Comparison 1
Comparison 2
A couple sources have told me that Iamaphoney is promising that the month of April will be "interesting." I did not hear this information directly, but I have observed that April does seem to be a significant month for Iamaphoney-related activity.
If you recall, it was April 10 of last year when the heavily touted Iamaphoney interview failed to take place. It is possible that this year something even bigger won't happen.

A new YouTube account has appeared offering what it calls "Enhanced" versions of Rotten Apple videos. iamaphoneyHD has uploaded the first 55 Rotten Apple videos as of this writing.
For an idea of the visual enhancement, see the comparison pictures below:
Original version

Enhanced version

I have not viewed all of the videos yet, but please drop a comment if any new details emerge from these versions. I do not know the identity of iamaphoneyHD.
Seth Swirsky, who was the subject of a Rotten Apple-related video (Ringo Song) last year has his own YouTube channel. His music is very Beatley and his channel has some other Beatle Connections.
(April Fool's!)
9 more days! NEIN that is!
"Seth Swirsky, who was the subject of a Rotten Apple-related video (Ringo Song) last year has his own YouTube channel."
Thank you for pointing out that connection, tafultong.
April, come she will.
What we are working with is a living mosaic that functions on multiple levels.
I am IamaphoneyHD.
taf, i posted a good comparison in the description box of that channel.
who else if not Mikey..
But good article Taf!
Shows how pathetic the whole IAAP thing is by now...
Anonymous said...
who else if not Mikey..
But good article Taf!
Shows how pathetic the whole IAAP thing is by now...
March 30, 2009 11:56 PM
you just wait for the april 10th!... 3 things are happening on that day apparently! so hold on to your seats i say.
PS; i'm now encoding the last rotten apples.
It was one year ago today...
It's about time someone mentioned Seth. I have been trying to get people to notice for at least a year now.
The Red Button - Cruel Girl
Mikey, now you are beeing pathetic.
You know very well that the whole game is based on those big announcements like "the big revelation", "february 2008" "october 2008", "soon", "something big is gonna happen", etc. etc.
What will we get?
Another video of flickering images, combined with Beatle-bootlegs, and maybe another shot of skinny-guy wandering around throwing suitcases all over the place...
See ya in two weeks.
Anonymous said...
What we are working with is a living mosaic that functions on multiple levels.
March 30, 2009 9:58 PM
exactly. Well said, Fred.
Blogger MikeNL said...
PS; i'm now encoding the last rotten apples.
March 31, 2009 12:31 AM
Are you either Iamaphoney or IamaphoneyHD?
Life is not a highway strewn with flowers,
Still it holds a goodly share of bliss,
When the sun gives way to April showers,
Here is the point you should never miss.
Though April showers may come your way,
They bring the flowers that bloom in May.
So if it's raining, have no regrets,
Because it isn't raining rain, you know, (It's raining violets,)
And where you see clouds upon the hills,
You soon will see crowds of daffodils,
So keep on looking for a blue bird, And list'ning for his song,
Whenever April showers come along.
"Are you either Iamaphoney or IamaphoneyHD?"
He already said he was IamaphoneyHD, anonymous!
Anonymous said...
"Are you either Iamaphoney or IamaphoneyHD?"
He already said he was IamaphoneyHD, anonymous!
March 31, 2009 6:17 AM
Exactly! Just wanted that repeated several times!
every time mike is mentioned an angel gets their wings
WINGS, lol.
Anonymous said...
every time mike is mentioned an angel gets their wings
March 31, 2009 6:28 AM
every time mike's name is mentioned an angel gets his wings.
Hi Mike!
Hola, Mike!
Mikey, now you are beeing pathetic.
You know very well that the whole game is based on those big announcements like "the big revelation", "february 2008" "october 2008", "soon", "something big is gonna happen", etc. etc.
What will we get?
Another video of flickering images, combined with Beatle-bootlegs, and maybe another shot of skinny-guy wandering around throwing suitcases all over the place...
