Another fragment of a typed document.

It was so unreal and tha
Nothing is real, he said
stand it until ? ? showe
. John is a genius a rea
ckwards. What a way to te
isention, a new way of ar
[I am not sure of the accuracy of the first words in the last two lines, but I think it is significant that we have both the phrase "Nothing is real" and part of the word "backwards" in the same area.]
The second item seems to be a sheet of memory cues for the song "Another Day." It is not a full lyric sheet, but musicians will often use a sheet with cues for each verse and/or the general song structure to help them remember the lyrics.

The last item seems to be a more detailed description of an early version of the Magical Mystery Tour story outline.

Magical Mystery Tour
T.V. Show
commercial....magical mystery tour,
opening..rollup..ideal customer..narrators voice over...end commercial.
Dissolve into customer and fat wife walking on street on
morning of tour. Narrator thickens plot, as couple approach queue for coach.
Staff of M.M.Tours give their famous service with a smile, and usher tourists
aboard brightly coloured bus.
Camera moves slowly from back of coach, and sound mixes to couriers ?????..
Tour boss explains what will happen, (engine starts) and bus moves off.
"On the left you will see the river, which for years has been the traditional
home of some of Britain's most famous....etc...etc..."
The Magical Mystery Tour draws your attention to the right hand window, and
the traditional surprise......????...
FIRST TRIP. In which camera pulls back to see mirrored dance floor with
swaying hoard of busmen, waiters, hostesses etc..who move in time to a
haunting melody (slow smooth steps, developing into running on the spot)
(Extra dancers are children from dancing clan, and formation ????? making
guest appearances.) ?????y and sparkle galore.
Songs ends suddenly cutting to shot of bus pulling offroad and stopping by
impressive building. People pile out...staff out first smartly guiding their
passengers into entrance of...
Second TRIP...
Exotic tropical paradise where M.MTOUR waiters serve mangoes,
yam yams, papayas, covered with orchids and many coloured fruits of the orient.
On stage is a magician who does amazing tricks to the sound of a steel band.
Conversation goes on between the campers, as they pull crackers, open bottles,
and watch the cabaret. A voice comes over the loudspeaker. The tour boss with
an announcement..
"Gentles, your attentions if you please. The coach will leave shortly
for the next stage of your MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR...
Passengers pile out of the front entrance, and climb aboard the bus, which has
a new interior (which sparkles more than the previous one)
As the coach drives away the shot cuts to the interior where the assistant
tour boss has taken over the mike leaving his boss to relax with his magic
pipe. Smoke billows out of the pipe, and through it, the next scene appears.
"Onward to scenes of natural splendour, the Arctic wastes...(The film is an
ariel view of icebergs, expanses of snow, mixing, with commentary, to incredible
shots from the air. Cutting occasionally to the passengers who now appear to be
in an aeroplane. (a collage of beautiful scenes from above)
Instrumental music of great beauty accompanies pictures.
(NORTHERN SONGS, of course.)
Not to nit pick.. but you missed the third line....
stand it until (?/it/he/?)showed
Not that it makes me understand it any better!
At risk of stating the obvious, the first bit of text you have posted here appears to come from the same page of crossed-out text in your previous post.
The official story tells us nothing was planned with MMT. It looks like it was planned after all.
the other pic looks like extracts from Mals book, not?
Anonymous said...
Not to nit pick.. but you missed the third line....
stand it until (?/it/he/?)showed
Thanks for pointing that out. I fixed it.
Holy CATS!!!!!
I spend the day with my parents, and you get a GOLD MINE !!!!!
I'm surprised no one has made the claim that ALL of this 'cool stuff' is/was property of Mal Evans.....
Here's hoping you're not getting ROPED into something 'crappy'.
Your pal,
Vince wrote:
Here's hoping you're not getting ROPED into something 'crappy'.
Hey pal, that still remains the most likely alternative, but these documents are compelling. I have not seen that big piece of evidence yet that settles it one way or the other. So, I guess that means anything is still possible.
You are THE REPORTER.....
not a pawn.
By the by, I sent my novel to a press agent last week.
Wish me luck!
Keep up 'the Great Wok'
"I have not seen that big piece of evidence yet that settles it one way or the other."
Evidence for what? It may be real material from the Beatles, but not "evidence"..
The Deeper You Go, The Higher You Fly;
The Higher You Fly, The Deeper You GO!!
"Icarus...... if you know what that means, great.
If not, perhaps you should read a little more."
-Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson in "24 hr. Party People".
Luke said,
Evidence for what? It may be real material from the Beatles, but not "evidence"..
That is true. But if he has more than one or two genuine artifacts it increases the likelihood that he was an insider or at least has access to one. It may not prove anything, but as I said in the post, for me anyway, it becomes a whole new ballgame.
My intent is to stay on the ground. I have no aspirations of flying and I'm not even digging. Just sharing what I know.
Taful, it is interesting that these items are being sent to your blog, is it not? Good as it is, your blog is for the insider insider PID world, not the "general public." The reason you are supposed to post the photos is unclear, although the underlying motive seems to be for insiders to say, "hey, these look like authentic documents from Mal's archive," and therefore IAAP may also have some inside scoop.
That "Hey Jude" sheet I saw in Mikey's video, if original and authentic, would fetch at least 40 grand. Any experts here know if any of these documents have already been auctioned?
Anonymous said...
