One viewer of the Rotten Apple series expressed these concerns directly to Iamaphoney and received a surprising answer. The creator of the Rotten Apple Series wrote: "I love the man who calls himself Paul. I dont [sic] want anyone to get crazy ideas." Iamaphoney also said, "Im [sic] just showing what Paul is showing. I didnt [sic] invent this. It is all in his art, you know."

You really have to use some imagination and some powers of observation to find Satanic references in the "art" of the Beatles and Paul McCartney, but some people seem to be finding them in unexpected places. Paul never wrote a song called 666, but he wrote one called 222 and another called 444.
A YouTube user named dunskie recently discovered one of the most subtle references to the devil on record. Actually it wasn't even on the "record." This tidbit didn't appear until Mark Lewisohn was given unprecedented access to the Beatles recordings and session notes in the late 1980s for his book, "The Beatles Recording Sessions." There were 14 session musicians who added the strings and brass to the song "Martha My Dear" on Friday, the 4th of October, 1968. If you Google any of the musicians on that list of 14 players, you can find other credits, except for one. The one musician who seems to have no other claim to fame aside from playing on "Martha My Dear" is violinist Lou Sofier. YouTuber dunskie suggested that the similarity in sound to "Lucifer" may not be an accident.
It is always possible that a violinist who played on the record made up a pseudonym on the spot. Maybe a famous classical or jazz musician didn't want his name on the session sheet of a pop group recording. That would explain not only the lack of other references to this Lou Sofier, but also the reason for the rather dark pun.
The song "Martha My Dear" has always been thought of as an ode to Paul's English sheepdog Martha, but other interpretations exist. Author Steve Turner and others have suggested that the song might contain some slight digs at McCartney girlfriend Jane Asher as this was about the time that their relationship was coming to an end. According to the Wikipedia entry for the song, "McCartney has also said, cryptically, that the song is about his 'muse'—the voice in his head that tells him what words and music to write." Wiki credits Steve Turner's "A Hard Days Write" as the source of that quote, but it was not in my copy of the book. Perhaps it was taken from an updated edition.
Either way, dunskie suggests that the song is about Paul's muse and that the "inspiration" in question could be something or someone from the dark side. He shares his observations in a video called "THE BEATLES-Martha My Dear- Lou Soufier/Sofier-Violin." There certainly are some parallels between the idea of inspiration from Lucifer and Aleister Crowley's automatic writing. Crowley maintained that "The Book of the Law" was dictated to him by an otherworldly being named Aiwass.
If Paul was in fact giving the devil subtle credit for being his "inspiration," it is interesting that he chose the violin as the instrumental credit. Didn't that well known "beast" from the Christian perspective, Nero, play that same instrument?
As previously stated, I could not find any other references to a musician named Lou Sofier. However, a reference to Lou Sofier was pointed out to me by videomaker extraordinaire grandfatheraleister. It appeared, believe it or not, in the Beatles Cartoon Series back in 1965. In the episode for the song "Help," the lads are in Paris, France for a fashion show. The villain who stole the fashion patterns was named something like "Jacques Lou Sofier."

Granted it could also be "Jack Le Zipper," a play on words for "Jack the Ripper." But, if you listen for the former, you might hear it that way. The spirit of the message is probably good enough for the devil, who I'm told is highly sensitive to subtle tributes. Notice that the man in the picture above who is shown right after the phrase in question (approximately 1:35 in the video) is making the NUMBER 9 with his hands. If you watch the rest of the cartoon episode, you will find a checkerboard design, Paul inside a triangle pyramid, John Lennon in a dartboard bulls eye, Paul kicking the bucket, and the word "clang" which also happened to be the name of a character in the movie "Help." Wow, this is nearly enough to make Joseph Niezgoda write another book!

Strong arguments have been made against those trying to exaggerate the association between the Beatles and Aleister Crowley. PID theorists and fundamentalist Christians with an ax to grind against the Beatles have both used this association to support some outrageous claims. However, Crowley was on the cover of Sgt. Pepper. In Rotten Apple 44, after such a theory was discussed by Jarvtronics at "Nothing Is Real," Iamaphoney suggested that Crowley appeared twice on the cover. (See previous post)

Funnily enough, a website called U.S. Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis says "The Beatles included [Aleister Crowley] on the 'people we like' cover of Sergeant Pepper's not once but twice—the second photo was reportedly dropped as Crowley too closely resembled Paul McCartney." I think the image below is the one to which they were referring.

