A new video called paul is dead - the rotten apple 420 by HeweHaarlemmer is another look at an interesting picture that recently appeared at "The King Is Naked." It seems to show two (or three) Paul McCartneys. The same image was explored in Paul McCartney-Here,there,everywhere-Rotten Apples 3 by dark66horse. As in all photographic evidence, the opportunity for fakery is high and one's perceptions can be influenced by the power of suggestion. Of the three individuals who resemble Paul, only the one in the center shows a full profile. The person on the far right is wearing a jacket similar to one that Paul wore on several occasions, but his face is turned away from the camera.
Much has been made of the individual on the left with the drink in his left hand. If this was taken in 1968, it does not look much like other pictures of Paul from that time period. One individual who was very likely on that boat in 1968 would be Apple Records Executive Ken Mansfield. Notice the picture below, which shows Mansfield with similar length hair (albeit parted differently) and a drink in his left hand.

The image has prompted some good conversation at Nothing Is Real as well.
Maccaspan2008 did an excellent job on this new fan video for the song "Heaven On A Sunday."

This homemade video is very appropriate to experience in the calm before the storm. Someone asked me about this big Iamaphoney deal that is rumored to be happening within the next two months. I can tell you that I have not received any incentives to participate in any kind of rise of expectations, although that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I tend to report things after the fact (well, I guess I am using the term "fact" liberally).
So, I have not received any news, hints or rumors about a major Iamaphoney event, but my gut is telling me something different. There is definitely some activity bubbling in the world of the Beatles over the next two months. It doesn't quite feel like springtime in my neck of the woods, but I sense there is magic in the air. I heard the 10-minute version of "Revolution" on the radio yesterday!
Oh that magic feeling, nowhere to go. I suggest that you stick around and do what I am doing---Hitting the chisel and making a joint, gluing my fingers together. And when the work is done, I'm cooling my fingers in the bay...
Other recent activity includes...
I am He by Sunssol.
Is Paul McCartney Dead? Conspiracy Nonsense! by beachcomberbob
I first
I two!
iamaphoney 2
the 'ten minute' revolution is bs, a lousy mix of the existing revolution 1 and some rev 9 effects taken off the record and boots and some others. a 'test run' for further fraud 'beatles' trax. please . . .
Boats with an A.
Guess I'll set a course and go.
bob wooler said...
the 'ten minute' revolution is bs
An impressive list of experts are leaning in the direction of it being authentic. However, there was one 8-minute version that sounded like an outfake on the Westwood One 30th Anniversary of the White Album special in 1998.
Like all the other "news" items regarding Iamaphoney in the past if you don't come here or go to NIR or hang out at his YT page you'll never hear about it. This whole thing is like 25 people writing and wondering to each other about when their mutual friend is going to update his facebook status. I think you're expecting a little too much Tafultong.
Most likely we'll be hearing about the remastered Beatles catalog on CD after 23 years which will neatly tie in to the Beatles' Rock Band video game this Christmas. Maybe Iamaphoney can get a job editing the cut scenes. :)
As in all photographic evidence, the opportunity for fakery is high
Er...except it most definitely is not fake, it was in Beatles Monthly #61.
I saw seen that photo years ago and I think now what I thought then, that it looks like a young Graham Parsons but it isn't consistent with what Graham himself looked like at the time. It's too far away to be certain who it is. Most likely some young executive type. That short Beatle-bob would have been as far out as a businessman would have been able to get. After all it was a business meeting.
I've heard through the Beatle grapevine that the only real PID news this year will be television and radio retrospectives on the 40th anniversary of Abbey Road that will mention the urban legend in a manner that will no doubt enrage believers in the legend but might also add a few members to their ranks so you can look at it in that way if you like.
"Anonymous said...
Like all the other "news" items regarding Iamaphoney in the past if you don't come here or go to NIR or hang out at his YT page you'll never hear about it. This whole thing is like 25 people writing and wondering to each other about when their mutual friend is going to update his facebook status. I think you're expecting a little too much Tafultong."
