noos 92 may refer to September 2, 2008, which is soon. It will be interesting to see if that ends up being the date of Paul McCartney's first ever concert in Israel. The video description says "suitcase missing," which may mean that some movement is finally occurring in the suitcase saga. However, the description of the same video on the SONOFTHEMAGICKIAN account said "Suitcase still on location," but that has now changed to "suitcase missing" as well. The description of the same video on apaulcorps was "B.P." The mysterious object with the AJA (or AIA) monogram appears to be a book cover.

This is an enhanced reversal of one of the frames, which shows a Santa Monica, CA address for Ringo Starr. Nothing Is Real discussed the fact that the address linked to an Iamaphoney domain is for a different suite (666, believe it or not!) in the same location.
http://samspade.org/whois/iamaphoney.com (IP's also resolve to an ISP in Denmark)
domain: iamaphoney.com
owner: Iama Phoney
email: peripetytime@live.com
address: 1541 Ocean Avenue suite 666
city: Santa Monica CA
Google that address and look who else has an office in that building:
Starr Ringo 1541 Ocean Avenue Suite 200 Santa Monica, CA 90401
Joining the new video party is YouKnowMyName231 with Mirror Image (sneak preview)
It has been a great day for thought provoking videos.
UPDATE: Can't leave out Paul is Dead - 30 - We All Shine On #2 from grandfatheraleister. This is another excellent video.
noos gnimoc si .P.B
Thanks Bill Pilgrim. Please check the cryptic crap at the door. We have real conversations here.
suitcase is still missing in public, DUDES!
It is still on location.
if the suitcase is still on location (SSP). Then why is it said that the suitcase is missing...
I think it might be still there, or not. i don't know.
The truth of Crowley - a scholary insight. Not a Satanist, or a black "Wizard".
As an agnostic, It made me smile when a scholar noted that some people are "Too lazy or slow witted to realise it"
Anonymous: Yeah, we're having "real conversations" about cryptic crap, actually. Try not to be such an elitist douche if a member of team Rotten Apple actually shows up here. :P
I really think the guy that we've seen walking around with the suitcase in the IAAP videos looks a lot like Zak Starkey, Ringo's son. Maybe that's why the addresses are so close..
I second the Zak Starkey comment.
what is the real meaning of the VW?
what are we supposed to understand from this?
That reminds me.
Was Zak at that Who thing a couple of weeks ago?
Vince here,
I'd like to comment on Youknowmyname's video, and the concept of The Beatles being only what we THINK they are:
I've thrown MANY theories onto this post, but in the end, the only thing I can suggest, having just re-watched "The Magic Christian" again is, had it not had been for THEM, lower-class individuals (like myself) would never have been open to learning about things ( from philosophy to the arts OUTSIDE what we are fed), the same way that Python was able to put forth ideas of politics and manipulation of the public, make it understandable, and make it FUNNY!
This, more than anything, makes them a THREAT!
that enough ranting for one day!
Vince wrote:
lower-class individuals (like myself) would never have been open to learning about things (from philosophy to the arts OUTSIDE what we are fed)
I agree. Like some kinda druid dudes lifting the veil.
..... AND, what better way to scare me, and my lower-class brethern that to allude that these 'people' are EVIL?
(Vince points his nose, in the way you do when you want say 'you agree, but keep it 'on the hush=hush'!)
PS. A couple of days ago, I was talking to my wife about the 'face-touching equals a lie' theory; explianing how I've seen Paul do it alot, when , out of the blue, the news showed that John McCain piece, where someone asked him about government funding for Viagra, and he totally put his hand ALL OVER HIS FACE! My wife fell out, laughing!
B.P. is coming soon.
2/9 2008
When I receive a cryptogrammatonic comment I never pooh pooh it until I Poe Poe it.
y0kono said...
B.P. is coming soon.
If you mean British Petrolium, they're already here!
Vince, I understand what you're saying, but, if you think about it, why would it be that you could only be open to the arts due to the music of four guys who grew up in Liverpool? They were working class kids who learned about the world through reading and traveling and experience like everyone else.
Coz' I'm a stupid American, and not so much 'lower', but that 'upper-lower' suburb style that was just enough....
I'll admit it!
That Python comedy sketch where Mao, Lennin, and Marx go on that quiz show....
I didn't know who they were talking about, and American schooling wasn't gonna teach me!
"Just keep track of sports, and shut up.", was the vibe I got as a child.
And, another thing.
It's not like they THRUST it upon you. It's just there, and if you look at it, and you want to know more, you'll investigate. If not, that's OK.
I assume the same thing will happen to the younger generation, when they investigate the past; see "Citizen Kane", and go, "I remember that bit from "The Simpsons"!!
This goes without saying...
What does?
The thing about "The Simpsons", or the part about me being stupid?
AHHHH, you see. That's being self-deprecating, that is!
have you read that????
according to a former medicin worker
John Lennon faked his own death and left the hospital alive...so maybe jude was right after all
Dailymail apparently has pulled that link. It now redirects to a crappy book review.
