We see several glimpses of a piece of paper in The Rotten Apple Series that seems to correspond to Neil's description, although I can't say whether the image in the video is authentic or not.

The picture I received contains similar content at the top, but it is not the same document. This one has more details and it is handwritten instead of typed. There are also several more annotations on the sheet of paper. The writing varies in intensity as if the circle diagram at the top was xeroxed with notes added later. I am not suggesting that this means it is a forgery. It is entirely possible that someone working on the Magical Mystery Tour script made a copy of Paul's original handwritten "wheel" and then more notes were added to the copy as the ideas developed. It is also possible that the writing instrument was changed during the process. There is just no way to know the authenticity of this document, but it is definitely worthy of study.

This is my best attempt to transcribe what is written on the sheet. I will use parentheses "()" instead of brackets, so that I can reserve brackets "[]" for my own annotations.
Beginning at 12:00 on the circle and moving clockwise:
Getting on
mother should know
astrology room (swim.
[I can't read this line -- My best guess is "River" but it could be "Rerun" "Being" or a number of other possibilities]
sing song carols.
army [darker print -- it appears to have been added later]
ariels [probably a misspelling of "aerials"]
[Then there are annotations in a darker print]
(shots for commercial)
getting on shots.
(staff introd. shots.)
meanwhile back on coach.
(Hostess speaking shot)
Leaving coach
getting back on
Looking left/right
Smiling people on bus.
(Carols on coach.)
Moving seats.
[Then beginning on the bottom right of the sheet, perpendicular to the rest of the writing, is some more text]
Off into field and tent.
Coach in field parked. Back on coach.
Again, I don't know how to interpret this and I don't know why I am receiving these items. [See yesterday's post for previous item.] But I believe that they are coming from someone who might be associated with Iamaphoney.
There is a third wheel that appears to be Paul's Magical Mystery Tour outline. It differs from both of those described above. This one is most likely authentic because it was published by Paul McCartney himself.

