On January 8, 1970, a session took place at Olympic Sound Studios in London. Mark Lewisohn reported in "The Complete Beatles Chronicle" that George Harrison attended the session to do a vocal overdub on the song "For You Blue." There is some dispute about Harrison's presence at the session, which featured Glyn Johns at the helm. Beatlesource said that Harrison's vocal was on the January 5 reel, which suggests either that Lewisohn is incorrect or a newer vocal was later spliced onto the earlier reel of tape.
The main objective of the January 8 session however was to do a remix of the song "Let It Be." Although Johns had an excellent guitar solo to work with, he opted for the original Harrison solo in the final mix used for the "Let It Be" single. This mix seems to be the subject of a partial document I received from the same individual who has been sending pictures of items that are presumably included in the Iamaphoney suitcase #2.

I am not able to authenticate this partial document, but I can show you that it bears some similarity to legitimate documents from the same time period. Observe the writing on the picture below from Beatlesource:

Here is another authentic document from the same time:

Meanwhile, the hunt for the suitcase itself continues.
Someone is sending you these documents.
Aparently, they are from the suitcase.
who can pick up the briefcase ?
lol, maybe you can write something about the new vid. would be awesome.
If that's the case... at least there's more to be seen in this case than the last one.
i'm pretty sure you all have something else to than hunt this artist Martin and his vids.
its art.
You are the childeren folowing the pied piper of hamelin.
don't play. it's not a game.
Tafultong, considering the tiresome arguments back and forth whether IAAP has presented any valid or solid "evidence" on PID, I think it might be a good idea for you to put together a post that lays out exactly what it is that he's presented ("Who's Here?" etc.). The question remains: has IAAP presented anything substantial, or has he simply put together some compelling videos with a few backmasked clues?
I'm trying to find the link but I read a reveiw online last week where they said Martin was behind it, I wouldn't call it a review though as it was a paragraph with the header "The worst thing I've reviewed yet".
before phony there was no fake mustage, no he be dead, no we be reverse, no paul is dead , no i really want it out,no lovecode,no fake pepperdrom,no anagrams, no do you figure im a phony and lots more etc etc
anonymous asked,
The question remains: has IAAP presented anything substantial, or has he simply put together some compelling videos with a few backmasked clues?
That is a great question, but for me it is more complicated than it appears. Before you accuse me of copping out, let me admit up front that I am copping out.
The best way to answer that question would be to analyze each video and keep track of what items of evidence were presented. But, there are two main problems with that...
Problem #1 - The videos are not presented in documentary format (except for one that was taken down almost immediately after it was posted). They are presented in an artistic format--a damn good artistic format most of the time. As a result, it is difficult to interpret them the same way you would interpret evidence in a documentary.
#2 I decided to plow ahead anyway and spent hours and hours pouring over each video segment in order to compile a list of video evidence and audio evidence. I even wrote capsule summaries for each one. When my computer crashed on April 10, the date of the infamous non-interview, I lost all of it. I hate to admit that, because I still can't believe I was dumb enough to not have all of my data backed up.
It is a fact that a few things have appeared in Iamaphoney videos just after they were presented in forums. Iamaphoney's defenders might say that he was just keeping his eye on the pulse of places like NIR and TKIN so that he could validate some of the better claims and let people know they are on the right track.
I won't go that far in terms of defending Iamaphoney, but I don't think that just because somebody points out a new insight in a forum right before it appears in a Rotten Apple video necessarily means that Iamaphoney is not legit.
If there are real clues, even insiders would not know all of them.
I also think there are some developments and discoveries that should be credited to Iamaphoney, but there are people with as much or more knowledge than me who disagree.
Another problem is that the clues we are getting are partial clues. Things like "Love ---- Code" and "Tour ---- Look" and "Fake Mustache" can send a chill down the spine the first time you see it, but then you say, "There has to be more to that clue."
At worst, Iamaphoney has given us some very effective multimedia examples of lots of PID clues that make an extremely good case for the theory that the Beatles really were up to something. For some, that in itself is a revelation.
At best, there is more to be revealed and we are moving toward some truth that will blow our minds.
But, I will try to compile a list of unique Iamaphoney items, but even that is problematic because there are a hell of a lot of posts on those forums and it will be nearly impossible to determine if a particular clue, idea or theory might be hidden in some archives or dead threads.
I will also try to put together the massive amount of hints, mcguffins, wild goose chases, and facts about this Ian Walsh/Martin Lind business.
Both of those undertakings will require some time.
We LOOK forward to that post, Taful. The interesting thing is, the Rotten Apple series basically presents a set of supposed clues about the PID clues, which adds what seems like an unnecessary second layer to an already confusing proposal. Thus far, I don't believe any fan or detractor has been able to figure out what IAAP's Love Code means, or what any of his other clues and myraid theories really mean in light of his "Revelation." Do we really need more death clues? Weren't the original bunch enough for the premise? To me, the community needs real information as to the who, what, where, how, and why of the thing, rather than the supposed clues that NIR folks keep posting every day ad infinitum.