That's what they said about Jesus. He had 12 friends waiting for updates on His facebook page too. Just because you believe there to be only 25 people here doesn't mean it is not of monumental importance. Jesus probably had about 25 people around him too, 12 disciples and women and what not.
Another example is the Beatles themselves. Ostensibly 4 individuals produced works of art that traveled the entire world and impacted humanity on a deep level. They started humbly playing in the Reeperbahn(red light district) of Germany. I can just see you there anonymous and almost hear you say
"Yeah, four british lads playing music in the seedy whore district of Germany, it will never amount to anything. Just people waiting for updates on a facebook page."
Oh yeah, Jesus hung out in places like that too. Red light districts.
Never amounted to much either right?
Seeds start small. Oh, and iaap has almost 1,000 subscribers so I would call that seed quite large. Almost a walnut. Mighty trees will grow from this seed, and you can tell your children's children YOU were there! Only, change the part of your cynicism because you will assuredly "forget" that to not look silly. What's that sound? Your face blushing!
Tafultong expects too much?
Taf is one smart person. Read what he writes, you can tell. Also, he is always fair and nice to people.
You are not.
I think YOU are directly insulting people. If you don't like this "facebook" crowd, how about you take your red blush face with egg all over it somewhere else, and start saving your pennies for your grandkids so they don't hate you for completely dropping the ball on this iamaphoney revelation about to take place. So when they are bouncing on your knee you can say to them
"Here is a college education. It is too make up for the fact I was on the ground floor of one of the biggest stories ever and I totally snubbed it with snarky comments."
Oh yeah, you have to get a girlfriend first. Forgot about that! So when your grandchildren go to college for underwater basket weaving they will know just this about you. Your shame, and your failure to see the big picture from a small group of people.
Bet your real name is Thomas. Your first name is Doubting. Maybe you can change it to Philip Norman and write books about it later and grab some of the spotlight you are now spitting upon. You can pull the wool over Oprah's eyes like James Frey did. Fool everone when you change your tune.
When you admit that Iamaphoney is right will be like that scene in "There will be blood" when Daniel Day-Lewis tells the preacher man
"I DRINK YOUR MILKSHAKE". Only iamaphoney won't throw bowling pins at you, because He is better then that. But He will clearly drink your milkshake because like that preacher kid, the bandy tract is a barren field. And your cynicism is a barren field. And by "milkshake" don't get any of them nasty snarky ideas. Not the baby maker milkshake. You sicko! Get your damn mind out of the gutter! You really need to get a life and a girlfriend. Save your money for your grandkids basket weaving, don't forget that. Oh, and iamaphoney is right. He drinks your milkshake. Like from the movie there will be blood, not the sick way you are probably thinking about typing now to get back at me for pointing out your foolish cynicism.
Eli Sunday: Why are you talking about Paul? Don't say this to me.
Plainview: I did what your brother couldn't. I broke you and I beat you. It was Paul who told me about you. He's the prophet. He's the smart one. He knew what was there and he found me to take it out of the ground, and you know what the funny thing is? Listen... listen... listen... I paid him ten thousand dollars, cash in hand, just like that. He has his own company now. A prosperous little business. Three wells producing. Five thousand dollars a week.
[Eli cries]
Plainview: Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth, Eli.
Eli Sunday: No...
Plainview: You slithered out of your mother's filth.
Eli Sunday: No.
Plainview: They should have put you in a glass jar on a mantlepiece. Where were you when Paul was suckling at your mother's teat? Where were you? Who was nursing you, poor Eli- one of Bandy's sows? That land has been had. Nothing you can do about it. It's gone. It's had. You lose.
Eli Sunday: If you would just take this lease, Daniel...
Plainview: Drainage! Drainage, Eli, you boy. Drained dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
[sucking sound]
Plainview: I drink it up!
