1882."
Well, I don't know that that is a fair assessment of what I have been saying since I started this blog. I am looking for a story, or what another thoughtful writer here called "a narrative thread." While I admit that it may be an illusion on my part, I think that there may be a story here. The book the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown (who by the way is guilty of all the things of which Iamaphoney is being accused) has a similar "everything but the kitchen sink" approach. The same can be said for some of the better writings of Graham Hancock.
But anyway, I really appreciate having some intelligent discourse about this material again.
There may be a story, but as all writers know, if you can't maintain a deliberate narrative thread, and make clear the plot (and the seeds of the ending) early on, it's usually because the writer has no ending, and is merely wandering in hopes the story will write itself.
The series has all the earmarks of a soap opera rather than a tightly plotted thriller. It doesn't move from a to b but cycles from one salacious teaser to the next without ever going anywhere. It has also shifted its focus from Paul to the Actor and from Beatles to IAAP music. Bait and switch?
Anonymous wrote:
...and is merely wandering in hopes the story will write itself.
And it is such a magical thing when that happens. I think that's the way The Beatles approached a lot of their stuff.
T wrote:
It has also shifted its focus from Paul to the Actor and from Beatles to IAAP music. Bait and switch?
That's certainly possible. But if that has been the motive, he sure has taken his good old time making the switch, causing some potential consumers to get bored and bail.
But the Beatles didn't present their wandering as their songs, they wandered in order to write, record, mix, master and finalize them before releasing them to the public. Their experiment with "film everything and see what happens" was Magical Mystery Tour, and of course nothing happened. Some of the IAAP vids stand on their own, but most rely on their promise to reveal secrets. "The Briefcase" was hailed as his best work when it came out, but only because it promised something. Who wants to go back and watch that video now?
Anyway, keep the faith, Tafultong. I hope IAAP delivers only for your sake at this point, because you are creative, earnest, diplomatic, and ever optimistic. You'd probably get a kick out of this guy Paul McCartney . . .
Anonymous wrote:
Anyway, keep the faith, Tafultong. I hope IAAP delivers only for your sake at this point, because you are creative, earnest, diplomatic, and ever optimistic. You'd probably get a kick out of this guy Paul McCartney . . .
What a nice thing to say. Thank you. But I really don't need him to deliver for my sake. I get to practice my writing skills, share my love for the Beatles, show off items from my collection, and dialog with some interesting (albeit anonymous) people. It's a win/win situation for me whether Iamaphoney delivers or not. Wow, maybe I am an optimist.
Thanks again.
Yeah, Taf.
Vince, here.
Answers, shmanswers!
If your bored with Mr. PHONY and his ways, then give it up!
At least, it's free!
A spot implies space around it.
That's cool.
Bait and switch
made ya wait;)
anyway, I DO think it's cool.
it's not there.
what did it say?
I can't get the site to load. "Apaul Cart Ltd." is pretty cute though.
I never want us to forget our friend John Winston
A lot of people never met you at all, but knew you well
They said you were strong, you were strong in your (own?) conviction
Ooooh you were just a dreamer as far as they could tell
IAAP, is that you?
What's with all the "related" videos that pop up on the "Paul is Dead - The Letter" video?
Holy Homosexuals Pt 1,2,3
Appeasing Islam
YB Yoon Do-Hyun Band (KPOP)
Anybody know how YouTube comes up with these? Is "PIDGame" inadvertently showing us his hand?
god T, you really need your hand held and all the dots connected for you dont ya?
grow a pair and think out side the video!
you need everything spoon fed to you?
PIDGame, is that you?
yeah who else would say that!
whats wrong with you PIDgame? your video SUCKED
yer vid sucked mate, 10x worse then iamaphoney's
i like things spoon fed, spoons are good
fricken wanna bee
why would you want to be anyways? this whole things is bollocks
Read the info.
all of this is dumb
PIDGame is probably annoyed we didn't catch all the obvious occult allusions buried in Uncle Miltie's 'spots' comment.
no doubt! PID is an idiot!
Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Jeremiah 13:23 (KJV)
who cares what PID thinks, absolute rubbish
The leopard's head jessant is a leopard swallowing a fleur-de-lis. Edward III is said to have conferred the device during his wars in France, as a reward to leaders who served under him in his victorious campaigns. The idea behind the symbol is that the leopard of the English arms is swallowing the lily of the French coat.
The Prophecy Club
In 1947, Milton Berle founded the Friars Club of Beverly Hills at the old Savoy Hotel on Sunset Boulevard. Other founding members included Jimmy Durante...
never seen a more irrelevant video that PIGgame video
Milton Berle? not going to even ask WTF
go home and stop making videos
Milton as Kenton
everybody wants to get into the act
"It's a dead face," Tsuneta said of the sun's appearance.
NBC signed Milton Berle to an exclusive, unprecedented 30-year television contract in 1951.
The problem with Berle's 30-year deal was that NBC could not have realized the relatively short lifespan of a comedian on television,
just like all of these youtube wannabes, life spans of NOTHING
stupid irrelevant rubbish
IAAP worst day is better then these stupid hangers on
Pryor’s expressway of public disclosure had its speed bumps. Not all comedians lived for the rush of flying the freak flag at the top of the mast for the whole ever-lovin’ world to see, and especially not Uncle Miltie. Red Buttons, Sid Caesar, Jackie Gleason, Jerry Lewis, and Milton Berle represented a generation of comedians who kept their private life private and their public life fraudulent—that’s what gentlemen of the guffaw profession were expected to do. So when the pompous but emotionally fragile Berle began to unexpectedly use a November 1974 episode of popular TV chat fest The Mike Douglas Show as a tear-clogged, videotaped confessional—embarking on a mewling jag about an actress he wouldn’t name, whom he sequestered to Meh-hee-ko to have an abortion for their love child in the late ’30s, and how his mother always taught him to respect women—fellow guest Pryor began to chuckle uncontrollably. And so did the audience. Pryor even blurted out a name. I’m not sure if he exposed the name of the actress Berle was trying to cloak, but it was embarrassing, spectacular, spontaneous, and powerful television, a moment that had me and my usually undemonstrative dad watching with our mouths open with wonder.
