MikeNL1038 posted two videos this week, the latest, just a couple hours ago.
The latest one is called paul is dead - nothing is real 272 and features an EXCITING discovery. If you go to the new Official Fireman Web Site and you make the window smaller so that you can slide it, guess what you find! That's right -- A mirror image.
You can't go wrong with mirrors. From the Sgt. Pepper drum that becomes 1 ONE 1 X HE | DIE, to the the Walrus that emerges when you put a flat mirror on Diana Dors' elbow on the cover of Sgt. Pepper (as the Beatles did when they changed the ending of the promotional film of "A Day In The Life" for the Anthology), to what you find when you LOOK at Magical Mystery Tour for the word lOOK, to the word LOVE that becomes the word CODE, mirrors are everywhere in the Beatles mystery. It is Alice Through the Looking Glass. And somebody keeps writing to this blog saying, "Read the Record Mirror," which is a phrase uttered by Paul just one time in an unreleased outtake of the song "Let It Be." So, now we have the Official Paul McCartney Fireman web site playing with mirrors. It ain't the publius enigma moment and it ain't the smoking gun, but it is smoke and mirrors.
MikeyNL1038's other video was paul is dead - nothing is real 262
I honestly could not hear the word "dead" as Mike suggested in the video, but I did hear excellent sound and was extremely impressed by how he isolated the vocals.
I asked Mike if he would be willing to share what studio wizardry he employed to pull off the video soundtrack since we have several musicians and video makers who frequent this blog. Mike went above and beyond by writing a tutorial and sending it to me the very same day. So, let's give a big tip of the hat to Mike. He deserves a big thank you from all of us.
Mike's Audio/Visual Tutorial
How to extract vocals from 5.1 DVD's by MikeNL
Tafultong has asked me how I did the vocal isolation on my latest video. The video, paul is dead - nothing is real 262 contains the DVD version of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (reprise)/The End. I wanted to make it extra clear on what Paul said in the (love you, love you, love you) part so I took The McCartney Years DVD set and a copy of DVD Audio Extractor. The program costs $29.
I ran the DVD folder through DVD Audio extractor and got 6 different tracks. The first 2 tracks are mostly the instrumental, track 3 is the center channel, which contains the isolated vocals (most of the time, heh). Track 4 and 5 are the rear-speaker channels which in this case, being a live concert and all, contains the audience sounds and a lowered instrumental. Track 6 is the subwoofer channel and has all the bass-frequencies in it.
Then I converted the video from Sgt. Pepper/The End to MPEG1 with VLC Media Player with the build in convert wizard. Then I imported all the files into Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 to make the video! (Click image below for full size)

There are also ways to convert a stereo recording to an (almost) completely vocal-less karaoke version. If Tafultong likes this idea I will post an tutorial on that too later this week.
Sure Mike! If anyone else has any tips and tricks that you think would interest others who read this blog, drop me a line (just put my name at Yahoo.com).
Thanks again, Mike.
I wrote 'read the record mirror'
...have you?
I have tried. I keep it near the front of my mind but I haven't made the connection yet. I identified the session where Paul uttered those words (it was the same session as "Another Day," the lyrics of which were written on one of the photographs from Iamaphoney).
I went back and looked at the video "ROXOR," which contains the "Read the record mirror" snippet.
I looked at the magazine "Record Mirror" itself, but I don't have the physical copies. I know that Beatles Photographer Dezo Hoffman and John pal Bill Harry were involved with the magazine. I know the Mirror did a "Who wrote what" interview with John Lennon.
I even bought a 1960 annotated copy of "Alice and Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass" hoping to find a record mirror there.
But I'm going to need some kind of direction to know where to focus in this endless array of material. I have another life, you see.
But thanks as always, for the comment. I hope I have proved to you that I have taken it seriously. And if you can offer me a nudge in the right direction, I would be very appreciative.
"Don’t believe Yoko, folks: Paul had just as much of a role in the Beatles as John, "abso-friggin’-lutely," Julian affirms."
Anonymous said...
"Don’t believe Yoko, folks...
From an article by Nicole Pensiero
great post, tafultong :)
Taf or Mikey....
In the picture of the reverse fireman that is posted... what is that a picture of? Is that John kissing Paul?
that picture was blended in by Mikey. It's not on the homepage!
"Mikeyanal said..."
Hey, that's not very nice.
Shame on you, Anonanal.
It looks like McCartney's 3 year-old daughter just got on the computer. C'mon, Paul, quit fucking with us.
