Looking for The Answer
The Fool.
It appears that there really must have been a violinist named Lou Sofier (See previous article). Sir Larry Mildew tells us that in addition to playing violin on "Martha My Dear," he appeared on the 1973 Harry Nilsson album "A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night." My trusty record rack does not lie.

There was even a picture of Mr. Sofier in the foldout of the cover. The picture is dark, but he doesn't look too Beelzebubbly to me.

His resemblance to Ray Cooper playing the violin many years later on George Harrison's video for "When We Was Fab" as George was singing the words "Take you away" is purely coincidental. I'm sorry I even brought it up.

Of course, having been produced by Derek Taylor, Nilsson's album of old orchestral standards doesn't fall far from the Beatles Mystery Tree. That's Harry and Derek in the picture below. The woman in the heart is Nilsson's girlfriend at the time, Kathy Simmonds, who had a brief fling with George Harrison the following year until he left her to go on tour. (Source)

F spotted a recent change in the Wiki article on "Martha My Dear." A new vocalist named Sam Rodgers was added to the musician credits. I have not seen any corroboration for Mr. Rodgers being on the recording, but I did notice that his name can be thought of as an anagram for "Re Mars Gods."
pmc27 informed me that you can find more investigation of the Chinese Junk picture (see previous article) at the Paul Is Dead/Paul Is Alive forum. The forum encourages participation from diverse perspectives. Non-Spanish speakers will have to use a translator.
A new tribute album featuring covers of the songs on RAM is available for free download.

