I want to thank the knowledgeable reader who pointed out that the picture above was not a recent fake because it appeared in the Beatles Monthly, Issue #61 from August of 1968. The "Nothing Is Real" discussion group has done an excellent job researching this particular image, but I thought it couldn't hurt to highlight a few things about it.

The photograph, which features three individuals who resemble Paul McCartney, accompanied an article entitled "With Paul to Hollywood." The credited writer of the article was Apple employee Tony Bramwell who had directed the Apple promotional film that introduced the new company to Capitol records employees. Bramwell would make news a year later when he was identified by his employer as the Apple staffer who took it upon himself to impersonate Paul McCartney in an American radio interview in order to squelch the Paul is dead rumor. The move made things worse and Bramwell was left to hang out to dry as the one who made the bonehead decision. I'm sure that the experience left Bramwell feeling betrayed, but probably not enough to make him start making YouTube videos 40 years later suggesting that Paul McCartney is the devil.

The article describes a June 1968 Apple business trip from London to Los Angeles with a brief stop in New York. In addition to Bramwell, childhood friend and former tea-chest bass player for the Quarrymen, Ivan Vaughan accompanied McCartney on the trip. The main objective appeared to be the showing of the Apple promotional film with an appearance by Paul at a Capitol Records gathering. Capitol would gain the rights to manufacture and distribute Apple Records in the United States.

The next pages contain memories of recreational time in LA, with no mention of Linda Eastman who might have been staying with Paul at the time. There are pictures of Paul at the hotel pool. The left page also contains ads for back issues of the Beatles Monthly, some of which were featured in the poster that came with the White Album.

The last page of the article describes a yacht trip to the Marina Del Rey in California with Apple executives. Interestingly the accompanying pictures of the yacht trip were not related to the one being described in the article. The caption on the picture accurately indicates that it was taken on a trip in the Hudson River in New York. John Lennon, who was back in Britain mixing versions of "Revolution" during the California trip was present on the Hudson River boat. John and Paul were in New York to give a press conference announcing the launch of Apple on May 11, 1968. An online transcript of the press conference says that the Chinese Junk meeting took place the previous weekend. That would date the picture sometime during May 3-5.
Only one of the three individuals bearing some resemblance to Paul McCartney is looking in the direction of the camera. The picture on the left could just as easily resemble Apple staffers Ken Mansfield or Ron Kass, but if you dropped him in a picture with George, John and Ringo, most people would assume it was Paul. The same may be true for the fellow on the right who is turned even further away from the camera. To make matters more confusing, the person on the right is wearing a jacket similar to the one Paul wore in 1966 at the "Light Suits" concert at the Budokan Arena in Japan, although there are pictures of Derek Taylor in a similar jacket. The man in the middle is the one we see the best and he is the one that appears to be Paul McCartney as he looked in 1968. It seems odd that the three men in question would be spread so perfectly across the boat. It almost looks staged.

Interestingly, that same issue of the Beatles Monthly contained two pictures that would become part of the Paul Is Dead legend. The one above is a summer of 1963 photo of the Beatles swimming that would later be cropped and used by Charles Braverman in a "Paul Is Dead" segment of the film "Braverman's Condensed Cream of Beatles." The other picture is a "Yellow Submarine" promotional shot featuring the human Paul, George and Ringo with the animated John. Guess what is over Paul's head...again!

1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»Ahoy!
sorry, couldn't help myself, hehe.
Hey Tafultong
Here is some more background info on Bramwell:
Cheers, D.
" To make matters more confusing, the person on the right is wearing a jacket similar to the one Paul wore in 1966 at the "Light Suits" concert at the Budokan Arena in Japan, although there are pictures of Derek Taylor in a similar jacket."
Pictures of Dereck wearing the jacket that day on the boat, that is.
Time to move on Taf.
Oh yea, thanks Jo Jo!
D.abolo said...
Here is some more background info on Bramwell:
Thanks D.
SirLarryMildew said...
Time to move on Taf.
Oh yea, thanks Jo Jo!
Right and double right.
Since we are all having fun with pictures, try this:
"Where's Paul?"
Guaranteed to be easy.
Q: What is the meaning of "I Am the Walrus"?
John: It just means, I am the walrus. Or I was when I sat down, you know.
SirLarryMildew said...
Since we are all having fun with pictures, try this:
"Where's Paul?"
I thought I found him, but it can't be Paul because the hand is to the left instead of over his head.
But do you know your ass from an elbow?
Hey, gang!
Vince, here.
Hope one of our vid-making friends uses that funny bit Colbert did a few days ago, when he said, "How can I have interviewed Paul McCartney... WHEN HE'S DEAD!" And, he starts screaming into the camera!
On an un-related note, took my mom to see "Watchmen" yesterday. Not bad, not bad. But, then again, I never read the graphic novel. In fact, before he appeared on "The Simpsons", the only time I had heard of Allan Moore was from the Pop Will Eat Itself song! Still, it was better than that crappy Batman movie that everybody LOOOOOVED SOOO MUCH!
Mom liked it, too. She was surprised that a 3 hour movie could keep her attention.
So, everybody ready for that new SUPER SPECIAL EDITION of "The Who Sell Out" that coming out in a couple of weeks??
Well, have a happy day everyone. I'm off to school!
Your pal, Vince.
"It seems odd that the three men in question would be spread so perfectly across the boat. It almost looks staged."
It's only because NIR think all three look like McCartney. I see only one McCartney. A random dude in the background with a bowl cut doesn't exactly scream "McCartney" unless you're hellbent on making a case for doubles. Otherwise this was a good post.
Anonymous wrote:
I see only one McCartney. A random dude in the background with a bowl cut doesn't exactly scream "McCartney" unless you're hellbent on making a case for doubles. Otherwise this was a good post.
Thanks for the comment. Admittedly my heart wasn't in that aspect of the post, but it was NIR that presented contrary evidence, so I don't think I would characterize them as "hellbent" either.
To me the guy on the right looks more like McCartney than Derek Taylor. The guy on the left happened to be holding his drink in his left hand, which probably means nothing. But I still suggest you try my test of dropping either one of them in a similar size picture of John, George and Ringo and show it to a casual fan to see if they question if it is Paul.