Eli Sunday: Don't bully me, Daniel!
[Daniel roars and throws Eli across the room]
Plainview: Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you, Eli? I am the Third Revelation! I am who the Lord has chosen!
Notice he talks about PAUL. Didnt notice that did you? Feeling pretty foolish about now aren't you. I hear your face blushing. Your unborn grandkids are basketweaving.
Notice that in There will be Blood
Paul and Eli Sunday are played by the SAME actor...
Paul is Dead! and he was REPLACED!
Oh, and if you don't understand that iamaphoney will drink your milkshake!
Hateration: Why are you talking about Paul? Don't say this to me.
IAAPlainview: I did what your brother couldn't. I broke you and I beat you. It was Paul who told me about you. He's the prophet. He's the smart one. He knew what was there and he found me to take it out of the ground, and you know what the funny thing is? Listen... listen... listen... I paid him ten thousand dollars, cash in hand, and he has paid for his grandchildrens underwater basket weaving. You have not. And now they hate you.
[Hateration cries]
IAAPlainview: Stop crying, you sniveling ass! Stop your nonsense. You're just the afterbirth.
Hateration: No...
IAAPlainview: You slithered out of your mother's filth.
Hateration: No.
IAAPlainview: They should have put you in a glass jar on a mantlepiece. Where were you when PAUL was suckling at your mother's teat? Where were you? Who was nursing you, one of Bandy's sows? That land has been had. Nothing you can do about it. It's gone. It's had. You lose.
IAAPlainview: Drainage! Drainage, you boy. Drained dry. I'm so sorry. Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
[sucking sound]
IAAPlainview: I drink it up!
Hateration: Don't bully me, IAAP!
[IAAP roars and throws Hateration across the room]
IAAPlainview: Did you think your song and dance and your superstition would help you?
IAAP is the Third Revelation! I am who the Lord has chosen!
iamaphoney will drink your milkshake!
T-shirts available now. You know you want one you h8ters.........
Living the Bea T Les Milkshake.
watch Iamaphoney pwned this h8ter Paul replacer. Just like the "facebook" commenter. get's his milkshake drunk.
"That's what they said about Jesus. He had 12 friends waiting for updates on His facebook page too."
they didn't have Facebook back then dummy!
"What's that sound? Your face blushing!"
That doesn't make a sound dummy!
"Bet your real name is Thomas. Your first name is Doubting."
Calling me dummy and telling me that facebook was not around in Jesus days, which I know, makes me think I should call you Captain Obvious.
IAAP is still going to drink your milkshake Captain Obvious. Get used to it.
Surprised you didn't mention the gay angle either mr obvious. like "Yeah I'll BET tight jeaned iamaphoney WILL drink my milkshake ha ha ha."
you really are a hack. totally predictable. No wonder iaap finds it so easy to run rings around you. notice you keep checking in here to see what the cool kids are doing.
Cool kids? Boy you really are out on a "Boat ride".
Got a There will be blood quote for you too nutjob
"Eli Sunday: Do you think God is going to come down here and save you for being stupid? He doesn't save stupid people."
Anonymous said...
"Eli Sunday: Do you think God is going to come down here and save you for being stupid? He doesn't save stupid people."
I see your quote and raise you
IAAPlainview: You're making a huge misstep.
wow whodathunk that there will be blood has PID clues in it... yawn
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ʍou ƃuıpɐol oəpıʌ ʍəu
"Seeds start small. Oh, and iaap has almost 1,000 subscribers so I would call that seed quite large"
Try 986, not 1000
As far as Youtube standards... meh...
" iamaphoney said...
ʍou ƃuıpɐol oəpıʌ ʍəu
March 3, 2009 12:03 AM"
you going to leave it up this time?
this morning i received this message in my mailbox:
Electric Arguments Deluxe Limited Edition Order Delay
March 02, 2009
We're emailing you because your Deluxe Limited Edition of Electric Arguments hasn't shipped according to schedule. We're very sorry for the delay and wanted to give you an update on your order status.