Hey Taful, I'm sure you noticed that in this new video the emphasis is on the word search puzzle from Amoeba. At 16 or 17 seconds, the letters PID are highlighted. It has been pointed out by others (and myself) that the preceding two letters are NO, as in NO PID. As you stated previously, the NO PID could be simple coincidence. Perhaps. And yet, considering how many people look for puzzle pieces in random places, it seems more logical to look for clues in an actual puzzle (i.e. WORD SEARCH)put out by Paul. JCharles
I was the one that originally pointed out the amoeba cover, then IAAP started putting those clues into his vids.
They are giving us clues, the only thing to do for us is LOOK. : ]
Well, I LOOKED and I saw NO PID. And a few other things as well.
JCharles wrote:
I'm sure you noticed that in this new video the emphasis is on the word search puzzle from Amoeba.
Yes, and it's not just a word search puzzle. It's a letter grid that appeared on an official (albeit extremely limited) Paul McCartney release after letter grids were appearing with regularity in the Rotten Apple series. To me that is even more significant than "PID" or "NO PID" appearing in the grid itself. There is a decent probability of those letter sequences happening by accident. But oh would I love to find something more significant in there. But it won't be as easy as sequential letters. It would be in a pattern of equidistant letter sequences or something like that. Anyway my point is that more than once, Iamaphoney has used something in a video and then something similar has turned up in an official McCartney product later.
I thought it was pretty interesting that Rotten Apple video 37 from June 2007 had a shot of piles of film reels and photos and then the Official promo for The McCartney Years from October 2007 had a very similar shot of film reels and photos. Even the accompanying music is similar in feel.
I know that some have complained that Iamaphoney picks up on things right AFTER they are tossed about in forums, but that doesn't explain why McCartney picks up on things AFTER they appear in Iamaphoney videos.
Well apparently you're not looking hard enough.
No, I looked hard enough.
A black bird told me the story. JCharles
Nicely said Taf
Are we sure it isn't Jason Starkey in those videos? Zack seems to be too old.
If you look closely in the few available frames that shows him, IAAP looks old. Too old to be dressing up like that :D
I know for sure that the IAAP character is the danish guy... THEY MATCH EXACTLY!!!
How do i know?
The 2 videos that were online very short, i was able to watch them. i didn't safe them unfortunatly. But i did watch them a couple of times. In RA111 you can see this blond glow through his hair, well in the videos that were pulled, he had the same blond glowing hair.
I hope the videos come back again someday.
the link doesn't work i know!
the CNN also witdrawed the story weird
I just watched a mediocre but sweet teen movie last night called 8 Days A Week.In the film there was an exchange between the two leads,a girl and a boy.
Girl:If you could be a Beatle which one would you be?
Boy:Paul McCartney.Everyone makes fun of him but I think he's done some really good music after the Beatles.
Girl:(laughs)like Ebony and Ivory?
Boy:Ok ok, well who would you be?
Girl:I'd be John Lennon.
Boy:But you would be dead.
Girl:Yeah but I'd still be the cool Beatle.
It just struck me how this is almost universally the perception everyone has of Lennon and McCartney but in the Iamaphoney world it's the opposite.In his world Paul is dead and has been replaced with a new Paul who is evil while John is just a passive passenger along for the ride.Imagine for a moment that Iamaphoney's insane accusations were true.What would the general reaction be?I have a feeling people would say "Paul?That pansy?I could believe it about John but....".
It struck me that Paul McCartney and Iamaphoney share the same dilemma in a way.
"I'm open to falling from grace"
Hey, Aja.
I often get the feeling that John could've very well wound up like Syd Barrett if it wasn't for Yoko. He even said himself he couldn't compete with Paul's vast outpouring of work after Brian's death, and fell into depression. The vibe I get from the Miles book is that Paul was just gonna let John 'go', maybe hoping for a Brain Jones-type situation........
the man who had too many theories,
John may have felt that way but I think he made some incredible music after Brian died.I think "Dear Prudence" is better than anything Paul came up with on the White Album.That's just my opinion though.I think ever since John died his work has been given more esteem than maybe it should and it overshadows Paul's which I think Paul finds irritating.
The subject of Brian Jones raises an interesting point.When Brian Jones died the Stones replaced with him Mick Taylor and when Mick Taylor left they got Ron Wood.Why no doubles with plastic surgery?The Stones are just as influential and a moneymaker like the Beatles.
"I'm open to falling from grace"
Indeed you keep doing that...
no one has any opinion about the VW?
the world's most simple/complex clue?
The VW "Beetle" or "Bug" was an idea hatched by Hitler: a "people's car." It only came to be called "Beetle" by VW after 1967. Though the Abbey Road cover has the VW with the "Beetle" clue, it's interesting that Great Britain never officially called the VW "Beetle." Anyway, this would be a fun one for Taful to tackle (say that three times fast). It was of course the car in the Disney "Love Bug" series (#53) and that could tie into the Love Code theme. Then you have the Egyptian scarab beetle, a divine symbol, although the Egyptian Beetles were a lackluster band, producing mediocre singles such as "Sphinx for Yourself," "Pharaoh! Darling," "I want to be your Ammon," and of course, "She loves you, Ra, Ra, Ra." JCharles
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