But, the bottom line is that the guy on the left and the guy on the right have their faces away from the camera. It is folly to attempt to identify them without some other evidence.
I've never seen a decent Paul look alike ever. The closest, maybe, was Mitch Weissman from Beatlemania but only from a distance. If you know Paul's face then Mitch only looks sorta sorta like him.
But, the bottom line is that the guy on the left and the guy on the right have their faces away from the camera. It is folly to attempt to identify them without some other evidence.
Anonymous said...
I've never seen a decent Paul look alike ever. The closest, maybe, was Mitch Weissman from Beatlemania but only from a distance. If you know Paul's face then Mitch only looks sorta sorta like him.
March 12, 2009 3:25 PM
Derek is not folly, T.
The problem is the premise being used to examine this picture (or any photo of the Beatles for that matter). Instead of "Paul IS Dead", let's say your belief was that the Beatles were heavily involved with organized crime. Considering most of the people on the boat are blurred images you could make a case (albeit a flimsy one) that some of the unidentified passengers are underworld mob figures and link to period photos of mafia members from the period. Since the crux of this "evidence" seems to be hairstyles it wouldn't be difficult to do (Yes, many mobsters had long hair by the late 60's). Once again the images are distorted due to the nature of photography (images in the background will be obviously less sharp than images in the foreground) and looking for "pauls" is the same as looking for made men if your premise is to do so.
I don't believe Tafultong is doing that nor do I think he has an agenda but he's an intelligent guy who knows very well that you have to throw out the most likely ordinary scenarios to make PID fit.
Anonymous wrote:
Derek is not folly, T.
Right, there is some evidence that it is most likely Derek Taylor because of the jacket. I just think if you took a good picture of Paul and a good picture of Derek and asked someone who didn't know them "Which one of these two is the person seated at the right in the boat picture?" you probably wouldn't get a confident answer.
Maybe it was a cool day and Paul's clone's skin had not hardened yet and Derek let him borrow his jacket. Derek was thoughtful that way. Magical thinking is permitted here.
Anyway, it probably is Derek Taylor. I just personally cannot claim that with certainty based solely on that photograph. Jojo's photo is definitely Derek Taylor (or his double).--Sorry I just can't stop kidding around today. It has been a stressful week in the real world.
"Maybe it was a cool day and Paul's clone's skin had not hardened yet and Derek let him borrow his jacket. Derek was thoughtful that way. Magical thinking is permitted here.
thoughtful that way.....priceless. really.
But not magikal.
"Considering most of the people on the boat are blurred images you could make a case (albeit a flimsy one) that some of the unidentified passengers are underworld mob figures..."
I think it is more than likely!
seriously? lol
The other picture is a "Yellow Submarine" promotional shot featuring the human Paul, George and Ringo with the animated John. Guess what is over Paul's head...again!
go figure
"Several still pictures, some of which came from the “Paul Is Dead” sequence of the film “Braverman’s Condensed Cream of Beatles” accompany Glazier’s explanation. Braverman had used an out of context picture of Paul in a swimming pool and an old World War II photograph to "illustrate" the "Paul Is Dead" phenomenon. This technique of using unrelated images to help tell a story would be borrowed by Iamaphoney on many occasions."
There's an early Iamaphoney video -- I forget which RA number -- in which a camera remains focused on Derek Taylor (I think) for a period of time while he's smoking a cigarette while some PID-theme is playing in the background.
I didn't really "get" it, but now I suppose that the idea was that Taylor had portrayed Paul McCartney at some point.
That must have been a hell of a makeup job.
Why hasn't anyone suggested that Eric Idle was a "Paul"? What the hell, right? After all they've made the braindead claim that Vivian Stanshall played the part of "Paul" and Stanshall was in the Bonzo Dog Band who were in Magical Mystery Tour AND were also in Do Not Adjust Your Set with future Pythons Terry Jones, Michael Palin, Terry Gilliam and Eric Idle and since Stanshall looks nothing like McCartney but Idle does a little AND he played Dirk McQuickly in the Rutles......well!
Stig has been dead for ages, honestly.
65if2007 wrote:
I didn't really "get" it, but now I suppose that the idea was that Taylor had portrayed Paul McCartney at some point.
I think in the Rotten Apple video, Iamaphoney had some audio of Derek Taylor talking about the Paul Is Dead rumor and used unrelated video of Derek to go with it. This is not an unheard of documentary technique.
Regarding replacements for Paul, Apollo had something interesting to say, and I quote:
"It would stagger the mind in knowing just how many different souls it took to replace just "one."
Some seen and not heard, some heard and not seen, while others pulled the strings to create such an elaborate dance.
What had been an easy fix, turned more complicated with time."
Tafultong said...
Regarding replacements for Paul, Apollo had something interesting to say, and I quote:
"It would stagger the mind in knowing just how many different souls it took to replace just "one."
Some seen and not heard, some heard and not seen, while others pulled the strings to create such an elaborate dance.
What had been an easy fix, turned more complicated with time."
March 12, 2009 8:50 PM
Yeah...um..that's really enlightening. What did Apollo do? Major in vague hokum?
Anonymous said...
IF...Paul/Faul had all the surgeries the PID groups say he's had. Nose, chin, era, eye.
IF...Paul/Faul had presented himself as the messianic figure Iamaphoney says he has.
It would look a little something like this....
March 8, 2009 12:13 AM
What are your thoughts on this, Tafultong?
Iamaphoneysphoney "the messed up apple" ...youtube
goo3joob "its was a fake mustache"...youtube
Anonymous wrote:
IF...Paul/Faul had all the surgeries the PID groups say he's had. Nose, chin, era, eye.
IF...Paul/Faul had presented himself as the messianic figure Iamaphoney says he has.
It would look a little something like this....[Michael Jackson Video]
What are your thoughts on this, Tafultong?
My thoughts are that the two scenarios you presented are highly unlikely. However, when you add elements like messianic figures, magic (or magick), time travel, aliens and demons, all sorts of unlikely scenarios become plausible.
Iamaphoney's foray into the supernatural (which was done by Joel Glazier decades ago) opens up a world of possibilities. So, it all depends on your view of the likelihood of other worlds interacting with this world.
