NOTE: The actual number that Paul dials in the video for "No More Lonely Nights" that was made to look like "666" is actually "1663552."
Subliminals from RA69 & Backmasked (Link fixed) by dontbotherthatguy is an excellent collection of the rapid fire still images from Iamaphoney's latest video. Several of the images include helpful identifying text.
The "Nothing Is Real" discussion group has also offered some excellent background, interpretation and analysis of the video. Skyward provided some great screen captures and Letter B, Iameye, Jojo, and the gang have given some terrific insights. It's great to see the famous "Rotten Apple 2" thread on track again.
The Rotten Apple Forum has provided the lyrics to the new Iamaphoney song, which is apparently called "Snatch Crucifix." (Yikes, I don't hear a single!)
Click pictures below for source or background of some of the items from the video:

In addition to the video featured above, there was one other video response to Rotten Apple 69:
Acid Arms from 922008Suitcase
1 – 200 of 295 Newer› Newest»Me first!
Love is all you need
good work dontbotherthatguy AKA socash!
DBTG is socash?
It seems a few people lately are socash too
socash wants his name back
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
September 4, 2008 9:29 PM
you should talk Anonymous
I am NOT socash
but you could be, with a little hair and make up
why dont jude and mikenl like you dontbotherthatguy? you make good videos
why dont jude and mikenl like me?
i dunno, ask them
some misunderstanding I think
i like you DBTG
mostly because I think their theories are rubbish
All ouyay eednay is ovelay.
Song length: 2:31
What is in a name?
That was my deleted posts. One said "A" and one said "socash", both were accidental posts.
Before the place gets wrecked: IAAP's Rotten Apple series is clever, but they seem to be slowly running out of time and ideas for videos.
The Aztec stuff in the videos, the Sclentology flashes in previous videos at the same time they were in the internet's headlights, the flashes of the Pharaoh's Helicopter glyph, the Stargate:Atlantis clips, the Dr. Who clips, the flashes of "bible code" garbage, a flash of Fraser Claughton's suitcase. Need I go on? Its hocus-pocus, but it apparently works.
Yes the Beatles dropped clues. They probably had fun starting the rumor of Paul's death. The "Crap L.P. sung by the LSD-prone Beatles" anagram is pure genius.
Iamaphoney seems to be playing from the Beatles same song-sheet, written possibly on company stationary.
Thanks, Dontbotherthatguy. Hey wait...
Correction. According to Dontbotherthatguy, the song is 2:31 in length, the video contains 132 subliminals. That would be 231 backward. Can someone double check this?
I like giving Jude and Miles a hard time. But I have no enemies.
thank you for clearing that up that I am not you socash
not that there is anything wrong with being you, but I am not you
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. = Crap LP sung by the LSD-prone Beatles. (David Bourke, 1999)
"Iamaphoney seems to be playing from the Beatles same song-sheet, written possibly on company stationary."
of that there is no doubt
September 4, 2008 10:41 PM
Blogger socash said...
I like giving Jude and Miles a hard time. But I have no enemies.
Miles is MikeyNL?
If you notice the last frame, I mentioned the Thoth Tower tarot card somehow got lost in conversion. A frame of Ringo's address also missing, so I can assume more are missing.
Out of the 10248 individual frames in RA69, picking 132 wasn't intentional. Later when cropping IAAP's song out of the video's audio to put on disc, that too was unintentional.
As soon as I noticed I put making a video of it on a things-to-do list.
The math for calculating the framerate was where I slipped, apparently 1.4 seconds wasn't precise enough and ffmpeg dropped a few stills.
I was just following my standard new RA proceedure; convert the video to individual jpgs. Its alot easier than clicking pause 1000 times.
"Miles is MikeyNL?"
I've never given MikeyNL a hard time.
"Later when cropping IAAP's song out of the video's audio to put on disc, that too was unintentional." (that it was exactly 2:31 minutes)
Its late. So long.
