I really don't have time to post today. I have a lot going on in the real world, plus I keep trying to research for future posts so that I can do them right.
BUT...there are some interesting things happening on what might be, could be, sure the hell should be the eve of the Next Level.
The biggest news is that the fearless (I'm sure other adjectives will be put forward by others who have followed the story) 65if2007 has reported here that he made an attempt to find suitcase #2. He was not successful, but he graciously took the time to offer some theories in the comments of my last post.
In that same comments section, our friend MilesDeo wrote: "The code I left behind at Nir is true. And I'm not going anywhere, unless I kick the bucket, or someone makes me kick it."
Now, back around the same time that 65if2007 found the first suitcase, MilesDeo appeared on the Nothing Is Real discussion board claiming that he had come into possession of a note belonging to the Manson family. He showed a doctored version of the note presumably to try to get some information without revealing too much. He recently deleted the post (and nearly everything else from NIR) but I still have it.

Later, in an apparent attempt to elicit more help, he revealed the entire note. This, I believe has also been deleted from NIR.

MSNBC just showed an updated report on the Manson family and the recent attempts to find more bodies at Barker ranch. Law enforcement officials were unsuccessful, but many people, including Helter Skelter author and Manson prosecutor, Vincent Bugliosi (who happens to be promoting a new controversial book about George Bush) still believe that there are more Manson victims out there somewhere.
So, the timing of the "code" that MilesDeo supposedly left behind at NIR is interesting. Some people are wondering what code he is referring to because Miles does have a tendency to write cryptically. I believe the code to which he is referring is the only thing I could find at NIR that he didn't delete.