If you are ready for a Reggae version of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band," something called "Easy Star's Lonely Hearts Dub Band" will be available on April 14, 2009.
Well how do ya like them apples? Oh well.
Manson initially was sentenced to death. A 1972 ruling by the California Supreme Court found the state's death penalty law at the time unconstitutional and his death sentence was changed in 1977 to life in prison with the possibility of parole.
The septuagenarian has made 11 failed bids for parole since 1978, the last in 2007 when he was ordered to continue serving life sentences. Manson's next parole hearing is scheduled for 2012.
2012? told ya iaap got it all figured out
tafultong, i see you haven't posted anything about phoney's latest developments. have you missed them, or are you planning on making a seperate post for that?
after all, this is the iamaphoney blog. lol
" MikeNL said...
tafultong, i see you haven't posted anything about phoney's latest developments."
do tell!
iaap putting you up to this mikey?
"phoney's latest developments"
film at 11
about the all you need is love moon suitcase party? yeah... heard about it.. spider fabric dancers and commemorative beetle moon rovers...
don't believe everything you hear mikey
tafultong, i see you haven't posted anything about phoney's latest developments. have you missed them, or are you planning on making a seperate post for that?
after all, this is the iamaphoney blog. lol
March 19, 2009 11:03 PM
Mikey is to iamaphoney as Condoleeza is to Bush.
We have all missed them Mikey; not worth mentioning. Get a new gag.
"The septuagenarian has made 11 failed bids for parole since 1978, the last in 2007 when he was ordered to continue serving life sentences. Manson's next parole hearing is scheduled for 2012.
"2012? told ya iaap got it all figured out"
March 19, 2009 10:43 PM
Old news folks, been brought up before.
Pay attention. It's not 2012. I just want everybody to be happy. REALLY.
In reference to the "Dance Tonight" video.........the real party is in the basement.
Where the ghost become real.
.....the special effects technique used in the "Dance Tonight" video is also known as "Pepper's Ghost".
whats the news mike? whats the buzz tell me whatsa happenin!
a few days ago somebody said to me, "did you know it's really 1976?" and i said to them, GO BUY A CALENDAR! lol
Thanks for pointing out the facts and preventing yet another wave of bogus rumors and videos swirling around Lou.
I've been away from this stuff for almost a year--I had to laugh when I saw Mikey still here, asking about "lastest developments." Latest developments? Were there any earlier developments?
I'll check back in another year or so--
1984 said...
Pay attention. It's not 2012. I just want everybody to be happy. REALLY.
March 20, 2009 4:13 AM
Um...seek help, please. How's that Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa/PID connection working out?
Been gone from this blog for years, just checked in, wow the more things change the more things stay the same. Notice the same people saying the same things, so true to form I will as well. While I pretend to not read this blog as often as I really do, I am here now to formally announce that I will be leaving this blog for good... again. I will of course check in from time to time and remind you all of the fact that I have not been here amid the clutter and clanging of gongs about this rumor or that rumor. I will also check in from time to time, from my self imposed exile, to practice my haughty laughter and snide condescension. So for those amongst you who say
"Get off my lawn"... I am off.
For those of you who say
"How can we miss you when you never leave?"..... I left.
For those of you who say
"I am rubber and you are glue..."
I say this.... I am glue!!!
I intend to STICK to this decision!
I honestly and truly intend to never return, until such a time as to subtly imply that I am better then all of you who remain.
Great article btw Taf!
To bad I will not be able to enjoy them anymore, here... in my self imposed exile.
Also, for those of you keeping score...
This is the list of things I also do not do:
1. I do not watch TV. Ever. Never ever.
2. I never read tabloid magazines in the grocery store. Ever.
3. I am completely unaware of Britney Spears or who Madonna even is.
Who are they? Don't look at me!
4. I never sleep. I find it unnecessary.
5. I rarely breath oxygen. I am doing my part to save the environment.
Maybe a day will come when you can be as self-actualized as me and you will exile yourselves as well.
At which point,
So long suckers!
"3. I am completely unaware of Britney Spears or who Madonna even is.
Who are they? Don't look at me! "
I need to ad an addendum to this.
It should read...
3. I am completely unaware of Britney Spears or who Madonna even is.
Who are they? Don't look at me!
I am too busy reading Finnegan's Wake and Ulysses to be bothered with pulp culture.
here is an addendumb for this one jerk
"5. I rarely breath oxygen. I am doing my part to save the environment."
Maybe you should KEEP holding your breath! AM I RIGHT PEOPLE?!??!?
so long suckers!
March 20, 2009 1:45 PM"
Not if I have anything to say about it!
oh snap!!
" fingersCrossedBehindBack said.."
I imagine you are making fun of me. When I check back in a year or so you will be telling the same jokes, won't you? Who is more pathetic, someone like you or me?
The truth is, I have been away for a year. Oh, and yes, I do breath oxygen. I occasionally watch TV(mostly PBS). The last book I read was The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
So mark your calender, I will check back in a year. When we compare notes, I wonder who will have grown more as a person?
Oh and Taf, when I say check back in a year I mean I read your articles all the time. I am merely skipping the comments section.
"Maybe you should KEEP holding your breath! AM I RIGHT PEOPLE?!??!?
March 20, 2009 1:53 PM"
got to 0:46.. personal best...
" the real check back in a year said...
The last book I read was The Road by Cormac McCarthy."
"Anonymous the real check back in a year said...
I imagine you are making fun of me. When I check back in a year or so you will be telling the same jokes, won't you? Who is more pathetic, someone like you or me?
March 20, 2009 2:15 PM"
hey real check back in a year... didn't you say you would check back in a year???? How did you read that message? It hasn't been a year.
" Anonymous said...
Thanks for pointing out the facts and preventing yet another wave of bogus rumors and videos swirling around Lou.
I've been away from this stuff for almost a year--I had to laugh when I saw Mikey still here, asking about "lastest developments." Latest developments? Were there any earlier developments?
I'll check back in another year or so--
March 20, 2009 12:40 PM"