Pryor’s spotty, childlike chuckle—like a kid in the back pew of Sunday school trying to squelch his laughter at the jackleg preacher’s busted Afro and countrified accent—began to grow into uncontrollable amusement, as Berle’s animus at Pryor’s lack of empathy and show-biz decorum grew, too. When Berle tapped Pryor under the chin lightly with a clenched fist and growled, “Pick your spots, Baby”—read: “Watch your place, nigger”—it was on and poppin’. Pryor leaned back like Fat Joe and said—“In his trademark pubescent falsetto,” as described by Village Voice writer James Hannaham, in his 2001 account of the infamous talk-show event—“I laughed because it’s funny, man! The insanity of all this is funny!”
Though the applause among the studio audience was scattered, it was vigorous, and it seemed to break the back of Berle’s grotesque story and profane condescension, so much so that Berle scurried to gain ego points. Near the end of the show, a Russian bear trainer came out with his 700-pound, declawed charge and it tossed a beach ball toward Pryor. Berle jumped up off his stool and squealed, “Look! It’s the Niggras Brothers!” Pryor calmly looked at Berle, and then a stunned Douglas, and then the studio audience, and then broke the fourth wall with a droll smirk that was much louder and much stiffer than a fuck you or a middle finger.
Richard Pryor. The ultimate populist. The real people’s champ.
PIGgame is dumb
Richard Pryor is awesome
Ticket to Ride
The song was actually called Ticket to Rye. But when the Beatles came over to the states, the music label they were under made them change the title to Ticket To Ride. Why you ask? Because Rye was a city in the UK where a woman could get an abortion. Listen to the song, and you will see what the song is about. The man wants the woman to get an abortion but "she don't care."
She's Leaving Home
"Meeting a man from the motor-trade"
Interesting quote from the same lame lyric interpretation site:
Hello avid Beatles' fans!!! The time is nearing that a new view of songs produced by John and Paul will take on a new light and an incredible new power. A relationship between a series of songs on Sgt. Pepper and a series of passages found in the Bible has been established. Out of this relationship comes an understanding of John and Paul's creative power as never before. She's Leaving Home is a parable-like rendition of the entire chapter of Revelations 12. Revelations 12 is a story about 'a woman and a dragon'. By analyzing the works of John and Paul I have been able to conclude that Revelations 12 is really a story about how components of the world will react when the bloodline of Christ begins its reemergence back into our daily lives. To put it quite bluntly, Revelations 12 is a story about how organized religion will react to the finding of the tomb of Mary Magdalene. The finding of her tomb will bring about the eventual end of organized religion. By naming the song She's Leaving Home what is really being said is that 'Mary is being dug up and removed from the earth which has been her home for many years'. Well, I'll leave you now. If you have further interest please contact me at jacobisaiah445@yahoo.com. You see, it is my contention that the location of the tomb of Mary Magdalene can be lifted from the works of John and Paul. Is that a wild ass assertion or what? Well, I assure you that what I have to disclose will leave you speechless and in awe of what John and Paul accomplished.
- Brian, Momence, IL
PIDgame's "letter" was made to look censored. The letter was from Paul McCartney to the re-formed Quarry Men who asked for some promotional help. Nothing more. The letter was originally posted on John Ozoroff's site. That is what "The Letter 101" from PaulTheRevelator is about; to debunk PIDgame's nonsense.
You can find John Ozoroff's site through the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.
Maybe PaulTheRevelator will debunk more hangers on?
The sun spot cycle repeats about every 11 years. Sun spots are dark spots on the surface of the sun. They occur more often during the active phase of the sun spot cycle. The spots have intense magnetic fields which are associated with magnetic storms on earth. Radio reception on earth is also affected by the sun spot cycle.
wouldn't you know this would all tie in to Je-bus freaks?
Milton Berle endtime road show
pick your spots PIGgamers, step right up
lets all worship a great dead old zombie
well, what it matter anyways? the beatles are more popular then the zombie
now John is the Zombie, come back from the dead
with some kind of druid dude, lifting the veil
good work PaulTheRevelator!
smash these blokes to bits!
maybe if we make fun of these want to be idiots they will stop making these incredibly stupid videos
Nice one PaulTheRevelator!
that you Bill?
Our Apostle Paul, is opening up this mystery. He says that it is important that we are aware of it. The Church has quite obviously entered into the Eternal Covenants of Israel. (Eph.2:12-13) The Church is hidden in covenant with the Messiah of Israel. As a hidden part of Israel then we can see that the Church is just as much in partial blindness, (of her identity in Israel), as the nation of Israel is in partial blindness of the Messiah of Israel. BOTH are partially blind!
Our Apostle Paul tells us that this partial blindness will continue until the end of the age when the church has finished her job in the harvest fields and the "fullness of the Gentiles" has come in.
Romans 11
keep up the good work PaulTheRevelator! I hope to see more of your videos!
good work PaulTheRevelator
Just what I Love.....
Bible quotes
Lets have more, all night long
till Sunday, if humanly possible
Bible quotes are better then these dumb videos
It's getting better all the time! I started posting those as a lark, but now it's starting to get into that spooky territory again...
I had an experience related to the Order of Melchizedek not long after seeing the YKMN video.
Part of my mind insists it was simple coincidence; part of my mind is not so sure anymore...
...Matches, Candles, Matches, Candles...
Although men acting in drag was a staple of the Shakespearean theater, Milton Berle was the first man to play a transvestite on television. His courage made future characters such as Corporal Klinger, Monty Python’s Flying Circus, and Rosanne Barr possible. On Sunday evenings, people would rush home from church to hear his popular catchphrases, “Holy Baloney!” and “I coulda had a V-8!”