The jury is still out on the other two wheels, but this is certainly another interesting development.
Everyone should look at the discussion page on the Wikipedia entry for Paul McCartney.There is a raging debate about a user named Ultraviolet Scissor Flame who's behavior reminds me of Iamaphoney.Could there be a connection?Part of the Rotten Apple fan club?
very nice, taf!
how do you receive these documents?
through internet/mail/pm? or through post, as in real documents..?
if it's through youtube/nir/whatever, which account gives it to you?
Wiki Discussion
ANOTHER development.A poster called geektype on the NIR forum has posted a link to a myspace blog that delves deeper into the Iamaphoney mystery.I think he's suggesting that the wikipedia article for Ian Martin Jr. is a combination of biographies for Martin Lind and this Brazilian man.
Aja wrote:
ANOTHER development.A poster called geektype on the NIR forum has posted a link to a myspace blog that delves deeper into the Iamaphoney mystery.I think he's suggesting that the wikipedia article for Ian Martin Jr. is a combination of biographies for Martin Lind and this Brazilian man.
See related post from last October
Comparing the official wheel to the one that was sent to you, the handwriting seems to be identical.
look at the handwriting - it's the same!
I guess these are items from Suitcase #2, sent to me to prove that it has been found.
I don't mind being the communication hub between the finder of the suitcase and Iamaphoney.
uhhh??? suitcase is found??
when?? who did it ;|
This is the Key to the whole thing. Paul, the Zodiac, Manson. This "Wheel" is the key to the whole damned collection. But you can't open the door without getting hurt. Be careful!
what do you mean
It's connecting the dots, fitting together three persons. The Symbol was the Sigil of Operations. They worked out the same cause. They knew each other. It makes more sense now than it ever has.
It was to create a growing oposition to powers; the first roots of terror taking ground around and within contrived sub-cultures.
Actually, I am now under the impression that the suitcase has not been found yet. I am trying to keep lines of communication open, so please forgive me if I am not my usual transparent self.
Who could hate the Beatles?
Miles, I love how you accused me of making cryptic statements at NIR some time ago and then turn around and do the exact same thing here.
The Wheel is the Key?
Really? How so?
lol, Miles being owned by Jude.
Wasn't there a big bru-ha-ha in Isreal around 1967?
I'm no historian, but I recall something happening around that time.
"Distractions, like butterfies, that fly around my head."
peace, Vince.
Isreal was attacked in 1967 by Jordan, Syria, and Ejypt.
Then started a war.
What do you think about?
IAAP is Ian Martin
Don't google it...
just don't wait for the next RA.
it's not a game. it's modern art.
Vince here,
I couldn't get that entire link from the guy who says IAMA is Ian Martin.
and, as far as the fight in the holy land in '67....
I'm just sayin'........ some 'SUMMER OF LOVE", huh?
Jude, this may very well be a game to you and a few others. It's no game to me.
The Wheel of Fortune is the Key. Make a Timeline. Use the Symbol, just as they did. Use dates concerning the Three. If you can't see what I see, ask IAAP.
If you can't see what I see, ask IAAP.
"Tell Me What YOU See"
...and, don't say, "What you see is me."!!!
Yeah yeah, Charles Manson was not crazy he was brainwashed by the Beatles. Mark David Chapman was not crazy he was brainwashed by the government. Evere notice how the subject of mental illness is avoided at all costs in the wild and wacky world of PID? Gee I wonder why that is. Maybe it hits too close to home.
If you believe that Project MKULTRA wasn't real, you may be mentally ill.
Project MKULTRA was real. I see you dodged the question. And don't act like MKULTRA is some big mystery. Knowledge of it is fairly widespread. It factors into hundreds of books films and tv shows. You guys ain't cutting edge thinkers when you rap about subjects you can read about in comic books. Your question does not address nor can you explain away all mental illness as an old CIA plot. Mental illness is real. Deal with it.
Unlike Thomas Szasz, I believe that mental illness is real. But if we are to believe that all people who do things that we consider crazy happen to be mentally ill, we fall right into Szasz's trap. Engaging in behavior that is either self-destructive or dangerous to others does not alone certify a person as "mentally ill."
The thing that is particularly perplexing to me is that Lennon's killer doesn't seem to attract followers in great numbers, but Charles Manson still seems to titillate the imagination of people everywhere.
One doesn't have to be clinically insane to connect the wrong dots as Manson did. We see that every day in PID land. It's just poor reasoning.
If Zodiac used the Sun-Wheel, and Paul McCartney used the Sun-Wheel, and the Manson Family used the Sun-Wheel. Is it poor reasoning to see a connection?
1968 and '69, lots of things happening in California. If Paul was there around the same area and same time as the Zodiac and Manson. Doesn't that strenthen the connection?
Tafultang, Mikey, what do you think? There has to be a connection that IAAP sees there between those three.
Manson titillates because he's always on TV giving a good show, making faces and hooting and hollering. Most kids think he's hilarious.
Mark David Chapman behaves in the opposite manner and is rarely on TV and is therefore less interesting to a public who likes seeing a "nutcase" dance around.
There's nothing perplexing about that at all.
What tafultong wrote happens to be true but to go the other way and believe that all people who do crazy things are not mentally ill, is just as foolish.
Within a few weeks in 1969:
July 1st - C.Manson shoots Bernard Crowe.
July 14th - "The Zodiac" shoots Darlene Ferrin and Mike Mageau.
July 27th - Gary Hinman murdered by 'Family Member' Bobby Beausoleil.
July 31st - First letters from the Zodiac, claiming responsibility for murders; first Zodiac cipher.
August 4th - First from the Zodiac, wherein he named himself: "This is the Zodiac speaking..."
August 8th & 9th - Tate-Labianca Murders by members of the Manson Family.
July 4th - "The Zodiac" shoots Darlene Ferrin and Mike Mageau.
Miles, you say that to you it is not a game...but you're only wasting your breath. No one will believe you so long as you make cryptic statements and say "ask Iamaphoney". Remember when I played the "ask Iamaphoney game"? You told me to put up or shut up. And when I shut up, what happened? You decided that I mustn't know much at all--that pearls are being thrown to the swine (me and Mike), but they aren't even real pearls...right?
Oink-oink, Miles. Oink-oink.
anonymous said:
Most kids think he's hilarious.
I don't worry about the kids who think Manson is hilarious, but I do worry about the large numbers who send him fan mail.
What tafultong wrote happens to be true but to go the other way and believe that all people who do crazy things are not mentally ill, is just as foolish.
The Psychiatric profession could do a better job educating people about mental illness. The treatment of mental illness is nothing to write home about either. It's a shame that JFK's dream of Community Mental Health Centers fell by the wayside in the U.S.
I do find the respect that Manson gets perplexing. I wish he was a joke to more people.
IAAP's videos show the symbol and the connection to McCartney. If you think I'm off track, then maybe you SHOULD ASK IAAP.
~Miles D.O.
Again, I deflect to your original statement:
"This is the Key to the whole thing. Paul, the Zodiac, Manson. This "Wheel" is the key to the whole damned collection."
Iamaphoney hasn't suggested that the MMT Tour wheel is the key to anything any more than he suggested that the Eye of Osiris was the key to understanding Sir Paul McCartney. Why are you singling out one element from the videos?
It suggests that you know something that most of us don't know.
"But you can't open the door without getting hurt. Be careful!"
How do you know that? Again, I find it funny that you urged us to spill the proverbial beans about whatever "insider" knowledge you thought (or more likely dreamed) that we had, and yet when you're caught in the act of making baited statements the only defense you can muster is "ask Iamaphoney".
You seem very anti-IAAP....in the sense that you're sure that he IS a phoney, after all, and that we're all pawns in his game.
But when you first popped up on the scene, you were every bit as mysterious and not the least open about what you may or may not know. I seem to recall your YouTube channel being filled with Beatles-inspired faux scripture; we all assumed you were one of "them". And then there was the whole treasure hunt---how did than end, by the way? And why did you originally have to censor the mysterious letter that you allegedly came across?
What are YOU hiding, Mr. Deo, and why should we trust you?
You're stuck in Yestarday, Jude.
"Iamaphoney hasn't suggested that the MMT Tour wheel is the key to anything any more than he suggested that the Eye of Osiris was the key to understanding Sir Paul McCartney."
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