See ya in two weeks.
but true!
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<---- Look! Over there!'s clearly a game. I wouldn't get my hopes up.
With hope like this, who needs hope?
In addition to being the date that the famed Iamaphoney interview did not take place...
April 10, 2008, as Tafultong has reminded us on several occasions, was also the first anniversary of Neil Aspinall's resignation from Apple -- so, of course, April 10, 2009 will be the second anniversary.
In one whimsical bit of fancy, Tafultong once wrote of an imaginary conversation in March 2008 between the two lead Danish Iamaphoney "suspects" and
a dying Aspinall in which Aspinall essentially orders them not to go through with the April 10 interview because he doesn't want to be connected with it, as a result of the significance of that date.
Presumaby, Iamaphoney has some or all of this in mind when he indicates that three videos are coming out April 10, 2009 (if that's what he's really indicating), though I again note bemusedly that he is no longer asserting that he is on the verge of producing "foorp"
-----With hope like this, who needs hope?-----
Well, REVERSE that...
I'm sure the usual trickery of out of context clip montages and scary music will be involved. IAAP can't resist beating that poor dead horse.
What? It's up to you, New York New York? Location of the next suitcase?
It will be at Grand Central Station so that it doesn't stand out too much.
Of course the Port Authority cops will think it's a bomb, and make a big deal of it.
When they open it up and find warped copies of "The Magic Christian" album, they may actually wonder how long it has been there!
And when they see the Rotten Apple links to it they'll assume that terrorists left it because of course anyone who calls "The Big Apple" rotten, must be a terrorist. (Better watch out Mick Jagger {Miss You}).
Yeah...he should definitely leave one there. It will make the news.
I'll call the station master and say I left my suitcase, and has anyone found it? LOL
For April Fools I have arranged for the train listing for track 54 at GCS to read:
White Plains
Fema Camps
Ha! Ha!
If you hate IAAP you WANT him to throw another magic suitcase around.
If you love IAAP you WANT him to provide "foorp".
So far he's only been doing what the h8ters want. If he had any brains he would NOT break out the suitcases. As HaHaHaPaulIsDead wrote when he accused IAAP of selling luggage "What are you doing? Showing off your inventory?" lol
What is foorp?
Foorp is phoneyspeak for proof. Get it? Proof backwards? That's some scary shit right there!
Watch this...
Ereht thgir tihs yracs emos s'taht!
Oh shit. That's even scarier! Waaaaa haaaaaa!
Iamaphoney could take lessons from this. He's not quite as good yet.
iyamaphunny said...
For April Fools I have arranged for the train listing for track 54 at GCS to read:
White Plains
Fema Camps
Ha! Ha!
March 31, 2009 4:58 PM
one of these things is not like the others ;0
Norwich should be Norwalk.
nope, not that
Oooooo! I can hardly wait!
you in NYNY miles? what for?
I'm heeeeeeere!
March 31, 2009 9:22 PM <--- It's a lie!
Guess I won't be watching youtube there a way to fix that?
New video is up! But it won't play!!
anybody able do get it to run?
who keeps making up these false leads? why?
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Gotta get used to waiting
(just gotta get used to it)
Tricky Who said...
Gotta get used to waiting
(just gotta get used to it)
April 1, 2009 10:03 AM
Another great bass player...John Entwistle.
(Note to self: Beware of strippers and cocaine; use in moderation.)
You know, they don't even TELL people that he DIED at the Hard Rock! I mean, you've got a bit of Otis Reddings PLANE, but when a rock-star actually DIES at your hotel, you don't even take advantage????
But, still, might go see Paul: my wife workes with someone who's Aunt works there..... we'll see.
workes? Aren't you a writer or something? Or is she a medieval wench -at the Renaissance fair?
Viva Los Vegas!
Sorry, Vince. I'm a little bit pissed at the World today, I shouldn't have said that. Forgive me?
Not a prob.....
I've got stubby fingers.....
i can 'flub' as good as the next man.