That's why I think it is important to always remind people of Apollo's view, which doesn't seem to require beliefs that extend beyond what we call the real world.
Hope this adequately answers your question.
"Iamaphoney's foray into the supernatural (which was done by Joel Glazier decades ago) opens up a world of possibilities."
But what was he saying? Did it matter?
Braverman had used an out of context picture of Paul in a swimming pool and an old World War II photograph to "illustrate" the "Paul Is Dead" phenomenon. This technique of using unrelated images to help tell a story would be borrowed by Iamaphoney on many occasions."
One could charitably call this "technique" of "using unrelated images to help tell a story" or, if one is honest, it is a technique of using unrelated images/audio etc. to create a story.
What about the "book of the law" referencing? What was all that about? It is the main theme, supernaturally.
Tafultong said...
Anonymous wrote:
IF...Paul/Faul had all the surgeries the PID groups say he's had. Nose, chin, era, eye.
IF...Paul/Faul had presented himself as the messianic figure Iamaphoney says he has.
It would look a little something like this....[Michael Jackson Video]
What are your thoughts on this, Tafultong?
My thoughts are that the two scenarios you presented are highly unlikely. However, when you add elements like messianic figures, magic (or magick), time travel, aliens and demons, all sorts of unlikely scenarios become plausible.
Iamaphoney's foray into the supernatural (which was done by Joel Glazier decades ago) opens up a world of possibilities. So, it all depends on your view of the likelihood of other worlds interacting with this world.
That's why I think it is important to always remind people of Apollo's view, which doesn't seem to require beliefs that extend beyond what we call the real world.
Hope this adequately answers your question.
Well the point of using that video was to illustrate how the public appearance and behaviour of Paul McCartney does not match up to the outlandish charges brought against him by Iamaphoney whereas Michael Jackson's appearance and behaviour does although it is unrelated to PID. 65If got the joke.
Oh, now I get it. Ha Ha.
"Yeah...um..that's really enlightening. What did Apollo do? Major in vague hokum?"
No, not really. He was forthcoming
over time - like one piece to a puzzle little by little. It seems from your comment you haven't read many of his posts and pms.
Some communicated not for weeks, or
months, but years with him.
Can we say for sure he knew what was going on? Maybe not.
But he was remarkably consistent
all that time. Never really swayed
off the track at all.
Paul wanted out. As simple as that.
(or at least a holiday)
The challenge was 'can we keep this ship going, or would this Beatles thing we have be finished?'
They decided to give it a try.
And they went beyond '66.
The boat kept sailing.
Miss them.
Yeah sure. Why not replace Geri Halliwell? That was millions of dollars lost. Does that mean that any multi-million dollar earning band that had a member actually leave instead of replacing them with a lookalike is NOT part of the illuminati plot? Does that mean the Spice Girls are somehow more decent than the Beatles?
Oh I know what you'll say the Spice Girls were not in the same league as the Beatles.
When Brian Jones died, the Rolling Stones replaced him with Mick Taylor and their multi-million dollar empire kept a-rolling like nothing happened. When Mick Taylor quit the band the Stones replaced him with Ron Wood and went on to make even more millions. No doubles. No NWO plot. Does that mean the Rolling Stones are NWO rebels? Should we all listen to the Rolling Stones and the Spice Girls and the Eagles and Pink Floyd and the Ramones and Duran Duran and all the other multi-million dollar bands who carried on and got new members when the original ones died, quit or were fired?
This fantasy version of Paul McCartney as a James Dean type rebel who thumbed his nose at success, the Illuminati or whatever else people come up with and vanished into the hills is stolen directly from the "Jim Morrison is Alive" cult.
"Apollo" is full of crap. A fake name on the fake ass internet where anyone can say anything and get away with it.
Shows how much you know.
Besides, who said anything about the nwo etc, here recently?
Now would be a good time for the "firemen" to rush in.......
a kid of a goat is still a goat...
The theory that Paul quit the Beatles and was replaced but was a figure on the sidelines helping to make the music has slightly more plausibility to it then Paul being dead but only slightly. The problem is you have too many people who prefer the idea of him being dead for their own morbid reasons.
That's not the Hudson river, its clearly the Williamsburg or Brooklyn Bridge so it's the East River.
the whole thing is f-ed -up
he could b right
seriously right. But just a weave in the tapestry, right
"Anonymous said...
The theory that Paul quit the Beatles and was replaced but was a figure on the sidelines helping to make the music has slightly more plausibility to it then Paul being dead but only slightly. The problem is you have too many people who prefer the idea of him being dead for their own morbid reasons."
Well, all the clues point to dead.
That's why a good number think that.
But, there's just no proof.
What's apparent is the physical
differences between JPM and later guys.
I have little doubt he was replaced.
Maybe the nonsense one experiences
being out in the public gets to be too much.
Perhaps JPM still wanted to be in the game behind the scenes because of his love for music, but wanted to shed the other stuff.
In the Frost interview he talks
about retirement. The audience
gives a little laugh.
Maybe inside he wasn't laughing and he knew then.
He says maybe retire in a couple years.
Interview: '64
Replacement time (physical differences, etc): '66
Perhaps more than a coincidence.
He also mentions that if he was retired from all the Beatle stuff he'd like to maybe 'write songs for other people.'
Mr. Apollo mentions that JPM contributed behind the scenes and mentions specific albums.
"Mr. Apollo mentions that JPM contributed behind the scenes and mentions specific albums.
If that's true than Mr. Apollo undermines PID. I can see why NIR, who lean toward PWR and seem to think he came back, would put stock in what he says. Sadly there is also no proof that Mr. Apollo was who they seem to believe he was, and without that his words could be anybody's.
Iamaphoney is a ROCK LOBSTER
have a look at this.
do i hear the fireman rushing in again?
ah ha ha.
More FireMan.
"Apollo" is full of crap. A fake name on the fake ass internet where anyone can say anything and get away with it.
A fake name that seemingly fell ill and ceased communication with NIR members a mere three months before Neil Aspinall died.