Lol I don't know if there are anyother UK "Fonejacker" Fans but don't you think Alistair Crowley looks like Terry Tibbs lol
I'll try to catch up here because I took the weekend off.I'd also be interested in a post about Martin Lind or the various people that have been named as suspects.This may be difficult though because that might constitute as an invasion of privacy depending on how far you go with it,no?I now see that Grandfather and Josh Blue have also left comments praising Lind's work on the Formermedia YouTube videos.This could be misdirection or it's legit.
Looking at the so-called "wheel" I have to ask myself wasn't Magical Mystery Tour a 60 minute television special?The "wheel" is obviously a clock.
...and I also can't get behind the "Love-Code" thing. I just think it's stupid.If it only worked with the Beatles than I'd say that there might be something to it but mirroring the word "love" in any form brings you "code",whether it's Love American Style,the rock band Love,Love actually,Love Stinks or God Is Love(and technically that's not a "D" it's a diamond).
Aja, we're on the same track; just before you posted, I was looking at the Former site and noticed those comments (though I believe CryHepZero, JoshBlue, etc. are all the same person). The Mystery Tour pie chart is, if anything other than a pie chart, a clock, I agree. Miles Deo alleges that it is a sigil, something he is into, based on his fondness for cryptograms and from his old persona "6th Magickian." He also alleges that it has to do with the Wheel of Fortune tarot card, which spells T A R O (the final "T" at the end of the cycle). Based on Former's profile, he seems to fit the bill in every respect: video editor, sound engineer, sort of a singer, Denmark, Mikey. JCharles
A Sigil of Operations, I've called it. But 'a clock' is just as true.
A sigil in strict definition: a symbol created for a specific magical purpose.
I'm not "6thMagickian," BTW.
What I'm getting at Miles is that in both of those drawings it is clearly a clock mapping out 60 minutes of television programming.He's even written in "commercial interruption" at the top of the clock.Why would anyone would think that there's something supernatural or evil about that?
Aja, for the same reason some think Yellow Submarine and every other Beatle lyric, image, or statement is supernatural and/or evil. JCharles
Clock and Calandar.
So are now many doubting the Macca/Zodiac connection, which IAAP has implied?
Aja, I didn't use the words "supernatural" or "evil." The "Sun-Wheel" is a calandar; and you don't have the modern clock without that calander.
Clock and Calandar.
So are now many doubting the Macca/Zodiac connection, which IAAP has implied?
Aja, I didn't use the words "supernatural" or "evil." The "Sun-Wheel" is a calandar; and you don't have the modern clock without that calander.
Not only am I doubting it I never believed it in the first place.So Iamaphoney would like us to believe that Paul McCartney is involved in the Zodiac murders?Was this after Charlie Manson?I'm surprised he hasn't worked Ted Bundy in somewhere too.
Clock and calendar for whose benefit? Paul's pie chart was not like the Pepper cover, intended to be seen by the public; only Beatle fans know about it. If it was created for a "specific magical purpose," that would be the pseudo-magical mystery tour that Paul dreamed up for entertainment purposes. JCharles
"mirroring the word "love" in any form brings you "code", ... the rock band Love."
A band that was allegedly named after occasional member Bobby "Cupid" Beausoleil, who later became a follower of...
"So Iamaphoney would like us to believe that Paul McCartney is involved in the Zodiac murders?Was this after Charlie Manson?"
Manson family member(and scientologist, and process church member)Bruce Davis was a former boyfriend of one Zodiac victim and lived with two others. He has been a suspect in both crimes well before meeting Manson.
If you look at the pre-Manson history of both of these two guys, you find some very interesting connections. Especialy Beausoleil, who was friends or had worked with Mick Jagger, Kennith Anger, Marianne Faithful, L Ron Hubbard, Anton LaVay, Jimmy Paige, Linda Eastman, Roman Polanski, Jay Sebring, and more.
Go ahead, google Bobby Beausoleil with any name listed and see what you find, i'll wait.
Hey Everybody,
I have a new post bubbling under, but I wanted to thank all of you for some excellent conversation.
Ringo was asked by Larry King how he came up with the idea of people everywhere flashing peace signs on his birthday. Ringo answered, "In a dream, Flaming Pie." Probably means nothing, but you gotta love it.
Regarding the Magical Mystery Tour wheel...
Paul likes to talk about his creative process. There are many examples exist from the ridiculous (Bogey Music) to the sublime (Live and Let Die).
The thing is that there is often a little twist. For example, he went on and on about how somebody told him that the title "Memory Almost Full" was an anagram for "For My Soulmate LLM." He made a point of saying that it wasn't intentional, but at the same time, he was pleased by it because it was like magic. Now, on the same album he refers to himself as "The King of Cosmania." I cannot think of any time he ever did anything like that in his whole career. I asked myself when I got the CD, "Why would he do that?" Then Iamaphoney tells us that "The King of Cosmania" is an anagram for "Son of the Magickian" and he shows some compelling Crowley connections.
