UPDATE #1: Hmm, looks like that video of "The Beau" and the account from which it came have packed up and left town. Oh well, the still picture below is 99% of the video portion. At 1:00 there was a picture of a pyramid. At 2:00 there was a picture of a mummy. At 3:00 there was a decomposing head that could have been anything. The rest was the still picture.
Here is a nice link for you to enjoy - Paul McCartney rehearsing for his Quebec Concert.
The Beau. This new video comes from PaulMcCartneyIsDead. I want me mummy. The subliminal at the 3-minute mark is a little disturbing. Is this a solo effort from a piece of Iamaphoney? Is this all that is left of the Iamaphoney organization? Is it the beginning of a new phase? Time will tell.

Thanks to the anonymous comment person for the link to The Beau
We also have a way cool fan video from Maccaspan in anticipation of Fireman III

Heh, i'm afraid to look at it, what is that subliminal message?
Oh, I was just a quick shot of....
Cute song, though.
i've looked at it anyways, first i only saw the lower half and imagined what it could be, then i watched only one side... and i saw it was a skull, so i looked at it. and i wasn't creeped out :)
I wonder, where is this song from?
looking at the tags, it looks like it's from 1969
looks like the account has been closed. I hope I didn't miss much, I didn't catch the video....
the "beau" link appears to be dead. shades of "superstone" maybe? i didn't have a chance to reverse it lol.
Have fun.
Sounded like IAAP singing the song. Well, part of the IAAP team that sang "St Paul."
Anonymous said...
Have fun.
Fun indeed. For those who don't know, Paul McCartney was surfing YouTube one evening with his son James and stumbled upon the video that mccrabapple did for the song "222."
He liked it so much that he talked about it in a subsequent interview. He did not say if he and James checked out any Rotten Apple videos that same evening.
Check out the other McCartney videos from mccrabapple while you are at it. He does a great job and I love the selection of songs.
2nd briefcase:
Here is what I have seen, heard & know:
- There was another (non-audio) CD inside this breifcase. It was said to have a look of being "professionally pressed". It was half black, and had a red line running parallel to where the black part stopped. On the clear part of the disc appeared the text "PUBLIC SURGERY - PRESENTED" then "120807"
- On the disc was a pdf file, three wav files and two video clips. There was also a password-protected html file.
- The two audio tracks I heard were different mixes of the same song, both were reversed and set to an incredibly low sample rate so they were basically at inaudible, low frequencies and much longer. The song that was not included here was more produced, had more instrumentation, but was clearly recorded from a secondary source because it is difficult to hear at certain points because of room noise and people talking over it wherever it was recorded. There was a third that was just noise, but we think it may be a message decoded through something like a spectrum analyzer.
- The two-page pdf file lists two sets of lyrics for the song, which is called "Them". The second page is blank, except for 3 words at the bottom: "nearing redmont court". Possibly another anagram or cipher?
- The video clips are short, the one I was sent shows this bird statue with a golden background for about two minutes. It also appears on a mantle next to some candles. There is another one that is only a few seconds. It's shot inside a pretty amazing house during daylight. It zooms in on the same bird and then the camera starts shaking rapidly before whoever filming it was caught and taken down to the ground. It's a lot like what happens in the "Iamaphoney CD" video. I have no idea what is on the third, the person(s) I know that retrieved the case said they couldn't show it to anyone. I got the song and some clips of the video though, so I might be able to get those too ;).
Whoever's singing (and heard talking to some other people in the other clip) does not sound like the same guy singing in the iamaphoney videos.
I have NO idea what any of this means, it could all be nothing, but it is intriguing and fun, even if this isn't quite the "holy grail" we set out to find. I'll have more to come soon.
Who is supplying? Who is writing? I'm guessing the usual suspects.
"Is this a solo effort from a piece of Iamaphoney?"
I remember seeing that video earlier, and likening it to another who wants a piece of the anonymous action by riding coat-tails.
The more I look into it, the less amused I become with all of this.
check out the IAAP Comments - careful though - they sting....
^^All one link
Anonymous: I looked everywhere for a Iamaphoney comment on that article, and I couldn't find one. Could you please specify where in the 36 pages of comments is Iamaphoney's?
page 22 or 24 I think but there were at least 11 - 16 pages removed because of space - it was the biggest record of comments on a news blog!
i can't find it. cut & paste or summarize please?
Here's the Zappa quote I spoke about in a previous post:
"This concept of 'one-world-ism' is stupid. And, the 60's was merchandised to the public at large. My pet theory about the 60's is, there's a sinister plot behind it, but I don't want to dwell upon that. It's just that the lessons learned in the 60's about merchandising 'stupidity' to the public on a large scale, have been used over and over again since that time."
Not THAT revelatory for any of HIS fans, but, I thought I'd interest you all in it.
I believe that the Beatles were used for social engineering, but that they were unwitting participants.
The "revolution" was bought and paid for, no doubt.
anyone downloaded THE BEAU?
Vince, again.
You know, I've pulled out "HD'sN", "First US Visit", and the first couple of eps. from "Anthology":
They DO come across as smarter (or should I say 'smart-asses') than most 22 year olds I've seen today.
"Their sound was influenced by The Beatles and other British Invasion bands, as well as by such American groups as the Kingston Trio and the Everly Brothers..
...Additionally, band members figured that since everyone was looking for and at Beatles records, having a name that naturally followed Beatles alphabetically would be a shrewd move."
followed the beatles
Drummer John Petersen died suddenly on November 11, 2007, of a heart attack. He is survived by his wife of many years, Roberta, a former Warner Brothers senior executive, and sister of former Warners record producer Ted Templeman.[4]
I'm taking a stab and guessing the link is for the Beau Brummels, yes?
First saw them on The Flintsones.
Anonymous said...
I'm taking a stab and guessing the link is for the Beau Brummels, yes?
No, but I guess I am supposed to take a look at the Beau Brummels. I've got it on the to do list.
All I know was THEY were a WARNER band.
I just saw all the Warner mentions, and put two and two together.
Hope I got four.
Oh, yeah, and Mr. Joel once sang,
"You could really be a Beau Brummel baby, if you just give it half the chance."
or something like that.
Vince.................. again.
Good site for the history of The Beau Brummels http://www.beaubrummels.com/history.html
Some of their song titles sound Beatlesish and they share a lot of the same influences as The Beatles.
But they did take their name from a real person.... Beau Brummel. Google that guy and there are some interesting things also... Not to say anything really I'm just thinking out loud....
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