Just to recap for those who tuned in late...As Iamaphoney's personality began to emerge last year, there was a bogus biography on Wiki for one Ian Martin Jr. The entry stated that he was born in November of 1966 (of course) in Sao Paulo, Brasil [Brazil] and raised in Copenhagen, Denmark. The entry identified him as one of the founders of the Danish band Pupul (aka Pupil CPH or Pupil Copenhagen). He also supposedly worked in television. Wiki also clearly identified Ian Martin as the person behind the Rotten Apple series on YouTube.
I don't know if the Wiki article was something done by him or something done to him, but it no longer exists. The Danish band Pupul or Pupil Copenhagen had some YouTube videos on Iamaphoney's favorites list until I pointed that out in a post on Nothing is Real. Since then, I have not been able to find a trace of the band on YouTube.
It has been suggested that the name Ian Martin is a hybrid of Ian Walsh and Martin Lind, two Danish musicians from the band Boghandle, who supposedly reunited to create the Rotten Apple Series. Martin Lind is known as Formermedia and has several videos on YouTube, including one called "Who is Former?" that shows a person who may or may not be the actor in the Rotten Apple videos.
These two shots are from "Who Is Former?"

The picture below is supposedly Martin Lind. And if you click on this video you will see all kinds of comments from people who frequent this blog.

Someone else who frequented this blog claimed to be an acquaintance of Martin Lind and insisted that there is no way that he has anything to do with the Rotten Apple Series. One thing is for sure: Formermedia/Martin Lind is not the actor in Iamaphoney's videos.
Someone suggested that the actor resembles Zac Starkey, the very successful drummer and son of Ringo Starr. I believe that is impossible, but someone else suggested Jason Starkey, the not very successful drummer and son of Ringo Starr who resembles Zac Starkey and may even resemble the actor in the Rotten Apple videos.
This is a picture of a young Jason Starkey with a young Julian Lennon.

Jason has had some musical success including a stint with a working band called Buddy Curtis and the Grasshoppers in the mid 1980s.

But Jason has also had a few run-ins with the law for drug possession and theft. Psychobabblers like myself might wonder if sibling rivalry and career frustration could make a man do something crazy for attention. Still, there is no way Jason Starkey could be the actor in the Rotten Apple videos. Can you imagine how mortified Ringo would be if it were true?
This is a picture of the actor from the Rotten Apple series.

Compare that with the picture of Jason Starkey below:

That's Jason standing between Stella McCartney and Dhani Harrison. He's right under the smiley face killer emblem. Uh oh!
Good stuff. The Former theory seems to hold up, and the fact that IAAP removed the Pupil videos is almost an admission of guilt.
Martin Lind and Ian Walsh are not "supposed musicians" at all. They were both in Boghandle and had a record on Sony that was produced by Jack Endino of Nirvana fame. The music they made could be called Danish grunge.
I remember seeing the Pupil videos also. Despite the poor quality of the Iamaphoney videos, there was a guy in the band who did look like IAAP, not to mention the Beatles scenery in the Pupil videos.
The dates of FormerMedia's youtube channels, also align with Iamaphoney's various puppet channels. They were created on the same days.
Former's second account, FORMERMEDlA, also matches IAAP's "using an L for an I" naming convention.
Anonymous wrote:
Martin Lind and Ian Walsh are not "supposed musicians" at all. They were both in Boghandle
That's correct. I meant to say that the two musicians supposedly reunited to create the Rotten Apple series. I will fix the error.
It would just be a bizarre career move for both of them to dedicate all this time and energy on something so elaborate for over a year without making any attempt to sell any of it.
It would be a bizarre career move in 1996 but not in 2008. These boys have been off the radar for so long that just putting out music is not enough. They would have to create buzz. It's just a theory.
Yeah, but the buzz seemed to peak awhile back and they have had to endure a great deal of criticism. That's a lot of money and time on the front end, even by 2008 standards. I'm probably the only one who wouldn't be upset if all this was advance promotion for a musical project, but I can't believe it could be only that.
This still doesn't take the Starkeys out of the mix. Why is IAAP based out of Ringo's office suite in L.A.?
It's no stretch to think that someone in that office is in cahoots with Lind and Walsh. The exclusive footage and audio and Mal's suitcase had to come from somebody close to the Beatles' camp.
Something's rotten not just in Denmark, but also Los Angeles.
Greetings, Tafultong.
I've been reading your blog for some time now...very interesting stuff. I sure hope they decide to end the game soon (don't worry, it will be worth your trouble).
In the beginning it was just Ian Walsh making Paul is Dead videos (with a bit of help from Martin). Then Ringo saw the videos and contacted the guys, said he appreciated what they were doing. Then Paul got involved and took over the entire operation.
Don't ask me how I know any of this as by now I'm probably already in deep enough shit for even talking about it. You'll all find out sooner or later; I just figured a bit of truth would help ease the long wait.
- Taro
In today's music industry, it actually is a career move to create viral buzz and even to release music free over the net, witness Radiohead. The history of the series indicates a group of people attempting to generate interest by creating faux McCartney, Ono, and other Beatle-people sites. Many of the videos were attached as video responses to genuine McCartney videos, which was a ploy to bring in viewers. You have guys recording dozens of Beatle-related songs while at the same time producing Paul is Dead type videos.
Taro Associates
Yellow Submarine
Zak Starkey's age comes very close to that of Iamaphoney. As an insider he could get hold of special materials much easier. The travelling around the world, having the means to do that, being friends with many musicians, it all seems to be a great combination. Sometimes, good drummers who are touring all the time, get a little bored and find something to pass the time and have some fun..
I'm also wondering whether the suitcase guy in the one video is a different guy than in the second. I think I saw a TATTOO on the first guy. I don't remember seeing a tattoo on the guy who came out of the water.
Just thinking aloud here..
Taro, are you the Lenono kid?
Lets not forgot how close the SSP is to Ringo's office too. Its about a 20 minute drive.
Vine, here.
...but, isn't it strange?
Would a viral video series continue if it wasn't getting major press attention?
There's only a small audience here and, let's face it, usually a successful viral video gets millions of watchers.
IMA is not "Leave Brittey alone!" or "Dog skateboarding".
I've giving up on thinking this 'THING-Y' was meant to sell something.
The only thing I feel like buying is Beatles music or solo albums from the ex-Beatles. After all is said and done, PID/PWR/etc. is turning the Beatles into contemporary mythology, the Rotten
Apples series being one of the greatest odes to the Beatles and their music.
I'm not sure if the series is that much of an "ode to the Beatles and their music" insofar as IAAP prefers to splice in his own music and his own image (or actor dude). Overall, it's pretty non-Beatlesque.
Anonymous: Aside from "Saint Paul", all of IAAP's songs are covers of Beatles songs. So yes, it is an ode to the Beatles. It has far more to do with the Beatles than you even know...
Good post Tafultong.I still think that Werner guy who made a not so successful Paul Is Dead documentary is somehow involved too.
To one of the anonymous:I find it ridiculous that anyone would believe Paul and Ringo are in on a YouTube video series.It goes against anything either of them have ever said or done or any impression any friend or associate has ever had of them.They tell the world that they are fakes who worship Satan and personally programmed Charlie Manson to kill Sharon Tate and took turns being the zodiac killer so that their retirement years will be spent dodging murder attempts on them and their family and watching religious groups burn them in effigy?
Aja, by now most people are catching on to the fact that you're in on this as much as Jude and Mikey are. It only makes sense that you'd come to Paul and Ringo's defense.
When your name starts appearing on Paul McCartney/Iamaphoney documents, don't think you can continue fooling people into thinking that you're only an innocent bystander.
Oh please.Don't be stupid.I am not an Iamaphoney supporter at all.I think that's obvious.
Oh but if I were I guess I should confess that Paul is not dead,the Beatles don't worship Satan,Manson was a lunatic and Iamaphoney has been making it all up as he goes along.He liked to sit back with a cold beer and laugh at people who believe in PID.He's thinking of running for president next.
Get real.
Oh, come on Aja. Iamaphoney may lie and distort facts in order to manipulate people and force his own agenda, but certainly not enough to be President...
Aja: Again, you're doing an excellent job playing the part of the token IAAP skeptic. You're even giving us the old line about IAAP suggesting the Beatles worshiped Satan and that McCartney's the Zodiac killer, when really, IAAP never said any of that stuff. People commonly make the mistake of seeing the PID Youtube subculture as though it conveys one universal message, when in reality everyone has something different to say. allofthemwitches says the Beatles were witches. Grandfatheraleister proposes many new ideas, such as that Aleister Crowley was Paul/Faul's father/grandfather. youknowmyname231 looks at the Beatles as they relate to Zodiac symbolism and ancient prophecies.