Damn you, Skyward!! ;D
you got me
"I've never given MikeyNL a hard time."
you should
look at Dontbotherthatguy's logo, horns
"IAAP's Rotten Apple series is clever, but they seem to be slowly running out of time and ideas for videos."
and that's why you spend so much time on it?
The pain won't come back Jude
registered domain name
Rotten = 92.
My response to questions about suitcase #1 is to disappear again, and this time, I hope that I have the resolve to disappear permanently.
When all the broken hearted people living in the world agree......
Nice puppet show, dontbotherthat guy. But you already admitted that you were socash long ago. If one were to look far back enough, one could find comments on Iamaphoney's comment page and on NIR that link your two identities together.
Everyone knows that you are dontbotherthatguy, socash. At this it's sort of pathetic to pretend that you aren't, especially after we witnessed you posting as fake-Miles just the other day.
"My response to questions about suitcase #1 is to disappear again, and this time, I hope that I have the resolve to disappear permanently."
Why? Why be so mysterious? You don't even have to tell the truth...you could just lie and say you burned it or threw it an landfill. ;)
Can't you at least confirm that there is nothing special about the Magic Christian record?
I looked up lamaphan.com and came up with:
Tibetanword: Tibetan Language - a Tibetan word a day! ... 14th Dalai Lama Verse 9, Line 3 'phrin las - deeds kun phan - beneficial to all ...
So the Dalai lama is a phoney phan! :-)
65if2007 - Please stick around.
What is up with these "rapid-fire" images? They obviously kill any flow to the videos, which at this point are more or less interchangeable with only a few minor alterations to distinguish them. The only "new" information emerging seems to be the "Lennon is alive" idea and these increasingly confusing references to the YKMN vids(who is JohnCharles, a PID skeptic).
It seems that the Subliminals from RA69 & Backmasked by dontbotherthatguy has become "The Beatles announce the formation of Apple Corps." by GLRUK.
Here's the correct link:
Right after Abbey Road
was released:
"I started to get letters and cards from people outlining how obvious it was that Paul was dead," recalled George Martin. "They said that they understood all our clues on the covers over the past few years years and, you know, I started believing it myself."
Peter Blake too was almost fooled: "We went to visit Paul. We talked about the rumors and he said, "You know I’m not Paul McCartney. You met Paul when you were working on Sgt. Pepper and he didn’t have a scar on his mouth. Look, I’ve got a scar. I’m a stand in." And just for a moment, I wasn’t sure. Then he told me that he’d fallen off his bicycle…"
I'm sure that most people know, but I will mention it anyway because it is so cool. If you download Google Earth, you can virtually walk down Iverson to Santa Susana Pass Rd., straight to the telephone pole with the chunk out of it. Pretty incredible. I have played with Google Earth before, but at the time, it didn't have this feature.
anonymous said...
"I'm sure that most people know, but I will mention it anyway because it is so cool. If you download Google Earth, you can virtually walk down Iverson to Santa Susana Pass Rd., straight to the telephone pole with the chunk out of it. Pretty incredible. I have played with Google Earth before, but at the time, it didn't have this feature."
How often do they update that thing? Can you see a suitcase of any kind?
I read up on socash/dontbotherthatguy on NIR, it says there that you are socash, and by says you are I mean YOU say you are socash
maybe dontbotherthatguy is iamaphoney
a sub sub sub sub account
COOL about Google earth!
This is off topic as it's not about iamaphoney but...
That guy (?) faulconandsnowjob who's appeared recently on the pid forums and youtube - I'm wondering if he's a satirist. His early posts were quite level-headed and analytical, in a style very much like an anti-jguildersleeve. But lately it's all 'take the red pill', 'wake up', 'the truth will set you free' and other similar cliches which sound like an obvious parody of what a 'conspiracy theorist' might say.