Rumors abounded concerning Milton’s massive “endowment.” Of course he did nothing to discourage this scuttlebutt about his alleged manhood since it boosted his ratings enormously. So, you might ask, how big was Milton Berle’s penis? According to autopsy records, Milton Berle’s penis was 5.3 inches long. (Back then, that was a lot!)
A thumbnail and the origin of the original PIDgame "letter" can be found by doing a Google image search for "McCartney letter".
[Note the ominous hand gesture!]
Uncle Miltie was in on it all along!!!!
10 December saw the death of another wayward genius who had much more in common with Lennon: Richard Pryor.
The great African-American comedian had a throwaway line that was the comic equivalent of John and Yoko's "bed-in" for peace. "Gettin' some pussy beats havin' a war," Pryor said.
But the commonalities go further than a preference for sex over militarism – which is, after all, shared if not so cogently expressed by most sane people. Pryor was born a few weeks after Lennon in late 1940. And he very nearly died a few months before Lennon's murder in 1980: Pryor was severely burned when, apparently, he was "freebasing" cocaine. (He made brilliant comedy out of the incident, but his career never fully recovered.)
In between, both men spent most of the sixties enjoying what they came to see as stifling success: Pryor was no Beatle, but a tuxedo-wearing Vegas-type stand-up. Like Lennon, Pryor broke free thanks to a combination of drugs and exposure to the avant-garde artistic and political counterculture, prompting him to work that mercilessly exposed his inner life and the external forces that had oppressed him.
The Towering Cultural Icons
Pick Your Spots
Thou art all fair, my love; there is no spot in thee.
Song of Solomon 4:7
These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots;
Jude 1:12
...eller en pukkelrygget eller en med Tæring eller en, der har Pletter i Øjnene eller lider af Skab eller Ringorm eller har svulne Testikler.
Leviticus 21:20
visselig, Spot er min Del, og bittert er, hvad mit Øje må skue.
Job 17:2
could we please leave the bible crap out of this! i come here to get away from limited thinking.TRUST ME,YOU DON'T WANT TO GET ME GOIN ON THAT.
"NBC signed Milton Berle to an exclusive, unprecedented 30-year television contract in 1951.
The problem with Berle's 30-year deal was that NBC could not have realized the relatively short lifespan of a comedian on television,
just like all of these youtube wannabes, life spans of NOTHING
stupid irrelevant rubbish
The real U did not write this.
talking about the sun spots?
formerly known as?
The suitcases are there and that's all that matters. It doesn't matter if one of "us" goes to get them. They are there and will eventually be found. Time, it seems, is of no importance.
Some could say this is phoney's way of getting out of the game. No suitcases, no revelation. A cop out. But much time, energy, and money has been spent on this series. And it doesn't look like it is going to slow down. This is the next LEVEL after all. The suitcases bring the art to another level. It is brilliant.
I, for one, would very much like for there to be something in all of this but it doesn't matter if it's complete bullshit. I'm having a lot of fun.
- Remember phoney never stated he was going to reveal anything. Just that he was PREPARING us for the revelation. The suitcases will eventually be found. But is there anything of any importance in any of them? That is the question. Will anyone make the quest?
Writing from nowhere near any of those god damned suitcases,
someone posted this
"?I WAS?
?SAW I?"
"I've got a hole in me pocket!"
Ringo Starr *
"leave the bible crap out"
"get away from limited thinking"
Fuck you Mikey! Fuck you and your dumb fucking contradictory statements!
anonymous said...
"leave the bible crap out"
"get away from limited thinking"
Fuck you Mikey! Fuck you and your dumb fucking contradictory statements!
September 20, 2008 10:37 AM
uhh, that wasn't me???
though i don't believe in the bible.
i used to. but that's because my parents tried to print it in...
Boy, that descent was painful to watch. I don't regret reading the comments. I just think we need to look at some of them with rose colored glasses and freckled hunchback eyes.
Anybody interested in seeing John Lennon's toes and Richard Pryor in his prime should try to find the film "Dynamite Chicken."
"could we please leave the bible crap out of this! i come here to get away from limited thinking."
So you come HERE?
- Remember phoney never stated he was going to reveal anything. Just that he was PREPARING us for the revelation. The suitcases will eventually be found.
A splendid time is guaranteed for NONE.
are these pictures of the actors??
anonymous wrote:
are these pictures of the actors??
I don't know. I couldn't get the first one to load. The other three seem to come from the same source as this previous post.
yes i come here to escape the important stuff. and im not mikenl, just mike.
randomly spouting off greek propaganda just annoys those of us who dont out weigh our iq. if it follows a legitimate path of research then fine,however i find this place somewhat laking in that respect lol. EXCLUDING A SELECT FEW WHO ACTUALLY WANT TO FIGURE THIS OUT.(TAF,MIKENL,ETC....)
CERN: Damage to new collider forces 2-month halt
No mention of an actor or a suitcase in the above article...
Half of what I say is meaningless...
Four types:
1. IAAP never said he would reveal anything, only that he would prepare the way (apologetic).
2. IAAP is going to reveal something mind blowing in time
3. Doesn't matter about any revelation or PID, just enjoy the quick images flashing and the remixes
4. IAAP already revealed the truth, it's so obvious. Does he have to connect the dots for you?
5. Lecturing list-makers
6. Freckley hecklers
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the spot out of thy brother's eye.
Matthew 7:5
The list isn't a lecture, merely an observation. It's also accurate and non-cryptic. Perhaps some of you are uncomfortable speaking in plain language.
someone said,
however i find this place somewhat laking in that respect lol. EXCLUDING A SELECT FEW WHO ACTUALLY WANT TO FIGURE THIS OUT.(TAF,MIKENL,ETC....)
Are you really serous?
You can't figure out what IAAP's doing until he/she/it's done.
All you CAN do is take information that one person has, post it up, ask, 'Have you heard about this?', 'This is what I think it means.', and then, move on.
Sure, there's a bunch of 'rable-rousers' luring around here, but it's not a problem for most of us.
Try not to take it too serious.
