Promoted as a sex symbol in England, she did receive some respect for her acting abilities when she took on meatier roles portraying despicable characters. She associated with some despicable characters in real life as well. She was a close friend with murderess Ruth Ellis, who appeared in the Dors movie "Lady Godiva Rides Again." Ellis shot her boyfriend David Blakely six times on Easter Sunday of 1955. A short time later Ellis became the last woman to be executed in the United Kingdom. Dors was also a friend of organized crime figures, the Kray Twins. Bob Hoskins' character in the movie "The Long Good Friday" was somewhat based on the Kray twins. Reggie and Ronnie Kray were so impressed they supposedly sent a congratulatory letter to Hoskins from prison. "The Long Good Friday" was produced by Handmade films, the company owned by George Harrison.

One of the most despicable characters Diana Dors ever played was Irene, the wife of a magician in an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Although it was filmed in 1961, the episode entitled "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" remained unreleased for several years because the subject matter scared away advertisers.

Starring with Dors in "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" was an American child star named Brandon De Wilde. Although The Beatles represented child actors with three Shirley Temples and Bobby Breen, Mr. De Wilde could have easily joined the group on the cover of Sgt. Pepper. He was a member of that group of actors, musicians and other various artists who congregated in Laurel Canyon, California in the 1960s and 1970s. Some are dead and some are living. Several self destructed while others achieved great riches despite their association with some decidedly scary characters. Some have appeared in Iamaphoney videos and I expect more to do so in the future.

Brandon De Wilde entered adulthood with quite a bit of musical ambition. He spent time with The Beatles in the Bahamas when they were filming "Help." According to Turner Classic Movies web site, De Wilde supplied a lot of that pot that made filming some of the scenes a test of Richard Lester's patience. From the TCM website:
Paul McCartney remembered De Wilde as “a nice guy who was fascinated by what we did. A sort of Brat Pack actor. We chatted endlessly, and I seem to remember writing [the song] “Wait” in front of him and him being interested to see it written.”
Although still acting at the time, Brandon De Wilde was working on musical material with another one of those people in that musical crowd in Laurel Canyon, California, Gram Parsons. Sadly, De Wilde died at age 30 in a traffic accident in 1972. Although Parsons (pictured below) was not long for this earth either, he did live long enough to write and record a song with Emmylou Harris that contained a verse about the death of his friend. Interestingly, when Parsons and Harris wrote the song about a friend who died in a traffic accident, they decided to borrow a line from a song by another young man who was rumored to have died young in a traffic accident.

Once I knew a young man
Went driving through the night
Miles and miles without a word
But just his high-beam lights
The title of the song is "In My Hour of Darkness," which as you all know is a line from the Paul McCartney song, "Let It Be."
There were a lot more connections between The Beatles and the strange goings on in the Laurel Canyon area of California and vicinity. Some are chronicled by McCartney collaborator Barry Miles ("Which Miles, International Times?") in his book "Hippie." The dark side of the California saga can also be found at Davesweb.
First AND last!
The Davesweb story is pretty amazing. Something was going on in Laurel Canyon, and it wasn't just a party.
You can watch a segment of the Davesweb characters come to life in the film "Mondo Hollywood."
Diana is shiny.
That's right... the B E A L E S !
You forgot to mention that Diana Dors was freaking HOT! And no this is not a matter of debate.
Seems she been on a few album covers. From Wiki:
Dors is included on The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover art as the blonde in the front row on the right in the gold dress and white gloves. She is also featured on the cover of The Smiths 1995 compilation album, Singles. And a Morrissey picture disc. Kate Jackson from the band The Long Blondes has painted three paintings of Diana for their cd and 7" single covers.
Dors appeared in the 1981 Adam & the Ants music video "Prince Charming" as the "fairy godmother" opposite Adam Ant, who played a male Cinderella figure.
I think she came from Swindon.....
home.... of......
Just a plug for those Dukes Of Stratophere re-issues, coming out at the end of the month.
