It was in the title of the very first Beatles single, "Love Me Do." It turned up a lot in those early records (She Loves You, Can't Buy Me Love, All My Loving, etc.). But in 1965, love took on a new meaning in the Beatles music when John wrote, "The word is love" in the song "The Word" from Rubber Soul. The first epistle of John in the New Testament contains the simple phrase "God is love." In Biblical interpretation "The Word" refers not only to scripture, but to the deity itself.
Paul's first real attempt to strike out on his own resulted in the instrumental "Love In The Open Air" for the movie "The Family Way."
People interested in the Rotten Apple Series have been disappointed that after a big buildup, all that has been "revealed" about the "Love Code" is that the word "Love" becomes the word "Code" when mirrored. Nearly everyone expected something major to follow and it appears that nothing has and maybe nothing will. If we do want things to progress, I think we need to look back at LOVE.
Long before anybody heard of Iamaphoney, people had suggested that the word "Love" was hidden in the cover art of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

By this time, the Beatles had moved on from the boy/girl love songs that featured prominently in their early work, but LOVE remained a central feature. "All You Need Is Love" became the anthem of a generation. Many people in the United States consider the Beatles as catalysts for social change, giving them credit for the uprising against the war in Viet Nam and for promoting advances in civil rights on one hand and blaming them for the rise of drug abuse, teen pregnancy and the country's turn away from organized religion on the other. As Ringo would later sing, it was "all in the name of love."
Love is old, Love is new.
In 1970, a 30-year-old John Lennon released his groundbreaking Plastic Ono Band LP. The work was stark and shocking, containing lyrics so blunt and honest, Roy Carr and Tony Tyler, authors of "The Beatles Illustrated Record" paraphrased a review of the time this way, "He placed his balls defiantly on the line; out of sheer respect, the train ground to a halt." Yet amidst all of that brutal honesty, John sang, "Love is real."

Love is the one thing that the Beatles never outgrew. John continued to sing "Love is the answer" on his "Mind Games" album. Love was the resolution to Paul's "Tug of War" and its companion "Pipes of Peace." George often intertwined love with the power of God in songs like "Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)" "Love Comes to Everyone" and "Maya Love." And "Love" was the thing that was able to reunite the Beatles, even with at least two of them dead, in Las Vegas of all places.

Love was in the title of four songs on Ringo's latest studio CD, and when he needed to contribute an extra song for a promotional gimmick, he added a fifth (It's Love). Although Ringo can't get as many people to buy his records these days (Liverpool 8 peaked at #94) he did manage to get quite a few to gather and various places around the world yesterday to share greetings of "Peace and Love." He got quite a bit of press coverage too. Ringo sang on his "Time Takes Time" album, "We don't know a thing about love." Maybe we don't.
There is power in Love. Even Aleister Crowley seemed to know that. In that red book that was in Suitcase #1 it says: There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse.
It also says: Love is the law, love under will.
I'm not a Crowley expert and I don't know how that jives with him refusing to help fellow mountain climbers in an avalanche on Mount Kangchenjunga, but that question is for someone with more expertise.
Paul sang, "You've got the power of love, and love has the power, to make it come true." George sang, "When we use the power provided free to everyone, this is love."
And Ringo, who communicates quite regularly in the form of Tee Shirts, doesn't disappoint in the latest cover of his new live CD and DVD released today.

Several people have complained (understandably) that "The Love Code" means nothing. It doesn't require any special type of artistry. The word "LOVE" written anywhere will look like the word "CODE" when you put a horizontal flat mirror in the center (although there is at least one interesting symbol that is exclusively found in the Beatles mirrored LOVE logo --- It is also interesting to rotate the Beatles mirrored LOVE logo 90 degrees).