I'll check back in another year or so--OOOOONER!!!
hey real check back in a year... didn't you say you would check back in a year???? How did you read that message? It hasn't been a year.
March 20, 2009 2:23 PM
That wasn't me! Someone is pretending to be me! A friend told me to come back here and see this. I am glad I saw this. What other things are you pretending to say that I said?
"A friend told me to come back here and see this. I am glad I saw this. What other things are you pretending to say that I said?
March 20, 2009 2:27 PM"
a friend huh? i think i have heard you on a radio show, anonymous right?
"I have this..... friend who has this problem I... she! really needs help with"
The Beatles do their PID act in 1963
Whether you check in one a year, once a month, once a day, or, like some, once every few minutes, there's still no new or other developments--but that's why I check in--the lack of developments and revelations are surprisingly interesting. Sort of like Waiting for Godot. Actual developments and revelations would probably suck.
Don't blame Tafultong for the lack of developments. He didn't promised any revelation. He just make posts about the beatles mistery, And great posts, by the way. I already said that changing the blog's name would help leading with this kind of critics.
Sorry for my spelling. I forgot to read what I wrote before posting. English is not my native language.
talismand said...
Don't blame Tafultong for the lack of developments. He didn't promised any revelation. He just make posts about the beatles mistery, And great posts, by the way. I already said that changing the blog's name would help leading with this kind of critics.
March 20, 2009 4:15 PM
I agree with that. Maybe "The Beatles Mystery" would be a better name for it. It's almost insulting to name this after Iamaphoney. Meh
The fact that a violinist who calls himself "Lou Sofier" has two credits instead of one is not at all proof that this is his real name.
It's not at all proof that the name itself is "innocent". Perhaps Ray Cooper or someone else -- for whatever reason -- simply allowed himself to be billed under that name on two occasions.
Presumably, there was a real person behind the (apparently) fictitious "Joe Ephgrave" as well.
The fact that a fictitious name is used once or twice is not necessarily proof that the name is "guilty" either or that it's being used as anything other than a joke.
Such a beautiful song.
"There was even a picture of Mr. Sofier in the foldout of the cover. The picture is dark, but he doesn't look too Beelzebubbly to me."
Didn't I see him wearing a penis in the "A Day In the Life" YouTube video? (No really!)
That might be Mr. "Sofier", but I think that he's just wearing a big nose.
If I knew iamaphoney, the intervention would start now. Iaap, seriously, if you don't stop this we cannot be friends anymore. Stop crying! YOU CAN BE A MAN!
If you do that Moon All You Need is Love Extravaganza, I will be your friend. I need a commemorative Beetle moon rover.
Carry on gentlemen.
Bill Joy
was here
"Anonymous billJoy was here said...
If I knew iamaphoney, the intervention would start now."
couldnt agree more!the rumor is He is really drinking adn boozing it up.those of us that care think He really needs treatment.i told him unless he gets help i will cancel my subscription.it is tje only thing He understands.He keeps living la vida local going to get an sTD!
Was it not written in the stars?
No worries, please. All is as it should be.
(uh, right?)
Written in the stars, you say?
I thought I saw it in The Globe.
vince said...
" the real check back in a year said...
The last book I read was The Road by Cormac McCarthy."
March 20, 2009 2:18 PM
I didn't write this.
If you're gonna be ME, at least call yourself Tyler Durden!!
I am Jack's confusion as to why someone would use my name.
Oh, well. If they can do it to Keith Olberman on 'the twitter', they can do it to me!
That proves it!
"Sofier" is an actual surname of Greek origin (feminine Sofia).
If they wanted to create a little clue, you'd think they would have went with Lou Sofer or Lou Safir for example.
If they wanted to create a little clue, you'd think they would have went with Lou Sofer or Lou Safir for example.
March 21, 2009 12:34 PM
say Lou Sofier several times...
Lou Sofier...
the King's English mate....
the King's English mate....
March 21, 2009 12:37 PM
the beaTles were GREEK?
Be at Leso....
When Phoney says he is only showing us what Paul put in his art, he is using the exact same excuse Manson offered. "I didn't write the songs, man."
There are a lot of things in Paul's art that one could throw out there as evidence for any number of theories. You could make an even stronger case, based on his lyrics and art, that he is a closet Christian or a Buddhist or a dreamy eyed romantic.
And George was a Wilbury brother. As in will bury Paul.
Videos to follow
And George was a Wilbury brother. As in will bury Paul.
Wow! that's better than all of the IAAP videos combined!
will bury brother.
Oh brother
Any news?
"Will bury", eh?!
I buried Will.
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once upon a long ago
Anonymous said...
And George was a Wilbury brother. As in will bury Paul.
Videos to follow
March 21, 2009 12:46 PM
Anonymous said...
once upon a long ago
March 22, 2009 3:30 AM
Probably his worst song!
I mean, I'll take "Tropic Island Hum" over that one, any day!
vince said "Probably his worst song!"
I liked it.
Turnovers in your ephgrave!
"There was even a picture of Mr. Sofier in the foldout of the cover. The picture is dark, but he doesn't look too Beelzebubbly to me."
Funny thing about that. Whenever I see a picture of Sofier Loren, I get all Beelzebubbly!
and well you should. He's HOT!!!!
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1 Staff Member, 4 Members, 673 Guests, 2 Invisible Users
March 22, 2009 5:56 PM
iamaphoney should check his mail
If it was'nt a Harry Nilsson album that the ONE other credit for "Lou Sofier" had been located on I would buy that this MIGHT be a real person.
If it was a WHAM!, or
Duran Duran album,for instance, that he appeared on, than O.K.
But this is Harry Nilsson kids.
Barely one degree of separation from The Beatles.
I'm not saying it's not certainly possible that this is a real violin player's name, I'm just saying that I'm not yet TOTALY convinced that it is.
Perhaps one day soon, some intrepid reporter will produce Sofier and Ephgrave for a sit down and in depth interview.
Until then,the jury is still out as far as I'm concerned.
Great job on all the reporting by you,by the way,tafultong!!
Anonymous wrote:
But this is Harry Nilsson kids.
Barely one degree of separation from The Beatles.
I agree with that assessment. Thanks for the comment.
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