And the next image, found in the Mark Lewisohn book, "The Beatles Recording Sessions," strongly supports the claim that the Beatles did intend to put that other picture of Crowley on the Sgt. Pepper cover.

Yes, that is the younger Crowley in that crowd.

One more reference to the "beast" which should make the list of most subtle on record may or may not be the single "Hey Jude." According to my U.S. copy of the 45, the Beatles' longest single clocks in a 7:11. However, several "Nothing Is Real" members in a thread last year challenged the accuracy of the information on the label.

In a world of analog tape, adjustable speed variation, instrument tuning, vinyl record pressing, belt driven turntables and other potential inaccuracies, it is probably impossible to get a perfect read on the exact timing of the "Hey Jude" 45 rpm record. The person who wrote the Wikipedia entry for the song must have tried and came up with 7:05. Another person interested in accuracy was Alan W. Pollack, author of the highly respected and often cited "Notes On" series, who came up with 7:07. This leaves open the possibility that the actual time of "Hey Jude" could have been 7:06.
While it would not be accepted by any school teacher I have met, it is not completely outside the realm of creative logical thought to interpret the time 7 minutes and 6 seconds (7:06) to be equal to 6 minutes plus 66 seconds. Only some of the most divergent thinkers at NIR could come up with something like that, and only the devil himself would get a tribute that subtle.
Thanks to all the friends who contributed insights that wound up in this article.
-----"I love the man who calls himself Paul. I dont [sic] want anyone to get crazy ideas." Iamaphoney also said, "Im [sic] just showing what Paul is showing. I didnt [sic] invent this. It is all in his art, you know."-----
There's something very disingenuous about that statement.
Why would you love a man that you believe is promoting evil?
Remember, Iamaphoney isn't just saying that McCartney is including references to evil in his art. He has suggested a direct connection between McCartney and Manson.
I think that one of the "King is Naked" web pages detailing the differences or supposed differences between the early and late McCartneys actually is dedicated to "Jane My Dear".
So it sounds as if someone else thinks that Martha might be euphemistic for Jane.
Well, if Sadie could be euphemistic for the Maharishi...
"Lou Sofier" -- I guess that he's the Joe Ephgrave of the White Album.
Very well written article Tafultong!
a voice of measured reason and clarity! great job tafultong!
nice taf!
this is a great post
is this you 65if?
Anonymous said...
scroll down
March 15, 2009 8:25 PM
Dude, you keep us coming back for more!
So cool, you are!
Waterfalls is about Martha too.
crowley was standard fare for well-read hip youth like the beatles in their day. plus astrid kirchner turned them on to more of it, plus dressing in black, which has been done to death. a bit dated now. really, enough with macca and the devil. the real story is the evil nasties john married. both are on record as wanting to abort his children, and the second publicly mused his death was a 'glass half full.' poor guy.
I don't know which post from that link you think might be mine, but I have never contributed to the "King is Naked"/60if bulletin board.
I chose my own moniker -- 65if2007 -- before I was aware of the supposed existence of the "60if" document.
Both references obviously are based on one of the famous clues from the Abby Road album so it's not so unusual that more than one person would independently borrow from it.
I didn't know that, peet shottan.
I hate Yoko as much as any red-blooded Beatles fan.
But I'd always thought of Cynthia as the "good girl" that John had mistreated -- who stayed home faithfully and raised his kid as he was cheating on her while raising hell with the band.
I suppose now that that was as oversimplistic as the "good Paul/bad Faul" dichotomy that many of the true PID believers subscribe to.
Of course one can cling to whatever "satanic" clues he or she can dig up, but one also has to ignore all of the "angelic" clues in Beatle music. You could make just about any case where Beatles are involved, and similarly claim it was "in their art." What WASN'T in their art? They pretty much covered everything.
Pretty much, yes.
this one:
i Re: The convenient death of Mal Evans
« Reply #13 on Aug 4, 2004, 5:14pm »
OK, I'm pretty sure you won't believe this but my dad knew Mal Evans!!! And he has a copy of the manuscript to "Living the Beatles Legend"!!! I can't believe it. What Mal writes is rather revealing (hint hint HINT to those who are in the know)!! More soon.
really clever, tfltng!
One of the best in a while Taf. That picture of the Pepper line up with a young Crowley is something I've never seen before.
this one:
i Re: The convenient death of Mal Evans
« Reply #13 on Aug 4, 2004, 5:14pm »
OK, I'm pretty sure you won't believe this but my dad knew Mal Evans!!! And he has a copy of the manuscript to "Living the Beatles Legend"!!! I can't believe it. What Mal writes is rather revealing (hint hint HINT to those who are in the know)!! More soon.