In an effort to ensure the highest quality deluxe product available, design and production have taken longer than originally anticipated. We are now looking at 4/15/09 as the delivery date for Deluxe Limited orders, and we are progressing well towards that goal. Again, we're very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, and we sincerely thank you for your patience. We're very pleased with how the package is taking shape, and we can't wait to get it in your hands.
Best regards,
The Fireman Team
this is a new low. even for this blog.
all the Jebus bullshit
There hasn't been any recent activity.
Iaap is building the bankroll though good ol' fashioned deceit ( stuffing the ballot box). Kinda of sly, if you ask me. Not very Jebus at all. Think they'll go to hell for that?
There is no one named Jebus being talked about, so you must be imagining the bullshit that so vexes you.
Jebus Chrisis
MikeNL said...
this morning i received this message in my mailbox:
Electric Arguments Deluxe Limited Edition Order Delay
March 02, 2009
We're emailing you because your Deluxe Limited Edition of Electric Arguments hasn't shipped according to schedule. We're very sorry for the delay and wanted to give you an update on your order status.
In an effort to ensure the highest quality deluxe product available, design and production have taken longer than originally anticipated. We are now looking at 4/15/09 as the delivery date for Deluxe Limited orders, and we are progressing well towards that goal. Again, we're very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, and we sincerely thank you for your patience. We're very pleased with how the package is taking shape, and we can't wait to get it in your hands.
Best regards,
The Fireman Team
March 3, 2009 2:18 AM
of GAME!
Anonymous said...
There is no one named Jebus being talked about, so you must be imagining the bullshit that so vexes you.
well someone was, probably that rascal Miles.
Plant us! Water us!
Never saw "There Will be Blood"....
The title always reminds me of that old guy from the "Saw" movies.........
Isn't is funny Mike made a big deal about the two month thing when all it is is a shipping date for merch he ordered? Seriously Mike, things that s l o w ?
Anonymous said...
Isn't is funny Mike made a big deal about the two month thing when all it is is a shipping date for merch he ordered? Seriously Mike, things that s l o w ?
March 3, 2009 7:13 AM
i never was in the discussion of something happening within 2 months?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
in less than 2 months people will worship IAAP as if He was God.
February 26, 2009 11:35 PM
February 27, 2009 11:08 AM
Blogger MikeNL said...
a great deal has still to be worked out. but enough has been discovered to justify his claim
I think that was a reasonable assumption based on MikeNL's comment that immediately followed the above comment.
What did you mean, Mike?
egg-zactly.....thanks T! so what's the deal Mike?
Tafultong said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
in less than 2 months people will worship IAAP as if He was God.
February 26, 2009 11:35 PM
February 27, 2009 11:08 AM
Blogger MikeNL said...
a great deal has still to be worked out. but enough has been discovered to justify his claim
I think that was a reasonable assumption based on MikeNL's comment that immediately followed the above comment.
What did you mean, Mike?
March 3, 2009 9:40 AM
when i want to say something back to a person, usually i quote that message in my own message, just like i do now.
that message was because, at that time.. i just watched that particular rotten apple, and that part was stuck in my head.
it kind of explains what's going on with iamaphoney. in a weird way.
also, iamaphoney told me to look up chapter one of the book of the law a long time ago. i'm sure the works of aleister crowley and iamaphoney/the beatles are connected in another way.
"that message was because, at that time.. i just watched that particular rotten apple, and that part was stuck in my head."
nobody was talking about a video
" MikeNL said...
15. For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret."
What is this about? (from chap 2, btw) since you posted it, please explain why.
i never was in the discussion of something happening within 2 months?
March 3, 2009 9:21 AM
Was'nt me. I'm never that accusatory.
IAAP is Daniel Plainview said...
"Anonymous said...