I am so stupid, I actually thought something would really happen today. Oh well.........
I dont think the enhanced versions look better at all.
The train with the real action goes from Grand Central to:
New Canaan
Anonymous said...
I dont think the enhanced versions look better at all.
April 1, 2009 1:40 PM
that's because youtube re-re compresses it...
i'll upload the original files to megaupload/rapidsharer soon. they look much better.
New Canaan
The real one lives in a county of fair fields in Connecticut.
Westport is one of the most affluent communities in the United States and is home to significant cultural attractions, including the Westport Country Playhouse a longtime regional theater, the unique Levitt Pavilion providing free concerts, a strong arts council, the Westport Public Library, and a heritage as a former artists' colony.
"A Stop at Willoughby" is an episode of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. Rod Serling cited this as his favorite story from the first season of the series.
Closing narration
"Willoughby? Maybe it's wishful thinking nestled in a hidden part of a man's mind, or maybe it's the last stop in the vast design of things, or perhaps, for a man like (you know who), who climbed on a world that went by too fast, it's a place around the bend where he could jump off. Willoughby? Whatever it is, it comes with sunlight and serenity, and is a part of the Twilight Zone."
The "real one" is living proof.
Preview for Next Week's Story
“ In this library, a certain professor sells things: ointments, sèves, powders, sovereign remedies, nectars, concoctions, decoctions, and potions all guaranteed. Next week, he'll sell one to a lover boy so that he can slip an affectionate mickey into the champagne of his lady love. It sets up a most bizarre and very unexpected chain of events. On The Twilight Zone next week, "The Chaser."
You gave away the plot for my next video!
I like the enhancements. More clues will reveal themselves!
how many freaking clues do you need?
Love for MikeNL :)
Mike I appreciate your efforts even though I have no faith in Iamaphoney left at all. Seems like the jury's out for you concerning whether or not Paul actually died and was replaced (as it is for Tafultong too). I don't believe he did die myself. If anything Iamaphoney has helped me to get to this point so I suppose I should grudgingly thank him. Anyway always enjoyed your music and that you're a Beatle fan first.
"get to this point"
what point?
"Mike I appreciate your efforts even though I have no faith in Iamaphoney left at all......"
April 1, 2009 5:50 PM
If you have no faith in iamaphoney, then you have no faith in Mike.
iamaphoney + Mike = Twin Freaks ;>)
No new Jude April Fool's Joke?
How disappointing.
Nah, nah, nah no April Fool's joke this year.
Anonymous said...
"get to this point"
what point?
April 1, 2009 5:55 PM
The point being that Paul did not die nor was he replaced and that the more extreme PID theories are nonsense or the wishful thinking of some very disturbed individuals who will no doubt uncork a bottle of champagne when Paul really does die.
Neils Dream:
Next Level
The Third Step
Stolen Song
Now And Then
Carnival Of Light
I Like More Wizards
The End
The Right Album
The bells are ringing.
"in the village square for the rabbits on the run"
clang! clang! clang!
"Fude" said...
Nah, nah, nah no April Fool's joke this year.
April 1, 2009 6:55 PM
Here's one:
After the divorce, a reporter asked Paul, "So, do you think you'll ever go down on one knee again?"
And, Paul replied, "I believe she only wants to be known as Heather."
She was in a horrific accident, ya know. I'm sure she misses her foot. Ever hear of Phantom limb syndrome?
Not getting on your case, Vince. I just don't get those kind of jokes.
Think of a funnier one. ;)
Anonymous said...
. Ever hear of Phantom limb syndrome?
First, I thought that WAS a nice 'soft-ball' kind of a joke!
Second,... of course I have... Phantom Limb was Dr. Girlfriends ex-lover! I haven't mention "Venture Bros," for a good couple of months now. .... ever since my 'copy-cat' kept talking about it! I tried to stay away from talking about it... but there you go.
So here I go again!
