If anyone is still playing the anagram game, this channel features the phrase, "Without A How Ltd" (Do What Thou Wilt).

Maybe MikeNL1038, who has added a corrected suitcase video will be gracious enough to do a slow mo version of this one.
I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I received a scoop of sorts from someone I believe to be a credible Iamaphoney-related source. The item was a photograph of a note possibly written on September 9, 1967 by Geoffrey Ellis, close associate to Brian Epstein. According to "The Ultimate Beatles Encyclopedia" by Bill Harry, Ellis had been invited, along with Peter Brown to Kingsley Hill by Brian Epstein for the weekend of August 25, 1967. Brian left them Friday evening and was found dead two days later.

The note to someone name Alistair [Taylor?] says:
Herewith what Mal left here this a.m. plus 6 complete copies made by me --- serves me right for coming in on Saturday!
(But tell Mal not to do it again)
[Possible Geoffrey Ellis signature or initials]
I can not authenticate the note and I don't know what to make of its meaning. Maybe someone else can shed some light on it.
This is Geoffrey Ellis' bio from an ad for his book "I Should Have Known Better"

Geoffrey Ellis spent forty years in the music business, working closely with the Beatles and Brian Epstein during the 60s, and Elton John and his management in the 70s. From an unrivalled position he has written a highly informed account of the music business from the 60s to the mid 90s and an insider's view of the careers of many of the most significant players. His insight is less than adulatory and often critical, in particular of the Beatles and Brian Epstein, his friend. During the 60s Geoffrey Ellis was chief Executive of NEMS Enterprises, Brian Epstein's company, at the time when the Beatles became global superstars. His book contains insights and stories, many previously unpublished, concerning the often tortuous business and personal affairs of Epstein, and the aftermath of his death. There is also much about Elton john, of whose management Ellis formed a vital part from the earliest days with Dick James Music and then with John Reid Enterprises, including a trenchant account of the High court actiohttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifn brought by Elton John against Dick James, in the course of which Ellis himself spent two and a half days in the witness box.
I have not seen a single news report to confirm this, but the rumor department reported that both Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder attended the funeral of Ira Tucker in Philadelphia.
I continue to receive lots of thoughtful comments (Thank you very much!) including yet another lovely Lily Link.
UPDATE: I almost missed this one from iamawitch - Paul is Dead - 1 - Yoko Ono and the Number 9, which begs the question, "Guess what else is known?"
The recent video from YouKnowMyName231 has been removed, but now we have Habeus Corpus (#18)
Hey Taf,
I've watched the new video, and i've played it back frame by frame... and my conclusion is that there really isn't much new... but there are some interesting things though.
I don't think it's worthwhile to slow down the whole video. since every frame contains a new picture. it'll take you more than 30 minutes to watch every frame (which i did, lol)
if you do want to see every frame, download quicktime player. download the .MP4 file from youtube. (google) Then load it up, and use your arrow keys to see every single frame one by one.
and i hope tafultong does the same, and posting the interesting bits on this blog.
Oh, also..
the song 1882, has a different mix here than in the old video (RA68).
Lily Flower - a tribute to the McCartney family: http://arizonalily.org/lilyflower/
Hoping that "Watch in High Quality" link will show up. 320x240 and youtube's high compression are too much to be able to interpret some of this stuff.
One pic I haven't seen before seems to be Bush and Pooty-Putin along with a few others suits.
Another appears to be the Magic Christian scribble but with an addition.
Few others, but they are too hard to see.
Well...if it's real: Mal left something at the office along with 6 copies and he must never do that again. My guess would be acetates. I've heard he was the unoffical pipeline for bootleggers. Just a guess.
They're watching you, who's watching Iamaphoney, who's watching Macca.... lol
Lily Potter (Harry ´s mother) was born as Lily Evans.She was the first in her family who have magik blood...
Pablo del Estero
I don't know if anyone heard of this or could help me but I heard a few years back that someone had possesion of Macca's therapy sessions with a psyciatrist.... hardly supprised if he really is Billy and need's therapy, to have lived a life like that must surely mess you up!
Anyonle else remember this?
and apperantly she has a "Dynamite Box Of Evidance"
Damn, Taf!!
Vince here.
If you become another 'insider', I'm gonna give you such a pinch!
Isn't the new Paul/Fireman CD coming out this month?
I AM interested in those psychiatrist tapes, though... probably the best things Paul ever committed to tape!
In other news, just saw "WALL-E", and I'm surprised; I haven't a single person say how much it 'ripped-off' "Idiocracy"!!
Have to good one,
Rotten Apple Suspects?
PauIMcCartney is part of the Rotten Apple team. Always has been.
Jude said...
Rotten Apple Suspects?
PauIMcCartney [With an "I" instead of an "L"] is part of the Rotten Apple team. Always has been.
I believe you are correct.
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