Even if there's something 'nefarious' lurking under all this, we may NEED humor to get us through it.
"We are humorous." -JL
Anonymous said...
Four types:
1. IAAP never said he would reveal anything, only that he would prepare the way (apologetic).
2. IAAP is going to reveal something mind blowing in time
3. Doesn't matter about any revelation or PID, just enjoy the quick images flashing and the remixes
4. IAAP already revealed the truth, it's so obvious. Does he have to connect the dots for you?
I think that's a legitimate observation. At least it's my favorite four types.
"could we please leave the bible crap out of this! i come here to get away from limited thinking."
Atheist crybaby. If you must abstain from any contact with religious references of any sort, you're REALLY in the wrong place.
Also, it's one thing to believe that the Bible isn't true, but how is the "thinking" in espoused in the Bible any more limited than our discussions about the very much alive Paul McCartney being a Satanist doppleganger?
I'm continually amazed by what pathetic crybabies you atheists are. Could it be that perhaps you're not so much offended by religion as you are convicted by your own wrongdoings? Just thinking out loud here, sorry.
Who said that poster is an atheist? There are billions of God-fearing folk (not atheists) who do not believe the Bible is factual history. There are, of course, thousands of religious beliefs, many of which do not view biblical writings as authoritative. There are pathetic crybaby atheists and pathetic crybaby Christians. That's human nature, not a reflection of belief.
It was his "limited thinking" remark that led me to assume he was a Christian. When you're bitter beyond belief towards a specific organized religion you tend to make such ridiculous statements. As I said earlier, is the "thinking" that is taught in the Bible any more limited than our discussions about the very much alive Paul McCartney being a Satanist doppleganger? Most of our discussions here relate to Paul McCartney being the anti-Christ anyway.
I worship a Jewish zombie carpenter, can we get some of those T-Shirts?
Here come the Jebus freaks..
Actually, the thinking here is almost identical in substance and approach as the kind that led to Christianity. There is a YKMN vid that demonstrates the eerie similarities, including the idea that Jesus was Replaced with a look-alike or twin brother. Not only this, but the way the Christians picked apart the Old Testament like an ancient Sgt Pepper cover in search of Jesus clues. Some have melded the two (like Manson), and look for biblical clues referring both to Jesus and the Beatles(!).
"Here come the Jebus freaks."
Wassup yhvh?
Oops! I should say, yhshvh. Big difference.
You are a magic christian!
You knew it was me!
Been reading that oldie but goodie, the Bible, told me I should come here and take over all the land, rape, and sell all the women and children into slavery.
Never suffer a witch to live either, so all you wiccans line up by the gas chambers
It's not difficult to spot you, yhshvh.
I am easy on the eyes
"I see"
said the blind man
By the way, to this issue whether IAAP is making an artistic statement or a legitimate case for PID (or PID was a planned hoax), let's not forget he now has several voice overs (like the one in the latest video) that are supposed to be Beatle insiders admitting to conspiracy. The latest voice talks about planning "Number 9" and other death clues. This sort of inclusion I think goes well outside the artistic license rule. Odds are, those voice overs are scripted and bogus, and that wouldn't be art, that would be plain deception. This latest processed voice sounds like an American. IAAP pixels out the face of the Dutch guy and disguises the narrators' voices to give the impression that he is protecting his super secret sources. More likely, he disguises them because they aren't really Beatle insiders.
That said, someone here brought up an excellent point about the possibility of PID being a publicity stunt. He said that they wouldn't admit to it because of the negative reaction a stunt like that would have generated, and the Beatles, although they were in the midst of breaking up in a nasty way, were still mindful of their legacy and wanted to make sure they went out on top.
T wrote:
let's not forget he now has several voice overs (like the one in the latest video) that are supposed to be Beatle insiders admitting to conspiracy.
If you compare to other amateur videos, some of those characters are pretty convincing actors in my view. The white-haired man with the thick accent impresses me. There's also an elderly woman who seemed to be genuine. I mean they probably are actors, but I can't say I'm 100% sure of that.
One of the actors with an American accent came very close to quoting Ken Mansfield, but I don't believe that was really him.
Yeah, but the white-haired dude isn't necessarily talking about PID, is he? He talks about a car crash ("nobody survive that crash") and how a lot of people died in the 60s. He doesn't have to be an actor. IAAP could just be interviewing some dude that's a PID believer or a conspiracy theorist. He might believe what he says, but he might not be in any position to know whether any of it is true.
"Here come the Jebus freaks.."
You do know that it's Jesus, and not Jebus, right? If you're trying to insult my intelligence because I am a Christian, then you might do well to try better than replacing an "s" with a "b".
And uh, "Jesus freak" really isn't an insult anymore. The term "Jesus freak" carries virtually no wait these days (and by these days, I mean since 1994) thanks to rock song of the same name, which, incidentally, used the word "freak" in the sense that it denotes being an obsessed follower. If you're calling me an obsessed follower of Christ, well, I couldn't be happier.
God bless you yhshvh. You probably have some ridiculously innacurate view of Christianity consisting of entirely anti-semitic assholes, but uh, whatever dude. If that's what you want to think, think that way. It won't change the fact that Jesus died for you or anything, but if you don't give a shit about that, all I can do is leave you alone, right?
So can we ditch the silly anti-Christian tirade? If you do that I'll refrain from ranting about how most Jews aren't nearly as persecuted as they think they are being...
"Been reading that oldie but goodie, the Bible, told me I should come here and take over all the land, rape, and sell all the women and children into slavery.
Never suffer a witch to live either, so all you wiccans line up by the gas chambers"
You quoted the Old Testament in an attempt to show how silly you think the Bible is! HOW ORIGINAL.
Next time, why don't you quote from the only part that 99% of Christians give a shit about, The New Testament instead of dragging ancient Jewish laws into it....K?
The Bible told me to love my neighbor as much as I love myself.
And to forgive people, and be kind to the poor. The former is kind of hard to do, but still.....it's good advice.