"After the divorce, a reporter asked Paul, "So, do you think you'll ever go down on one knee again?"
And, Paul replied, "I believe she only wants to be known as Heather."
Paul and Ringo were sitting at the bar, and Ringo says to Paul, "Whoever dies first between the two of us, come back and tell the other one that there's life after death."
"Sounds good to me" says Paul.
Three years later Paul kicks the bucket.
Ringo waits and waits for a ghostly visit, but it never happens.
Five years later Ringo dies, and meets Paul in heaven.
"Why didn't you come back and tell me?" says Ringo.
"Oh!", Paul says, "I thought you knew: I was already dead when we made the agreement!"
Mike's Dream:
Next Level
The Turd Step
Swollen Song
In And Out
Big Top Mike
I Like Big Butts
In The End
The Limp Album
The Tinkerbell's are ringing.
Ha ha, funny.
Ha ha, funny.
April 2, 2009 11:19 AM
It's O.K., he's just pretending.
OK, time for a new thread!
Damn right
Well anyway we survived the Fool's day.
Nothing Is Real
Minnehaha :)
"Well anyway we survived the Fool's day."
I'll get you my pretty!
"You can't touch her! Haven't you forgotten sump thing?
She's wearing the ruby red Fool Slippers!"
I'm really really dead.
That was dumb. Remember: it's all about ME!
3 more posts will make it 100!
Minne Soda!
Minnie Mouse!
Donald Duck!
They killed Kenny!
I'm sorry. I can't do that Dave!
Somebody stop me please!
Take my wife...
March Madness!!!!
April Showers
Down in the Boondocks!
Never mind the Buzzcocks!
6 Degrees of Inspiration!
90 Degrees of persperation!
There's none for you, 19 for me!
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That's it occifer, I'm drunk; drunk with the spirit of the Yule!
Puss Cat Away New Jersey
await serious conversation: SHh
"await serious conversation: SHh"
Anonymous said...
who else if not Mikey..
But good article Taf!
Shows how pathetic the whole IAAP thing is by now...
March 30, 2009 11:56 PM
you just wait for the april 10th!... 3 things are happening on that day apparently! so hold on to your seats i say.
PS; i'm now encoding the last rotten apples.
March 31, 2009 12:31 AM
Mike, I am still waiting on the suitcase evidence that you promised would be so incredibly shocking, my asshole would pucker in such a violent manner that it would suck up the cushion to my couch.
Those were the good old days...
Those were the days of wine and roses
isn't anyone going to talk about the Carnival of Lights? Or about the Hashem sound?
When does that talking stick start talking?
Damn sticks nowadays! Always not talking. Back in my day, sticks talked!
The April 10th.
there you have it!
the interview is back on and its APRIL 10th!
Mark your calenders! This time its real
No! Thats when the talking stick talks
sez who?
"Mike, I am still waiting on the suitcase evidence that you promised would be so incredibly shocking, my asshole would pucker in such a violent manner that it would suck up the cushion to my couch."
Blogger MikeNL said...
The April 10th.
April 3, 2009 1:19 AM
Something tells me you will soon lose some furniture.
Why do you say THE April 10 mike?
Anonymous said...
sez who?
April 3, 2009 3:40 AM
Sez MikeNL thats who.....
The suitcase evidence,
April 10th, 2009.
Then the interview,
what time?
The furniture companies are in on this, pucker up
Anonymous said...
what time?
April 3, 2009 3:44 AM
Not set yet, but it will be in a week.
Within 24 hours of April 10th, 2009.
handle with care that suitcase
will the interview be in HD?
i blame the russians
Anonymous said...
will the interview be in HD?
April 3, 2009 4:00 AM
i never said anything about the inteview ....
but i hope i'll get a call that the interview is indeed on the 10th.
this is rather confusing.
I Dig a Phoney!
Will the new suitcase be in HD?
He never said the new suitcase would be in HD, but I for one would love to get the call that it was and was going to be on April 10
The new suitcase will be positively 3D!
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