I would like to go back to PIDgame's video "The Letter" for a second. The letter was obviously from John Ozoroff's website as PaulTheRevelator pointed out in his video, and wasn't of real significane to PID, PWR, etc., but what happened to Ozoroff's site? Ozoroff has a MySpace page, www.myspace.com/ozoroff, and he has a link to www.johnozoroff.co.uk. I would like to think he knows his site is down. The last log-in to his MySpace account was yesterday. If you go to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, you can view johnozoroff.co.uk. The funny thing is, the link that contained the picture of the MPL letter is viewable, but without the images. I know, here we go guessing again, but could there be a link between IAAP and Ozoroff? Or maybe just PIDgame and Ozoroff?
So...today's the day! Is Paul dead yet? Again, I mean?
I hope not.
As far as I am concerned, Paul must have balls the size of Volkswagen Beetles. Although I am sure he is well protected, I wouldn't go to Israel. That country is surrounded by way too many infidel haters....and I lost my lucky rabbit's foot.
That brings me to a related point; the Berle/Pryor connection. I think what was trying to be said is that Paul has a very large penis. It was rumored that Uncle Miltie was hung like a horse, and we all know the myth concerning blacks.
Anonymous said...
"Mikeyanal said..."
Hey, that's not very nice.
No, it wasn't. I deleted the gibberish from this "Mikeyanal" character so people would not have to keep scrolling past it. I should note however that it turned out to be 666 kb of gibberish.
maybe it was jacob richardson?
after all... he LOVES anal cheese : ]
about uncle milty....I read somewhere around here it was 5.5 inches. Flacid? that's considered huge?
was it a reverse joke on him?
I'm actually serious.
I don't know if it is just a problem with my browser, but it looks like Phoney disabled his comment history. I can't go back and look at the older posts on his main channel page.
What I mean is, he didn't delete the comments, just the ability to view the older ones.
i know, i have the same thing
anyone saved the old comments???????
STILL NO NEWS ON that Fireman site, huh?
Someone on the Steve Hoffman forum said, Barnes & Noble has a release date of Nov. 18 !
"Fireman Official Site"
What official site? I couldn't find it anywhere!
Fireman Official Site
I can't register for some reason...do you have to?
what happens with the mirror?
Umm.. Get any audio editing software which supports VST plugins. Search for Vocal Isolation plugins and search for Voice Removal plugins.
I have been using VoiceTrap as of late.
Looking for a walrus in the mirror? Read the record. Mirror. Start at the door at the eL.
ell "length of the forearm" + boga "bow, arch,"
El Dorado
Anonymous said...
I can't register for some reason...do you have to?
what happens with the mirror?
I'm guessing that you clicked on the Fireman window, which at this point just takes you to PaulMcCartney.com.
Last time I checked, there was nothing else on the Fireman site but that picture. But I find it fascinating that if you make the window smaller you find a mirror image of the word Fireman. In other words, it was put there for people like us. And you ask me why I love Paul McCartney...
I agree Taf. I think he's a pretty cool dude.
yea...he's cool
I wonder what the mirror image means.
yeah...how is it that Mikey was the first to notice this.
He was shown.
Staged Discovery.
Like Taf said, it was probably put there for people like us. He's just playing along. "He's just pretending - YKMN231".
"Anon said: Staged Discovery."
In all fairness that is possible, but anyone that would have restored down their browser window would've noticed it.
Staged discovery?
If that's true, than forget Iamaphoney because MikeNL is a lot higher up in the chain than we thought...unless the NME was fooled and the Fireman site is bogus. I guess it's possible, but highly unlikely.
Maybe some of the confusion was caused by the pictures superimposed over the Fireman site picture as shown in the video. The Fireman site itself at this point just consists of the name "FIREMAN" spelled out in tape and a couple lines of text. Then when you resize the window, the mirror image of the word "FIREMAN" is revealed.
The other superimposed pictures of Paul etc. were done for the video and are not part of the Official Site. I hope that clears it up some.
I don't think it's that far fetched to think that Mikey is "a lot higher up in the chain than we thought." Did anyone else get close to having an interview with Phoney?
I think we have already seen that he has first call on a lot of the development that has happened.
By the way, how did he find the fireman website?? I don't find it hard to believe that someone else could've found the mirror image by resizing the window, however I find it more than coincidental that he found it first (as usual).
"Anon said....I don't think it's that far fetched to think that Mikey is "a lot higher up in the chain than we thought." Did anyone else get close to having an interview with Phoney?"
Oh, well.
Hey Mikey, if it does indeed turn out that Paul is Iamaphoney or connected in some way, do you think you might be able to scrounge me up an autograph? I have a bass pick-guard just sitting here waiting on the chance.