I'm wondering if it actually IS jguildersleeve having a laugh.
that might be a big 10/4 good buddy on the jguildersleeve laugh part
if you cant beat em
glad you have been converted sleeves
with your energy now directed the same project pettycoat is sure to prevail,
2 more days of earthshattering coming your way world!
thought the project was till the 7 Sept????
I have till midnight on the 7th to unleash Project Pettycoat on you unsuspecting Paul's
as I suspect all of you are or maybe
Paul or Faul
Since I have totally destroyed my credibility I am Free!
Free to do anything!
Free to blow your mind!
JGuildersleeve MilesDeo Coalition
Please bear in mind that I wouldn’t have even considered rebutting this at all if it weren’t for the highly despicable act of pretending to be me.
I kind of accepted this as a just a bunch of white middle-class people with too much time on their hands having fun on the internet. But when you started disrespecting people and committing wholesale identity theft just to add a bit more artificial mystery to the farce, then this stops being fun and starts to be worthy of serious criticism. I’ll gladly stop my critique when the figure(s) responsible for such appalling behavior apologize.
Again, as I have been saying from the beginning, provide an actual piece of legitimate evidence, and I will actually consider it.
There can only be one "me" here if we are going to have a constructive dialog. The juvenile method of pretending to be someone whom you are not is going to have to stop.
The REAL JGuildersleeve
There can be only one
Highlander references do not constitute proof
The REAL JGuildersleeve
i'm actually not mike...
who i really am, you will never know.
I really don't think anyone here can handle my razor-sharp rationality. I am already public enemy no.1 on iamaphoney's comment page.
I am aware that you are not the REAL MikeNL, no one here is what they seem
'..razor-sharp rationality..'
'..already public enemy no.1 on iamaphoney's comment page..'
Word for word phrases I have used elsewhere...and I'm not jguildersleeve. Creepy.
"Please bear in mind that I wouldn’t have even considered rebutting this at all if it weren’t for the highly despicable act of pretending to be me."
Being you is a despicable act??
"Word for word phrases I have used elsewhere...and I'm not jguildersleeve."
Google is a helluva drug.
Hmm..not that creepy then.
"I’ll gladly stop my critique when the figure(s) responsible for such appalling behavior apologize."
I am sorry sleeves
does this mean you will stop?
creepy that whoever that was knew it was you, I think thats creepy
damn that McCartney money!
Ok, just discovered that faulconandsnowjob is female so my feeling that it might be a satirical guilders in disguise was wrong. Assuming guilders is a fella that is.
Whoever she is, if she's genuine she started with (relatively) sensible posts and is now sounding like a parody pid'er. Check out the David Icke forums.
'creepy that whoever that was knew it was you, i think that's creepy.'
They didn't, those phrases were chosen randomly. Coincidence? Yes.
Just read that faulconandsnowjob was a chick. Is she a hot chick?
Just read that faulconandsnowjob was a chick. Is she a hot chick?
Whoever said Miles was hot?
That's the link! (Above)
"1997, the Cassini-Huygens mission blasted off from Cape Canaveral...
...is powered by 32.8 kg (72 lbs) of plutonium fuel.
NASA (in association with secret organizations, such as the Illuminati or the Freemasons) wants to use this plutonium for a "higher purpose"...
dropping Cassini deep into Saturn at the end of its mission. (In 2010.)(This) will compress the probe, detonating like a nuclear bomb,
...turning Saturn into a fireball.
This is what has become known as The Lucifer Project. This second sun will have dire consequences for us on Earth, killing millions... (But) the Saturn moon Titan's gain, suddenly it is habitable and the organizations playing "God" can start a new civilization in the Saturn system."
(Article then goes on to say this is a "conspiracy theory".)
Read on, then do more research. If it were to be detonated inside the atmosphere of Saturn, nothing of the such will happen.
anonymous said...
Read on, then do more research. If it were to be detonated inside the atmosphere of Saturn, nothing of the such will happen.