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1,000 subscribers :o
Since Vince mentioned the Watchmen film up there, and since it plays into some of the themes IAAP tends to focus upon, I thought some of you might be interested in this interpretation of the original comic's symbolism: WATCHMEN UNMASKED
I don't agree with the author's assertions about the purity of the Rorschach character, etc. but he does make some intriguing points about the birth of "conspiracy theorists" post-JFK that are probably applicable to the PID crowd as well. Of special note:
This constant reminder of the year 1963 is never far from the action.
Almost every male character in WATCHMEN wears the distinctive footwear, another generational touchstone.
Everyone who is old enough to remember 1963 remembers where they were and what they were doing when Kennedy was shot.
I'll lay even money that Alan Moore was standing in a pair of these things.
I'll bet he spent the rest of the day walking around in the rain.
Because that's what I did on December 8th, 1980.
" I'm just scared. Because everything feels WEIRD. It's as if EVERYTHING's changed. Not just you; EVERYTHING." - Janey Slater
Also of note for IAAP watchers: Alan Moore, the writer of the original WATCHMEN comics, is a practicing magician, acknowledging this on many occasions as a fundamental component of his creative process and output.
In FROM HELL, Moore's first major post-Watchmen work,
he portrays Jack The Ripper as a high-ranking Mason enacting a black magic ritual in order to affect the couse of history.
I believe that WATCHMEN is essentially the same story, just below the surface.
"A fake name that seemingly fell ill and ceased communication with NIR members a mere three months before Neil Aspinall died."
Fell ill? and your proof? I would not be shocked if Mr. Apollo were still among us under another name or several.
Here's a clue for you all:
On the song Martha My Dear, there is a credit given to a violinist named Lou Soufier.
Say that name out loud.
Why? what's the point?
When Brian Jones died, the Rolling Stones replaced him with Mick Taylor and their multi-million dollar empire kept a-rolling like nothing happened. When Mick Taylor quit the band the Stones replaced him with Ron Wood and went on to make even more millions.
Nah, still not the same league. Plus, the perceived frontmen at the time were Jagger and Richards, which is unfair of course, the real founder was Jones.. All the same, Jones could go away and as long as the others believed they could continue without his creative input, they would, and as far as the public was concerned they were still "whole".
For an example of a group that is wounded beyond repair after losing a key member, see The Doors.
Private Message received from iamaphoney:
Re: Lou Soufier
hi Dan,
Yeah, Lou is playing the violin, I thought nobody would ever notice that, but you did, really. Great work, lad.
nev-eh ev-ah?
haha ha I get it:
Lou Soufier=Lucifer
Really? Do tell.
Lucifer was probably paid scale foe the session.
Anonymous said...Nah, still not the same league. Plus, the perceived frontmen at the time were Jagger and Richards, which is unfair of course, the real founder was Jones.. All the same, Jones could go away and as long as the others believed they could continue without his creative input, they would, and as far as the public was concerned they were still "whole".
For an example of a group that is wounded beyond repair after losing a key member, see The Doors.
Yeah but the Doors continued without Morrison. They put out two albums (Full Circle, Other Voices) and toured. Those records are not on CD but I have them on vinyl. Not all that great but they tried. In the late 70's they put music to recordings of Jim's poetry and made An American Prayer and then the whole Morrison is Alive cult started and they've been a cash cow ever since and....
Hey waitaminit!
Apollo C. Vermouth was certainly Neil Aspinall, but he was winding you all up. He had a wicked sense of humor, and it was his way of dispelling the PID myth.
Anonymous said...
Apollo C. Vermouth was certainly Neil Aspinall, but he was winding you all up. He had a wicked sense of humor, and it was his way of dispelling the PID myth.
March 15, 2009 12:06 AM
It's more likely he was Neil Innes who, after seeing how the memory of his long since dead former bandmate and national comedy treasure Vivian Stanshall was dragged into PID lunacy decided to wind the bastards up. Neil Innes HAS a wicked sense of humor.
Truth is sometimes stranger than....
Martha, my Dear. arrrf!
"That's why I think it is important to always remind people of Apollo's view, which doesn't seem to require beliefs that extend beyond what we call the real world."
Or so they seemed. He alluded to scripture many times.
He did?
One example?
Danny Boy looks a little Funny.
Danny's funny?
Funny? What, is he a clown to you? Funny how? Is he here for your entertainment?
I mean funny like he's a clown, he amuses you? He makes you laugh, he's here to *uckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How is he funny?
Danny is a memeber of the PID mob. Notice the messages from IAAP
Anonymous said...
Danny is a memeber of the PID mob. Notice the messages from IAAP
March 15, 2009 2:17 PM
THAT'S the funny part!
"He did?
One example?" (regarding Apollo alluding to scriptures)
So many of his posts have disappeared from NIR and TKIN (he did it himself) that it's hard to find some "for instance"es, but for example, he once wrote this to JoJo:
"I seem to either be a "reluctant meshiah" or crazed lunatic with much too much time on me hands."
In another example he wrote something along the lines of this:
"You would have thought that the return of Paul was the next best thing to the second coming!"
(my best recollection of the statement)
But yes, he alluded to scriptural
references a lot if you look at what he wrote. Maybe someone who has some of his correspondence can site some examples.
I am God
I am Jesus, really!
In the beginning,
I said "Let there be light!"
Heather Mills is going to leave Paul for me, a real man.
(this later came TRUE!) but he died...
apollo is not dead, neither is paul u loonies
Having just read "The Lennon Prophecy" my mind is much more open to the death clues being misinterpreted for many years. This is a strange, strange book where PID clues are turned on their head. For example on the cover of Rubber Soul 3 Beatles are looking away from the camera and only John is looking directly at it. "The only way to go is MDC" and everything. Even the mirrored Sgt. Pepper drum refers to John. I can't say I buy the theory that John sold his soul to the devil but if you're intrigued with PID you might discover that you've been barking up the wrong tree all this time.
thanks 4 the book review danny!
You are welcome!
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I just canceled my subscription. This is absolute rubbish! I suggest you do the same Danny. Jesus does not approve of all this satanic stuff you are discovering!
Dear Mr Smartypants,
Danny is a musician from Boston. Primarily known for winning The International Blues Foundations, International Blues Challenge. He is a devout Christian, thank you very much.... this stuff he is doing now is just a phase. He went to church today, and didn't spend Sunday reading the "Lennon Prophecy"
Besides, to be good Christians we have to watch out for the tricks of the devil and one way to do that is to discover hidden Beatles death clues and tell everyone about it!