March 16, 2009 8:13 AM
That's "Imgonnaopenmymind", before he became iamaphoney. Read on:
« Reply #16 on Aug 5, 2004, 1:12am »
"I can't believe it either. Unfortunately, Sir60if is not on the up and up. He claims to have been an investigator for 40 years (do the math) and that the Beatles investigation has been his life for some time now, to the extent of traveling to England and other countries in pursuit of the truth."
Sound familiar?
The fact that EVERY one of the violin players in the studio that day,have other credits to their names, exept for Lou Sofier speaks volumes.
One other thing I have realized, is that(I believe) all of those particular musicians who were used on the "Martha My Dear" recording session, were NEVER used again, on any other Beatle recording session, before, or after Martha My Dear.
This is one "clue" that Paul must have been pretty confident might never surface. Especially since this info has been published for YEARS and no one seemed to notice it. Until dunskie that is.So many years later. That is one hell of a discovery! No pun intended.
I don't buy Martha My Dear being a love song to Paul's muse. For one the lyrics suggest that Paul is dominant over the "Martha" in question. "Martha" is clearly looking to Paul for support. If anything Paul was Martha's muse (or at least the source of doggie treats which made her tail wag).
Interesting stuff Taf.
Lou Sofier also played on the '73 Nilsson album "A Little Touch of Schmilsson in the Night", produced by Derek Taylor.
"It is always possible that a violinist who played on the record made up a pseudonym on the spot."
....Sir Paul plays the violin.
read cynthia lennon's recent autobiography. says she didn't quite want to keep julian because it would hamper her 'art career.' look at the drawings she's included, inept and awful. then, she can't recall circumstances of hearing john writing any music at all except being annoyed at him practicing 'you're gonna lose that girl'. finally, she says she would have rather never known him. 'cyn' comes thru as a nasty, narcissistic moron. pattie boyd concurs in her book.
Anonymous said...
I don't buy Martha My Dear being a love song to Paul's muse. For one the lyrics suggest that Paul is dominant over the "Martha" in question. "Martha" is clearly looking to Paul for support. If anything Paul was Martha's muse (or at least the source of doggie treats which made her tail wag).
March 16, 2009 9:34 AM
He's telling her to remember him. Do you think the fireman still carries her portrait?
"Take a good look around you
Take a good look you're bound to see
That you and me were meant to be for each other
Silly girl."
What movie did I just see Jane in?
It was a comedy about a funeral, directed by Frank Oz.
what is this image?
"I love the man who calls himself Paul. I dont [sic] want anyone to get crazy ideas."
That's funny!
Looks like phoney does have a sense of humor, really. Maybe we need to rekindle the "Iamafunny" blog? That line was meant to be funny, right?
...George also played the violin.
He's telling her to remember him. Do you think the fireman still carries her portrait?
"Take a good look around you
Take a good look you're bound to see
That you and me were meant to be for each other
Silly girl."
Paul is calling his muse "silly girl". Geez, you'd think he'd treat his muse with a little respect. That muse is Paul's bitch.
Now you could make a case for "Mother Nature's Son" but "Martha My Dear" appears to be written to a dog or at the very least a very dizzy child like person.
He was just scolding her for forgetting her greatness. He must have loved that bitch. Anyway, it is a lovely song.
What if the song was about John?
If Iamaphoney feels the need to offer a mea culpa ("I love the man who calls himself Paul") he has only himself to blame for causing the concern in the first place. 65if2007 is correct in that Iamaphoney tried and failed to establish McCartney as complicit in the Tate-Labianca murders. When that didn't pan out he moved on to Crowley. I take it then that Iamaphoney also "loves" Manson and Crowley? That would only seem logical.
I would have more respect for Iamaphoney if he were simply playing a macabre game (the suitcase scavenger hunt certainly points to that) but more and more I see him as a frustrated musician with some disturbing obsessions.
.....but more and more I see him as a frustrated musician with some disturbing obsessions.
March 16, 2009 3:52 PM
"Iamaphoney" - The second greatest band never heard. "The Poolies" being number one.
March 16, 2009 4:01 PM
You Won!
Anonymous iamaphony said...
You Won!
March 16, 2009 4:10 PM
You're not He. Not even phoney would spell his own name wrong, really.