September 6, 2008 10:26 AM
I could be wrong, but I think anonymous was just pointing out the connections between all this Saturn, Illuminati, freemason,fireball of hell, 2010 crap that IAAP is spewing is all.
Is PID saving lives? Yours yet?
If not, when?
Let's hear those stories Mikel, Jude, Miles, socash, jguilder, IAAP....
We have seen the walk, now let's see the talk. Inspire us with true life confessions. Sway us with your personal enlightenments. Show us how you did it... or did you not actually do anything with this revelation? Prove you exemplary lives to us. It probably won't take you very long, so why not? why not give us that next level, an empatic human connection amoung friends? Or is it easier to just throw that suitcase around and around and around forever? To me, that is really taking the easy way out. Too clean, and not helpful at all.
You don't have to do anymore explaining about who are Paul and Faul, or make cryptic videos or cryptic anagrams or cryptic posts. We, at least some of us, get it.
I forgot Sir Larry Mildew.
Have a nice day, y'all.
Hey there Tex, what the hell was that about?
Hey there Miles, what the hell is that about?
faulconandsnowjob is a super hot chick
"Miles Denton Oliver said...
Only 24 hours of Project Pettycoat
earth shattering left
Photoshopped pictures
00:30 Videos
Pure Genius guaranteed I am an artist
Project Pettycoat Stages 1 & 2 - Finished.
you should quit when you are ahead Miles, how can pettycoat get any better?
Put up a picture of a super hot chick like faulconandsnowjob!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Put up a picture of a super hot chick like faulconandsnowjob!
YES! Please do!
enough with Paul is Dead
miles denton oliver said...
"Miles Denton Oliver said...
Only 24 hours of Project Pettycoat
earth shattering left
Photoshopped pictures
00:30 Videos
Pure Genius guaranteed I am an artist
Project Pettycoat Stages 1 & 2 - Finished.
September 6, 2008 9:32 PM
I like this Milesdeo MUCH better.
The Super Hot Chicks of Paul is Dead Calender
coming 9-11-2008
"coming 9-11-2008"
200number9 calender early so you can lust an extra few months
"I like this Milesdeo MUCH better."
me too!
23hours left milesdeo for project pettycoat,
Anonymous said...
Whoever said Miles was hot?
Miles in drag, you be the judge
Miles Deo
still rocking it
I defy you to do better
I don't think you can
Project Pettycoat Earth Domination
the love code
Tetrahedron Publishing Group
The pure frequency of love: 528hz
3E - Evolutionary Energy Enhancer
ok miles, you are starting to freak me out.....can't it be a nice thing?
How does it feel to be
One of the beautiful people?
Tuned to A natural E
Happy to be that way.
Now that you've found another key
What are you going to play?
not that I know what that means, just thought I'd help miles out.
Thank you U
You are one of the best people I have ever been
E rests on his head.
I'm lost on this one... The bear won!?
E sure does!
"You are old, Father William," the young man said, "And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head - Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
Henry IV, Part 2, Act 3, Scene 1
"How many thousand of my poorest subjects / Are at this hour asleep! O sleep, O gentle sleep, . . ."
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
plugfive is the Kenneth Branagh of Paul is Dead
wen i do E i stained on me hed 2
mo E lezzz war!
watch [the sorceror's apprentice,chpt 1]
peas out
B FOUR THREE E = Before 3E
3E - Evolutionary Energy Enhancer
"water energizer"
Find the key:
The pure frequency of love: 528hz
forgive us SirLarry
we know not what we do
Sir Paul WILL forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Please visit:
"Before there was Elvis, there was nothing."
you may type better if you do less Extacy sanguine111
Extacy is when ur emotions are too big to handle!
Is all this suppose to be about:
The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Chang
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
Oh, that magic feeling
nowhere to go
One more time...you really should go to this page.
This is the "Love" code.
Saturn, tetrahedrons, etc.