They read the good Book from Fri' till Monday,
That's how the weekend goes.
I've got a dream house I'll build there one day,
With picket fence and ramblin' rose.
is the "good book" Lennon's Prophesy?
I just canceled my subscription. This is absolute rubbish! I suggest you do the same Danny. Jesus does not approve of all this satanic stuff you are discovering!
March 15, 2009 4:11 PM
Good! We didn't need you anyways!
No I'm not Danny. I'm the guy who posted the review of "The Lennon Prophecy". It was a good book but not THE good book for crying out loud!
you know that the truth is close when the clowns come out....
No I'm not Danny. I'm the guy who posted the review of "The Lennon Prophecy". It was a good book but not THE good book for crying out loud!
March 15, 2009 4:23 PM
Thanks for clearing that up danny!
The Lennon Prophesy is based on THE good book! It IS about bible prophesy!
So why did you cancel your subscription to IAAP?
I'm not Danny! Who the hell is Danny? All I did was say the the Lennon Prophecy was a good book and I think the PID clues may be wrong. Is that why you are attacking me? If anyone says something against the common view of PID clues you try to cause trouble and get kids confused? It's impossible to make a point here because you hardcore PID cultists can't think outside the box.
Yes, I think the 1964 David Frost interview is an essential piece in the PID puzzle. Paul said he might be retired in two years (1966) to start writing music for other people. The Beatles didn't lost any quality in their music since 1966. Paul had a motorcycle crash in the same year. The injuries (in his lips and teeth) can be seen in the rain video. I always believed that the post-1966 Paul was another person because I see major physical diferences (skull bones, nose, height, eye colour). So, when I put these pieces together I start to think that The Beatles wanted to say Paul leave the stage because of a crash, but they also wanted to make some fun with it saying that Paul died. Doesn't it make sense?
I'm not Danny! Who the hell is Danny?
ok danny
Danny is pretty much a hero around here, quit pretending to be Danny.
Sir, I know Danny. Danny is a friend of mine. You sir are no Danny.
talismand said...
Yes, I think the 1964 David Frost interview is an essential piece in the PID puzzle. Paul said he might be retired in two years (1966) to start writing music for other people. The Beatles didn't lost any quality in their music since 1966. Paul had a motorcycle crash in the same year. The injuries (in his lips and teeth) can be seen in the rain video. I always believed that the post-1966 Paul was another person because I see major physical diferences (skull bones, nose, height, eye colour). So, when I put these pieces together I start to think that The Beatles wanted to say Paul leave the stage because of a crash, but they also wanted to make some fun with it saying that Paul died. Doesn't it make sense?
March 15, 2009 4:31 PM
No because the PID cultist's use unflattering pics of Paul after 1966 to make their case. The repeatedly use screenshots taken from films where he's exhaling after taking a puff on a cigarette and say "See, his mouth is different" but anyone can watch the entire sequence and see for themselves. What it comes down to is a group of people who hate Paul and hate the Beatles and want to encourage pthers to hate them too. Considering the Beatles and Paul McCartney have absolutely nothing to do with their lives and how they live it, PID is the height of folly. It's the same as getting angry about something Tom Cruise is doing when you don't know Tom Cruise, live with Tom Cruise, have any connection with Tom Cruise or will ever meet him. PID ventures into tabloid territory.
If you read the Lennon Prophesy you see a much different story develop but one that the PID cult refuse to accept because they love John and hate Paul.
and can someone explain who Danny is. I'm fucking sick of people calling me "Danny", you morons.
How did you know I am a PID Cultist?
Was it my secret decoder ring or my Tattoo? It was the Tattoo, wasn't it?
You convinced me! I am going to join the Cult of the Lennon Prophesy!!!!
yeah if you only read the book the Lennon prophesy you could be a Lennon cultist and see how wrong you were about the Tom Cruise is Dead cult you currently believe in!
Tom Cruise + LRonHubbard=CROWLEY!!!!
and can someone explain who Danny is. I'm fucking sick of people calling me "Danny", you morons.
March 15, 2009 4:44 PM
sorry danny!
"What it comes down to is a group of people who hate Paul and hate the Beatles and want to encourage pthers to hate them too"
You can't change "pthers" minds with unflattering pictures you PID cultists!
PID convert!!!! said...
You convinced me! I am going to join the Cult of the Lennon Prophesy!!!!
March 15, 2009 4:57 PM
I looked "Mornon" up in the dicktonary, and it was like your picture there... or something.
PID convert!!!! said...
You convinced me! I am going to join the Cult of the Lennon Prophesy!!!!
March 15, 2009 4:57 PM
Glad you are now thinking outside of the box!
Now, you should BUY the Lennon Prophesy. You will see this thing in a whole new light. Stop hating! Start reading the KNOWLEDGE! John Lennon sold his soul in a twenty year pact with the devil. The MDC thing will SHOCK you. Oh, and I am NOT J Niezgoda btw, I am the guy who wrote the review.
where is your review? would like to read it. so when all my pid cult friends start the intervention process i can successfully refute all their silly childish claims. maybe i can get some of them out of the box as well.
Take your stinky paws off me you Damn dirty pid cultists!
The book is on Amazon and I bought it a bookstore. It was 20 dollars. I'm not the author and I'm not Danny. I'm just a hard lovin' guy. Your bowles would ache after 5 minutes of my love. I am the ROCK LOBSTER and don't you forget it mealworms!
wish you would've used this shorter link. you make me yawn with your long PID cultist videos. we lennon prophesy cultists know that the shorter it is.. the better. am i right ladies?
nothing says "argument won" like threatening five minutes of forced male rape
You can't rape the willing mornon!
"Your bowles would ache after 5 minutes of my love. I am the ROCK LOBSTER and don't you forget it mealworms!
March 15, 2009 5:19 PM"
Did you mean bowels? Because my ceral dishes were getting mighty scared of your "hard lovin"
leave my ceral bowles alone you sick Lennon cultist who's book is available at bookstores and amazon!
your publicist is happy, your spellchecker and proof reader has job security.
good job mornon!