Hmmm, you had me then lost me anonymous. That part about yhshvh probably thinking Christians are "anti-semitic" might have been true, but then you couldn't resist throwing the anti-semitic remark in there at the end "Jews aren't nearly as persecuted as they think they are."
"the only part that 99% of Christians give a shit about, The New Testament instead of dragging ancient Jewish laws into it"
The devil has done his job well, apparently.
Those 99% of Christians who don't give a sh** about the Old Testament are clearly mistaken with respect not only to the basis of their belief but to New Testament teaching as well.
When you go to that place called Church, you have this book called the Holy Bible that contains both Old and New Testaments. There is a reason for that. One cannot possibly believe in the New Testament unless he or she believes wholeheartedly in the "Old." For, according to Christian teaching, the Lord God who instituted those "ancient Jewish laws" called the Ten Commandments (613 laws in all) is the Father of Jesus, and indeed, Jesus Himself.
It was Jesus, who, when speaking about Moses (who received and wrote down those laws from God), said that what Moses was writing was about Himself, namely, Jesus.
Jesus was a Jew, who taught in the Temple as a rabbi, and who read and observed those laws, as did his disciples, who were also Jewish. That's why, even after the crucifixion, Jesus' disciples (including his brother James) were still observant Jews. It was Jesus who said that the "old" law would remain in effect.
Listen to your own words potty mouth Christian, are you turning the other cheek here?
There are beams in both of our eyes, yours and mine
Shall I quote only the passages you want?
You believe the bible is the inspired word of God? The whole bible or just the passages you like?
Anything else you give a "shit" about in the bible?
Should we just cut the "Jew" part of the Bible out? Would that be more to your liking?
I can't insult your intelligence, Mr. Pottymouth
you use that language in church?
"but then you couldn't resist throwing the anti-semitic remark in there at the end "Jews aren't nearly as persecuted as they think they are."
The fact that you call that an anti-semitic remark is sad, T.
I won't go into a To761983 style rant about Zionism, but suffice it to say the world system has people programmed to think that anything that isn't spoken in favor of Jews is anti-semitic. It's an opinion, and one that was not used in anti-semitic context in any way.
No, scratch that. Let's use the term "anti-semitic". "Here come the Jebus freaks" is an anti-Christian remark, and if I wanted to I could call yhshvh an anti-Christ since apparently it's anti-semitic to suggest that Jews aren't as persecuted as they think they are.
As for your remarks regarding the Old Testament: Yeah, I exaggerated a bit when I said that 99% of Christians don't pay heed to the Old Testament. The Old Testament is preached on from behind pulpits just as much if not more than the New Testament. But it's just plain stupid to use the scriptures about witch burning or pillaging (the Israelites did not rape or sell people into slavery) against the Bible since those are the very things that illustrate the difference between the OLD Testament and the NEW Testament. Christianity is founded upon the idea that a man named Jesus Christ did away with all the ridiculous laws the Jews had followed for centuries (and that's not anti-semitic by any means; by modern standards it would be absurd to stone a child for talking back to his parents).
If Jesus was that indian guy from that 70's commercial about littering, a tear would be rolling down his cheek
"Listen to your own words potty mouth Christian, are you turning the other cheek here?
There are beams in both of our eyes, yours and mine
Shall I quote only the passages you want?
You believe the bible is the inspired word of God? The whole bible or just the passages you like?
Anything else you give a "shit" about in the bible?
Should we just cut the "Jew" part of the Bible out? Would that be more to your liking?"
Hey, I can read between your lines and put words in YOUR mouth too!
So you hate bagels then?
Shall we just cut out the cheese?
Are ping-pong balls to your liking?
Makes just as much sense as your "response".
"it's anti-semitic to suggest that Jews aren't as persecuted as they think they are."
WWII how many jews killed?
Israel surrounded by people who want to kill them.
Heads of state from various countries saying they want to wipe Israel off the map.
Every day horrific terrorist attacks in Israel
Mr. Pottymouth Christian isn't nearly as persecuted as HE would like to think HE is.
What does this have to do with Paul is Dead or Iamaphoney?
Can you guys take this to a different forum please?
Actually, I was talking about Jews in my own country, America, and how they whine and bitch and moan about people being anti-semitic whenever things don't go their way.
I am more than aware of the acts of terrorism that strike Israel every day, and so I daily pray for Israel's deliverance from these stupid-ass Muslims who want to obliterate them from the face of the earth. I am VERY sympathetic for the Jews in the Middle East. Not so much for the ones here.
Mr. Predictable Jew isn't nearly as clever as HE thinks HE is.
If you think the Old Testament laws are silly and ridiculous, you have a theological problem on your hands because they were dictated to Moses by the Lord, who is Jesus. According to Christian belief, Jesus wrote the Old Testament, Jesus laid down those laws (including stoning disobedient children). And true, the "persecution" line isn't what I'd call anti-semitic, more of an allusion to anti-semitic stereotypes (such as people saying the Jews haven't really been persecuted which some people use as a wink wink to mean, "there was no Holocaust").
Jesus' early followers were engaged in heated debate as to whether the "Old Law" was void or not. Indeed, these very arguments are one of the principle reasons Paul wrote his letters, which became New Testament books.
Jesus, asked about this very question, said (or is made to say by the evangelist), "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets [this is what they called the Old Testament back then]. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, til heaven and earth pass away, one jot or tittle will by no means pass from the law til all is fulfilled." (Matthew 5:18)
Heaven and earth have not passed away, as far as I can tell.
Well Mr. Pottymouth Christian is pretty phoney. Does that count?
did it say love your neighbor? or did it say love your enemy?
"In this Bible study on loving your enemies, Jesus said in essense to love your enemy as yourself---to pray for and bless your enemy. This Bible study gives ..."
So instead you took it upon yourself to attack, which is inconsistent to a christian doctrine.
You are looking for a speck in my eye while ignoring the beam within your own.
Care to hurl any other invectives Mr. Potty Mouth?