LiveH20 event set for JUNE 19-21 "Revelation"
There is a familiar cross at the bottom right (different pictures).
Love is all you need - 528hz
Read on. Click the concert link.
The Beatles Yellow Submarine connection.
Sure but it doesn't really say too much about a submarine... Water, sure... Where was Paul from again? What kind of city was it? A port city by the water... Getting closer?
Hey, I am just guessing like everybody else. This LiveH20 and "Love" code seem to fit in. Especially with Miles' video. Find the "key". The key would be a note, or 528hz.
B FOUR THREE E: 3E - Evolutionary Energy Enhancer "water energizer"
LiveH20 Concert June 19-21 2008
The day after Paul's birthday.
The code was supposedly found in daVinci's "The Vitruvian Man" (which makes a tetrahedron, like on Saturn).
Where does McCartney fit in? I am sure he will participate, Yoko is.
June 19-21 2009
I did not see anything about Yoko on the site but I have not explored all the links..yet. Tetrahedron, so we have a pyramid.. And one of the concerts will be held in Egypt. They sure do have a lot of pyramids there... You mention Yoko and Paul... What could the two other sides be? No mention of Olivia. So no George? Could that leave John and Ringo? Or a son or daughter? Then again the tetrahedron has been used in roleplaying games.. is this all a game?
Let me make a correction, DaVinci's "The Vitruvian Man" makes a pentagon, not a tetrahedron.
Not sure if all this is a game. I have always felt that Phoney was promoting something more than Paul is Dead, which I don't believe. I figure he has something to sell for monetary gain.
If you go through the links, you will see a line-up of performers. I saw Yoko and Willie Nelson for sure. The whole scenario is basically to rush in our cosmic consciousness through the vibration of the love frequency (528hz) upon the waters of the Earth and its' people.
Let me make a correction, DaVinci's "The Vitruvian Man" makes a pentagon, not a tetrahedron.
I see a lot of the symbols used in the Phoney videos with this "Love" code frequency.
So she is invited. And "we" have lost our instruments. Taf had posted a very well thought out piece about love and then it got lost in a lot of chatter in the comments section. So the Love and Water and Beatles/Paul have a lot more in common possibly? Could Paul be the prophet that is spoken about on Love528? And he will help us to find our instruments and rescue us from the blue meanies?
Oh and it's ok that the tetrahedron/pentagon thing happened.... So we have five sides instead of four... I forgot to add that to my last post
TPF is aleister crowleys son?
The "love" frequency and cabala's Tree of Life (ten sephiroth; 22 connecting paths)
Who is TPF? (I never understand Mikey's posts.)
wow miles!
project petticoat is genius!
The Bear One!
PP-S3 finished.
Project Pettycoat - stage 3 FINISHED
What will you think of next?!?!?
what I will reveal will change the world
Since my credibility is completely destroyed my genius can shine like the sun
I have brought you 21 pictures that have been artistically enhanced
I have brought you :30sec videos
I have brought you numbers and the bear won
Project Pettycoat
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
you will not believe what is next
I am going to continue to rock and continue the genius revealing
get ready
to be
changed forever and ever
serious news coming soon!
The biggest news that could possibly be imagined, shown artistically in enhanced photos and ultra artistic short videos and snappy captions
Did I mention?
Did I mention?
The Bear Won
Did I mention?
I Was You
Think about it and don't miss what is coming, because you will miss it if you blink
If you look at the background image from neilaspinaII's page, there is two 5's, one forward and one mirrored. According to the these LoveH2O folks, if you reduce the love frequency of 528hz to its single digit integer "as the mystery scholars did", you get 5. Why does the phoney crowd show a lot of mirrored images? As a sound wave travels along, the curve to one wave is expressed as a positive and a negative, a mirrored image of itself. Look at the other symbolisms in the neilaspinaII's background of, these can also be connected with LoveH20; DaVinci, the ascending/descending triangles, etc.
what's up with mikey's touch of "worship aleister crowley" to the subtitled video?
genius SirLarryMildew
forgive us Paul for they know not what they do
Anonymous said...
what's up with mikey's touch of "worship aleister crowley" to the subtitled video?