In addition to being fanatical raging PID cultists you are all spelling nazi's too!
Get a girlfriend! You really need one!
I had a girlfriend, her name was Yoko.
Never expected THAT did you?
All you Paul is Dead pukes, listen up. He is alive. John is Dead. He was killed by a Satanic pact. Need proof?
ISBN-10: 0942257456
On amazon for $11.98
If you paid $20 you are a mornon!
If you paid $20 you are a mornon!
March 15, 2009 5:31 PM
You can read it for free at Barnes & Nobles. Us cultists got to save our pennies!
BARNES AND NOBLE..... not Nobles!
no "s"
* List Price: $19.99
* Online Price: $15.99
damn it! I could have saved $4 at Amazon!
Leave the mormons out of this!
Who said anything about "forced"?
PID is playpen of shirtless men and secret yearnings. Everyone here is gay. Didn't you know that already? No harm in that. Say it loud, we're out and we're proud!
"damn it! I could have saved $4 at Amazon!
March 15, 2009 5:34 PM"
Not recommended. The $11.98 price is for a used book. And those Lennon cultists are known, when climbing out of the box, to drench their "bible" in you-know-what.
ISBN-10: 0942257456
On amazon for $11.98
Thank you for that. I encourage all of you to read my...uhhh...this wonderful book.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Leave the mormons out of this!
The mormons are always receiving percussion like that, overpaying for books and what not. That's why they made their own state.
For the magick underwear, and for the book savings.
Hi, I just found this blog and allow me to add to the chorus of praise for Mr.Niezgoda's illuminating book The Lennon Prophecy. It was a quick read but gave me so much to think about it. It's true that you can find it on Anazon.com but I wuld ureg you to buy a new edition of it rather than a used one because purchasing a new one will allow Mr.Niezgoda to continue his research which is vital.
Anonymous said...
ISBN-10: 0942257456
On amazon for $11.98
Thank you for that. I encourage all of you to read my...uhhh...this wonderful book.
March 15, 2009 5:38 PM
NO DOUBT! Reminds me when that dude came on here to sell his
hack junk.
"Hey guys! Anyone ever bought my.. I mean.. go to ispauldead.com!"
Yeah thats the ticket!
I love this blog and I would also like to add my thoughts on The Lennon Prophecy. It was truly fascianting! If you are even a casua fan of The Beatles or John Lennon then do yourself a favor and open your mind and float downstream as Lennon says. Mr. Niezgoda has done a masterful job and his efforts should be rewarded by all of us who are spellbound by the beatles and their music. You can find it on Amazon and it's well worth it.
A reader.
About the only thing spelled correctly is the name. Hmmmmm....
Anonymous said...
Have you visited here? I think it's the best Paul Is Dead Site on the web! They even have information about how you can get a great vintage radio show that covers all the clues. Highly Recommended!
January 19, 2009 7:05 PM
The ispauldead.com is MUCH cheaper then the Niezgoda book. You can get it for only $9.99, which is a savings of $10.01 sense which is the same EVEN IF YOU PLAY IT BACKWARDS!!
Available for instant MP3 Download $9.99
The Beatles! Is Paul Dead? Rare Audio CD $14.95
Hi I just found this blog and it's so much fun. Have you read The Lennon Prophecy yet? It just came out from author J Niezgoda and if you're interested in the Beatles and John Lennon or is a fan of the paranormal than I recommend you pick up this valuable book. I bought my cpy on Amazon.com. Did John Lennon sell his sould to the devil? What do the Paul Is Dead clues really mean? You'll find out and more in this fascinaiting book.
-A reader
Wow! A whopping 18 reviews on Amazon. This book is really flying off the shelves, huh?
I just wanted to agree with the reader above. I love this blog as well. The masterful book by Mr. Neizgoda is one of the best bargens around for only $20 and if you order 2 copies you can get it with Amazon's super-saver shipping for FREE, which is a savings of $6. That almost pays for 1/2 of a book by itself. That way you too can save money and get the knowledge and education to fend off any PID cult interventions your living at home pot smoking no girlfriend basement dwelling troglodytes friends who may try to force you into "THE BOX" that you need to get out of. Think of it as a $20 bill that sets you free, inspires and educates you, and gets you off the shameful addiction of relying on unflattering photoshopped Paul McCartney pics to prove your point. Get yourself the real ammunition to make your pale glassy eyed friends run for the cover of their mommybirds apron, back into the dank dark basements for which they famously solve all the worlds problems that they fuel with a pernicious hatred of all things Beatles. Who knows, that $20 may even get you a girlfriend. We of course are not legally able to promise you a girlfriend, but let's just say that John Lennon got laid way more then Paul. If you read the "Lennon Prophesy" you maybe possibly can too!
*this advertisement is not to be construed as a promise of female attention or a promise to pay the rent in a apartment should you decide to move out of your parents basement. We can promise you will get "OUT OF THE BOX" and will no longer be a PID cultist.
shhhh hush,,, taf will edit it out later
PID cultist anthem
FAIL! Notice the 0 comments.....
My man Niezgoda is making SERIOUS bank with his book the "Lennon Prophesy"
He is Amazon.com Sales Rank: #178,343 in Books
That means there is only 178,343 books ahead of him!
glad the yoda cookies are making a come back. its old school, but is it coming back?
"We can promise you will get "OUT OF THE BOX" and will no longer be a PID cultist.
March 15, 2009 6:01 PM"
That out of the box comment really bothered you didn't it? Think I discovered your sore spot. Care to talk about it? We are all friends here. No one will ridicule you or try and make you buy any unnecessary products.
No one will ridicule you or try and make you buy any unnecessary products.
March 15, 2009 6:10 PM
Surely you must be joking!
Devil Lennon cultists make mincemeat out of boring old fashioned PID cultists. Tear down your Faulters! The new way is here and we already have 18 people on board! And these are real people, not the same 5 or 6 who create dozens of fake identities and accounts to make it appear that more people love them than they really do (I'm looking at you IAAP).
The Devil Lennon cult is on the rise!
The PID cult....not even as popular as Tamogachi.
I am not joking, and quit calling me Shirley. OR DANNY!
Face it PID'ers your day is done. The Ides of March are upon you. The Red Hand Cult is on the rise.