So I don't insult your intelligence, invective means
1 an abusive expression or speech
2 insulting or abusive language
Explain tomorrow in church to your pastor how you said "shit" in relation to the bible, and christians giving a "shit" only about certain parts of the bible
Mr. Potty Mouth, wining hearts and minds and converting the unbelievers to Chrisitianity one soul at a time
by saying Jews aren't persecuted and by swearing and arguing.
The old testiment aint shit?
You follow any of them 10 commandments? Or did Jesus do away with those as well?
Yeah, the religion debate is a bit off-topic for IAAP(not too much, though), but it is a very rare thing for anyone to discuss any of IAAPs clues here or anywhere else. It's all about "who is IAAP?" etc. Every time I've brought up a specific clue that IAAP wants us to see, the response has been silence.
T wrote:
Every time I've brought up a specific clue that IAAP wants us to see, the response has been silence.
I'm sorry, T. What clues specifically did you want to talk about? I thought the "Lower in the Dirt" was interesting from the last video. I have that stencil-lettered special edition of the album, but I had not seen that interpretation previously.
Yeah well, those american Jews are pretty much whiners. You got me there Mr. Potty
Thank you for praying for me Mr. Potty Mouth, come to the Holy Land, I take you around and show you the lay of the land. I consider it a Mitzvah from me to you.
I'd try to convert you to Judaism, but we just don't do that. So I will just leave that department to you. And seeing as you are carrying the arrows of swear words and anti-semetic beliefs I am sure you will go really big over here.
Yes T, please lets talk clues!
Please you other guys, take your debate elsewhere!
Go fill up Phoney's comment section. There hasn't been much going on over there.
Thanks, Tafulgong. I've thrown out dozens of IAAP clues over the months, nothing particular to discuss lately. Yes, Lower in the Dirt is interesting, as is the fact that Flowers in the Dirt could refer to the flowers in the Pepper cover. "Wiping his hands from the dirt as he walks from the grave. . ."
Sorry, not TafulGong, but Tafultong.
Yeah, space available at IAAP's comment section for this non-PID related rants.
Quiet over there since to761983 has been gone.
Maybe the Jewish Banksters finally got him
they should be cause it's a stupid conversation.
"Also, it's one thing to believe that the Bible isn't true, but how is the "thinking" in espoused in the Bible any more limited than our discussions about the very much alive Paul McCartney being a Satanist doppleganger?
I'm continually amazed by what pathetic crybabies you atheists are. Could it be that perhaps you're not so much offended by religion as you are convicted by your own wrongdoings? Just thinking out loud here, sorry."
why choose one religion over another when you don't even understand the foundations of it's premise? Most "mythology or "dogmas" in current realms- that we are discussing- can be cross substanciated with scientific facts. And most stories are layers of a complex message. So many onion skins to husk of old onions. I think you miss the point of the bible totally. It's a tool, and you can use it as you see fit.
Once you really hit your stride in deciphering what you want to garnish from, really, any of the "religions", I guess you'll find what you need as you sift through. It's easy.
when you respond to poster "T" is that you talking to you? or is it someone posing as you and you respond? or is there another T in the house? just askin'
Hi U!
" Mr. Potty Mouth, wining hearts and minds and converting the unbelievers to Chrisitianity one soul at a time
by saying Jews aren't persecuted and by swearing and arguing."
Whereas if I actually did try to convert anyone I would be called a Bible-beater and a hypocrite.
I learned a long time ago that sometimes you just can't win.
"Thank you for praying for me Mr. Potty Mouth, come to the Holy Land, I take you around and show you the lay of the land. I consider it a Mitzvah from me to you.
I'd try to convert you to Judaism, but we just don't do that. So I will just leave that department to you. And seeing as you are carrying the arrows of swear words and anti-semetic beliefs I am sure you will go really big over here."
I said shit, what, twice? And you've called me Mr. Potty Mouth ever since. How very mature. You're the one who is acting like you're so much better than I am by constantly using smear words like antisemitic and calling me Mr. Potty Mouth because I used the word "shit" (hey, the Bible uses the word "piss"---so BFD).
"Jesus, asked about this very question, said (or is made to say by the evangelist), "Do not think I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets [this is what they called the Old Testament back then]. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, til heaven and earth pass away, one jot or tittle will by no means pass from the law til all is fulfilled." (Matthew 5:18)
Heaven and earth have not passed away, as far as I can tell."
Then it would appear that we stumbled upon a contradiction.
Because Jesus also said that the entirety of the Law was summed up in "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself". If the laws that concern the punishment of witches and disobedient children were in effect then they would certainly be at odds with the "love your neighbor as yourself" part.
Let a Smile Be Your U mbrella
Lyrics by Perry Como.
Let a Frown Be Your Umbrella
Oscar the grouch
Jesus Christ! I can see why Vince can't stand these guys
"Thanks, Tafulgong. I've thrown out dozens of IAAP clues over the months, nothing particular to discuss lately. Yes, Lower in the Dirt is interesting, as is the fact that Flowers in the Dirt could refer to the flowers in the Pepper cover. "Wiping his hands from the dirt as he walks from the grave. . ."
what grows in the dirt, in the spot where a flower dies?
"Then it would appear that we stumbled upon a contradiction."
And that particular issue is only one example of many such contradictions and paradoxes found in both Old and New Testaments. These contradictions and ensuing debate on how to explain them gave rise to the various denominations, which is why there are today some 6,000 "versions" of Christianity, each adhering to its own interpretation of the texts, including whether they are divinely-inspired, automatically written, or the fallible work of human hands.
"If Jesus was that indian guy from that 70's commercial about littering, a tear would be rolling down his cheek"
except these days we think of Indian People as from India. Lol. Native American or "insert name of tribe : here:) actually works better. Update.
what grows in the dirt, in the spot where a flower dies?
Thanks, shroom guy. Yeah, I know the story--John Allegro, the once-esteemed translator on the Dead Sea Scrolls, wrote a book Sacred Mushroom and the Cross in which he claimed that Jesus was a code-word for magic mushrooms, which, when ingested, explains prophetic visions and Paul's description of being taken up into a trance where he saw Heaven.