Mikeys been drinking the Thelma koolaid from his fellow Dutch filmmakers
or he is the one making the koolaid
forgive THEM
I know what I AM doing
Don't forget, the answer to life is 42. Remember "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy"?
I didn't say I believe any of this stuff. I am just playing the game like the rest of you.
I don't Understand. Can anyone sum it up in a clear, concise thought?
"I don't Understand. Can anyone sum it up in a clear, concise thought?"
My thought is, and it is just my idea, the "code" IAAP is talking about is the "Love" code allegedly found in DaVinci's "The Vitruvian Man". In this case the code is actually a sound frequency, specifically 528hz.
A concert is set for June 19-21 2009, the LoveH2O concert. You can Google it.
"what's up with mikey's touch of "worship aleister crowley" to the subtitled video?"
If you listen to the song closely you will hear worship Aleister Crowley. Simple as that.
Love is the fulfillment of the law. -St. Paul to the Romans
Love is the law.
-Aleister Crowley
All you need is love.
-The Beatles
Crowley has been bad mouthed for years. People just don't take the time to understand his message. His intellect was well above standard and he has oft been misinterpreted.
One would not be treading a crooked path to at least try to understand his work.
Love is all. All is one.
and where cane we hear this note?
Guess what else? Another way a sine wave is expressed (on paper) is something that looks exacly like the Zodiac symbol. A circle with the plus sign or cross in the center. One rotation around the circle completes one cycle of rising and falling in the wave. Interesting, huh?
528 hz:
Here is the frequency alone and uncontaminated.
Here is the link for "circle to wave"
That is the tone the TV stations used to transmit just before they started their programing back when TV wasn't a 24-hour a day operation.
Who knew? Your TV loves you!
So then, 'hears' the new music, sounding a bit like - uh - Teenage Wasteland (Baba O'Riley)
Solfeggio Arpeggio 396 417 528 639 741 852 963
Out here: in the fields....
This kind of reminds me of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind".
that sound is making me feel weird.
Don't worry Mikey. It is healing you. lol
The mirror image of the hexagon or Solomon's Seal in the background of the Neil Aspinall channel is a symbol of the microcosm/macrocosm (As Above, So Below).
I will keep my instruments tuned to 440hz.
Here is an interesting link:
How The Beatles used Out Of Phase Stereo "OOPS" recording. I won't go into the details. More sine wave related stuff. Just follow the link if you are interested.
The reason 528 Hz is supposedly the "love" frequency is probably because there are 32 Paths in Cabala (on the Tree of Life diagram), and the sum of the numbers 1 through 32 (called the "summary" "triangular" "pyramidal" "secret" "higher" or "Theosophical" number of a given number) is 528.
You're welcome.
Harmonic language of The Beatles
Toward the middle of the page there are diagrams of the circle of fifths in harmony. There is a traditional circle, then The Beatles circle. The Beatles' circle somewhat resembles a ram.
In tuning theory, .888 is the ratio of the whole tone, or the relationship of the perfect fourth to the perfect fifth. Put another way, .888 is "the mediating bond between two tetrachords of the octave."
Larry, have you turned into Grandfather Aleister? The circle of fifths diagram "looks somewhat like a ram." It also looks somewhat like a seagull flying into the sun.
Hey, just throwing it out there. If you turn it upside down, it could look like a mustache. I am just trying to think like IAAP....and it is giving me a headache. Let me reiterate....I'm just playing the game.
28 IF
low molecular weight?
28 is frequency?
I'm going to go rest my brain. I think I will relax and practice my playing......in 440hz. I don't really want to live forever.