See, Paul's a good guy.
CRAP! That kid got my autograph. Looks like it is up to you Mikey!
I believe it was Vince who found the Fireman site first, not MikeNL.
i got the site from here, or from somewhere else i don't know...
but i didn't knew the site before.
MikeNL said...
i got the site from here, or from somewhere else i don't know...
but i didn't knew the site before.
Told ya. But, just in case, let's be nice to MikeNL anyway. No point in taking any unnecessary chances.
"I would like to go back to PIDgame's video "The Letter" for a second. The letter was obviously from John Ozoroff's website as PaulTheRevelator pointed out in his video, and wasn't of real significane to PID, PWR, etc., but what happened to Ozoroff's site? "
See now that is a great question
At first I dismissed the PIDgame video as utter garbage, and was glad to see someone utterly lay waste to it with a very good video response, but there is this nagging problem of what happened to the Ozoroff site?... was PIDgame signaling something else entirely then at first glimpse seems like a "wanna be" video?
"Pick your spots baby..."
"The funny thing is, the link that contained the picture of the MPL letter is viewable, but without the images. I know, here we go guessing again, but could there be a link between IAAP and Ozoroff? Or maybe just PIDgame and Ozoroff?"
Another good question!
Glad I am not the only one who thought a second time about that little video of PIDgame
Maybe paultherevelator wasn't dissing PIDgame with that video response, maybe he was calling further attention to the disappearance of the Ozoroff photo
I was making fun of PIDgame
He is stupid and his videos are garbage
I will make more videos refuting anything they assert as fact that is really fiction
And Paul is really alive too
"but there is this nagging problem of what happened to the Ozoroff site?... was PIDgame signaling something else entirely then at first glimpse seems like a "wanna be" video?"
PIGgame was signaling that they had run completely out of ideas and were grasping at straws to make more attention seeking Utube videos
Case closed
who is PIGgame?
Youtube says "User PIGgame not found!"
Someone should go grab that username LOL
"Pick your spots baby..."
Pick your spots to quit making dumb videos more likely
like how you said
"Case closed"
Then that means it's over and I can stop wasting precious brain resources on this, yes?
paultherevelator said...
I was making fun of PIDgame
Thanks for clearing that up! I appreciate your input.
I should note that there has never been any suggestion that PIDgame had any connection to Iamaphoney, so I think you'll need to make a lot more videos before we can say "case closed." I will be glad to post links to your videos here.
"PAULTHEREVELATOR SAID?....I was making fun of PIDgame
He is stupid and his videos are garbage
I will make more videos refuting anything they assert as fact that is really fiction
And Paul is really alive too"
No he didn't, little Nicola.
"FaulTheRevelator said: I was making fun of PIDgame
He is stupid and his videos are garbage
I will make more videos refuting anything they assert as fact that is really fiction
And Paul is really alive too"
Shame on you fake Revelator!
How many fakes does it take to get to the center of an IAAP Tootsie Pop? I don't really want to lick it to find out :(
User FaulTheRevelator not found!
not found on youtube
"FaulTheRevelator" was obviously a joke toward the guy posting as PaulTheRevelator. Whoever posted under the name PaulTheRevelator was aparently a phoney, someone just using his ID. Much like what is always happening here.
Taf -
I've asked this question before and no one seems to know how to answer it, if there is an answer at all....One of the most common 'clues' was the Sgt Pepper drum, with the mirror image. My question is, who came up with that finding? How did someone know to use a mirror and get a clue?
Anyone? Anyone? I think if we found out who did it first and got that ball rolling, we would've known all this was smoke (the fireman) and mirrors (alice through the looking glass or glass onion- whichever you prefer)
Tygerfyfe asked:
One of the most common 'clues' was the Sgt Pepper drum, with the mirror image. My question is, who came up with that finding? How did someone know to use a mirror and get a clue?
Anyone? Anyone? I think if we found out who did it first and got that ball rolling, we would've known all this was smoke (the fireman) and mirrors (alice through the looking glass or glass onion- whichever you prefer)
I remember that question. If I didn't answer it, I intended to.
The earliest source I could find that identified the mirror image on the Sgt. Pepper drum was Joel Glazier in an article that appeared in the Strawberry Fields Forever fanzine in January of 1979. See related post.
Interestingly, while the Jerusalem Post was trying to cover every possible angle during Paul's visit, they actually interviewed Glazier, who was doing a presentation at a Beatles Convention in Canada. I believe he is retired and living in Delaware, USA.
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