"Paul is Dead" IS DEAD!
Pun intended! or is that a pun? Whatever it is, it is real.
The Ides of March has come!
The Day of the Lennon Devil Cult is here.
Give us $20 and boost us to #178,342!
Methinks we might be heading to 200 comments tonight. The comedy is slowly coming back. Can I get a Sir Larry?
Anonymous said...
haha ha I get it:
Lou Soufier=Lucifer
Really? Do tell.
March 14, 2009 10:18 PM
Mr Fireman telleth.
Joseph NiezGODa what have you started? The ultimate cage match. PID cultists -vs- Lennon Devil cultists.
On one side we've got the nutjobs who call Iamaphoney HIM and think Lindsay Lohan is part of the PID conspiracy and on the other side we've got the new boys on the block. The Jonas Brothers of drivel!
Why do you not comment? You think you are all better then me? I was making Paul is Dead books and recordings before almost all of you were even a glimmer in your fathers eye, HE PROBABLY WASN'T EVEN BORN YET EITHER!
Oh, and Mr. Niezgoda, got you beat price wise. My information is better, I discovered everything you were wrote before you were even born or your father was born, and my rare recording is only $9.99 for instant download. I am faster, cheaper, and smarter then you.
Your rank is #178,343?
Please! I am farther a head of you by breakfast every morning.
The only think you beat me in is your 18 reviews. Someday, I will be #1 there too!
For now.... 0 comments
My unstable mental faculties are crumbling! I CAN'T THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!! I can only follow orders from IAAP. Retrieve suitcases. Spam Macca's official YouTube page like Mikey confessed IAAP told him to do! John Lennon is my hero! IAAP is my Christ! No...no...I must not go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this is all "my product is better then your product?"
Crass commercialism....
What happened to
"Besides, to be good Christians we have to watch out for the tricks of the devil and one way to do that is to discover hidden Beatles death clues and tell everyone about it!"
Damn straight, bro!
ispauldead.com you amuse me! Beating a dead horse with your flawed research, much of it lifted from Andru Reeve. Oh snap! Did I just say that?
0 comments...talk to me when you have 18 comments.
"The ultimate cage match. PID cultists -vs- Lennon Devil cultists."
Tickmaster has tickets... for a small convenience charge
Tickmaster has tickets... for a small convenience charge
March 15, 2009 6:29 PM
Can I get a Sir Larry?
What? More Chinese junk?
Don't we have enough of that?
0 comments...talk to me when you have 18 comments.
March 15, 2009 6:28 PM
well said JN! the only commercialism allowed here is NIEZGODA!
Let me answer the question ispauldead.com?
The answer is NO. He is not dead.
Can I offer some advice? Take a shower, get out of the pot, get up from the basement, leave the ceral bowels alone, stop the rape jokes, get some comments, get a girlfriend, get a life.
in that order.
Iamaphoney can kiss my ass too! 999 subscribers? Flip that number over asshole. Well.....whatdyaknow?
Doesn't matter either way. You and Mikey and 4 kids from NIR made up 900 of those fake accounts. Anything you can do to puff up your straw man, eh?
Don't even think about taking on Joseph "Macho Man" Niezgoda. You can't handle the pressure.
By the way, how does it feel to be UNPUBLISHED?
You guys are all gay?
Sir Larry! The cage match has started! Tag you are it! Smoke these interloping b*tches and calm the blog down! Jump the bog, saw the log, eat the hog, whatever you have to do!
Unleash some alliteration on them if you have to! Spare no expense, except for $20 so I can get that NiezYoda bakers dozen Yoda cookies. They are green.... get it?
By the way, how does it feel to be UNPUBLISHED?
March 15, 2009 6:35 PM
He is unemployed and surrounded by Las Vegas Christians whining about salvation while plunking nickles in the slots on a SUNDAY!
Vince knows it sucks to be unpublished. The question is, "how does it feel to be mean?"
The answer is?
Niezgoda = i ez an god!
" Anonymous said...
You guys are all gay?
March 15, 2009 6:38 PM"
the gay rape jokes would be a sign, yes
Anonymous said...
" Anonymous said...
You guys are all gay?
March 15, 2009 6:38 PM"
the gay rape jokes would be a sign, yes
March 15, 2009 6:41 PM
So the question really should be, how does it feel to be an unpublished gay?
By the way, how does it feel to be UNPUBLISHED?
March 15, 2009 6:35 PM
What do you call a $9.99 INSTANT MP3 download? CHOP SUEY????
The question is, "how does it feel to be mean?"
It feels bad to be be mean, but what's worse is to be blue and mean. (If you know what I meanie.)
Joined: July 23, 2006
Last Sign In: 5 hours ago
Videos Watched: 6,378
Subscribers: 999
Channel Views: 191,612
I canceled my subscription, it was 1,000 earlier today. Put your money where your mouth is.. lets make it 998! Then, go write a review for Niezgonads and buy his book... move him to #178,342 on Amazon!
Mel A Mean, weren't you one of the Spice Girls?
What do you call a $9.99 INSTANT MP3 download? CHOP SUEY????
I call that a little boy playing with tinker toys. See in order to be published someone has to actually read, like and respect your work. Putting up an mp3 is like shitting in the wind.
What do you call a $9.99 INSTANT MP3 download? CHOP SUEY????
March 15, 2009 6:43 PM
I call it pathetic. "Rare" recordings? Try Youtube. Everything you are selling is free. $14.99 for a CD? Talk about gouging! Do you work for an inkjet printer cartridge company? Did you learn your business model there?
inky bast*rd!
Las Vegas Atheists Assoc. said...
By the way, how does it feel to be UNPUBLISHED?
March 15, 2009 6:35 PM
I forget what I was going to say!
I'll make a deal with you ispauldead.com. I'll write the books and you read 'em.
I can't think of anything else an unpublished writer could possibly be useful for.
Oh wait..
...my car needs washing. ZING!
"Anonymous said...
What do you call a $9.99 INSTANT MP3 download? CHOP SUEY????"
It takes skill and talent to write a book and GET published. It takes little talent to copy freely available audio and put it up for sale on the internet.
Niezgoda has beat you so bad, it is embarrassing!