True but IAAP is a poor speller all the same, at least in when it comes to English. MikeNL has him beat in that category.
No one has won or lost yet, really.
dance tonight is more of a video "muse" thing.....
love the mandolin, really
Natalie Portman is EVERY man's muse.
Really? a muse?
Natalie Portman plays the part of the ghost/muse/etc. in the Dance Tonight video.
Do you think the fireman carries a portrait of her in his pocket?
He carries a picture of me in his pocket!
(I'm baaaaack!)
There's a weird limo outside. And It's green.
It only takes "Iamaphoney" about 1 week to forget all of you.
In about 6 months he remembers how fun his analogical trolling experiment was.
... repeat
7:06 = 7+0+6 = 13
Quick! pull the fire alarm. It's time.
chck th nw vd!!!!!!
As someone else has pointed out, Sir Paul also plays the mandolin.
And "Dance Tonight" is worth at least one Iamaphoney (or Iamaphoney imitator) video in itself or at least a Tafultong blog entry.
Two Paul McCartneys -- one standing up and playing left-handed and the other sitting down and playing right-handed -- both situated in a party environment that may or may not be hell.
And the very last scene is that of a car accident.
naw, the mailman just tried to get away, but in the end he must have abandoned his car, and you see him right away at the "party". In the box.
Yeah, but they're all ghosts at the party.
No, they are real people. Sort of......
No, I think that they're ghosts. The mailman doesn't want to be at the party; he tried to get away.
He's there because he's dead. He didn't abandon his car; he was removed from it.
I'm still a little curious, though, as to why a 65 year old man (in some PID/PWR scenarios, Sir Paul was actually born before 1942) would have ordered a cricket bat.
Because they don't make Beatlebats?
Best not to be the mailman, then.
Indeed, "that'll be the day" when "cricketers" make Beatle bats.
65if2007 said...
No, I think that they're ghosts. The mailman doesn't want to be at the party; he tried to get away.
He's there because he's dead. He didn't abandon his car; he was removed from it.
I'm still a little curious, though, as to why a 65 year old man (in some PID/PWR scenarios, Sir Paul was actually born before 1942) would have ordered a cricket bat.
March 17, 2009 10:35 AM
You'd have to ask Michel Gondry. He wrote and directed the video. Not to mention the brilliant "Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind" and the not-so-brilliant "Be Kind Rewind".
In the last blog entry there was a very funny thread of comments from "Iamaphoney Customer Service". The exchange was by far the funniest thing written here in some time and should not be missed.
There is a whole other wickedly comedic aspect to this blog that is quite brilliant and the sole reason I visit (outside of Tafultong's posts). As Sir Larry Mildew said "Some of these people should take their act on the road".
Could a forthcoming satire themed blog be in our future?
This is the parody. Where's The Fireman? Sleeping?
MikeNL says Proof
Do you have proof?
Proof?of WHAT?
Anonymous said...
MikeNL says Proof
Do you have proof?
March 18, 2009 2:19 AM
on the iamaphoney channel, it states; proof. between now and april 10th.
what are you talking about?
March 18, 2009 2:19 AM
on the iamaphoney channel, it states; proof. between now and april 10th.
March 18, 2009 3:41 AM
you stated it. what proof for what? what's april 10?
Anonymous said...
March 18, 2009 2:19 AM
on the iamaphoney channel, it states; proof. between now and april 10th.
March 18, 2009 3:41 AM
you stated it. what proof for what? what's april 10?
March 18, 2009 4:04 AM
i'll let you figure that out on your own ;)
no, YOU will tell me. I figured enough out already.
Anonymous said...
no, YOU will tell me. I figured enough out already.
March 18, 2009 4:12 AM
are you gonna force me or something?
I don't think that's necessary.
Well, it says "foorp", anyway.
Oh boy!
It's "time", at last.
Revelation "coming up". Like a flower. On April 10 yet!
I guess that the world has been sufficiently prepared.
What will happen April 10?
the mccartney years.
what mike??
Let it be.
Oh I anxiously await Iamaphoney's proof. lol
How much is too much?
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guess what h8ters!
1,005 CANT BE WRONG!!!!!!!
Thats right, I said it! How many subscribers you got? 3? 5? 100?
