obladi oblada ... una pequeña sorpresa from mastropierojs
Something wicked this way comes #1 - The Roman Polanski Coven from iamawitch (Thanks F)

Enjoy several songs from Paul McCartney's Quebec Concert courtesy of keeperof7key
A Day In The Life (Nearly got all the words right too)
Hey Jude
Let It Be
Flaming Pie
Eleanor Rigby
I'll Follow The Sun
Calico Skies
Dance Tonight
The Long And Winding Road
Fine Line
Let Em In
My Love
C Moon
Foxy Interlude
Let Me Roll It
Live and Let Die
Got To Get You Into My Life

PID enthusiast Fritz von Runte aka PeteZarustica has released "The Beatles Hell." This collection of remixes is available for free at thebeatleshell.com. His previous effort, "The Beatles Hate" is also available. He has even joined the Nothing Is Real community under the name thebeatleshell.
F has informed me about a new video maker named starkeyringo909 asking the question, "Is Paul Dead?"
Is Paul Dead
Is Paul Dead 2
Is Paul Dead 3
Very nice! Tafultong !
PS Thanks for the hello yesterday :)
Vince, here.
On the subject of "HELL!":
Hate to say, but it looks like the whole 'mash-up/re-mix' thing is OVER!
This is pretty lame. I almost dare say it was dead once "LOVE" came out.
This is no "Revolved" or "Cracked Pepper" by ccc.
(miss him, miss him.... his site's been quiet for some time now.)
I predict, one day, the 'mash-up' phase will be remembered like "Nuggets" -era psychedelic music. Just right for the time. And, then, dead just as quickly.
To gfa,
Thanks for the well-wishes!
If I don't hear something soon, I'm gonna have to go all "EBAY" on my record collection!
Time's is tight!
I am a huge fan of the Hate album, but Hell doesn't even sound like its by the same people.
Anonymous said...
Huitzilin? Anyone?
Someone was relating their thoughts on the gfa videos the other day and I have to say that I agree, in regards to his "style" of presenting things, the synchronistic style and the need to see the whole forest. Sometimes, stepping away and then coming back later, you can see things in a different light and things you didn't see before. And yes, it IS bigger than the Beatles, as you said.
Paul Gambaccini?
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