The bIII chord
The bIII chord (the chord of Eb major in the key of C major) is most commonly used together with I, IV, V and bVII (C, F, G and Bb). The bIII chord will only in rare exceptions be used together with any of the relative minors vi, ii and iii (Am, Dm and Em).
The bIII chord or Bill chord. Played in C - 528hz.
Good one, Lar.
Let me put on Grandfather Aleister's thinking cap for a moment (settle down....just playing the game). According to the Bible, Satan, before he was cast out of Heaven, was the Angel of Music. So this whole "Love" code thing could be a bad thing. Let me guess, June 20, 2009, through music, they will resonate the 528hz tone, vibrating all the Earth's water, causing some sort of inter-dimensional void to open, which will cause a satanic plume of darkness to descend upon us all. That would make a great movie. DON'T EVEN THINK OF STEALING MY IDEA!
Or, in a similar vein, this frequency may be used to send a brainwashing signal to the masses, much like the idea behind ELFs (Extremely Low Frequencies).
Some think House Music etc. is a way of sending subliminal programming to kids, what with the repetitive beat and overall Group Mind it can create (for those who've been to raves).
The New Age is hardly unified, but most believers agree on two notions:
1. Everything in the universe is tuned to certain frequencies or vibrations.
2. We'll be feeling "Good Vibrations" with the coming Age of Aquarius, which commenced sometime in the last 100 years.
The official publication of the 33rd degree is the "New Age Magazine."
Check this out. Isn't this emblem like the tatoo shown in the Phoney videos?
The Sovereign Order of the Orthodox Knights Hospitaller
This group is one of the sponsors for the LoveH2O Concert.
The Knights Hospitaller are the Knights of Malta, an organization to which Bush Sr. belongs. The power players like to convene in Malta.
Hey T, is their emblem like the Phoney Tattoo? I can't find a picture of it to compare.
Larry, which video has the tattoo? I'll be able to tell you.
I can't remember.
There are many crests and shields, but you'll want to look for a Maltese cross and a double-headed eagle or Phoenix, much like the 32nd Degree emblem.
Found it--Rotten Apple 199. Definitely an eagle but can't see whether it's the double eagle. I'll do a comparison in a few minutes.
Larry Mildew: Shut up already.
JDGuildersleeve: Shut up already, AND die.
Milesdeo: Clearly state your intentions or shut the fuck up already. This goes for the fake Milesdeo(s) as well.
T: What the fuck does "T" stand for? How pretentious is it to just go about calling yourself a letter, as if we had any fucking idea who the hell you are?!?! You could be Tafultong for all that we know.
Any other anti-PID trolls I forgot to mention: Shut the hell up PLEASE.
The PID Community
HAHA "Sincerely"
The PID Community? So that was a group post?
Thanks T. I'll check it out.
I left comments with two of Mr. 922008Suitcase's videos. My comment was "The "Love" code - 528hz
LiveH20 - June 19-21 2009" and his responses were "well done" and "nice find". I guess that can be taken as a confirmation that at least part of the "code" is the 528hz frequency and the fact that they intend to blast it all over the Earth next year. With that established, does that mean that IAAP is saying Sir Paul is in charge of it? I figured out the 528hz frequency from Miles' video, so if everything is correct, he had prior knowledge to it. Miles posted 21 pictures. One of the original pictures is not on his site it is posted here on the main page. If I am correct, and this is a stretch, 20 of the pictures are actually two pictures in one, making a total of 40 pictures. The picture of the apple is a single picture, and the one left off his page is a single picture, which when added up, you have 42. He said that the pictures reveal his identity. From what I see, the pictures point to Paul McCartney, not that I believe he is Paul McCartney. Anyone else have a thought? Time to play.
"Mikeys been drinking the Thelma koolaid from his fellow Dutch filmmakers
or he is the one making the koolaid
actually it is because "worship aleister crowley" is being said in the song's background, idiot.