But I am wondering if we are looking at this from the correct perspective. Maybe the code exists in LOVE, in a way that goes beyond that silly mirror trick. Maybe there is a deeper meaning in what Iamaphoney is trying to say and we are missing it. Maybe the code is not in the word "love" but in the LOVE itself.
Try to work with LOVE for a while and report back to me if anything magical happens.
Love is Thelema. Thelema can be translated as: Will, Desire, or Love.
Interesting post, taf...
I do think there is more than the LOVE/CODE mirror trick... now lets see if iamaphoney is going to reveal that sometime soon.. hopefully.
Maybe the mirror trick is all, and should be viewed as confession: "we do use codes!"
Please share your little puzzle pieces with us, miles. Those were interesting.
Are you a mouth-warrior? All talkum no walkum?
mccartneys foot is changing the diamond into a perfectly well D. Didn't you notice?
mccartneys foot and leg are changing the diamond into a perfectly well D. Didn't you notice?
Your best post, Tafultong. Thank you for that. It's refreshing to move past codes and unanswered mysteries into something to which we can actually relate rather than speculate. There is nothing more powerful or more important than love, and yet you will find people saying, "Love is real? Yeah, whatever. . .I think the "L" looks a lot like the Masonic Square," as though knowledge of this or whether Paul died would ever be more worthwhile than . . . LOVE. JCharles
"Thelema can be translated as Will, Desire, or Love."
Interesting that the end of the latest youknowmyname video is AGAPE, the Greek word for the sort of love Taful is talking about.
Well that's it isn't it?
"LOVE is the law, LOVE under WILL"
Miles, I'm not so sure. The "Will" part smacks a bit of Satanism, even if it's proto-New Agey Satanism, not to sound old-fashioned. "Do what thou wilt" is quite the opposite of doing "God's will," although both philosophies have been the source of much evil, particularly when one believes that what he or she wills corresponds to what God wills. JCharles
In any event, the "Love Code" according to IAAP does indeed seem to be the Book of the Law, which is the Law of Thelema. JCharles
Maybe he'll use the song "I Will" for the final installment.
FYI, anonymous posted on the Two More Documents page that the handwriting on the map sent to you is McCartney's. It does look like Paul's handwriting, although someone could have forged it pretty easy by looking at any number of Macca samples. The little face in the upper right hand corner is the kind of face he sometimes draws when he signs autographs. JCharles
With Tafultong's idea that we should see what happens if we think about "Love," go back and watch the "Real Love" video and take note of some of the key images and especially the way the video is edited near the ending.
JCharles, I like that.
God's Thelema and Human Thelema... there is a big difference.
There is a "love" that's not on the right track. It's selfishness. "I love you..." because you turn ME on. "I love you..." because you do something for ME.
So, in my opinion - true love moves away from selfishness and away from self-centeredness.
I've said before; Love is the Law, but not under (human) will.
Love God.
Love your neighbor.
Love your enemy.
Love each other.
"If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again."
MDO, as Lennon sang, "It's real love/it's really really real."
Hey Tafultong, I think this is the magic (not "magick") that mentioned.
Miles, saying your not into Magick and that you are not ANKHAFNUKHONSU... your are so full of sh!t.
I remember you saying on IAAP's page: "because I think "Magick" is a stack of shite!!!" and as ANKHAFNUKHONSU your first comments were directly cut/pasted from Thelemapedia. Now your here as Miles saying Thelema is the answer.
The Miles I remember hated Crowley and he hated Magick. Now he has done a 180.
You fall into the catagory of sick/wacky people who ruin this topic for me.
LIAR!!! Go shove the freshly painted piece of wood that you "dug up from the desert" AKA "made" up your arse and quit pretending. Go find a real life.
And Taful, that last post is an example of the Will we're talking about. You can feel the love in the room. JCharles
From a multitude of perspectives, religious and otherwise, Love is truth. The thing about truth is that it can never be destroyed. Sure, you can grow weeds around the truth. Sometimes the weeds can stand tall and look like they belong there, but eventually they whither and die and the truth still stands there. It always has and it always will.
Thanks to all who provided insights and information. I appreciate the variety of perspectives.
I watched the "Real Love" video and it warmed my heart. Beatles music does that to me. It always has. I also enjoyed listening to Ringo's new live CD tonight. It was wonderful to hear Ringo ask the musical question "What goes on in your heart?" That's where it is.
Have a good night everyone.
Mike said:
" lets see if iamaphoney is going to reveal that sometime soon.. hopefully."
The words "reveal/revalation" together with the word "Iamaphoney" make me laugh soo hard! LOL
you're SO right!
i say fuck the phoney!
if he has something important to say then he should do it now or stop this silly game!
There is a "love" that's not on the right track. It's selfishness. "I love you..." because you turn ME on. "I love you..." because you do something for ME.
Isn't that LUST?
"Light out, Wanderlust."
"The Miles I remember hated Crowley and he hated Magick. Now he has done a 180."
Whoever you are, you're a devil.
Why come against me here? Why not YouTube, NIR, or my own blog?
Have you no respect for tafultong?
Make your own blog "MilesDeo is a Phoney" if you're so concerned with me. I'm sure you'll have plenty of allies. Go tell everyone that I'm a blue haired devil and that I wear a pink skirt. Shout conspiracy theories about me, then tell me "get a real life." What ever fancies YOU.
From now on I'm going to ignore these masked chickens that wish to peck my eyes out!
Ahoy Beatle-Peetles. Can anyone recognise who the gentleman standing behind Paul at 1:00 is?
Looks familor from somewhere (the ginger chap) from either a rotton apple or one of the Beatle's collaborations?
Many thanks!
the guy prob. works backstage... he's behind the speakers and drums and stuff... not right behind paul or anything
what is that background?
the rotten apple is deepfried
how many rotten apple fans are one man?
who's here?
do you figure?
The Rotten Apple 151
So who is Ian? IAAP?
Mikey- did you make this video, or is IAAP just getting you to do his dirty work now?
the vid is made by me.
M. you got that image off of IAAP's page, or did he send it to you?
...the polaroid, i mean.
someone send it to me, all pictures seen there are from that person.
IAAP or Jude? LOL
The same person that's feeding Taf info, I guess...?
you are probably correct, sir
Tafultong,This is a wonderful entry.You have a real flair for writing.
How do we know that this Miles Oliver is the same one who posted on YouTube?If you google Iamaphoney you'll notice that there are several users posting things at various websites under the name "Iamaphoney".These range from nasty comments about U.S. troops in Iraq to simple movie reviews.Who knows who is who.This is already too confusing to begin with.
Apparently Iamaphoney is a filmmaker named Brian.
i noticed that too.
Mikey is priceless.
He loves his master so much!
What is love backwards?
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