If anyone finds anything else, or cracks this code, please feel free to add comments here.
Happy hunting, and I will see you at the revelation. But right now, man, I gotta get back to work.
Thanks for the update Tafultong.
Maybe when they saw 65if coming back, they quickly removed the suitcase because of what happened last time?
I don't think it's likely... but possible.
other options are that the suitcase already had been taken, 65if is lying, telling us "it isn't there" while he didn't even go and is laughing at us because nobody is going there anymore, or the suitcase was never there, but in the sea.
Thanks 65if, for going there again : ]
no, no way. Miles is on his own wit this code shit.
and really. SSP is the only place to put the suitcase? Fuck california.
Laurel Canyon isn't far away from there:
*****Maybe when they saw 65if coming back, they quickly removed the suitcase because of what happened last time?
I don't think it's likely... but possible.*****
Yeah, I don't think it's likely either, and I also don't think that it's possible.
I didn't communicate my intentions to anyone.
Nobody could have known until I got there. I think that I would have seen someone in that deserted area running off with a briefcase.
Anyway, I doubt very much that anyone has been laying in wait in that inhospitable canyon area for all these months -- and today in 96 degree heat, which is probably what it's been like all summer -- waiting for someone to grab the suitcase and guarding against the possibility that it might be me.
*****other options are...65if is lying, telling us "it isn't there" while he didn't even go*****
*****Thanks 65if, for going there again : ]*****
Thanks for WHAT? You just said...
I know you went there, i believe you...
i'm only putting it there as a possibility.
gullible as ever...
The posts I left edited; these are a code. The cipher I left has yet to be solved.
The best thing about my ruined credibility is that I could tell you the complete truth (a bout myself) here and now, and most would think it to be fabrication.
Like 'the boy who cried wolf' yet unlike him, I benefit.
And I really do love you:
every single one of you.
Even the "Bad Apples."
Even the "Rotten Apple."
Don't worry so much about the case, something WILL happen!
well, tell us then. we heard a lot of crazy things already.
A monument to Deo?
In so many ways, I have already.
If I simply told you, then I would have no more reason to be here.
After that iamaphoney has finished, I may have reason to be here, but it will not be the same.
"And when he had lived long, and was borne to his grave...they carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone, for his dying hour was gloom."
Ooh, let me guess.
Professor Plum killed Mr. Mustard in the field with a knife.
And chopped him up and buried him in three different places. And he was replaced. By a lizard.
Nicholson again! Hmmm.
The identity of the Zodiac killer may have been discovered. Guess what, it is not Paul or Faul.
Here is some pretty good stuff on the new Zodiac findings from his son.
Jack Tarrance?
similar to nick's character in the Shining?
Jack Torrence
miles and his fucking code: http://thezodiackiller.digitalzones.com/Jacks%20hypnossis%20symbol.jpg
Go down to "MY PHONE CONVERSATION WITH JACK" on this page: http://thezodiackiller.digitalzones.com/
Read the transcripts. This is really bizarre stuff. It is not looking good for dead Jack.
Thank you, AC, for bringing up the Tarrance/Torrence/Zodiac material.
(A Must see!)
Zodiak Killer Identified? 8/28/08
TV Report
could you use your contacts to find out if the suitcase is indeed still there?
in the past it has seemed you had a pretty good insight as if the suitcase was there or if it was not
wave your magick wand mikenl !
i think someone already has the suitcase
iamaphoney seems to be on holiday or something. it's harder to get response back than usual.
i'll see what i can do.
someone seems to have it, or it is on another location than the first suitcase.
so, i send a message around.
now let's see if the suitcase is still there : ]
someone said a month ago they had it
where's the proof
it was up on PIDgame's blog site, didnt think much of it because you mikenl said that it was still in place so I thought it was faked, now all of its down, there were pictures and videos on there a few weeks ago.
I didnt watch them all, or pay that much attention to it since I didnt hear anything from tafultong so didnt lend it any credence
MikeNL said...
where's the proof
I think I would ask the same of IAAP,
where's the proof
please no more suitcases, more proof
blog site?
Anonymous said...
blog site?
Young Goodman Brown
Regarding PIDGame, there was the statement that the suitcase was found and returned to the site. PIDGame is a Grandfatheraleister YouTube identity and it still exists. The identity that is gone was P1DGame (second character is the #1).
If Jack Tarrance really was the Zodiac killer, can you imagine what he was thinking when "The Shining" came out?
How could Stephen King have known?
I sense something "organized" about this all.
"No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true."
Young Goodman Brown said...
"No man for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true."
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
"If Jack Tarrance really was the Zodiac killer, can you imagine what he was thinking when "The Shining" came out?"
LOL! Touche!
Anonymous said...
blog site?
yeah thats the blog tafultong, several weeks ago there were videos on it that showed the suitcase and pictures
mikenl said suitcase was still there so i thought it was faked, didnt watch them all
Anyone care to venture in there and ask what gives?
If Iamaphoney had been smart he would have vanished and let the legend grow. Everyone would postulate on his whereabouts and the videos his fans saved would be treated like gold. Conspiracy theories would arise like "maybe Apple took him out!" and we'd never hear the end of him. As it stands now he should have quit around the 70th video. The childish antics on the DVD inside the first suitcase drove away a good portion of his fan base and the suitcase game itself has irreparably damaged his credibility as a researcher in the eyes of all but a handful. He really should change his name and start over.
that video 2nd Sept 2008 Iamaphoney Suitcase has much footage of the santa susanna pass , now that other guy 65if2007 can t find it, so hmmmmm
some one has it ?
why would someone go all the way there to the santa susanna pass , shoot much video , and not take it suitcase?
yeah the last several Iamaphoney have had nothing only suitcase, he must've run out of ideas
the suitcase game completely ruined this whole deal
I get the impression that someone is stalling for time, and isn't quite sure of how to proceed.
just received notice that the suitcase is indeed still on location.
Where's the Bus?
Maybe I should go back to Calif.
And iamaphoney should remember what I said about the first case.
Something like, "If I had it I would burn it!"
wait, what what what???
MILES = 65IF2007!!!
Taf, i know that what i'm posting will sound crazy, but there it goes:
That's what i've commented in the 922008suitcase video:
9/2/08 = 9+2= 11
11/11 IS NOT a "real" 11:11 because 1+1=2 + 11= 13, or (1+1)+(1+1)= 4
It's the same with 9/11... they pick those dates because they sum 11
9/11= 9 + (1+1) = 11
Maybe i'm crazy... but i agree, DON'T GET THE SUITCASE. They are forcing events.
The same happened at 8/8/8
-activation of the hadron collisioner
-started the olimpics, at 08:08 pm in China
-Russia "supposedly" attacked Georgia, according to the RT, because of the US
NOT coincidence!
Don't play Macca's game"
Check the comments of Milesdeo:
MilesDeo (19 hours ago)
"Here is the darkness; pass it out."
922008Suitcase (14 hours ago)
Call iamaphoney's bluff
Don't get the suitcase
Posting about the meaning of 11 would be too long... let's say that the 1 is the origin of all numbers, so 11:11, 22:22, series of repeated numbers means nearly the same.
Like 8/8/8.
For some people the 11:11 is a portal.
I believe that all the suitcase stuff, and the "desperation" of iaap for making that someone get it, its magic(k?)
And that's why PIUD game said that "The only way to win the game, it's not to play"
Yeah, there are a lot of agnostic people, etc etc, and i respect that. But even if you don't believe in magic(k), i doubt that you would like to get involved. Think about Bohemian Grove and all that shit. If is real or not, it doesn't matter. The thing that matter is that "they" believe in that shit.And they are ruled by it. And by gematria, and all the stuff that appears in YKMN and related videos.
That's why PIDgame putted that in his background.
It´s all a sick game, in my opinion.
"Don't play Macca's game"
i do not think macca has ANYTHING to do with it...
but i think felipegcs is right with everything else!
"Let me out."
Miles Deo cryptically encoded:
I am not MilesDeo and MilesDeo is not I.
The notion of destroying the first suitcase and its contents didn't come from either of us but from jarvitronics of NIR, who I also am not.
The RevelATion needs quiet!
Whatever happened to the original briefcase?
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Nearly 10 years later, and this is still bothering me. Who was the star that was cut up and left in three different places?
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