You're so out of your mind that I would have to be equally as deranged to make any sense of your maniacal babble. I would suggest you start actually reading your Bible instead of cherrypicking ideas to fit your warped dogma. You might also want to reconsider elevating Iamaphoney to "Him" status as that clearly shows you have no understanding or respect for God. The only thing that is accurate about your comment is the milkshake allsuion. Iamaphoney has a milkshake that makes all the boys come in the yard.
Iamaphoney is Jacob
Anonymous said...
" MikeNL said...
15. For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret."
What is this about? (from chap 2, btw) since you posted it, please explain why.
March 3, 2009 11:35 AM
you just have to look to the text:
my number is nine; (number nine, turn me on dead man, revolution no. 9)
by the fools; (fool on the hill)
iamaphoney interview promo
He'll give it to Blender magazine when the article on PID and other rock myths alive and well on the internet comes out.
Oh shit! Have I said too much?
"Oh shit! Have I said too much?"
We already know that part, remember? ;) it's not news, plagiarism, though, is. ;0)
;-) said...
"Iamaphoney is Jacob"
Jacob is Israel and the place is Pineal and the ladder is DNA. There, we got that out of the way. Next?
iMonkey watch:
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maybe they're discussing the iamaphoney interview PROMO. :)
tickets are on sale:
$100,000 Package
Includes: premier front center orchestra row (13 seats) for the concert,
13 reserved seats at the post-concert celebration at the Four Seasons,
4 backstage passes, 4 day-of-show rehearsal passes, 4 tickets for the
pre-concert cocktail reception at Radio City, 4 tickets for the Sunday
celebratory brunch and acknowledgment in the concert program.
IAAP Final Version
Well at least we've kind of figured out who the "IAAP is Jesus" guy is. He's really talkative nowadays and a great addition to the blog. I'm sure Tafultong, as a Christian, winces whenever this guy posts and refers to IAAP as He.
Back to the "picture" -- many on NIR proclaimed it as "smoking gun" proof of multiple Pauls (once photoshopping could be ruled out).
But it made me think of that famous 1984 photograph with Mohammad Ali and Jesse Jackson in the foreground, and an Elvis doppleganger in the background.
As Elvis's death had been pronounced in 1977, that 1984 photograph had been regarded by some as proof that Elvis had faked his death.
But the image turned out to be that of one of Ali's handlers, who didn't even look all that much like Elvis when seen in three dimensions.
I'd pretty much figured that this photograph purporting to show two or more Pauls was likely to amount to the same thing.
The camera often distorts and two-dimensional photographs are especially likely to distort the appearance of something as malleable as a human face.
That's a major problem with photo comparisons.
That having been said, it would not amaze me to find out that Paul McCartney and other celebs have used doubles for purely routine security purposes and/or for some publicity shoots -- which might also account for a lot of the PID/PIA confusion.
The funniest and most ridiculous thing is that timetable at the Iaap-Youtube page! :-)
LOL, can it get more stupid then that?
Anonymous said...
Well at least we've kind of figured out who the "IAAP is Jesus" guy is. He's really talkative nowadays and a great addition to the blog. I'm sure Tafultong, as a Christian, winces whenever this guy posts and refers to IAAP as He.
March 3, 2009 8:57 PM
I thought we already KNEW who was He! (Jai Sri Krishna)
M-Ike said...
The funniest and most ridiculous thing is that timetable at the Iaap-Youtube page! :-)
LOL, can it get more stupid then that?
March 3, 2009 11:49 PM
With every mistake we must surely be learning
"The only thing that is accurate about your comment is the milkshake allsuion. Iamaphoney has a milkshake that makes all the boys come in the yard.