Allegro's career was over after that.
any of the "T" s could answer the "T" question.......
God called and he wants to see a couple of you in the office right now. He ain't happy.
And, no I never post here under a different name or letter. I know that some people call me "T" for short, but I think it is clear that the "T" who provides comments is not me. I really don't have the need to have conversations with myself online. It's time consuming and I would rather keep my multiple personality moments private anyway. But thank you for the question. I'm sure you are not the only one who thought that.
Yeah, mushrooms < spores are way cool> do grow. But so do seedling of the original plant ...dig?
If Faul is really an actor, he's quite the method type, note that both he and Pre-66 Paul were potheads. Both are enamored of Little Richard and Buddy Holly, too.
I really did know know T. I have always called you T,( my bad) and nothing else, so... It was a legit Q
Thank you
Anonymous said...
If Faul is really an actor, he's quite the method type, note that both he and Pre-66 Paul were potheads. Both are enamored of Little Richard and Buddy Holly, too.
Yeah, the tall one did as good of a Little Richard impression as the original.
Anonymous said...
I really did know know T. I have always called you T,( my bad) and nothing else, so... It was a legit Q
Thank you
Your welcome. That probably won't be the last time I will have to answer that question, but that's okay. The other "T" provides good, thought-provoking comments.
Hail fucking Satan
Mccain/Palin 08!!!!!!
Guys...."flowers in the dirt" is a common expression. Considering McCartney was about to embark on his "ecology themed" tour in 1989 it was a good title.
...and it was a line from the song "That Day Is Done" cowritten with Elvis Costello. Is he a witch now too? Can I never listen to "Pump It Up" ever again now? Sheesh!
" I can see Alaska from MY house!"
me too!
Watching the Detectives Lyrics
Artist(Band):Elvis Costello
Review The Song (0)
Print the Lyrics
Complimentary "Watching the Detectives" Ringtone
Nice girls not one with a defect,
cellophane shrink-wrapped, so correct.
Red dogs under illegal legs.
She looks so good that he gets down and begs.
She is watching the detectives.
"ooh, he's so cute!"
She is watching the detectives
when they shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot.
They beat him up until the teardrops start,
but he can't be wounded 'cause he's got no heart.
Long shot of that jumping sign,
Visible shivers running down my spine.
Cut to the baby taking off her clothes.
Close-up of the sign that says,"We never close"
You snatch a tune and match a cigarette,
She pulls the eyes out with a face like a magnet.
I don't know how much more of this I can take.
She's filing her nails while they're dragging the lake.
You think you're alone until you realize you're in it.
Now fear is here to stay. Love is here for a visit.
They call it instant justice when it's past the legal limit.
Someone's scratching at the window. I wonder who is it?
The detectives come to check if you belong to the parents
who are ready to hear the worst about their daughter's disappearance.
Though it nearly took a miracle to get you to stay,
it only took my little fingers to blow you away.
Just like watching the detectives.
Don't get cute!"
It's just like watching the detectives.
I get so angry when the teardrops start,
but he can't be wounded 'cause he's got no heart.
Watching the detectives.
It's just like watching the detectives.
I don't know where this "Faul is Tall" thing comes from. I'm 5'10" and I always read John, Paul, and George were 5'11." You can see John and Paul are the same height throughout the Let it Be film when they're discussing stuff or sharing the mic, etc. My girlfriend met Paul face to face, and she said that he was my height almost exactly (we dated six years so she was very accustomed to my height), so if anything, Paul is slightly shorter than 5'11" and definitely not 6 foot. She's got a picture of herself with Paul, and I could tell from that picture his height relative to her.
I'm wondering if that IAAP "insider" would be willing to chime in on how the whole assassination plot is coming along...everything still a go for the 25th, was it?
sounds like this:
thank U
maybe Iaap could lend Former his shirt.
is cool
"I don't know where this "Faul is Tall" thing comes from."
- Thank you! Those PID guys always take that as a fact. But it's not! I have seen as much pics pre 1966 where he looks taller and post 1966 where he looks smaller rhen the other guys!!
Well, you know, those 'Beatle-boots' DID have heels to 'em.
Sorry, Taf.
All this religious bickering here has forced my hand to print THESE lyrics:
Whoever we are, wherever we're from, we shoulda noticed by now our behaviour is dumb
And if our chances expect to improve it's gonna take a lot more than tryin' to remove the other race or the other whatever from the face of the planet altogether
They call it "The Earth" which is a dumb kinda name but they named it right 'cause we behave the same
We are dumb all over
Dumb all over, yes we are, dumb all over, near and far, dumb all over, black 'n white, people, we is not wrapped tight
And nerds on the left, nerds on the right
Religious fanatics on the air every night, sayin' the bible tells the story and makes the details sound real gory about what to do if the geeks over there don't believe in the book we got over here
You can't run a race without no feet
And pretty soon there won't be no street for dummies to jog on or doggies to dog on
Religious fanatics can make it be all gone
I mean it won't blow up and disappear, it'll just look ugly for a thousand years
You can't run a country by a book of religion
Not by a heap or a lump or a smidgeon of foolish rules of ancient date, designed to make you all feel great while you fold, spindle and mutilate those unbelievers from a neighbouring state
To arms, to arms
Hooray! That's great, two legs ain't bad
Unless there's a crate they ship the parts to mama in
For souvenirs: two ears (Get down)
Not his, not hers but what the hey
The good book says, "It's gotta be that way"
But their book says, "Revenge the crusades"
With whips 'n chains and hand grenades
Two arms, two arms
Have another and another
Our Cod says, "There ain't no other"
Our Cod says, "It's all ok"
Our god says "This is the way"
It says in the book, "Burn and destroy"
And repent and redeem and revenge and deploy and rumble thee forth to the land of the unbelieving scum on the other side
'Cause they don't go for what's in the book and that makes 'em bad
So verily we must choppeth them up and stompeth them down
Or rent a nice French bomb to poof them out of existence while leaving their real estate just where we need it to use again for temples in which to praise our god, 'cause he can really take care of business
And when his humble TV servant with humble white hair and humble glasses and a nice brown suit and maybe a blonde wife who takes phone calls, tells us our god says it's ok to do this stuff, then we gotta do it
'Cause if we don't do it we ain't "Gwine up to hebbin"
Depending on which book you're using at the time
Can't use theirs, it don't work, it's all lies, gotta use mine
Ain't that right?