A must for Rutles/Nuggets fans!
If anyone is useful here please provide the screen shot of Iamaphoneys nuremburg eagle tatoo...
For you non-useful ones, could you please make me a cheese sandwhich?
While someone else scares up the eagle-tatoo picture?
How about a hot toddy, or a tom collins?
Cookies and milk please
i'd like a back rub
Someone helped me on Yahoo answers.
Yahoo answers forum is the breeding ground of stupidity. Thank god phoney phoney is there to guide us.
Anonymous said...
Someone helped me on Yahoo answers.
Yahoo answers forum is the breeding ground of stupidity. Thank god phoney phoney is there to guide us.
March 23, 2009 10:20 PM
Nice find. So I'm guessing we;re about to see a video of Jered Leto (who played or was going to play Mark David Chapman in a movie denied by Yoko), some flashes of a book and all done to tune of "I Am the Walrus". Backwards.
1 Staff Member, 5 Members, 589 Guests, 2 Invisible Users
Dor is Day
I'm Steely Dan!
Bread & Circus: 8
Yes, it's a good one.
Bread and Circus 8
Really good one.
i missed aja.... i was bored without her
tyler durvince
tafultong, i see you haven't posted anything about phoney's latest developments. have you missed them, or are you planning on making a seperate post for that?
after all, this is the iamaphoney blog. ROFLMAO
Interesting article on doubling and symbolism as it occurs throughout Kubrick's "The Shining":
Shining Analysis
Apologies if this is the same article previously linked to on this blog. "Eyes Wide Shut" was on the telly the other day and I was surprised to see some of the "arrowhead" imagery pop up in it too. Kubrick was operating in a different realm, it seems.
tyler durvince said...
i missed aja.... i was bored without her
tyler durvince
March 24, 2009 11:30 AM
under your nose the entire time ;)
aja you are sneaky! and lurky!
that's my job, 24/7
Répondez s'il vous plaît to my email, Phoney Bologna
( you know who)
"Opening More Dors"
tafultong, i see you haven't posted anything about phoney's latest developments. have you missed them, or are you planning on making a seperate post for that?
after all, this is the iamaphoney blog. ROFLMAO
March 24, 2009 1:27 PM
there is no respect for mikeynl1038 anymore..... his questions go unanswered for days
there is no respect for mikeynl1038 anymore..... his questions go unanswered for days
March 24, 2009 4:26 PM
Does MikeNL answer questions that are asked of him? Maybe if there was some "Quid Pro Quo" people would give some respect.
Is it just me, or does it feel like Aja is watching?
Is it just me, or does it feel like Aja is watching?
March 24, 2009 4:30 PM
Aja said...
I'm Steely Dan!
March 24, 2009 10:09 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thanks for pointing out the facts and preventing yet another wave of bogus rumors and videos swirling around Lou.
I've been away from this stuff for almost a year--I had to laugh when I saw Mikey still here, asking about "lastest developments." Latest developments? Were there any earlier developments?
I'll check back in another year or so--
March 20, 2009 12:40 PM
MikeNL scrammed when Aja did the old smack down on him!
Aja is anti-matter to the Mikey
really? why? I missed that
Tuesday, March 24th, 2009
The Large Hadron Collider produced
AjaNL. A theoretical element up until this time, element 119.33 is known for its bi-polar nature, swinging between severe boredom and fits of "DUUUUUUUUUUDES! It's getting hot at the rotten apple!"
"We are now on the endgame," said Lyn Evans, of CERN, who has been in charge of the Large Hadron Collider, as it is called, since its inception.
"This new element AjaNL is a vindication of the Higgs-Bosun theory that the place of reconciliation between the inherent boredom of waiting for new Iamaphoney videos and the sheer exuberant terror of when one actually is posted(semi-annually) rests within the bi-polar nature of the AjaNL."
Fabiola Gianotti, a CERN physicist and the deputy spokeswoman for the team that built the Atlas, said, "Something must happen. We cannot have this Iamaphoney leaving suitcases around the campus any longer!"