March 3, 2009 1:28 PM"
i knew you would go there you sicko.
judge not lest you be judged! there is a little "cherry picking" for you
Questions to ask Iamaphoney
Genuine questions picked by MikeNL
Phasers to :Playboy Setting
9. What is your favorite color?
8. What are your turn on/offs?
7. Where do you call home now?
6. What are your future plans?
5. What did you do for Christmas?
4. What was your favorite gift?
3. What do you do to relax?
2. What's your favorite movie?
1. CAN WE HANG OUT????????????
dude sure likes to bring up the iamagay angle
in psychology that is known as "projection"
look it up smart guy
Projectors work by inverting an image onto the silver screen, Dude.
i knew you would go there you sicko.
judge not lest you be judged! there is a little "cherry picking" for you
Oh I'm so wounded. Tell us again how you believe Iamaphoney is the son of God.
Dude, don't get so angry. Milkshakes? Basket weaving?
It's yhshvh10. He's playing games again.
65if2007 said...
Back to the "picture" -- many on NIR proclaimed it as "smoking gun" proof of multiple Pauls (once photoshopping could be ruled out).
Once again I agree with you. To me it looks like Graham Parsons but I'm pretty sure it's not. It could be anybody. A bowl cut doesn't mean it's a Beatle since that is still a pretty common hairstyle (maybe the last vestige of the Beatles' influence...I sure don't hear them in any music today). The figure is in the background and blurry and really at that point you might as well look at a photo from V-Day in Times Square and search for Paul in that too.
As I've said before and no one wants to talk about it because it rips apart the " died in 66" theory, the smoking gun photo is the Hamburg shot from 1960 (?) with the Beatles in leather and John, George and Pete presiding over a "dead" McCartney. This photo is screaming "inside joke among the band members" but no one wants to admit it. That photo should be HUGE but it's ignored.
Is it inconceivable that the group were aware that the majority of girls at gigs were excited to see Paul and, embarrassed by the attention, decided to screw with their heads a little because they should have been paying attention to the music and not a "pretty face" (John's words)?
A song for John
agreed 65-
on just one thing.
Anonymous, I've made reference to that Hamburg photo showing the Beatles play-acting over Paul's death on several occasions.
I agree that PID was a long-standing inside joke well before 1966 -- probably for the reasons that you mention.
I also think that that photo and others undercut the argument of the more extreme PID skeptics to the effect that the Beatles NEVER suggested that Paul was dead and that ALL of the clues are illusory.
It seems more likely that the long-standing joke just took a somewhat more provocative turn after 1966.
65if2007 said...
"Anonymous, I've made reference to that Hamburg photo showing the Beatles play-acting over Paul's death on several occasions."
Thanks for that. I'm glad someone else has mentioned it.
"I agree that PID was a long-standing inside joke well before 1966 -- probably for the reasons that you mention.
I also think that that photo and others undercut the argument of the more extreme PID skeptics to the effect that the Beatles NEVER suggested that Paul was dead and that ALL of the clues are illusory."
True. And the problem for extreme PID followers is that they are somehow married to this idea that no "clues" exist prior to 1966 and they glorify the mop top era Beatles as squeaky clean goodness while the group after 1966 is demonized as part of an evil/NWO conspiracy. The "clues" exist prior to 1966 and they can't have it both ways. I'm putting quotation marks around "clues" because people have different opinions about them, however there's no arguing with that photo. Part of the reason it gets purposely ignored is because it throws a monkeywrench into the common PID theory and their fantasies about the band's early days.
"It seems more likely that the long-standing joke just took a somewhat more provocative turn after 1966."
The question is why, and I think I know why based on everything I've read about and from the period and how fans were treating records by the Beatles and the Stones and Jimi Hendrix or what have you like "deep and heavy" philosophical tomes, which is incredibly stupid and juvenile. The Beatles don't have the profundity of Immanuel Kant no matter how much the dope smokers at Rolling Stone magazine wanted to believe. Lennon had contempt for fans who read too much into Beatle music and I'm sure that opinion was held by the other members to varying degrees.
OR ?
"to varying degrees"
of course!
( just trying to stay on topic.....)
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