That's what they say
Every night, everyday
Hey, we can't really be dumb if we're just following god's orders
Well let's get serious, god knows what he's doin'
He wrote this book here and the book says, "He made us all to be just like him"
So, if we're dumb, then god is dumb and maybe even a little ugly on the side
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side
Dumb all over, a little ugly on the side
"Dumb All Over" - Frank Zappa.
ah here we go, bang those bibles ppl. we are either with you or against you lol, that is exactly my point about limited thinking.
and no i am not an atheist.
no wise man or scientist confirms anything off of one source,its plain limited thinking.and anyways.......
we need to look at the dots themselves before trying to assemble them any wich way.
what connects spahns to cern besides iaap?
why cern and not fermilab?
after all of the seemingly obscure references i would more expect a refer to fermi. im still undecided about the italy one tho.
now if iaap woulda dropped one by rennes les chateau, then i coulda went somewhere with it lol.
sometimes dreams are just dreams,and i think the uncle milty ref is just using the phrase and nothing more.its hard to know when to stay at the surface.
i've come to the conclusion that people always try to connect religion with EVERYTHING.
almost every freakin video i go to on youtube has a big discussion about religion...
i always think... WHAT THE HELL???
yeah man, ive seen it in every circle. the cults are getting desperate. lol so do you have any idea how to connect cern to spahn's?
places of carnage?
I think the reason for Spahn is obvious: IAAP is all into the supposed McCartney Manson connection. He was going to research to find whether he and Paul ever met, although that wouldn't mean anything of course. He might've picked Spahn because there was some press attention focused there, and he might've picked CERN because there was/is some press attention focused there. Whatever topic is hot, it seems IAAP wants to attach the action to it.
then why haven't i seen his suitcase in katy perry's video???
i killed a man and i liked it
paul is dead - nothing is real 262 now playing
fun @ glastonbury!
uh the press was at barkers,not spahns. iaap picking places based on media attention isn't quite good enough 4 me. there was no press of any type @ spahns.
and as far as manson/mccartney goes, when you have 50 or so of the biggest names in music all in the same canyon........that isn't a real stretch. my question was: (BESIDES IAAP) what is the connection from spahn to cern?
There is no significance of CERN, only that it scares people. IAAP is all about scaring, you know.
What makes you think there is a significance to any of this? Apparently the reason he is throwing suitcases around is because Mal Evans supposedly had a suitcase...give me a break.
Now there are 5 or so right?
Paul won't die on the 25th, although this shit has many of you hoping that he will.
Nothing will happen. stop
"Sunspots are dark blemishes on the Sun's photosphere, or visible surface. They form where the solar magnetic field traps ionized gas and allows it to cool. Whereas the photosphere's average temperature is 5,700° Kelvin, in the dark center ("umbra") of a sunspot, where the field is strongest, it's about 2,000°K cooler. If you could view a sunspot by itself, it would appear blazingly bright. But in contrast with its even brighter surroundings, it appears dark. The umbra of a large spot is typically surrounded by a lighter penumbra, where the magnetic field isn't quite as strong."
Letters to Nature
Nature 350, 45 - 46 (07 March 1991); doi:10.1038/350045a0
Radial filamentary structure in a sunspot umbra
W. Livingston
National Astronomical Optical Observatories, National Solar Observatory, PO Box 26732, Tucson, Arizona 87526, USA
THAT the dark umbrae of sunspots are not uniformly dark has long been recognized1, but our knowledge of umbral structure is still limited. Here I present two white-light photographs of the solar disk, of different exposure, recently obtained during excep-tional seeing conditions with the McMath Telescope on Kitt Peak (Fig. 1). The shorter exposure reveals the solar granulation, and the longer brings out details in the darker umbrae. When these two images are suitably combined, the umbra of one small sunspot is resolved into an approximately filamentary structure, connecting to the penumbra, along with featureless voids. A 'light bridge9 partially spanning the spot is found to have a broader underlying filamentary foundation that completes the crossing. These photo-graphs suggest that the contemporary view of umbral structure as consisting primarily of granulation or 'umbral dots' is question-able. Given that a sunspot is a place where kilogauss magnetic fields concentrate and diverge outwards, filamentary brightness modulation can perhaps be attributed to partly inclined field lines, and the voids may be places where the field becomes perpendicular to the surface.
cience 7 December 2007:
Vol. 318. no. 5856, pp. 1597 - 1599
DOI: 10.1126/science.1146337
Twisting Motions of Sunspot Penumbral Filaments
K. Ichimoto,1* Y. Suematsu,1 S. Nagata5
The penumbra of a sunspot is composed of numerous thin, radially extended, bright and dark filaments carrying outward gas flows (the Evershed flow). Using high-resolution images obtained by the Solar Optical Telescope aboard the solar physics satellite Hinode, we discovered a number of penumbral bright filaments revealing twisting motions about their axes. These twisting motions are observed only in penumbrae located in the direction perpendicular to the symmetry line connecting the sunspot center and the solar disk center, and the direction of the twist (that is, lateral motions of intensity fluctuation across filaments) is always from limb side to disk-center side. Thus, the twisting feature is not an actual twist or turn of filaments but a manifestation of dynamics of penumbral filaments with three-dimensional radiative transfer effects.
twist and shout!
"Another time, "Alice, our black cat, had jumped out the window after a pigeon and died, and I remember that was the only time, I think, I ever saw my dad cry."
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