And Iamaphoney examines the PID phenomenon and occasionally tosses ina reference to Charles Manson or Aleister Crowley, just to stir the pot, you know, get people thinking. But you already know all of that. You aren't so stupid and thickheaded as to actually believe that IAAP is saying any of that stuff with his videos....the truth is you're involved with this as much as any of them, and you know exactly who IAAP is.
But go on. Keep up the charade. It's quite entertaining to those of us who know better. ;)
Well if Aja is involved with Iamaphoney I'll take her confession seriously. It makes the most sense to me. I think Iamaphoney is full of shit too so I guess that must mean every anonymous skeptic that comments here is in on the whole con job. Alright! Save a cold one for me Iamaphoney!
"He liked to sit back with a cold beer and laugh at people who believe in PID"
Yes, yes.. Why it all makes sense now! Iamaphoney creates 70+ youtube videos of quality ranging from decent to outstanding, records high-quality cover versions of Beatles songs, uses unreleased takes of McCartney and Beatles tracks in his videos, drives around in a limo in Los Angeles leaving CODE signs everywhere, produces handwritten documents of McCartney's that no one has ever seen before as well as various luggage purported to be McCartney's/Mal Evan's......JUST FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES, AND COLD BEERS, with absolutely NO monetary rewards! Isn't that why anyone would devote nearly two years to this?
No, I'm afraid anonymous is right about this one. Anyway, you're the one who needs to "get real", Aja. The signs are everywhere, but if you're to f**ing ignorant to look at 'em you're just spinning your wheels and getting absolutely nowhere.
If IAAP was a skeptic, do you think he would kept at it for so long? Do you think it would be worth the time and money he's so obviously invested in it...?
IAAP is laughing at you, the skeptics who have nothing better to do than troll around and make fun of those who lend credence to the very subject matter that IAAP has devoted the last two years to exploring.
ALright, alright....
c'mon, lads!
We're not hear to point fingers and say, "Well, I knew YOU'D say something like that.
Save that noise for the forums....... please.
"It's YOU! You got the tambourine wrong, that's why my life is such a mess." - John Lennon.
Your pal,
PS Listening to "30 Days" in mourning for the non-release of "Let IT BE" on DVD!
Nicely said, Jude :-)
PS; new video on my YT channel:
All I know is, the IAAP videos are edited in order to create the impression that Paul is a Thelemite or occultist, though it doesn't have to be IAAPs personal belief. I don't see how you could say IAAP is only "looking at the phenomenon" objectively. It's all about impressions and allusions. IN fact, I don't know of anything in the series that isn't already at NIR in some form or another. One could read NIR or watch the series and have no better clue from either source.
How can one be skeptical of IAAP when, according to anonymous, IAAP hasn't actually said anything specifically about Paul being an occultist or anything else? This person thinks IAAP is merely "looking at the phenomenon" and that the inferences are only in the mind of the viewer. It's impossible to know from the videos whether the series is earnestly about PID, PIS (Paul is Satan) PICS (Paul is Crowley's son), or satire until there is some actual explanation.
One could also read NIR to see crazy people referring to the bearded Paul McCartney of Let It Be/McCartney as "Mountain Man" (cos he's a different person from Paul's regular replacement, you know), and then going on to claim that Egyptian queens and Satanic faces were meticulously hidden in the backdrop of the Sergeant Pepper album art. At least Iamaphoney has the sense not to say "look, this here is the truth no matter how inane it may sound or how little of it holds up when subjected to intense scrutiny". Which, as I learned long ago, is more or less the sort of response your receive when you try to tackle some of the ridiculous beliefs held by certain members of NIR...
My understanding is that Phoney is a group of people. It could be two, three, or twenty people involved. That "he" travels around in a limo and goes to trouble isn't odd to me considering how many PIDers spend just as much time and effort (in their own way) posting, researching, or even driving to Susana Pass to grab suitcases. Some dude flew around the world dancing for a YouTube video. GA and that crowd seem to be making a jillion videos a week. So Jude thinks Aja is a skeptic and anonymous thinks Aja is part of the team. That could mean that Aja IS part of the team, and Jude doth protest too much in order to take away the suspicion that anonymous raised. You're all fifth columnists. Whether 1 or 70+ videos, what difference without the mind blowing Love Code promise? There are tens of thousands of NIR posts. Whoop ti do! Everything "said" in those videos could have been said in less than ten. (I would sign but no one believes anyone anymore anyway).
Actually, IAAP has said things categorically as truth, like "Paul McCartney is Dead," and "The last known film of Paul McCartney alive" in 1966 etc. He sent an email to Mikey saying "I know Paul is dead." Go back to the early videos and you'll see that he's said many things as "fact."
Well, I'm still half expecting that one day you all will yell, "Surprise" and reveal to me that I am the only one who is NOT in on it.
You're in on it, Tafultong, you just don't know it yet.
I love that Jude and anonymous have completely different ideas about Aja. One believes Aja is part of Iamaphoney's team and the other believes that Aja is a skeptic. Interesting that this little debate is now a distraction from the original Martin Lind/Former topic. Nice work there fellas!
wikipedia edits speak louder than any words in this comment section.
It finally came full circle tonight.
His name was...
...Paul McCartney. ^_^
Some kind of happiness is measured out in
Tag! Tafultong is "it"! :-)
Nice post and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
It’s so lucky for me to find your!
BeaTrès satanas !
Beatles devil !
And here's an assessor's map around that 1541 Ocean Ave Santa Monica, CA address (I don't think there's any Suite 666... it has 3 floors above ground) https://maps.assessor.lacounty.gov/Geocortex/Essentials/PAIS/REST/sites/PAIS/VirtualDirectory/AssessorMaps/ViewMap.html?val=4291-028
I think whoever registered iamaphoney.com simply provided false information to the registrar. And that's not hard to do. They aren't exactly verifying it. I mean submitting "Iama Phoney" as a name shows that, and I've seen such things before. Typos, false info... it's all over. It's just so they have SOMETHING on record.
Mike "Sage of Quay" is a crackpot and there is no "Billy".
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