Taful, it is interesting that these items are being sent to your blog, is it not?
The simple explanation the ones from IAAP is that I am being rewarded for being a fan and for paying tribute to him. The motivation for the other individual may be an expression of power or of an ax to grind against IAAP.
As I said, that is the simple explanation. I am aware that other possibilities exist.
Quite a weekend around here!I think the reason you are being sent these photos,apart from having a great blog, is because there is no other venue for them.The comments on his YouTube page are cluttered up with rants about pooping and Queen singalongs,the NIR forum got tired of Iamaphoney and the Rotten Apple board is so new hardly anyone knows about it.Iamaphoney is smart enough to know that it is the debate over his videos that keeps the interest up not brainless cheerleading and this is now the place where that happens.
A split in the Iamaphoney camp?That means we will get closer to the truth behind all of this sooner than later.
I'm also flattered that Iamaphoney is so smitten with me that he absentmindedly doodles my name like a teenager(laugh).Either that or he's a big fan of the Steely Dan album Aja like I am.
I don't see why he couldn't use another video or two to exhibit these pictures. Maybe the video editor part of the team quit.
I think it's HVH instead of AJA.
Heh Vov Heh
HVH (Hovah)= To Be
Definitely not Hebrew characters. The "yod" or equivalent "i" in English has no dot over it, and those are "Heh's." It looks sort of Sanskrit-esque, and "AJA" would make sense, though I don't believe it would look like the English letters AJA.
Those are NOT "heh's." Sorry.
max theon
Anonymous said...
max theon
Yes, I have already been alerted to the possibility that it is actually AIA.
Max Theon.
No no, back in time till Feb 10 2008.......Billy Martin suitcase
Dimas said...
No no, back in time till Feb 10 2008.......Billy Martin suitcase
Holy crap! Wouldn't that be incredible? That would mean that I know more than I think I know and Jude owes me at least a six-pack.
Seriously though, could
possibly be
That would be something. Really would be something.
no, because the one that was send to you is wood with carvings in it. also, look at the corners.
also, notice the different patteren.
also, notice my macbook getting very hot.
looks as if in the picture of the suitcase the top has alot more going on like in the design then the other picture that you were sent....
In the a1 picture you can not see past the edges and the suitcase has the writing on it before the edges... Sorry but I don't think they are one in the same. just my thoughts though
something indeed, if something!
in the family photo, what is the text say underneath "billy martin"?
It's clear that the whole of the IAAP enterprise has its basis in Mal's death, his unpublished book "Living the Beatles Legend," and of course his "lost" memorabilia. Now who is this Martin fella in the Dutch Beatle tribute band that calls itself "The Mal Evans Tribute Band?" JC
Mal Evans Memorial Band, rather.
I finally bothered to find the origins of this thing, which brought me to BeatleBillyShears (Klaatu nonsense, backmasking), which brought me to Dr. Lev (Manson, etc.), which led back to NIR, and Klaatu, and back here to Tafultong and the rest. It's a very small, tight-knit community, sort of like the joke about (favorite Southern state here), where one's dad, brother, sister, and grampa are the same person.
at the third temple, they went flying:
"Gentles, your attentions if you please. The coach will leave shortly
for the next stage of your MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR...
Passengers pile out of the front entrance, and climb aboard the bus, which has
a new interior (which sparkles more than the previous one)
As the coach drives away the shot cuts to the interior where the assistant
tour boss has taken over the mike leaving his boss to relax with his magic
pipe. Smoke billows out of the pipe, and through it, the next scene appears.
"Onward to scenes of natural splendour, the Arctic wastes...(The film is an
ariel view of icebergs, expanses of snow, mixing, with commentary, to incredible
shots from the air. Cutting occasionally to the passengers who now appear to be
in an aeroplane. (a collage of beautiful scenes from above)
Instrumental music of great beauty accompanies pictures.
(NORTHERN SONGS, of course.)
Anonymous said...
at the third temple, they went flying:
Yes, the mysterious Apollo C. Vermouth said that Magical Mystery Tour contains big arrows pointing back to Sgt. Pepper. I do find it interesting that the official Sgt. Pepper CD explicitly states that three are three temples on the front cover even though only two of them can be seen.
Dr. Lev
Mal Evans Memorial Band
Yikes! they sound like the Up with People version of Beatles. Anyhoo, hard to believe Beatle fan Mikey doesn't know something about the best known Beatle band in the Netherlands. Jeesh, how many could there be?
Its the back cover ....
The back cover of the original 1967 UK LP...... featured (for the first time on a Beatles album) complete lyrics.'s_Lonely_Hearts_Club_Band
Dimas, were you still talking about the Billy Martin suitcase?
U r no left....
so...u r right...this one item is the real clue..
Follow it
Phoney has lost HIS way
HE is wearing a shirt with lily images on HIS cheast
Jesus Paul Maccartney?
Saint Dismas (sometimes spelled Dysmas or only Dimas, or even Dumas), also known as the Good Thief or the Penitent Thief, is the apocryphal name given to one of the two "thieves" (Matthew 27:38) who was crucified alongside Jesus, repented of his sins, and asked Jesus to remember him in his kingdom.
was he on the left or right side?
Miles, the Hebrew "vav" doesn't look like that middle character either.
It isn't Hebrew.
But it is HVH.
Here's Hebrew HVH:
Wikipedia says: According to tradition, the Good Thief was crucified to Jesus' right hand....
And the Good Thief was Saint Dismas...
we still need the suitcase.anybody get it already? what was inside?
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