To the self-styled "PID Community":
I find it odd that you should be so concerned with any given poster's identity when the vast majority of PID time is spent trying to figure out IAAPs identity. Have you posted on his site, saying, "Please state your intentions or stop making videos," or "How pretentious is it to call yourself Iamaphoney?" Or, for that matter, any number of online names and designations such as Tafultong, RockXLight (don't recall seeing that one in the book of baby names), or Beatle song titles such as "Jude," "Rubber Soul," etc. Do these designations bother you? Have you revealed your actual name? Your intentions? The use of "T" is for convenience, and it saves time rather than writing, for example, "Tom," and what difference would that make to you anyway? I don't post often, and when I do, I speak to the clues in the IAAP and other related sites, such as the Eagle tattoo (a clue!). This is more than I can say for most of you, who rarely discuss any of IAAPs relevant clues. Haven't seen much relevant at NIR, Paul is Dead, or on Mikey's site. And so, PID Community, I would ask that you stop trying to institute a dictatorship with regards to who can or can't post or who is or isn't worthy to discuss the series. If you dislike healthy debate and want to sing to the choir, go to NIR.
Nicely said T. I was just going to ignore them.....for now.
(To "The PID Community", SLM is short for Sir Larry Mildew. Larry is short for Laurence, and Mildew is.....just Mildew, no relation to the mold)
"Let me guess, June 20, 2009, through music, they will resonate the 528hz tone, vibrating all the Earth's water, causing some sort of inter-dimensional void to open, which will cause a satanic plume of darkness to descend upon us all. That would make a great movie. DON'T EVEN THINK OF STEALING MY IDEA!"
To late Larry! In a roundabout way thats pretty much what happens at the end of "Illuminatus". Robert Anton Wilson must have known about the LOVE code. He was a big Crowley fan thats for sure!
Oh well. That is the story of my life. A little too late, and a dollar short.
Amen, Tom
From the Wikipedia plot summary:
"The evil scheme uncovered late in the tale is an attempt to immanentize the eschaton (a catchphrase meaning "bringing about the end of the world" or "creating heaven on earth", and derived from a quotation in the works of Eric Voegelin). Here it refers to the secret scheme of the American Medical Association, an evil rock-and-roll band, to bring about a mass human sacrifice, the purpose of which is the release of enough "life-energy" to give eternal life to a select group of initiates, including Adolf Hitler. The AMA are four siblings who comprise four of the five mysterious Illuminati Primi. The identity of the fifth remains unknown for much of the trilogy."
myspace, tom?
myspace, tom?
That is bizarre stuff, Tincan. I think I am going to wear earplugs during the concert next June, if it actually happens.
Jude must think that socash has nothing better to do than post using other peoples names (or as Guildersleeve would like you to believe, WHOLESALE IDENTITY THEFT - what a farkin' joke that guy). socash did that ONCE. When he registered the name Jude just to irritate ol' Rude, Vindictive, Jude. Never has he pretended to be MilesDeo or anyone else.
Thus far, the closest match to the tattoo on IAAPs arm is the German Nuremberg Eagle. That would dovetail with the theory that IAAP is an anti-NWO crusader, with the caveat that his version of the conspiracy says that evil Zionists (i.e. "Jews" "International Bankers") rule the world.
I would hasten to add that eagle tattoos are common, and eagle symbolism can be found the world over, including the dollar bill.
Robert Anton Wilson ripped you off Sir Larry!
Make him pay!
Robert Anton Wilson is dead
Where was SLM and what roll did he play in it?
sounds like a veiled threat
"actually it is because "worship aleister crowley" is being said in the song's background, idiot.
sorry! I am an idiot!
"socash did that ONCE. When he registered the name Jude just to irritate ol' Rude, Vindictive, Jude. Never has he pretended to be MilesDeo or anyone else.
so socash lied just once and registered a name that he was not, just once?
Never has he pretended to be anyone else?
isnt socash also dontbotherthatguy?
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