Well take what ever you got and multiply it by large number and you wont even be close to what IAAP has. Oh, and in case you havent heard, big new about the 2012 Revelation. I won't post a SPOILER here, but lets just say... "All you need is Love".. from space. Thats all I am going to say. Laugh if you want h8ters but I would pay good cash money to see your face when iamaphoney unleashes the revelation on you. And I bet my last bottom dollar that you will forget you were h8ting in the first place, because thats all you do, bring the h8teration to THE GAME PLAYA. Meanwhile the I to the A to the A to the capital P is chilling down the west indies delaaaaaying hisself into some fine chicks booty, getting his drink on, getting his smoke on, lil bit later goin' home with something to poke on, you know what I am saying?
IAAP has picked up 6 subscribers in 1 day! April goin to separate the phoney from the phoney's ya heard? IAAP going to beyotch slap the h8ters in what we call the "SHOCK AND AWE". First you going to be shocked, then you going to say "awwwwwww damn! no he diiiiidnt!"
Some jive white dude said long time ago, "a sucka born every minute"
Well looks like you been born about a minute ago! Get ready to get all born again with the Phoney Funky Fresh Flava!
'cuse me while i beat box my way outta here, boom chicka chicka boom boom
Work hard, lads. Tick Tock.
iamaphoney goin' to bring the ruckus!
" Meanwhile the I to the A to the A to the capital P is chilling down the west indies delaaaaaying hisself into some fine chicks booty, getting his drink on, getting his smoke on, lil bit later goin' home with something to poke on, you know what I am saying?"
poke on? what's that?
iaap going to bust a move and start playing the rap game now? lol
cant wait...
You got a timetable for this thing?
poke on? what's that?
March 18, 2009 5:44 PM
some ho from the west indies
Anonymous said...
You got a timetable for this thing?
March 18, 2009 5:46 PM
I'm glad we'll be getting the proof. It's always a safe bet with Iamaphoney. I mean he promised us the interview and that immediately happened and don't forget about that DVD which is obviously in stores now even as I write this.
Nice recap of the entire Iamaphoney saga here
Anonymous said...
I'm glad we'll be getting the proof. It's always a safe bet with Iamaphoney. I mean he promised us the interview and that immediately happened and don't forget about that DVD which is obviously in stores now even as I write this.
March 18, 2009 5:57 PM
I can feel the h8teration!! The I-man is giving it away for free, so He is already better then the worse thing you think He is. To put the DVD is stores would require $$$ for the people of the world to see, He is laying it down gratis.
You dug him before. Redig him now!
Let me hip you to something!
When you make Love, make it!
So iaap is partying now? Really?
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Anonymous said...
So iaap is partying now? Really?
March 18, 2009 8:56 PM
where do you think the subscribers are coming from baby? from the Par-tay!
They forgot to invite me, I guess
Anonymous said...
They forgot to invite me, I guess
March 18, 2009 9:04 PM
the more the merrier! grab a drink and come on!
When's the other event? The REAL one?
-----Anonymous said...
They forgot to invite me, I guess-----
How could "they" send an invitation to someone who is anonymous?
"How could "they" send an invitation to someone who is anonymous?"
The "ending" to Dance Tonight is CHAOS.
Everything is back to normal - but different, and we see that life has new order. That's really all you need to know.
"da Wiggahhh said...
Oh, and in case you havent heard, big new about the 2012 Revelation. I won't post a SPOILER here, but lets just say... "All you need is Love".. from space. "
2012? are you serious? Three more years of this?
Joined: July 23, 2006
Last Sign In: 3 hours ago
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-----The "ending" to Dance Tonight is CHAOS.
Everything is back to normal - but different, and we see that life has new order. That's really all you need to know.-----
And God said, let Us move the fireplace from the living room to the kitchen and let Us move the washing machine from the kitchen to the fireplace.
Corr. "from the kitchen to the living room."
Good one, 65.
The pong thing was good, too.
Get you shit together, phoney. It really is time.,0,854205.story
2012 huh?
Blogger MikeNL said...
Anonymous said...
March 18, 2009 2:19 AM
on the iamaphoney channel, it states; proof. between now and april 10th.
March 18, 2009 3:41 AM
you stated it. what proof for what? what's april 10?
March 18, 2009 4:04 AM
i'll let you figure that out on your own ;)
April Fool's Day occurs between now and April 10th....
"2012? are you serious? Three more years of this?
March 19, 2009 6:08 AM"
you say that like you dont love it, which we all know you do! three more years? man this has been going on for 40 years already, you think its going to stop in 2012?
That's a bit vague, Mike. All wheels are in motion? Really?
10 backwards is 01
Is that official?
"To all the girls I've loooooooved befoooooore"
Let it be, naked.
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