Just stay down b*tch! Quit pulling my shirt!
you guys have some personal history?
did ispauldead steal your girlfriend or something? He have a bigger basement to live in?
Tell you what ispauldead, if you sell me your book for $5 I promise not to buy Niezgoda's book.... until tomorrow.
Time for a bidding war!
"The ultimate cage match. PID cultists -vs- Lennon Devil cultists."
Lennon Devil cultists are wusses!
"Putting up an mp3 is like shitting in the wind.
March 15, 2009 6:47 PM"
I believe you meant "pissing" into the wind. Sh*t falls straight down. It's called "gravity". Look it up Mr. Published author! As the kids say, "GOOGLE it"
I've been dead for years. Absolutely effing years.
I am making a bikini out of them. If there was some freakishly pale living in the basement troglodyte, and he saved his allowance, I might let him eat them off....
Hey George. Cup of tea?
"Oh wait..
...my car needs washing. ZING!
March 15, 2009 6:52 PM"
In this economy? HELLS YEAH!
While I am at it, you want fries with that?
"Bidding War said...
Tell you what ispauldead, if you sell me your book for $5 I promise not to buy Niezgoda's book.... until tomorrow.
Time for a bidding war!
March 15, 2009 6:58 PM"
Are you kidding? He has no book! Only Mp3's for download. Can't play with the big boys. No radio interviews, no bookstore signings, only a lonely corner of his mother's basment.
Well hello Stacy. I see those long legs came in handy on Dancing With The Stars (smirk).
ispauldead.com did not steal my girlfriend. She only goes out with actual published authors.
While ispauldead.com is crouched over his broken down Honda Civic and cursing the fates for his misbegotten failures, I'll be cruising by in my Jag with the beautiful Stacy Kiebler sitting next to me and cautiously running her hand down my thigh and whispering "show me the money again Amazon boy". You'll hear my devil-may-care howls of laughter echoing in your ears ispauldead.com, occasionally punctuated with joyous cries of "A blog? 9.99?" Ha Ha Ha Ha!
"The only other oddity was a fruit bat on the back of Discovery's fuel tank that posed no debris threat to the shuttle and almost certainly perished."
Or did it? (Muahahahahaha!)
"I believe you meant "pissing" into the wind. Sh*t falls straight down. It's called "gravity". Look it up Mr. Published author! As the kids say, "GOOGLE it"
March 15, 2009 7:00 PM"
I googled it. Rocks beats scissors EVERY TIME!
ispauldead.com is to Joseph Niezgoda as the Monkees are to the Beatles,
I googled it. Rocks beats scissors EVERY TIME!
March 15, 2009 7:08 PM
Jag beats honda civic EVERY TIME
"Jag beats honda civic said...
I googled it. Rocks beats scissors EVERY TIME!
March 15, 2009 7:08 PM
Jag beats honda civic EVERY TIME
March 15, 2009 7:10 PM"
from wikipedia...
Stacey Keibler
Personal life
In 2000, Keibler lived at home with her parents and dated her high-school sweetheart, Joseph Niezgoda.[1] After winning the $10,000 in the contest to become a part of the Nitro Girls, Keibler used the money to buy season tickets for the Baltimore Ravens, the team for which she used to cheer.[3] During her days with WCW, Keibler was romantically linked with David Flair, the son of wrestler Ric Flair.[3][12]
Niezgoda was insanely jealous and had permanent restraining orders against him. Ric Flair challenged him to a cage match, buy Niezgoda chose to write a book instead. Mr. Flair was quoted saying, "Good choice toothpick! I'd snap you like a twiggy macaroni boy that you are!"
Keibler moved to Los Angeles in 2004,[47] where she was roommates with her friend Torrie Wilson.[3] After joining WWE, Keibler was in a relationship with Andrew "Test" Martin for several years.[3][28]
Niezgoda was again served with a far ranging restraining order that also covered email harassment.
In June 2005, Keibler was rumored to be in a relationship with actor Geoff Stults, best known for his appearances on 7th Heaven.[57] The pair appeared together on MTV's Punk'd, with Keibler as the recipient of the prank.[58] Keibler and Stults are part-owners of the Hollywood Fame, a 2006 expansion franchise of the American Basketball Association.[59]
On May 16, 2006, Keibler suffered a seizure at the ABC Upfront Presentation in New York City and was hospitalized.[57] The seizure was said to be minor, and Keibler was released from the hospital shortly after.[57] Four days later, Keibler appeared on the ESPN pre-race telecast of the Preakness Stakes in an interview with Kenny Mayne.[57]
Niezgoda is rumored to have sent flowers and is currenly sought for violation of the 200 mile restraining order.
Niezgoda is rumored to have sent flowers and is currenly sought for violation of the 200 mile restraining order.
March 15, 2009 7:17 PM
Flowers weren't covered!!!! READ THE ORDER. Only calls, email, personal contact. NOT FLOWERS!
wikipedia? NEVER WRONG!
"I'll be cruising by in my Jag with the beautiful Stacy Kiebler sitting next to me and cautiously running her hand down my thigh"
Only when you tell me where the suitcase is, loverboy!
(The cab was racing through the night.
Baby, don't do it
His eyes, they were keeping Cutie in sight.
Baby, don't do it
When he saw Cutie it gave him a thrill
Don't you know that baby cabs can kill?)
ispauldead.com I decided to throw you a bone and had the suits at New Chapter Press look over your blog and download your mp3. If you're wondering why your piggybank suddenly swelled to $19.98 you can thank me. I figured why not let bygones be bygones? Maybe I've been too hard on you. Maybe we can get you out of your parent's basement and into a nice cushy office at New Chapter Press...y'know...one like the sprawling Hugh Hefner-style pad I work out of.
Well, after pissing themselves with laughter the New Chapter Press boys picked themselves off the floor, settled down and asked me to pass this message along to you:
Not quite sure exactly what they mean by that but judging from the hysteric they broke into after relaying that message to me, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it too.
See? It's like what they say. Charity really does begin at home.
No need to thank me for showing you a bit of mercy. I'm too busy to receive that thanks anyway. Stacy is wearing the Swedish milkmaiden outfit again...ahem!
Ta ta...LOSER!
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