There are no elements with an atomic number above 82 (after lead) that have stable isotopes. The element AjaNL is extremely unstable
Oh, stop. AjaNL is the most stable element on the planet these days.
"We are now on the endgame," said Lyn Evans,
ant relation to mal?????
Yes, Mal is working the Hadron Collider. Paying attention, yet?
the place of reconciliation between the inherent boredom of waiting for new Iamaphoney videos and the sheer exuberant terror of when one actually is posted(semi-annually) rests within the bi-polar nature of the AjaNL."
iaap is making videos that often????
We cannot have this Iamaphoney leaving suitcases around the campus any longer!"
this is why women cant be scientists!
no wonder why the LHC broke down....
Yes, Mal is working the Hadron Collider. Paying attention, yet?
March 24, 2009 5:05 PM
this is why women cant be scientists!
no wonder why the LHC broke down....
March 24, 2009 5:11 PM
Lady scientists of the World frown on your shenanigans!
this is why women cant be scientists!
no wonder why the LHC broke down....""
fuck you
I will have you know that a famous PID enthusiast lady works at Lawrence Livermore National Lab! AND SHE IS SMOKING HOT!
we can't tell you her name, but it starts with an faulconandsnowjob...
Lawyer, scientist, Paul was replaced enthusiast!
what the hell does THAT mean?
does iamaphoney have twitter? I want to get his "tweets"
you guys really don't have a clue, do you.
Can we get a scientific analysis of the early Paul McCartney photographs to get a definite yes no or maybe if he was replaced or dead? Slap some of those pictures into the Large Hadron Collider!
Bombard them with led ions for awhile
This is why Aja left!
Don't you guys want girlfriends someday???? This is not how you get one! The best way to get a girlfriend is to be YOURSELF. Only, not you. Be someone else.
bla bla bla.... wait and see
The worst thing about censorship is xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xx xxx x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx, really!
Women are like cell phones. They like to be held and talked to, but push the wrong button, and you’ll be disconnected.
Take that! You can dish it out but can you take it?!?! NO, no you cant!
when clicked to add myself as friend on digg it said “You cannot befriend yourself silly. Go find some new friends!” ha ha ha LOLLOLOLOLZ
so clueless..... i had hope but it's fading.
hen clicked to add myself as friend on digg it said “You cannot befriend yourself silly. Go find some new friends!” ha ha ha LOLLOLOLOLZ
March 24, 2009 5:40 PM
if only Youtube worked that way....
Joined: July 23, 2006
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Light travels faster than sound
This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak
Thats a SCIENCE JOKE moron!
And it is ABOUT YOU!
Bet you don't get it! I have a DEGREE!
Watch out for those 3rd degree burns, baby.
Wondering why a woman’s best friend is a diamond and a man’s best friend is a dog! Can someone with intelligence answer? Like maybe... a lady scientist?
Dear spammers … go buy a billboard on the highway!
fake mustache rides are free ladies...
Mr. Mysoganist Twitter said...
Wondering why a woman’s best friend is a diamond and a man’s best friend is a dog! Can someone with intelligence answer? Like maybe... a lady scientist?
March 24, 2009 5:46 PM
because you are STUPID! Oh, and Bacon is NOT a veggie!
I love argyle socks man!
drunk tweets always get you in trouble
i hate twitter so much. but i would like iamaphoney twitters.
I may have swallowed a needle.
Something I found that was interesting, not any link to Diana Dors or this article, sorry but I think it's worth a look....
"I met the walrus"
Anonymous said...
so clueless..... i had hope but it's fading.
March 24, 2009 5:40 PM
abandon all hope ye who enter here
dang h8ters
Wondering why a woman’s best friend is a diamond and a man’s best friend is a dog! Can someone with intelligence answer? Like maybe... a lady scientist?
March 24, 2009 5:46 PM
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read."
--Groucho Marx
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