Now Yoko has joined Ringo on Larry King. Hmmmm.
Anyway, back to my attempt at making a point. Yes, the wheel is a diagram for the layout for Magical Mystery Tour and Paul was revealing the creative process. But Paul just kept talking about it and talking about it. The others talked about it too. Does it mean anything? Probably not, but....
It is a wheel and it is a clock. Remember my post about the Sgt. Pepper clock?
Every time, my conclusion is - It's probably nothing, but....
In our world of six degrees of separation, you will find practically every 1960s character connected in some way to Beatles. Miles Deo (who seems to have flip-flopped again from skeptic to soothsayer) draws attention to the "Manson Star," which is the peace sign, or, as some would have it, a broken cross. The three pieces of this peace pie (which you can line up with the Pepper drum and find absolutely nothing of interest) were hidden and blah blah blah, Mad Mad Mad Mad world.
Aja, the Zodiac's murders were close in time and location to the Manson Family crimes and murders.
California: 1969 July through September. On a different scale it's about California 1966 through 1969. Beginning, most likely, in April or May of '66. Probably 42 MONTHS.
There's more than Macca's "Pie Chart," if you believe IAAP's implications. The name PAUL STINE can be found in one of the Rotten Apples.
Quiet simply - the interpretations would be; either Macca was the Zodiac, or he knew the Zodiac, or they both worked with and used similar ideas.
"Blue Meanies" the Zodiac
"Pigs" Charles Manson
In the interest of accuracy, I would point out that, while Paul's self-designation was pretty wacky (although not completely out of character), it was in fact His Royal Highness the King of Cosmania and Surrounding Regions.
"The thing is that there is often a little twist. For example, he went on and on about how somebody told him that the title "Memory Almost Full" was an anagram for "For My Soulmate LLM." He made a point of saying that it wasn't intentional, but at the same time, he was pleased by it because it was like magic. Now, on the same album he refers to himself as "The King of Cosmania." I cannot think of any time he ever did anything like that in his whole career. I asked myself when I got the CD, "Why would he do that?" Then Iamaphoney tells us that "The King of Cosmania" is an anagram for "Son of the Magickian" and he shows some compelling Crowley connections."
I could show you that Paul come up with a rhyme like Muhammad Ali in 76 when reporters asked him about a Beatles reunion.Or that he put Sonny Liston on the cover of Sgt.PepperOr that he has lots of references to boxing in songs like "Average Person".Or that he boxes with the camera on the Paul Is Live video.And then I could put a video up on YouTube claiming that Paul is leading a double life as a prizefighter and is dropping hints.What's missing in both cases is logic,plausability and evidence.
Aja, you're forgetting the smoking gun: Magical Mystery Tour was shown on Boxing Day for that very reason. "The Boxer" by Paul Simon is clearly about Faul ("all lies and jest/still a PIDer hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest")JCharles
anonymous wrote:
His Royal Highness the King of Cosmania and Surrounding Regions
Rush, holy Osiris unshorn, as the Son of the Magickian, dig inner egg.
Sorry, but seriously, can you give an example of something comparable that Paul has done that would make this silly moniker "not completely out of character?"
I see it as markedly different from his other synonyms, but I could be wrong.
jcharles wrote:
Boxing Day
Ah yes, and who do we find on the Sgt. Pepper cover? Sonny Liston, a boxer. Band on the Run cover, another boxer. Paul McCartney appears on the show "This is Your Life" honoring who? A boxer!
And therefore...I haven't got a clue.
"Not completely out of character" in terms of his using numerous pseudonyms. Ian Ichiamoe (the backward thing) isn't as high-falutin', but wacky, as was Percy Thrillington. I agree the Royal Highness thing is different, but of late he's been into the strange stuff, probably trying to revive his old artsy days. And, to be fair, he's always tried to do things (once in awhile) that are out of character, witness "Helter Skelter" and "Temporary Secretary."
Wow Aja, you must type faster than me. You stole my thunder about the boxing thing, but I am very impressed by your examples. Didn't even think about "Average Person."
"Logic, plausibility and evidence."
Yeah, those three guys are always throwing wet blankets on parties.
I'd also like to add Apollo C. Vermouth to that list of McCartney pseudonyms he's used over the years.
Have a good night everybody.It's bedtime for me.
Aja wrote:
Have a good night everybody.It's bedtime for me.
Yeah, I told you that's what happens as soon as Logic, plausibility and evidence show up.
Have a good night.
"all lies and jest/still a PIDer hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest"
You're not convincing anyone that Paul ISN'T dead. If you feel that we're only hearing what we want to hear and disregarding your words, then sod off. Half the time you seem pretty open-minded, but it's ugly little jests like that that show your true colors.
Go away, get a life, join forces with JGuildersleeve, and M. Deo and make an anti-PID YouTube series---just do something constructive for once, will you?
Your sole motive in following this series seems to be to denounce PID and have a laugh at PIDers. Now how pathetic is that? I mean really, who do you think you are, John Charles?
I'm not anti-PID
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